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Grade Name_________________________

_____/30 AUDIOLOGY Date_______________Hour_______


DIRECTIONS: Use the word box to correctly answer each question. (NOT ALL

Pre-lingual post-lingual cochlea Tympanic membrane pinna ear canal

Cochlea congenital amplify hammer (or malleus) anvil (or incus) FM Unit
stirrup (or stapes) Post-natal conductive sensory-neural otitis media presbycusis

1. The three areas of the ear are ______________, _____________ & _____________

2. The outer ear contains the _______________, _____________ & ______________

3. The middle ear contains the ______________, _____________ & ______________

4. The inner ear contains the _______________ & ______________.

5. If you are deaf before learning language you are said to be __________________.

6. Hearing aids do NOT clarify sounds, but rather they __________________sounds.

7. If you became deaf after learning language you are said to be ________________.

8. An ear infection is called __________ ___________.

9. The main organ of hearing is the _____________________.

10. The largest cause of hearing loss is _________________________.

11. An ____________used to transmit sound from the teacher to the student’s hearing aid.

12. The largest known cause of hearing loss is _____________________.

13. ____________________ is due to old age.

14. _____________________________ function is balance.

15. A hearing loss that occurs in the outer and middle ear is called ______________.

16. A hearing loss that occurs in the inner ear is called _________________________.

Directions: Use the word box below to label ear part of the ear.

Tympanic membrane pinna ear canal

Cochlea hammer (or malleus) anvil (or incus)
stirrup (or stapes) inner middle
outer Auditory nerve semicircular canals

List TWO interesting facts you have learned about audiology or hearing loss

29. ____________________________________________________________________

30. ____________________________________________________________________

BONUS: What is a question you want to ask about ASL or deafness, but don’t want to feel silly asking?


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