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First Term 2021-22

Worksheet # 1 Chapter # 1
Introduction to Access 2013
Subject: Computer Science Date:
Name: Class: VIII

1. Who am I?
a. I arrange all your data in an orderly manner so that you can retrieve information easily
when you require it. ______________
b. I am an organised collection of data. ______________
c. I contain programming statements written in VB. ______________
d. I am the area below the title bar. ______________
e. I am a view used primarily for entering data into a table. _____________

2. Unjumble the letters to form words using the hints given.

a. Porter →_____________
Hint: It displays data in an easy-to-read format for printing
b. Croma → ______________
Hint: Automates tasks that are performed often.
c. Latnaliore → ______________
Hint: A very popular database model.
d. Dielsf → _____________
Hint: Columns in a table
e. Yuccnerr → ______________
Hint: A data type

3. Search for any five words related to MS Access in the grid below:

Pakistan School Muscat/Computer Science/Class VIII/Chapter # 1 1

First Term 2021-22
Worksheet # 2 Chapter # 1
Introduction to Access 2013
Subject: Computer Science Date:
Name: Class: VIII

1. Fill in the blanks.

a. ________________________________ is a popular database management application.
b. A ____________________________ is an organised collection of data.
c. A specific piece of information in a table is called a ___________________________________.
d. The ______________________________ key uniquely identifies every row in a table.
e. The ______________________________ view is used to enter data into a table.

2. Write T for the true statement and F for the false one.
a. A table organises data into rows and columns. ________________
b. The primary key of a table can consist of only one column. ________________
c. In Access 2013, the title bar appears at the top of the window. ________________
d. The Short Text data type can store text up to 65,535 characters long. ________________
e. The database object Report lets you enter and display data in a customised format. __________

3. Very Short Answer Questions.

a. In which form does a relational database store data?
b. Which tab in Access 2013 has commands to help manage Access and Access databases?
c. Which feature in Access 2013 helps to find out the sum, count, average etc. on the data?
d. By default, which is the first field created in a new table in Access 2013?
4. Short Answer Questions.
a. What are the elements of a relational database?
b. What is the meaning of data redundancy?
c. For which purpose is the database object Query used?

Pakistan School Muscat/Computer Science/Class VIII/Chapter # 1 2

First Term 2021-22
Exercise Question Answers of Chapter # 1
Introduction to Access 2013
Subject: Computer Science Date:
Name: Class: VIII

Answer a: A DBMS is a software that performs the functions of creating, modifying, deleting, and
adding data in a database.
The advantages of a DBMS are:
• It reduces data redundancy.
• It controls data inconsistency.
• It facilitates sharing of data.
Answer b: Table, Form, Query, Report, Macro, and Module are the six database objects.

Answer c: The two ways of creating a database are:

• Using a Template.
• Using a Blank desktop database.

Answer d: Rules for naming a field are:

• A field name can be 1 to 64 characters long.
• A field name can include letters, numbers, and some special characters like
• A field name cannot have a period, an exclamation mark, brackets or grave accent.
• A field name cannot start with a blank space.
• A field name can be in upper, lower, or mixed case.

Answer e: The various data types available in Access 2013 are: Short Text, Long Text, Number,
Date/Time, Currency, AutoNumber, Yes/No, OLE Object, Hyperlink, Attachment, and

Answer f: Hiding a field makes the field completely invisible (hidden) in the Datasheet view.
Freezing one or more fields fixes them to the left of the datasheet and makes it/them
visible at all times no matter where you scroll in the datasheet.

Answer g: Not included

Pakistan School Muscat/Computer Science/Class VIII/Chapter # 1 3

Answer h: The advantages and disadvantages of DBMS are as follows:
Advantages Disadvantages
It puts all information in one location Information can be scattered in different
It provides easy access to information Access can be difficult especially if data is in
through the use of key fields. different locations.
It reduces any chances of data Duplication of data cannot be traced
redundancy. properly.
It is less likely to have inconsistent data There is no way to check if data is
It can generate a variety of reports using Collecting data together for reports can be a
DBMS. lengthy process.

Answer i: Below is a comparison of the two ways of creating a database:

Using Template From Scratch

The user can choose from a number of The user will have to define each field.
predefined styles.
It is quicker to set up a database It can be time consuming if there are a large
number of fields.
There are less chances of errors in
defining fields.

Answer j: Not included

Pakistan School Muscat/Computer Science/Class VIII/Chapter # 1 4

Answer Key:
Worksheet # 1

Worksheet # 2

Pakistan School Muscat/Computer Science/Class VIII/Chapter # 1 5

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