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(a) If you are making a graphic for a website, which color mode will best fit your project?

Answer: A) RGB

(b) Which of the following is incorrect about a digitally resilient person?

Answer: B) Lay low when danger strikes

(c) You need information on football centrifugal force but don’t want results on centripetal force. What
type of internet search strategy will you apply here?

Answer: C) Use Boolean AND NOT

(d) What type of data used to write phone numbers in MS Access field?

Answer: B) Number

(e) Quoting words and ideas of other authors as your own is termed as ____________.

Answer: C) Plagiarism

(f) The standard recommended resolution for Web images is

Answer: B) 72 ppi


(a) Photoshop is a vector-based graphic software.

Answer: False

(b) A database is controlled by a Database Management System.

Answer: True

(c) You should avoid clicking on the popup links just in case they are unreliable or a scam.

Answer: True
(d) Search engines searches are mainly dependent on keywords.

Answer: True

(e) Photoshop measures in pixels, so altering sizes of a photo can reduce the quality.

Answer: True

(f) As a digital citizen, we should live stream for fun as it is safe.

Answer: False

(g) Gradient tool cannot be used with the bitmap or index color images.

Answer: False


(a) A dot matrix data structure that represents a generally rectangular grid of pixels (points of color),
viewable via a monitor, paper, or other display media is termed as Raster Graphics.

(b) The broadcasting of real-time, live, video to an audience over the internet is termed as Live

(c) The Healing Brush tool lets you correct imperfections, causing them to disappear into the
surrounding image.

(d) It occurs online, often through instant messaging, text messages, emails, and social networks. It is
hurtful and unkind; it’s called Cyberbullying.

(e) The Transform command lets you apply rotate, scale, skew, distort, and perspective in one
continuous operation.

(f) A Primary Key, is an identifier in a database that is unique for each record.

(g) The purpose of a Web Search Engine is to search for information on the World Wide Web by using
specified keywords

Short answer questions

Q #1

1. Boolean Operators:

 Sam can use Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to refine his search queries. For
instance, if he is interested in both "climate change" and "renewable energy," he can
use "climate change AND renewable energy" to ensure that the search results include
both terms. Conversely, using "climate change NOT politics" can help exclude irrelevant
results related to politics.

2. Quotation Marks for Exact Phrases:

 Enclosing a phrase in quotation marks ensures that the search engine looks for the exact
phrase. For example, if Sam is researching "artificial intelligence," putting the phrase in
quotes ("artificial intelligence") will retrieve results that specifically contain that phrase,
avoiding unrelated content about general intelligence or artificial things.

By combining these techniques, Sam can significantly improve the precision of his online searches,
obtaining more relevant and accurate results.



To create a strong and protective password, Sara should consider the following tips:

1. Length Matters:

 Make the password long, preferably at least 12 characters. Longer passwords are
generally more secure. Combine letters (both uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and
symbols to increase complexity.

2. Avoid Predictable Patterns:

 Avoid using easily guessable information, such as names, birthdays, or common words.
Instead, create a password that is random and doesn't follow a predictable pattern. This
helps to thwart hacking attempts based on personal information.

3. Use a Mix of Characters:

 Include a mix of letters, numbers, and special characters in the password. This variety
adds an extra layer of complexity, making it more resistant to brute force attacks or
automated password-cracking tools.

4. Unique for Each Account:

 Avoid using the same password across multiple accounts. If one account is
compromised, using unique passwords for different accounts prevents a domino effect
of security breaches.

By following these tips, Sara can significantly enhance the security of her email account and reduce the
risk of unauthorized access.

Q # 5 a)

To achieve the desired effects in the image, the following tools and techniques are recommended:

1. Add another cup of coffee on the table:

 Tool: Clone Stamp or Copy-Paste

 Use the Clone Stamp tool to duplicate an existing cup of coffee or another
suitable area and place it on the table. Alternatively, copy-paste a cup from
another image and adjust its size and position as needed.

2. Change it from grayscale to color:

 Technique: Colorization or Adjustment Layers

 Use colorization techniques to add color to the image. This can be done by
applying a color overlay or using adjustment layers in graphic editing software.
Adjust the saturation and hue settings to achieve the desired color effect.

3. Remove the fork from the table:

 Tool: Healing Brush or Content-Aware Fill

 Use the Healing Brush tool or Content-Aware Fill feature to seamlessly remove
the fork from the image. These tools analyze the surrounding pixels and fill in
the selected area with content that matches the surrounding environment.

By employing these tools and techniques, Alice can make the specified changes to the image effectively,
adding a cup, introducing color, and removing the unwanted fork.

Q # 5 b)

Answer Key:

What are raster graphics? Raster graphics, also known as bitmap graphics, are images made up of a grid
of pixels (individual points of color). Each pixel contains specific color information, and collectively, they
form the complete image. Common raster graphic file formats include JPEG, PNG, and GIF.

Identify the image as raster or vector graphic? To determine whether an image is a raster or vector
graphic, consider the following characteristics:

 Raster Graphic:

 Composed of pixels.

 Resolution-dependent (can lose quality when resized).

 Common file formats: JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP.

 Suitable for photographs and detailed images.

 Vector Graphic:

 Composed of paths and mathematical equations.

 Resolution-independent (can be resized without loss of quality).

 Common file formats: SVG, AI, EPS.

 Suitable for logos, icons, and illustrations.

By examining the image closely and checking its characteristics, you can identify whether it is a raster or
vector graphic.

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