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Know the phases of a personnel selection

Identify the information and

documentation that is generated in each of
In this unit you the phases.

will be able to: Identify the relevant organizations and

companies dedicated to the selection of
Human Resources.

Establish communication channels

between the people involved in the
selection process.

1- PHASES OF A Personnel recruitment and selection

RECRUITMENT processes can be carried out by the
company's Human Resources Department or
AND by a specialized external company.
PROCESS. It is also very common for companies to
outsource only part of the process and the
rest is done by the Human Resources
PHASES OF THE •Recruitment.
•Reception and pre-selection.
ENTIRE •Selection tests.
PROCESS OF •Job interviews.
RECRUITMENT •Documentation check.
AND •Decision making.
SELECTION OF •Medical tests.
•Initial training and probationary period.

The recruiting process begins with the search for candidates and ends when the job
applications are received.

Before starting the recruitment process, companies investigate whether the profile of the
candidate they are looking for can be found among the staff currently working for them.

If the candidate is not found within the company, they will be searched outside of it.

Taking this into account, we can say that there are two sources of recruitment: internal and
2.1- Internal

• This type of
recruitment is often
used to motivate the

• It gives interested Esta foto de Autor desconocido está bajo licencia CC BY-SA-NC

people the possibility

of promoting.
Internal recruitment requirements:

• It must be negotiated with the workers' representatives.

• All personnel must know that there is an internal
recruitment process and have the possibility of
accessing it if they have the necessary skills.
• The vacancy must be published indicating the place and
the deadlines for submitting applications.
• The recruitment process must be transparent.
• The necessary requirements to fill the vacancy must be
• In case of doubts between candidates, selection tests
will be carried out (test, professional tests, interviews,
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How is this internal recruitment carried out?

a) Vertical mobility: an employee

is moved to a higher-level
position, with a better salary and
greater responsibilities.
Here the merits, the training of
the worker and the seniority in
the company will be valued.

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How is this internal
recruitment carried out?
• b) Transversal mobility
(transfers): a worker is
transferred to a position in
the same company with
equal responsibility, salary,
and promotion

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This type of mobility can have different reasons:

1 2 3 4

Train a worker for Relocate workers Promote versatility, so Satisfy the need of
another position of who used to occupy that the worker workers to change
greater a job that knows other jobs. This their location or
responsibility. disappears. also avoids monotony activity.
and makes it possible
to fill vacant positions
in case of need.

For internal recruiting to be motivating

it must be based on merit and seniority.
1. Merit-based requirements: These
are based on the performance of a
worker in their job. In case of having
several workers with great merits,
you can choose to:
a) Check if the workers have achieved
the objectives set.
b) A merit contest may be established.

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2. Requirements based on seniority: Seniority is the

time that the worker has served in the company.
Internal recruitment based on seniority has
drawbacks such as:
• a) It does not consider the individual effort of
each worker, or the skills acquired.
• b) Many times, the candidate with the most
seniority is not the most suitable; in this case, it
would be a reward for remaining in the company
and not for being a good worker.
• c) Young and talented staff feel blocked in their
chances of promotion.
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2.2- External recruitment.

Companies carry out external recruitment:

• if they do not have qualified personnel in
the workforce to fill the job,
• if they want to enrich the company with
new workers or
• when they want to change the age pyramid
of the departments.
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Where can companies go to
carry out external recruitment?

a) Public employment services.

• El Sistema Nacional de Empleo en España está integrado por el

Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal-SEPE ( y los Esta foto de Autor desconocido está bajo licencia CC BY-SA
servicios públicos de empleo de las diferentes comunidades
autónomas. En la CARM se denomina SEFCARM

• It is not mandatory for companies to go to this service to carry out

their recruitment and selection processes, but it is mandatory for
them to register the process and the movements of workers.

• In these services, companies can:

- Free publication of job offers.

- Job search: companies can view employee ads and select the
most suitable ones.
Where can companies go to carry out external
b) Networking, Internet advertisements and web pages.

Networking consists of establishing professional relationships with people who can help
you in the job search process.

Two types of networks can be used to network over the Internet:

- Professional networks: Linkedin, Xing and Viadeo.

- Generalist networks: Facebook or Twitter.

In addition, companies usually have a job application section on their corporate


Finally, there are jobsites, which facilitate contact between companies and candidates.
Below, there are a list of the best-known jobsites:


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Where can companies go to carry
out external recruitment?

c) Temporary work companies (Empresas de trabajo


ETTs are companies that assign workers to other

companies. The worker is hired by the ETT and receives
their salary from the ETT.
d) Employment agencies.
• They are public or private entities that help workers
find jobs and companies find suitable workers. Esta foto de Autor desconocido está bajo licencia CC BY-SA-NC

e) Press announcements.
• They are rarely used today.
f) Company employee references. Where can companies go to carry
• Company employees can meet a friend or out external recruitment?
family member who has the requirements of
the company.
• Some companies do not accept these types of
g) Spontaneous offers.
• People submit their curriculum vitae directly to
the company in case they have any staffing
h) Formación en Centros de Trabajo (FCT).
• Posibilita practicar los conocimientos
adquiridos en los centros educativos, a la vez
que permite a los empresarios conocer posibles Esta foto de Autor desconocido está bajo licencia CC BY-SA

futuros candidatos para posibles ofertas de

empleo futuras.
Where can companies go to carry
out external recruitment?

i) Bolsa de empleo (Job listings).

• En centros de formación profesional, instituciones,
colegios profesionales, centros de orientación, …
j) Employees from competing companies.
• It is a widely used system for recruiting managers, but
sometimes it causes tension and conflict.
k) Search for employees in Europe (EURES Network).
• EURES is a network of European Public Employment
l) Business Associations and Trade Unions.

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The preselection is carried out

when the number of candidates is
This process is carried out by
analyzing the curriculum vitae and
the documentation provided by
the candidates;
In addition, the candidates' social
and professional networks are
often investigated.
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2- A preliminary interview is carried out,
generally by telephone. In this
1- Analysis of the curriculum received.
interview, questions are asked about
Candidates who do not meet the
aspects that are not clear in the
requirements of the vacancy are
curriculum or more information is
collected on important aspects such as

4- Communication with the shortlisted.

3- Investigation of digital identity (social
Once the pre-selection has been made,
and professional networks). In this
candidates must be informed if they are
investigation, weak points of the users
still in the process or not, by letter or
can be discovered.
email thanking them for their interest.

If the candidate is rejected, they are usually told that the application does not meet the
requirements of the vacancy. This is an act of courtesy that improves the image of the company.
1. Preparation phase
The interviewer has to know the characteristics of the position to be filled and the profile of the
candidate that the organisation needs.

2. Performance phase
This phase has three sub-phases:
- Initial sub-phase : we will try to welcome the candidate in a cordial way in order to make him/her
feel as comfortable as possible.
- Intermediate sub-phase : the aim is to gather all the information we need from the candidate.
- Final sub-phase: the aim is to close the interview and say goodbye to the candidate.

3. Conclusion phase
Once the interview is finished and before conducting any further interviews, the interviewer should fill
in an evaluation sheet on the overall impression he/she has gained of the candidate, so as not to
forget any information.

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