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Water and its process is important for life, because it is the main component of most organisms
on Earth.
For living beings, it is necessary to drink water to stay alive. Many of the organisms on earth are
made of 95% water.
Water circulates naturally on the surface of the Earth as it circulates throughout the human
body; transports, dissolves, replenishes nutrients and organic matter, while discarding unusable
It also has many functions in chemistry, biochemistry and biology thanks to its diverse
properties. Its physical properties refer to its thermal properties and its chemical properties as it
interacts with other substances.
 Explain and inform about the properties of water and the benefits for the human being
that its consumption entails.
 To make known the properties of water and how it affects its consumption to the human
 Indicate the benefits for the human being to consume water regularly.
 Encourage water care by clarifying how important it is for life
Water is a fundamental element in a series of basic functions for the life of most living beings,
including of course humans. The main properties are as follows:
a) Acts as a nutrient transport channel. The flow and movement that water produces is
necessary, because some particles and molecules need to move between tissues and
membranes, as in the transport of oxygen through the blood and lungs, oxygen and nutrients
dissolved in water are transported to all the cells of the human body, without which existence
would not be possible.
b) Temperature regulator. A large amount of the human body is made of water, Water has a
specific heat point, can absorb or get rid of a relatively large amount of heat energy, while
adjusting its own temperature, therefore, this ability helps the body to withstand changes in
ambient temperature. Additionally, it helps maintain the body in a comfortable and safe
temperature range for the human being.
c) Removal of toxins and waste from the body. Whether through sweat or urine, water helps
reduce the toxins and waste elements that accumulate in our body and, if they remain inside it,
cause infections and serious diseases.
d) The role of water as a lubricant. The lubricant reduces the friction between surfaces in
movement, the water behaves as a beneficial lubricant, this is essential in many parts of the
body, such as joints or saliva that helps the digestion cycle.
e) Water as a great solvent. Which means that many substances can dissolve in it. Water also
regulates activities in the fluids, tissues, cells, lymph, blood and glandular secretions of humans.
This allows water to transport nutrients and can also help get rid of its waste.
f) Water in many chemical reactions. Water molecules also participate in decomposition
reactions where certain molecules are divided into smaller parts. Examples of this include the
process during digestion.
Generally, the human body is composed of 65% water, but this proportion varies according to
age. When this amount of water decreases and is not covered by the intake of new fluids, the
body begins to feel bad and to have clear symptoms of dehydration.
When a lack of 4% of general water is reached, it can become a very serious problem,
generating complications such as memory loss, visual problems, among others.
An adult contains about 42 liters of water, each part of our body contains different percentages
of water:
 Brain 75%
 Blood 83%
 Skin 72%
 Heart 79%
 Lungs 79%
 Spleen 76%
 Bowel 75%
 Skeleton (bones) 22%
 Muscles 76%
 Adipose tissue 10%
 Kidney 83%
 Liver 68%


It has always been said that we should drink water. Doctors recommend that we drink about two
liters of water a day, although it will depend on the complexion, health and the amount of
physical activity that is practiced.
1. Helps to lose weight. It makes our metabolism work more effectively. Water is the ideal
complement to any diet, as it replaces canned drinks, juices and alcohol containing calories.
2. Prevents cardiovascular diseases. A study showed that people who drink 5 or more
glasses of water per day are less likely to suffer a heart attack compared to people who drink
less than 2 glasses of water.
3. Increases Energy. The lack of water in our body leads to dehydration and with it appear
symptoms of lack of energy, fatigue, weakness, dizziness and others. The simple fact of being
thirsty means dehydration and drinking water is the best way to increase energy in these cases.
4. Prevents headaches. The simple fact of drinking water prevents suffering from headaches
derived from dehydration.
5. Helps keep the skin tighter and more radiant. The skin is one of the organs most sensitive
to changes in body fluids and the regular intake of good amounts of water helps the skin stay
hydrated and in good health.
6. Improves digestion. Water is a fundamental element in the digestive process through which
we feed and nourish.
7. Cleans the organism. Water helps the body eliminate toxins and waste substances that are
produced in different organs.
8. Reduces the risk of cancer. Among the many benefits of water for health we can mention
that drinking large amounts of water reduces the risk of colon cancer, bladder cancer and breast
9. Maintains physical and mental health. It improves the physical and intellectual capacities.
Relieves symptoms of fatigue and serves to remain lucid, awake and with a high degree of
concentration, in addition, its consumption, during and after any type of physical activity
prevents dehydration and the symptoms associated with it.
10. It improve the quality of life. With everything said, it is clear that drinking at least 1.5 liters
of water per day will help improve the quality of life, which is why you should implement it in
your diet as a fundamental part.
Water has a very important role for life on the planet, since the development of all living beings
depends on the water they consume and surround them.
Water is a vital resource that nature provides, we find water in various states in it, however, it is
important to note that all living beings need water to live and among these living beings we find
ourselves human beings. there where the importance of water for the human being derives.
Water is an invaluable resource, it is colorless and insipid, but it is so fundamental for the
development of our organism that without it we would simply die.
A human being can be several days without food, but not more than a few days without water
and drinking water regularly helps ensure a healthy life
Water is a vital resource, necessary for the development of all forms of life, therefore, we must
take care of it, protect it, not waste it, or contaminate it.
We should not waste water and learn ways to reuse it or recycle it, because good water
management means healthy habits for life.
One of the most serious challenges facing the world today is the approaching water scarcity, so
with small daily actions we can conserve it.
The waste that is generated is directly related to the contamination of the water tanks, therefore,
we must recycle as much as possible

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