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Lord, before I speak, examine my heart.

Make me clean by the Power of Jesus’ Blood, and fill me with the Grace of Your Spirit.
Remove from me impurities of unforgiveness, pain of the past, gossips, hate, evil thoughts, envy, guilt, pride,
and accusations so that all that remains in me is You.
Flow through me when I speak, and supply my words so that they may be worthy of one called by Your name.
Lord Jesus, grant us the Spirit of endurance, perseverance and forbearance that we may live in Peace.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

True Prayer of Worshipping the LORD- Felix (Ps 19)

Lord the Almighty Father, I exalt Your name in the highest of Heavens!
At your feet, I give my thanks and blessings,
and I pray that in each and every day, You hear my gratitude.
Help me to maintain my daily Prayers and duty to You Lord,
so that I may never stray from Your truth in Jesus’ name.

Oh Lord, the Heavens are telling of the Glory of God.

The expanse of Heaven cannot be measured,
but it declares the work of Your Hands that are immeasurable,
that are incomprehensible.

You, Father are Glorious and Mighty.

Day after day, You pour forth Your speech.
Night after night, You reveal knowledge.

There is no speech, nor are words that their voice cannot be heard,
from even the stars in the sky that You, Oh Lord have placed there,
by Your Sovereign Will and by Your Sovereign design.

Yet, they give evidence that has gone throughout all the earth.
I need only to look Lord, to the night sky and see Father, Your Glory.
For Father, You are the Bridegroom that is coming and I am the Bride that's waiting for You.

These are the types of meditations that begin my morning time with You, my Lord.
In Jesus’ name Amen and Amen!

Holy, Holy, Holy You are Oh LORD.

God of Power and Might.
Heavens and earth are full of Your Glory.
The hope I feel for the future with You knows no bounds, my Lord,
and I aim to please You with every moment of my life.
Forgive me for my transgressions and doubts,
but I pray to You with a resolve that I did not feel before.
For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory forever and ever. Amen.

We are justified by God’s Grace through our Faith in Jesus Blood

Romans 3:24 & 28 ,5:9 and Acts 13:38-39

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