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Preambulatory and Operative Clauses

One of the most important elements for writing a successful Model UN resolution is the correct use of appropriate phrases to
begin the preambulatory and operative clauses. Below is the full list of preambulatory and operative phrases to maximize the
effectiveness of you MUN resolution.

What is a Preambulatory Clause?

Preamble clauses state the reasons for why the committee is acting on a given topic. It should highlight relevant legal precedents,
former relevant United Nations resolutions and past international actions on the issue. Each clause should begin with a
preambulatory phrase (known as a present participle) it ends with a comma.

What is an Operative Clause?

Operative clauses are actionable solutions to the problems raised in the preambulatory clauses. Operative phrases are action
oriented. They should be written with numbers before each operative clause. Sub clauses do not need to start with operative
phrases. However, operative sub clauses should still avoid vague language and be action oriented.

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