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role of water

for human

Presented by Imam Majeda

Water is a transparent,
odorless, and tasteless liquid
essential for the survival of
living organisms. It is
composed of two hydrogen
atoms bonded to one oxygen
atom, forming the chemical
formula H₂O.
role of water
Water is essential for the human body's
vital functions. It helps regulate body
temperature, aids in digestion and
nutrient absorption, lubricates joints,
supports metabolic processes, flushes
waste through urine, and maintains
overall cellular health. Adequate water
intake is crucial for optimal bodily
functions and overall well-being.
Water Benefit
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Muscle Function: Water Circulation: Adequate Heart Health: Proper

is crucial for muscle hydration ensures hydration supports
contractions and overall efficient blood cardiovascular function
muscle function. circulation. and helps maintain
blood volume.
the minimum amount of
water we consume per day

The general guideline for daily water

consumption is often cited as eight 8-
ounce glasses, known as the “8x8” rule,
which equals about 2 liters or half a
gallon. However, individual water needs
can vary based on factors such as age,
physical activity, health conditions, and
The impact is that we don't
consume water according to
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Skin Health: Physical Performance: Dehydration: The most
Dehydration can affect Athletes or individuals immediate impact is
skin elasticity and engaging in physical dehydration, leading to
contribute to dryness, activities may experience symptoms such as thirst,
potentially accelerating reduced endurance and dark urine, fatigue, and
the aging proce performance without dizziness.
proper hydration.
Presented by Imam Majeda

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