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> variables

● A variable is a concept or abstract idea that is described as

measurable terms.
● In research it refers to characteristics, qualities, traits and
attributes of a particular individual, object or situation being
● It can be also defined as , variables are characteristics,
properties and qualities that can take on different values on a
study or experiment.
● Variables are not only something that we can measure but also
something that we can manipulate or something that we can
control for.
● They are used to measure or describe different aspects of a

> Types of variables

● Independent variable:- an independent variable is something

that researchers control or otherwise manipulate, in order to
affect the outcome of the experiment. A researcher will
purposefully change independent variables, to see if and how
dependent variables change in response.
Ex:- (salt tolerance experiment) the amount of salt added to each
plant's water.
● Dependent variable:- dependent variable is an item that
changes in response to the change of dependent variable or
variable that represents the outcome of the experiment. The
dependent variable depends/change when the Independent
variable is changed.
Ex:- (salt tolerance experiment) any measurement of plant's
health and growth.
● cofounding variable:- it's and unintended variable that could
affect the relationship bettween independent variable and
dependent variable. Or a variable held constant to prevent it's
effect on the relationship between independent variable and
dependent variable.
Ex:- (salt tolerance experiment) pot size and soil type held
● control variable:- a variable that held constant to prevent it's
influence on independent variable and dependent variable or a
variable held constant throughout the experiment
Ex:- (salt tolerance experiment) the temperature and light in the
room and the volume of water given to each plant.

>Operational definition

● It define how a concept or construct will be measured or

observed in a specific study,making it clear and practical for
research purposes.
● It is the specific way a variable is measured in a particular study.
● It is essential to understand operational definition because
researcher will use different ways of measuring and manipulating
the same variable.
● A variable must operationalized in order to test hypothesis.
- Example

● Happiness:- operationalized as the average no.of time a peraon

smile in a day
● Stress level:- operationalized as heart rate variability measured
using measurement devices
● Intelligence:- operationalised as the scores on a standardized IQ


● They are the basic building blocks of understanding in reseach

● A concept could be simple or complex
● They are abstract ideas or mental representation that helps us to
categories and make sense of the world
● They are often used in research to difine what is being studied.
- Colour:- a concept that is easily observable and defined
- Temperature:- another straight forward concept with a clear
- Age:- a concept represent no.of years a person has lived


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