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Purpose of life as a human being.

How do humans find purpose in life?

For human beings, people usually want something

more than they had.

Everyone give meaning differently toward

purpose and also they have different purposes in


SO what is our purpose as human being?

Actually, for me, purpose is just a fancy word for

happiness. Some people are lost in finding purpose.

for others It seems easy to find purpose, but in

reality, it is not as easy as we think. For example,

many people say their purpose in life as human

beings is to go to school, get a good job, follow

their dreams, get married, and find a lot of money.

However, they’re just good parts of their purpose.

"Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl

Ikigai is a Japanese word means a life purpose.

How do we find purpose as human beings:

1. Follow your curiosity: If something interests

you, Read about it.

2.Think about what makes you happy and fulfilled

What is something give you a sense of joy and


3.What are the things that are most important to

you in life?

4.Step outside your comfort zone:

If you only do what you can do, you will never be

more than you are now.

Try new things, meet new people, and explore

different opportunities.

 Finding purpose is a journey, not a


"Man's Search for Meaning" so don’t get happy

only if you find it by enjoying the journey.

 Be patient and kind to yourself: There will be

ups and downs along the way. Celebrate your

successes and learn from your challenges.

 It's okay to change your mind, as human

beings, we can find many things along the

way, so if that is the real purpose in our

life, yeah that is fine to change your mind.

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