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Slide 1: Introduction

Title: Ethics and Ownership

Subtitle: Exploring the Ethical Considerations and Ownership Issues in Computing

Slide 2: Ethics in Computing

Text: Ethics refers to a system of moral principles that guide behavior based on philosophical views. In
the field of computing, professionals are guided by ethical codes of conduct, such as those provided by
organizations like BCS and IEEE.

Slide 3: Computer Ethics

Text: Computer ethics regulate how computing professionals should make decisions regarding
professional and social conduct. By joining professional ethical bodies, such as BCS and IEEE, computing
professionals can ensure they adhere to ethical guidelines.

Slide 4: Data Ownership

Text: Data ownership involves having legal rights and complete control over a single piece or set of data
elements. Copyright laws grant creators of certain types of media the rights to control how their work is
used and distributed.

Slide 5: Protecting Ownership

Text: Competitors can steal programming ideas and methods, and software can be easily copied and
sold illegally. Legislation is necessary to protect the ownership, usage, and copyright of data in order to
prevent unauthorized use and distribution.

Slide 6: Software Licensing

Text: There are various software licensing models. The Free Software Foundation promotes licenses that
provide users with freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change, and improve the software. The Open
Source Initiative allows users to access and redistribute the source code. Shareware is distributed for
free on a trial basis, while commercial software requires payment for full use.

Slide 7: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Text: Artificial Intelligence refers to the ability of a computer to perform tasks associated with human
intelligence. AI systems can learn from past mistakes, adapt to prevent recurring issues, and work more
efficiently to improve overall performance.

Slide 8: AI Applications

Text: AI is used in various applications, such as developing autonomous mechanical products and
machine learning through data sets. Its potential applications are vast and continue to expand.

Slide 9: Impacts of AI

Text: AI has significant social, economic, and environmental impacts. While the replacement of manual
labor with automation can lead to unemployment, it can also create more leisure time. Economically, AI
can lower manufacturing costs through increased innovation and efficiency. However, the manufacture
of robots and their waste disposal can have a detrimental impact on the environment.

Slide 10: Conclusion

Text: In conclusion, ethics and ownership play crucial roles in the computing field. Adhering to ethical
guidelines and protecting data ownership are essential for responsible computing practices.
Additionally, AI presents both opportunities and challenges, with its potential impacts on society,
economy, and the environment.

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