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Mason Seitz
What is ADHD?

● Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

● Three Major Types
● Diagnosis Criteria
Key Terms

● Hyperactivity

● Impulsiveness

● Inattention
The Numbers

● Approximately 5.7 Million children between ages 6-17 have it

● 77% are receiving treatment
● 13% of boys are diagnosed while only 6% of girls are
Effects in Mathematics

● ADHD creates a poor Working Memory

● Some will struggle with approximation
● Not necessarily less accurate, but may take longer
● Will make simple mistakes
Tips For Teachers

● Behavioral strategies to reward positive behavior

● Organizational Strategies
● Things to do if a student is distracted or being distracting
● Provide partial credit opportunities
● Seat the student(s) in a spot away from the doors and windows but where
they will still be able to focus
● Have visual aide, but be careful to not over-stimulate
● Keep instructions simple, short, and clear
● Be patient and work with the student
Follow all four instructions below to solve each of the two problems.
1. Multiply the fifth number in the first row by the seventh number in the third row.
2. Add this result to the first number in the second row.
3. Add to this total five times the eighth number in the third row.
4. Subtract the sixth number in the first row from the result.

1 2 7 5 8 3 11 1 39014672

94360277 8 2 2 1 6 8 15 9

10 3 5 9 8 2 1 1 2 4 8 7 12 9 3 6
Ganor-Stern, D., & Steinhorn, O. (2018). ADHD and math - The differential effect on calculation and estimation. Acta Psychologica, 188,

Attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children. Johns Hopkins Medicine. (n.d.).

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2023, October 16). Data and statistics about ADHD. Centers for Disease Control and

Melinda Smith, M. A. (2023, February 28). Teaching students with ADHD.

Niebuhr , B. (n.d.). ADHD: Primary care perspectives. Diagnostic Criteria.

YouTube. (2019). Open Window New York City Soundscape at Night (Midtown Manhattan City Sounds) 4k. Retrieved October 25, 2023,

YouTube. (2022). Types of ADD and their symptoms. YouTube. Retrieved October 24, 2023, from

Personal ties: My brother and myself

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