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Communication Electro Project

Fabrication and Simulation of a device that uses 555
timer as a low power switching Modulator (AM)

▪ Names of the group work:

Noor Saidan 1937287

Aya Jaafreh 1833496
Maram Najajra 1932758
Laith Dauod 1934374
1) Simulate the circuit given in the following diagram:
2) Show the signal output using the simulator on the following pins:
A) Just before the antenna:

B) At pin 3 of the 555 timer

3) Explain how varying the potentiometer value will change the output signal.
The potentiometer (variable resistor) in the circuit is typically used as one of the resistors in the
astable configuration (for example, as R4). By varying the potentiometer value, you can adjust the
frequency of the square wave signal at Pin 3 of the 555 timer. This, in turn, affects the modulation
frequency of the AM signal.

 The output signal cause by increasing the resistance of the potentiometer:

Just before the antenna:

At pin 3 of the 555 timer:

Will generally decrease the frequency of the square wave and therefore decrease the modulation
frequency but decreasing the resistance will increase the frequency.
4) Add a tank circuit in the suitable location to eliminate the unwanted harmonies,
simulate the circuit again.

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