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Calculate the mass defect and the binding energy of the deuteron.

The mass of the

deuteron is 2.014102u.

Calculate the binding energy nucleon of 12𝐶. Mass of 12𝐶 is 12.0u. Mass of proton
1.007825 u and mass of neutron 1.008665u

202Hg has a mass of 201.970626 u.

The mass of a proton is 1.673 x 10 g The mass of the nucleus of an 56Fe atom is
9.289 x 10 g What is the nuclear binding energy (in J) for a 56Fe nucleus?
Sample Problem

The element radium was discovered by Marie and Pierre Curie in 1898. One of the
isotopes of radium, Ra, decays by alpha emission. What is the resulting daughter

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