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09:00 AM, July 24, 2023 | Zambowood Covered Court

Buenas dias, Zambowood! ///

This morning, / we gather to celebrate Nutrition

Month, / a time dedicated to RAISING AWARENESS
about the significance of proper nutrition in our lives. // I
want to extend my HEARTFELT SUPPORT AND
ENCOURAGEMENT / for this important occasion in
Zamboanga City. ///

Nutrition is not just a mere aspect of our lives; / it is the

foundation upon which our well-being is built. // The
choices we make regarding our diet DIRECTLY
IMPACT / our physical and mental health, / energy
levels, / and overall productivity. // Whether we are
students, / professionals, / or community members,
/ being conscious of nutrition is ESSENTIAL / for us to
thrive and reach our full potential. ///

As we delve into the importance of nutrition on a larger

scale, / we cannot overlook its role in NATION-
BUILDING. // A healthy and well-nourished population
is the backbone / of a strong and prosperous nation.
// When citizens are healthy, / they are more likely to
actively participate in the workforce, / driving
economic growth and development. // By investing in
nutrition, / we invest in the future of the OUR

Promoting awareness and consciousness of nutrition in

our community / fosters a culture of health and well-
being. // This COLLECTIVE EFFORT not only benefits
individuals / but also reduces the burden on healthcare
facilities, / allowing resources to be allocated more
effectively in other areas of concern. ///

As we celebrate Nutrition Month, / let us commit to

making conscious choices about what we eat, / both
individually and as a community. // Let us support
LOCAL INITIATIVES that promote access to nutritious
food, / educate our youth about healthy eating habits,
/ and advocate for policies that ensure FOOD
Together, / we can build a stronger, / healthier, / and
more vibrant CITY. ///

I urge everyone / to embrace the IMPORTANCE OF

NUTRITION / in our personal and professional lives. //
Let us unite in our efforts / to create a healthier and
more prosperous Zamboanga, // where each citizen
can THRIVE AND CONTRIBUTE / to growth and
development. ///

Muchisimas gracias y DIOS TE BENDIGA! ///

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