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In loving memory of Ericka Lianne Ablay from 12 STEM C

In all my years of living, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all my friends
and family for their unwavering support during my final moments and throughout the ups and
downs of my life. Your presence has brought me immeasurable comfort and strength, and I am
truly grateful for the love and care you have shown me. Thank you for being there, and may our
bond continue to shine brightly even after I am gone. I would also like to extend a special thank
you to my dear friends Samantha, Renz, and Louiejie. Your unwavering support, love, and
acceptance have been instrumental in making my life meaningful and enjoyable. I am grateful
for the chance to have you in my life, and I cherish the memories we have created together.
Thank you for being there for me through thick and thin and for making each moment truly

I would also like to take this opportunity to express my sincere apologies to those whom I
may have hurt with my actions and words. I acknowledge that I am not perfect, and there may
have been times when I unintentionally caused pain or discomfort. I deeply regret any hurt that I
may have caused, and I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me. It is my sincerest
wish that we can heal any wounds and move forward with understanding and compassion.
Furthermore, I would like to use this chance to sincerely apologize to my mother for whatever
harm I may have caused her through my actions and words. I sincerely apologize for any hurt or
anxiety I may have caused you. You've been a constant source of love and support in my life, and
I apologize for any times I may not have given you the appreciation and respect you so well
deserve. I want you to know how much I value the relationship we have. I am grateful that you
are always there for me, and I am truly sorry for the hurtful things that I have done to you.

Furthermore, I have always desired a relationship with my biological father. Since I was a
child, I wished for a father figure by my side, someone with whom I could play games and enjoy
special moments. However, due to different circumstances, this dream was never achieved, and it
remains one of my unfulfilled wishes. Finally, I also aspired to be a pediatrician but was unable
to do so due to limited resources. It pains me that I was unable to pursue the thing that i truly
dreamed of and love. Nonetheless, even though these wishes have never been achieved, I am
glad for the experiences and relationships that have influenced my life.

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