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Seminar Topics

Topics for Reports

1. Future education
2. Grammar
3. technology's effect on society
4. Goal sitting
5. Pros and cons of violent TV programmes on children in society
6. Reading
7. The importance of health and safety
8. How internet availability has made it possible for creative innovations to come up
9. Writing
10. Compare and contrast how different countries manage their industrial wastes
11. Listening
12. Speaking
13. Short story
14. How to write a paragraph
15. How to write an essay
16. How to develop your English
17. Learning process

18. General Essay Writing Tips

19. Masoud Barzani

20. How can I become a successful person?

21. Science

22. Self-organisation

23. success
24. Psychology

25. Liver diseases

26. Education

27. Climate change

28. Good student

29. importance of English

30. Respect

31. Sport

32. Introvert

33. work and business

34. ‌Sitting Goals

35. ways to learn English language

36. Love

37. Economy

38. self confidence

39. Children education

40. Life

41. Health

42. ‌progress

43. Philosophy and quotes

44. Sociology

45. Exercise

46. Kurdistan

47. Reading
48. good teacher and bad teacher

49. social media sites

50. Grammar

51. What is the difference between American and British English?

52. History of London

53. Self esteem

54. life at university

55. how to live a healthy lifestyle

56. Weather

57. Parts of speech

58. Technology’s Effect on Society

59. Anxiety and Social Media

60. Should School Uniforms Be Mandatory?

61. Compare the UK and US Education Systems

62. The Rise of E-learning

63. Kurdistan

64. Learning through chatGPT

65. Students burnout

66. Gender differences

67. Religion

68. Online advertising

69. Future Education

70. Job creative

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