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Rituaal voor de Consecratie van Viceroy

Deze Engelse versie van dit rituaal dateert uit 1996. In Nederland wordt een
vertaling gebruikt, die nagenoeg gelijk is aan deze versie.


V.Eus.: Venerable Priests-Mason, to order. The sun is risen, and the rose and the
lily are in bloom. It is therefore the hour of a perfect Priest-Mason and it is time to
continue our labours.
In the name of Constantine and Eusebius I declare this College of Priests-Mason
duly opened. Knocks * * * ***. All give first part of the sign.
Be seated.
Mar. places a kneeling stool in the East.

The Ceremony of Consecration

Mar. retires, collects the censer, leads the Viceroy elect to the door and instructs
him to knock * * * ***.
Gdn. opens door: Who approaches?
Viceroy elect: Melchisedek.
Gdn.: Halt, while I report to the Venerable Eusebius. Closes door and reports with
sign: Venerable Eusebius, Melchisedek approaches.
V.Eus.: Admit him.
Mar., carrying the censer, conducts Viceroy elect into the College and places him in the centre,
facing East.
V.Eus.: Give me the pass-word.
Viceroy elect: Melchisedek.
V.Eus.: You will advance and kneel before the Altar. Venerable Priests-Mason, to
Mar. hands censer to the High Prelate. High Prelate stands behind Viceroy elect and swings the
censer throughout the Consecration. Mar. hands the anointing oil to the Venerable Eusebius.
V.Eus.: I consecrate you, now and for ever,
anointing the forehead a shepherd of our Fold;
anointing under the right eye a chief in our College;
anointing under the left eye a pillar in our Tabernacle;
anointing below the lips a priest in our Temple;
anointing on the heart and I charge you to perform with zeal the sacred duties we
confide to your care.
You will now rise. Venerable Priests-Mason, be seated.
High Prelate hands censer to the Marshal. Marshal removes the anointing oil and returns the
censer to Sentinel. High Prelate resumes his station.
V.Eus.: I will now entrust you with the mysteries restricted to the High Priesthood.
The first sign is of a twofold nature. The first part of the sign is to raise both hands
above the head with the palms forward, thus demonstrates. This form was adopted
by the sacrificing priests of old when they invoked a blessing on the people, as it is
written "on this wise ye shall bless the children of Israel saying unto them 'the Lord
bless thee and keep thee; the Lord make His face to shine upon the light of His
countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.'"
You will now bring your hands together in front of the forehead, forming a triangle,
thus demonstrates, at the time saying: "To the Triune God I look for support."
In this sign we find Freemasonry, in the first part under the Jewish laws of types
and ceremonies and in the second part under the Christian laws of grace and truth.

The second sign is made by the forefinger of the right hand touching successively
the forehead, under the right eye, under the left eye, below the lips and the heart,
in memory of the five wounds of our saviour and in allusion to your five-year old

The grip is given by mutually grasping the wrists, right to right and left to left, rising
the hands and beneath them pronouncing the words 'Kodesh l'Adonai', which
signify 'Holiness to the Lord'. This will impress your mind a sense of your
dependence upon God and teach you that perfect holiness belongeth only to the
Most High.
Venerable Eusebius returns to the Throne.
V.Eus.: You will now take twenty-four steps on the road to perfection, six from
cardinal point to cardinal point, twelve being in memory of the twelve Apostles and
twelve in allusion to the twelve grand points of the Cross of Christ. After each six
steps, you will halt, face the cardinal point and shew the first sign.
The newly-consecrated Eusebius commencing in the East and going via the South, the West and
the North, takes steps alone inside the pillars and on his return halts, facing East. Mar. hands to the
Venerable Eusebius the clothing and insignia.
V.Eus.: Venerable Priests-Mason, to order. All rise. I invest you with this white
garment, which is symbolical of the innocence, purity and righteousness of our
This cross, with its beams extending equally to the four points of the compass,
represents the Christian Faith embracing the whole world.
The monogram upon the Labarum Standard is composed of the first two letters of
the Greek word for Christ, and the purple background is in allusion to His
With the grip and teh words Kodesh l'Adonai, I place you in the seat of Eusebius in
the … College of Priests-Mason, trusting that our Great High Priest will grant you
grace to perform your duties aright.
And finally I present you with the Pastoral Staff, the symbol of your authority and
Venerable Brother, you have been consecrated, invested and enthroned in the
seat of Eusebius and are thus qualified to fulfil the wishes of the Knights
Companion of the Conclave that you should act as an Eminent Viceroy in the
West. We heartily welcome you to that high office and in the assemblies of the
conclave you will occupy that throne.
Mar.: Venerable Priests-Mason, I call upon you to salute the newly consecrated
Eusebius with twenty-four, three slow and three quick, repeated four times, taking
the time from me. Done.
Be seated.


The Consecrating Eusebius, standing on the North side of the Throne, closes the
Cons.Eus.: We have happily preserved the knowledge that the lily denotes the
spotless purity of our Great High Priest and that the rose is the emblem of His
blood, which was shed for the redemption of the world. Let us therefore render
hommage to the Most High.
All rise.
H.Prel.: May the blessing of our Heavenly High Priest descend upon us, now and
for ever more. Amen.
Cons.Eus.: Before we part, I bid you pronounce the seven precepts of this Priestly
H.Prel.: Beloved Brethren:
Let us love another;
let us bear with one another;
let us not speak evil of one another;
let us always do good to one another;
let us pray with and for one another;
let us unite as children of one parent, brethren of one tie;
and, in the name of God, let brotherly love prevail.
Cons.Eus.: In the name of the four Evangelists, I declare this College of Priests-
Mason duly closed. Knocks * * * ***.
Mar. conducts the Consecrating Eusebius to a convenient seat. Mar. then conducts Most Puissant
Sovereign to the throne. Mar. returns to his station.
M.P.S.: I now request all Knights below the rank of Sovereign to retire, with the
exception of the Sovereign elect.

The Ceremony of Enthronement of the Sovereign follows


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