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The use of the word “I” or “i”, when it involves any and all written or verbal usage, is
based upon the interpretation and definition of Michael-Edmund: Bambas; and no other
entity, “I” or “i” refers to the singular, it is where the usage refers, as a pronoun, to the
one speaking or writing, giving affirmation to the living, breathing, flesh-and-blood man,
“I” is an identifier, “I” ask questions, “I” is what defines the self, “I” has ideas, “I” is
someone aware of possessing a personal individuality, “I” and “i” when used as a symbol
becomes imaginary number(s) have an imaginary unit, like i, 4i, and 2i, and as those used
in Roman numerals, a speech counterpart of orthographic i, which is the conventional
spelling system of a language, a spoken language which has as yet no sanctioned
orthography, a set of conventions for writing a language, including norms of spelling,
hyphenation, capitalization, word breaks, emphasis, and punctuation, or the study of
spelling and how letters combine to represent sounds and form words.

2. For all those that engage in conversation, correspondence, or choose to read the writings
of, or listen to the spoken words during a speech from afar, or by any other means choose
to take in or absorb the language used by Michael-Edmund: Bambas; do so with the
understanding that the language used is that of the English language and shall contain and
carry all meanings and definitions that Michael-Edmund: Bambas; so determines,
including but not limited to, words that shall evolve over time by means of semantic
narrowing, semantic widening, anachronisms, and pejoration, furthermore, the use of
legalize will be limited in scope and will not dominate or supersede the common English

3. Private Citizen, a pre March 9, 1933 Private Citizen of the united States of America,
Republic, a National, a living flesh and blood man or woman, created under God, one
whom can never be mistaken as an artificial entity, one who comes with clean hands and
is not a belligerent combatant, one who grants no consent to contract with the UNITED
STATES corporate or any governmental subdivision thereof, one who is a Citizen of the
united States of America, Republic, one who reserves all rights under and pursuant to the
United States Constitution, one who is not contractually bound to man-made rules or laws
which are repugnant to the United States Constitution, one who has the authority to make
said declaration and status claim to be a Private Citizen pursuant to the 10th Amendment
of the United States Constitution, and one who is not bound by any government branch,
department, agency, or court, whether federal, state, or local, or any other form of public
functionary, that commits a usurpation of their limited delegated authority making their
action “de facto” pursuant to Norton v. Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425 (1886).

Where a word with a general meaning comes to have a more specific one, the process
is semantic narrowing.

The opposite process is semantic widening.

anachronisms (words which have changed in meaning over the centuries)

When a word goes from having a positive connotation to a negative one, it is said to have
undergone "pejoration" (def: The process by which the meaning of a word becomes negative
or less elevated over a period of time).

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