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Dexter Beyers

Blog Update #3

Nov 17

By the end of this week, I plan to gain more respect as a coach because the players see me as more of a
teammate than a coach which isn’t good because they take me less seriously than I should be taken. I
don’t have any needs at this point. The only obstacle in my way at this point in time is my age. I’m only a
few years older than these players so they get very comfortable around me and talk to me as a player
rather than a coach, this needs to be changed and I plan on changing that next practice. As of right now I
have helped teach these kids how to consistently time pitches when they are batting, overall baseball IQ
and understanding the sequences of hitting and throwing, plate discipline (when to swing and when not
to swing), I have been doing all those while passively improving their hand eye coordination, their
overall baseball knowledge, their desire to get better at baseball, and giving them a good experience like
they deserve. Core skills I have employed include communication skills, teaching skills, confidence, social
skills whether it’s with the players or with the other coaches and improving my determination to do
things even when I don’t want to. No challenges right now just trying to gain more respect.

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