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Using Coordinating Conjunctions:

and, but, so
Extend the sentences below using each of the following conjunctions:
and, but and so. The first one has been done for you.

1 I like eating ice cream.

I like eating ice cream and I like drinking milkshakes.
I like eating ice cream but I don’t enjoy eating ice lollies.
I like eating ice cream so I asked my dad to buy me one.

2 My mum likes dancing.

My mum likes dancing 

My mum likes dancing 

My mum likes dancing 

3 The house is around the corner.

The house is around the corner 

The house is around the corner 

The house is around the corner 

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Using Coordinating Conjunctions: and, but, so

4 Dogs are lovely animals.

Dogs are lovely animals 

Dogs are lovely animals 

Dogs are lovely animals 

5 Jessica is my friend.

Jessica is my friend 

Jessica is my friend 

Jessica is my friend 

6 We are going swimming this weekend.

We are going swimming this weekend 

We are going swimming this weekend 

We are going swimming this weekend 

Now, think of your own sentence and extend it with each of the
conjunctions you have used above.

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