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Geography (Optional)
Classroom Programme
Climatology Part - 3

By Himanshu Sharma

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INTRODUCTION ascending or descending air parcel only because of its
expansion or contrac on are called adiaba c tempera-
The atmosphere has got a layered structure. ture changes.
Layers of the atmosphere differ from one another in
respect of temperature, density and humidity of the Adiaba c processes are important because of
air. Ver cal mo ons are produced due to these dif- its relevance to the weather phenomena because air
ferent physical proper es of the atmospheric layers. mass is in constant mo on. While air mass is in ver -
Undoubtedly these mo ons are far more important cal mo on adiaba c processes starts opera ng on it.
meteorologically than the horizontal movements of Adiaba c cooling take place due to expansion of air.
air. This is so because various weather phenomena, When air moves upward it feels lesser atmospheric
different forms of precipita on, thunderstorms, hail- pressure due to this it expands and cooling of air mass
storms, etc. are directly associated with the upward takes place. Similarly in case of descending air it shrinks
movement of air masses. and heats up.

Different processes of the heat exchange oper- Of all the factors of precipita on, ver cal mo-
a ng in the atmosphere are: radia on, conduc on, ons in the atmosphere plays the most dominant role.
advec on, and adiaba c cooling while in former three Therefore the atmospheric condi ons which are favour-
sharing of heat takes place outside the system in adia- able or antagonis c to such ver cal mo ons in the
ba c cooling no exchange of heat takes place outside atmosphere merit special a en on. This is the reason
the system, system is a conceptual model which refers why concept of atmospheric stability and instability is
here to the air mass undergoing changes. important because it determines whether air mass will
be in equilibrium or ver cal mo on.
Adiabatic process
Adiabatic Process of Temperature
You must have observed that while filling air into Change
bicycle it gets heated up because air while going inside
tube experiences high pressure, Similarly while spray- The noteworthy aspect of these temperature
ing deodrant you must have felt the cold sensa on this changes is the fact that irrespec ve of the temperature
is because deodorant coming outside bo le faces low of air, the rate of adiaba c hea ng and cooling of the
pressure as compared to inside bo le causing decrease unsaturated or dry air through ver cal movement is
in its density and consequently cooling .This is adiaba c constant. It is always 10° Celsius per 1000 meters and
process where temperature changes takes place due to rate of decrease of temperature beyond condensa-
change in the density of the gases. Rate at which this on point is 6° Celsius. It may be pointed out that the
change in temperature takes place is called adiaba c rate of cooling of an ascending air mass is much more
lapse rate. Different qualifiers are associated with lapse rapid than the normal lapse rate, i.e. 6.5° Celsius per
rate according to proper es of the air mass undergoing kilometer. Rate of cooling of wet air mass may vary with
temperature change like,normal lapse rate,dry adia- varying ini al temperature of the air mass.
ba c lapse rate wet adiaba c lapse rate. Adiabatic Lapse Rates
The following example makes the adiaba c pro- Dry adiaba c lapse rate :The dry adiaba c lapse
cess of temperature change more clear. Suppose a dry rate is defined as the rate of decrease in temperature
air parcel ascends upto a height of 5250 meters above with height experienced by an air parcel being li ed
the mean sea level (air pressure 1016 millibars). At this adiaba cally through an atmosphere in hydrosta c
height the atmospheric pressure to which the rising air equilibrium ( a fluid is said to be in hydrosta c equi-
is subjected is just half of the sea-level pressure so that librium or hydrosta c balance when it is at rest, or
its volume is doubled. In other words, if the volume of when the flow velocity at each point is constant over
the ascending air parcel is one cubic cen meter at the me. This occurs when external forces such as gravity
sea level, then at the afore men oned height it will are balanced by a pressure gradient force.). While the
become two cubic cen meters. Similarly, the volume environmental lapse rate is characterized by temporal
of a descending air parcel is decreased. Therefore as well as spa al varia ons, the dry adiaba c lapse rate
the changes brought about in the temperature of an always remains constant.

Condensa on level—The height at which a condensa on level1 upward .
rising parcel or layer of air would become saturated if
Moreover, the wet adiaba c lapse rate depends
li ed adiaba cally is called condensa on level.
on such other factors as the pressure of air, the amount
As unsaturated air rises, its temperature drops of condensed moisture in the rising air, and its tempera-
at the dry adiaba c rate. The dew point also drops (as ture. However, beyond the condensa on level there are
a result of decreasing air pressure) but much more two opposing forces that work together : (a) adiaba c
slowly, typically about 2 C° per 1,000 m. If unsaturated cooling by expansion, and (b) warming of the rising air
air rises far enough, eventually its temperature will by the addi on of latent heat of condensa on. The net
reach its dew point, and condensa on will begin to effect of these processes working simultaneously is to
form. This al tude is known as the li ing condensa on reduce the rate of decrease of temperature.
level (LCL) when mechanical li is present and the con-
Relation between wet and dr y
vec ve condensa on level (CCL) when mechanical li
adiabatic lapse rate
is absent, in which case, the parcel must be heated
from below to its convec ve temperature. The cloud The difference between dry and wet adiaba c
base will be somewhere within the layer bounded by lapse rates at higher temperature is much greater. On
these parameters. the contrary, when the temperature of the ascending
air is low, the difference between the two adiaba c
Wet (moist) adiaba c lapse rate : When in an
lapse rates is substan ally reduced. There are occa-
ascending air mass the process of condensa on starts
sions when the air parcel ascending through layers of
a er the temperature has come down to satura on
the atmosphere is so cold and dry that both the dry
point, the latent heat of condensation is released
and wet adiaba c lapse rates are almost the same. In
leading to warming of the rising air. Since latent heat
excep onal cases when the rate of cooling in an ascend-
is returned to the ascending parcel of air during the
ing air mass is more than the dry adiaba c rate, it is
process of condensa on, the rate of cooling of rising
called the super-adiaba c lapse rate.
air is reduced. Thus, the reduced rate of temperature
change caused by the addi on of latent heat of con- The Concept of Equilibrium
densa on is called the wet/moist adiaba c lapse rate
or retarded adiaba c rate. A correct understanding of the concept of atmo-
spheric equilibrium is the most important pre-requisite
The amount of latent heat liberated by the to appreciate different atmospheric processes associ-
process of condensa on depends upon the moisture ated with various kinds of weather phenomena.It may
content of an ascending air mass. The rate of cooling in be pointed out that in meteorology the term ‘stability’
a saturated air mass is, therefore, not always the same. is used to indicate a condi on of equilibrium in the
The wet adiaba c lapse rate varies from 0.5° to 0.9° atmosphere.
Celsius per 100 meters. Higher moisture content in a
rising air lowers down the rate of temperature change, There are three types of equilibrium which must
whereas in rela vely drier air mass there is higher rate be made clear to a student of climatology, because it
of temperature change. Wet adiaba c lapse rate also is only then that he can understand the implica ons of
varies with the ini al temperature of the wet air mass. different forms of atmospheric equilibrium.
This varia on should not be confused with the varia on (1) Stable equilibrium. If an object a er be-
observed in normal lapse rate because this varia on is ing slightly disturbed or displaced from
due to internal physical proper es of the air mass and its original posi on tends to return to the
for air mass with similar physical proper es this will same, it is said to be in stable equilibrium.
remain same irrespec ve of any other external factor This property of an object is also referred
like la tude, al tude, longitude or other territorial fac- to as its stability.
tor which causes changes in the normal lapse rate.
(2) Unstable equilibrium. An object is said to
Further, it is also made clear that depending on be in unstable equilibrium if it tends to
the temperatures of the ascending air masses in the con nue in the direc on of displacement.
ini al state, the wet adiaba c lapse rates may be steep, In this state of equilibrium the object a er
moderate or low. Thus, higher the temperature of the being displaced or pushed occupies an
rising air, slower will be the rate of its cooling from the en rely new posi on

(3) Neutral equilibrium. If an object tends to are favourable for convec ve ac vi es which result in
stay wherever it is pushed, it is said to be cloud forma on and abundant precipita on.
in neutral equilibrium. In this intermediary
Atmospheric Stability and Lapse Rate
state of equilibrium, the displaced object
neither returns to its original posi on, nor To examine whether an air mass is stable or
takes a new posi on. unstable a comparison should be made among its
lapse rate, the dry-adiaba c rate of cooling and cold-
Rather it tends to remain in whatever posi on it
adiaba c rate.
has been displaced.
Stability: There are occasions when the lapse
Application of the concept of rate in a certain layer of the atmosphere is found to
equilibrium in case of atmosphere be about 4.6°C per 1000 meters. Under this situa on,
Like solid objects the concept of equilibrium when the lapse rate is less than even the wet adiaba c
is equally applicable to the atmosphere as well. But rate, even at the point of condensa on no ver cal mo-
the following characteris cs render the discussion of ons develop in the atmosphere. In this case the air is
atmospheric equilibrium complicated : said to be absolutely stable. Temperature inversion is
the typical example of absolute stability. The inversion
(1) The atmosphere being compressible, layer present in the atmosphere acts as a lid to the
the density of air undergoes progressive ascending currents of air. Just beneath the base of the
change as it descends or ascends. inversion layer the upward rising smoke is forced to
(2) When a saturated air mass rises, the latent spread out in horizontal plane because cold air stops
heat of evaporation is released which it from rising further. In winter, it is a common sight
warms up the air. The warming of rising at about sunset near human se lements where rising
air in this way affects its density. columns of smoke from domes c chimneys are not
The changes brought about in the density of an allowed to move upward beyond a certain level. This
air mass affects the atmospheric equilibrium. level is provided by the base of the inversion layer.

To test the stability or instability of the atmo- Absolute instability : When the distribu on
sphere, it is to be seen as to what happens to any of temperature is such that at every level the envi-
parcel of air which is displaced through a small ver cal ronmental lapse rate is greater than the dry adiaba c
distance from its ini al height. If in its new posi on it lapse rate, the displaced parcel of air has a tendency
is subjected to forces which tend to restore it to its to con nuously move upward ll its temperature is
original posi on, the atmosphere is considered to be in equal to that of the surrounding air. Such a state of
stable equilibrium. Contrary to it, if in its new posi on ver cal movement of the ascending air is called insta-
it is subjected to no forces tending either to restore it bility. If Normal lapse rate is greater than even the wet
to its original level, or to displace it s ll further from adiaba c lapse rate air keep rising further such state
its original posi on, the atmosphere is said to be in of con nued upward movement is called absolute in-
neutral equilibrium. However, the equilibrium is said stability. Under the condi ons of absolute instability,
to be unstable when in its new posi on, it is subjected the displaced air mass con nues its ascent ll a level
to forces tending it to displace s ll further from its is reached where the temperature difference between
original posi on. it and the surrounding air is reduced to zero.Here it
a ains neutral equilibrium.
When the distribu on of temperature and density
is such as to resist ver cal movements, the atmosphere Mechanical instability : At mes, there are
is said to be in stable equilibrium. Under these con- abnormal situa ons when the normal lapse rate is too
di ons, an element of air, even if displaced, tends to steep (35°C per 1000 meters), and the upper layers
return to its original posi on a er some me. Thus, of the atmosphere become far more cold and denser
when the atmosphere is in the state of stable equilib- than the underlying layers. Under these special circum-
rium there is complete absence of convec ve ac vi es stances there is an automa c overturning or downward
and the weather remains clear. Such a condi on is not movement of colder and denser air without any ini al
conducive to precipita on. On the contrary, when there impulse being applied to it. Such a situa on is known
exists a tendency in the air to move s ll further a er as mechanical instability. This state of the atmospheric
being displaced, it is said to be in unstable equilibrium. equilibrium helps in the forma on of tornadoes, the
Under these circumstances, the atmospheric condi ons most violent revolving storms of very small size.

Condi onal instability : The term ‘condi onal weather condi ons. When convec vely or condi on-
instability’ refers to the state of a column of air when ally unstable air masses, in which the surface layers are
its ver cal distribu on of temperature is such that the humid and the moisture content decreases with height,
layer is stable for dry air but unstable for saturated air. are li ed, there is heavy precipita on from cumulonim-
This occurs when surrounding air has a lapse rate be- bus type of clouds. Besides, convec ve instability in the
tween the dry and wet adiaba c lapse rates (between layers of the atmosphere is a contributory factor in the
0.5°C and 1°C per 100 meters). In Figure 13.3, for the forma on of violent storms like tornadoes, thunder-
first 1750 meters the ascending air parcel is cooler than storms ,squalls etc.
the surrounding air and it is, therefore, considered
Relation between Stability, Lapse
stable. Since above the condensa on level the latent
Rates, and Altitude
heat of condensa on is returned to the rising air, fur-
ther cooling takes place at the wet-adiaba c rate which (1) The column of air is said to be stable when
is less than the environmental lapse rate. However, the its prevailing lapse rate is less than the dry-
lapse rate being greater than the wet adiaba c rate, adiaba c lapse rate, i.e. when y < yd.
from the level of free convec on upward the rising (2) The column of air is said to be unstable when
parcel of air is warmer than the surrounding air. From its prevailing lapse rate is greater than the dry-
this level along its ascent the parcel would con nue to adiaba c lapse rate, i.e. when y > yd.
rise without any impulse and is considered unstable.
(3) The column of air is said to be in neutral equi-
Thus, the air that was ini ally stable is made unstable
librium when its prevailing lapse rate has the
by forced ascent a er which latent heat of condensa-
same value as the dry-adiaba c lapse rate,
on is added to it which makes it unstable. The word
‘condi onal’ is prefixed because only if the air is forced (4) The column of air has condi onal instability
upward ini ally can it become further unstable. Condi- when its prevailing lapse rate lies between
onal instability is said to be the most common type of the values for the dry-adiaba c and satura on
instability.This type of instability is seen in mountainous adiaba c (wet- adiaba c) lapse rates, i.e. when
region in winter where cold air in the upper part of the yd>y>ym.
valley forces the warm air in lower side of valley.This is where y = prevailing lapse rate
also an example of temperature inversion.
yd = dry-adiaba c lapse rate, and ym = satura on-
Other Pre-requisite for condi onal instability adiaba c lapse rate.
(a) The ascending air parcel should be moist Atmospheric Equilibrium in Saturated
or saturated, and Air
(b) The air parcel should get a very strong
While discussing the stability and instability con-
initial uplift, so that it would reach the con-
di ons in dry air, it was pointed out that a rising air
densation level under the impulse.
parcel cools at the dry-adiaba c lapse rate, which is
Convec ve instability : Our previous discussion always the same (10°C for every kilometer of ascent).
of instability condi ons was related to a parcel of air On the contrary, when an ascending air parcel is satu-
ascending or descending through a layer of surrounding rated, its rate of cooling is wet-adiaba c. The wet or
air that was at rest along the ver cal. But some mes moist adiaba c lapse rate is highly variable. Thus, the
there are situa ons when a layer of air, several hun- stability or instability of a saturated air mass depends
dreds of meters thick and thousands of kilometers in on the rela onship between the prevailing lapse rate
areal extent, is forced to rise. Such an extensive and and the moist-adiaba c lapse rate.
thick layer of air may be moist in its lower part and
dry in the upper part. Thus, an anomaly is produced According to Pe erssen, there are the following
in the ver cal distribu on of humidity. Such a type of two types of lapse rates at which the moist air cools
upli causes the air, which may be ini ally stable, to while ascending:—
become unstable from the adiaba c effect on internal (1) Pseudo-adiabaƟc lapse rate. It is found
temperature-humidity condi ons. in such an air parcel which moves up in
Hence, it may be concluded that, in general, saturated state. The condensed moisture is
satura on li ing decreases the stability even more immediately removed from the ascending
than does the unsaturated li ing. The mechanism of air mass.
convec ve instability is significant in the dynamics of

(2) Retarded or moist adiabaƟc lapse rate. It atmosphere determines to a large degree the type of
is found in such a parcel of saturated air weather we are going to have.
which contains the condensed moisture.
Various factors affecting the stability
Impact of atmospheric stability on of the atmosphere
cloud formation
The movement of air and daily temperature
Stability or instability prevailing in the atmosphere changes are the two important factors that bring about
largely controls the daily weather. If there is stability in a change in atmospheric stability. It may be pointed out
the atmosphere, it would resist ver cal mo ons. Thus, that the steep lapse rate renders the air more unstable,
stable air does not favour cloud forma on. However, while a smaller lapse rate promotes stability. It is, there-
when there are certain processes that force the stable fore, natural that any factor that causes the warming
air alo , the clouds that form do not have great ver cal of air near the surface of earth promotes instability.
thickness, rather they are fairly widespread. Precipita- Contrary to it, the chilling of surface air makes the air
on from such cloud types is invariably light. On the more stable. The cooling of the earth’s surface a er
contrary, if the atmosphere is in the state of unstable sunset by nocturnal radia on is one such factor that
equilibrium, the ascending air currents generally pro- increases the stability of air.
duce clouds with great ver cal thickness. There is
Horizontally moving wind streams play an impor-
greater convec ve ac vity and the resultant precipita-
tant role in determining the stability of air. When warm
on is in the form of heavy showers. Thus, the nature
air from lower la tudes moves northward over the
of precipita on itself is a sure indicator of the type of
colder land surfaces in higher la tudes, the air masses
stability prevailing in the atmosphere. Light drizzle and
are cooled from below and become more stable. The
overcast sky suggest the upli or forced ascent of the
cooling of lower layers of the atmosphere reduces the
stable air. By contrast, cumulonimbus clouds are sug-
prevailing lapse rate which in turn leads to stability. On
ges ve of the ascent of unstable air.
the other hand, advec on of cold air over warm sur-
On hot summer a ernoons, when the earth’s faces leads to warming of the lower layers. It steepens
surface is intensely heated, the lapse rate becomes the lapse rate. Thus, the air becomes unstable.
steeper leading to instability in the atmosphere. Sur-
Besides, ver cal mo ons produced in the at-
face irregularity o en causes pockets of air to be heated
mosphere influence its stability. Subsidence of an air
more than the free air in the atmosphere. The convec-
column increases stability, while its upward move-
onal currents are set up, and if they can reach above
ment usually enhances instability. While discussing
the condensa on level, clouds form to yield occasional
convec ve instability, we have seen that if a deep and
mid-a ernoon showers. However, in such cases the
extensive layer of air is rising with a higher moisture
clouds do not grow to great heights. The reason is that
content in its lower por on, then the ul mate result of
the ‘instability caused by surface hea ng does not ex-
this li ing is an enhancement in atmospheric instabil-
tend to more than a few kilometers from the surface.
ity. It has also been discussed earlier that condi onal
Precipita on occurring in this way is generally of very
instability refers to the air that becomes unstable pro-
short dura on, because it cools the surface.
vided it is li ed to a certain level. Similarly, upward
A temperature inversion produces the most stable movement of air associated with general convergence
condi ons in the atmosphere. Because of the impact of enhances instability. That is why the convergence and
an inversion layer in the atmosphere the air lying close associated upli aided by the intense day me hea ng
to the earth’s surface is cooler and heavier than the of the surface produce mid-a ernoon thunderstorms
air in the upper layers. Therefore there is li le ver cal in a certain favoured locality.
mixing between the layers of the atmosphere. This
At mes, radia on cooling from cloud tops at
results in a greater concentra on of pollutants in the
about sunset enhances their instability. This is so be-
lowermost layers. Similarly, an extensive fog is a sure
cause it steepens the lapse rate, so that warm air from
indicator of atmospheric stability. The development of
below starts flowing upward adding to the growth of
clouds and the nature of precipita on occurring there
clouds. Nocturnal thunderstorms are produced in this
from are all determined by the air stability or lack of
it. Hence the state of equilibrium prevailing in the


INTRODUCTION bined effects of evapora on and transpira on from

vegeta on-covered land areas are called evapotranspi-
Humidity is a general term referring to the water ra on. Thus, the hydrologic cycle involves evapora on,
vapour content of air at any one me and place. This condensa on, and precipita on.
term is not used to describe liquid droplets of fog,
cloud, or rain. Since water vapour is dry like any other Exchange of humidity
gas, it has nothing to do with dryness or wetness of the
There are two important aspects of the transfer
atmosphere. Although there is spa al as well as tem-
of humidity : (1) Land-sea moisture exchange, and (2)
poral varia on in the quan ty of water vapour present
Meridional moisture exchange.
in the atmosphere, the total amount of atmospheric
water remains nearly constant. (1) Land-sea moistre exchange. There is a con-
nuous exchange of moisture taking place between the
Of the various components of atmosphere, water
con nents and oceans. The amount of moisture gained
vapour cons tutes only a small frac on varying from
through precipita on on the con nents is more than
nearly zero per cent to about 4 per cent by volume.
that lost through evapora on. Oceans, on the contrary,
However, the meteorological significance of even this
lose more moisture through evapora on than what
very small percentage of water in the air cannot be
they receive through precipita on. Winds carry a part
over-emphasized. In fact, in the heat budget as well
of atmospheric moisture from over the oceans to the
as in day- to-day weather changes that we observe,
con nents where water vapour condenses and falls as
atmospheric moisture plays a very important role.
rain or snow. However, part of this precipita on returns
The Hydrological Cycle to the oceans through surface run-off or ground water
seepage. The remaining part also is brought back to the
The hydrologic cycle is a conceptual model that oceans by off-shore winds laden with land-evaporated
describes the storage and movement of water between moisture.
the biosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere, and the hydro-
sphere. Water on our planet can be stored in any one As a matter of fact, direct precipitation over
of the following major reservoirs: atmosphere, oceans, oceans brings back a larger part of the moisture evapo-
lakes, rivers, soils, glaciers, snowfields, and groundwa- rated to the atmosphere.
ter. Water moves from one reservoir to another by way
(2) Meridional moisture exchange. Meridional
of processes likeevapora on, condensa on, precipita-
moisture exchange involves the transfer of moisture
on, deposi on, runoff, infiltra on, sublima on, tran-
between different la tude belts on the earth. This
spira on, mel ng, and groundwater flow.
also involves a transfer of energy. In certain la tude
The circula on of water from one part of the zones there is a marked excess of precipita on over
general earth subsystem to another through differ- evapora on. On the contrary, there are certain zones
ent pathways like surface and subsurface pathways is where evapora on exceeds precipita on. The la tu-
known as the hydrological cycle. Water is cycled end- dinal imbalance thus produced requires a meridional
lessly between the atmosphere, the soil, surface stor- exchange of moisture as well as energy between the
age, lakes and streams, plants and animals, glacial ice, dry and wet-zones.
and the principal reservoir-the oceans through differ-
In each hemisphere the surplus of precipita on
ent pathways. Even though the water-vapour content
over evaporation is found in equatorial as well as
of atmosphere is, on the average, constant, there are
middle-la tude zones extending from 40 to 70 degrees
local changes because of seasonal and weather varia-
north and south la tude. On the other hand, in la tu-
ons. Whatever moisture is lost by precipita on, it is
dinal zones extending from 10 to 40 degrees la tude in
made good by con nuous evapora on from large and
each hemisphere evapora on exceeds precipita on.
small water bodies like oceans, lakes, rivers, moist soil
and vegeta on etc. The en re process of maintaining Humidity and Temperature
constant water vapour content of the atmosphere can
also be said to be the hydrologic cycle. Moisture loss There exists a close balance between atmospheric
from vegeta on is known as transpira on. The com- humidity and air temperature. At any given point of

me the capacity of air for water vapour depends upon require more moisture for satura on.
its temperature. The moisture holding capacity of air At any point of me, the difference between the
increases with increasing temperature. It is also to be moisture holding capacity of air and its actual humidity
noted that at higher temperatures the capacity to hold is referred to as the satura on deficit. The temperature
moisture increases at a much faster rate. The moisture to which air has to be cooled in order to reach satura-
holding capacity increases slowly at low temperatures, on is called the dew point. There are occasions when
and more and more rapidly at higher temperatures. in the absence of condensa on nuclei condensa on
It is true that the amount of water vapour in the does not start at the dew point. The air in which the
atmosphere undergoes large fluctua ons. However, process of condensa on starts at much lower tem-
there is an upper limit which the moisture content of perature than the dew point is called super-saturated.
atmosphere does not exceed. The amount of water If the air were cooled below this temperature, then
vapour that a given parcel of air can hold at a given the excess vapour would condense. The dew point
temperature is referred to as its capacity. When the of ascending parcel of air decreases with al tude at
air at a par cular temperature has water vapour to the rate of about 2°C per kilometer.1 Since the water
its capacity, it is said to be saturated. The concept of vapour holding capacity of air increases with rising
satura on may be further explained with reference to temperature, the air in the equatorial belt has a higher
vapour pressure. dew point than that in the higher la tude.
Vapour pressure. Vapour pressure is that part of Humidity Measurements
total atmospheric pressure which is a ributable to its
water vapour content. Like other gases, water vapour The moisture content of the atmosphere in any lo-
exerts a pressure. As water molecules evaporate from cality can be measured in a number of ways. The follow-
the water surface, there is a small increase in pressure ing expressions are used to denote the actual moisture
in the air above. This increase is the result of the mo- content of the atmosphere : absolute humidity, specific
on of water vapour molecules supplied to air through humidity, rela ve humidity and mixing ra o.
evapora on. Because of increasing vapour pressure in Absolute humidity : The weight of water vapour
the air above, more and more of these escaping mol- per volume of air (usually expressed as grams of water
ecules are forced to return to the liquid. At last, the vapour per cubic meter of air) is referred to as the ab-
number of water molecules leaving and returning to solute humidity. The measure of atmospheric humidity
the evapora ng surface becomes equal. Under such a is seldom used by meteorologists, because absolute
condi on the air is said to be saturated, and the vapour humidity varies with the expansion or contrac on of air,
pressure is then called satura on vapour pressure. even though the amount of water vapour is constant.
However, any increase in the temperature of air would
Absolute humidity values for saturated air.
Temperature °C Water vapour (grams per cubic meter)
0 4.85
10 9.41
20 17.31
30 30.4
40 51.2
50 83.0

Specific humidity : It is the weight of water weight, specific humidity is not affected by changes in
vapour per weight of a given mass of air including the pressure or temperature of the air. Specific humidity is
water vapour (usually expressed as grams of water directly propor onal to the vapour pressure of air and
vapour per kilogram of air). Specific humidity is a inversely propor onal to the air-pressure.
more constant property of air, and therefore it is more
The maximum amount of specific humidity is
frequently used in meteorology. Specific humidity of
found in the equatorial zone and the minimum at the
air changes only when the quan ty of water vapour
poles. Since capacity of the air depends on its tem-
undergoes a change. Since it istmeasured in units of
perature, the amount of water vapour present in the

air near the equator is much more than what it is in humidity. In fact, this zone of subsiding and diverging
the polar region. Similarly, because of the control of air masses is marked by the lowest value of rela ve hu-
temperature, specific humidity in a par cular region midity. However, because of decreasing temperatures
is much higher in summer than in winter. Another in higher la tudes from about 30° poleward the rela ve
salient feature of the zonal distribu on of specific humidity registers a gradual increase. Since rela ve
humidity is that it is higher on the oceans than on the humidity is less on land than on water, it is lower in
con nents. the higher la tudes in the northern hemisphere where
from 60° poleward it decreases. Another characteris c
Absolute humidity tends to change with the ver-
feature of the distribu on of rela ve humidity is north-
cal mo on of the air mass due to which this is not
ward shi ing of the belts of highest and lowest rela ve
the exact measure of amount of water available for
humidity in July and southward shi ing in January fol-
precipita on because of this Meteorologist are not
lowing the apparent movement of the sun.
much interested in absolute humidity.
Seasonal and diurnal variation in
While, Specific humidity remains constant it
relative humidity
doesn’t change with the ascent or descent of air mass
because it is measured against the weight of the air There is latitudinal variation in the seasonal
mass so this is effec ve measure of amount of water distribu on of rela ve humidity in both the hemis-
that could be extracted from the air mass through pre- pheres. Within the tropical regions bounded by 30°N
cipita on.Due to this it is used by Meteorologist. and S la tude the average rela ve humidity is higher
in summer than in winter. This is so because summers
Rela ve humidity : Rela ve humidity is defined
are generally wet and winters dry. But in the higher
as the ra o of the amount of water vapour in the air
la tudes, humid winters record the highest percentage
to the amount the air can hold at that temperature (or
of rela ve humidity. Here it is to be remembered that
its capacity). Since amount of vapour present is also
on the con nents rela ve humidity is controlled more
directly propor onal to the vapour pressure it can be
by temperature than by air’s water vapour content.
also indirectly defined as the ra o of vapour pressure
That is why, with the excep on of monsoon regions
present to the vapour pressure of the given air mass at
where rela ve humidity is higher in wet summers than
satura on. Stated briefly, rela ve humidity is the ra o
in drier winters, on land masses winter is the period
of the air’s water vapour content to its water vapour
of maximum rela ve humidity, and the minimum is
capacity. This ra o is always expressed as a percent-
recorded in summer.
age. If the air at 15°C temperature contains 5 grams of
water vapur per kilogram, the rela ve humidity will be Diurnal varia on in rela ve humidity is also well-
expressed as 5/10 or 50 percent. In case air is saturated, marked. Mornings record the minimum temperature
the rela ve humidity is 100 per cent. Under such a and, therefore, rela ve humidity is high. On the other
condi on the rate of evapora on will be very slow. hand, around mid-a ernoon the maximum tempera-
tures are recorded which result in the minimum of
Rela ve humidity being dependent on the air’s
rela ve humidity.
water vapour content as well as on its capacity, it must
change whenever the amount of water vapour in the Rela ve humidity being directly related to the
air changes or whenever the capacity of air changes. rate of evapora on, it affects man’s comfort. As noted
With any addi on of moisture by evapora on, the earlier, evapora on is a cooling process. Perspira on
rela ve humidity will increase. Since vapour pressure from the skin of our body evaporates at a faster rate
is directly propor onal to the amount of water vapour in dry air or in air with a lower rela ve humidity. On
present in air, rela ve humidity may be defined as the the contrary, when rela ve humidity is high, the rate
ra o of the observed vapour pressure to that required of evapora on of perspira on is a very slow process.
for satura on at the same temperature. Faster the rate of evapora on from our skin, the more
comfortable we feel because of the cooling effects.
The maximum rela ve humidity is recorded at Mixing ra o : The mixing ra o is defined as the
the equator where the air has been depicted as very weight of water vapour per unit weight of dry air, ex-
moist. From the equator towards the sub-tropical high pressed in grams of water vapour per kilogram of dry
pressure belt there is a gradual decrease in rela ve air and not the moist air (dry air + water vapour).

Evaporation and various factor drier air evaporates more water than moist
affecting it air. In other words, higher the vapour pres-
sure, lower the rate of evapora on. It is a
Evapora on is a process by which a liquid is trans-
common experience that evapora on is
formed into gas or vapour. The atmosphere receives
greater in summer and at mid-day than in
its supply of moisture from the earth’s surface through
winter and at night.
evapora on from the oceans, lakes, rivers, etc. and
through transpira on from plants. It takes about 600 (4) Wind-speed: Evaporation depends on
calories of energy to convert 1 gram of water to water the wind speed as well. When the winds
vapour. During evapora on water molecules absorb are light, a thin layer of air just above the
energy which gives them the mo on required to escape surface gets nearly saturated under the
from the surface of liquid and become a gas. This ener- circumstances the difference between
gy is subsequently released as heat when condensa on the vapour pressure between ground and
takes place and water vapour changes back to the liquid air is very small. This results in very low
state. The heat absorbed in the process of evapora on evapora on. On the other hand, when the
is referred to as the latent heat of vaporisa on. Latent wind velocity is high, turbulence is set up
heat means hidden or stored heat. in the air.

Since a certain amount of energy is consumed Moisture evaporated from the ground is
in the process of evapora on, the remaining liquid mixed upward and the vapour-pressure
is cooled by an equivalent amount. Evapora on is a difference between the atmosphere and
cooling process and its has cooling effect on evaporat- the surface remains large. Thus, the rate
ing bodies. When the rain drops fall through the dry of evapora on is accelerated. Wherever
layers of atmosphere the process of evapora on chills there is a combina on of high tempera-
the air. This is so because most of the energy needed ture, very low rela ve humidity and
for evapora ng water is provided by the air itself. “The strong wind, the rate of evapora on is
reservoir of energy required to maintain the earth’s excep onally high. This leads to dehydra-
surface temperature against evapora on cooling is sup- on of soil to a depth of several inches.
plied by part of the excess of solar radia on absorbed (5) Area of the evapora ng surface: The rate
by the ground (mainly the oceans) over longwave of evapora on is determined by the area
radia on emi ed to space”. of the exposed surface of water. Larger
Factor s Af fecting Rate of areas of evapora ng surface increase the
Evaporation rate of evapora on.
(6) Air-pressure: Evapora on is also affected
(1) Amount of water available. Rate of evapo-
by the atmospheric pressure exerted on
ra on is greater over the oceans than over
the evapora ng surface. Lower pressure
the con nents.
on open surface of the liquid results in the
2. Temperature: It is also affected by tem- higher rate of evapora on.
perature. As the temperature of air is in-
(7) Composition of water: Evaporation is
creased, its capacity to hold moisture also
inversely propor onal to the salinity of wa-
increases. Any increase in airtemperature
ter. Rate of evapora on is always greater
raises the temperature of water at the
over fresh water than over salt water.
evapora on source whichmeans that more
Under similar condi ons, the ocean water
energy is available to the water molecules
evaporates about 5 per cent more slowly
for escaping from liquid to a gaseous state.
than the fresh water.
Hence evapora on is directly propor onal
to the temperature of evapora ng surface. Potential Evapotranspiration
Warmer the evapora ng surface, higher
the rate of evapora on. The term ‘poten al evapotranspira on’ refers- to
amount of evapora on that would occur if sufficient
(3) RelaƟve humidity: The rate of evapora on water resources are available idealized conditions
is closely related with the rela ve humidity in which there would be enough rainfall to provide
of air. Since the moisture holding capacity sufficient moisture for all possible evapotranspira-
of air at a given temperature is limited,

on in an area. Thorthwaite in his modified scheme age. Even if certain amount of water is stored during
of climatic classification of 1948 used potential the rainy season, it is quickly evaporated into the dry
evapotranspira on(PE) which is in fact an index of and warm air. Under such condi ons soils become dry
thermal efficiency and water loss . It represents the and the vegeta on gets parched up.
amount of transfer of both moisture and heat to the
atmoshphere from soils and vegeta on (evapora on Distribution of Evaporation
and transpira on) In order to determine the poten- Since temperature is the primary control of evap-
al evapotranspira on for any Place or area, several ora on, poten al evapora on (evapora ng power)
factors like temperature, la tude vegeta on, perme- will naturally decrease from the equator towards the
ability and water reten on capacity of soil are taken poles, given an unlimited supply of water. However,
into considera on. Such places as which have surplus actual evapora on is different from poten al evapo-
of precipita on over evapotranspira on are marked by ra on. Besides temperature, wind speed and rela ve
surplus of water for underground storage. Even large humidity, it also depends on the available water to be
or small water bodies may have surplus water in them evaporated. On land surfaces, in fact, the evapora ng
which may be used for canal construc on or other power of air is many mes greater than the available
purposes. But in areas where evapotranspira on is in water supply.
excess of precipita on, no water is available for stor-
Zonal distribu on of actual mean annual evapora on (inches).

60-50° 50-40° 50-40° 30-20° 20-10° 10-0°

Northern Hemisphere
Con nents 14.2 13.0 15.0 19.7 3.1.1 45.3
Oceans 15.7 27.6 37.8 45.3 47.2 39.4
Mean 15.0 20.1 28.0 35.8 42.9 40.6
Southern Hemisphere
Con nents 7.9 19.7 20.1 16.1 35.4 48.0
Oceans 9.1 22.8 35.0 44.1 47.2 44.9
Mean 8.8 22.8 35.5 39.0 44.5 45.7
The distribu on of actual mean annual evapora- and excess water vapour gets discarded in the form of
on in clearly illustrates two characteris c features condensed liquid. This is an example of condensa on
: (1) Generally actual evapora on is greater over the which takes place when air reaches its capacity to hold
oceans than over con nents. This is simply because moistre or in other words get saturated.
of the unlimited supply of water at the ocean surface,
Satura on and dew point: When air mass con-
while over land areas available water is scarce. How-
tains all the water vapour it can hold it is said to have
ever, the equatorial regions are an excep on to this
reached its capacity alterna vely air mass can be cooled
general rule. Land areas in very low la tudes between
at lower temperature its capacity to retain water va-
10°N and S of the equator lose more moisture through
pour decreases and it reaches it satura on point, this
evapotranspira on than do the oceans and other water
temperature at which it tends to reach satura on point
bodies. (2) North-south distribu on of actual evapo-
is called dew point.
ra on is largely controlled by air temperature, since
temperature decreases from the equator towards the Condensa on is the process of water vapour
poles. According to Trewartha, about 60 per cent of changing to the liquid state. If air is cooled below its
the earth’s evapora on occurs in the la tudinal belt dew point, some of the air’s water vapour becomes
extending from 20°N to 20°S and 80 per cent occurs in liquid. Thus, any further cooling of the saturated air
the zone extending from 35°N to 35°S la tude. starts the process of condensa on. Whenever the dew
point temperature falls below the freezing point (0°C),
water vapour may convert directly into ice by the pro-
A er taking bath water droplets gets deposited cess of sublima on. However, Byers prefers the term
on the mirror,this is because air mass get saturated ‘crystalliza on.’ He applies the term ‘sublima on’ to ice

directly conver ng into water vapour without passing convergence of different air masses as along the fronts,
through the intermediary liquid state. or orographic upli ing.
Condensa on depends upon two factors Non-adiabatic processes : Non-adiabat-
: relative humidity of air, and degree of cooling. ic processes include cooling by radiation, con-
Therefore in arid lands a larger degree of cooling is duction ,convection(movement of whole
necessary before the dew point is reached, while in mass),advec on(movement of only suspended mass
humid climates a lesser degree of cooling will start the n the fluid). The air may be cooled due to loss of heat
process of condensa on. by radia on. In case there is direct radia on from the
moist air, the cooling produces fog or clouds provided
Under normal condi ons, no sooner than the hygroscopic nuclei(to overcome surface tension as hy-
dew point is passed, condensa on begins around the groscopic nuclei are more colder than water par cle)
hygroscopic nuclei. But there are occasions when con- are present in the air. Cooling may also be produced
densa on starts only a er air has cooled much below by conduc on or advec on of warm air across a cold
its dew point. In such a condi on, the air is said to be su- surface. Cooling by contact with a cold surface produces
persaturated. This happens only when air contains very dew, frost or fog depending on other atmospheric con-
small number of dust par cles because condensa on di ons. Some mes the air is cooled due to its mixing
can take place only around the hygroscopic nuclei be- with colder air.
cause otherwise water droplets requires to overcome
the surface tension to form water droplets in such cases It is noteworthy that the effect of cooling pro-
air needs to be cooled much below the dew point. Un- duced by radia on, conduc on and mixing is confined
der abnormal condi ons condensa on may start even to a thin layer of the atmosphere. The non-adiaba c
before the dew point is reached. processes of cooling produce only dew, fog or frost.
They are incapable of producing a substan al amount
Various Processes of Condensation of precipita on. The only process capable of reducing
the temperature of deep and extensive air masses, so
Condensa on by cooling is produced by four dif-
that cloud forma on and appreciable precipita on may
ferent processes :
be possible, is the expansion associated with rising air
(a) cooling by expansion, currents or the adiaba c cooling.
(b) conduc on of heat from the air to a cold Necessary Conditions for
surface, Condensation
(c) direct radia on-cooling of the air, and
As noted earlier, condensa on takes place when
(d) mixing of warm and cold masses of saturated water vapour is converted into liquid form. This process
air. may produce dew, fog or clouds. Howsoever different
these forms of condensa on may be, they have two
Generally these processes work in combina on.
things in common. First, for condensa on to occur,
These processes may be classified into two broad
satura on of air is an essen al pre-requisite. Satura on
categories :
can be brought about either by reducing the air tem-
(1) Adiaba c processes and perature or by adding water vapour to the air; secondly,
water vapour needs some kind of a surface on which
(2) Non-adiaba c processes. it may condense. For dew or frost, solid objects at the
Adiaba c processes : Cooling by expansion is ground do this job. But when condensa on occurs at
far more important than any other process so far as some distance away from the earth’s surface, the most
condensa on in free air is concerned. This type of cool- needed surfaces for condensa on of water vapour are
ing is due to li ing of the air. Unsaturated air cools at provided by the dust par cles or aerosols, as they are
the dry adiaba c rate of 10°C per km. However, a er called, which are referred to as condensa on nuclei. In
passing beyond the condensa on level, the latent heat the absence of these ny dust par cles, clouds may not
of condensa on lowers the rate of cooling. This modi- possibly form unless a rela ve humidity of nearly 400
fied rate of cooling is called the wet or moist adiaba c per cent is reached. Fortunately there is an abundance
rate. The average rate of this cooling is about 6°C per of condensa on nuclei such as salt par cles supplied by
km, but the actual values varies with pressure. Adia- the oceans, microscopic dust par cles and smoke etc. in
ba c cooling may be accomplished due to convec on, the lower atmosphere. Since these ny par cles have

affinity for water, they are termed hygroscopic nuclei. Dew : Dew consists of ny droplets of water
Because of the presence of an abundant quan ty of produced by condensa on on surface objects rather
such water-seeking dust par cles, rela ve humidity than on nuclei in the air above the surface. Any nature
hardly exceeds 101 percent.1 observer will find in the morning shining beads of water
droplets deposited on leaves and blades of grass. In
Condensa on is said to be a con nuous process,
fact, dew refers to “water drops deposited by direct
since some of the more powerful hygroscopic nuclei
condensa on of water vapour from the adjacent clear
begin to a ract water vapour around them at rela ve
air mainly on horizontal surfaces cooled by nocturnal
humidity as low as 75 per cent. As the rela ve humidjty
radia on”. Cole defines dew as “the condensed mois-
reaches 100 per cent mark, the condensed water par-
ture that forms in place as a consequence of contact
cles grow larger in size very quickly. Thus, the clouds
start appearing in the sky.
Clear skies and calm air are necessary condi ons
Condensa on and hygroscopic nuclei : In order
for the forma on of dew. Clouds act as blankets which
to get the process of condensa on started, it is es-
greatly reduce the radia on by reflec ng the radia on
sen al that there should be an abundant supply of
back to the earth resul ng in less cooling during night.
microscopic dust par cles in the air. Earlier the weather
Movement and turbulence in the lower stratum of
scien sts held the view that the ny par cles of dust,
atmosphere cause mixing and thereby prohibit the air
of whatever type they may be, were sufficient for the
from reaching its dew point. That is why windy nights
process of condensa on, but of late, it was discovered
do not favour the forma on of dew. In brief, the neces-
that condensa on does not occur on ordinary dust par-
sary condi ons for dew forma on are : cloudless sky,
cles. For this purpose only such par cles are necessary
calm weather, and appreciable quan ty of moisture
as are capable of a rac ng or absorbing water. These
in the air.
condensation nuclei are called hygroscopic nuclei.
Various types of hygroscopic nuclei ordinarily present Frost: Frost should not be mistaken to be frozen
in the atmosphere are the following : dew. Frost occurs when the dew point of air falls below
1. Sea salts which include sodium chloride the freezing point (°C). When condensa on starts with
and magnesium chloride, etc. temperature below 0°C, the water vapour in the air
2. Sulphur dioxide (SO2), which oxidizes to passes directly from gaseous to solid state. Some mes
sulphur trioxide (SOj) which becomes condensa on under such condi ons results in the for-
sulphuric acid when mixed with water. ma on of ice-crystals commonly called ‘white frost’.
3. Oxides of nitrogen, specially nitric ox- Low places such as valley floor without any
ides. outlet are the ideal loca ons for the occurrence of
Ac ve volcanoes, ocean spray, forest fires, and frosts. This happens due to temperature inversion.
meteors which burn out in the atmosphere are the In mountainous valleys due to radia on and ver cal
sources of a large number of such hygroscopic nuclei. movement of air valley inversion occur. The tempera-
Salt par cles carried over the con nents from the ture of the upper parts of the valleys in mountainous
oceans by winds are supposed to be the most powerful areas becomes exceedingly low during winter nights
condensa on nuclei. Besides, such products of com- because of rapid rate of loss of heat from the surface
bus on as have sulfurous and nitrous acids are also the through terrestrial radia on. Due to this air mass com-
most effec ve and ac ve condensa on nuclei. ing in contact with the surface also becomes cool.
This causes descend of cold and dense air to the lower
Forms of Condensation part of valley causing displacement of warm air from
Condensed moisture occurs in various forms. This surface of the lower valley to the upper part of the
is due to varia ons in the amount of humidity in the valley. This situa on is called temperature inversion
air, in its movements and turbulence, and in its tem- where warm air lies over the cold air. This causes severe
perature and rate of cooling. Condensa on occurs on frost in the lower part of the valley causing damage to
solid surfaces on the earth’s surface as well as in free fruit orchads and crops.
air above it. The common forms of condensed moisture However, the condi ons necessary for the forma-
include dew, frost, fog and clouds. on of frost are same as for dew except that conden-
sa on taking place below the freezing point produces

frost. Rime is another unimportant form of condensa- the orchards from injury caused by frost. A empts are
on which develops at or near the ground. It consists made at reducing the heat loss during night or add-
of ice crystals deposited chiefly on ver cal surfaces, ing heat to the layer of air touching the ground. Heat
especially on points and edges of objects, generally in conserva on methods are also adopted. This includes
super-cooled fog or mist due to rapid freezing of the covering plants with materials having low thermal con-
water par cles. duc vity, such as paper or cloth. Sprinklers, air mixing
giant-size fans and orchard heaters are frequently used
Protec on against frost is a great challenge to
for warming the air.
the fruit-growers in some of the cold countries of the
world. Various measures have been adopted to protect


process can produce droplets upto 50-200 microns,

but generally it does not produce them much over 10
INTRODUCTION microns. Drizzle par cles, which have an upper limit of
500 microns, seem to float in the air. Thus, because of
Precipita on has been defined as water in liquid their small size, the cloud droplets fall at a very slow
or solid forms falling to the earth. Atmospheric mois- rate. A er the process of cooling through dry adiaba c
ture may be precipitated either in solid or liquid states. lapse rate condensa on first start around hygroscopic
Rain, snow, hail and sleet, etc. are the common forms of nuclei such ny droplets of water are cloud droplets.
precipita on. However, ‘precipita on’ does not include If a cloud were at an al tude of 1000 meters, then an
some other forms of condensed moisture, namely, fog, average cloud drop would take approximately 48 hours
dew and frost. to reach the earth. In fact, such a ny droplet of water
The first step in precipita on is condensa on. The fails to reach the ground, because it is likely to evapo-
process of condensa on involves a change from water rate before it fell a few meters below the cloud base.
vapour to liquid, while the process of precipita on Moreover, since clouds are made of a large number of
involves the falling out of that water as rain, snow, hail these droplets all compe ng for available water, their
or some other hydrometer.’ The most interes ng and con nued growth through the process of condensa on
intriguing aspect is the fact that there are more periods is extremely slow.
of cloudiness without the occurrence of precipita on Rain drops, on the other hand, have diameters
than with it. Some mes raindrops or snowflakes are ranging from about 200 microns upto 7000 microns.
formed from cloud droplets or ice crystals and, at other Drops larger than this upper limit have a fall velocity
mes, they are not; this is s ll one of the great myster- larger than 10 m/sec. At such high veloci es, the drop
ies in meteorology. breaks into a few smaller drops, such as rain drops
and drizzle. It is obvious that there is a limit to the
Precipitation Process
growth of the size of cloud drops or rain drops in the
It may be noted that the only process capable of atmosphere.
bringing about cloudy condensa on and the resultant
If we make a comparison between cloud drop-
precipita on from extensive air masses is the adiaba c
lets and rain drops, it becomes clear that millions of
cooling. But at the same me it is equally true that not
ny cloud droplets are required to make one single
all condensa on, even in the ascending currents of air,
rain drop. To get a really good sized rain drop, say 3
is followed immediately by precipita on. Even though
millimeters in diameter, it would take 27 millions of
all clouds contain water, some produce precipita on
the 10 micron-droplets. A rain drop large enough to
while others do not. In certain cases precipitated mois-
reach the ground without evapora ng contains roughly
ture does fall from the clouds, but it gets evaporated
a million mes water of a cloud droplet. For precipita-
in the atmosphere before actually reaching the earth’s
on to occur, these cloud droplets must somehow join
surface. Only when the cloud droplets, ice pellets or
together to grow to sizes which can no longer be kept
ice crystals grow to such a large size as to overcome
in suspension by the air.
the normal buoyancy and updra s in the atmosphere
does precipita on occur. It means that some special There are two possible processes of change of
processes must operate in a cloud from which pre- cloud droplets into raindrops.
cipita on falls.
1)If warm and moist air ascends to such a height
Cloud droplets and Rain drops : Various rain- that condensa on begins below freezing point, then
making experiments and researches have brought both, water droplets and ice droplets, are formed. The
about many interes ng facts. Droplets produced by water droplets are evaporated because of difference
the condensa on process are indeed very small in of vapour pressure beween them and ice droplets and
size, averaging less than 10 micrometers in diameter. there is condensa on of evaporated water around ice
To get a s ll be er idea of their size, compare them crystals which go on increasing in size. If they become
with a human hair which is about 75 micrometers sufficiently large in size, they cannot be held in suspen-
in diameter. According to Taylor, the condensa on sion by the air and consequently they began to fall

down. If the temperature above the ground is high hygroscopic nuclei is very rapid but their
they fall in the form of raindrops. further growth cannot be explained merely
on this ground.
2)The suspended cloud droplets in the clouds are
of different sizes. These cloud droplets collide among The theories of precipita on and rainfall fall in
themselves at varying rates due to difference in their mainly two categories: rapid growth of raindrops due
sizes and thus form large droplets. In the process sev- to growth of ice crystals at the cost of water droplets
eral cloud droplets are coalesced to form raindrops. and , rapid growth of raindrops due to coalescence of
When they become so large in size that ascending small water droplets by the sweeping acƟons of fall-
air becomes unable to hold them, they fall down as ing drops.
The exact process or the processes which cause
THEORIES OF RAINFALL the cloud droplets to join together to form large rain
drops capable of falling to the earth as precipita on
Early theories of Rainfall are not fully understood. However, two mechanisms
have been proposed to explain these processes,
i) The raindrops are differently electrically
namely, Bergeron Process and Collision-Coalescence
charged and thus they are coalesced by
electrical a rac on and grow large in size.
This theory is opposed on the ground that Cloud stability : Before discussing the above
the distances between the raindrops are men oned mechanisms or theories of precipita on,
so large and difference between electri- cloud stability should be thoroughly understood. In
cal charges is so small that coalescence of certain types of clouds the water droplets do not tend
raindrop s due to this mechanisms is not to coalesce and all the me they are kept floa ng in the
possible. air. Colloidal stability is said to exist in such clouds. No
ii) The large raindrops capture the small rain- precipita on is released from them. On the contrary,
drops and thus become further large in size in certain cloud forms the droplets have a tendency to
this theory is opposed on the ground that join together as a result of which the big-size rain drops
observa ons have revealed that generally develop. There is colloidal instability in such clouds, and
most of the drops are more or less uniform they are producers of precipita on. Thus, any process
in size. which brings about an element of colloidal instability
in a cloud may be said to be responsible for causing
iii) There is variation in saturation vapour the clouds to release precipita on.
pressure with varying temperature. In such
condition the atmospheric turbulence Ice-crystal Theory or cloud instability
brings warm and cold cloud droplets in theory of Bergeron:
close conjunc on, with the result there
The ice-crystal theory to explain precipita on was
is supersatura on of air with reference
propounded by Tor Bergeron, an eminent meteorolo-
to the surface of the cold cloud droplets
gist from Norway, in 1933. It is also called the Bergeron
and undersatura on with respect to the
Process a er the name of its discoverer. It is based on
surface of the warm cloud droplets and
two special meteorological proper es of water.
growth of cold droplets at the expense
of warm droplets. This situa on causes Assumption of burgeron process
evapora on of warm droplets.This theory
is opposed on the ground that the differ- First, the water droplets in a cloud do not freeze
ence of temperature of cloud droplets is at 0°C. Hence water droplets and ice crystals are found
not so great that this differen al mecha- together in unstable cloud In the atmosphere super-
nism may operate. cooled water has been observed down to below -40°C.
When water remains in liquid state below 0°C it is
iv) Raindrops grow around very large con- referred to as supercooled.
densation (hygroscopic) nuclei but it
is argued that no doubt the process of Other fact is that “the rela ve humidity of air is
condensa on around excep onally large greater with respect to an ice surface than with respect
to water surface”.

The super-cooled water tends to freeze, According to Taylor, if a single ice-crystal is intro-
if it is disturbed. Icing of aircra s which fly through a duced into a cloud of supercooled water droplets, the
cloud consis ng of supercooled droplets offer a typical en re cloud rapidly changes over to an all-ice cloud.
example of this phenomenon. Besides, supercooled This abrupt change from a water to an ice cloud is
droplets also freeze when they come into contact with caused by different vapour pressures exis ng over
a ny solid nucleus, about 1 micro-meter in diameter. super-cooled water droplets and ice crystals at the
This is called a freezing nucleus. Most of the nuclei same temperature.
become ac ve at -20° to -25°C. However, freezing
Now, we have to consider the second special pro-
nuclei are sparse in the atmosphere. Thus, when the
perty of water. Over ice, the satura on vapour pres-
ascending air currents rise well above the freezing
sure is lower than what it is over water. In other words,
level, some of the water droplets will be changed into
when air is saturated (100 per cent rela ve humidity)
ice, and through sublima on water vapour will enter
with respect to water, it is supersaturated (rela ve hu-
into solid state.
midity greater than 100 per cent) with respect to ice.
Temperature (0°C) Rela ve Humidity-Water (%) with respect to Ice (%)
0 100 100
-5 100 105
-10 100 110
-15 100 115
-20 100 121
ComparaƟve RelaƟve Humidity (with respect to water and ice)

From table it is clear that at -15°C, when the rela- between satura on vapour pressure and ice surfaces
ve humidity is 100 per cent with respect to water, it exceeds 0.2mb. In such condi on, when air tempera-
is about 115 percent with respect to ice. In this case, ture ranges between -5 C and -25 C, water droplets
vapour diffuses rapidly from air to ice crystals so that become super-saturated. In such case super cooled
the ice crystals begin to grow at the expense of water water droplets gets evaporated and resultant vapour
droplets. The growth of ice crystals is rapid enough to gets deposited on the surface of ice crystals.
generate crystals large enough to fall. While falling from
It may be pointed that the forma on of ice par-
the cloud, the ice crystals grow by intercep ng cloud
cles requires freezing nuclei (e.g. fin soil par cles,
droplets that freeze upon them. Some mes these falling
meteoric dust etc. because for pure water to freeze
ice crystals are broken up into fragments which again
temperature needed would be -40 C.) in the same
become freezing nuclei for other water droplets. A chain
manner as the forma on of water droplets requires
reac on takes place. These ice crystals by accre on grow
the presence of hygroscopic nuclei. This is the reason
further in size to become snowflakes before leaving the
why only some of the water droplets are able to convert
cloud. Snowflakes generally melt before reaching the
in to ice crystals other remains as super cooled water
ground and fall as rain. Because of the glacia on of the
droplets only. This creates difference of vapour pres-
upper part of the cloud, its cauliflower like top becomes
sure w.r.t ice crystals surface and super cooled water
anvil-shaped, so typical of a cumulonimbus.
droplets. Slowly and slowly ice crystals grow in size as
Mechanism of rainfall as per cloud the deposi on of vapour derived through evapora-
instability theory on of super-cooled water droplets on their surface
con nues. Ice crystals then aggregate due to their
With the fall of air temperature below 0 C the mutual collision and thus they form large snow flakes.
atmospheric vapour pressure decreases more rapidly When the ice crystals becomes large and their falling
over ice surface than over water surface with the result velocity exceeds the velocity of rising air currents,
satura on vapour pressure becomes greater over water they fall downward. When the falling velocity exceeds
surface than than ice surface when the air tempera- the velocity of rising air currents, they fall downward.
ture ranges between -5 C and -25 C and the difference When the falling crystals pass through a thick layer of

air with temperature more than 0 c, they are changed In clouds with great ver cal thickness and abun-
into raindrops and thus begins rainfall. dant moisture, cloud droplets are repeatedly carried
upward and downward by ascending and descending
Collision-Coalescence Theory air currents. Hence these drops quickly reach the re-
The Coalescence process of rain making was quired size. According to Riehl, the following condi ons
discovered by E. G. Boven of Australia. This process is are helpful for the growth of droplets to the required
applicable only to those clouds which do not extend raindrop size:
beyond the freezing level. (a) Ini ally few condensa on nuclei should
Un l 1940s, it was the common belief that all be present so that there are not too
precipita on originated through the Bergeron process. many compe ng for the available water
Only light drizzle was supposed to come from clouds vapour,
located well below the freezing point. If it were true, (b) Size of the nuclei should cover a good
then substan al precipita on could only be generated range so that different fall veloci es will
from such clouds as extended to such heights where develop.
temperatures would be much below the freezing point.
But this is not true. In the tropics, cumulus clouds with If a cloud contains only very small droplets of
only 2000 m thickness start giving precipita on over uniform size, there will be colloidal stability in it and it
the oceans. The temperature in the uppermost part cannot yield precipita on. This is so because in such a
of these clouds seldom falls below 5°C. It is, there- case all the droplets will descend slowly at a uniform
fore, true that ice par cles contribute li le in the rate. Hence there shall exist li le chance of collision
development of rain drops of sufficient size in such among the drops.
warm clouds. According to some meteorologist occur- Forms of Precipitation:
rence of precipita on from such clouds involves the
collision,coalescence and sweeping of cloud droplets of Precipitated moisture falling on the ground takes
different sizes. Some meteorologist believe that atmo- various forms which depend on the following condi-
spheric turbulence causes collision of cloud droplets. ons : (
Due to collision they coalesce and grow in size. But this a) the temperature at which condensa on
theory suffers from two shortcomings takes place,
(I) collision may cause spli ng and sca er- (b) the condi ons encountered as the par-
ing of clouds droplets rather than their cles pass through the air,
aggrega on due to coalescence, and
(c) the type of clouds and their heights from
(ii) there is li le or o en no precipita on from the ground, and
turbulent clouds.
(d) the processes genera ng precipita on.
Longmuir suggested modifica ons in the above All forms of precipita on regardless of
general coalescence theory. According to him the ter- appearance are collec vely termed ‘hy-
minal veloci es of falling drops are directly related to drometeors’.
their diameters. In other words, larger drops fall with
greater velocity than smaller drops. Thus, large drops Rain : It is “precipita on of liquid water par cles,
absorb smaller droplets. Smaller droplets are also either in the form of drops of more than 0.5 mm diam-
swept by larger droplets. All these lead to increase in eter or in the form of smaller widely sca ered drops”
size of larger droplets which become raindrops which Thus, rain is precipita on of water in liquid state. The
fall as rains because they can’t be held in suspension drops of rain are generally larger than those of drizzle.
by rising air currents. Some mes rain drops may be of drizzle size, but in that
case they are sparse and less in number. Whenever
Since the rate of fall of these unequal par cles the rain drops fall from high-al tude clouds, some of
is different, they collide with each other within the them evaporate while passing through a layer of dry air.
cloud, and the larger drops grow at the expense of On occasions, falling rain drops completely evaporate
the smaller ones. In fact, the rate of growth of falling before reaching the ground. Such streaks of rainfall are
water droplets depends on variables like the size and called virgae, On the contrary, when the precipita on
size distribu on of the drops, and their concentra on process is very ac ve, the lower air is moist and the
in the cloud. clouds are very deep, rainfall is in the form of heavy

downpours. In this type of heavy rains, the raindrops and freezes. These ice pellets rebound when they strike
are larger and more numerous. the hard surfaces. Sleet is commonly associated with
showery condi ons in unstable air, and is formed when
Drizzle : It is “fairly uniform precipita on com- ice par cles and supercooled water droplets are found
posed exclusively of fine drops of water (diameter in close proximity. Some mes sleet may grow into
less than 0.5 mm), very close to one another.” The hailstorms when violent ver cal currents are produced
microscopic water par cles are affected by the slightest in the atmosphere.
irregulari es in air movements. Besides being small in
size, the drops are numerous. They are formed in very Hail : It is “precipita on of small balls or pieces
low stratus-type clouds with a high water content but of ice (hailstones) with a diameter ranging from 5 to
not subject to much li ing. Rela ve humidity in the in- 50 mm or some mes more, falling either separately
tervening layers of air between the cloud base and the or agglomerated into irregular lumps.” Hail is the
ground is o en nearly 100 per cent, so that the small most dreaded and destruc ve form of precipita on
drops never evaporate in their journey. Drizzle is o en produced in violent thunderstorms or cumulonimbus
associated with fog and poor visibility. In some places clouds. Structure of a hailstone resembles that of an
drizzle is o en associated with fog and poor visibility. onion. The hailstones consist of concentric layers of ice
In some places drizzle is called mist. If the droplets in alterna ng with layers of snow. The very structure of a
a drizzle completely evaporate before reaching the hailstone is an indica on of the complex process of its
ground, the condi on is referred to as mist. However, forma on. The strong updra s of air in cumulonimbus
in the Interna onal Codes for weather reports, the clouds carry rain drops to great heights where they get
term ‘mist’ is used when the hydrometeor-mist or fog- frozen into ice crystals. These frozen raindrops have
reduces the horizontal visibility at the earth’s surface to fall down through the layers of cloud to be carried
to not less than 1 km. up again. While falling through the supercooled cloud
droplets, the frozen drops get a coa ng of ice. Since
Snow : It is “precipita on of white and opaque these pellets are li ed up into the layer of cold air and
grains of ice.” In fact, snow is precipita on of solid wa- then dropped again and again, hailstones have concen-
ter, mainly in the form of branched hexagonal crystals tric layers of ice. They may also grow to sufficient size
or stars. Snow consists of a wide variety of crystal forms by a single descent through an updra . The onion-like
of ice. It may fall from pure ice clouds or from such structure is due to varia ons in the rate at which su-
clouds as are formed of supercooled water droplets. percooled droplets accumulate and freeze. Thus, the
Snow flakes result from gravita onal coalescence. The ul mate size of a hailstone depends upon (a) strength
Snowfall occurs when the freezing level is so close to of the updra s, (b) concentra on of supercooled water,
the ground surface (less than 300 m from the surface and (c) total length of its path through cloud.
) that aggrega ons of ice crystals reach the ground
without being melted in a solid form of precipita on as As regards size, hailstones are usually of pea size
snow. In winter, when temperatures are below freezing or even smaller, but in rare cases they a ain the size of
in the whole atmosphere, the ice crystals falling from a baseball. Hailstones can have various kinds of shapes.
the alto-stratus do not melt and reach the ground as They have been found to be conical, ellipsoidal, or
snow. Heaviest snowfall is reported to occur when the amorphous. In each and every hailstone some parts
temperature of air from which snow is falling is not are made up of clear ice, while other parts are milky
much below 0°C, because under such a condi on the ice. The opaqueness is due to the trapped air bubbles.
moisture content is fairly high. The most interes ng Large hailstones are characterized by alterna ng layers
feature of the shape and size of snow flakes is that they of clear and opaque ice.
reflect the processes by which they were formed.
Even though hail is closely associated with
Sleet : In English-speaking countries outside the thunderstorms, the regions where maximum number
United States, sleet refers to precipita on in the form of hailstorms occur do not coincide with regions of
of a mixture of rain and snow. But in American termi- maximum thunderstorm ac vity. For example, thun-
nology, sleet means a form of precipita on consis ng derstorms occur most frequently in the southern
of small pellets of transparent or translucent ice, 5 mm states of the United States, but the greatest number of
or less in diameter. Thus, in America, the term ‘sleet’ hailstorms occur in the Western Great Plains and over
refer to a frozen rain, which forms when rain, while the Great Basin area.
falling to the earth, passes through a layer or cold air

Hail storms seldom occur in the tropics and in (1) the intense hea ng of the surface so as
the higher la tudes. Oceans are also almost free from to expand and raise the lower layer of the
them. In both the hemispheres, areas lying between 30° atmosphere, and
and 60° north and south la tudes have the maximum
(2) abundant supply of moisture in the air to
number of these storms. Oceans are almost free from
provide it with a high rela ve humidity.
strong ver cal convec ve ac vity, hence the absence of
Solar radia on is the main source of heat
hail storms there. Similarly, in polar regions too, there is
to produce convec on currents in the air.
li le convec ve ac vity. In India, the period from March
to May offers the ideal condi ons for hail storms. In Since Convectional precipitation is a warm
mid-la tude spring and early summer are the periods weather phenomenon, it is generally accompanied
when maximum number of hailstorms occur. by thunder, lightning and local winds. Convec onal
precipita on is en rely in the form of rain. There may
The destruc ve effects of hail storms are well
be occasional hail associated with this type of precipi-
known. Standing crops in the field can be devastated in
ta on.
just a few minutes by severe hail storms which means
tremendous economic loss to the farmers. Besides, hail Convec onal rainfall is a warm weather phenom-
is a definite hazard to flying because it causes dam- ena and generally occurs in equatorial region of low
age to aircra s. The most unfortunate aspect of the la tudes where daily hea ng of ground surface upto
hailstorm phenomena is that they are very difficult to noon cuses convec on currents. Under favourable
forecast, par cularly the me and place of their occur- condi ons it can also occur in the low-la tudes and in
rence. All that can be done is to indicate that condi ons the temperate zones in summer. The doldrums invari-
are favourable for hail in a general area. ably gets this type of precipita on. In this belt of calms
lying between the north and south trade winds, the
Types Of Precipitation mid-day witnesses the forma on of clouds, followed in
All precipita on occurs from clouds, and one of the a ernoon or evening by the occurrence of showery
the prerequisite of cloud forma on is the adiaba c rainfall. The clouds dissolve away late in the night, and
cooling resul ng from the upward movement of air. the morning sky is clear. According to W.M. Davis, the
Therefore precipita on is classified on the basis of the large amount of equatorial precipita on is due not only
condi ons under which large masses of moist air are to the ac vity of the convec onal processes on which
actually induced to rise to higher eleva ons. There are it depends, but also and largely to the rapid decrease
three possible ways in which an air mass may be forced of the capacity for water vapour when air cools at high
to rise, and each of these produces its own characteris- temperatures prevailing round the equator.
c type of precipita on. Thus, the following three types Since convec onal precipita on is largely due to
of precipita on are based on the types of ascent and the hea ng of the earth’s surface, the most favourable
the precipita on characteris cs :- condi ons for its occurrence are always found in the
(1) Convec onal precipita on summer months and in the warmer parts of the day.
Though intense hea ng of land surfaces is of great im-
(2) Orographic precipita on portance, it should not be taken to be the only factor.
(3) Cyclonic or Frontal precipita on Ver cal air currents and turbulence as well as surface
obstruc ons such as hills, mountains, etc. may provide
(1) Convec onal precipita on: In this type the ini al upward push for the air that already tends to
of precipita on, the actua ng force is the thermal be unstable. This type of precipita on is of a very short
convec on of warm and moist air masses. Therefore dura on and consists of heavy showers.
in order to cause precipita on two condi ons are
necessary :

Convec ve precipita on and its effect: In to rise and thereby cooled. The moisture, therefore, is
equatorial region there is daily rainfall because of this condensed and precipitated as rain or snow. However,
even if much of the rainfall becomes surface runoff the process of orographic precipita on is not that
and is drained off in the form of overland flow to the simple .
streams but s ll there is sufficient moisture in the soils. Once the air has been ini ally pushed upward
So, convec ve rainfall supports luxurious rainforests and condensa on starts, the stage has been set for the
in the equatorial regions. Outside equatorial regions origin of convec on currents. Beyond the condensa-
convec ve rainfall is of li le significance to crop growth on level, the latent heat of condensa on reduces the
because most of the water is drained to the streams adiaba c lapse rate and the ascending air becomes
through surface runoff which causes severe rill and unstable and con nues its ascent un l its temperature
gully erosion resul ng in to enormous loss of loose sils. equals that of the surrounding air. The mountain bar-
But in case of temperate regions it is not in the form of riers produce only the trigger effect.
heavy showers rather it is slow and of longer dura on
so that most of the rainwater infiltrates into the soil. In Orographic precipita on occurs far inland also
case of hot deserts it is regular and sudden. where the elevated land masses rise above the sur-
rounding country in the path of moisture-bearing air
(2) Orographic precipita on : When moun- masses. It usually takes the form of either rain or snow.
tains or highlands ac ng as barriers to the flow of air Wherever the mountain ranges obstruct the path of
force it to rise, the air cools adiaba cally and clouds moisture-bearing winds and force them to ascend, the
and precipita on may result. This precipita on thus maximum precipita on always occurs on the windward
obtained is referred to as orographic (from Greek : oros slope. On the other side of these physical barriers, the
= a mountain). This type of precipita on is commonly amount of precipita on abruptly decreases. Thus, on
occur on the windward sides of mountain ranges lying the leeward slopes of these mountain ranges, there
across the path of prevailing terrestrial winds where always exists a rela vely dry area, which is known as
those winds pass from the rela vely warmer ocean to the rain shadow zone.
the land. A er striking the high land, the air is forced

There are many extensive regions that are found eleva on at which maximum condensa on takes place
in rain shadows. The cause of these rain shadows is es mated to be about 1200 meters. Because of their
may easily be found out. The moist air ascends on the loca on in the higher la tudes, the maximum conden-
windward side and its moisture is precipitated, but on sa on in the Alps occurs at about 2000 meters. It may
crossing the peak of the range, no li ing occurs. Hence also be noted that the effect of orographic upli is felt
there is only a li le rainfall, residual of the previous some distance away from the physical barrier, such as
condensa on. Another reason for the existence of rain- a mountain range or a steep escarpment of a plateau.
shadow areas is that the descending wind is heated This is so because the mass of stagnant air in front of
by compression and becomes more unfavourable for the barrier has a blocking effect, and the rain-bearing
precipita on. In India the south-west monsoon gives wind has to ascend the wind block.
copious rainfall on the windward slope of the Western CONDITIONS FOR THE OROGRAPHHIC RAINFALL
Ghats, whereas on the leeward side there are extensive
rain shadow areas. (i) There should be mountain barrier across
the wind direc on, so that the moist air is
Another salient feature of orographic precipita- forced nobstruc on to move upward. If the
on is the inversion of rainfall. An air stream approach- mountain barriers are parallel to the wind
ing the mountain ranges is given an upli by the air direc on, the air is not obstructed and
masses lying close to them. Therefore the amount of no rainfall occurs. For example, Aravalis
precipita on starts increasing some distance away from ranges running in southwest-northeast
the mountains. There is a con nuous increase in pre- direc on are parallel to the Arabian sea
cipita on on the windward slope or onward slope upto Branch of south-west Indain monsoon
a certain height beyond which it starts diminishing. and hence Rajasthan receives very less
This happens when height of the mountains exceeds rainfall.
the inversion layer so region of the mountain above
this height is not accessible for cloud this makes even (ii) If the mountains are very close and parallel
upper region of windward slope dry. This is called the to the sea coast they offer ideal condi on
‘inversion of rainfall. for precipita on.

In mountainous regions, precipitation is not (iii) Height of mountain also affect the rainfall,
en rely due to the direct effect of upli , but there are If the mountains are very close to the
indirect effects as well. In day me, there are convec- coast even low height may be sufficient
onal currents set up in the air because of the hea ng but for inland mountains more height is
of mountain slopes and valleys. Besides, the belt of required.
heaviest precipita on is determined by the la tude, Characterisics:
season and exposure. In the Himalayan ranges the

(i) The windward slope,receives maximum away from from the Himalayan region
rainfall . For example, Mangalore situated receive rela vely low rainfall e.g Patna
in the windward side receives annual rain- 1000mm, Allahabad 1050mm and Delhi
fall of around 2000mm while Bangalore on 650mm.
the leeward side receives only 500mm.
(iii) If the mountains are of moderate height,
(ii) There is maximjum rainfall near the moun- the maximum rainfall does not occur at
tain slopes and it decreases away from their tops rather it occurs on the other
the foothills. For example, the ci es and side.
towns located at the southern slopes of
(iv) The windward slopes of the mountains at
the Himalayas receive more rainfall e.g.
the me of rainfall are characterized by
Simla 1520mm, Nainital 2000mm, and
cumulus clouds while leeward slopes have
Darzeeling 3150mm whereas the places
stratus clouds.

(v) Orographic rainfall may occur in any sea- ing of the air masses with en rely different physical
son. Unlike other rainfall it is more wide- proper es, the atmosphere becomes unstable. When
spread and of long dura on. this happens, the stage for large-scale condensa on
and precipita on has been set. If an addi onal process
is in opera on so that the rain drops of the required
(vi) It should be kept in mind that orographic size are formed, the precipita on results. There is two
rainfall is not induced only by the li ing of types of cyclonic precipita on based on two different
moist air due to mountain barrier but con- mechanisms.
vec ve and cyclonic mechanisms also help
in the process of orographic rainfall. For ex- Cyclonic precipitaƟon in tropical regions.
ample, in warm regions valleys are heated When currents of air with differing temperature and
during day me and hence winds are also moisture content meet at an angle, the warm and moist
heated and ascend along the hillslopes in air will be forced to rise over the heavier air (which al-
the form of convec on currents and yield ways remains in the lower posi on). In addi on, when
rainfall a er being saturated. Some mes air masses from different direc ons converge toward
forward moving cyclones are also forced to a centre, as is always the case in cyclonic circula on,
ascend along the hillslope due to obstruc- some of the air is forced up. In both these cases of
ons offered by mountain barriers. convergence, cloudiness and precipita on result.

(4) Cyclonic or frontal precipita on : Cy- In tropical regions, where there is no marked con-
clonic or frontal precipita on occurs when deep and trast in the temperature and humidity of the converging
extensive moist air masses converge and move upward air masses, the li ing is almost ver cal and is gener-
resul ng into adiaba c cooling. Whenever there is li - ally accompanied by convec on. In such a condi on,

convergence provides the ini al impetus to the upward zonal arrangement of the distribu on of precipita on
movement of convec vely unstable air masses and is disturbed. These addi onal factors include convec-
causes cumulo-nimbus clouds and heavy showers. on, land form barriers, etc. Since the equatorial belt
of calm or the doldrums represents the convergence
Frontal precipitaƟon in temperate re- zone of north and south trade winds, the la tudinal
gions. In temperate regions, the zones of contact belt of maximum precipita on is found near the equa-
between rela vely warm and cold air masses are known tor. Along with the seasonal shi ing of doldrums, the
as fronts. Frontal precipita on occurs when the warm trade wind convergence zone moves north or south
and moist air gradually rises above the front created of the equator.
by contact with the wedge of cold air. In stable air
In the subtropical high pressure belts, there is
convergence is generally a ended by stra form clouds
subsidence of air which gives rise to an cyclonic con-
providing a gray overcast sky and steady long-con nued
di ons on the surface of the earth. This is, therefore,
precipita on. However, the principal cause of frontal
the zone of minimum rainfall. In these la tudes, the
precipita on is the mixing of air along the fronts .
atmospheric stability does not encourage the cloud
Frontal precipita on along the warm fronts is forma on, so that there is no precipita on.
usually in the form of drizzle. Another characteris c of From the subtropical high pressure belt poleward
this type of precipita on is that it is widespread and there are belts of westerlies in both the hemispheres.
of long dura on. When associated with cold fronts, it In these belts the cold polar winds meet the warm
is always in the form of thunder-showers and is of a moist tropical air masses along the polar fronts. These
very short dura on. Some em i may also occur in fronts witness the forma on of a number of cyclones
the form of snowfall and hailstorm. This is because of and an cyclones. Annual average precipita on in the
the fact that li ing of warm air along cold front occurs mid-la tude convergence zone varies from 100 to 125
rapidly with great force. cen meters. In the belt of polar easterlies, because of
In Europe and North America, most of the winter subsidence there is much less precipita on. Moreover,
precipita on is frontal in origin. Winter precipita on low temperature diminishes the moisture holding capa-
in the northern part of India is a typical example of city of air which also accounts for the lesser amount
cyclonic precipita on. of precipita on. From 75° north and south la tudes
poleward the mean annual precipita on decreases to
Distribution Of Precipitation about 25 cen meters.
The world pa ern of the distribu on of precipita- ConƟnents and oceans. The distribu on of
on is undoubtedly complex. La tude, temperature, land and water imposes an important influence upon
available moisture, atmospheric disturbances, land- precipita on in the middle and high la tudes. Though
form barriers, frontal ac vity, air mass movement, and situated in the same la tudes, the con nents receive
differen al hea ng are some of the factors involved in less precipita on than the oceans, for the con nental
causing precipita on. Before analysing the world distri- air masses are drier than the mari me air masses.
bu on of mean annual precipita on, a brief discussion Though 71 per cent of the earth’s surface is water and
of the principal factors affec ng the distribu on of only 29 per cent land, it has been es mated that 19
precipita on is necessary. per cent of the earth’s total annual precipita on falls
Factors Controlling Distribution on land surfaces and the remaining 81 percent on the
LaƟtude. La tudinal belts of atmospheric con-
vergence and divergence exercise maximum control Interior loca ons on the con nents, being far
over the distribu on of precipita on. As noted earlier, away from the source of oceanic moisture, receive
adiaba c cooling of air masses is the most important rela vely less precipita on than coastal areas.
causa ve factor of precipita on and condensa on.
The coastal areas which lie directly in the path of
Upward movement of air is possible in the zones of con-
moisture- laden on-shore winds naturally get greater
vergence of air streams. That is why the convergence
rainfall. On the other hand, such coastal areas as have
zones are the belts of maximum precipita on. On the
off-shore winds are deprived of the oceanic moisture
contrary, in la tudes where subsidence and divergence
and so get scanty rainfall.
are pronounced, areas of minimum precipita on are
found. Since there are other factors besides horizontal Mountain barriers. Mountain barriers force
convergence which force the air masses to rise, the the moisture- bearing winds to ascend, so that con-

densa on and precipita on occur. The precipita on the windward slopes of mountain ranges and low on
is concentrated on the windward slopes, and a rain the leeward slopes.
shadow is produced on the leeward. All over the world,
wherever the prevailing winds blowing from the oceans Equatorial and desert regions : The equato-
to the land are blocked by mountain ranges or plateaus, rial zone is generally an area of abundant precipita-
copious rainfall results on the windward slopes. Even on (over 200 cen meters annually). This high level
in tropical regions, orographic li ing is one of the main of precipita on is due to the equatorial belt’s high
factors for record annual rainfalls. However, upper-air temperature, high humidity and highly unstable air.
subsidence, as in tradewind inversion, is not conducive The trade winds from both the hemispheres converge
to precipita on at high al tudes. and give rise to a general upward mo on of air. The
ascending air currents become intensified locally in the
The summer monsoon in India produces heavy tropical storms that produce abundant precipita on in
rainfall on the southern slopes of the Himalayas. The the Caribbean, the southwest Pacific Ocean, the Indian
areas to the north of the Himalayan ranges are deprived Ocean and the China Sea. Over the land areas, most of
of precipita on. Similarly, the western slopes of the the precipita on occurs from the thunderstorms that
Western Ghats receive about 200 to 250 cen meters are very frequent and ac ve in the equatorial regions.
of precipita on from the south-west monsoon, while It is to be noted that a larger part of the precipita on
the state of Karnatak and other adjoining areas being in this region falls as heavy intermi ent convec ve
in the rain-shadow receive only a meagre rainfall and showers accompanied by thunder and lightning.
remain prac cally dry. The Atlas mountains of Africa,
the Andes mountain ranges along the coasts of Chile During the course of a year, the doldrums is
and Argen na, the Southern Alps of New Zealand and displaced toward the summer hemisphere with the
the mountain ranges of Western North America offer result that outside a central region near the equator,
the best examples of the effects of mountain barriers which gets abundant precipita on at all seasons, there
on precipita on distribu on. The ver cal distribu on is a zone where summer is rainier than the winter. The
of precipita on is also controlled by the mountains, result is a rainy summer and a dry winter. The dry sea-
which has already been discussed in connec on with son towards the poleward side of the equatorial belt
orographic precipita on. becomes progressively longer and more severe. These
la tudinal contrasts are less prominent on the eastern
Distribution of Mean Annual side of a con nent.
Reason for most desert found in western side of
The average annual precipita on over the whole con nent in subtropical high belt while eastern part
earth is about 80 cen meters (30 inches), but this is receive abundant rainfall:
distributed very unevenly. Equatorial regions and the
It is in the subtropical high pressure belts that
monsoon areas of Southeast Asia record the highest
the most notable breakdown in the zonal distribu on
rainfall. Temperate regions, on the other hand, receive
of precipita on occurs. Here are found not only many
moderate amounts of precipita on. The dry regions of
of the world’s largest hot deserts, but also the regions
subtropical high pressure belt and polar regions receive
of abundant rainfall. This is so because the eastern
li le precipita on.
and western parts of the semi-permanent subtropical
If the earth’s surface were perfectly uniform, the an cyclones have different characteris cs. Dry areas
mean annual rainfall would be distributed in dis nct of the subtropics, such as the desert regions of North
la tudinal zones. But the pa ern of global circula on Africa, South Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Australia
of wind, the distribu on of land and water, and the and Central South America owe their existence due
mountains make the distribu on pa ern of precipita- to these an cyclones in which the air subsides and is
on a li le more complicated. In subtropical regions, adiaba cally warmed. On the eastern side of the sub-
the trade winds blowing from across the warm tropical tropical oceanic highs, subsidence is more pronounced
oceans bring abundant precipita on to the east coasts and a strong inversion exists very near the surface
of the con nents. On the contrary, the west coasts re- which results in atmospheric stability.
main prac cally dry. In high la tudes, the west coasts
Besides, the upwelling of cold water along the
get more precipita on than the east coasts. But even
west coasts of the con nents cools the air from be-
in these la tudes, precipita on tends to be high on
low and increases the stability on the eastern sides of

these an cyclones. Since these an cyclones are found Zonal Distribution of Mean Annual
on the eastern side of an ocean, the western sides Precipitation
of the con nents in the vicinity of these subtropical
Facts regarding Rainfall distribu on:
highs tend to become very arid. The Sahara Desert
(North Africa), the Atacama (South America), and (1) Maximum precipita on occurs in a belt
the Great Desert (Australia) are typical examples. On about 10 to 20 degrees wide near the
the contrary, the eastern regions of the con nents in equator. The average precipitation is
the sub-tropical high pressure belt receive abundant about 160 cen meters.
precipita on throughout the year. The reason is simple
(2) At la tudes about 20 to 30° North and
; on the western side of these subtropical an cyclones,
South are found the belts of lower precipi-
subsidence is not so marked as on the eastern side, and
ta on. The mean annual precipita on is
the convergence with associated ascending air is more
about 80 to 90 cen meters. In this belt of
pronounced. In addi on to the above, the trade winds
subtropical an cyclones, the air subsides
blowing over a vast expanse of warm water pick up
and so it becomes warm and dry.
more moisture from the ocean surface and this makes
them more unstable. The interiors of con nents in the (3) In la tude zones extending from 40 to 55°
subtropics which are sheltered by mountain ranges are North and South the mean annual precipi-
also very dry. ta on varies from 80 to 120 cen meters.
This is the secondary belt of maximum
Middle and high la tudes : In middle la tudes, precipita on in both the hemispheres. In
the weather and precipita on are largely controlled by this belt mostly cyclonic ac vity accounts
travelling extra- tropical cyclones and fronts. These give for the heavy amount of precipita on.
plenty of rain in all seasons and in most places except
for the regions located in the far interiors of the Asian (4) There is an abrupt diminution in the
and North American con nents. Generally summer is amount of precipita on in both the hemi-
the season of more abundant rainfall, but on the west spheres from about 50 to 55° la tudes
coasts of North America, Europe and North Africa, pre- reaching the primary zonal minima of less
cipita on is higher during the winter. The midla tudes than 15 cen meters in the polar regions.
receive a larger part of precipita on from the travelling (5) Total annual precipita on is the same
depressions. Since this region is the site of the polar for both the hemispheres. However, there
front, there is convergence of cold polar air and the are certain disimilari es in the zonal dis-
warm and moist westerlies. It is along the polar front tribu on of precipita on in the northern
that temperate cyclones o en form. However, because and southern hemispheres : (a) La tudes
of the seasonal migra on 0 to 10° North have more precipita on
than la tudes 0 to 10°S. This is because
of wind belts, a narrow belt between 30 and of the fact that intertropical convergence
40 degree la tudes experiences a marked seasonal is more extensive in the north than in
variability in precipita on. During winter, this nar- the south of the equator. Besides, for a
row zone is visited by a number of depressions as the greater part of the year, the ITC is located
polar front moves equatorward, and these moving to the north of the equator, (b) the belt
depressions produce frontal precipita on. But during extending from 40 to 60° South la tude
summer, this belt is marked by subsiding air associated receives much greater precipita on than
with subtropical an cyclones and, hence, there is li le the corresponding belt in the northern
precipita on . hemisphere. This is because of the larger
At high la tudes and especially in the polar re- propor on of ocean in this la tudinal belt
gions the low precipita on is due partly to the subsid- in the southern hemisphere.
ence of air in the high pressure belts and partly to the (6) Despite the preponderance of land
low temperatures of the air which holds li le moisture. masses in the northern hemisphere,the
Throughout the year there is only meagre precipita on average annual precipita on for both the
in this region. Even in the summer, these snowbound hemispheres remains the same. Almost
areas are dominated by the an cyclonic condi ons that 50 per cent of the total precipita on falls
block the movement of poleward travelling depressions between 20° N and 20° S la tudes. In this
that are few in number. extensive belt the propor on of land in

both the hemispheres is the same. doldrums is located closest to the belt of
maximum insola on. This results in the
Seasonal Variation of Precipitation greatest convective activity and heavy
or Rainfall Regime precipita on. In winter, when the sun is on
Besides the mean annual precipita on, its sea- the opposite side of the equator, the dol-
sonal varia on is important for classifying the climate drums moves far away. At this me, under
of a par cular region. There are certain areas in the the influence of subtropical high- pressure
equatorial regions where rainfall is heavy and occurs belt, the amount of precipita on recorded
throughout the year, and other areas within the tropics is the least. In excep onal cases, there
with alternate wet and dry seasons. In the temperate may be areas where the mountain barriers
regions, the west coasts of the con nents receive force the on-shore trade winds to rise and
most of the their precipitation in winter, and the produce heavy rainfall on their windward
summer is mainly dry. The interiors of the con nents sides. Since trade winds are stronger in
have a summer maximum of precipita on in the form winter than in summer, such areas have
of thundershowers, but their winters are almost dry. the maximum precipita on in the low-sun
The eastern coasts of the con nents get a fairly even period. Such areas lack dry season.
distribu on of rainfall throughout the year with the (3) Monsoon regime: The seasonal varia-
maximum usually in summer. tion of precipitation in the monsoon
Seasonal varia on of precipita on is referred to regions is more dis nct than anywhere
as precipitaƟon regime in climatological terminology. else. The moisture- laden prevailing winds
There are six major precipita on regimes which are from the warm oceans produce the sum-
described here briefly : mer maximum of preci pita on. On the
contrary, in winter the cool and dry off
(1) Equatorial regime: This regime has two shore winds that are con nental in origin
precipita on maxima a er the vernal and give li le or no precipita on. In the nor
autumnal equinoxes. On the other hand, thern hemisphere, the rains fall from June
there are two precipita on minima a er to September in India and along the east
the winter and summer sols ces. Equato- coast of China and the South east Asia.
rial rains are caused by the convergence The distribu on of precipita on in the
of trade winds in the doldrums which fol- monsoon region is largely controlled by
low the sun in its yearly shi on both the the mountain barriers .
sides of the equator. Therefore the zone
of maximum precipita on follows the sun (4) Mediterranean (subtropical) regime:
also. Besides, the maximum amount of Because of the seasonal shi ing of the
insola on is received from the sun at the permanent wind belts, the polar margins
me of sols ce, which gives rise to strong of subtropical belts come under the influ-
vertical convectional currents. These ence of the prevailing westerlies in winter
currents contribute substan ally to the and trade winds during summer. Therefore
equatorial rains. this regime has winter precipita on. Sum-
mer is the dry season. However, owing to
This precipita on regime is found between the monsoon effect, the east coasts of the
10° north and south of the equator. As the con nents do not have this type of regime.
distance from the equator increases, the There summer is the wet season.
two precipita on maxima come closer and
ul mately at the extreme limit of this belt, (5) ConƟnental regime: It has precipita on
there is only one precipita on maximum. in summer when the convec ve ac vity
Seasonal wind changes also play an impor- due to surface hea ng is at its maximum.
tant role in this precipita on regime. This regime is found in the interior of the
con nents. In winter, the an cyclonic con-
(2) Tropical regime: This precipita on re- di ons do not favour the release of pre-
gime has only one rainfall maximum. cipita on. Another important factor is the
The maximum amount of precipita on is low temperature of the air which reduces
recorded just a er the summer sols ce the air’s capacity to hold more moisture.
in each hemisphere. At this time the

The maximum of precipita on occurs in of departures from these two types are observed.
the high sun period and the minimum in There are many local factors, such as the form of coast-
winter. However, the dry period during line, the topography of coastal areas, the presence of
winter is not so pronounced over the con- rivers, lakes and irrigated fields, etc. which influence
nental interiors in middle la tudes as in the diurnal cycle of precipita on.
the monsoon regions. Winter gets a li le
The con nental type has its maximum of pre-
precipita on from the travelling depres-
cipita on during the late morning or a ernoon. In this
type topography is the main cause of local differences
(6) Maritime regime: Since winter is the in diurnal varia on. The maximum amount of pre-
period of maximum cyclonic ac vity, the cipita on falling in the a ernoon is mainly due to the
temperate regions record the winter maxi- convec ve ac vity which over land areas is strongest
mum of precipita on over the oceans and in the early a ernoon. Thus, there is a tendency to
the adjoining coastal regions. In winter, the produce a precipita on maximum about the warmer
contrast between the temperature and part of day. Since convec on is more vigorous during
moisture content of different air masses is summer than during winter, some inland loca ons have
greatest, therefore, the maximum number mari me diurnal regime in winter and con nental re-
of cyclones develop along the polar fronts. gime in summer. In the tropics, because of the intensity
Since the mari me air masses have higher of solar radia on and the greatest convec ve ac vity,
temperature and moisture content during there occurs the most pronounced a ernoon maxima
late autumn than the midwinter, so the au- of precipita on.
tumn is rainier than the winter. This type of
precipita on regime is found in the most Convec onal showers over some areas are pro-
developed form along the west coasts of duced much earlier than over others. This is due to
the temperate zone. The east coasts in the varia ons in slope and exposure to the prevailing
the same la tudes get a larger propor on or local winds. Drainage condi ons, moisture of soil,
of precipita on in summer. Prevailing colour of the surface or types of vegeta on may also
westerlies are the primary control of cause varia ons in the diurnal precipita on regime.
mari me precipita on regime. That is why most of the inland sta ons have a dis nct
precipita on minimum in the morning and a maximum
The above account of the seasonal distribu on in the a ernoon.
of precipita on presents an oversimplified and gen-
eralized picture. In fact, each precipita on type is lo- The maritime or coastal type shows a maxi-
cally modified in various ways and because of various mum of precipita on during the night or in the early
clima c factors. hours of morning. This type of varia on is caused by
nocturnal convec on. This is because of a steepened
Diurnal Variation of Precipitation lapse rate. During night, the upper troposphere cools
off by radia on losses, mainly from cloud tops, while
Even though the seasonal distribu on of pre- the surface layers of atmosphere lying in close contact
cipita on is an important a ribute of the climate of with the water surface remain warm. Thus, the ver -
a region, its diurnal varia on is no less important a cal temperature gradient is greater at night. On the
clima c feature. It affects communica on, controls the other hand, during day the lower layers of atmosphere
weather condi ons and many other outdoor ac vi es. are warmed up by directly absorbing the solar radia-
The diurnal cycle of precipita on influences the pre- on, while the water surface is heated slowly. Thus,
cipita on effec veness in agriculture, because a large atmospheric stability is created at low levels which is
part of the rainfall during the warmer part of the day opposed to precipita on. As a result of this, convec ve
is lost through the process of evapora on. ac vity over the ocean is greater at night than during
Two main types of diurnal varia on of precipita- the day.
on can be recognised : However, the two types of diurnal precipita on
(a) con nental or inland type, and regime are seldom found in ideal form except only at a
few sta ons. Local factors strongly modify the diurnal
(b) mari me or coastal type. precipita on distribu on.
Like the annual varia on of precipita on, all sorts

Precipitation Variability cen meters in just 152 days-a fact which indicates
higher intensity.
The reliability or dependability of precipita on is
closely related to its variability. The variability is defined Artificial Precipitation
as the ra o of the mean of devia ons from the mean
(averaged without regard to sign) to the mean itself. Ar ficial precipita on does not mean precipita-
According to Trewartha “variability may be defined as on from ar ficially created clouds. Science has not
the devia on from the mean computed for 35 years developed to that state when it may be possible to
or more of observa ons”. A low ra o indicates a high create ar ficial rain giving clouds at the desired me
degree of dependability, and a high ra o indicates an and place. As a ma er of fact, ar ficial precipita on is a
erra c behaviour. process whereby precipita on is procured by ar ficially
satura ng a special type of cloud. Ar ficial precipita on
Thus, variability of precipita on indicates the de- is, therefore, also called the ar ficial ‘seeding’ of the
via on of mean annual precipita on of a certain area clouds. It may also be referred to as ar ficial ‘modifica-
from its average amount calculated for a long period of on’ of clouds.
me. The average amount of precipita on in a certain
area or region differs from year to year, and it invari- Clouds consist of ny droplets of water which are
ably differs from its long- term mean. This difference generally so light in weight and small in size that they
is called the variability of precipita on. are withheld by the updra s of air in the atmosphere.
Such microscopically small cloud-droplets are not ca-
For various regions of the world, we find signi- pable of falling on the surface of the earth. But when
ficant varia ons in the amount of precipita on, re- these cloud par cles by various processes coalesce and
ceived both in a par cular year and between different grow larger in size, they start falling on the ground in
years. We have noted earlier in this chapter that in the the form of precipita on. Therefore ar ficial precipita-
Mediterranean regions, there is more precipita on on involves the joining together of microscopic cloud
during the low sun period than during the high sun par cles so that they may grow in size and ul mately
period. Similarly, areas lying between 10° and 20° la - fall to the ground by their own weight.
tude get more precipita on in summer than in winter.
Drier a place is on the average, the greater will be the TECHNIQUES OF CLOUD
staƟsƟcal variability in its precipitaƟon. In dry areas, SEEDING
there may be a year with very high amount of rainfall,
but for several years the amount of precipita on may Drooping dry ice on cloud. Many a me the dry-
be much below the average. ice technique succeeded in releasing precipita on from
certain special types of clouds.
The variability of precipitation is significant
in those semi-arid regions where the total annual Soon after the above discovery, B. Vonnegut
amounts of precipita on in normal years are just suf- (1949), another American scien st, found out another
ficient for agricultural pursuits. In such areas of mar- technique of ar ficial precipita on. His notable discov-
ginal rainfall, a slight decrease in the annual totals may ery was that at temperatures below -5° Celsius silver
prove disastrous. While preparing plans for agricultural iodide could also be used for cloud seeding. The fine
development, this crucial aspect of the distribuƟon of powder of silver iodide acts as nuclei which produce ice
precipitaƟon merits special aƩenƟon. crystals. Silver iodide smoke is introduced into suitable
clouds by aeroplanes or by the use of explosive rockets
Intensity of precipitation or balloons. Even from a series of burners placed on
Intensity of precipita on is yet another important the ground a con nuous silver iodide smoke screen can
aspect of the total amount of precipita on, which be sent up to the clouds for their seeding. The special
equally affects the farming opera ons. The intensity of characteris c of silver iodide is that when it is heated
precipita on can be measured by the number of rainy to a very high temperature, it converts into vapour.
days (days on which 0.01 inch or more of precipita on A er cooling the vapour produces ny crystals of 0.01
falls). For example, the mean annual precipita on of to 0.01 micron diameter. When such crystals are intro-
65 cen meters in London is received in 164 days. This duced into the supercooled clouds, the en re cloud
indicates that the intensity of precipita on at that is immediately converted into ice-clouds. Acetone, a
locality is less. Cherrapunji (Mausinram), on the other highly inflammable chemical is used for burning the
hand, receives its total precipita on of about 1100 silver iodide solu on. However, it is to be noted that

its use for ar ficial precipita on is effec ve only in to increase the propor on of large nuclei to s mulate
such clouds as have poten al-li es for precipita on raindrop produc on in a cloud.
in natural way.
To summarize, the process of ar ficial rainmaking
Another technique of inducing ar ficial precipita- through cloud seeding consists of introducing ar ficial
on is based on Bowen’s Coalescence Theory, his pro- nuclea on agents into supercooled clouds. Whatever
cess relies upon Ludlam’s (1951) Double Sweep Theory, the ul mate success with the above men oned tech-
and is applicable to warm clouds. By this method water niques, there are two fundamental considera ons
droplets of about 50 micron diameter are sprayed into which must not be lost sight of:
the lower layers of deep clouds so that they may grow
(1) The clouds of great vertical extent must
by sweeping up microscopic cloud par cles during their
pre-exist before any rainmaking device is applied to
upward and downward movements.
S ll another technique for ge ng the release
(2) According to Best and Mason, cloud seeding
of precipita on from non-precipita ng clouds is the
cannot unlock the reserves of water vapour in the
injecƟon of finely ground salt. These par cles act as hy-
atmosphere, since none of the seeding techniques
groscopic nuclei. Since these nuclei are always present
contains any mechanism for renewing the cloud.
in adequate number, this technique simply a empts

FOG Byer’s classifica on : The following is the modi-
fied form of Wille ’s classifica on of fog:
Fog is defined as special type of thin cloud consist-
ing of microscopically small water droplets which are (A) Air-mass fogs :
kept in suspension in the air near the ground surface (1) Advec ve types;
and reduces horizontal visibility. Some mes a con nu- (a) Types due to the transport of warm air over
ous grada on exists from the thick fogs into low-lying a cold surface,
clouds. Byers Fog is also defined as almost microscopi-
cally small water drops suspended in air and reducing (i) Land-and Sea-breeze fog
the visibility to less than one kilometer’. For avia on (ii) Sea fog
purposes, the repor ng of fog is done only when the
visibility is less than 9km. (iii) Tropical-air fog

Fog occurs during the calm or light wind con- (b) Types due to the transport of cold air over
di ons. It is more common in the vicinity of ocean a warm surface Steam fogs (Arc c sea
where there is an abundant supply of moisture near smoke)
the earth’s surface than inland. In most locali es fog (2) Radia on types :
is more common during winter than summer. It is rela- (a) Ground fog
vely uncommon in the tropical lands.
(b) High-inversion fog
Essen al difference between clouds and Fog: (3) Advec on-radia on fog
Fog and cloud present very li le difference in respect (4) Upslope fog
of their appearance and structure, because both of
them are a visible aggregate of microscopically small (B) Frontal fogs:
water droplets floa ng in the atmosphere. The only (1) Pre-frontal (warm-front) fog
difference between them is that while the fog forms (2) Post-frontal (cold-front) fog
at or near the ground, clouds form at much higher al- (3) Front-passage fog
tudes. In fact, the essen al difference between these Trewartha’s classifica on : This classifica on is
two condensa on forms lies in the method and places mainly based on Wille ’s classifica on :—
of forma on rather than in structure and appearance.
Clouds are formed when air rises, expands and cools (A) Radiation fogs
adiaba cally. Fog, on the other hand, forms as a result (1) Ground-inversion fog
of radia on cooling or the movement of air over a cold (2) High-inversion fog
surface. Fog may also form through cooling of the air (B) Advection-radiation fog
by contact and mixing, or through satura on of the air
(1) Sea fog (warm moist air moves over colder
by increasing its water vapour content.
Classification of Fog (2) Moist tropical air-mass fog
(C) Frontal fog
Weather scien sts have given numerous classi-
fica ons of fog. Generally the following are the bases In the above classification upslope fogs have
of their classifica on : not been included. It has also not been clarified as to
which types of fog form in a single air mass and which
(1) Fog producing processes,
types occur along the fronts where two different air
(2) Atmospheric visibility, and masses meet.
(3) Appearance. Critchfield’s classification : Even though the
(1) Classification According to classifica on is also based on the physical processes
Processes leading to the origin of fogs, they have been placed in
two broad categories which indicate the evapora on
Willet classifica on fog into two major categories: and cooling processes.
(a) Air mass fog and (b)frontal fog.

(1) Fogs resul ng from evapora on ; layers and prevent fog forma on.
(a) Steam fog This type of fog requires long winter nights
(b) Frontal fog and cloudless skies for maximum cooling of the
(2) Fogs resul ng from cooling : ground,adjacent air at night and ground inversion of
temperature. Rela ve humidity at sunset should be
(a) Radia on fog high, so that even a small amount of cooling will lower
(b) Advec on fog the temperature to the dew point. A light wind of 3 to
5 km per hour velocity is ideal, because it s rs the cold
(c) Upslope fog
air in contact with the ground and sca ers it sufficiently
(d) Mixing fog so that a solid fog layer 10 to 30 m thick is produced.
(e) Barometric fog Since cold air flows to the lowest point, the radia-
on fog is thickest in the low areas or valleys. As soon
George’s classifica on. George classified fog for
as the sun comes up the horizon and has warmed the
its prac cal applica on in weather forecas ng, though
earth’s surface, the radia on fog disappears. The fog is
he also had in mind the physical processes responsible
then said to ‘li ’ or ‘burn off. Actually the fog par cles
for the forma on of fog :
consis ng of microscopic water droplets evaporate as
1. Prefrontal (warm front) fog the temperature of the air is increased. Since a er sun-
2. Pos rontal (cold front) fog rise the surface air warms first, so the fog evaporates
3. Advec on fog from the bo om up, giving the impression of li ing.
4. Radia on fog The remnant part of the fog may appear to be a low
5. Radia on-advec on fog white cloud layer.
Since this classifica on was made for the purpose It is to be noted that radia on fogs form only
of weather-forecas ng, Different types and subtypes of over the land. On the oceans, the diurnal range of
fog have not been discussed in detail. Therefore it Joes temperature being negligible such fogs are always
not throw light on different fog producing processes. absent. In the con nental interiors, when an cyclones
1. Simplified Classification are formed, ideal condi ons exist for the forma on of
radia on fogs.
Keeping in view the complexisi es of the above
classifica ons, an a empt has been made to classify 2.Advection fog
fog in such a way as to provide a clear understanding of ‘Advec on’ implies the horizontal movement of
various fog producing processes. It also aims at remov- wind. The advec on fogs form when warm, moist air
ing confusion about types and subtypes of fog : blows over a cool surface and is chilled below its dew
Air mass fog : This type of fog forms within air point. Mo on is implied in the forma on of this type
masses and is not affected by the frontal ac vity. How- of fogs.
ever, certain types of air mass fog may be related to This type of fog may be produced by any of the
frontal ac vity. Three main types of air mass fogs may two processes given below : (a) Cold air may pass across
be recognised according to the chief meteorological fog the warmer air prevailing over there, (b) Warm moist
forming processes. They are radia on fog, advec on air may pass over a cold surface and become chilled by
fog and upslope fog. contact and by mixing with the cold air lying over the
1.Radiation fog cold surface beneath.
Horizontal contrast in temperature is the most
It is also called the ground fog. It forms when calm
important factor in the forma on of advec on fog.
moist air cools near ground by nocturnal radia on.
In summer, advec on fogs are more common over
If the air is completely calm, then instead of fog only
large lakes or over the oceans because of the greater
dew or frost is produced. A light wind is a necessary
horizontal temperature contrasts over these large
condi on for the forma on of fog, because it produces
water bodies. Dense fogs near Newfoundland offer
slight turbulence in the air near the ground. A certain
the best example of this type. But over lands such fogs
amount of mixing is necessary, which produces a thick
are more common in winter, because the horizontal
layer of fog. If the wind happens to be strong, it will
temperature contrasts are greater over con nents in
distribute the excess water vapour into upper warmer
this season. Such fogs form on the western sea coasts

in the temperate la tudes. because the la tudinal temperature gradient
is greater over the con nents than over the
The necessary conditions which favour the
oceans. Because of the roughness of land
forma on of advec on fogs are the following : (a) A
surface and greater atmospheric turbulence
greater contrast between the air temperature and the
produced over there, the forma on of surface
temperature of the surface beneath it, (b) a moderate
fog is rather difficult. On the contrary, rela vely
wind velocity, (c) ini ally high rela ve humidity in the
stronger winds over the oceans favour the fog
air and (d) stable stra fica on in the atmosphere.
forma on. The tropical-air fogs, therefore, are
Advec on fogs are different from ground fogs, more common over the oceans.
although they are o en produced on the surface. In iii) Steam fogs have the appearance of steam.
advec on fogs the maximum density is found at the They are produced by evapora on from a
top of the layer where cooling is the greatest. The dis- warm water surface into the cool air above.
sipa on of this type of fog is a slow process. This type of fog is also called evapora on
fog. When cool air moves over warm water
There are three sub-types of advec on fogs :
surface, a large quantity of moisture may
i) sea fog evaporate from the water surface to saturate
the overlying air. The rising water vapour,
ii) tropical air fog, and steam fog.
after meeting the cold air, condenses and
A brief discussion of these sub-types follows : rises with the air that is being warmed from
i) Sea fog is formed by the cooling of sea air below. It commonly occurs over water bodies,
over a cold current. Sea fog is not confined to large or small, in the fall and early winter
coastal areas only, but can occur anywhere when the water may s ll be warm and the
over the ocean where there is contrast in air is ge ng cold. Generally steam fogs are
water temperatures. The difference between very shallow. They may be 15 to 30 meters
water tempera ture and air temperature thick. The shallowness of fog is due to the fact
determines the thickness and height of the sea that the rising steam gets evaporated in the
fog. Since most of the cold currents are found unsaturated air above.
near the coasts, sea fogs are fully developed ArcƟc sea-smoke is the name used to indicate a
in the coastal areas. Light wind is necessary dense and o en extensive steam fog that occurs over
for this type of fog as well. the high la tude ocean areas in winter. This type of fog
When the wind velocities are high, the is quite common in the Arc c region, specially where
mechanical turbulence transfers heat towards both ice and open water are present. In such areas, the
the ground and the inversion is diminished. air moving from the con nents into the open ocean
Under such condi ons, a stratus cloud instead may be 20°C to 30° colder than water. Intense steam-
of fog is formed at the ground. ing from the water surface saturates a large volume of
Fogs of the Grand Banks off Newfoundland are water. The fog thus produced may be dense.
the typical example of sea fog. They originate
3.Upslope fog
because here the warm Gulf Stream comes
into contact with the cold Labrador current. This type of fog is produced because of the cool-
There is a great contrast in the temperatures ing of air by adiaba c expansion as it flows up the slope.
of these currents and those of the overlying air This is one of the few kinds of fog that becomes more
masses associated with them. The Grand Bank dense, or is maintained in the presence of rela vely
region is covered with thick fog throughout high wind veloci es. This is because of the fact that
the year, the fog frequency being greater in the downward transport of heat by turbulence is off-
winter than in summer. set by the rapid cooling accompanying the fast rise of
ii) Tropical-air fogs are different from sea fogs, air up the slope. Fog of this type is a common feature
because here the cooling is produced by the in the interior plains of the United States. It gener-
passage of air from low la tudes poleward ally occurs when moisture-laden winds of the Gulf of
over the oceans. Such fogs are generally found Mexico follow the slope of the rolling plains west of the
over the open seas in their poleward parts. Mississippi. The Great Plains of the United State and
The advancing tropical air may produce this Canada have this type of fog. However, when there is
type of fog over land also in winter. This is so a high-velocity wind, a stratus cloud is formed instead.

Some mes, this type of fog is affected by several fac- other factors. Some fogs appear very dense, while
tors, viz. ascent of air, radia onal cooling and increase others are light. The density of fogs is measured on
in the rela ve humidity of air by the falling rains. This the basis of visibility.
type of fog is locally known as the ‘Cheynne fog’ in the
On the basis of visibility fogs are classified into
south- eastern part of Wyoming State in the United
five categories :
States of America.
High-inversion fog is essen ally a winter phe- (a) Dense fog, in which buildings or trees situated
nomenon. This fog is produced when a real tempera- at a distance of 45 meters are not visible, (b) Thick fog,
ture inversion exists at an al tude of 100 to 600 meters in which the maximum visibility is 180 meters, (c) Fog in
above the ground. This fog does not form as a result which visibility is limited to 450 meters, (d) Moderate
of a single night of radia on cooling, rather it forms fog, in which visibility is limited to 900 meters, (e) Thin
due to long-con nued cooling by radia on. The most fog, in which visibility extends upto 1.8 kilometers.
favourable loca ons for the high-inversion fogs are (3) Classification on the Basis of
provided by the con nental regions of high la tudes Appearance
where winter-radia on cooling takes place. However,
when polar-mari me air mass becomes sta onary over Different terms are used to indicate fogs formed
a con nent, moisture and temperature condi ons are under different condi ons. Some of the fog names are
most favourable for the forma on of radia on fog. described below :-
Autumn and winter are the most favourable Smog : In the polluted air of large industrial
seasons for this type of fog. Similarly the centre of an centres the air contains a large number of soot and
an cyclone, where winds are light and skies clear, is an dust par cles, many of which are hygroscopic having
ideal place for it. During the winter season, it persists a high affinity to water vapour. The fogs produced in
for several days in the western part of Europe. A dense these areas are dirty and mixed with smoke. Such a
fog of this type persists throughout the day in the San type of fog is called smog (smoke + fog). The smog
Joaquin Valley of California. Even in some tropical in- or pea-soup fog of the industrial town of London has
land valleys, radia on fogs are so thick that they may gained notoriety as an environmental hazard. Because
not clear away un l midday. Coastal areas, because of of the presence of excessive smoke near the ground,
the high rela ve humidity, experience radia on fogs. the warming of earth’s surface by the rays of sun is
retarded. Therefore such fogs persist for several days
Frontal fog
making life difficult.
Fogs produced along the front of two different air Smaze : This name is given to a fog which is an
masses are called the frontal fogs. They are caused by admixture of smoke and haze.
satura on of the cold surface layer of air by rain falling
from the ascending warm air mass. Evapora on from Frost-smoke : In the Arctic region, when air
the falling warm rain saturates the cold air, if the tem- temperature falls much below the freezing point and
perature of raindrops is higher than the dew point of even then the water in sea and bays is not allowed to
air. If the air is marked by stability and the wind is light, freeze, a kind of fog consis ng of innumerable ice par-
the condensed moisture produces fog near the earth’s cles and supercooled water droplets is formed by the
surface. This type of fog is some mes dis nguished process of condensa on taking place on the surface of
as pre-frontal and post-frontal fogs. Frontal fogs may those water bodies. Such a fog is called ‘frost-smoke’.
form rather quickly, in one to three hours, and may These fogs are carried over the land by winds. In the
be widespread. When the wind velocity is rela vely mountain regions of North America, these fogs are
high, the base of the fog may li to form a low stratus called ‘pogonip’.
cloud. Cold front fogs form behind the slowly moving
Fog Dissipation Processes
cold fronts by the same process as in the case of warm
front fogs. There are certain processes in nature which are
(2) Classification Accor ding to capable of dissipa ng the exis ng fogs. Pe erssen has
Visibility classified them into three categories :

As pointed out earlier, the density of fog depends (a) condensa on and sublima on
chiefly on the number of hygroscopic nuclei besides (b) ver cal mixing

(c) hea ng. jet-engine exhausts proved more economical. These
methods were suitable for water fogs at temperatures
Whenever foggy air passes across a snow-covered
above -39°C.
surface, the fog tends to disappear. In the arc c region
in summer, when fog is carried over ice-covered areas, Seeding of fog with dry ice, silver iodide, carbon
it dissipates. As the air temperature rises over 0°C, the black, water or calcium chloride spray has yielded most
fogs begin to diffuse when the air temperature reaches promising results in the dispersal of supercooled fogs
exactly 0°C, the process of diffusion almost comes at a at airports. Seeding with dry ice or silver iodide from
stands ll. Again, when the temperature comes down an aeroplane was found useful on fogs in the tempera-
below 0°C, the process of fog dissipa on is accelerated. ture range -5° to -25°C. But fogs seldom occur in this
Highest diffusion takes place when air temperature temperature range. By applying this method the water
ranges between 10° to 15°C. par cles are converted into ice-par cles which grow by
the process of sublima on and ul mately precipitate.
In a descending air current, the temperature in-
Unfortunately, most of the fogs are of the warm type
creases adiaba cally. This condi on also promotes fog
and are harder to combat. In fact, warm fog can be
dissipa on. Solar radia on directly absorbed by the fog
cleared only by mechanical mixing of the fog with drier
par cles or the earth’s surface is also a contributory
and warmer air from above. In case of shallow fogs,
factor in fog diffusion.
helicopters are made use of in fog dispersal.
Atmospheric turbulence causes ver cal mixing in
It may be noted that the above methods of fog
the air which also results in the disappearance of fog.
dispersal are expensive, and are successfully used only
The intensity of atmospheric turbulence depends on
in clearing a very limited foggy area. It is yet to be seen
the stability and the velocity of wind. When the wind
if fogs in extensive areas can be dissipated with the use
velocity crosses a certain limit, the fog is completely
of limited amount of energy.
destroyed. This is so because ver cal mixing carries
heat downward which raises the temperature of the Distribution of Fog
layer of air lying close to the earth’s surface. Because of
warming of the lowermost layer of air, the fog par cles The distribu on of fog is uneven. Over the earth
readily evaporate. as a whole, by far the greater number of fogs occur over
the oceans which are mostly of the advec on type. The
Ar ficial fog dissipa on : Dense fog is a severe distribu on of fogs over the oceans is closely related
hindrance to uninterrupted traffic movement. Fog is a with the ocean currents and ocean temperatures. These
common hazard at many airports. It delays the traffic ocean fogs occur wherever air moves from a warmer
by land or sea. Fogs cause accidents and bring about region over a cold ocean current. In the tropical and
untold sufferings and economic loss. It is through their sub-tropical regions, cool ocean currents flow along the
effect on visibility that fogs become the most dreaded west side of the con nents. These regions, therefore,
environmental hazard. are among the foggiest regions of the world.
Artificial fog dissipation was used during the In the temperate zone, the advec on of warm
second World War. Fog dispersal methods that are tropical air over the cool surface of oceans results in
economically feasible are of two basic types : (a) Evapo- the forma on of ocean fogs. Advec on fogs form over
ra on of fog par cles by hea ng the foggy air or by land during the winter season in the middle la tudes.
injec ng a drying agent into it. (b) Physical removal of Con nental interiors have more fogs in winter and
the fog droplets by their precipita on. The Bri sh made less in summer. On the contrary, coastal regions have
a successful use of hea ng methods for the dispersal of more fogs in summer and less in winter because of the
fogs in order to clear their airports during World War II. greater temperature ontrast in the warmer part of the
What will be the amount of heat required to dissipate year. Unlike advec on fogs, radia on fogs are more
fog depends on the latent heat needed to evaporate frequent over land areas in winter. The an cyclonic
the water in a unit volume of fog and the volume of condi ons prevailing over land areas in winter offer
foggy air to be cleared in a given me. For this purpose the ideal condi ons for the occurrence of radia on or
certain special type of burners were used. But the cost ground fogs, because under such condi ons long win-
of installa on of the equipment as well as its operat- ter nights afford maximum radia onal cooling of the
ing costs were uneconomically high. But the heat of lowermost layer of air. Radia on fogs are infer-quent

over oceans. Over the oceans as well as the con nental into spilling of huge quan ty of oil causing enormous
loca ons the tropical areas have less fog than those of oil slicks on sea water which causes ecological disaster.
the middle and high la tudes. When fogs are polluted through sulphur they become
poisonous and a health hazard
Fogs in Europe : In winter, the eastern Atlan c
and the western Europe are frequented by tropical-air CLOUDS
fogs. The mari me-polar air masses also produce fogs
in Europe during winter months. These air masses also Cloud has been defined as a visible aggrega on
produce thick fogs in the industrial regions of Ruhr of minute water droplets and/or ice par cles in the
Valley and Saar Basin. When the warm Gulf air passes air, usually above the general ground level. Clouds are
across the colder Bri sh Isles during winter months, it the most important form of suspended water droplets
produces some of the thickest fogs. The famous pea- caused by condensa on. Trewartha is of the opinion
soup fog of England offers the typical example of this that the one process that can reduce the temperature
fog. The Bal c Sea being the cold spot of Europe during of deep and extensive masses of air enough to bring
spring and summer has abundant fogs in these seasons. about cloud condensa on is the expansion associated
Similarly, fogs also form over the Mediterranean and with the rising air currents, i.e., adiaba c cooling. As
the Black Sea. The Mediterranean has summer fog. more and more water vapour is condensed within an
air mass, water droplets mul ply, some of the sun’s
Fogs in the United States : Almost all types of light is blocked, and the visible result is a cloud.
fogs are found in some parts or the other in the United
States and its adjacent seas. Clouds are meteorologically significant in various
ways. All precipita on occurs from clouds. We do not
Fogs in the Far East : Northeast of Japan where get precipita on from all clouds, but there can be no
the warm ocean current, Kuroshio, meets the cold precipita on without clouds. Clouds also play an im-
current from the Bering Sea and the Sea of Okhotsk, portant role in the heat energy budget. This is because
summer fogs are prevalent. This region is more foggy clouds absorb a part of the incoming solar radia on.
than the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. Here the sum- They reflect some of the incoming solar radia on back
mer months have more fogs than the winter months, to space and also diffuse some of it. Clouds also absorb
because in winter cold land air gets heated from below a part of terrestrial radia on and then re-radiate it back
over the water. In summer the en re coastal region to the surface. Another important point about clouds
from the Bering Sea upto East China Sea has abundant is that like a black body they radiate heat con nuously
fogs. In winter whatever fog is present is of the steam in propor on to their temperatures. In the absence of
fog type. During the summer months the warm and clouds, days would have been much warmer and nights
moist winds coming from the warm Japan Current much colder. During summer months cloudy days are
produce advec on- radia on fogs in Japan, specially cooler than the days without clouds. Similarly in winter
on the east coast. On the west coast of Japan, the fogs a deck of thick clouds makes the nights warmer and
formed over the Japan Sea enter into the interior of less chilly.
this island.
As we all know, convec onal currents are limited
Fogs of South America : Along the coastal areas to the troposphere only, and so this part of the atmo-
of Chile and Peru are found the foggiest regions of the sphere contains all clouds.
world. The cold Peru Current is the breeding ground
Clouds are of con nual interest to the meteorolo-
of fogs in this region. Ground fogs of a great thickness
gist, since they tell him what is going on in the atmo-
form in the valleys and plains of the coastal areas. Along
sphere much above the earth’s surface.
the Atlan c coast of Argen na advec on-radia on
fogs occur. In the southern part of South America They are deemed as useful indicators of various
sea fogs occur near the coast of Patagonia, Tierra del meteorological processes. The importance of clouds in
Fuego and the Falkland Islands. Here the warm Brazil avia on cannot be overemphasized. Low clouds may
current comes into contract with the cold west-wind make landings and take offs difficult.
dri current.
Classification of Clouds
Effects of Fogs: Fogs effec vely hinders sea
naviga on, land and air transport systems. Dense fogs The main cloud genera or families can be listed
are naviga onal hazards in the seas as ships and huge according to their heights as under :’
supertankers carrying oil some mes collide resul ng

A. High (mean heights 5 to 13 km) a ‘mackerel sky’.
(1) Cirrus (3) Cirro-stratus. “Transparent, whi sh cloud
veil of fibrous (hairlike) or smooth appear-
(2) Cirro-cumulus
ance, totally or partly covering the sky, and
(3) Cirro-stratus generally producing halo phenomena”.
B. Middle (mean heights 2 to 7 km) This type of cloud is so thin that it gives the
(4) Alto-cumulus sky a milky appearance. At mes, it may
form a definite sheet. Edge of the sheet
(5) Alto-stratus is rarely straight, and is o en marked by
(6) Nimbo-stratus patches of cirrus or cirro-cumulus. It pro-
duces halos around the sun or moon. This
C. Low (mean heights 0 to 2 km) type always occurs at great heights. Clouds
(7) Strato-cumulus of this type are formed of ice crystals. The
(8) Stratus sun is obscured so that objects on the
ground do not cast shadows.
(9) Cumulus
(10) Cumulo-nimbus. (4) Alto-cumulus. White or gray, or both white
and gray, patch, sheet or layer of cloud,
Usually alto-stratus, nimbo-stratus, cumulus and
generally with shading, composed of lami-
cumulo-nimbus clouds extend outside the above noted
nate, rounded masses, rolls, etc., which are
heights, which are only approximate for the temperate
some mes partly fibrous or diffuse and
regions. Clouds of a given genus/family are generally
which may or may not be merged, most of
lower in the polar regions and higher in the tropics.
the regularly arranged small elements usu-
Defini ons of the following genera of clouds as ally have an apparent width of between
given by the W.M.O. are being given here. Other infor- one and five degrees.
ma on’s have also been given for the readers. Alto-cumulus clouds do not produce halos.
(1) Cirrus. “Detached clouds in the form They have dark shading on their under-
of white, delicate filaments or white or surfaces. There is complete absence of
mostly white patches or narrow bands. large domes. High globular altocumulus
These clouds have a fibrous (hair-like) ap- groups are sometimes referred to as
pearance or a silky sheen or both”. ‘sheep clouds’ or ‘woolpack clouds’. They
are generally found in wavy or parallel
The prefix cirro refers to cloud forms at the
bands. They are o en composed of super
same general level with different appear-
cooled liquid droplets. This type of cloud
ance. All the cirrus or cirro-type clouds are
may occur at various levels simultaneously
composed of ice crystals, they are all high
clouds. The sun or moon shining through
these clouds produces a halo. Cirrus clouds (5) Alto-stratus. Grayish or bluish cloud sheet
have brilliant colours at sunset and sunrise. or layer of striated, fibrous or uniform
These clouds do not give precipita on. appearance, totally or partly covering
the sky, and having parts thin enough to
(2) Cirro-cumulus. “Thin, white patch, sheet
reveal the sun at least vaguely, as through
or layer of cloud without shading, com-
ground glass. Alto-stratus does not show
posed of very small elements in the
halo phenomena.
form of grains, ripples, etc. merged or
separate, and more or less regularly Alto-stratus clouds may cover all or large
arranged, most of the elements have an por ons of the sky. The sun may be totally
apparent width of less than one degree”. obscured or is visible in hazy outline. Ha-
los are never seen. Under an alto-stratus
This type of cloud is not common, and
sheet shadows on the ground are never
is o en connected with cirrus or cirro-
cast. The sun or the moon may only appear
stratus. It looks like a patch of small flakes
as a bright spot behind the cloud. Clouds
or small globules arranged in small groups
of this type also consist of water droplets,
or lines. When arranged uniformly, it forms

o en supercooled to temperatures well cally in the form of rising mounds, domes
below freezing. Precipita on may fall ei- or towers, of which the bulging upper parts
ther as fine drizzle or snow. o en resemble a cauliflower. The sunlit
parts of these clouds are mostly brilliant
(6) Nimbo-stratus. Grey cloud layer, often
white; their base is rela vely dark and
dark, the appearance of which is rendered
nearl horizontal. Some mes cumulus is
diffuse by more or less con nuously falling
rain or snow, which in most cases reaches
the ground. It is thick enough throughout Cumulus clouds represent the tops of
to blot out the sun. strong con-vective currents. Irregular
patches of cumulus are called fractocu-
Nimbo-stratus is generally a low cloud
mulus. They may occur during any season.
form and may be thousands of feet thick.
Cumulus is generally found in the day me
It is a rain, snow, or sleet cloud. It is never
over land areas. They dissipate at night.
accompanied by lightning, thunder, or hail.
They produce only light precipita on. They
It can be dis nguished from the stratus
o en represent a transi on to cumulo-
type in that it is darker. Streaks of rain or
nimbus, which is the heavier shower cloud.
snow falling from these clouds but not
Air that is heated from below or cooled
reaching the ground are called ‘virga’.
from above produces cumulus clouds.
(7) Strato-cumulus. Grey or whi sh, or both
(10) Cumulo-nimbus. Heavy and dense
gray and whi sh, patch, sheet or layer
cloud, with a considerable vertical ex-
of cloud which almost always has dark
tent, in the form of a mountain or huge
parts, composed of tessella ons, rounded
towers. At least part of its upper por-
masses, rolls, etc. which are non-fibrous
tion is usually smooth, or fibrous, or
(except for virga) and which may or may
striated, and nearly always fla ened; this
not be merged; most of the regularly ar-
part o en spreads out in the shape of an
ranged small elements have an apparent
anvil or vast plume. Under the base of
width of more than five degrees.
this cloud which is o en very dark, there
Strato-cumulus is a low cloud layer consist- are frequently low ragged clouds either
ing of large lumpy masses or rolls of dull merged with it or not, and precipita on
gray colour with brighter inters ces. some mes in the form of Virga.
(8) Stratus. Generally gray cloud layer with a Cumulo-nimbus is a towering cloud some mes
fairly uniform base, which may give drizzle, spreading out on top to form an ‘anvil head’. This type
ice prisms, or snow grains. When the sun of cloud is associated with heavy rainfall, thunder,
is visible through the cloud, its outline is lightning, hail, and tornadoes. This cloud has a flat
clearly discernible. Stratus does not pro- top (anvil head) and a flat base. It appears darker as
duce halo phenomena except, possibly, at condensa on within it increases, and it obstructs the
very low temperatures. Some mes stratus sun. It is the great thunderhead, which is the source
appears in the form of ragged patches. of the squally, gusty, shortlived thunderstorms. Such
Looked at from above, stratus has a uni- thunderstorms are very common during summer a er-
form top, which indicates a temperature noons in the middle and low la tudes. This type of
inversion. Stratus clouds are without any cloud is easily recognised by the fall of a real shower
par cular form or structure. Sky may be and sudden darkening of the sky.
completely covered by this type of cloud. Reporting of Clouds
They are frequently broken. It is difficult Besides the above classifica on of clouds, there
to differen ate between a high fog and is another classifica on of 30 code numbers for the
stratus cloud. When stratus clouds are condi ons of the sky in the three height groups, i.e.,
overlain by the higher altostratus, they high, middle and low. This classifica on uses one of
become thicker and darker. 10 numbers (0 to 9) for each height-group. It is based
(9) Cumulus. Detached clouds, generally dense on different combina ons of cloud forma ons in that
and with sharp outlines, developing ver- height-group observed at the same me. These code

numbers called CL, , CH represen ng low, middle and minimum amount of cloudiness, maximum amount
high cloud forma ons are transmi ed as part of every of precipita on falls on earth. Most of the clouds in
interna onal surface weather report. This report also equatorial regions have great ver cal developments
includes the amount of cloudiness at different levels, and are rather localized. So inspite of yielding heavy
the direc on of clouds and the height of their bases showery precipita on, the clouds of cumulus or cumu-
(called ceiling). The term ceiling denotes the height lonimbus types do not cover the whole sky. This is the
of the base of the lowest clouds present at any point belt of primary maximum of precipita on.
of me. Ceiling zero is reported when the ceiling is 15 In each hemisphere, there is one belt of the
meters or less. Ceiling unlimited is reported when the minimum amount of cloudiness. This coincides with the
base of the lowest reported broken or overcast layer is la tudes of subtropical an cyclones and trade winds.
higher than 3250 meters above the ground. Within the subtropical high pressure belt the cloudiness
C l o u d s a s a n A i d t o We at h e r is less on the con nents than on the oceans. Because
Forecasting of the descending air currents in the subtropical belt,
Clouds are of an immense value in the task of all the hot deserts of the world are located here. It is,
weather forecas ng. In the middle la tudes an ap- therefore, natural for cloudiness to reach its minimum
proaching warm front of a depression is heralded by the in these regions marked by clear skies.
first appearance of cirro-stratus clouds which obscure Besides, there are annual as well as diurnal varia-
the sky. As the warm front draws nearer, the cirro- ons in the amount of cloudiness in a par cular region.
stratus gradually thicken into alto-stratus. Precipita on In the equatorial region, there is li le varia on in the
falls from this type of cloud. In summer, in the middle amount of cloudiness from one month to the other.
and low la tudes cirrus clouds sca ered in the sky in- But between 10° and 20° North and South la tudes the
dicate the clearing of weather. On hot and humid days cloud maximum occurs during summer months. This is
cumulus clouds developing into the cumulo-nimbus are the period of maximum rainfall also. The western sides
good indicators of an approaching thunderstorm. In the of con nents within the subtropical belt have the cool
temperate zone when the tops of cumulonimbus clouds season maxima of cloudiness as well as precipita on.
appear in a line, the weatherman expects the approach In the higher la tudes, the con nental interiors have
of a cold front and the associated violent weather. High a summer maximum of cloudiness, since winters are
cumulus clouds are indicators of a stable layer of air in marked by an cyclonic condi ons there.
the upper atmosphere. According to Trewartha, daily varia on in cloudi-
Cloud cover has a marked effect on the diurnal ness depends on the type of cloud present in the sky.
range of temperature. An overcast sky reduces the In case of cumulus or cumuliform clouds, a maximum
daily range, while a clear sky induces a higher range. is reached in the early and middle a ernoon. Stratus
Similarly, if the morning sky is covered with stratocu- and other stra form clouds show their maximum in
mulus clouds and the wind is gusty, then the sky during the early morning.
day me will certainly have clouds.
Distribution of Cloudiness
If we examine the distribu on of cloudiness The
propor on of the sky covered by clouds is indicated in
eighths or tenths as cloudiness, over the surface of the
earth by la tude zones, it is clear that cloudiness and
rainfall are closely related with each other. There are
two zones of maximum cloudiness in each hemisphere.
The primary maxima of cloudiness is found between
30° and 60° North and South la tudes. In these la -
tudes in the temperate zones there is preponderance
of cyclones and fronts. Precipita on in these regions
generally falls from the stratus type of clouds which
covers a larger part of, some mes, the whole of the sky.
However, since precipita on is only light or moderate,
these regions show the secondary maxima. Contrary
to our expecta on, in the equatorial belt there is only
secondary maximum of cloudiness. Here with the


Air mass concept was developed during World is called an air mass source region.
War I by two eminent Norwegian meteorologists, Vil-
Air-masses retain their iden ty even a er they
helmBjerknes and Jacob Bjerknes (father and son). This
have moved far from their source region. But the
concept is now known as air mass analysis. Credit goes
original physical proper es are conserved only in the
to Tor Bergeron, J. Bjerknes and Solberg for introducing
upper parts of such air masses. This is so because the
the air mass concept to the field of meteorology and for
process of conduc on is rather slow, convec on is
forecas ng the weather on the basis of air masses.
almost absent in stagnant and stable air and the pro-
Defini on and characteris cs : Trewartha de- cess of radia on is not effec ve in the free air except
fines air mass as “an immense body of air that moves at cloud surfaces.
over the earth’s land-sea surface as a recognizable
The following two characteris cs of an air mass
en ty, with temperature and humidity characteris cs
control the weather associated with it:
which are rela vely uniform in a horizontal direc on
at different levels.” Since it may extend through 20 (a) The ver cal distribu on of temperature in
degrees or more of la tude and cover hundreds of an air mass, and
thousands to millions of square kilometers, the hori- (b) The moisture content of the air. The ver -
zontal homogeneity of an air mass is never complete. cal distribu on of temperature is indica ve
Small differences in the physical proper es (especially of the stability of an air mass besides its
temperature and humidity) from one point to another warmness or coldness. The ver cal distri-
at the same level are bound to occur. But the internal bu on is closely related to the ascent or
differences of an air mass are small in comparison descent of air currents within the body
with the much more rapid rates of change that are of the air mass itself. The presence or
experienced across the boundaries between different absence of condensa on forms is deter-
air masses. Since an air mass traverses an area in sev- mined by the moisture content in the air.
eral days, the region occupied by it will generally have
the same weather condi ons except some day-to-day According to Trewartha, air masses are an im-
varia ons here and there. But the weather condi ons portant and inseparable part of the planetary wind
in an adjacent air mass are altogether different. Along system. Therefore every air mass is related with one or
the margins of the air masses the weather changes are the other permanent wind belt. Tropical mari me and
rather very sharp. tropical con nental air masses are found in the trade
wind belts. However, some mes tropical as well as
When air remains in contact with a large and polar air masses co-exist in the belt of westerlies. These
uniform surface for long period, its temperature and air masses may be either con nental or mari me. In
moisture a ain equilibrium with the surface. If the fact, when the air masses move out of their source re-
underlying surface is warm, the overlying air will be gions, they may be taken to be the streams of tropical
warmed and the en re mass of air lying above it will be or polar air on a gigan c scale. Actually it is through
heated gradually by conduc on. If the surface is cold, these extensive air streams that heat is transferred
the air above it will naturally be cooled and the heat will from the tropical to the polar regions. Thus, the air
be removed from the lower part of the air. Similarly, the masses play an important role in removing la tudinal
moist surface will impart its moisture to the air above imbalances in heat.
it, whereas the overlying air will lose moisture to the
underlying dry surface. Under any circumstances, the An air mass with temperature lower than that of
air always tends to reach equilibrium with the surface. the underlying surface is designated as a cold air mass.
The me taken to reach a state of equilibrium may vary On the other hand, a mobile air mass which is warmer
from two or three days to a week or two. It shows that than the underlying surface is labelled as a warm air
once equilibrium is reached, it will change only slowly mass. The same air mass may be called warm or cold
with me. Such an extensive por on of the atmosphere with reference to the temperature of the surface over
that has acquired some sort of equilibrium with the which it moves. For example, if a warm air mass moves
surface by remaining into its contact over a large area is from a cold land surface to warm oceanic surface, it
designated as an air mass. Such a large uniform surface will be known as a cold air mass. Similarly, what is a

cold air mass during the day, becomes a warm air mass to establish equilibrium. But the secondary source
during the night because of the rapid cooling of land regions should either be rela vely warmer than the
by nocturnal radia on. But the most important feature overlying air, or otherwise extensive.
of air masses is that they are independent in respect
It is noteworthy that no major source regions are
of their temperature and humidity characteris cs. Air
found in the middle la tudes. They are generally con-
masses with different densi es, even when they come
fined to tropical or polar loca ons. Since regions in the
into contact with each other, do not merge together
middle la tudes are dominated by cyclones and other
but retain their iden ty.
types of storms, they do not possess the homogeneous
The cold air masses are marked by instability condi ons so essen al for a source region.
and atmospheric turbulence. Because of the hea ng
of the air lying close to the surface, convec onal cur- Examples of primary source regions are the
rents are set up which make the air mass unstable. following : The tropical Atlan c Ocean around Ber-
On the contrary, the warm air masses are cooled from muda, the tropical Pacific Ocean around Hawaii, the
below because of which ver cal movements in the Sahara Desert region, and the interior of Siberia.
atmosphere are non-existent. Therefore such warm Some of the secondary source regions are :
air masses have marked stability in them. The North Pacific Ocean between Siberia and Canada,
Source regions North Atlan c Ocean between Canada and Northern
Europe, and arid south-west of the United States.
Areas where air masses form are known as source
regions. The nature of the source region largely deter- There are two principal types of air mass modi-
mines the temperature and humidity characteris cs fica ons :
of an air mass. (a) thermodynamic modifica ons, and
There are two essen al features which make an (b) mechanical modifica ons.
ideal source region. First, it must be an extensive and
broadly uniform surface of the earth. If a region has The first are thermodynamic in origin, and the
irregular topography or it has a surface consis ng of second arise from mechanical causes. These modifica-
both water and land, then it is not considered sa sfac- ons may occur either separately or in combina on.
tory. Secondly, the area should have a compara vely Thermodynamic modifica on : Thermody-
gentle and divergent air flow so that air will stay over namic processes include such effects as hea ng from
the region for a considerably long period of me to below which decreases the ver cal stability. Other
reach some measure of equilibrium with the surface. thermodynamic effects include evapora on of water
Therefore the regions with high barometric pressure into the air mass from below or into the intermediate
and low barometric gradients are the ideal source layers by precipita on from the overlying moist air lay-
regions. In other words, the source regions are charac- ers. According to Trewartha the extent to which an air
terized by sta onary or slow moving an cyclones with mass is modified depends upon (a) the ini al charac-
their extensive areas of calms or light winds . teris c of the air mass (its temperature and moisture
Cyclonic areas being characterized by converg- content), (b) the nature of the underlying surface, (c)
ing surface winds do not favour the forma on of air the path followed by the air mass, and (d) the me
masses. Conditions which produce air masses are taken to reach the point of observa on.
well developed over the tropical seas and hot deserts Cold air mass moving over a surface that is
during much of the year and over the Arc c region, warmer than the ground temperature is bound to be
par cularly in winter. These areas may be considered heated from below with consequent steepened lapse
as the primary source regions of air masses. rate and instability. These changes create the chances
There are other extensive regions with uniform of condensa on and precipita on. On the other hand,
surface over which air flow is generally not stagnant. warm air mass moving over a colder surface is cooled
If the air that passes over such a region can be trans- from below. This condi on favours the forma on of a
formed rapidly, it may acquire unique characteris cs. surface inversion which increases the stability of the
Such regions are referred to as secondary source re- air mass. Under such condi ons, forma on of clouds
gions. Primary source regions may be either warm or and precipita on is an impossibility. From the above
cool because the air may be stagnant for longer periods discussion it is obvious that as the polar air masses

move out of their source regions they tend to become forms of polar and tropical air masses.
more and more unstable. The tropical air masses, on
He further subdivides the polar as well as tropical
the other hand, undergo the second type of modifica-
air masses into two types on the basis of the nature
on and develop an increased stability.
of the surface of their source regions, i.e., land or
Mechanical (dynamic) modifica ons : An air water:
mass may undergo changes because of any one or more (a) Con nental air mass indicated by a small
than one of the following mechanisms :- le er c.
(1) Turbulent mixing caused by eddies or con- (b) Mari me air mass indicated by a small
vec on. le er m.
(2) Large-scale dynamic effects on lapse rate
On the basis of the source regions as well as the
: divergence; convergence.
nature of their surface the following four principal types
(3) Sinking : In subsidence and lateral spread- of air masses may be considered :
ing ; movement down from above colder
(1) Con nental Polar air masses (cP)
air masses; descent from high eleva ons
to low lands. (2) Mari me Polar air masses (mP)
(4) Li ing : Over colder air masses; to compen- (3) Con nental Tropical air masses (cT)
sate for horizontal conver gence because (4) Mari me Tropical air masses (mT).
air pressure increases a er such conver-
gence; over eleva ons of the land. Besides the above classifica on, when various
thermodynamic and mechanical modifica ons of the
(5) Advec on of new proper es alo due to air masses are taken into considera on, a more elabo-
shearing ac on of the wind. rate classifica on consis ng of the following 16 types
Classification of Air Masses is obtained :
(1) Con nental polar air mass (cP)
All the physical proper es of air masses which
determine the weather characteris cs produced by (a) Continental polar cold stable air mass
them are acquired from their source regions. When (cPKs)
the air masses move out from their source regions, (b) Con nental polar cold Unstable air mass
the temperature, humidity and the nature of the un- (cPKu)
derlying surface bring about certain changes in them.
(c) Con nental polar warm Stable air mass
Therefore, a sa sfactory classifica on of air masses
must encompass these transi ons. No classifica on
scheme should be based on the geographical loca on (d) Con nental polar warm Unstable air mass
of various air mass source regions alone. (cpWu)
Air masses are classified on the basis of (a) the (2) Mari me polar air mass (mP)
loca on of their source regions, and (b) the nature (a) Maritime Polar Cold Stable Air Mass
of the surface over which they move towards other (mPKs)
regions. (b) Mari me Polar Cold Unstable Air Mass
Trewartha, on the basis of the geographical lo- (mPKu)
ca on of air masses, classifies them into the following (c) Maritime Polar Warm Stable Air Mass
two broad categories : (mPWs)
(1) Polar air mass, for which a capital P is (d) Mari me Polar Warm Unstable Air Mass
used. (mPWu
(2) Tropical air mass, for which a capital T is (3) Con nental tropical air mass (cT)
used. (a) Con nental Tropical Cold Stable Air Mass
He is of the opinion that Arc c, Antarc c and (cTKs)
Equatorial air masses do not have individual iden ty (b) Continental Tropical Cold Unstable Air
of their own. They are considered to be the modified Mass (cTKu)

(c) Con nental Tropical Cold Stable Air Mass cP air masses move towards the rugged terrain of the
(cTWs) Appalachians, they are forced to rise, so that the sky
becomes overcast and heavy snowfall occurs on the
(d) Con nental Tropical Cold Stable Air Mass
western side of the mountains. On the other side of the
Appalachians, the descending air masses are warmed
(4) Mari me Tropical Air Mass (mT) adiaba cally. The latent heat released during condensa-
(a) Mari me Tropical Cold Stable Air Mass on evaporates the clouds, and the snowfall ends.
(2) MariƟme polar Pacific (mP) air masses.
(b) Mari me Tropical Cold Untable Air Mass Mari me polar air masses of the United States originate
(mTKs) over the North pacific and the northwestern Atlan c
(c) Mari me Tropical warm Stable Air Mass from Newfoundland to Cape Cod. Because the general
(mTKs) circula on in the middle la tudes is from west to east,
the North pacific air masses have greater influence
(d) Mari me Tropical warm Unstable Air Mass on North America than the northwestern Atlan c air
(mTKs) masses. Some mes the cP air masses that originate in
Air Masses of North America Siberia invade this con nent. As these air masses move
toward the con nent, they pick up moisture from the
The con nent of North America is triangular in rela vely warm waters of the Pacific. In this way, the
shape with it base towards the north in the higher la - cold, dry and stable air masses are modified into mild
tudes, and apex towards the south in the low la tudes. and humid air masses near the surface. An element of
Thus, because of its peculiar shape and geographical instability is introduced in their lower por ons. cPWs
loca on, the con nent is considered to be ideal for the air masses are thus modified into mPKu.
forma on of air masses with different physical proper-
es. The following sec on a empts to examine in brief (3) Mari me Polar North Atlan c Air Mass
the physical proper es of the principal air masses of (mP). This air mass originates over the North Atlan c
North America season-wise. Ocean mainly in the region between Greenland, New
foundland, and Labrador . Since the general air circula-
Winter Air Masses on in this region is from west to east and hence this
air mass has li le influence on North America.This air
(1) ConƟnental polar (cP) air masses. These mass is dry and stable in its upper layers while it is moist
air masses originate over the snow-covered interior
and unstable in its lower parts. This air mass brings in
regions of Canada and Alaska. Con nental arc c air
bad weather which is locally known as ‘north-eastern’
masses form over the Arc c basin and the Greenland
characterized by strong northeast cold winds, exceed-
ice cap. They are extremely cold and dry. The cP air
ingly low temperature well below freezing point, high
masses are generally stable; in their source regions.
moisture content in the air and possible precipita on
Because of the prolonged earth radia on the surface
mainly in solid forms such as snowfall, sleet and hail-
temperature is very low. This results in a strong and
persistent temperature inversion in the atmosphere.
Clouds are almost non-existent. (4) Maritime tropical Atlantic(mT) air
These air masses enter the United States of Amer- masses. These air masses are essen ally hot, humid
ica between the Rocky Mountains and the Great Lakes and unstable. They are also capable of releasing heavy
in the form of extremely cold polar an cyclones. The precipita on. During winter the south-eastern part of
onslaught of these rapidly moving air masses makes the United States are dominated by them. They origi-
the east-central United States abnormally cold . A er nate over the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea and
entering the southern and eastern United States, the the tropical western Atlan c Ocean. The tropical Pacific
winter cP gets modified by coming into contact with is another source region for mT air masses which affect
the warm surface. Addi on of moisture along with only a small area.
mechanical turbulence renders the con nental polar Tropical Maritime Pacific Air Masses
air rather unstable in the lower-layers. By the me the
cP reaches the south and eastern shore of the Great Pacific air mass originates over the sub-
Lakes, the cPK becomes very moist and unstable which tropical por ons of the east Pacific west of USA and
results in abundant lake-effect snow. As the modified Mexico mainly over the high pressure area located

to the southwest of California. The air mass becomes fied air masses is felt along the coastal regions from
stable due to subsidence of air from above due to an- New England to Cape Ha eras. They produce a very
cyclonic circula on. pleasant and fine weather. The skies are clear, tempera-
tures low and visibility fine. Since the temperature of
Summer Air Masses these air masses is lower than that of the ground, they
(1) Polar con nental air mass (cP). During are classified as mPKs. During the summer months the
summer the con nental polar air masses originate in temperature of the northern part of the con nent is
the northern high la tude regions of the con nent. not allowed to rise because of the combined effect of
The central part of Canada presents ideal condi ons the mP and cP air masses.
for their origin. In their source region they are cold, dry (4) Maritime tropical (mT) Atlantic air
and unstable. The summer air mass which originates on masses. The Bermuda High over the western Atlan c
the cold Arc c Ocean is ini ally cold and stable. When Ocean is the source region of these air masses. They
the Arc c air mass moves southward over the warmer control the weather in the eastern and most of the
land surface, it is heated from below as a result of which southern parts of the United States during the sum-
the stability gradually disappears. mer. Thermally produced low over the warm con nent
On the con nental surface this air mass is modi- draws these mari me air masses into Canada. However,
fied into cPK, which becomes cPW on reaching the the polar front in the vicinity of the Great Lakes does
ocean. It then produces mist, fog and low-stratus not allow them to move farther into north. These air
clouds. In their source region the weather remains masses make the summer heat oppressive over most
cloudless. During the day the surface hea ng causes of the central and eastern parts of the United States.
convec ve turbulence in the lower layer of these air While leaving their source region they are only slightly
masses. But the condensa on level being high, cumu- warmer and more humid than the winter mT, but on
lous clouds are seen sca ered in the sky. entering into the con nental landmass an increase of
about 11° Celsius is recorded in their lower parts. In the
(2) Mari me polar (mP) Pacific air masses. lower half they are hot and humid so that the surface
During the summer month the mP Pacific air masses instability is increased. The upper level instability in
originate in the same source region as the winter mP these air masses is a common characteris c, so they are
air, but they have different physical properties. In designated at mTu. Over the warm con nent they are
the lower parts they are cool and humid, but are dry modified into mTKu. In the Gulf states the strong con-
alo . The change from moist lower parts to dry upper vec ve ac vity produced in these air masses leads to
part is very sharp which results in the forma on of an the forma on of cumulus and cumulo-nimbus clouds.
inversion layer, since the water of the adjacent Pacific Warm-season thunderstorms produced locally in the
Ocean is cooler than the con nental surfaces. Besides, southeastern United States are essen ally associated
the Pacific an cyclone is located off the West Coast of with these air masses.
the United States, where there is almost con nuous
southward flow of air having moderate temperatures. The air masses from the Gulf-Caribbean-Atlan c
These air masses, even though marked by condi onal source region are the major source of much of the
instability near the surface, are stable alo because precipita on received in the larger parts of the eastern
ofsubsidence. Low stratus clouds and fogs are pro- United States.
duced all along the West Coast. As the mP Pacific air (5) Mari me tropical (mT) Pacific air masses.
masses reach the con nental areas, they are heated The mT air masses from the Pacific source region do
from below because of their contact with the warm not have the same impact on the North American
surface. This leads to greater turbulence in the lower weather as their counterparts from the tropical Atlan-
layer with consequent reduc on in the rela ve humid- c Ocean. However, in summer the Pacific air masses
ity and hence the clouds disappear. A er crossing the move northward up the Gulf of California and into
Rocky mountains the mP air masses resemble the cP the interior of the western United States which is, of
air in their physical characteris cs. course, in response to the thermally maintained low
(3) Mari me polar (mP) Atan c air masses. over the hot land areas. This invasion of the mT Pacific
The air masses originate over the western part of North air masses is believed to be monsoonal in character.
Atlan c Ocean. Their source region lies between Cape Contrary to the older belief, it is now widely held that
Cod and Newfoundland. They occur during the late the real source of moisture for the area west of the
spring and early summer. The influence of these modi- Con nental Divide lies in the tropical North Pacific west

of central Mexico. The above air masses enter into China by land
and sea both. Those entering China by land have higher
(6) Con nental tropical (cT) air masses. Since temperatures-about 11°-19°C more than the source
the con nent is V-shaped and narrows down towards regions. When the modified cP air masses enter the
the south, there is no extensive source region for these Indian sub-con nent from the western end of the
air masses in North America. During the summer only mountain barrier, they produce winter precipita on in
northern Mexico and southeastern United States have associa on with the extra-tropical cyclones. The north-
limited areas where these air masses originate. They ern and western parts of the sub-con nent receive
are ini ally hot and dry. The intense day me hea ng at moderate to scanty rainfall. Modified cP air mass also
the surface produces a steep lapse rate and turbulence enters the North Vietnam from the eastern extremi es
which extend to considerable heights. Because of dry- of the highlands.
ness there is lack of precipita on. If these air masses
occupy certain regions for a long period, drought During the summer months, eastern and south-
condi ons are produced there. Some mes these air ern Asia is under the influence of summer monsoon,
masses move out to the Southern Great Plains of the hence cP air masses are rather unimportant in the
United States and produce hot and dry weather. above region. But Japan and the extreme north of
China experience the con nental polar air masses to
Air Masses of Asia a certain degree in the summer season. Wherever the
From the point of view of air masses, the largest cPs air masses pass over the cool ocean surface, they
con nent of Asia is a land of extremes. The winter me become more humid in the lower parts.
and the summer me con nental as well as mari me (2) Mari me polar (mP) air masses. In winter,
air masses exhibit greater extremes of temperature because of the westerly circula on in eastern Asia,
than is found in any of the other con nents. However, the coastal regions south of Korea remain outside the
in certain respects the air masses of Asia and North influence of mP air masses. Their influence is limited
America are similar. to the coastal regions of Siberia, Manchuria and Korea.
(1) Con nental polar (cP) air masses. Dur- The mainland of China remains completely free from
ing the winter season the con nental polar air masses them. The mP air masses that originate over the Sea
originate in the cold source regions of central-eastern of Okhotsk control the
Siberia and Outer Mongolia. They are very cold and dry weather of the east coast regions in summer.
in their source regions. They may be compared with Manchuria and eastern Siberia are also under their con-
their counterparts in North America which originate trol in the summer months. According to the Japanese
over the snow and ice covered areas of north Canada. meteorologists, in the early summer the mari me polar
A temperature of 40°. air masses from the Sea of Okhotsk invade Japan and
Celsius is recorded in the lower por on of the some mes form a front with the overlying mT air
con nental polar air masses in Siberia. The tempera- masses. The weather along this front is generally
ture and humidity of the north Siberian air masses cyclonic with overcast sky and light precipita on. Such
are much lower than those of the south Siberian air a weather is called Bai-u in Japan.
masses. There is an inversion layer found invariably
in the cold and compara vely drier air masses. When (3) Mari me tropical (mT) air masses. In
the air masses move towards the Pacific, the mountain summer, en re Southeast Asia is dominated by sum-
barriers produce mechanical turbulence in them and mer monsoon. In fact, the air masses involved in the
the inversion layer is broken. Far away from the source summer monsoon circula on are mari me tropical.
regions, the temperature and the humidity in the lower They are hot and humid with correc ve instability in
por on of air masses register a marked increase. During them. Even a slight upli of these air masses causes
the winter months the an cyclones produced in central torren al rainfall. When the mT air masses move into
Asia make the influence of these polar con nental air con nental land areas, they are heated from below
masses felt over a very large part of the con nent. which produces convec onal currents in them. When-
The high plateaus of Tibet and the lo y ranges of the ever they are forced to ascend a mountain barrier or are
Himalayas do not allow the air masses to invade the dragged into a cyclonic circula on, heavy summer me
Indian sub-con nent. precipita on is the result.

When the equatorial southwesterly air currents In Europe the trend of mountains is almost paral-
con nue upto North China and Manchuria, they en- lel with the westerly circula on, while in North America
counter the cP air masses and the result is the genera- the highlands lie against the westerlies. That is why the
on of polar fronts. At the polar front, the upli of hot mari me air masses have free access to the interior of
and moist air produces heavy summer precipita on. the European landmass and retain their ini al charac-
The weather of Japan and Korea is also affected by teris cs much longer than their counterparts in North
these air currents. Another current of the summer America. Whereas the east-west mountain chains of
monsoon originates over the western margin of the Europe do not allow the large sub-tropical bodies of
Pacific an cyclone which reaches Japan and eastern warm water to influence the air masses beyond the
China from a southern, southwestern or southeastern great southern peninsulas, the Gulf of Mexico exerts a
direc on. marked influence on the North American weather.
In winter, mari me tropical air masses don’t Winter Air Masses
effec vely influence the weather condi ons of the
easter Asia. They are warmer and humid than all of the (1) Con nental polar (cP) air masses. The
winter me Air Masses. South Asia during the winter winter source region of the con nental polar air masses
Season is dominated by the northeast trades which is located over the snow-covered regions of eastern
have mari me tropical characteris cs in the coastal Europe and Asia from about 45° north la tude to the
regions, but develop cT characteris cs when they move North Pole. These air masses are characterized by low
over the more extensive areas of the Southeastern and humidi es, very low surface temperatures and stable
Indian Peninsulas. lapse rates in their source regions. These air masses af-
fect the weather of Russia and Central Europe. Because
Air Masses Of Europe of the general west-to-east atmospheric circula on, the
cP air masses rarely reach western Europe. Since the cP
All the physical proper es of air masses that air masses move into western Europe from Asia, they
govern the weather and climate of Europe are deter- pick up heat and moisture from the warmer underlying
mined by its shape and geographical loca on. Europe, surface, and yet they are rather cold. However,because
which forms the western part of the great Eurasian they absorb moisture and there is turbulent mixing in
con nent, is broader in the south and narrow in the their lower layers, stratocumulus clouds form.
north. Because of the peculiarity of its shape the
mari me influence is observed in higher la tudes. (2) Mari me polar (mP) air masses. These
The winter me air masses origina ng in the north are air masses are chiefly found in western Europe. They
rela vely warmer, while the summer me air masses originate in a source region located in the North Atlan-
produced there are rela vely colder than their coun- c. Because of the oceanic influence they are rela vely
terparts in North America. Another salient feature warmer. They are humid and unstable. When mPK air
of the con nent, which influences the air masses, is masses invade the con nental land mass, they yield
the east-west alignment of the mountain chains. The light precipita on. However, because of their contact
Alps, the Pyrenees and the Caucasus, all the mountain with the cold surface, stability is produced in them. In
chains extend from west to east and do not obstruct the absence of any physical barrier, the mari me polar
the passage of westerlies which, therefore, enter the air masses freely enter upto the Alps.
con nent more readily and more deeply.
(3) Mari me tropical (ml) air masses. They
In many respects the mari me polar Atlan c originate from the sub-tropical high pressure cell in the
air masses in the westernEurope are similar to the tropical part of Atlan c Ocean. They are cooler, drier
mari me polar Pacific air masses along the Pacific and more stable than their counterparts in North Amer-
coastal regions of North America. Similarly, the mari- ica. Because of their long trajectories, they undergo
me tropical Atlan c air masses invading Portugal and substan al modifica on before invading Europe. When
Spain resemble the mT Pacific air masses in California. compared with the polar air masses they are warmer
There is a lot of resemblance between the con nen- and more moist with a marked stability in the upper
tal polar air masses of the westernEurope and the layers. The lower layers are characterized by a dis nct
western United States of America. Mari me tropical inversion layer. Since there is a con nual cooling from
air masses of Great Britain and Bri sh Columbia have below, these air masses develop stable layers in their
similar characteris cs. lower parts. Beneath the inversion layer widespread

sheets of stratus cloud develop from which there is (2) Mari me polar (mP) air masses. The main
some drizzling. The amount of precipita on from these source region of mP air masses during the summer
air masses is only moderate in the plains. Moreover, season is the extensive region of the North Atlan c.
because of the upper layer stability, even the frontal
ac vity does not produce heavy rainfall. The cyclonic These air masses which move into the con nent
storms visi ng western Europe have mari me tropical of Europe develop either in the northern or the south-
air masses in their warm sectors. It is, therefore, natural ern parts of the above source region and thus follow
that these air masses are more important during the different trajectories.
winter months than during the warmer seasons in MariƟme tropical (mT) air masses. During
Europe. Having originated in the tropical east Atlan c the summer season, the influence of mT air masses
these winter me mari me tropical air masses are not over the weather of the con nent is limited. Since mT
convec vely unstable like their counterpart in eastern air masses form in the northern and the eastern parts
America. of the Azores High, there is pronounced stability alo .
(4) Continental tropical (cT) air masses. That is why very stable mTs air mass is found south of
During the winter season they influence the weather 40° north la tude along the west coast of Europe. As
of only the Mediterranean region. These air masses these air masses come into contact with the cooler
originate over the great desert of Sahara and over the waters of the underlying ocean surface, they become
dry South-Western Asia. The cyclones moving over the all the more stable in their lower parts. They are,
Mediterranean draw cool air masses from the north therefore, not producers of precipita on. Whenever
which move southward toward Africa, and warm air there is a mountain barrier blocking their movement,
from over north Africa is transported northward across they are forced to rise which results in precipita on.
the Mediterranean. The northwestern Mediterranean However, the mT air masses are cooler and more stable
region is invaded by the modified mP air masses which over Europe than similar air masses over eastern North
are cold and dry. They are designated as mistral. Over America.
the warm Mediterranean, these air masses pick up (3) Con nental tropical (cT) air masses. In
heat and moisture from below. Similarly, cold modified summer, the cT air masses originate over the extensive
cP air masses enter the eastern Mediterranean. They lowlands of North Africa and Asia Minor. Since the con-
are cold and dry. They are called bora. They come to nental region south of 45° north la tude is a source
this region in the rear of extra-tropical cyclones. Being region for these air masses, and since there are many
heated from below, they become unstable in the lower seas there, the cT air masses differ from one region to
layers. On the contrary, the north African dry and hot another in respect of their moisture content. However,
air is cooled from below while moving across the Medi- they do not spread widely beyond their source regions
terranean. These modified cool and moist air masses and, therefore, they are rather unimportant except in
affect the winter me weather of Italy and the Aegean those loca ons. However, all the cT air masses are very
Sea. In view of the above three modified air masses, the warm and dry. The con nental tropical air masses in
Mediterranean region may be called a transi on zone. summer cross the Mediterranean Sea where they are
Thus, winter precipita on of the cyclonic origin in the called sirocco.
southern and central Europe is due to the con nental
tropical air masses that have been modified over the
Mediterranean Sea.

Summer Air Masses

(1) ConƟnental polar (cP) air masses. The
“con nental air masses during summer season origi-
nate over Central Europe, south of the Arc c front. In
summer they are more humid than their counterpart
in North America. Their temperatures are lower than
those of the west European cP air masses. But cP air
masses are decidedly warmer than the mP air. This ac-
counts for the less changeable weather in the con nent
during the summer season.

Earlier discussion of air masses and fronts will general circula on and pressure systems of the mid-
serve as a background for a clear understanding of la tude zone.
atmospheric disturbances. Remember that the term
Precipita on, an important clima c element, is
atmospheric disturbance is more general than storm.
also controlled by various atmospheric disturbances
The atmospheric disturbances include such varia-
visi ng the temperate lands. The convergent wind-
ons in the secondary circula on of the atmosphere
system of the cyclones is helpful in the li ing and
that cannot be placed in the category of storms. The
cooling of extensive air masses which results in pre-
thermal and dynamic effects of general circula on,
cipita on. Extratropical cyclones that travel from the
as represented by the zones and wind belts, give rise
nearby oceans to the con nents make the atmosphere
to secondary circula ons which produce the most
humid. It is these cyclones which account for a major
no ceable changes in weather. Even though the term
part of rainfall in different parts of our globe. On the
‘secondary circula on’ includes such atmospheric
contrary, the an cyclones with their divergent wind
phenomena as monsoon circulations, air masses,
system are producers of dry weather.
fronts and upper level vor ces, it is par cularly applied
to the travelling disturbances which originate in the In maintaining the la tudinal heat balance and
middle and high la tudes as well as within the trop- in the transfer of heat across different la tudinal
ics. Extratropical cyclones, an cyclones and tropical zones the atmospheric disturbances contribute a lot.
cyclones offer some of the best examples of such dis- Besides, in the transference of humidity from one part
turbances. As a ma er of fact, the general circula on of the earth to another, these disturbances have no
pa ern may be regarded as a background upon which less important part to play.
atmospheric disturbances of varying magnitudes are
superimposed. An understanding of the atmospheric distur-
bances of various magnitudes enables the weather
Besides the major features of secondary cir- scien st to make predic on as regards their me and
cula on, the day-to-day weather of a locality is also place of occurrence. In addi on to this, storm warn-
controlled by such local phenomena as are included ings can be given well in advance, so that protec ve
in the category of third-order circula ons. They in- measures are taken to save life and property. More-
clude gravity winds, fall winds, valley and mountain over, environmental protec on as well as weather
breezes, land and sea breezes, thunderstorms, and modifica on are directly related to our capacity to
tornadoes etc. understand as completely as possible the natural
environmental processes involved in these weather
The most interes ng aspect of the second-and
phenomena and to make use of this knowledge in a
third-order circula ons is that some mes they mask
posi ve and construc ve manner.
the general circula on. The general circula on is like
the flow of a stream, and various types of atmospheric CYCLONES
disturbances may be likened to the eddies and cross-
currents which characterize the same. The atmospheric disturbances which involve a
closed circula on about a low pressure centre, an -
Climatic significance of atmospheric clockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise
disturbances in the southern hemisphere, are called cyclones. They
fall into the following two broad categories :
The atmospheric disturbances play a vital role in
the complex processes of exchange of heat between (a) Extratropical cyclones (also called wave
different la tude zones. True, the maximum control cyclone), and
of these disturbances on the day-to-day weather (b) Tropical cyclones.
is seen in the middle la tude zone. The travelling
cyclones and an cyclones make the weather highly Extratropical cyclones are the weather distur-
variable, because there is an element of uncertainty bances of temperate zone and high la tude regions.
in their me of arrival as well as frequency. Various In common usage, extratropical cyclones stand for the
wave cyclones and vor ces are superimposed on the wave cyclones that originate at the polar front. But

the extratropical regions have various types of such Dark nimbus clouds, showery rainfall or snowfall, and
weather disturbances, besides the wave cyclones, that high velocity winds are some of the characteris c fea-
are non-frontal in origin. tures of the weather associated with them.

Non-frontal Atmospheric Disturbances Polar-air depression.These storms are winter-

in Temperate Zone me phenomena produced by unstable mari me polar
air currents moving southward on the eastern side of a
Such disturbances fall into the following types ridge of high pressure generally in the rear of an occlud-
which have been briefly described below : tropical ing depression. Polar lows origina ng over the North
depressions, thermal lows, lee depressions, and polar Atlan c affect the weather of northwestern Europe in
air depressions. winter. Some mes they also acquire fronts. From the
foregoing discussion it is clear that not all depressions
Tropical depressions. On occasions tropical of the temperate zone originate on the polar fronts,
disturbances in the last stage of their movement enter
nor do they have all the characteris cs of a typical
into the west wind belt. As they move onward they
wave cyclone. However, it is true that all the weather
get involved into the extratropical cyclones (or wave
disturbances described above have low pressure at
cyclones) found in their vicinity and acquire fronts and
their centres, and all produce unse led weather.
contras ng air masses. However, some of the tropical
depressions soon a er entering into the west wind belt EXTRATROPICAL CYCLONES
disinter grate. On the contrary, a few of them may also
redevelop into strong extratropical storms.
Much of the highly variable and cloudy weather
Thermal lows.These depressions originate ex-
we come across in the temperate zone is the direct
clusively in summer and are the result of intense day-
result of travelling cyclones. The terms extratropical
me hea ng of the con nental areas. These weather
cyclones, temperate cyclones, or depressions are in-
disturbances are also called heat lows. In summer, the
terchangeably used to denote these moving cyclones
intense hea ng of con nents, par cularly the desert
in the mid-la tude zone. Since the middle la tudes are
areas, produces shallow depressions which hardly
an area of convergence where contras ng air masses
move out of their source regions. The weather changes
generally meet, it is there that the cyclones and an -
produced by these storms are only short-lived. Strong
cyclones travel with varying regularity along with the
convec ve ac vity some mes produces cumulonimbus
prevailing westerly winds. As centres for converging
clouds which give thundershowers. Areas, where there
and rising air these moving cyclones produce cloudi-
is no polar front in summer in the temperate zone, may
ness and precipita on. They also bring about changes
experience thermal lows.
in temperature and air-pressure .
The summer me thermal lows in the vicinity
Extratropical cyclones develop in regions lying
of Persian Gulf are typical examples of this type of
between 30° and 65° north and south la tudes in both
weather disturbance. The weather produced by these
the hemispheres. It is in these la tude zones that the
storms does not exhibit the characteris cs of a true
polar and tropical air masses meet and form what is
extratropical frontal cyclone.
known as the polar fronts. Most of these cyclones form
Lee depressions.Such weather disturbances at a wavelike twist or perturba on on these fronts.
are produced on the lee side of the mountain barriers. Since a cyclone on a weather map is shown as a low
When the westerlies are blocked by the north-south pressure area enclosed by a number of isobars circular
mountain barrier, the air flow undergoes contrac on or ellip cal in shape, it is also referred to as a low or a
over the ridge and expansion on the lee side. Thus, depression. When the isobars take an elongated shape,
there is a convergence and cyclonic curvature in the lee the pressure system is called a trough.
of the barrier. Such depressions are common in winter
to the south of the Alps and the Atlas mountains. Other
Shape and size.There is a great degree of varia-
on in the shape and size of middle-la tude cyclonic
regions where such depressions originate in winter are
storm. No temperate cyclone is ever exactly like any
Colorado and Texas situated to the east of the Rockies.
other. Generally the isobars are almost circular or el-
When these depressions move out, they a ract polar
lip cal. However, in certain depressions, the isobars
air masses and acquire fronts. Therea er they develop
take the shape of the le er ‘V’. Such storms are called
all the characteris cs of an extratropical depression.
a V- shaped depression. At mes, the cyclones be-

come so broad and shallow that they are referred to ORIGIN OF EXTRATROPICAL
as troughs of low pressure. There are occasions when CYCLONES
these storms become greatly elongated and lose some
of the common characteris cs of an ordinary temper- Fitzroy was pioneer in the field who in 1863
ate cyclone. explained that most of the extratropical cyclones
originated because of the interac on of air masses
The diameter of the temperate cyclones may vary
having differ-rent physical proper es. His inves ga-
from 160 km to 3,200 km. But most of the cyclones
ons revealed that the subtropical regions produced
have diameters measuring 300 to 1500 km. The ver -
warm and humid air currents, and the cold and dry
cal extent of an average-sized cyclone is es mated to
air streams had their source regions in the polar and
be 10 to 12km.
Arc c regions.
Paths and movement of extratropical cy- It was toward the end of World War I that
clones. The general direc on of movement of temper- the Norwegian meteorologists, V.Bjerknes, his son
ate cyclones is from west to east with frequent trends J.Bjerknes and associates, collected systema c syn-
towards the southeast to northeast. In other words, op c observa ons to study the structure of a number
the mid-la tude cyclones are subjected to the general of cyclones over Europe. Their efforts brought about
westerly flow of atmosphere in the temperate zone. major advances in the understanding of extratropical
Even though there is no definite path which most of cyclones. Their inves ga ons and researches resulted
the cyclones follow, it is at least true that there are in what is popularly known as the polar front theory
certain tracks which are most commonly followed. The of cyclones, or simply as wave theory. It is also called
heavy concentra on of storm tracks in the vicinity of the Bergen theory of the origin of cyclone. Even though
the Aleu an and Icelandic lows is the most important this theory could provide an adequate explana on
feature of the world distribution of the paths fol- of cyclone development, recently more theories for
lowed by the middle-la tude cyclones. However, each cyclone development such as Baroclinic wave theory
individual storm follows its independent path. These have been formulated.
storm tracks, as they are called, vary with the chang-
ing season. Like the la tudinal shi ing of the wind and Polar front theory
pressure belts, there is a definite seasonal shi ing of
the paths of cyclones. This theory, as stated earlier, is also called the
frontal theory or the wave theory of the origin of ex-
During winter months the opposing air masses tratropical cyclones. This theory recognizes that the
have greater contrasts in their physical proper es, so polar front, separa ng polar and tropical air masses,
the winter cyclones that develop in the middle-la tude gives rise to cyclonic disturbances that intensify and
zone are greater in number and are more intense. This move along the front and proceed through a somewhat
accounts for the greater changeability of weather in the predictable life cycle. Cyclones, according to Bjerknes,
temperate zone during the winter months than dur- form along a front where polar and tropical air masses
ing the summer season, when the whole atmospheric with contras ng physical proper es (temperature and
circula on becomes sluggish. density) are moving parallel to it in opposite direc-
In con nental Europe the largest number of win- ons.
ter cyclones form over the Bal c Sea. Heat given off by Thus, it is evident that cyclogenesis (cyclone
the large expanse of warmer sea surface s mulates forma on) occurs where a frontal surface is distorted
the forma on of cyclones here. The sharp contrast into a wave-shaped discon nuity.
between the temperature of the Bal c Sea and the
adjoining land areas leads to the forma on of storms in There are several factors which may be said to
this region. Under similar condi ons numerous storms produce an unstable wave on an unperturbed front.
form over the Mediterranean basin. They move north- Mountains, temperature contrasts or some nearby
eastward reaching Soviet Russia or travel to the east as disturbances may affect the air flow in such a way as to
far as northern India. Most of the winter rainfall of the create a wave. Some mes, the flow alo is capable of
Middle East countries and northern India is produced ini a ng a cyclonic system. Meandering streams of air
by the passage of these storms. in the upper troposphere have been found to intensify
the surface cyclonic ac vity. Surface cyclones occur
invariably ahead of an upper-air trough.

According to the polar front theory, as the cold is fine. However, along the slan ng surface of discon-
polar air is deflected equatorward and the warm nuity where the opposing air currents meet, there is
tropical air poleward, a cyclone-forming wave is formed a sudden change in the direc on of wind. This is called
along the front. The wave thus formed is divided into wind-shear.
two parts. The eastern part of the wave where the (1) The incipient stage. In the second stage a wave
warm air advancing towards the east ascends over a has formed on the front. Cold air is turned in a
wedge of cold air mass is called the warm front. The southerly direc on and warm air in a northerly
western por on of the discon nuity, where cold polar direc on. There is an encroachment of each
air is replacing the warm air by under-running the warm air mass into the domain of the other. This
and lighter tropical air mass, is the cold front. Under results in the readjustment in the pressure
favourable circumstances, the curbing mo on added field as a result of which the isobars become
by the Coriolis force increases the amplitude of the almost circular in shape.
frontal wave. The curvature is also increased. Now, the A cyclonic circula on is ini ated around a low
depression enters into a fully developed stage and has centre at the apex of the wave. The whole
two dis nct sectors of warm and cold air. cyclonic vortex is carried along with the
As the wave develops, the ascent of warm air winds prevailing in the warm-air region at
along the warm front results in condensa on, cloud approximately the speed of the geostrophic
forma on and precipita on. Since the cold front ad- component of the wind. It may be pointed
vances at a faster rate than the warm front, the sector out that the new depression developing at the
of warm air becomes progressively smaller. The process crest of the wave is called the nascent cyclone.
con nues, and the cold front ul mately overtakes the The process of the birth of a new cyclone is
slow moving warm front. Now, the process of occlu- commonly called cyclogenesis.
sion starts. Whether it is warm-front or cold-front type (2) The mature stage. In the third stage the
of occlusion, the warm-air sector is raised alo , and intensity of cyclone increases. The curvature
cold air behind the cold front now meets the cold air and amplitude of the wave also undergo a
in advance of the warm front. It is at this cri cal point marked increase. The air in the warm sector
that the cyclone is said to have reached maturity. With starts flowing from the southwest towards
the occlusion of the warm sector, the source of energy the colder air flowing from the southeast.
for the cyclone is cut off from the centre. Centre of Now, the cyclone is fully developed. There
occlusion becomes filled with cold air coming in from are well marked warm and cold sectors. The
all direc ons. The ver cal mo on stops and there is an warm air in this stage moves faster than
all round rise in the surface pressure. It is noteworthy the cold air. The direc on of movement is
that when warm and cold fronts are combined into perpendicular to the warm front. In fact, the
one, a long backward-swinging front is formed. This warm air is moving into a region previously
is called an occluded front. The onset of the process occupied by the cold air. In the rear of the
of occlusion brings the storm close to its death. Thus, cyclone cold polar air is under-running the
con nued occlusion hastens the dissipa on of the air of the warm sector, thus a cold front
original depression. In the end, the cyclone is a feeble is generated there. Each of these fronts is
vortex full of fairly uniform air. convex in the direc on of its movement.
Since the posi on of the cold front advances
Life cycle of an extra-tropical cy- faster than the warm front, the warm sector
clone becomes progressively narrower. This is
The iniƟal Stage. In the ini al stage the polar and the beginning of occlusion. This par cular
the tropical air currents on the opposite sides of the phenomenon marks the maturity of the
polar front blow parallel to the isobars and the front. cyclone. This is obviously the period of
In the cold air mass to the north of the polar front the maximum intensity.
flow of air is from east to west. In the warm air mass (3) The occlusion stage. In the final stage the
to the south of the front the flow of air is from west to advancing cold front ul mately overtakes
east. Therefore the wave disturbance is produced, the the warm front which results in the
front is quasista onary and is in perfect equilibrium. forma on of an occluded front. Occlusion
The wedge of cold air mass lies under the warm air. starts first near the apex of the wave where
There is complete absence of wind shi . The weather warm front is closest to the cold front.

Gradually the process of occlusion comes It may be pointed out that the wind and tem-
down to the more open part of the two perature gradients alo are different from those at
fronts. Thus, the warm sector is slowly the surface. We also know that meandering jet stream
pinched off and finally the two cold air produces ridges and troughs in the upper air flow. A
masses mix across the front. This eliminates ridge of high pressure draws warm air towards the pole.
the occluded front. Now, the cyclone dies A trough of low pressure, on the other hand, allows cold
out. The life span of a single frontal cyclone air to move towards the equator. Thus, the wave flow
is normally about five to seven days. of the upper westerlies provides an important mecha-
nism for the growth of cyclonic storms which, in turn,
Baroclinic Wave Theory. The frontal theory
re-distribute energy. Transfer of heat that takes place
of cyclones has proved useful in the predic on of the
across the temperature zone is effected by the cyclones
forma on and movement of cyclonic storms. But this
and an cyclones. The existence of wave and eddies in
theory is not in conformity with a mathema cal model
the general flow pa ern of the globe is essen al for
for the origin and development of a wave cyclone on a
the maintenance of the la tudinal heat balance. The
sloping frontal surface. In other words, it has no math-
wavy pa ern alo largely determines the pressure
ema cal founda on in explaining the ini al stages of
pa erns at the surface.
cyclone development.
According to the baroclinic theory, the north-
Baroclinic Wave Theory is based on the fact that
south perturba ons of wind velocity are accompanied
cyclones of the extra-tropical regions may form even
by ver cal veloci es in ascending air currents of the
without any pre-existing front between the polar
warm and moist air, and descending air currents of the
and the tropical air masses. Further, it considers the
cold and dense air.
cyclones and an cyclones as an integral part of the
general atmospheric circula on. The most important Rising air currents give rise to inflowing currents
feature of this theory is that it was evolved through the of air from the adjoining regions. The converging air
use of mathema cal techniques and numerical analysis currents develop a cyclonic spin because of the ef-
of weather forecas ng. fect of Coriolis force. As the air gets closer to the axis
of rota on its rota onal velocity increases. This is in
Before discussing the salient features of the
conformity with the principle of the conserva on of
baroclinic wave theory of cyclones, it is per nent to
angular momentum. In the northern hemisphere, there
clarify the concept of baroclinicity. Baroclinicity de-
is a counter-clockwise circula on around the centre. As
notes the state of stra fica on in the atmosphere in
the cyclone develops in intensity, the ascent of air is
which surfaces of constant pressure intersect surfaces
more vigorous. This results in more and more of con-
of constant density (which depends mostly on tem-
densa on and the release of latent heat. The con nued
perature). Barotrophy, on the other hand, is the state
intensifica on of the cyclone results in propor onate
of stra fica on in the atmosphere in which surfaces
fall of pressure in the cyclone.
of constant pressure and constant density are parallel.
These condi ons depict the atmospheric condi ons To summarize, this theory was developed through
which relate to stability or instability. ‘Hydrodynamic the use of mathema cal techniques. According to this
stability’ is another term used to refer to this type of theory, the north- south temperature gradient makes
overall stability of the atmosphere in so far as the for- the middle-la tude upper air flow unstable. The air
ma on of cyclones is concerned. flow assumes wavy flow which under special circum-
stances breaks into cyclones and an cyclones.
According to the baroclinic theory, cyclones and
an cyclones in the temperate region form as a result Through these atmospheric disturbances, the
of the baroclinic instability. The poten al energy in the greatest heat exchange in the mid-la tude region is
zonal flow is converted into kine c energy of the ed- made possible. Cyclones and an cyclones, according
dies. Baroclinicity in the atmosphere is represented by to this theory, are non-frontal in origin, and may be
a frontal region. In the troposphere, there is a con nu- taken to be a part and parcel of the general circula-
ous decrease in temperature from the equator towards on pa ern.
the poles. The meridional temperature gradient goes
on increasing and it makes the zonal flow unstable. At Bjerknes’ Cyclone Model
a certain stage the flow is broken down into a number
Bjerknes’ model of an extratropical cyclone was
of cyclonic and an cyclonic circula ons.
produced in 1918 a er inves ga ng the structure of a

large number of cyclones in north-western Europe. The but there may be some occasional drizzles. In
cyclone model helps in under-standing and predic ng all, the weather is clear and pleasant.
the sequence of weather of the temperate la tudes. (iv) Cold Front-Temperature registers marked
A temperate cyclone takes about 2 to 4 days to pass decrease with the arrival of cold front. Cold
over a region. During this short period of me abrupt increases considerably. The cold air pushes the
changes in weather condi ons are the rule rather than warm air upward andthere is change in wind
excep on. direction from outherly to south-westerly
and westerlwSky is again covered with clouds
Sequence of weather in temperate
which soon start precipita on.
(v) Cold Frontal Precipita on-Sky becomes
Different parts of temperate cyclones are over cast with cumulonimbus clouds which
asso¬ciated with varying weather condi ons because yield heavy showers. Since the warm air
of different types of air masses and varying tempera- is forcibly li ed upward hurriedly, the
ture condi ons. The observa on point of a moving cold frontal precipita on is in the form of
temper¬ate cyclone experiences different weather heavy downpour with cloud thunder and
condi ons at the me of arrival and passage of warm lightning but the precipita on is of short
front, warm sector, cold front and cold sector. dura on and less widespread because the
(i) Arrival of Cyclone-When the cyclone coming cold sector is very close.(vi) Cold Sector-
from the western direc on draws nearer to Weather again changes remark¬ably with
the obser¬va on point, wind velocity slows the passage of cold front and arrival of cold
down considerably, air pressure decreases and sector. Sky becomes cloudless and hence
the sun and the moon are encircled by halo clear. There is sharp fall in air temperature
which is infact the reflec on of thin ‘veneers and considerable rise in air pressure
of cirrus and cirrostratus clouds in the west but decrease in specific humidity. Wind
Temperature suddenly increases when the direc on changes from 45° to 180° and thus
cyclone comes very close to the observa on it becomes true wester . A er the occlusion
point, wind direc¬ on changes from easterly of cyclone the weather condi ons of pre-
to south-easterly, the cloud cover thickens and cyclone period again set in.
the sky becomes overcast with dark, thick and Secondary Cyclones and Cyclone
low clouds. Families
(ii) Warm Frontal Precipita on-Clouds become
very thick and dark with the arrival of warm When the cold front overtakes the slow moving
front of the cyclone and heavy showers begin warm front, the warm air is forced upward. The meet-
with nimbostratus clouds. Since the warm ing of the two fronts creates an occluded front. Under
air rises slowly along the front, and hence normal condi ons, in the later stages of occlusion the
the precipita on is slow, gradual but of long cyclone weakens and ul mately dissipates. But some-
duration. The warm frontal precipitation mes, during the late maturing stage of a cyclone, a
largely de¬pends on the amount of moisture new low develops on the equatorward margin of the
and instability of the rising warm air. If the original cyclone. This usually takes place in southeast-
air is full of moisture and is unstable, there is ern or south-western part of the polar front. Thus, a
sufficient precipita on, the sky is overcast and secondary cyclone is formed which passes through dif-
the sun is not visible for several hours. ferent stages of its life cycle and matures very rapidly. It
(iii) Warm Sector-The warm sector comes over may follow the track of primary cyclone or may move
the observa on point a er the passage of along a new path.
warm front and there is sudden change in
the pre-exis ng weather condi ons. The wind Extratropical Cyclones and Jet
direc on becomes southerly. The sky becomes Streams
cloudless and clear. There is sudden rise in
When the Bjerknes’ model of the middle-la tude
air temperature and increase in the specific
depression was constructed in 1918, there was paucity
humidity of the air but air pressure decreases
of observa onal data regarding the nature of airflow
remark¬ably. Though weather becomes ‘clear
in the middle and upper troposphere. Since then our

knowledge of the upper atmosphere has considerably gether. This naturally leads to the genera on of a front.
increased. Now the evidence indicates that there is A er the front has formed, the further development
a close rela onship between the flow alo and the takes place along the line of an ordinary frontal depres-
cyclonic storm at the surface. sion. On the contrary, some mes a low pressure centre
formed in the upper troposphere produces a kink in the
Studies of the upper-level wind charts have made
polar front and thus ini ates a wave cyclone.
it clear that the upper-level westerlies follow meander-
ing and wavy paths having long wavelengths. It is to be Anticyclones
remembered that it was C.G.Rossby who first made a
detailed inves ga on into the nature of these waves, An cyclones play much less important a role
called Rossby waves a er the name of the inves ga- in the weather-drama at the surface of the earth in
tor. According to him, the longest wave pa erns have comparison with cyclones. Since an cyclones produce
wavelengths of 4000 to 6000 km. There are, therefore, clear condi ons and are almost weatherless, no seri-
three to six waves around the globe. Besides, shorter ous study has been conducted on their development.
waves are also generated in the middle and upper tro- There is a common feeling that an cyclones are always
posphere. These shorter waves have a lot to do with associated with fine weather. But this is not always
the cyclonic disturbances of the middle-la tudes at the the case. Some mes, when an cyclones remain over
surface. Similar to the surface cyclones, these short a region for a number of days and become stagnant,
waves also travel eastward around the globe. Now it they assume greater importance to man as he tries to
is a well-known fact that the jet streams are part and tackle the problem of air pollu on. Large an cyclones
parcel of the upper-level westerlies. quite o en block the eastward moving cyclones. The
middle-la tude an cyclones on several occasions bring
The shi ing pa erns of upper westerlies exercise severe cold waves which are considered to be a seri-
a controlling influence on the winds and weather at ous clima c hazard to various human and economic
the surface. There is sufficient evidence to prove that ac vi es.
the weather condi ons at the surface have very close
rela on with the storms which develop in the upper It denotes an atmospheric system that is just op-
troposphere. There may be cold-core lows or the giant posite of the cyclonic system. In the context of general
tropical storms which never reach the surface. Recent circula on, the an cyclones are considered to be the
researches have revealed that each cyclone is a ached ‘centres of ac on’. In all the la tudes, the loca on
to a jet stream which itself is affected by various stages and the energy. Of an cyclones form one of the most
of the development of a cyclone. important factors in weather forecas ng. However, all
the important an cyclones are found over the oceans in
The straight flow alo does not favour the cy- the vicinity of 30° north and south la tudes in the form
clonic ac vity at the surface. Larger meanders produce of semi-permanent high pressure cells. But the cold-
high amplitude waves with short wavelengths. Troughs core and warm-core migratory an cyclones have their
and ridges form alo . Large bodies of polar air are origins in different regions situated farther apart.
transported to the lower la tudes and tropical air
masses are carried to the higher la tudes. This results Origin and structure. An cyclones are high
in the intensity of surface cyclonic ac vity. Besides, the pressure systems around which the wind blows clock-
surface cyclones as a rule of thumb occur just ahead of wise in the northern hemisphere, and counterclockwise
an upper-air trough. In view of the present-day knowl- in the southern hemisphere. There are various types
edge about the temperature gradients and wind speeds of an cyclones such as the cold-core an cyclones of
alo , the close associa on of a wave cyclone and the the high la tudes and the warm-core an cyclones of
polar jet is an established fact. The flow alo is able to lower la tudes. According to some other meteorolo-
provide the necessary convergence and divergence that gists there is a third category of an cyclones which
are so essen al to maintain cyclonic flow at the surface. are described as the sluggish systems filling the spaces
Thus, the air flow in the upper troposphere is the source between moving temperate cyclones.
of energy for maintaining the surface cyclonic flow.
Cold an cyclones of the middle la tudes are
There are instances when extratropical cyclones also called ‘polar outbreak highs’. Some mes the last
form without the prior existence of a polar front. These member of a cyclone family draws cold air masses from
depressions are actually ini ated by a trough in the the sub-polar regions in its rear part. These rapidly
upper-air westerlies. Once such storms originate in the moving an cyclones move southward towards the
lower atmosphere they a ract different air masses to- lower la tudes. This produces the cold waves so o en

experienced in the southern parts of the temperate uncertainty in weather is produced, it is because the
regions. When they enter into the subtropical regions, an cyclones are o en capped by cyclonic circula on
they undergo a gradual transforma on and ul mately alo .
become warm an cyclones.
The surface temperature condi ons in an an -
Mechanism of anticyclone cyclone depend upon temperature of the air masses
formation involved, humidity of air, and season of the year. In
winter, the cold an cyclones origina ng in the snow-
The exact mechanism of the forma on of an cy- covered subpolarregions always bring with them very
clones is s ll not clear. But the most probable cause of low temperatures and blizzards which render the
their forma on seems to be the radia onal cooling of winter chill unbearable. The middle-la tude an cy-
the layers of atmosphere lying close to the snow-cov- clones always produce the lowest temperatures of
ered surface. According to Trewartha, the southward the season.
surge of extremely cold and dense polar air is caused
In summer, the stagnant type of warm an cy-
by the combined effect of an upper-air long wave and
clones associated with the air of subtropical or tropical
an expulsion of cold Arc c
origin produce extremely high temperatures, called
Basin air alo . Since there is subsidence within ‘heat waves’. Clear weather allows the maximum
these an cyclones, there is subsidence inversion pro- receipts of solar radia on during the day. Tropical air
duced in the atmosphere which results in atmospheric masses carry heat to the north as the high pressure
stability. Under certain conditions, an anticyclone system moves into the sub-polar regions.
may undergo dis nct development and may become
Since the an cyclonic condi ons favour clear
intense. These developments are invariably associated
weather, the diurnal range of temperature is bound
with intense cyclonic ac vity in the neighbouring areas.
to be large.
Even then the an cyclones never develop such intensi-
es as are acquired by well-developed cyclones. How- Distribution
ever, it is to be remembered that the individual an cy-
clones are made up of different types of air masses at The regions of origin and paths of movement of
different mes. Therefore the weather associated with the cold and warm an cyclones are different. Subpolar
them always shows different characteris cs. But one regions give birth to cold an cyclones which always
characteris c is always shared by all the an cyclones, move towards the south. The warm an cyclones gen-
i.e. they are never affected by advec on from extrane- erally move from west to east. However, the source
ous sources. The weather produced by any an cyclone regions as well as the tracks followed by an cyclones
is very much regional and diurnal in character. tend to shi towards the north in summer and south
in winter.
Characteristics of anticyclone
In winter, there are two regions of high frequency
An cyclone circula on is characterized by subsid- of cold an cyclones : the extensive plateau of the Rocky
ence and surface divergence. An cyclonic wind system mountains in northwestern Canada and east central
is not so well developed as is the case with a cyclonic Siberia. The states of Nevada, Utah, and Idaho have
circula on. In the eastern part of a moving an cyclone, the largest number of an cyclones. The area extend-
there are north-westerly winds, while on the westward ing from Alaska to the Great Plains has high frequency
side or on the rear the southeasterly winds prevail. of high pressure systems. These an cyclones are cold
Pressure gradient is never so steep and the wind-ve- and shallow highs comprising the polar con nental
loci es are never so high as in a cyclone. On the other air (cP).
hand, an cyclones have always high winds.
In summer, as stated earlier, the storm paths and
Unlike cyclones, the an cyclones are always as- their centres of maximum frequency shi towards the
sociated with scanty rainfall. Subsidence and divergent north. The Great Lake region has a maximum of an cy-
wind system within an an cyclone do not favourcon- clone frequency in summer, whereas the cold an cy-
densa on and cloud forma on. But in case the south- clones of the winter months avoid this region because
easterly air is moist, there may be some precipita on of intense cyclonic development there. In eastern Asia
on the rear of an an cyclone. On occasions, the cold too, the number of an cyclones is greatly reduced.
northwesterly winds may produce snowfall. Whatever Some of the feeble an cyclones move across China in

summer. Now, the subtropical an cyclones follow a Blocking Highs
more northerly route. Their frequency over the eastern
Pacific is high, and there are only a few high pressure Such an cyclones occur at high levels, but they
systems in the western part. This is so because in this are not limited in ver cal extent. They appear to be
part of the Pacific the summer monsoon dominates connected with large an cyclones at the surface of
the weather drama. A number of warm subtropical the earth. They o en block the passage of eastward
an cyclones pass over the Mediterranean Sea. moving circula ons carried along by the westerlies.
They resemble warmcore anticyclones in general
Types of Anticyclones characteris cs. They originate in the north-western
Europe and the adjacent Atlan c Ocean between 0°
On the basis of structure, storm tracks, and gen- and 30° West longitudes. The second area of their
eral characteris cs, an cyclones are divided into the origin lies on the middle and the western part of the
following four dis nct types : Pacific Ocean. This area extends from 140° to 170°W
(1) Subtropical highs. These an cyclones develop longitude. Ver cally such an cyclones may extend
in the subtropical regions. They are large in uptotropopause. Towards the west of the axis of these
area, elongated in shape and very deep in massive an cyclones the tropical warm and moist air
ver cal extent. They are almost permanent masses predominate. There are clouds which produce
high- pressure systems positioned in the precipita on. The polar air masses towards the east of
subtropical high-pressure belts. They are most their axis produce cold and dry weather.
o en stagnant. Whenever they move, they
move very sluggishly. These an cyclones are Such an cyclones of the midla tudes are much
well developed over the oceans, while there larger and may dominate the weather of an area for
is low pressure over the con nents. more than a week. They are associated with clear skies
(2) Polar ConƟnental highs. These cold an cyclones and light winds. It is to be noted that such weather
form over con nental surfaces in winter. They systems deflect the passage of midla tudes cyclones
are produced by radia onal cooling of the around them to north and south. That is why they are
earth’s surface. At about 2500 metres above called “blocking an cyclones”. In summer such condi-
sea- level they lose their iden ty. They are ons bring prolonged periods of sunshine intensifying
made up of a very shallow layer of cold air. the CT air mass generally associated with these weather
systems at that season. High temperatures and drought
(3) Highs embedded between cyclones. These
may result. During the winter months, the nocturnal
an cyclones are merely the sluggish systems
cooling through clear skies lowers the temperature of
which are found between the more vigorous
the cP airmass to extreme levels. If the air happens to
individual cyclones. These wedges of high
be almost s ll, fog may result and pollu ng dust and
pressure are inert, and produce clear and fine
injurious gases may accumulate. With slightly stron-
weather a er the more turbulent cyclonic
ger winds, a combina on of low clouds and reduced
visibility at the ground level causes the bright skies to
(4) Polar-outbreak highs. Generally the last
produce what is called “an cyclonicgloom”. It may be
member of a cyclone family is followed by a
pointed out that the midla tude sequence of cyclones
great outbreak of cold and dense polar air,
and an cyclones are controlled by the polar front jet
which may move even into the tropical regions.
and Rossby-wave cycle in the upper troposphere.
Some mes a well-developed depression in
the middle la tudes draws on its rear rapidly
moving masses of cold polar air. These
an cyclones while moving equatorward slow
down. These cold and dry polar air masses
pick up moisture from the warm subtropical
oceans and are transformed within a period
of two or three days into subtropical warm
an cyclones.


6. Each part of the tropical cyclones yiels rain,

unlike temperate cyclone where it has cell of
Geographically, the tropical atmosphere lies
between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Cap-
7. tropical cyclone some mes become sta onary
ricorn. But from meteorological point of view, the
causing flood deluge qnd disaster.
boundaries of the tropical atmosphere are determined
8. Tropical cycline normally move from east to
by the high pressure cells of the subtropics in both the
west under the influence of trade wind.
9. Tropical cyclones are generally confined to
Earlier it was believed that weather in tropics is summer month.
monotonous, but now the evidences exist to prove that 10. Tropical cyclone are also affected by oceanic
various kinds of weather disturbances exist within the cold current near peru and african coast
tropics. A great deal of variability has been observed they depend on heat engine powered by
in weather elements like temperature, precipita on, the latent heat of condensa on which comes
pressure etc. However, there is no clear-cut dis nc on from heat that is released when oceanic
between different types of atmospheric disturbances water rises under the influence of sunrays and
that originate within the tropics. a er a aining certain heights release heat of
Only the violent tropical storms like hurricanes condensa on.
and typhoons have been seriously studied by the cli- 11. Whenever a tropical cyclone moves on to
matologists. These severe storms are not only limited land, much of its severity is reduced simply
in number, but they are also restricted to limited areas. because its source of moisture is cut off.
But it is the weaker and milder forms of tropical dis- In other words, no energy is available on
turbances which affect the weather to a considerable land to maintain a cyclone. The weakening
extent and break the so-called monotony of the tropical of the hurricanes over land is also the result
weather. Most of the extensive tropical disturbances of increased fric on. Thus, it is clear that the
are the weak and shallow low-pressure systems domi- tropical cyclones originate over the oceans
na ng the weather of the humid tropics. and dissipate over the land.
Types of Tropical Disturbances
Characteristics of tropical cyclone
1. Size of tropical cyclones vary considerably. Tropical disturbances are classified into four cat-
Their diameters ranges between 80km and egories : (1) Tropical disturbances or easterly waves,
300km but some me they become as small (2) tropical depressions, (3) tropical storms, and (4)
as 50km. Hurricanes or typhoons.
2. They advance with varying veloci es. Weak On the basis of intensity tropical cyclones are
cyclones move at the speed of about 32km divided into two principal types and 4 subtypes
while hurricanes a ain velocity of 180km per (1) Weak cyclone
(i) Tropical disturbances
3. Tropical cyclones become more vigorous and
move with very high velocity over the oceans (ii) Tropical depressions
but become weak and feeble while moving (2) Strong and furious cyclones
over land areas, because they depend upon
(iii) Hurricanes or typhoons
heat engine of condensa on. So such cyclones
affect coastal areas more. (iv) Tornadoes
4. Centre of cyclone has extremely low pressure,
(1) Tropical disturbances or Easterly waves.
winds hurridely rush up towards the centre
These are the migratory wave like disturbances of the
and a ain gale velocity.
tropical easterlies. The easterly waves represent a pat-
5. Tropical cyclone doesn’t show temperature
tern of wave perturba ons which move from east to
varia ons like temperate cyclone because it
west with the current, but with a slower speed. The
is not made by two different air masses.
source of their occurrence lies between 5° to 20° la -

tudes in both the hemispheres mostly in the northern these weak depressions never grow into storms
hemisphere in western part of the ocean. These waves of hurricane intensity, rather they die out as weak dis-
travel in a east-to-west direc on under the influence of turbances. They affect the weather condi on in India
trade wind at the rate of 320-480 km per day. Ahead and North Australia during summer months.
of the trough line there is divergence of air currents.
Since in this part of the disturbance there is subsidence, (3) Tropical storms. These low pressures cen-
the weather tends to be dry and clear. On the contrary, tres are surrounded by winds having their veloci es
behind the waves, warm and moist air currents tend to in the range of 40 to 120 km per hour. Most favour-
ascend which leads to the development of cumulonim- able atmospheric condi ons for their occurrence exist
bus clouds and thundershowers. Some mes easterly during the summer season. The Bay of Bengal and
waves are so greatly intensified that they develop into the Arabian Sea offer ideal condi ons for the origin
hurricanes. Generally they develop in the Caribbean sea and growth of these storms. Mostly they are associ-
and North Pacific Ocean during summer month. ated with the storm surges ( dal waves) at the coast
of bengal because of many favourable condi on like
When such a type, of transverse wave passes an astronomical des, funneling coast configura on, low
observer, the following weather sequence is generally and flat terrains of coastal areas and frequent occur-
produced : ance of severe cyclonic storms. They are also present
in the West Indies and in the vicinity of the Philippines.
There is a ridge of high pressure ahead of the
These storms produce heavy precipita on and bring
trough. This is invariably associated with fine weather.
about a change in the exis ng weather. Many storms
There are scattered fine-weather cumulus clouds
of this type develop into more violent and destruc ve
floa ng in the sky. The lower air may have some haze,
type of tropical storms.
but close to the trough line there are well-developed
cumulus clouds with occasional showers. The visibility (4) Tropical-Cyclones (Hurricanes or Ty-
near the ground gradually improves. Behind the trough, phoons). Hurricane is a severe tropical cyclone hav-
veering of the wind is observed. Because of conver- ing a maximum wind speed in excess of 119 km per
gence the heavy cumulus or cumulonimbus clouds hour. The name ‘hurricane’ is given to the tropical
develop yielding moderate to heavy precipita on. This cyclones in the North Atlan c and the eastern North
part of the wave is also associated with thunderstorms. Pacific oceans. The tropical cyclones of hurricane force
There is a slight decrease in temperature. in the western North Pacific or China are known as
As regards the regional distribu on of easterly typhoons. In Australia this type of storm is given the
waves, they tend to develop in the Caribbean, when name willy-willy, whereas in the Indian Ocean they
during summer and autumn the trade wind inversion are called cyclones.
happens to be weak or absent. The winter and spring Hurricanes represent the most violent, most
seasons do not favour the forma on of easterly waves. awesome, and most feared of all the atmospheric
Some mes easterly waves originate in the North Pa- disturbances. Since these storms cause widespread
cific as well. During summer, in the Caribbean and the damage over land areas, and are dangerous to ship-
Pacific easterly waves originate a er every three and ping, the weather scien sts have given considerable
two days respec vely. a en on to them.
The easterly waves form in the equatorial troughs
Difference between Hurricanes and
which are elongated in shape and extend upto hun-
dreds of kilometers. They extend in the north-south temperate cyclones
direc on lying across the trade wind circula on. They Hurricanes and temperate cyclones looks similar
travel long distances as distinct entities. Near the in appearance but there are many differences
surface of the earth these waves appear to be feeble,
but they are fully developed at a height of, say, 4000 1. hurricanes are represented by more sym-
meters. metrical and circular isobars. pressure
increases sharply from the centre towards
(2) Tropical depressions. These depressions are the outer margin resul ng into steep pres-
liable to occur anywhere in the warm humid air of the sure gradient.
tropics, but they are quite frequent in the vicinity
2. Rainfall occuring from hurricanes is in
of inter-tropical convergence zone. Howeyer, they are
the form of heavy downpour and is wide-
very rare in the trade wind belt. Many of

spread and uniformly distributed whereas Weather sequence in hurricanes.The ap-
precipita on from temperate cyclone is proach of tropical cyclones is heralded by falling air-
confined only to warm and cold fronts, pressure which is slow at first, then more and more
warm and cold sectors are devoid of pre- rapid as the storm draws nearer. Wind velocities
cipita on. gradually increase from a gentle breeze to hurricane
3. There is no change in wind direc on in hur- force. With the approach of the storm cirrus or cir-
ricanes Wind blows from outer margin to- rostratus clouds appear in the sky, and then they
wards the centre and then rises upward. gradually thicken into very dense cumulonimbus.
These thunder clouds are associated with thunder,
4. Hurricanes are not associated with an - lightning and heavy rains. These destruc ve condi ons
cyclones. Unlike temperate cyclones they may persist for a couple of hours. Then there is the
move from east to west. sudden arrival of the central calm area of the cyclone
Hurricanes with its fine and se led weather. The pressure now
remains constant at its lowest. This is the eye of the
According to Trewartha,there is a spiralling in- storm. But this is a short-lived phase las ng hardly for
flow of air at lower levels, a rapid upward movement more than about half an hour. Then the fury of the
at intermediate levels, and a spiralling outward flow storm begins again. Now the direc on of the wind is
alo . It is the steep pressure gradient which causes the reversed and the pressure suddenly jumps up. Gradu-
rapid, spiralling winds of a tropical storm. ally the severity of the storm starts declining un l the
cyclone passes off. A er the storm has gone, the oceans
From the central low pressure core of the cy-
become calm. The violent weather associated with a
clone, winds converging from all direc ons are whirled
tropical cyclone may last from 12 to 24 hours .
upward. As a result of the li ing of air, condensa on
starts producing cumulonimbus clouds which give the Condi ons for the development of Hurricane:
inner structure of the storm a peculiar shape. Spiralling
(1) Large and conƟnuous supply of warm
bands of cumulonimbus clouds surround the core of
and moist air. Tropical cyclones of the hur-
the hurricane. The top of the hurricane is marked by
ricane intensity originate over the warm
divergent air flow which carries the ascending air away
tropical oceans where the surface tem-
from the storm centre. This phenomenon is essen al
perature is about 27°C, so that the lower
to maintain the inward flow at the surface.
layers of air adjoining the ocean surface
Structure.The innermost region of the storm are full of water vapour. Latent heat is
is a small circular area where the pressure is lowest. transported into the storms and released
This is called the hurricane-eye . Its diameter ranges in the process of cloud and rain forma on.
from 20 to 40 km. In this central zone the winds are Tropical cyclones originate in the western
light and variable. The clouds are either absent or scat- part of the oceans where temperatures
tered. There is a confused pa ern of waves crossing are rela vely higher than their eastern
each other in the sea. The temperature is abnormally parts. The cold currents lower the surface
high and the weather is sultry. In this central calm temperatures of the eastern parts of the
area, the sky is blue and there is intermi ent sunlight tropical oceans making them unfit for the
against the background of spiralling clouds about 12 breeding of such storms. Besides, warmer
kilometers high. The high temperature of the eye can part of the year offers ideal condi ons for
be a ributed to the descending air currents which heat the development of tropical storms.
up by compression. The hurricane-eye is undoubtedly (2) Larger value of Coriolis force. The very
the warmest part of the storm. This central core of the fact that tropical storms seldom originate
tropical storm is surrounded by walls of cumulonimbus in a belt 5°-8° wide on both sides of the
clouds. Maximum wind veloci es are always recorded equator proves that Coriolis force is an
adjacent to the centre of the hurricane. Besides, heavi- important factor in causing the cyclonic cir-
est precipita on is also recorded in the vicinity of this cula on of air. Most of these cyclones are
region. The winds gradually slow down at uniform rate limited to a belt extending from 5° to 20°
from the eye wall to the centre where the rain prac - la tudes with their maximum frequency
cally ceases. in between la tudes 10° and 15°.

(3) Existence of weak tropical disturbances. Because of steep pressure gradient winds rush up with
It is the pre-exis ng mild tropical distur- great force towards the centre having furious veloc-
bances which, under favourable condi- ity of 600 to 800km per hour. Thus the swi ly inward
ons, intensify and develop as hurricanes moving air is caught into the vortex of storm and is
or violent tropical cyclones. Small local rapidly li ed upward and cools adiaba cally and forms
differences in the temperature of water thunderstorm.
and of air produce various low pressure
centres of small size. A weak cyclonic circu- Mechanism of tornadoes formation
la on develops around these areas. Then, It is formed by violent convec on of condi on-
because of the warm humid air and the ally and convec vely unstable column of ascending
latent instability of the air column, a true air. It can also be related to fronts. The upthrus ng
hurricane vortex may develop very rapidly. of warm and moist tropical and subtropical air mass
However, it may be pointed out that only by cold polar air mass along the cold fronts presents
a few of these disturbances develop into ideal condi on for tornado development. Some me
hurricanes. intense hea ng of ground surface also induces ideal
(4) Upper-level ouƞlow. At a height of 9000 condi on for trornadoes. It is common in southern
to 15000 meters above the surface distur- and eastern USA.
bance, there must be an an cyclonic circu- Regional Distribution
la on, so that the ascending air currents
within the cyclone may con nue to be There are six regions of tropical cyclones all of
pumped out in order to maintain the low which are found on the tropical or subtropical seas :-
pressure at the centre of the cyclone..
(1) Tropical North Atlan c-West Indies, Gulf
(5) Weak vertical wind shear in the basic of Mexico and Caribbean Sea.
current. Because of weak ver cal wind
(2) Western part of the tropical North Pacific-
shear, hurricane forma on processes are
the Philippines, the China Sea and areas
limited to la tudes equatorward of the
around Japan.
subtropical jet stream.
(3) Eastern part of the tropical North Pacific-
(6) Small atmospheric vorƟces in the inter-
the western coastal areas of Mexico and
tropical convergence zone. These atmo-
Central America.
spheric vortices initiate the hurricane
forming processes. It may be pointed (4) The Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea.
out that the trade winds from both the (5) The South Indian Ocean - west of Tuamotu
hemispheres meet along a line called the Islands and the Coral Sea, in the region of
inter-tropical front. Temperature contrasts Samoa and Fiji Islands and the east coast
between these air masses must exist of Australia.
when the inter-tropical convergence zone
is farthest from the equator. Thus, the Tropical cyclones are completely absent in the
convergence of these winds of different tropical areas of the south Atlan c and the eastern
temperatures and the resul ng instability South Pacific east of 140° West longitude.
are the prerequisites for the origin and
Environmental Importance
growth of violent tropical storms.
Tropical cyclones are the most destruc ve and
violent type of storms. Fortunately, their fury and
Tornadoes are funnel shaped storms which are destruc ve effects are limited to islands and coastal
smallest but most violent and disastrous of all the se lements. The damages to life and property caused
storms. They are violently rota ng column of air hav- by them fall into three categories : (a) damages caused
ing upper por on of funnel shape of cumulonimbus by high velocity winds, (b) damages caused by flooding,
cloud which is a ached to the ground by very narrow and (c) damages caused by a storm surge.
column of air. It is of very dark colur because of domi- A great deal of destruc on to man-made struc-
nance of dus, sands, debris and condensed moisture. tures and vegeta on is done by strong winds in a
The centre of tornado has extremely low pressure. hurricane. Trees are uprooted and broken, and the

loose objects swept away. The worst affected areas because of the waves coming in from various sides. The
are invariably those near the coastlines. As the storm most violent storm of Pakistan in 1970 offers a typical
moves over land, there is a rapid decrease in the wind example of a storm surge. Similarly, Camile hurricane
speed. On several occasions, coastal ci es and their of the Gulf of Mexico in 1969 has gained notoriety for
inhabitants have suffered tremendous losses of life the havoc played by the storm surge produced by this
and property. When a terrible tropical cyclone strikes fierce storm.
a human habita on, the buildings are destroyed and
At mes, a hurricane wave caused by the dam-
thousands of persons are killed.
ming effect of the wind on the forward side of the
Torren al rains that occur in a hurricane from its central region is superimposed on the dal wave. If
towering cumulonimbus clouds inundate the low-lying the hurricane wave combines with the spring de, the
areas, cause floods and landslides resul ng in a great result is disastrous.
loss of life and property damage. Besides, storm waves
of great heights, some mes about 5 meters, are a great Modification or Decay
hazard to shipping. When these high sea-waves break A tropical cyclone begins to become weaker in
on the coastal land, they do great damage. terms of its central low pressure, internal warm core
According to many weather scien sts, by far the and extremely high winds as soon as the supply of
greatest damage and loss of life and property from warm and moist air begins to dwindle or is abruptly cut
intense tropical cyclones are due to storm surge. The off. Remember that the weakening of a tropical cyclone
rise in sea level because of the passage of a hurricane does not mean that the danger to life and property is
is called the storm surge. Under certain condi ons gone. Even a er the weakening of a cyclone, the danger
waves generated in different segments of the storm to life and property may con nue for many days. Where
cross each other and a ain abnormal heights ranging a cyclone hits land, par cularly a mountainous area or
from 15 to 20 meters. Such hill terrain, riverine and flash floods may con nue to
devastate the affected area for weeks.
waves are reported from the Atlan c and the
Pacific Oceans. Some mes a ship entering the eye of
a cyclone may experience calm or light and variable
winds, but the sea, on the contrary, will be very rough

Thunderstorms Factors Favouring Thunderstorm
Unlike hurricanes, thunderstorms, tornadoes and
water spouts are highly localized weather phenomena From the foregoing discussion, it is evident that
and are randomly distributed. In fact, these violent the following atmospheric condi ons are favourable
storms represent extreme events and atmospheric for the origin and growth of thunderstorms :
hazards. In these storms a very large amount of energy
is discharged in an extremely short me called as ‘cloud (1) Atmospheric instability. Atmospheric
bursts’, the sudden impact of which is disastrous. These instability is the most important factor in
are different from cyclone that while cyclone is almost thunderstorm development. Surface heat-
circular in shape thunderstorms is characterized by ing brings about an element of instability
strong updra of the air and is thought of as specialized in the warm and moist air lying close to the
form of the convec ve mechanism. surface. That is why warm and moist air
becomes unstable in spring and summer
The most alarming feature of these violent local when it is heated from below. Air mass
storms is the fact that they are so small and short-lived thunderstorms develop in this way.
as to make their predic on very difficult. Besides, they
strike with frightening speed so that within a few min- In mountainous regions large number of
utes they may destroy buildings rendering hundreds of thunderstorms develop because of the
thousands homeless, damage the standing crops in the fact that air near the upper parts of the
fields, disrupt means of transport and communica on, mountains is heated more intensely than
and may cause similar other natural calami es making the air over the adjoining lowlands. The
human life miserable. general upslope movement caused during
the day me generates thunderstorms.
Thunderstorms have been defined as storms
produced by a cumulonimbus cloud and always ac- (2) Lifting of potentially unstable air.
companied by lightning and thunder. They are usually Frontal and orographic thunderstorms
of short dura on, seldom over 2 hrs. They are also result from the general upli of poten ally
accompanied by strong wind gusts, heavy rain and, unstable air. In the upli ed air mass large
some mes, hail. amount of latent heat is released to main-
tain the thunderstorm. In the frontal li ing
Origin and Structure poten ally unstable air is forced to rise
over a wedge of colder and denser air. That
Thunderstorms originate from cumulonimbus is why rapidly advancing cold front pro-
clouds. The only difference between an ordinary duces a large number of thunderstorms.
shower cloud and these storms is that they are always At mes, a narrow band of thunderstorms
associated with thunder and lightning. According to develops much ahead of a cold front. Such
Trewartha, a thunderstorm is like a thermodynamic thunderstorms are called squall lines.
machine in which the poten al energy of the latent
heat of condensa on is rapidly converted into the (3) Large supply of warm and moist air.
kine c energy of ascending air currents. Most favourable condi ons for the devel-
opment of thunderstorms are provided by
Prerequisites the warm and moist air in the lower layers
of the atmosphere. Besides, a very steep
Presence of warm and humid air in the lower
lapse rate upto considerable heights in the
layers of the atmosphere is an essen al pre-requisite
atmosphere helps in their forma on. Con-
for the development of a thunderstorm. Atmospheric
di onal and convec ve instability intensify
instability and intense convec ve ac vity are other
the convec ve ac vity in the atmosphere.
important requirements for their origin and growth.
The intensity of the storm also depends on
This becomes possible when normal lapse rate of tem-
the magnitude of the atmospheric instabil-
perature is greater than adiaba c rate of temperature

(4) Thickness of clouds. Thickness of clouds, The maximum height is attained during the warm
according to Trewartha, is an addi onal season in the tropical regions. If there is an upper- air
factor in the development of thunder- inversion, it acts as a barrier to stop convec ve ac v-
storms. Thickness of a cloud from the ity and thus the further growth of a thunderstorm is
condensa on level upto the freezing level checked. The top of the cumulonimbus cloud is anvil-
must be about 300 metres. In the middle- shaped and the forward-bulging crest points towards
latitude zones no thunderstorm would the direc on of the storm movement. There is heavy
develop unless the ascending air currents precipita on from the well-developed thunderstorms.
reach the freezing level. According to At mes, when the ver cally ascending air currents or
the Bergeron process of precipita on, updra s are vigorous, hail may fall from the front part
latent heat of fusion and ice crystals both of a thunder cloud. Lightning and thunder always ac-
are essen al for the genera on of lightning company torren al rains.
and copious rainfall in a thunderstorm. In
Since intense hea ng of the earth’s surface sets
fact, cloud thickness is directly related to
up convec onal currents in the atmosphere, it follows
the height of freezing level from the cloud
that thunderstorms usually develop in summer in the
tropical and the middle la tude regions. That is why
The great thickness of clouds produces vigorous these storms have a preference for the la er part of
convec onal current because of the latent heat of the day when maximum temperature is recorded. Be-
condensa on. Because of greater thickness of clouds, sides, adequate supply of moisture is also needed, so
a much larger number of intense thunderstorms is ob- that the latent heat of condensa on may be available
served in the tropical regions. On the contrary, thunder- to sustain the storm.
storms in the temperate zone are not so numerous. The
warm and moist air along with intense surface hea ng Virtually a thunderstorm is composed of several
of the equatorial regions offers ideal condi ons for the convec ve cells with updra s and downdra s joined
development of thunderstorms. The polar regions, on together. These cells in a thunderstorm are several
the other hand, with their dry and cold air have very kilometers in extent and go through a life cycle.
few thunderstorms. In the middle-la tude zone they Stages of development
develop only during the warmer part of the year when,
on occasions, humidity and temperatures are upto the Generally a thunderstorm has 3 to 5 cells, each
desired level. In temperate regions, whenever and of which goes through a life cycle. In the life cycle of a
wherever air masses with different physical proper- cell there are three dis nct stages determined by the
es converge, condi ons are produced to generate magnitude and direc on of the ascending or descend-
thunderstorms. ing air currents. These stages are as follows :-

Origin 1. Cumulus stage. In the cumulus stage

there is an updra throughout the cell. The
Intense convec ve ac vity in warm and moist cloud contains precipita on par cles. As
air makes possible the lightning discharge in the at- the cloud grows larger in size, the updra s
mosphere. So the thunderstorms have been called by become stronger and more widespread.
many meteorologists as the violent showers produced These updra s some mes acquire speeds
by atmospheric instability. Thus, a thunderstorm rep- of 160 km per hour so that they are able
resents the weather phenomenon which combines to uphold the large hailstones alo . In the
strong wind gusts, thunder, lightning, torren al rains upper parts of the cloud, large quan es
and cumulonimbus clouds etc. all in one. That is why of liquid water par cles and ice crystals
thunderstorms are considered as a weather factory. co-exist, a fact which ini ates the down-
dra .
2. Mature stage. The stage of maturity is
The ver cal extent of a thunderstorm depends on
marked by strong updra s and downdra s
the intensity of ascending air currents. The height of
in the cloud. Heavy precipita on falls on
thunderstorms ranges from 4 to 20 km. The rising air
the ground. The fric onal drag exerted by
cools at the dry adiaba c lapse rate upto the base of the
precipita on, according to Byers, changes
thunder cloud. Besides, there is a marked seasonal and
the updra into a downdra which con n-
la tudinal varia on in the heights of thunderstorms.

ues further on its own. hazard to flying aeroplanes, marks the
weather alo .
The falling of precipita on and the
beginning of downdrafts take place si- 3. DissipaƟng stage. The disappearance of
multaneously. It is to be pointed out that updra s marks the beginning of the dissi-
at maturity the upper parts of the cloud pa ng stage. This stage is characterized by
are characterized by updrafts and the weak downdra s and light rain. Downdra
lower parts, on the other hand, have more air spreads on the ground outward. The
pronounced downdra s. The severity of out-flowing surface winds are o en very
thunderstorm is at its peak. Maximum of gusty and wind velocity is nearly high.
lightning and thunder is seen in this stage. Some mes the downndra which spreads
Weather at the surface is characterized by over the en re area of the cell produces
heavy rainfall and high velocity winds. The most welcome cooling effect on hot sum-
most severe turbulence, o en a weather mer days.

Thunderstorm Electricity According to another view lightning is produced

due to spli ng of large water drops. Each water drop
In the mature stage of thunderstorms, the elec-
has posi ve and nega ve electrical charges which
trical discharge centres are fully established. There is
remain in neutral state whe they are evenly balanced.
a clustering of posi ve charges in the upper por on
This balance is disturbed due to splitting of these
and nega ve charges in the lower por on of the cloud.
drops resul ng into difference in posi ve and nega-
Some mes a secondary posi ve discharge centre is
ve charges.
found near the base of the cloud. The value of these
discharges ranges from 20 to 30 coulombs. The dis- Thunder : How it is produced.
tance between the above discharge centres is about
one kilometer. When the electrical poten al gradient The sound emi ed by rapidly expanding gases
between the posi ve and nega ve charges becomes along the channel of a lightning discharge is called thun-
very steep, discharges (lightning) may occur. Scien- der. A lightning stroke produces tremendous heat along
sts believe that the lightning strokes carry nega ve its path. The air is heated to 10,000°C which results in
discharges from the clouds to the ground. A series of rapid expansion of the air column. The tremendous
strokes produces the flash of lightning. It is because of expansion of air sends vibra ng pressure wave outward
the effects of lightning discharge that it rains heavily which moves at the speed of sound (3000 meters per
a er lightning flashes. second). The noise produced by such a wave is known
as thunder.

Precipitation in a Thunderstorm thunderstorms, orographic thunderstorms and advec-
ve or upper- level thunderstorms.
Precipita on associated with a thunderstorm is
o en torren al and of a short dura on. The release 1. Local heat thunderstorms.The local heat
of precipita on is very sudden and the rain drops are thunderstorms form because of thermal
large-sized, so that it is called the thunder-shower. convec on produced by the intense sur-
Torren al rains from the cumulo-nimbus are produced face hea ng. Condi onally unstable air is
because of two factors : (1) vigorous convec onal necessary for their occurrence. On the land
currents are produced in a thunderstorm, (2) specific they tend to occur in late a ernoons in
humidity is high because the thunderstorms develop summer. They mostly originate as isolated
in summer when the temperatures are very high. The convec on cells and are usually small in
cellular structure of a thunderstorm largely determines size. The equatorial belt of calm with warm
the nature of rainfall. Maximum amount of precipita- and moist air provides the most favourable
on is recorded at the centre of each cell from which condi ons for their development. Condi-
it decreases outward. In these convec ve cells the onal instability in the atmosphere is the
dura on of rainfall varies from a few minutes to more prime necessity.
than an hour. In the temperate regions these thun-
Hail in a thunderstorm derstorms develop only in the summer
season. But in the low-la tude regions
At mes, the cumulonimbus clouds in a very se-
they may occur at any me of the year.
vere thunderstorm produce hail also. Because of the
They are, however, more frequent during
great ver cal extent of the cumulonimbus and the co-
the rainy season. Beyond 45° la tude they
existence of ice- crystals with the water par cles, the
are very rare.
necessary condi ons are present for hail forma on.
But not all cumulonimbus clouds produce hail. For hail 2. Orographic thunderstorms.Orographic
forma on, besides the high water content of clouds, thunderstorms originate as a result of
the temperature lapse rate should also be very steep the forced upli of warm and moist air
so that buoyancy of cumulous updra s is the largest over a mountain barrier. In this type also
to provide an opportunity to hailstones to increase condi onal or convec ve instability is a
their size. Maximum ground hea ng in the a ernoon necessary pre-requisite. These thunder-
provides ideal condi ons for hail forma on. Topogra- storms are more frequent over plateaus
phy is an addi onal determining factor of the pa ern and mountains than over low lands. They
of a hail. The size of a hail is determined by the rate of are larger and more intense than the heat
upli within a cumulonimbus cloud and its high water thunderstorms. Since these storms form
content. Even though there is a close rela onship be- because of the li ing of local air, they are
tween thunderstorms and hail forma on, there does sta onary. This characteris c makes their
not appear to be a posi ve co-rela onship between the predic on easier. Rainfall from this type
two. For example, inspite of numerous thunderstorms of thunderstorm is heavy and of a short
in the tropical regions the occurrence of hail is quite dura on.
uncommon. In regions where the occurrence of hail is
more frequent, the precipita on-ini a on level is char-
3. AdvecƟve thunderstorms.They occur
from the advec on of warm air at low
acteris cally higher than in the more humid regions.
levels or cold air at high levels. In both the
Classification of Thunderstorms cases the lapse rate is increased. A high
Thunderstorms may be classified into the follow- lapse rate under favourable conditions
ing types on the basis of the mechanism which causes favours the thunderstorm development.
the steepening of lapse rate and the ini al upli of Ahead of the cold fronts in the middle and upper
air. parts of the troposphere there is an advec on of cold
air. Whenever lower layers of the atmosphere at the
Air mass thunderstorms :
earth’s surface get warmer because of surface heat-
They occur as a result of ver cal displacement ing, the lapse rate becomes very steep. This results in
of air within an air mass and are not connected with the forma on of very violent and vigorous thunder-
frontal effects. Included in this type are the local heat storms.

Frontal thunderstorms : Frontal thunderstorms atmospheric disturbances may be ranked high among
form in a layer of warm air forced to rise over a layer of nature’s most destruc ve forces. Tornadoes are also
cold air. They are always associated with the interac on called ‘twisters’ or cyclones. They are intense centres of
of two different air masses at a warm or cold front. low pressure having a whirlpool-like structure of winds
rota ng around a central cavity where a par al vacuum
1. Cold front thunderstorms. Frontal is produced by the centrifugal forces. The velocity of
thunderstorms of this type develop along winds revolving ghtly around the core reaches more
the advancing edge of cold fronts of the than 300 km per hour. Because of the storm fury, no
extratropical cyclones. Here, the cooler direct measurement of the pressure and winds in a
air mass forces a warmer air mass to rise. tornado is possible. Hence most of the informa on is
Thunderstorms always form in the warm obtained indirectly, i.e. from examining the a er effects
air mass forced alo over the steep cold of the storm.
front or under-running boundary of a
cold air mass. If the warm air is convec- Excessive instability and steep lapse rate in the
vely unstable, under the trigger effect atmosphere are necessary pre-requisites for the origin
of atmospheric instability it may rise to and growth of a tornado. It is invariably associated with
great heights resul ng in thunderstorm severe thunderstorms. Its most destruc ve part is its
development. Cold front thunderstorms funnel which appears to be hanging from the base of a
are usually very intense. They may form large cumulonimbus cloud. Its lower end which touches
any me during the day or night. But like the ground may be 90 to 460 meters in diameter. When
the heat thunderstorms, they also prefer looked at from the ground, the funnel appears dark
the warmer part of day. These storms are because of the presence of condensed moisture and
most common in summer when intense the dust and debris picked up from the ground by the
surface hea ng produces instability in the whirling tornado.
warm air ahead of an advancing cold front.
Pressures in the central part of tornadoes may
They are more vigorous than warm front
be 100 mb less than those immediately outside the
thunderstorms. They are rapidly followed
storm. Because of such a steep pressure gradient,
by clear weather and lower temperature.
wind speeds of about 650 kilometers per hour have
2. Warm front thunderstorms.At the warm been estimated. Air caught into the vortex of the
front the warm air mass gradually overruns storm undergoes rapid upli and cools adiaba cally.
the wedge of cold air. Whenever the rising The resul ng condensed moisture lends a dark colour
warm air is warm, humid, and unstable to the cloud funnel. Because the outside pressure falls
the thunderstorms form. Thunderstorms rapidly with the passage of a tornado, the air under
of this class are less severe than the cold normal pressure within a building explodes violently
front thunderstorms. Thunder-storms of destroying life and property.
this class are less severe than the cold
Tornadoes may be found to be moving singly or in
front thunderstorms. They always form
families of several individual tornadoes. These storms
at greater heights from the surface. The
usually move in straight paths at veloci es controlled by
advec on of cold air and the convergence
the low-level jet. Besides, the excep onally high winds
of air masses do not influence them to the
whirling in a tornado produce a loud roaring sound.
extent as they do in the case of cold front
thunderstorms. Geographical distribution. Except the ex-
Depending on the moisture content and instabil- tremely cold northern parts of the con nents during
ity of the upli ed warm air, the occluded fronts also at winters, and the polar regions, tornadoes may develop
mes develop frontal thunderstorms. anywhere in the world. But fortunately for man, their
occurrence is a rare weather phenomenon. They are
Tornadoes quite common in the United States of America and
Australia. The United States experiences by far the
Tornado is defined as a violently rota ng column
largest frequency.
of air a ended by a funnel-shaped or tubular cloud
extending downward from the base of a cumulonimbus Most of the tornadoes in the United States are
cloud. Tornadoes are the most violent of all the storms. associated with vigorous cold fronts, when the warm
They are very small in size and of short dura on. These and moist air near the surface is over-lain by layers

of cold and dry air. A steep temperature gradient is origin of these storms. According to some meteorolo-
produced between the above-men oned converging gists, the cold and dry air alo , usually polar con nental
air- masses. Above the inversion layer, the atmosphere air, overrides tropical mari me air. Thus, a lid is formed
is marked by convec ve instability. In these condi ons, in the atmosphere. Whenever this lid is penetrated by
exceedingly high instability is produced in the upli ed the tropical mari me air, it causes a violent updra as
air mass at the cold fronts. This gives rise to tornadoes in a chimney, which results in cyclonic or whirling mo-
and severe thunderstorms. on. Other meteorologists suggest that it is the polar
con nental air which penetrates the lid forcing the
Tornadoes are rare but not unknown in other
tropical mari me air violently upward.
parts of the world. They occur in France, China, eastern
part of India, and as far north as Scandinavia. Meteorological conditions associated
with tornadoes
Origin of tornadoes. The exact mechanism by
which the tornadoes form is s ll not clearly understood. Near the surface of the earth, there exists a layer
Meteorologists agree on one point at least that violent of warm and moist air. An inversion layer marks the
convec on in condi onally and convec vely unstable upper boundary of the tropical mari me air adjoining
air column is the main cause of their development. the land. In the thick layer of dry air alo , the lapse
rate is very steep.
Tornadoes associated with cold fronts are easy to
explain. When the cold and dry polar air mass pushes (1) The column of moisture rises to great
the warm and humid tropical air mass (mT) alo , an heights.
element of instability is introduced in it. The latent heat
(2) There exists a narrow band of strong winds
of condensa on retards the adiaba c rate in the rising
with veloci es upto 64 km per hour be-
warm and moist air to one-half or one-third of that in
tween 3000 to 6000 metres.
the dry and cold air. Thus, the rising air currents reach
great heights. Rising air moves spirally in a counter- (3) In the moist layer of air at the surface,
clockwise manner. This causes a very low pressure in moisture must be concentrated in a defi-
the centre of the air column. Lower pressure ini ates nite narrow belt.
stronger winds. As the winds increase their veloci es
(4) The axis of the aforesaid band of strong
the gyratory mo on in the updra increases. This
winds which projects downward must
results in lowering the pressure at the centre further.
intersect the axis of the wedge of moist
The lowering pressure cools in the air rapidly to below
the dew point. In conformity with this chimney of low
pressure the characteris c funnel shaped storm cloud (5) The level of free convec on in all the tor-
develops. nadoes is rather low. The en re length of
The tornadoes have their beginnings at the cloud the air column must be characterized by
level with a whirling cyclonic mo on around a ver cal convec ve instability.
axis. The whirl is ini ated by the upward movement, (7) There must exist some mechanism where-
and a er it has begun, contributes to the updra . by the air column is given considerable
However, there are conflic ng views regarding the upii .

Waterspouts The air in a convec on type spout may rotate in cyclonic
Waterspout is a column of violently rota ng air or an cyclonic circula on.
over water having a similarity to a dust devil of tornado. The first type of waterspouts build downward
In other words, tornadoes and weak visible vor ces from a very heavy cloud of cumulus family resul ng
occurring over water are called waterspouts. They are from the local convec on. The second type includes
found over the tropical and subtropical oceans. those waterspouts which build upward from the sur-
Diameter of waterspouts ranges from a few me- face of water and are not associated with the clouds.
ters to a few hundred meters. Wind speeds in these However, both these types have one common feature,
revolving storms may vary from 72 to 215 km per hour. i.e. they draw water spray upward in the same way as
It may be pointed out that waterspouts are never as tornadoes suck up dust and debris. The funnel cloud is
intense as the tornadoes. formed by the adiaba c cooling under reduced pres-
There are two types of waterspouts depending sure. The waterspouts move in the direc on of the
on their origin. The first type is nothing but a tornado parent cloud mass. The period of their dura on does
which has moved out of the con nent and has gone not last longer than 30 to 60 minutes. The upper part of
on the ocean or any other waterbody. It resembles a the spout moves faster than the lower part. That is why
tornado in every respect. The other type, which is more the funnel is o en inclined. Usually the waterspouts
common, is called a tornado-type waterspout. It is a are a ended by thunderstorm condi ons.
simple convec onal feature of the atmosphere which
may occur at any me or place in the temperate or
tropical region. It may develop even in a fair weather.

World climates have been generally classi¬fied E Climate includes polar climates characterized
into certain types and subtypes on two bases e.g. (i) by summerless season, average temperature of the
empirical basis and (ii) gene c basis. The empirical warmest month below 10°C.
classifica on of world climates is based on sta s cal
Besides these capital le ers, Koeppen has used
data of clima c elements derived through observa ons
the following small (lower) le ers in his scheme for
and experiments while gene c classifi¬ca on is based
specific meaning.
on the causes or genesis of clima c phenomena and
clima c varia ons. Though several scien sts have at- f = precipita on throughout the year, average
tempted to classify world climates into certain types temperatures of the coldest month being more than
but the schemes of Wladimir Koeppen, C.W. Thornth- 18°C, minimum precipita on of 6cm in every month
waite, and G.T. Trewartha are more commonly used. of a year
KOEPPEN’S CLASSIFICATION m = monsoon climate, short dry season, average
precipita on in driest month less than 6cm
It may be pointed out that the classifica on of w = winter dry season
Koeppen is more popular because it is quan ta ve in
nature as Numerical values of temperature and precipi- S = well defined summer dry season
ta on have been used in delinea on of boundaries of Koeppen has divided 5 major clima c types into
different clima c types. The climates have been named 11 subtypes on the basis of seasonal regimes of pre-
on the basis of alphabets and climates have been cipita on and nature of aridity and coldness.
determined on the basis of formulae and hence the (1) Tr opical Rainy Climates (A
classifica on has become difficult to memorise because Climates)
each alphabet has definite and specific meaning.
A or tropical rainy climate is that where the tem-
Koeppen used five major vegeta on zones of the perature of the coldest month is above 18°C. On the
world as iden fied by Candolle in 1874 (e.g. mega- basis of periodicity and regime of precipita on this type
therms, xerophytes, mesotherms, microtherms, and has been further divided into 4 types.
hekistotherms) as the basis of classifica on of world.
Based on these five vegeta on zones he divided the i) Af climate-humid tropical climate, precipi¬ta on
world climates into 5 principal types and designated in the driest month more than 6cm, seasonal
them by capital le ers A, B, C, D, and E. distribu on of precipita on more or less uniform
throughout the year, very low daily range of
A Climate represents humid tropical climates tem¬perature.
characterized by winterless season, warm and moist
condi ons throughout the year and mean temperature ii) Aw climate-tropical humid and dry cli¬mate, winter
always above 180C. dry season (w), precipita on of at least one month
less than 6cm, high temperature through¬out the
B Climate represents dry climates where evapo- year.
ra on exceeds precipita on and there is constant water
deficit throughout the year. iii) Am climate-monsoon climate, one short dry sea-
son but sufficient annual precipita on and thus
C Climate represents humid mesothermmal or wet ground throughout the year, dense forest,
middle latitudes warm temperate climates having precipita on of at least one month less than 6cm.
mild winters, average temperature of the coldest and The boundary between Aw and Am climates is de-
warmest months between 8° and 18°, and below 18°C marcated on the basis of annual precipita on and
respec vely. the precipita on of the driest moth as per formula
D Climate includes humid microthermal or cold given below-
forest climates character¬ized by severe winters, av- a = 3.94-r/25
erage temperatures of coldest and warmest months
being 3°C and above 10°C respec vely. where a = precipita on of driest month
r = annual precipita on

If the precipita on of the driest month of a place on seasonal distribu on of precipita on C climates
is less than the value of a, it will be Aw climate, if it is have been divided in to 3 clima c types-
more than the value of a, it will be Am climate. i) Cf climate-precipita on throughout the year,
iv) As climate-dry summers, rarely found. The afore- precipitation more than 1.2 inches in the
said Af, Am and Aw clima c types as iden fied driest month of summer season. This climate
by Koeppen are generally similar to equatorial represents Western Europe type of climate.
rainforest climate (AF, monsoon climate (Am), and This is further divided into two second order
savanna climate (Aw) respec vely. Koeppen has sub-divisions e.g. Cfa (humid subtropical) and
further iden fied finer details in A climates and C (marine west coast type)
has used the following lower le ers to indicate ii) Cw climate-dry winters, 10 times more
them - precipita on in the we est month of summer
season than the driest month of winter season.
w’- maximum precipita on in autumn This represents China type of climate.
w”- two seasons of maximum precipita¬tion iii) Ca climate-dry summers, three mes more
separated by two dry seasons precipita on in the we est month of winter
s- dry summers season than the driest month of summer
season, precipita on of the driest month of
I- difference of temperature of the warmest and
summer season less than 1.2 inches. This
the coldest month less than 5°C.
represents Mediterranean type of climate.
g- ho est season preceding precipita¬ on
Koeppen has iden fied further minor details in C
(2) Dry climates (B climates) climates and has used a few explanatory small le ers
Evapora on ex¬ceeds precipita on, precipita on as given below-
not sufficient to maintain permanent stable water table a warm summers, temperature of the warmest
of ground water. B climates are divided into two types month above 22°C (71.6°F).
on the basis of annual temperature and the rainiest
month of the year e.g. (i) dry desert climate (BW), and b cold winter, temperature of the warm-est
(ii) semi-arid or steppe climate (BS). The boundary be- month below 22°C.
tween BW and BS climates is determined on the basis c cold short summer season
of the following formula-
i, n, g = as explained above.
R= 0.44t-8.5/2
4. Humid microtherinal or cold snow
forest climates or humid cold
r = annual precipita on (inches) climates (D climates)-
t = temperature (O0F)
Temperature of the coldest month below - 3°C
If the annual precipita on of a given place is more (26.6°F) but of the warmest month above 10°C (50°F),
than the value of r, the climate of that place will be BS ground surface covered with snow for several months
but if it is less then r, the climate will be B W. of a year. This climate has been divided into three
i) BWh tropical desert climate, average annual types.
temperature more than 18°C (64.4°F) i) Df Climate - humid cold climate, no dry season.
ii) B S h t ro p i c a l s t e p p e c l i m a t e , m e a n This is further divided into (a) Dfa (long warm
annual temperature above 18°C summers, con nental), (b) D (long and cool
iii) BWk middle latitude cold desert climate, summers), and (c) Dfc (short cool summer-
mean annual temperature below 18°C subarc c).
iv) BSk middle latitude cold steppe climate, (ii) Dw Climate - humid cold climate, dry winters,
mean annual temperature below 18°C further divided into (a) Dwa-continental
3. Humid mesother mal or war m climate with long cool summer, (b) Dwb- cool
temper ate r ainy climates (C short summer (sub-arc c type), and (c) Dwc-
climates) cold winters, d = temperature of the coldest
month below - 38°C, f, a, w, b, c as explained
Average temperature of the coldest month above above.
3°C but below 13°C, precipita on in all seasons. Based

5.Polar climates (E climates) and generalized and ignored the
considera on of causa ve factors of climate.
Temperature of the warmest month less than 3- He did not include the characteristics of
10°C (50°F), further divided into (i) ET and (ii) EF cli- different airmasses in his classifica on.
4- The use of different le er symbols to indicate
i) ET climate-tundra climate, temperature of the different clima c types and their secondary
warmest month below 10°C but above 0°C. and ter ary subtypes makes the scheme very
ii) EF climate-permanent snow fields, difficult to memorise.
temperature in all months below O0C.
Evaluation Of Koeppens’s Scheme
1. Koeppen used two easily measurable weather
elements e.g. temperature and precipita on C. W. Thornthwaite, an American climatologist,
as the basis for sta s cal parameters for the presented his first scheme of classifica on of climates
delinea on of different clima c regions. In of North America in 1931 when he pub-lished the
fact, temperature and precipita on are most clama c map of North America. Later he extended his
widely and most frequently used effec ve scheme of clima c classifica on for world climates and
weather elements as representa ves of the presented his full scheme in 1933. He further modified
effects of clima c controls. his scheme and presented the revised second scheme
2. His scheme of clima c classifica on is primarily of classifica on of world climates in 1948. His scheme
based on the relationship between floral is complex and empirical in nature.
types and their characteris cs, and clima c 1. 1931 Classification
characteris cs of a given place or a region.
3. He also paid due considera on to the loss of Like Koeppen Thornthwaite also considered natu-
moisture through evapora on as he included ral vegeta on of a region as the indicator of climate of
effec ve precipita on, which depends on the that region. He accepted the concept that the amount
rate of poten al evapotranspira on, in his of precipita on and temperature had paramount con-
scheme. trol on vegeta on but he also pleaded for inclusion
4. It may be pointed out that it is not the total of evapora on as important factor of vegeta on and
annual precipita on which ma ers more for climate. This is why Thornthwaite used two factors, e.g.
vegeta on community rather it is the effec ve precipita on effec veness and temperature effec ve-
precipita on (amount of precipita on which ness, for the delimita on of boundaries of different
is actually available to plants) which is more clima c regions.
important for flora. i) Precipitation Effectiveness
5. Koeppen’s scheme appealed more to
geographers because the scheme recognized Precipita on effec veness or precipita on effi-
associa on between vegeta on types and ciency refers to only that amount of total precipita on
climatic types. Besides, this scheme is which is available for the growth of vegeta on. He used
descrip ve, generalized and simple and hence precipita on efficiency ra o for the calcula on of this
it was widely acclaimed. amount of water available to vegeta on. Precipita on
efficiency ra o (P/E ra o) is calculated by dividing total
Inspite of several merits as referred to above
monthly precipita on by monthly evapora on and
the Koeppen’s scheme also suffers from some serious
precipita on efficiency index (P/E index) is derived
by summing the precipita on efficiency ra os for 12
1- Koeppen gave undue significance to months of a year.
mean monthly values of temperature and
precipitation in his scheme of climatic He iden fied 5 humidity zones on the basis of
classifica on and neglected other weather P/E Index and boundary values for the major vegeta-
elements such as precipitation intensity, on zones.
amount of cloudiness and number of rainy Humidity Zone Vegeta on P/E Index
days, daily temperature extremes, winds
etc. A (Wet) Rainforest 127
2- He made his scheme more descriptive B (Humid) Forest 64-127

C (Subhumid Grassland 32-63 (2) 1948 Classification
D (Semiarid) Steppe 16-31 A er making sizeable modifica ons Thorthwaite
presented his modified scheme of clima c classifica-
E (Arid) Desert <16
on in 1948. Though he again used previously devised
Thomthwaite further subdivided each humidity three indices of precipita on effec veness, thermal
zone into 20 subhumidity zones on the basis of seasonal efficiency and seasonal distribu on of precipita on in
distribu on of precipita on. his second classifica on but in different way. Instead of
vegeta on, as done in 1931 classifica on, he based his
1. Ar 5. Br 9. Cr 13. Dr 17. Er
new scheme of clima c classifica on on the concept
2. As 6. Bs 10. Cs 14. Ds 18. Es of poten al evapotranspira on (PE) which is in fact
an index of thermal efficiency and water loss because
3. Aw 7. Bw 11.Cw 15. Dw 19. Ew it represents the amount of transfer of both moisture
4. Ad 8. Bd 12. Cd 16. Dd 20.Ed and heat to the atmosphere from soils and vegeta on
(evapora on of liquid or solid water, and transpira-
where r = adequate rainfall in all seasons s = rain- on from living plant leaves) and thus is a func on
fall deficient in summer w = rainfall deficient in winter of energy received from the sun. It may be pointed
d = rainfall deficient in all seasons out that poten al evapotranspira on is calculated
ii)Thermal Effectiveness (and not directly measured) from the mean monthly
temperature (in 0°C) with correc ons for day length
He believed that temperature had important con- {i.e. 12 hours
tribu on in the growth of vegeta on. He, thus, devised
Thornthwaite developed four indices to deter-
an index of thermal efficiency or temperature effec ve-
mine boundaries of different clima c types e.g. mois-
ness, expressed by posi ve departure of monthly mean
ture index (Im), (ii) poten al evapotranspira on or
temperatures from freezing point, and suggested the
thermal efficiency index (PE), (iii) aridity and humidity
following formulae-
indices, and (iv) index of concentra on of thermal ef-
(i) Thermal Efficiency Ra o ficiency or poten al evapotranspira on.
(T- E Ra o) = (t-32) /4 i) Moisture Index (Im)—Moisture index refers to
moisture deficit or surplus and is calculated according
Thermal Efficiency Index
to the following formula
where t = mean monthly temperature in 0°F. It
Im = (100S-60D) /PE
is apparent that T-E Index is the sum of thermal effi-
ciency ra os for 12 months. On the basis of T-E index where Im = monthly moisture index
Thomthwaite divided the world into 6 temperature S = monthly surplus of moisture
D = monthly deficit of moisture
Temperature Province T-E Index The sum of the 12 monthly values of Im gives the
A’ - Tropical 127 annual moisture index.
Annual Moisture Index = (100S-60D) /PE
B’ - Mesothermal 64-127
ii) Thermal Efficiency Index-Thermal efficiency is
C’ - Microthermal 32-63
simply the poten al evapotranspira on expressed in
D’ - Taiga 16-31 cen metres as expressed above. It is, thus, apparent
that the thermal efficiency is derived from the PE value
E’ - Tundra 1.15 because PE in itself is a func on of temperature. The
F’ - Frost 0 method of the calcula on of PE is given above.

Thus, on the basis of precipita on effec veness, iii) Aridity and Humidity Indices-These indices are
thermal efficiency, and seasonal distribu on of rainfall used to determine the seasonal distribu on of moisture
there may be 120 probable combina ons and hence adequacy. These are calculated as follows-
clima c types on theore cal ground but he depicted Aridity Index = in moist climates annual water
only 32 clima c types deficit taken as a percentage of annual PE becomes

aridity index. This scheme also suffers from a serious problem
of non-availability of the data of evapora on for all
Humidity Index = in dry climates annual water
the places. Thus, the lack of adequate climate data
surplus taken as a percentage of annual PE becomes
makes it difficult for the precise demarca on of clima c
humidity index.
iv) Concentra on of thermal efficiency refers to
the percentage of mean annual poten al evapotrans- CLASSIFICATION OF G.T.
pira on (PE) accumula ng in three summer months. TREWARTHA
The climate of a place, thus, is determined by G.T. Trewartha, an American climatologist, made
combining the aforesaid elements of the climatic several revisions and modifica ons in the scheme of
classifica on e.g.. moisture index, thermal efficiency clima c classifica on of Koeppen since 1930s and
index, summer concentra on of thermal efficiency, ul mately presented his simple scheme of clima c
and seasonal moisture adequacy (aridity and humidity classifica on having a blending of both empirical and
indices). Thus, the climate of a place is represented by gene c schemes of classifica on of world climates. In
four le ers. For example- A A’ a’r climate = Perhumid fact, Trewartha’s basic aim was to present a simple,
(A) megathermal (A’) climate with summer concen- generalized and unambiguous scheme of the classifica-
tra on of annual thermal efficiency (PE in cm) of less on of world climates so that the major clima c types
than 48 per cent (a’) and li le or no water deficit (r) at world level could be easily and realis cally iden fied
etc. On the basis of above indices the classifica on and cartographically represented on world map. Thus,
system becomes so complex due to large number of Trewartha’s scheme is a compromise between purely
clima c types that it becomes difficult to represent empirical and gene c methods of clima c classifica on.
them cartographically. According to him, if required, several second and third-
order subdivisions may be added within each major
E v a l u at i o n o f T h o r t h w a i t e ’s clima c type. Like other scien sts he also made pre-
Schemes cipita on and temperature as the basis for his scheme
of clima c classifica on. He iden fied 6 major clima c
In many aspects the 1931 classifica on scheme of
types of first order at world level and designated them
Thornthwaite was almost similar to Koeppen’s scheme
as A,B,C,D,E,F climates out of which B climates were
because both had a few common points e.g.
determined on precipita on criteria while others were
(i) Like Koeppen’s scheme his scheme is also em- determined on the basis of temperature criteria.
pirical as well as quan ta ve as the boundaries
of different climates are determined on the 1. Tropical Humid Climates (A
basis of quantitative parameters derived Climates)
from precipitation and temperature,
(ii) Vegetation is made as the basis for A climates or tropical humid climates are found
the identification of climatic zones, in those low la tudes on either side of the equator
(iii) Various letter combinations are used to which are characterized by high temperature and
designate different climatic types etc. adequate rainfall throughout the year and absence of
winter season. On the basis of varia ons in precipita-
The Thornthwaite’s scheme differs from the on A climates are subdivided into (i) Af, (ii) Aw, and
Koeppen’s scheme in that the former used two indices (iii) Am climates, (i) Af climate is tropical wet climate
of precipita on efficiency and thermal efficiency for which extends upto 5° to 10° la tudes on either side
differen a on of different clima c types but the de- of the equator and is characterized by adequate rain-
limita on of clima c boundaries on the basis of these fall throughout the year. This is also known as tropical
two indices becomes difficult and vague. Moreover, the rainforest climate. There is no winter season as it is
Thornthwaite’s scheme yielded the number of major characterized by uniformly high temperature all the
clima c types (32) three mes greater than Koeppen’s year round.
clima c types. Like Koeppen’s scheme Thornthwaite’s
scheme also became popular among zoologists, bota- Aw climate is a tropical wet and dry climate char-
nists and geographers but it was not appreciated by acterized by uniformly high temperature throughout
meteorologists and climatologists because this scheme the year but there are more than two dry months. This
did not include the causa ve factors of climates into the climate is also known as savanna climate which is domi-
classifica on of world climates in different types. nated by dry trade winds or subtropical an cyclones

during winter season and by equatorial westerlies and subhumid climate with dry summer, also known as
intertropical convergence during summer season. Mediterranean climate), (ii) Ca climate (subtropical
humid climate), and (iii) Cb climate (middle la tude
Am climate is monsoon climate which receives
marine climate). Cs climate, located on the western
more than 80 per cent of annual rainfall during four
sides of the con nents on the tropical margins of the
summer monsoon months.
middle la tudes, is affected by subtropical an cyclonic
2. Dry Climates (B Climates) condi ons in summers and by wet westerlies in winters.
Ca climate (Cfw of Koeppen), located on the eastern
The boundaries of B (dry) climates have been sides of the con nents, receives precipita on in all
determined on the basis of precipita on varia ons. seasons but summer months receive more rainfall
They extend from the outer boundary of A climates to than winter months (this climate is known as China
the middle la tudes. B climates are characterized by type of climate). Cb climate is affected by westerlies
high evapora on, loss of moisture through evapotrans- throughout the year.
pira on exceeding the annual receipt of water gain
from precipita on, large annual and daily ranges of 4. Microthermal or Temperate
temperature, extreme seasonal temperatures, very low Climates (D Climates)
and highly variable annual precipita on, extremely low
rela ve humidity, abundant sun-shine and clear sky. These climates are found in the areas of high
middle la tudes which are affected by westerlies in
On the basis of aridity and annual average pre- summers and by polar winds in winters. The poleward
cipita on B (dry) climates have been divided into two and equatorward boundaries are determined by aver-
clima c types e.g. (i) arid or desert climate- BW climate, age temperatures of 10°C for 4 months in the case of
and (ii) semi-arid or steppe climate- BS climate. On the the former and for 6 months in the case of the la er.
basis of temperature varia ons arid (BW) and semiarid On the basis of temperature varia ons ‘D’ climates have
(BS) climates have been divided into 4 clima c types been divided into 4 types e.g. (i) Da climate (con nental
as follows- humid climate with temperature of the warmest month
1. BWh climate tropical-subtropical hot desert cli- above 25°C), (ii) Db climate (con nental humid climate
mate with temperature of the warmest month below 22°C),
(iii) Dc climate (subpolar climate, short summer sea-
2. BWk climate middle la tudes or temperate and son), and (iv) Dd climate (temperature of the coldest
boreal cold dry climate month less than -38°C).
3. BSh climate tropical-subtropical steppe or semiarid
climate 5. Boreal Climate (E Climate)
4. BSk climate middle la tudes or temperateand Boreal climate is located in the higher middle
boreal steppe climate la tudes and is characterized by short and cool summer
The boundary between hot dry and cold dry season, long and very cold winter season, very short
climates is determined on the basis of 32°F (0°C) frost free season, one to three months of a year having
isotherm of the coldest month. Tropical-subtropical dry average temperature of 10°C or more etc.
(BWh) and steppe (BSh) climates are dominated by dry
trade winds and subtropical an cyclones resul ng into 6. Polar Climate (F Climate)
constant dry condi ons. At least 8 months of a year Summer season is absent. Polar winds dominate
record average temperature above 10°C. On the other throughout the year. These climates are found in the
hand, temperate cold dry (BWk) and cold steppe (BSk) northern hemisphere only. No month of the year
climates are located on the leeward sides of the moun- records average temperature above 10°C. On the basis
tains in the interior of the con nents and are domi- of temperature varia ons ‘F’ climates are divided into
nated by cold an cyclones during winter season. (i) tundra climate (Ft climate) and (ii) icecap climate
3. Middle Latitudes Wet Climates (C (Ff climate).
Climates) D e p a r t u re s Fro m Ko e p p e n ’s
The isotherm of 18°C of the coldest month forms Classification
the equatorward boundary of C climates. On the basis The Trewartha’s scheme of clima c classifica on
of seasonal distribu on of precipita on C climates registers the following departures from the scheme of
are divided into 3 types e.g. (i) Cs climate (subtropical Koeppen.

1. In B climates Koeppen used isotherm of 18°C the following locali- es-(i) the Amazon Basin in South
average annual temperature to differen ate America, (ii) the Congo Basin in Africa, (iii) Guinea coast
the boundary between hot dry and cold dry in Africa, much of the Indo-Malaysian Region mainly
(h/k boundary) climates while Trewartha in Jawa, Sumatra, Borneo. Malaysia. Singapore and
used an isotherm of 32°F (0°C) of the coldest New Guinea, (v) Philippine Islands, (vi) eastern central
month for the determina on of h/k boundary. America (parts of Panama. Costarica, Nicargua, Hon-
2. Koeppen used the isotherm of-3°C (26.6°F) duras, Guatemala etc,), some islands in the Caribbean
temperature of the coldest month for Sea, western Columbia and eastern Madagascar.
determining boundary between B and
C climates while Trewartha selected
isotherm of 32°F (0°C) for the purpose. Since mid day sun is almost overhead through-
3. Koeppen divided C climates on the basis of out the year and there is li le difference between the
seasonal distribu on of precipita on into 3 types lengths of day and night during the year and hence
e.g. (i) Cs (summers dry), (ii) Cw (winter dry), the equatorial region receives maximum amount of
and Cf (no dry season) but Trewartha divided insola on which causes uniformly high temperature
C climates into (i) Cs, (ii) Ca, and (iii) Cb types. throughout the year as the average monthly tem-
4. Koeppen divided D climates on the basis of perature is always more than 18°C. The mean monthly
precipita on into (i) Dw and (ii) Df types while temperature of most of the places ranges between 24°C
Trewartha divided them on the basis of summer and 27°C. Mean annual temperature is around 20°C but
temperature into (i) Da, (ii) Db, and (iii) Dd types. the maximum temperature of the year touches 30°C.
The mean annual range of temperature of island areas
ranges between 0.5°C and 1°C but other areas record
As stated earlier Trewartha’s scheme of clima c annual ranges of temperature between 2°C to 3°C.
classifica on is very simple, unambiguous and a mix- Thus, uniformly high temperatures of the equa-
ture of both empirical and gene c methods of clima c torial regions, though lower than the temperatures
classifica on. It uses only two weather elements i.e. of the hot desert climate, becomes unpleasant and
precipita on and temperature and avoids vigorous injurious to human beings because of its uniformity
sta s cal and mathema cal calcula ons in determining and monotony.
clima c type of a place and demarca ng boundaries
between two different clima c types. This scheme also The daily range of temperature varying between
includes the effects of land and water surfaces on the 5°C and 10°C is usually far greater than the annual
climate of an area. Trewartha’s scheme became more range of temperature. Usually, mid-day temperature
popular among geographers because of its simplicity. rises to 29°C-34°C and comes dawn To 21°C-24°C during
nights. Thus, the rela vely low nocturnal temperature
EQUATORIAL CLIMATE OR becomes uncomfortable to local people. This is why
TROPICAL RAIN FOREST nights of the equatorial regions are called winters of
CLIMATE (AF) the tropics. The day me temperature becomes op-
pressive and unbearable due to high rela ve humidity,
Location weak air circula on, bright sunlight etc. The inhabitants
of the equatorial regions are so used and habitual to
Equatorial type of climate, also known as tropical uniformly high temperatures throughout the year that
rainforest wet climate or simply Af climate, is located they feel immediately even a slight fall in temperature.
upto 5°to 10° la tudes on either side of the equator They feel cold if temperature falls below 20°C and they
but at some places it extends upto 15°-25° la tudes burn wood to ward off rela ve cold (though there is
mainly along the eastern margins of the con nents. no winter season).
This clima c zone is subjected to seasonal shi ing due
to seasonal shi ing of pressure and wind belts conse- Air Pressure And Winds
quent upon the northward and southward migra on Thermally induced low pressure belt develops
of the sun. The equatorial climate is characterized by around the equator due to uniformly high tem-perature
two major proper es e.g. (i) uniformly high tempera- throughout the year but the pressure gradient is so
ture throughout the year. and (ii) uniformly adequate low that strong air circula on is not possible. Thus, the
rainfall throughout the year received through convec- equatorial region lies in the belt of calm and doldrums
ve mechanism. The equatorial climate is found in characterized by light and variable winds. The surface

air is heated, becomes light and moves upward thus amount of cloudiness throughout the year. Gener-
forming convec ve currents. On the ground surface ally, cumulus type of clouds dominates daily weather
the winds uniformly spread laterally due to more or condi ons. On an average, there is about 60 per cent
less uniform air pressure. The discon nuous belt of cloudiness daily. The maximum amount of cloudiness is
doldrum characterized by equatorial westerlies is found found between 3 and 4 P.M. daily because of maximum
along the equator. The convergence of trade winds convec ve ac vity during this period but the sky is
coming from the subtropical high pressure belt forms generally clear in the morning and at night. Though the
inter tropical convergence (ITC) which is associated daily period of cloudiness is less in comparison to high
with atmospheric disturbances (cyclones). The winds middle la tude areas dominated by temperate cyclones
become strong with thundestorms. Strong winds give but there is strong heavy downpour due to convec ve
temporary relief from sultry weather. Temperature is mechanism and resultant convec onal rainfall.
lowered due to arrival of Harma an winds in the nights
in the Guinea coast and thus the pleasantly cooling ef- Rainfall regime
fect of Harma an gives comfort to human bodies. Sea Equatorial rainfall is convec onal in character
breezes penetrate upto 48-96 km inland in the coastal wherein there is daily heavy downpour from cumulo-
areas and thus brings pleasant weather through their nimbus clouds. The sky is usually free from clouds in
cooling effects. This is why coastal areas in the equato- the early morning. As the sun rises above the horizon,
rial regions are compara vely be er suited for living the amount of insola on received at the ground surface
than the interior areas. increases and hence air temperature also increases
Precipitation accordingly. Air is heated, becomes light and moves
upward and thus becomes unstable which causes
Equatorial regions receive rainfall throughout the convec onal system. The ascending air cools at the dry
year and thus there is no dry season. Average annual adiaba c lapse rate (10°C per 1000m) and the air soon
rainfall. Even the driest month of the year receives becomes saturated and condensa on level is reached.
rainfall more than 6 cm. Iquitos (Peru), Akassa and Clouds are formed. In the beginning they are cumulus
Ocean Island receive 261 cm, 366cm and 213cm of rain and few in number but as the day advances, humidity
per annum respec vely. Though most of the rainfall increases due to increasing evapora on, the clouds are
occurs through convec ve mechanism but wherever thickened and darkness increases. By a ernoon the
mountain barrier becomes effec ve the amount of whole sky becomes overcast with thick cumulo-nimbus
rainfall increases substan ally. For example, annual clouds. Thus, heavy rain starts with lightning and cloud
rainfall reaches 1000cm in the foothill zone of Cam- thunder. As the day draws towards evening the rains
eroon Mountain in Africa. Most of the annual rainfall become slow and weak and they completely stop by
in the equatorial region is received in the form of con- evening, clouds are cleared and weather becomes
vec onal rainfall (see types of rainfall in chapter 36). pleasant for some me. The aforesaid mechanism is
The strong daily ver cal convec ve mechanism due repeated daily.
to intense hea ng of ground surface because of high
Variability of rainfall-inspite of very high mean
amount of insola on, horizontal convergence of trade
annual rainfall there is temporal variability in the
winds forming intertropical convergence, a fairly large
amount of rainfall and this variability is more than the
number of atmospheric disturbances (cyclonic storms)
variability of temperature. The crops grown in this cli-
and thunderstorms yield heavy rainfall daily throughout
ma c region are such that they require more moisture
the equatorial regions.
and thus the year having li le less than average annual
Distribu on inspite of high rainfall throughout the rainfall is termed as a drought year because the crops
year there is no uniform spa al distribu on of rainfall are damaged. Though the word drought is unfamiliar
in all parts of equatorial clima c region. Though no in equatorial climatic region but some times brief
month goes dry but definitely some months of the year drought condi ons are created. It may be concluded
receive more rainfall than the other months. Thus, the that rainfall in equatorial rainforest climate is adequate
months having more rainfall are called wet months enough to support Field crops and luxurious dense for-
while the months receiving less rainfall are known as ests. Most of the rains is intercepted by forest canopy
less wet months. and thus reaches ground surface slowly in the form of
aerial streamlets through leaves, branches and stems
Cloudiness of trees and thus there is maximum infiltra on of rain-
Equatorial climate is characterized by fairly large water. Recent clearance of rainforests in the equatorial
regions in general and in Amazonia in par cular has

converted once forest-converted surface into a bare trade wind belt which experiences seasonal shi ing
ground surface which is subjected to accelerated rate due to northward and southward migra on of the
of soil erosion due to daily heavy rains. sun. Onshore winds blow for six months from warm
tropical oceans towards the con nents and offshore
Ef fects of Climate On Natural winds blow for another six months from land to the
Vegetation sea. The areas of monsoon climate are divided in the
following categories.
The tropical rainforest or equatorial climatic
region accounts for the largest number of plant spe- True monsoon areas include India, Burma (Myan-
cies and luxuriant growth of natural vegeta on due mar), Pakistan, Bangladesh, Thailand, Combodia, Laos,
to high temperature and high rainfall throughout the North and South Vietnam, southern China, Philippines,
year. The clima c region is characterized by broad-leaf and northern coastal area of Australia.
evergreen dense forests comprising valu- able trees
Areas of monsoonal tendencies or pseudo-mon-
such as mahogany, rosewood, coconut palm, avony,
soons are found along the south-west coast of Africa
cincona,plaintain, bamboost wild rubber, sandal world
including the coasts of Guinea, Sierra Leone,Liberia and
etc. The number of tree species is so large and their
Ivory Coast; eastern Africa and western Madagascar
diversity is so great that one hectare of land in the
equatorial region accounts for 40 to 100 species. It
may be pointed out that tree species account for 70 Areas of monsoon effects include northeast coast
per cent of the total plant species of the tropical ev- of La n America e.g. east Venezuela, Guyana, Surinam,
ergreen forests. Creepers or climbers are the second French Guyana, and north-east Brazil. Besides, Puerto
important members of the rainforests. The creepers Rico and Dominican Republic in the Caribbean Island
comprising (i) climbers of lower strata, (ii) long woody also enjoy mild monsoonal effect.
climbers known as ‘lianas’, and (iii) epiphytes are so
Areas of modified monsoon are found in parts of
circuitous and highly irregular in form that it becomes
central America and south-east USA.
difficult to find out their actual length. “They ramble
through the forest, scaling the highest emergent trees Temperature
and frequently looping down to the ground and then
ascending further sec ons of the forest”. The climbers Though mean annual temperature is fairly high
so greatly bind several trees and plants together that but summer and winter seasons are sharply differen -
the accessibility in the forest cover becomes almost ated due to northward (summer sols ce) and south-
zero. ward movement of the sun (winter sols ce). There are
three main seasons in a year in Indian Subcon nent
The vertical stratification of vegetation com- and surrounding monsoonal areas e.g. (1) dry warm
munity consists of 5 layers or strata viz. (i) first or top summer season (March to June), (2) humid warm
layer or dominant layer represen ng the canopy of summer season (July to October), and (3) dry winter
tallest trees (30 to 60m in height), (ii) second layer or season (November to February). Average temperature
co-dominant layer (25m to 30m in height), (iii) thrid of warm dry summer months ranges between 27°C and
layer of smaller trees (12m to 20m in height), (vi) fourth 32°C but maximum temperature ranges between 38°C
layer of shrubs (5m in height), and (v) ground layer of and 48°C during May and June. Warm humid summer
herbaceous plants and ferns. months record average temperatures ranging between
MONSOON CLIMATE (AM) 20°C and 30°C. The mean temperature during day in
winter months varies from 10°C to 27°C. Annual range
Location of temperature ranges between 2°C and 11°C and is
controlled by nearness or remoteness of the sea (i.e.
Monsoon climate is generally related to those distance from the sea), con nental, la tudinal and
areas which register complete seasonal reversal of wind al tudinal influences.
direc on and are associated with tropical deciduous
forests but there are some departures from this close Diurnal range of temperature is much higher in
rela onship and near correspondence between the dry summer season than in other seasons. For example,
regions of monsoon climate and tropical deciduous in the Ganga plains of India maximum temperature
forests. Monsoon climate is found in the zone extend- during day me may go as high as 44°C to 48°C and the
ing between 5° and 30° la tudes on either side of the minimum temperature during nights may come down
equator. In fact, this zone comes under the domain of as low as 20°C to 25°C thus registering diurnal range

of 23°C to 24°C. The temperature during May and June ral and spa al distribu on. Some mes, a few areas
becomes excep onally high due to prevalence of hot receive less than 500mm of mean annual rainfall. Even
winus locally known as loo. the temporal distribu on of rainfall within a single year
is highly variable because more than 80 per cent of
Air Pressure and Winds mean annual rainfall is received within 3 wet months
Monsoon areas are affected by high and low of summer season (July, August, and September). Thus,
pressure systems due to winter and summer seasons the rainy season records much surplus water whereas
respectively. In fact, there is complete reversal of dry winter and summer seasons have marked deficit
pressure gradients over Asia c landmass because of water because dry seasons receive less than 25 mm
northward and southward migra on of the sun and of rainfall per month. There is maximum evapora on
consequent differen al hea ng of the con nent and during warm dry summer months which results in
adjoining oceanic areas. Due to southward migra on desicca on of soils and marked reduc on in soil water.
of the sun a er 23 September (autumnal equinox) high This seasonal regime of annual rainfall gives deciduous
pressure centres are developed on the landmass of Asia character to the vegeta ons which shed their leaves
during winter season while low pressure is developed in during the transi onal period between winter and
the southern Indian and Pacific Oceans, with the result summer seasons.
pressure gradient is developed from land areas to the The eastern coast of Tamil Nadu and Andhra
oceanic areas resul ng into the ou low of surface winds Pradesh receives much rainfall during winter season
from high pressure centres of the land areas towards through north-east monsoons as they while passing
oceanic low pressure areas. This wind system having over the Bay of Bengal, pick up sufficient moisture and
northeast direc on is called winter monsoon which is yield rainfall. January and February are generally dri-
nothing more than the reestablished north-east trade est months in India but the Ganga plains receive some
winds which are displaced during summer season due rains from westerly disturbances or temperate cyclones
to northward shi ing of intertropical conver-gence (ITC) coming from Mediterranean Sea.
because of northward migra on of the sun. These off-
shore winds are generally dry because they come from Variability of rainfall in terms of both amount
over the land areas but wherever they pass over the and dura on is the characteris c feature of monsoon
oceanic areas, they pick up moisture and yield rainfall climate. Secondly, monsoonal rainfall is basically cy-
when effec vely obstructed. For example, north-east clonic in character.
monsoon winds while passing over Bay of Bangal pick
Natural Vegetation
up moisture and give rainfall in the coastal regions of
Tamil Nadu during winter season. The pressure system The number of plant species is far less in the
is completely reversed during summer season when the monsoon clima c regions than the equatorial clima c
sun registers northward migra on a er 21 March and regions. The height of the trees ranges between 12m
becomes almost ver cal over tropic of Cancer on June and -30m. There are four strata or layers in ver cal
21. Thus, thermally induced low pressure develops due structure of the tropical deciduous forests. The up-
to very high temperature over huge landmass of Asia. permost and second strata consist of trees, the third
These low pressure centres are further intensified due stratum is formed by shrubs whereas the ground stra-
to northward movement of intertropical convergence tum represents herbaceous plants. Most of the trees
(ITC) upto 20° to 35°N la tutdes while high pressure are decidua’s but the shrubs of the third stratum are
centres are developed over southern Indian and Pacific evergreen. The trees are characterized by thick girth
Oceans, with the result sea to land pressure gradi- of stems, thick, rough and coarse bark and large hy-
ent is steepened and onshore winds are generated. dromorphic leaves or small, hard xeromorphic leaves.
These onshore winds are the southwest or summer Deciduous trees of monsoon climate denote complete
monsoon winds which are moist as they pass over the adap bility to wet-dry cli- mate. The large hydromor-
sea surfaces. phic leaves enable the trees to trap more and more
rainfall during wet season but these are shed in dry
Precipitation periods to conserve moisture while small and hard
Monsoon regions receive most of their annual xeromorphic leaves enable the trees to withstand dry
rainfall through cyclonic and orographic types of rains weather and water deficiency. Important species of
though convec ve mechanism also yields some rainfall. trees include sal, teak, bamboo, mango tree, mahua,
On an average, the average annual rainfall is around jamun, neem, shisham etc.
1500mm but there are much varia ons in the tempo-

SAVANNA CLIMATE (AW) ver cal sun’s rays, high temperature ranging between
32°C and 38°C due to abundant insola on. (3) Warm
Location wet season receives between 80 to 90 per cent of the
total annual rainfall and thus records rela vely lower
The word savanna has been used for different temperature than warm dry season.
meanings by various scien sts e.g. the word savanna
region has been used by the climatologists to indicate Air Pressure and Winds
a par cular type of climate i.e. tropical wet-dry climate
(Aw climate of Koeppen) as savanna climate, while The regions of Savanna climate are affected by
the botanists have used the word savanna for a typi- low and high pressure systems in a year. Due to north-
cal type of vegeta on community of tropical regions ward migra on of the sun during summer sol
characterized by the dominance of grasses. This climate s ce (21 June) the equatorial low pressure belt
is also called as Sudan type of climate. Savanna type of and doldurm are shi ed northward and thus Savanna
climate is located between 5^-20° la tudes on either climate comes under the influence of Inter Tropical
side of the equator. Thus, savanna climate is located Convergence (ITC) which is associated with atmospher-
between equatorial type of climate (A0 and semi-arid ic disturbances (cyclones) which yield rains. Due to
and subtropical humid climate. In other words, this southward migra on of the sun during winter sols ce
climate is located between equatorial low pressure (23 December) Savanna clima c zone comes under the
belt or rain producing intertropical convergence and influence of subtropical high pressure belt and thus an-
subtropical high pressure belt. The most characteris c cyclonic condi ons dominate the weather and bring
areas of savanna climate include the Llanos of Orinico dry condi ons. The descending stable winds under
Valley including Columbia and Venezuela, the Guiana an cyclonic condi ons cause dry condi ons. Besides,
Highlands, the Campos of Brazil (south central parts), the coastal areas are affected by local winds and sea
and Paraguay in South America; hilly areas of Central breezes. Eastern coasts are influenced by trade winds.
America; southern part of Zaire, Angola, Zambia. Mo- Strong and high velocity tropical cyclones dominate the
zambique, Tanjania, Uganda, and Cen- tral Rhodesia, weather condi ons during warm season. It is apparent
all to the south of the Congo Basin, and central Nigeria, that the Savanna type of climate is induced due to the
southern Kenya and Uganda, Central African Rupublic, introduc on of wet summer and dry winter seasons
Dahomey, Togo, Chad, Ghana, Ivory Coast and eastern because of northward and southward migra on of the
Guinea in Africa; northern Australia and some areas sun respec vely. Since the Savanna climate is located
of India (the savanna of India is not the original and. between equatorial wet and tropical dry climates and
natural vegeta on cover rather it has developed due hence there is gradual varia on in weather condi-
to human interference with the original forest cover ons away from the equator as the aridity increases
resul ng into the development of widespread man- poleward.
induced grasslands).
The average annual rainfall ranges between
The Savanna climate is characterized by dis- 100cm and 150cm but there is much pronounced varia-
nct wet and dry seasons, mean high temperature on in the spa al distribu on of mean annual rainfall
throughout the year (ranging between 24°C and 27°C), in different parts of Savanna climate mainly because of
and abundant insola on. Temperature does not fall two factors viz. (1) distance from the equator, and (2)
helow20°C in any month of the year. Thus, Savanna the nature of topographic features. For example, the
climate is similar to equatorial climate as regards ^mp- Savanna region of Brazil, locally called as Cerrado hav-
pratnrp hllt thf> annual range of temperature ranging ing the average absolute relie/ of 1300m AMSL, records
between 3°Cand 8°C is greater than in the equatorial mean annual temperature and mean annul rainfall of
climate. There are three main seasons on the basis of 20°C-26°C and 75cm- 200cm respec vely. The Llanos
the combina on of temperature and humidity (though of Columbia is characterized bv m^an annual-rainfall of
on an average there are only two seasons as referred to 200cm- 400cm (near Andes Mountain), mean annual
in the beginning but the dry season is further divided temperature of 22°C, and maximum temperature of
into warm dry season and cold dry season on the basis 32°C. The Indian Savanna is characterized by the high-
of temperature). (1) Cold dry season is characterized by est temperature (being 45°C-48°C in May and June)
high day temperature ranging between 26°C and 32°C and lowest temperature (being 5°C or even less during
but nela- vely low temperature during nights, usually the month of January) of all the Savanna regions of the
21°C. (2) Warm dry season is characterized by almost

world and the mean annual rainfall well below 150cm, woody plants. (3) The canopy layer is formed by trees
80 to 90 per cent of which is received during a brief of various types. The general characteris cs of trees
period of 3 months (July to September). depend on the availability of water and moisture and
therefore there is great taxonomic variety of Savanna
Since the Savanna climate is a transi onal belt
trees which are usually 6-12m in height. The Savanna
between humid equatorial and dry tropical cli-mates
trees have developed various unique characteris cs
and hence there is much variability in the amount and
to withstand dry condi ons. For example, there are
dura on of rainfall at the wet (equatorward) and dry
a few species of trees which have developed such
(poleward) boundaries. There is copious rainfall in the
mechanisms which help them to reduce evapotrans-
equatorward margins because of convergence of sur-
pira on from their leaves during warm dry season
face winds and convec ve mechanism of ascending un-
and enable them to remain green even during dry
stable winds but at the poleward margins near dry cli-
season of deficient water supply. On the other hand,
mate (BWh) is found and rainfall significantly decreases
there are such tree species which cannot withstand
due to descending air and an cyclonic condi ons. Here
dry condi ons and therefore they shed their leaves
mean annual rainfall becomes as low as 25 cm. As the
and bear the characteris cs of deciduous trees. The
Intertropical Convergence (ITC) moves north-ward due
roots of Savanna trees have also developed according
to northward migra on of the sun, thunderstorms
to the environmental condi ons as they are very large
begin to develop by March and the amount of rainfall
which can penetrate into the soils and ground upto the
increases in the following months. The Intertropical
depths from 5m to 20m so that they can obtain water
Convergence reaches its northernmost limit by August.
from groundwater even during dry season when the
Thus, rainfall con nues to increase, upto August and
groundwater table falls considerably. The small plants
most of rains are received through tropical cyclones and
and many herbaceous plants have special kinds of root
thunderstorms. Rainfall decreases due to southward
systems characterized by root tubers and swellings so
shi ing of ITC and dry trade winds are re-established
that they may preserve water which may be used by
a er November resul ng into dry weather condi on. It
plants during dry season. On the basis of the propor on
is apparent that the period of wet weather decreases
of trees and grassland and the structure of vegeta on,
while that of dry weather increases as the distance
the Savanna vegeta on is divided into 4 types. (1)
from the outer limit of the equatorial climate increases.
Woodland savanna is dominated by trees and shrubs
The amount of mean annual rainfall also decreases
and absence of epiphytes but some climbers having
from east to west. Savanna climate is also characterized
their roots in the ground are found. (2) Tree savanna
by high variability of rainfall as there may be so heavy
represents rela vely open vegeta on cover wherein
and abundant rainfall in a par cular year that floods
trees and shrubs are sparsely distributed. (3) Shrub
are caused while the following year may receive so li le
savanna is represented by treeless vegeta on which is
rainfall that drought condi ons prevail.
dominated by grasses at the ground layer and shrubs
Vegetation at the second layer, (4) Grass savanna is characterized
by genera! absence of trees and shrubs and overdomi-
Though general characteris cs of typical Sa-vanna nance of dense grasses.
vegeta on are trees and grasses but the Savanna Biome
is, no doubt, dominated by grasses. The Savanna veg- Frequent fires, both natural and anthropogenic
eta on community has developed layered structure (deliberate annual burning of grasses by man), are
wherein three dis nct layers have clearly developed. common features of all the savanna biomes. The rap-
(1) The ground layer is dominated by various types idly increasing human popula on for the last 50 years
of grasses and herbaceous plants, The grasses are or so has put enormous strain on the natural savanna
generally coarse, stiff and hard having the height grasslands because a vast area of the original grasslands
ranging between 80cm to 350cm. The African elephant has been converted into agricultural fields to grow
grass a ains enormous height of 500cm. The grasses bear more food crops to feed the teeming millions. Thus,
deserted look during dry summer season but they the areas of natural savanna grasslands have shrunk
become lush green again during humid summer season. considerably. The savanna ecosystem, thus, has been
(2) The middle layer consists of shrubs and stunted greatly degraded and destabilized.

TROPICAL-SUBTROPICAL (USA) records more than 32°C at noon but tempera-
H O T D E S E R T C L I M AT E ture falls to 24°C in the nights. Azizia has recorded the
highest temperature of 58°CTTr36.40F) so far. Similarly,
(BWH) excep onally very high temperature of 56.4°C (134°F)
has been recorded in the Death Valley of Californian
(Sahara Type Of Climate) desert (USA). Day time mean temperature during
Location winter season ranges between 15.5°C and 21°C but
some limes it reaches 27°C but at nights temperature
The hot desert or Sahara type of climate is lo- falls to 10°C.
cated between the la tudinal belt of 5Q-30Q(35°)
in both the hemispheres on the western parts of the It is, thus, apparent that both annual and diurnal
con nents. This climate is found in (1) Africa - the ranges of temperature are high in the tropical-subtrop-
Namib and Kalahari deserts of coastal Angola and ical hot desert clima c areas. Generally, annual range
southwest Africa, interior Botswana and South Africa, of temperature ranges between 17°C and 22°C while
and Sahara desert; (2) Asia - Thar deserts of India and daily range varies from 22°C to 28°C. Some mes, daily
Pakistan. Arabian deserts. Iranian desert; (3) South range of temperature exceeds 40°C. Very high daily and
America - Acatama desert of coastal Peru and Chile; (4) annual range of temperature is because of open and
Mojave and Arizona deserts of southwestern USA: (5) clear skies, vegeta on-free ground surface, very low
Australia - Great Sandy Desert, Great Victoria Desert humidity, distance from the equator, dominance of
and Tanami Desert. This climate is characterized by sands etc. It may be pointed out that in the absence of
annual aridity, and subsiding warm air masses of the clouds and moisture maximum insola on is received at
subtropical an cyclones. The following reasons are the ground surface. Loose sands are soon heated and
held responsible for the genesis of perpetual aridity of thus ground temperature soon shoots up. Again there
the tropical- subtropical hot desert climate- (i) Temper- is rapid loss of heat from the sandy surface through
ate cyclones do not reach these areas, (ii) Intertropical outgoing longwave terrestrial radialionat nights due to
Convergence (ITC) also does not influence these areas clear sky and completely dry condi on (total absence
because of their distant loca on from the equator, (iii) of moisture in the air) resul ng into considerable fall
The trade winds spend most of their moisture through in night temperature. This mechanism causes very high
rainfall in the eastern margins of the con nents and as daily range of temperature. It may be remembered
they reach the western margins of the con nents they that blankets are needed in the nights in hot desert
become dry and hence are unable to give rainfall, (iv) areas due to very high difference in day me and night
Due to an cyclonic condi ons winds descend from temperatures even during summer seasons. Tripoli
above and hence they are warmed adiaba cally with recorded highest and lowest temperatures of 91°F and
the result their moisture retaining capacity increases 31°F respec vely on December 25, thus registering a
resul ng into marked decrease in rela ve humidity, (v) daily range of 60°F.
Subtropical high pressure system ranses-divergemie Pressure and Winds
of surface winds which is antagonis c to rainfall, (vi)
The ground temperature is so high that raindrops, if Poleward areas of the regions of hot desert
formed at all, are evaporated therefore they roach the climate are affected by divergent air circula on and
ground surface. an cyclonic condi ons because they fall in the belt of
subtropical high pressure. The winds become stable
Temperature and dry because they descend from above and are
On the basis of annual distribu on of tempera- heated and thus there prevails dry condi on. The
ture two dis nct seasons are recognized e.g. summer north-east trades (northern hemisphere) become dry
season and winter season. Average temperature during when they reach the western parts of the con nents
summer season ranges between 30°C and 35°C but in the la tudinal zones of 15°-35°. Some local low pres-
maximum temperature exceeds 40°C during mid-day. sure centres are formed during summer season and
The temperature of 40°C to 48°C is very common at thus a few local but weak cyclonic storms are produced.
noon during summer months. The western part of The upper air an cyclonic condi ons do not allow the
Great Australian Desert records temperature above winds of these local storms to rise. Heat waves domi-
40°C for 64 days in con nua on and above 32°C for nate in summer season thus making human life very
150 days in con nua on but temperature falls at nights difficult. The extensive deserts of Sahara and Australia
giving much relief to the people. Phoenix of Arizona become ideal source regions for the development of
tropical con nental airmasses.

Rainfall This is why most of the regions under this climate are
either devoid of any vegeta on such as Lybian and
Rainfall in tropical desert climate is so low and Arabian deserts or if there is any vegeta on at all, that
variable that it becomes difficult to determine aver- is very li le, sparse and bushy in character. The vegeta-
age annual rainfall as it never comes true. The various on of hot desert climate is of xerophy c type which
sources put the annual average of rainfall between 25 has special characteris cs to withstand harsh climate
cm and 37.5 cm but these figures are highly mislead- characterized by extreme aridity, high temperature
ing because there are so many such areas where not and very high rate of evapora on. They have their own
even a single drop of rain is received for several years moisture conserving devices such as long roots, thick
in con nua on. Thus, the annual average rainfall is barks, waxy leaves, thorns and li le leaves so that they
considered to be less than 12 cm. Most of Sahara re- may avoid evapotranspira on and consequent loss of
ceives less than 12 cm of mean annual rainfall. Cairo of moisture from them. Most of the vegeta on are found
UAR(3.0cm), Lima of Peru (5 cm), William Creek of Aus- in the form of bushes. Cactus, acacia, date palm, a few
tralia (13.3 cm), Y uma of Arizona (USA, 8 cm), Toloth in flowering plants etc. form the composi on of natural
S.W. Africa (5.6 cm) receive very low mean annual rain- vegeta on of hot desert climate.
fall. Northern parts of Chile some mes do not receive
any drop of rains for 5 to 10 years in con nua on. The MEDITERRANEAN CLIMATE
equatorward rela vely more humid areas, however,
receive 50 to 75 cm as mean annual rainfall. Most of
the rains is of convec onal type due to local hea ng. Location
Some mes, occasional storms give heavy downpour
within few hours causing flash floods. For example, 85 The Mediterranean type of climates, clima cally
cm of rainfall was recorded within two days in Doorbazi known as subtropical dry summer climates, is called
of Rajasthan whereas its mean annual rainfall is only Mediterranean type because most of the areas falling
12.5 cm. Such occasional catastrophic rainfall causes under this climate are situated around Mediterranean
flash floods resul ng into choking of storm drains, Sea. The Mediterranean climate or biome is also called
destruc on of human se lements, sil ng and choking as sclerophvll ecosystem or biome because of the
of canals and destruc on and disrup on of means of development of special features and characteris cs in
transport and communica on. Such heavy rainfall is the dominant trees and shrubs to adapt to the typical
not useful at all as all of the rainwater are disposed off environment condi ons if this climate-dry summer and
quickly through surface runoff and the remaining water wet winter. Though the Mediterranean type of climate
is evaporated due to high temperature. covers only 1.7 per cent area of the globe but this is
most clearly defined climate and is easily differen ated
Skies are generally free from clouds and thus sun’s
from other clima c regions. The Mediterranean climate
rays reach the ground surface without being reflected
has three dis nct characteris cs - (i) wet winter and
throughout the year and hence the tropical desert
dry summer season, (ii) warm and hot summers, and
clima c regions receive sufficient bright sunshine all
mild winters, and (iii) abundant sunshine throughout
the year round. The Sonoran Deserts of the USA and
the year (90 per cent in summer and 50 to 60 per
Mexico receive more than 75 per cent and 90 per cent
cent in winter). This climate has developed between
sunshine during winter and summer seasons respec-
30°- 40° (some mes upto 45°) la tudes in both the
vely. Most parts of Sahara Desert are characterized
hemispheres in the western parts of the con nents
by 1/10 cloudiness in December and January and 1/30
(fig: 39.5). This clima c region includes (A) European,
cloudiness from June to October. It is, thus, apparent
Asia c and African lands bordering the Mediterranean
that the ground surface is more or less always baked
Sea e.g. (1) European lands — Rhone- Saone Valleys of
in the sun. Some mes, dark cumulo-nimbus clouds
France, southern Italy, Greece; (2) Asia c lands-western
are formed, thunderstorms with cloud thunder and
Turkey. Syria.
lightning are experienced but s ll there is no rain be-
cause raindrops are evaporated before they reach the Phanniyu / petern Israel: (3)north coastal Africa
ground surface. The average rela ve humidity ranges - Morocco, northern Algeria and Tunisia and the area
between 10 to 30 per cent. north of Bengasi in Lybia, (B) central and southern Cali-
fornia in the USA, (C) central Chile in South America, (D)
Natural Vegetation
the Capetown area of South Africa, and (E) the coastal
Hot desert type of climate is not conducive for zones of southern and south-western Australia. The
vegeta on growth because of acute scarcity of water. Mediterranean type of climate owes its origin to the

seasonal shi ing of wind and pressure belts due to On the basis of temperature varia ons the Medi-
northward (summer sols ce) and southward migra on terranean climate is divided into 2 subtypes e.g. Csa
(winter sols ce) of the sun. Thus, these areas come and Csb. Csa climate, characterized by hot summer,
under the domain of westerlies in winter sea-son. has inland loca on whereas Climaxing of mild sum-
Since the westerlies are moisture laden because they mer is located along the coastal margins of the con -
come from over the oceans and are associated with nents. It may be pointed out that tempera tures of the
temperate cyclones, they give sufficient rains during Mediterranean clima c regions except those around
winter season. On the other hand, they come under Mediterranean Sea are largely affected by cool oceanic
the influence of subtropical high pressure belt and currents e.g. Californian region by cool California cur-
associated an cyclones during summer season and rent, Chilean region by cool Peru current, Cape Town
hence there is no rainfall. region by Benguela currents etc.

Temperature Air Pressure and Winds

The average temperature during cool winter In fact, the Mediterranean climate is the out-
season ranges between 5°C and 10°C whereas mean come of the seasonal shi ing of pressure and wind
summer temperature varies from 20°C to 27°C and bells. All the pressure belts except polar high pressure
thus the mean annual range of temperature becomes belt move northward from their normal posi ons dur-
15°C to 17°C or even more. In fact, the Mediterranean ing northern summer (summer sols ce when the sun
climate is considered as a resort climate because of its becomes ver cal over the tropic of Cancer on June 21)
pleasant and comfortable winter season. The Medi- and thus subtropical high pressure system extends over
terrancean climate whether having coastal or inland the regions of Mediterranean climate (30°N to 40°N)
loca on generally records temperature above freezing and an cyclonic condi ons dominate the weather
point during winter season as the average temperature conditions causing subsidence of air from above,
of the coldest month ranges between 4.4°C and 10°C. horizontal divergence of surface winds, stability of air
The mean January temperature is recorded as 7.7°C resul ng into dry condi ons. Sirocco local hot winds
at Sacramento in California (USA). 6.1 °C at Marseille blow from Sahara northward picking red sands which
(France), 12.8°C at Perth (Australia) and 6.6°C at Rome. are brought to Italy, Spain, southern France and Greece.
Some mes, the temperature becomes so low at nights Summer winds are generally hot and dry. These areas
that frost occurs which is very much injurious to field come under the domain of westerlies during winter
crops. The valleys and depressions have freezing to season when the sun moves southward (northern
subfreezing temperatures in winter and hence valleys winter). The westerlies are associated with temperate
are avoided for sensi ve crops like citrus fruits which cyclones origina ng in the middle la tudes. Since the
are grown on hill slopes. Los Angeles (California, USA), westerlies are associated with temperate cyclones and
Naples (Italy) and Sacramento (California, USA) have re- come from over sea surfaces and hence being moist
corded lowest temperatures of -2.2°C, -1.1 °C and-8.3°C give sufficient rainfall in the coastal areas. Some local
respec vely. It may be pointed out that occasional fall winds like Bora. Mistral (cold winds) etc. affect the local
of temperature below freezing point is limited to a few weather condi ons of the European Mediterranean
minutes to a few hours only. Summer temperature rises lands during winters.
above 26°C e.g. Red Bluff of Sacramento valley records
27.5°C whereas average temperatures during summer Precipitation
season are 26.6°C in European Meidterranean lands The mean annual rainfall ranges between 37
and 24°C in north-west Africa. It may be men oned that cm and 65 cm, the most por on of which (more than
high summer temperatures are never uncomfortable 75 per cent) is received during winter season mainly
due to low rela ve humidity. Daily maximum tempera- between December and March in the northern Hemi-
ture in summer goes beyond 26°C. For example, the sphere and between May to September in the southern
Great Valley of California records daily maximum sum- hemisphere. The winter rainfall is received through
mer temperatures ranging between 30°C and 32°C. Red cyclonic storms associated with moist westerlies. The
Bluff and Sacramento have recorded highest daily maxi- summer season is almost dry. Because of moderate to
mum temperatures of 45.5°C and 46°C respec vely so scanty rainfall the mediterranean climate is called as
far. The night temperature during summer season falls subhumid climate. The orographic rainfall is common in
to 15.5°C, thus diurnai range of temperature becomes those coastal areas (e.g. California) which are backed by
as high as 30°C. Daily and annual ranges increase from mountain ranges parallel to the coasts. Though winter
coastal areas to inland areas. season is quite wet but the sky is seldom overcast for

longer dura on in con nua on and thus abundant the plants to withstand dry condi ons. The sclero-
sunshine is available even during wet winter season. phyllous structure of plant leaves enables them to
For example, Red Bluff (California. USA) has only 11, 12, regulate the gaseous exchange according to the avail-
10 and 10 rainy days in December, January, February ability or scarcity of water during different seasons
and March respec vely. January is the rainiest month of the year. The plants have also developed special
in San Bernardino and Los Angeles but there are only types of root systems in accordance with the regional
7 rainy days. January being the coldest month of Red environmental condi ons mainly the availability of
Bluff receives 1 1.5 cm of rainfall while July being the moisture. The European Mediterranean regions are
coldest month of Perth (Australia) receives 16 cm characterized by mul -layered structural pa ern of
of rainfall. All these indicate the intensity of rainfall vegeta on community consis ng of (i) topmost layer
during winter months in the Mediterranean clima c of evergreen and deciduous oak trees, (ii) middle layer
regions. Summer season is characterized by scanty of shrubs locally called as maquis or gajdgue, and (iii)
rainfall, almost dry weather, clear skies, and bring sun- the ground layer of numerous herbaceous plants. The
shine. Besides temporal varia on, there is also spa al Californian Mediterranean lands are characterized by
varia on of rainfall. Generally, the amount of rainfall the (i) topmost layer of oak trees, (ii) the middle laser
increases poleward and decreases from south (24 cm of chaparrals, equiva- lent to European maquis, and (iii)
at San Deigo, 29 ern at Los Angeles) to north (58 cm at the ground layer of herbaceous plants and grasses. The
Sansfransisco) in California. South African Mediterranean Biome is characterized
by a rac ve flowering plants of numerous varie es
The seasonal regime of rainfall causes fluctua-
e.g. Erica Ereesia, Lobellia. Kniphofia species etc. The
ons in the soil-water and soil-moisture regimes during
shrubs are locally called as fvmhos. The Australian
winter and summer seasons. The amount of soil-water
Mediterranean Biome is characterized by numerous
increases during winter season because of winter
species of eucalyptus.
and spring rainfall which is responsible for maximum
growth in vegeta on but dry summer season causes Fire, both natural and man-included, is normally
deficiency in the soil-water content because of loss of an annual occurrence in the Mediterranean clima c
water and moisture due to increased evapora on and regions. Burning, mass clearance of natural vegeta on
evapotranspira on because of substan al increase for agricultural and commercial purposes, overgrazing
in temperature and of course due to general lack of of grasslands etc. have led to accelerated rate of soil
rainfall during summer season. erosion, increase in the silt load of major rivers and
transforma on of original natural vegeta on.
Natural Vegetation
Though the Mediterranean regions are widely
sca ered over different con nents, there is more or
less broad generaliza on in the overall structure and (Subtropical Humid Climate)
composi on of vegeta on community of all the regions
of Mediterranean biome. The structure of Mediter- Location
ranean vegeta on’s is such that they can withstand
the aridity of summer season. Consequently, the China type of climate, climatologically known
leaves have developed sclerophyllous characteris cs as subtropical humid climate, is characterized by hot
in that they are s ff and hard and the stems have thick summer, mild to cold winters, spa al varia ons in
barks. temperature, humidity and precipita on and in cased
between 20°-40Q la tudes in both the hemisphere’s
The Mediterranean vegeta on community con- along the eastern parts of the con nents. This clima c
sists of a variety of sclerophyll plant forma on classes Rison is flanked by inland dry regions in the west (ex-
which range from Mediterranean mixed evergreen cept in For and Danube basins), by monsoon clima c
forests. The vegeta on community is dominated by areas in the south, by humid con nental climate in
trees and shrubs. The shrubs are differently named in the north, and by oceans in the east. The subtropical
various parts of the Mediterranean biome on the basis of humid climate (Ca) is found in the following regions-
local names e.g. maquis or garipue in southern Europe, south-east and south China (south of Yellow river): Po
chaparral in California, fymbos or fymbosch in South Basin; Danube Basin; south-eastern USA; south-eastern
Africa, and mallee scrub in Australia. Brazil. Paraguay. Uruguay and north-eastern Argen na;
The xeromorphic structure such as thickened south-eastern Africa: and east coast of Australia.
sui cles, grandular hairs, sunken stomata etc. enables

It is apparent that Mediterranean type and China Sydney. Mean annual range of temperature in China
type of climates are found in the same la tudinal loca- type of climate is not large but is marked by wide range
ons but are differen ated on the following counts-(i) of spa al varia ons. For example, mean annual range
Mediterranean climate is found in the western parts of temperature is 12.8°C at Buenos Aires and Sydney,
of the con nents while China type of climate is located 10.5°C at Montgomery and 24°C at Shanghai. In fact,
along the eastern coastal areas of the con nents, (ii) annual range of temperature is controlled by the ex-
Mediterranean climate is characterized by wet winter tent of land areas and the strength of winter monsoon
and dry summer whereas in China type of climate sum- winds. The more extensive the land areas and stronger
mer season receives maximum rainfall though rainfall is the winter monsoon, the larger is the annual range of
received throughout the year, (iii) Mean annual rainfall temperature. The arrival of cold polar winds during
is higher in China type of climate than Mediterranean winter season causes temperature to fall below freez-
climate. China type of climate is also called as sub ing. For example, in the absence of any mountain har-
monsoon climate because of its near similarity with rier from west to east in North America, the extremely
monsoon climate. cold con nental polar airmass invades the whole of the
plains of the USA and reaches the Gulf Coastal plains
Temperature of the country and thus the temperature falls below
The coastal parts of China type of climate are freezing point (about -12°C) in the Gulf Coastal state
frequented by warm oceanic currents (e.g. warm Gulf of the southern USA during winter season.
Stream off the east coast of the USA, warm Bra/.il Air Pressure and Winds
current alone the east coast of South America, warm
east Australia current off the east coast of Australia, The con nental and oceanic areas are character-
Kuro Ship current off the coast of China, and Mozam- ized by low and high pressure systems during summer
bique current alone the south-east coast of Africa) and season, with the result monsoons are developed.
thus these warm currents affect the temperature of Thus, tropical mari me airmass (mT) develops over
coastal areas. The mean summer temperature ranges land areas falling in climate mainly over China and
between 24°C and 26.6°C. The month of July records southeastern USA. This air mass is south-easterly in
mean temperature of 28°C at Charlston (South Caro- the northern hemisphere while it is north-easterly in
lina. USA) and Montgomery (Alabama, USA), 27.2°C the southern hemisphere (during summer season).
at Shanghai whereas January, the warmest month in High pressure systems develop over south western
the southern hemisphere, records mean temperature and northern central Pacific Ocean and near Azores in
of 25°C at Brisbane (Australia) and Durban (Africa), the Atlan c Ocean. These tropical mari me airmasses
and 23.3°C at Buenos Aires (South America). Daily are also associated with tropical cyclones which yield
maximum temperature crosses 37.7°C (100°F). For sufficient rainfall. These tropical cyclones are called
example, maximum daily temperature at Montgom- typhoons in China, hurricanes in the USA and southern
ery is recorded as 41°C in July and 41.6°C in August. busters in Australia. The pressure system is reversed
Similarly, Savannah of Georgia (USA) has recorded during winter season as high pressure develops over
41°C as maximum day me temperature in July. It may con nental areas while oceanic areas are character-
be pointed out that high summer temperature is also ized by low pressure systems. Thus, the winds become
associated with high rela ve humidity and hence the offshore. This is the reason that the coastal areas of the
weather becomes uncomfortable. The loss of the heat eastern and south-eastern USA are not much benefit-
during nights through outgoing long wave radia on is ted from the warm Gulf Stream because the winds
retarded because of cloudiness and hence tempera- are offshore.
ture does not fall appreciably at nights resul ng into
low diurnal range of temperature. For example, the Precipitation
mean maximum and mean minimum temperatures of Though average annual precipitation in sub-
Montgomery (Alabama, USA) are 32.8°C and 22.2°C tropical humid climate (Ca) ranges between 75 cm and
respec vely and thus diurnal range of temperature 150cm and some mes it becomes as much high as 250
becomes 11.6°C. cm in some favoured loca ons but there is wide range
Generally, winters are mild as mean temperature of varia on in the seasonal and spa al distribu on
ranges between 6.6°C and 10°C. Mean winter tempera- of annual rainfall. Generally, rainfall decreases from
ture is recorded as 9.4°C at Montgomery (Alabama, coastal areas to the inland loca ons. On the basis of
USA), 3.3°C at Shanghai, 10°C at Buenos Aires, 11.7°C seasonal distribu on of rainfall this climate is divided
at New Orleans (USA), 6.1°C at Nagasaki, and 11°C at into two subtypes e.g. (i) Caf climate having rainfall

throughout the year, and (ii) Cw climate having dry rainfall are characterized by deciduous sparse forests
season during winter. On an average, the summer and grasslands. Normally, mixed forests of coniferous
rainfall in China type of climate is definitely abundant trees and broad leaf trees are found. The broad-leaved
and exceeds evapotranspira on. The summer rainfall forests are both evergreen and deciduous depend-
is received through cumulus clouds resul ng from ing on the spa al varia on of distribu on of annual
convec ve currents caused by intense local hea ng rainfall.
of the ground surface. Besides, tropical cyclones (e.g.
typhoons in China and hurricanes and tornadoes in the STEPPE CLIMATE (BSK)
USA) also yield heavy downpour with cloud thunder
and lightning. The Gulf coastal states of the USA are Location
generally frequented by large number of thunder- The middle la tude steppe climate (BSk) spread
storms. For example, Florida experienees at least 60 over temperate grasslands is located in the interiors of
thunderstorms each year. These thunderstorms are the con nents which come in the westerly wind belt
associated with unstable tropical mari me air mass. but because of their more interior loca ons they do
The summer rainfall in China and Japan is divided into not get sufficient rainfall and hence the grasslands are
three types of regime viz. (i) maximum rainfall period prac cally treeless. The temperate grassland steppes
of early summer season, (ii) maximum rainfall period of of the southern hemisphere are located along the
late summer season, and (iii) minimum rainfall period south-eastern margins of the con nents (fig 39.7)
of middle summer season. Some mes, the rainfall and therefore have more moderate climate than their
occurring from hurricanes in the south-east USA and counterparts of the northern hemisphere because of
from typhoons in China is so heavey that catastrophic more marine influences as they arc closer to marine
Hoods are caused. environment* The temperate grasslands of Eurasia,
Hurricanes very o en strike the southern and known as steppes, are most extensive as they extend
south-eastern coasts of the USA. The Gulf coasts of for a distance of more than 3200 km from the shores
Louisiana, Texas. Alabama and Florida are worst af- of the Black Sea across the Great Russian Plain to the
fected areas. The Galveston, Texas (USA) disaster of foothills of the Altai Moutanins. Their con nuity is
September 8,1900 tells the story of devasta on caused broken at few places
by hurricane in Gulf coastal states of the by the highlands. There are also some isolated
USA. The terrible hurricane generated a strong patches of steppes e.g. in Hungry (known as Pustaz)
storm surge ( dal wave) which raced inland and killed and in the plains of Manchuria (Manchurain Grass-
6000 people mostly through drowning caused by in- land). The temperate grasslands in North America text
unda on under 3 to 4.5m deep water. ending in Canada and USA both) are locally known as
prairies which extend from the foothills of the Rockies
Winter rainfall is generally received through win- in the west to the temperate deciduous forest biome
ter cyclones which are associated with the westerlies. in the east. The temperate grasslands of the southern
Though the dura on of individual rainstorm during hemisphere include the pampas of Argentina and
winter season is much longer but total rainfall is com- Uruguay of South America, bush veld and high veld of
para vely less. It may be pointed out that in spite of less South Africa, and downs of the Murray-Darling Basins
rainfall during winter season there is more cloudiness of southeastern Australia and Canterbury grasslands
and larger number of rainy days than during rainier of New Zealand.
summer season. For example, 5 cm of January rainfall
of Shanghai is received within 12 days whereas 15 cm Temperature
of August rainfall is received in only 11 days. Some
mes, there is occasional frost and snowfall during The temperate steppes are characterized by
winter season. con nental climate wherein extremes of summer and
winter temperatures are well marked but the temper-
Natural Vegetation ate grasslands of the southern hemisphere are marked
by more moderate climate. Summers are warm with
The China type of climate characterized by over 20°C temperature in July (Winnipeg, Canada) and
abundant rainfall, high temperature and long growing over 22°C in January (Petoria, South Africa, January is
season of 7 to 12 months favours luxuriant growth of summer month in the southern hemisphere). Winter
natural vegeta on. Dense forests of evergreen nature season becomes very cold in the northern hemisphere
are found in more humid areas but areas of moderate because of enormous distances of temperate grass-

lands from the nearest sea. Winnipeg records -20°C in of S pa. a few flowering xerophy c shruby species of
January. The average temperatures during winter sea- Artemisia, (4) semi-arid xeromorphic steppe dominated
son for Tashkent (Uzbeck Republic) and Semipala nsk by xerophy c grasses such as Fescue and feather grass
(Kazakh Republic) are O0C and -12°C respec vely. The species, (mean annual precipita on ranging between
steppe climate of the southern hemisphere is never 30 cm to 35 cm).
severe rather it is moderate because of nearness to
The North American Prairie has developed in the
the sea.
USA and Canada between the foothills of the Rockies
The average winter temperature ranges between in the west and temperate deciduous forest biome in
1 °C and 12°C in the southern hemisphere. the east. On the basis of decreasing trend of mean
annual precipita on from east (105 cm) to west (40
The steppe climate is characterized by annual
cm) the North American Prairies are divided into 3
range of temperature. For example, Winnipeg (Can-
subregions e.g. (1) tall grass prairie (most dominant
ada) records mean annual range of 40°C. Laramine
species of tallest grass are Bluestem and Switch Grass
(Wyoming state in USA) records annual range of 23.4°C
which a ain the height of 1.5m to 2m, few patches of
(-6.7°C in January and 16.7°C in July). Due to marine
oak and hickory trees are also found), (2) mixed prairie
influences the mean annual range of temperature
(most extensive cover in the Great Plains of the USA,
in the southern hemisphere is much lower than the
mixture of medium grasses, 0.6 to 1.5m in height, and
northern hemisphere as it is around 10°C to 12°C only.
short grasses such as li le bluestem, needle grass-S pa
Diurnal range of temperature is also very high in the
spartea, June grass and short and bunch grasses such
temperate steppe climate.
as buffalo grass and blue gramma, and (3) short grass
Precipitation prairie (developed over western part of the Great Plains
and dominated by short grasses of 60 cm height).
The mean annual precipita on ranges be- tween
25 cm to 75 cm in different loca ons of the temperate The South American Pampas are developed over
grassland steppe areas. The winter precipita on in the J2 per cent au,a of Argen na and are more humid than
northern hemisphere is usually received in the form of Eurasian steppes. The mean annual precipita on de-
snowfall and most parts of creases from east (coastal land, 90 cm) to west (45 cm).
Thus, the Pampas are divided into two sub-types e.g. (i)
Eurasian steppes are snow-covered for several Humid Pampa and (ii) Subhumid Peampa. The humid
months during northern winters. Most of the annual Pampa, developed in the eastern part of Argen na, is
rainfall is received during summer season. characterized by tall grasses whereas increasing aridity
westward results in the growth of short grasses in the
Regional Characteristics western sub-humid Pampa.
The Eurasian steppe climate covers the largest The African veld has developed on the high pla-
area in the former Soviet Union (now the Com-mon- teau land of varying heights (1500m to 2000 m) in the
wealth of Independent States-CIS and other Republics south-eastern part of South Africa. The African Velds
of former USSR) wherein it extends from eastern include the temperate grasslands of southern Tran-
Europe to western Siberia and between temperate swall and Orange Free State of South Africa and some
coniferous forests in the north and arid regions in the parts of Lisotho. Plant growth is not possible because
south-west. The Eurasian steppes are divided into (i) of uncertainty of rainfall, increasing aridity, severity of
forest steppe, and (ii) grass steppe wherein the former frosts during nights and high daily range of temperature
receives mean annual precipita on of 50 cm to 60 cm during winter season and thus true climax grasslands
whereas the la er receives 40 cm to 50cm as mean of African Velds have developed.
annual precipita on. The following sequences of veg-
eta on communi es are found from north to south- (i) The Australian downs have developed in the
forest steppe (consis ng of oak, elms, limes, mapple, south-eastern parts of Australia and in the northern
a few arboreal vegeta on of Siberian Steppe such as part of Tasmania. The region is characterized by (i) rela-
birch with mixture of aspen and willow), (2) meadow vely warmer winter season than the temperate grass-
steppe (consis ng of the species of turf grasses such as lands of the northern hemisphere, and (ii) mixture of
s pa and Fescue and numerous herbaceous flowering grasses with eucalyptus trees. The grasslands gradually
plants such as numerous herbaceous flower plants such change from south (Australian coast) to north (interior
as Trifolium and several types of daisy, (3) grass steppe land) in accordance with the decreasing trend of mean
(consis ng of grasses mainly tussock-forming species annual precipita on from south (152 cm) to north (63.5

cm). The region is further divided into dis nct 3 subre- in July for Sea le and Bellingham becomes 10.0°C and
gions e.g. (1) temperate tall grasslands, (2) temperate I 1.1 °C. Some mes, day me summer temperature
short grasslands, and (3) xerophy c grasslands. excep onally rises to 32°C- 38°C.

WEST EUROPEAN TYPE OF Winters are excep onally milder for their la -
tudes due to proximity of warm ocean currents and
CLIMATE (CB) LOCATION thus the coastal loca ons of western Europe are char-
West European type of climate (Cb) also known acterized by posi ve thermal anomaly i.e. they record
as marine west coast climate is located between 40° higher temperature than the average temperature of
and 65° la tudes in both the hemispheres along the their respec ve la tudes due to the influence of warm
western coasts of the con nents. This clima c region North Atlan c Dri (extension of warm Gulf Steam).
is surrounded by Mediterranean climate in the south, The posi ve thermal anomaly of 11°C to 17°C is a
con nental dry climate in the east and semi-arc c common feature. The winter temperature decreases
climate in the north. The inland rapidly from the coasts towards the interior parts in
Europe due to decreasing marine influence inland.
extension of this climate is controlled by topo- This is why the January isotherms instead of follow-
graphic features. For example, wherever the coast is ing la tudes become parallel to the coasts. The mean
paralleled by mountain ranges, this climate is found in January temperature in coastal areas of N.W. Europe
a very narrow coastal belt e.g. marine west coast cli- ranges between 4°C and 10°C but it becomes - 18°C to
mate is confined to the coastal strips along the western -40°C in the interior con -nental loca ons of Eurasia.
coasts of North and South Americas because of Rockies The night temperature generally falls below freezing
and Andes. On the other hand, wherever relief barrier point and hence ground frost is of very common oc-
does not exist, marine influences reach far inland e.g. currence. Cold waves are generated due to arrival of
north-western Europe. Thus, the west European type cold con nental polar air masses.
of climate has developed over north-western Europe
(including Great Britain, western Norway, Denmark, The marine west coast climate comes under
northwest Germany. Netherlands, Belgium, Luxem- the domain of westerlies which are regular features
berg, and northwestern France). Bri sh Columbia of throughout the year. Since these winds come from
Canada, Washington and Oregon states of the USA, over the oceans and hence they are moist and give
south-west coast of Chile (S. America), south-east coast precipita on. These westerlies are also associated
of Aus alia, and Tasmania and New Zealand. with temperate cyclones which are the main sources
of precipita on. The poleward margines are dominated
Temperature by subpolar low pressure belt of dynamic origin where
unstable polar front is formed due to convergence
The temperatures, in the west European climate of two contras ng air masses e.g. warm and moist
are affected by marine influences, warm ocean currents westerlies and cold polar air mass. This polar front
and prevailing winds and air masses. In fact, the moder- thus causes the development of temper-ate cyclones
a ng effects of sea bring down the difference between which move in easterly direc on under the influence
summer and winter seasons considerably. This climate of westerlies.
is characterized by cool summer and mild winters.
Average temperature during summer season ranges Precipitation
between 15°C and 21°C. Thus, the summer months
are characterized by nega ve thermal anomaly i.e. the Marine coast climate or West European type of
coastal regions in the marine west coast climate record climate is basically humid climate and is charac-terized
rela vely lower temperature during summer season by abundant and uniformly distributed precipita on
than the average temperature for their la tudes. There throughout the year but winter maximum is the char-
is very negligible varia on in the spa al distribu on of acteris c feature of coastal loca ons while interior
temperature during summer season as it is indicated loca ons record summer maximum. Inspite of abun-
by mean July temperature of the following sta ons dant precipita on all the year round there is much
= 17°C at Sea le (USA), 14.4°C at Bergen (Norway). spa al varia on in its amount. Generally, precipita on
15.6°C at Dublin (Ireland), and 19°C at Paris (France). decreases from the coasts towards interior loca ons
The daily minimum temperatures in July at Sea le and and from north to south along the coast. The regional
Bellingham (Wales) are 12.8°C and 10.6°C respec vely distribu on of precipita on is highly controlled by
while daily maxima at these sta ons are 22.8°C and topographic factor. The areas of low reliefs receive
21.7°C respec vely. Thus, diurnal range of temperature rela vely low precipita on. For example, the north-

western European lowland in the absence of any effec- redwood, hemlock, spruce, cedar etc. so wood for-
ve relief barrier receives mean annual precipita on ests of much commercial use are found in the states
ranging between 50 cm and 75 cm. On the other hand, of Washington, and Oregon of the USA and Bri sh
the western coastal areas of North America and of Columbia of Canada.
Chile in South America falling under marine west coast
climate receive high mean annual precipita on ranging BOREAL OR SUBARCTIC OR
between 250 cm and 375 cm because of the presence TAIGA TYPE OF CLIMATE
of the coast range mountains in North America (parallel
to the coast) and the Andes in South America (parallel Location
to the coast). The leeward slopes of these mountains
become dry because of very low precipita on as they The boreal or sub-arc c climate represen ng the
fall in rainshadow region. boreal forest biome or temperate coniferous forest
biome and the most extreme type of microthermal
Though the precipita on is uniformly distributed climate is called taiga type or Siberian type of climate
throughout the year but winter season receives more and includes the areas of subarc c regions of North
than the summer season, but there is no dry month. America (extending from Alaska of the USA across
These condi ons are confined only to the coastal loca- Canada to Hudson Bay in the east) and Eurasia (from
on because interior loca ons receive more precipita- the Scandinavian Peninsula across the Russian Siberia
on in summers than in winters. The precipita on in to the Bering Sea). Besides, there are small patches
low land areas (plains) is cyclonic in nature and is usu- of this climate at higher al tudes in Germany, Poland,
ally received in the form of drizzles and con nues for Switzerland, Austria and other parts of Europe and on
fairly long me. Sky remains overcast for several days in the high Rocky Mountains of North America. In fact,
con nua on. The winter cyclonic precipita on is very the taiga climate is located between the tundra climate
widespread. The summer precipita on is of short dura- in the north and the temperate grassland biome (cli-
on but is stormy and heavy. The 6 cm July precipita on mate) (Eursian steppes and North American Prairies)
of London is received in 13 days while 5.3cm January in the south. The taiga climate is conspicuous by its
precipita on comes in 15 days. The thunderstorms are total absence in the southern hemisphere because of
very few in number. It is interes ng to note that though narrowing trend of con nents towards the south pole.
the mean annual rainfall is moderate but it is received The vicinal loca on of taiga climate extends from 50°-
in large number of rainy days. For example, the mean 55°N to 65°-70°N la tudes.
annual precipita on of 56.5 cm of Paris is received
in 188 rainy days while London gets mean annual Temperature
precipita on of 71.3 cm in 164 days. The percentage
The taiga type of climate is characterized by
of cloudiness is also much higher in this climate e.g.
extreme con nental climate marked by bi erly cold
the Pacific coastal areas of N. America record average
winter of long dura on and cool short summer season
annual cloudiness between 60-70 per cent while it is
of brief period extending over one to three months.
70 per cent in the western Europe. Winter months are
Spring and autumn are merely brief transi onal periods
also characterized by snowfall but the number of days
between summer and cold seasons. The I0°C isotherm
receiving snowfall is less than in other climates located
of the warmest month forms the northern boundary
within the same la tudes. The snow days in London,
of this clima c region. The winter season extending
Paris and Sea le (represen ng low land loca on) are
over 8 months always records temperatures below
13, 14 and 10 respec vely. The frequency of snow-days
freezing point as is apparent from the average January
and intensity of snowfall both increases poleward and
temperatures of the following inland loca ons = -26°C
towards interior loca ons.
at Eagle (Canada), -30.6°C at Dawson (Canada), -24°C
Natural Vegetation at Okhotsk

The abundant precipita on throughout the year (Russia), -43.3°C at Yakutsk (Russia), -50.6°C at
has given birth to dense forests of three types e.g. (i) Verkhoyansk (Russia) etc. The Siberian taiga cli-mate
broad-leaf deciduous forest (oak, birch, walnut, maple, records the lowest minimum temperature e.g. Verk-
elm, chestnut etc.), (ii) needle-leaf (coniferous) forest hoyansk -68°C and Oimekon -66.8°C (Russia, lowest
(pine, fir, spruce etc.), and (iii) mixed forest but cleared temperature ever recorded) while the lowest minimum
in Bri sh Isles and European countries due to urban temperature recorded so far in North American sub-
and agricultural development. Dense forests are now arc c climate at Snag (Yukon, Alaska, USA) is -62.8°C.
found only on mountains and highlands. Douglas fir,

In comparison to severe cold winter months • Growing period of vegeta on ranging from 50
temperature during brief summer season increases days a year along the northern boundary to 100
rapidly. July being the warmest month has an aver days along the southern boundary.
age temperature of 16°C. It may be pointed out that
several interior loca ons record temperature below • High range of variability in the spatial
freezing point even in the month of July. The growing distribu on
season is between 50 to 70 days only because soil
• Extreme annual range of temperature (ranging
water is frozen for 5 to 7 months of winter season in
between 25°C during summer months and 40°C
con nua on. The annual ranges of temperature are
during winter months).
very large and greatly vary from place to place. For
example, the temperature of the coldest and warmest Natural Vegetation
months of Moscow are -12°C and 20°C respec vely and
thus the annual range of temperature becomes 32°C. The coniferous trees are the most dominant
Verkhoyansk records the annual range of temperature member of taiga climate or the Boreal Forest Biome.
of more than 64°C. These trees form dense cover of forests which are the
richest sources of so wood in the world. There are
Precipitation four major genera of evergreen coniferous trees e.g
(i) Pine (white pine, red pine, Scots pine, jack pine,
The subarc c or taiga type of climate is character-
lodgepole pine etc.), (ii) Fir (doughlas fir, balsam fir
ized by low mean annual precipita on because (i) ex-
etc.), (iii) Spruce (Picea), and (iv) Larch (Larix). Besides,
tremely low temperature for longer period of the year
a few species of temperate deciduous hardwood trees
does not favour evapora on and thus there is very low
have also developed in this climate mainly in those
amount of absolute humidity in the air, (ii) the regions
areas which have been cleared by man through fell-
falling in taiga type of climate are located in the leeward
ing of original temperate coniferous trees. Thus, the
sides of the con nents and in the interior regions and
temperate deciduous trees represent the ‘secondary
thus they are away from the marine influences, and (iii)
succession of vegeta on’ which includes alder, birch
the regions are characterized by polar high pressure,
and poplar.
an cylonic condi ons as evidenced by subsidence of
air from above and divergence of surface winds. The TUNDRA CLIMATE Location
me<m annual precipita on ranging between 37 cm
and 60 cm is received mostly in the form of fine, dry Tundra is a Finnish word which means barren
snow which accumulates throughout the winter and is land. Thus, the tundra region having least vegeta on
released as surface water due to thawing because of and polar or arc c climate is found in North America
increase in temperature during brief summer season. and Eurasia between the southern limit of the perma-
It may be pointed out that the precipita on is more or nent ice caps in the north and the northern limit of the
less uniformly distributed throughout the year whether taiga or subarcitc climate in the south. Thus, tundra
in liquid form as rainfall (during summer) or snowfall climate has developed over parts of Alaska (USA), ex-
during winters. treme northern parts of Canada, the coastal strips of
Greenland and the arc c seasboard regions of
The following are the main characteris c features
of subarc c taiga type of climate— European Russia and northern Siberia. Besides,
tundra climate has also developed over arc c islands.
• Bi erly cold long winter season (temperature Vegeta ons rapidly change to the north of treeline
below zero degree centigrade at least for 6 because of increasing severity of climate.
Tundra climate is further divided into two sub-
• Heavy snowfall during winter season. types e.g. (i) arc c tundra climate and (ii) alpine tundra
climate (which is found over high mountains of tropical
• Forma on of permafrost ground (permanently
to temperate areas). Based on varia ons in general
frozen ground) because of freezing of ground vegeta on characteris cs arc c tundra is divided in
moisture due to subfreezing temperature. 3 zones from south to north viz. (i) low arc c tundra,
• Cool summer of short duration having (ii) middle arc c tundra, and (iii) high arc c tundra. It
precipita on in liquid form (rainfall) and mel ng may be pointed out that high, middle, and low are not
of snow cover. indica ve of al tudes rather these indicate la tudes.

The poleward boundary of tundra climate is of ice and snow protect the plants from gusty icy winds.
the year while 10°C isotherm of the warmest month Such herbaceous plants include willow the stems of
makes the equator ward boundary. which are very close to the ground surface (hardly a
few cen metres above the ground). Though the growth
Temperature rate of these herba-ceous plants is exceedingly slow but
The tundra climate is characterized by general their survival period is unbelievably very long (between
absence of insola on and sunlight and very low tem- 150to 300 years). The evergreen flowering plants de-
perature throughout the year. The average annual velop on the ground like cushions mostly during short
temperature is -12°C. Winters are long, bi erly cold cool summers.
and very severe while summers are very short but cool.
The warmest month of the year records average tem-
perature between 0°C and 10°C. It is interes ng to note
that diurnal range of temperature is very low because
of very li le difference in day and night temperatures
but the annual range is quite large. The severe climate
does not favour much vegeta on growth and hence
most of the areas under tundra climate remain bar-
ren land. The ground surface is covered with snow at
least for 7 to 8 months each year. The region is swept
by speedy cold powdery storms known as blizzards.
Growing season is less than 50 days in a year. The
ground is permanently frozen (permafrost). Even soil
is also perennially frozen.

Mean annual precipita on, mostly in the form of
snowfall, is below 40 cm. The absolute humidity is very
low because of very low rate of evapora on due to very
low temperature throughout the year. The divergent
system of air circula on and an cyclonic condi ons
do not favour much precipita on. Most of the annual
precipita on is received during summer and autumn
because of rela vely higher temperature.

Natural Vegetation
There is prefect rela onship between vegeta-
on and the condi on of moisture in the soils. The
characteris c lithosols of tundra biome support only
lichens and mosses. Only 3 per cent species of the
total world species of plant could develop in tundra
climate because of the severity of cold and the absence
of minimum amount of insola on and sunlight. The
vegeta ons of tundra climate are cryophytes i.e. such
vegeta ons are well adapted to severe cold condi ons
as they have developed such unique features which
enable them to withstand extreme cold condi ons.
Most of the plants are tu ed in form and range in
height between 5 cm and 8 cm. These plants have the
tendency of s cking to the ground surface because the
temperature of the ground surface is rela vely higher
than the temperature of the overlying air. The herbs
have developed only in those areas where heaps of


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