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Q1: What do you need to specify in your Ansible playbook to stop gathering facts??

a facts: no

b gather: no

c None

d None

e facts_gathering: no

f gather_facts: no

Q2: PHP is an example of ___________ scripting language.?

a None

b None

c In-side

d Server-side

e Browser-side

f Client-side

Q3: Who is known as the father of world wide web (WWW)??

a Tim Thompson

b None

c Tim Berners-Lee

d Robert Cailliau

e None

f Charles Darwin

Q4: Which of the following is not a style tag??

a None

b None

c <tt>

d <b>

e All are style tags

f <i>

Q5: Once a table has been created in MySQL, its structure cannot be altered?

a None

b True

c False

d None

e None

f None

Q6: What is a cluster??

a A computer program or device that provides services to other computers

The correct Answer is: None

c A specific set of ordered operations

d A software package that performs a specific function for an end user

The correct Answer is: None

f A system made up of multiple servers and other resources

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