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Campus Telephone E-Mail

Vill. Jhammat, P.O. Ayali Kalan, Ludhiana – 142 027 7087019118 / 7087020118

DPS/LUH/PC/23-24/011 22 July 2023

Dear Parent
these are the keys that
will unlock th
In a modern and innovative society, where advancements are plentiful and communication is
instantaneous, science and technology are a part of everyday life. In our quest for knowledge and
progress, we are determined and cannot be deterred.
The Roya (RACI) is organising the worldwide acclaimed Chemistry
quiz, ICQ, (earlier known as Australian National Chemistry Quiz) and the Enviro Quiz, academically
supported by the University of Nottingham (Malaysia Campus).
As a professional body for chemical sciences, the Royal Australian Chemical Institute has been
supporting the needs, education and interests of society. RACI plays a leading role in promoting the
science, practice and positive impact of chemistry to the public, educational sector, industry and
The events that RACI will be conducting this year are as follows:

Option Events Class Registration Date of Mode of Exam

Fee (INR) Event
October 05, Offline
A (International Chemistry VII-XII 220
2023 (During school hours)
October 12, Offline
B The Enviro Quiz III-X 180
2023 (During school hours)
A+B ICQ + The Enviro Quiz VII-X 379 -- --

 Online
Miscellaneous Fee  ANCQ and then choose the Option, referring to the table given above.
The last date for registration is August 10, 2023.

Opportunities to find deeper powers within ourselves come when life seems most challenging. These
events help build the desirable skills as advocated by the new National Education Policy 2020 to make
students better innovators and responsible global 21st century leaders/citizens. We look forward to the
enthusiastic participation of our students in the event.
Balmit Kaur

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