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BY: Mesele G/Mariam

ID No:

Submitted to: Mr X. (Phd, Ass Proff)

September, 2022

Bale Robe Ethiopia

1. Make detail assessment of the relationship between Leadership and Change

The roles differ substantially, but they don’t compete with or inhibit each other; they supplement
and complement each other. If either role is to be successfully executed the other must also exist,
and each must focus on unique interests. Visionary leadership combined with effective
management is the ideal working model, one we should promote within our own organizations.

Change Management is a term we have all heard and regularly use. Unfortunately, we seem to
use it generically, lacking the level of precision which would clearly differentiate between
Managing Change and Leading Change. The process of Change Management includes programs,
practices, and processes developed to control any attempt to move from a current state to a future

When change is underway, the most basic concern of the manager is the preservation of focus;
minimizing distractions and controlling the impact of the change. The tools and processes
utilized by the Change Management Process have been designed to:

 Define and assess the impact of proposed change

 Align the stakeholders understanding of the change

 Control the scope of the change

 Predict and manage the logistical challenges the implementation of change will

 The change leaders inspires

Leadership constantly and critically assess the current situation, creating a vision of a smarter
and more effective future state. This vision drives transformative change and provides the energy
for the engine of change. Change leadership defines goals and establishes the high-level pathway
of transformation. Leadership, or the absence of leadership, has a dramatic effect on every
organization. Effective leadership sets the primary value system for, and maximizes the potential
energy of, the entire organization.
While managing change is tool-based (using established processes, supplemented by widely
recognized tools), leading change is principle- and behavior-based. Planning, organizing, and
controlling are at the heart of management, while defining, influencing, and inspiring are at the
heart of leadership.

Leadership = Principal/ Behavior change.

 Defining
 Influencing
 Inspiring

Managing Change = Tool Based

 Planning
 Organizing
 Controlling

In the context of change, leaders deal with teams that, while not fully self-managing, have a very
high degree of decision-making latitude. In this capacity, leadership skills must be applicable to
dealing with relatively autonomous teams, engaged in complex tasks under non-routine

In these situations, leaders must be able to effectively:

 Innovate and create comprehensive targets

 Set direction, establish and communicate vision

 Gain commitment

 Create alignment

 Overcome inertia and resistance to change

In a role that is shaped predominately by the need to create new realities, where established
programs and tools are not of use, leaders must possess or quickly develop critical strengths that
will enable them to effectively achieve these goals.

Whether vertical or shared leadership models are in place, the most necessary leadership
strengths fall into the following categories:

 Core Attributes:
Integrity/honesty, confidence, influence, emotional intelligence, approachability/good
 Cognitive Attributes and Skills:
Strategic and divergent thinking, visionary, goal setting, decision making, innovation,
 Functional Skills and Experience:
Technical exposure or expertise, problem solving, operational and analytical awareness
 Interpersonal Skills:
Communication, diversity consciousness, conflict management, coaching, mentoring
 Business Attributes and Experience:
Political savvy, customer focus, market awareness.

The Change Manager Steers

Once the vision for change has been developed by the Change Leader, the act of managing the
implementation of that change is steered by the Change Manager using a pre-defined set of
process tools.

Common Change Management process components that are the responsibility of the Change
Manager often include:

 Readiness and Risk Assessments:

Assessing the proposed change from every angle: organizational impact, resources required,
timing considerations, material control, measurement techniques, areas impacted, predictable
challenges, highest risk time points, and outcomes.

 Definition of a Change Implementation Plan:

Planning and communicating the detailed pathway to the future state. Generally, these plans
define timelines, deliverables, roles, responsibilities, measurement points, acceptance criteria,
and required output documentation.

 Training:

Developing and executing training materials that focus on the scope of the change.

 Measurement of implemented plan:

Deploying and coordinating measurement mechanisms such as commissioning, metrology,

qualification and validation, analytical laboratory technologies and/or product inspections. As
these programs have their own internal management structures, the role of the change manager is
to know when to deploy them and how to coordinate their activities.

 Measurement of long term effectiveness

Conducting surveillance of the impact of fully-implemented change, confirming the consequence

of change meets expectations, and that unintended consequences of change are recognized and
mitigated, if they exist.

The Critical Relationships:

Whether we are managers or leaders, or managers in training to be leaders, complex challenges

require a healthy relationship between the leadership and the managerial levels of any
organization. The foundation of this cooperative relationship will be critical to our ability to
navigate challenging situations. 
2. Make detail review of the effect of leadership on change management.

The role of leading changes is on a leaders’ hands. Leaders help people to develop necessary
skills to facilitate them in coping up with the changes in an. An effective and strategic leaders
must be attentive towards the formulation, implementation and sustaining the change efforts.
In this twenty first century with the vast technological advancement, in order to make
organizations gain the competitive advantage than their competitors, organizations should be
more adaptive to change.

There are two famous types of leaderships, namely transactional and transformational
leadership. A transactional leader is one who gives reward in the form of promotions, raised pay,
desired change of duties and many others to those who follows. Punishment will also be given on
the other hand to those who did undesirable behaviors. Meanwhile, transformational leaders
change people around them by using their knowledge, expertise and vision. This will encourage
full participation in changing others and the change will remain even when the leader is out of

Change is accomplished through the leader’s implementation of a unique vision of the

organization through powerful personal characteristics designed to change internal
organizational cultural norms. Strategic leaders have the best perspective where the knowledge is
concerned to see the dynamics of the culture, what should remain and what needs alteration.
“Leaders is the art of mobilizing others to want to struggle for shared aspirations”. Therefore, it
is crucial for leaders to be highly skilled in change management process if they want to
be a successful change agents. The main task of management nowadays is the leadership of
firm change. Good strategic change leadership involves instrumental roles and big interpersonal
skills. Good change leaders find out the important dimensions of change leadership. Being able
to balance the roles depends mainly on whether a leader has certain qualities needed for good
change leadership which supported by strong skills.

Watson, & Pillai (1999) where in order to manage organizational change, transformational
leadership is the most suitable style. This leadership style is at the best position to face the trials
and difficulties of the emerging administrative practices because transformational leader
has the capability to drive his group in delivering and providing more than the
organization expected.

The importance of strategic management in organizations nowadays has increased widely and
become the most crucial elements. Strategic outcomes depend on the managerial proficiency
and key management functions that involves learning to delegate, planning, organizing, clear
communication, employees motivation, adaptation towards change and constant innovative ideas
generation. In order to ensure change management to be effective, leaders in an organizations
need to successfully motivate their teams or subordinate so that there will be high participation
rate in the change management process. This, in hand is aligned with other researchers’ view
where every manager needs to acquire good leadership and managerial skills to induce workers
to change directions. Constant motivations and guidelines within the organization should be led
by a leader or manager as it can also improves employees’ performance and hence indirectly,
improving organizational performance.

Leadership in an organization provides direction as a leader will influence others to follow. A

positive attitude from the leaders or managers will critically affect in behavioral changes and
performance of the employees at work. This is because a leader or manager considered quality
if he or she evaluates the relationship between leadership style and employee levels of
organizational commitment. The type of leadership style is similar with transformational
leadership style.

Among the critical success factors listed in the review is senior leaders need to contribute to the
change. Apart from leadership by the executive head alone, a clear governance structure for
change management-related reforms is also necessary. This is to ensure that the process can be
influenced by the relevant stakeholders limited by their role and structure depending on
organizational configurations and the type of reforms. Moreover, expertise or capacity in change
management across staff is also required. The selection and use of change agents across an
organization in a reform is critical as reforms that use change agents across an organization are
twice as likely to have good depth across the key elements of change management.
Therefore, there are specific leadership styles or traits that are suitable for effective
organizational change.

There is an increasing number of recognitions where most successful implementation of change

is impacted by good leadership practices, styles and behaviors. There are some agreements
among past researchers on significant role of leaders’ behaviors towards change success.
Strategic renewal is also seen as a consequence of leadership behaviors that build effective
relationships with followers and engage them with the strategic vision and goals through high
levels of involvement and participation.

The adoption of changes by strategic management is built upon trust, organization culture,
learning, team work communication and leading. This is in line with Atkinson (2015) view on
strategic management changes can take place if there is effective leadership in the organization.
The determinants stated by some author, as it is necessary for leaders to provide a clear direction
for the organization as it helps to motivate and drive the employees in the organization.

According to an author Mwakisaghu (2019), trust shows significant effect to determine the
effectiveness of leadership. When the followers or subordinates trust their leader especially to the
changes that to be brought in the organization, they tend to follow as they believe him or her may
lead them to the right path either for themselves and/ or the organization. Other than that, leaders
with strong leadership skills will shape a positive culture in the organization and thus, influences
the behavior and attitude of the employees in the organization for the better.

Both leaders and the employees should join training programs as further learning may improve
their ability to perform well in their job. This can also help to facilitate the effective desired
change implementation and at the same time enhance the productivity and performance of the
employees. Lastly more authors indicated that leaders who wish to facilitate effective change in
the organization should encourage employees to collaborate and communicate with each other.
Even the top management can learn and consider the strong points given by their employees.

There is evidence to support the view that managing change and understanding the complexity of
the phenomenon plays a significant role in ensuring successful implementation. Furthermore, it
has been proven the relationship between leader behaviors and the approach adopted to change

Finally, every challenges and issues varied and the approach to overcome need to be tailor-made.
In approaching towards effective problem solving and decision making, the leader or manager
must first identify the issues and need to educate and convince the subordinates or followers to
accept organizational change. Their acceptance towards change proves that the manager applies
an effective leadership for managing change. To be a better leader, one has to undergo training
so that the skills are improving. It is even better to include the employees as well to join the
training as it can motivate them and hence, improving the productivity of the organization.

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