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** Release notes for Safe Exam Browser version 3.2.

5 for macOS:**

New in SEB 3.2.5:

- Fixed: Force Click lookup was working in the classic WebView in macOS 13 Ventura.

New in SEB 3.2.4:

- Blocking AnyGPT by default.

- Fixed: Untimely modal alert freezes SEB. Modal alerts were sometimes displayed
behind the black background covering windows.
- Security improvements.
- Fixed download directory bug from SEB 3.2.3 for macOS.
- Now also showing "Downloads not Allowed" alert in modern WebView if settings
don't allow downloads and in one case for downloads in classic WebView on macOS.
- Now checking if download directory is correctly set when performing download in
WKWebView. If not, the Downloads directory is used.
- Now also correctly handling PDF files in modern WebView when downloading is
disabled (then PDF files even with a "download" link are displayed instead of
- Considering the setting _newBrowserWindowByLinkPolicy = openInSameWindow_: Don't
open a PDF in a new window then.
- Now also handling settings "Open files after downloading" and "Download and open
PDF files instead of displaying them inline" correctly in the modern WebView.
- Fixed "Choose file to upload ... by only allowing to upload the same file
downloaded before" policy, which was not working in the modern WebView. Also
resetting previous download paths when reconfiguring SEB.
- When using the optional SEB Server, an SEB client can be locked (with a red lock
screen with optional, individual message) and again unlocked by the server.
- Now sending notification to SEB Server when any lock screen is closed on client
(by entering the quit password).
- Fixed a notification issue when using the raise/lower hand feature.

New since 3.2.3/3.2.2/3.2.1:

- Fixed downloads of website generated files (using "data:" protocol scheme) in

modern WebView.
- Now downloads of any file types and "blob:"-generated files are possible when
using the modern WebView and macOS 11.3 or newer.
- Fixed crash when closing some web pages.
- Fixed: Force Click lookup was working in the modern WebView.
- Fixed red lock screen after user switch disappeared without user action.
- Latest TeamViewer version wasn't blocked by default.
- Added fix for a possible crash when closing a temporary browser window while not
running on the main thread.
- Improved logging verbosity, to prevent log files to be full of repeating log
- Added macOS 13 Ventura as option for minimum macOS version.
- Fixed reload key shortcut not enabled correctly according to reload settings and
selected window (main/additional).
- Fixed a null reference exception in injected Javascript code, related to the
"download" attribute on links.
- Fixed Cancel button in the macOS SEB Server (optional) fallback password alert
and improved alert feedback text in case of an empty fallback password.

**Optional features which need to be individually configured and are disabled by


- Massively improved error handling when connecting to SEB Server with better error
messages which can help SEB Server and exam administrators to fix server-side
- Added support for fallback option, when connecting to SEB Server fails
completely. In that case, an alternative start URL can be configured and fallback
optionally protected with a new password.
- Improved sending log events, to prevent loosing single events due to temporary
connectivity issues.
- Now sending device info to SEB Server earlier in the connection process.
- Renew expired SEB Server OAuth token.
- Fixed cleaning up of pending requests to SEB Server.
- Fixed missing pingInterval SEB Server connection setting caused pings being send
continuously and SEB crashing after a while.

Note: This version does NOT contain the Zoom integration for exam proctoring or
exam support which was contained in SEB 3.2rc. There is a non-public SEB Alliance
Edition, which continues to support Zoom integration. If you are interested to use
this Zoom integration, contact

** Release notes for Safe Exam Browser version 3.2.3 for macOS:**

SEB 3.2.3 improves the optional support for SEB Server and adds many stability

New in 3.2.3:

- Fixed downloads of website generated files (using "data:" protocol scheme) in

modern WebView.
- Now downloads of any file types and "blob:"-generated files are possible when
using the modern WebView and macOS 11.3 or newer.
- Another attempt to fix crash when closing some web pages.

New since 3.2.2/3.2.1:

- Fixed: Force Click lookup was working in the modern WebView.

- Fixed red lock screen after user switch disappeared without user action.
- Latest TeamViewer version wasn't blocked by default.
- Added fix for a possible crash when closing a temporary browser window while not
running on the main thread.
- Improved logging verbosity, to prevent log files to be full of repeating log
- Added macOS 13 Ventura as option for minimum macOS version.
- Fixed reload key shortcut not enabled correctly according to reload settings and
selected window (main/additional).
- Fixed a null reference exception in injected Javascript code, related to the
"download" attribute on links.
- Fixed Cancel button in the macOS SEB Server (optional) fallback password alert
and improved alert feedback text in case of an empty fallback password.

Optional features which need to be individually configured and are disabled by


- Massively improved error handling when connecting to SEB Server with better error
messages which can help SEB Server and exam administrators to fix server-side
- Added support for fallback option, when connecting to SEB Server fails
completely. In that case, an alternative start URL can be configured and fallback
optionally protected with a new password.
- Improved sending log events, to prevent loosing single events due to temporary
connectivity issues.
- Now sending device info to SEB Server earlier in the connection process.
- Renew expired SEB Server OAuth token.
- Fixed cleaning up of pending requests to SEB Server.
- Fixed missing pingInterval SEB Server connection setting caused pings being send
continuously and SEB crashing after a while.

Note: This version does NOT contain the Zoom integration for exam proctoring or
exam support which was contained in SEB 3.2rc. There is a non-public SEB Alliance
Edition, which continues to support Zoom integration. If you are interested to use
this Zoom integration, contact

** Release notes for Safe Exam Browser version 3.2.2 for macOS:**

SEB 3.2.2 improves the optional support for SEB Server and adds many stability

- Fixed: Force Click lookup was working in the modern WebView.

- Fixed red lock screen after user switch disappeared without user action.
- Latest TeamViewer version wasn't blocked by default.
- Added fix for a possible crash when closing a temporary browser window while not
running on the main thread.
- Improved logging verbosity, to prevent log files to be full of repeating log
- Added macOS 13 Ventura as option for minimum macOS version.

Fixed from 3.2.1:

- Fixed reload key shortcut not enabled correctly according to reload settings and
selected window (main/additional).
- Fixed a fix in 3.2.1, which caused that properties like "active" of prohibited
processes couldn't be set correctly.
- Fixed a null reference exception in injected Javascript code, related to the
"download" attribute on links.
- Fixed Cancel button in the macOS SEB Server (optional) fallback password alert
and improved alert feedback text in case of an empty fallback password.

Optional features which need to be individually configured and are disabled by


- Massively improved error handling when connecting to SEB Server with better error
messages which can help SEB Server and exam administrators to fix server-side
- Added support for fallback option, when connecting to SEB Server fails
completely. In that case, an alternative start URL can be configured and fallback
optionally protected with a new password.
- Improved sending log events, to prevent loosing single events due to temporary
connectivity issues.
- Now sending device info to SEB Server earlier in the connection process.
- Renew expired SEB Server OAuth token.
- Fixed cleaning up of pending requests to SEB Server.
- Fixed missing pingInterval SEB Server connection setting caused pings being send
continuously and SEB crashing after a while.

Note: This version does NOT contain the Zoom integration for exam proctoring or
exam support which was contained in SEB 3.2rc. There is a non-public SEB Alliance
Edition, which continues to support Zoom integration. If you are interested to use
this Zoom integration, contact

** Release notes for Safe Exam Browser version 3.2.1 for macOS:**

SEB 3.2.1 Improves the optional support for SEB Server and adds many stability

- Fixed: Force Click lookup was working in the modern WebView.

- Fixed red lock screen after user switch disappeared without user action.
- Latest TeamViewer version wasn't blocked by default.
- Added fix for a possible crash when closing a temporary browser window while not
running on the main thread.
- Improved logging verbosity, to prevent log files to be full of repeating log
- Added macOS 13 Ventura as option for minimum macOS version.

Optional features which need to be individually configured and are disabled by


- Massively improved error handling when connecting to SEB Server with better error
messages which can help SEB Server and exam administrators to fix server-side
- Added support for fallback option, when connecting to SEB Server fails
completely. In that case, an alternative start URL can be configured and fallback
optionally protected with a new password.
- Improved sending log events, to prevent loosing single events due to temporary
connectivity issues.
- Now sending device info to SEB Server earlier in the connection process.
- Renew expired SEB Server OAuth token.
- Fixed cleaning up of pending requests to SEB Server.
- Fixed missing pingInterval SEB Server connection setting caused pings being send
continuously and SEB crashing after a while.

Note: This version does NOT contain the Zoom integration for exam proctoring or
exam support which was contained in SEB 3.2rc. There is a non-public SEB Alliance
Edition, which continues to support Zoom integration. If you are interested to use
this Zoom integration, contact

** Release notes for Safe Exam Browser version 3.1.1 for macOS:**

SEB 3.1.1 for macOS solves various issues, supports screen sharing for web
applications and improves support for the AAC Assessment (kiosk/lockdown) Mode.

- Changed behavior of settings _browserMediaCaptureCamera_ and

_browserMediaCaptureMicrophone_ (Preferences / Browser / Allow camera/microphone
capture) for controlling browser access to camera/microphone (WebRTC or still
pictures/audio recording). If these settings are enabled, users will be asked to
grant access to camera/microphone for SEB before the according (exam) session is
started. This prevents these permission dialogs to not be displayed when using AAC
Assessment kiosk mode. In macOS 12/iOS 15 or later disabling these settings
prevents web applications to accessing camera/microphone in any case.
- Fixed AAC Assessment Mode availability check according to feedback from Apple
that AAC works without DNS pre-pinning only on macOS 12.1 or newer (and probably on
macOS Catalina 10.15.4 and >=10.15.6.
- **Added DNS pre-pinning when using AAC on macOS <12.1**, according to new setting
_aacDnsPrePinning_ (_Preferences / Security / Use AAC with DNS pre-pinning_). SEB
will then resolve all domains from settings Start URL and URL filter Allow rules
before activating AAC (as in macOS <12.1 DNS lookup doesn't work). You can define
allow rules and if you don't actually need URL filtering deactivate it afterwards
(_Preferences / Network / Activate URL filtering_) or deactivate single URL filter
rules with its _Active_ property. **To ensure that DNS lookup works for your web
application, you need to add all domains and subdomains as Allow filter rules**
(don't forget for example domains which are contacted for single-sign-on). Note:
Without activating the setting _aacDnsPrePinning_ (_Preferences / Security / Use
AAC with DNS pre-pinning_), AAC will only be used on macOS Catalina 10.15.4 and
>=10.15.6 and macOS Monterey 12.1 or newer (not on macOS Big Sur 11.0 - Monterey
12.0). **If you want to enforce the use of AAC on all these systems, you either
need to use the _Use AAC with DNS pre-pinning_ setting or enforce that only macOS
12.1 or newer is used** (_Preferences / Security / Allow running from macOS version
/ Check full macOS version number /_ enter 12 for _Major version number_ and 1 for
_Minor version number_).
- Now supporting full screen for web videos, but because of macOS limitations this
only works with modern WebView and the AAC Assessment Mode (not the default SEB
kiosk mode). If you cannot enforce using AAC, you have to implement a pseudo full
screen display (enlarging video to the full browser window) in your web
- Fixed didn't return window object.
- Fixed setting _allowDownUploads_ wasn't updated from client config when starting
with seb(s) settings. In that case "Download not allowed" is displayed even if exam
settings have downloads allowed.
- Improved user interface on MacBook Pro with camera notch (bump).
- Support for getDisplayMedia() API for WebRTC screen sharing when running on macOS
11 Big Sur, macOS 12 Monterey or macOS 13 Ventura Beta 4 or later. Requires new
setting _browserMediaCaptureScreen = true_ (default value is false).
- Fixed iFrame contents not displayed.
- Fixed media continues to play after the originating browser tab is closed in
modern WebView.
- Fixed error when connecting to SEB Server and the "expires_in" attribute in the
Oauth token response is missing. Added proper optionality to other attributes in
this token response JSON.

** Release notes for Safe Exam Browser version 3.1 for macOS:**

SEB 3.1 adds support for accessibility/VoiceOver, text search in browser windows,
optional support for SEB Server and many stability improvements.

- Implemented accessibility support using VoiceOver and tabulator keyboard

navigation (if keyboard navigation in System Preferences/Keyboard/Shortcuts is
- Added new setting Preferences / Browser / "Tab focuses links" (key
tabFocusesLinks, enabled by default) to allow to use tabulator key to move between
links and controls on a web page.
- Improved accessibility in Preferences: Fixed tabbing to controls only worked in
first preferences pane displayed. Fixed tab order of some buttons in Config pane.
- Refactored SEB Javascript API to update the and security.configKey variables directly
when loading a web page, without having to call the security.updateKeys(callback)
- Added a custom reload() method to the SEB macOS WKWebView, so that the BEK/CK
variables are set correctly also after a reload of a web page.
- Now updateKeys() can also be called without a callback method.
- Now supporting page zoom with pinch-to-zoom on a Mac trackpad (when using modern
WebView and page zoom is enabled in SEB settings).
- Added settings for default page level (defaultPageZoomLevel) and default text
zoom level (defaultTextZoomLevel) in Preferences / User Interface. Now also
limiting zoom to predefined minimum and maximum levels. These settings currently
only work in the modern WebView.
- Added new macOS 12/iOS 15 API to prevent the repeatedly displayed WebRTC
permissions dialog for a website to use camera/microphone access.
- Added text search for web pages: Use the search icon in the browser window
toolbar or cmd-F. This feature is not available in the full screen mode main
window. Search in PDFs works only in modern WebView and macOS >=11 / iOS >= 14.
- Added preset prohibited process for Universal Control.
- Added missing SEB for Windows (3.3.2) settings to Preferences.
- Added basic settings for SEB Server to Preferences / General.
- Added automatic reload when web content process terminated in modern WebView.
- Added separate macOS setting for allowing right mouse click: Preferences /
Browser / Enable right mouse, key enableRightMouseMac.
- Implemented Javascript text input panel (see issue #163 ).
- Fixed clearing cookies and web cashes etc. when quitting SEB.
- Now logging macOS version in SEB logs.
- Changed log level of very repetitive events to Verbose, to improve usefulness of
logs when using SEB Server.
- Fixed starting SEB with exam configuration when client settings are secure (have
a quit password set).
- Fixed keyboard shortcuts and menu bar menu items for reload and page/text zoom.
- Removed/updated SEB Win 2.x settings in Browser pane (Allow video/audio capture),
User Interface pane ("Enable touch exit (Win)",
"Zoom mode Win (Ctrl-Mousewheel)") and Security pane / Hooked Keys (Enable right
mouse now only for Win).
- Updated text (and tool tip) for SEB Win 2.x settings "Remote profile (Win" in
Browser pane to "Clear cache (Win)".
- Fixed conditional reload button display, reload warning and navigation settings.
- Fixed web page title/URL wasn't updated after reload in modern WebView.
- Now supporting the settings _browserWindowShowURL/newBrowserWindowShowURL =
browserWindowShowURLAlways_ also in SEB for macOS.
- Fixed: SEB attempts to download PDF file instead of displaying it.
- Fixed: Session cookies not persisted in Moodle from webpage in WKWebView to
downloading config to page in WKWebView.
- Fixed another rare case of session cookies not persisted in Moodle from webpage
with WKWebView to another page with WKWebView.
- Attempt to fix SEBOSXWKWebViewController didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge
randomly crashes on Apple Silicon (see issue #176 ).
- Updated alert text to "Force Quit window or another system frontmost dialog".
- Safe Exam Browser Xcode build Scheme (macOS) is now set to "shared" and contained
in the repository.
- Fixed: Opening downloaded files doesn't work.
- No longer transferring session cookies with same name and domain from
NSHTTPCookieStorage to WKWebView httpCookieStore.
- Fixed: Downloads didn't work.
- Fixed PDF files with "download" tag parameter were not downloaded but displayed
in modern WebView.
- If downloading is disabled, PDF files with "download" tag parameter are displayed
in a new browser window (and their file name is used as webpage/window title).
- Fixed setting "download and open PDF files instead of displaying" didn't open
downloaded PDF.
- Fixed determining filenames which contain a space from "Content-Disposition"
"attachment; filename="..."
- Fixed PDF files which should be downloaded ("download" tag parameter) might not
have been recognized.
- Fixed saving paths of downloaded files for automatically choosing files for
- Fixed: Settings Preferences / Browser / "Enable JavaScript" and "Block pop-up
windows" in modern WebView.
- Fixed: (Apple) Messages app set as prohibited process is not quit by SEB.
- Fixed: Time is truncated in SEB dock/taskbar when changing dock size for various
dock sizes.
- Fixed: SEB crashes when restarting while using full screen mode.
- Fixed: Spellchecking not disabled in Moodle rich-text editor when using
- Fixed: Legacy screen shot blocking not working.
- Opted-out of Dark Mode in SEB for macOS.
- Fixed: Copy-paste into text fields in Preferences window doesn't work.
- Fixed: Paste from saved clipboard doesn't work when SEB is started with held
option/alt key (to directly open the Preferences window).
- SEB crashes when opening file upload dialogue: Fixed and added alert for
uploading/downloading not allowed.
- Fixed: Content-Disposition 'inline; ' interpreted as 'attachment; filename=...'
- Fixed: Load error in WKWebView (at least for startURL) is not displayed.
- Now stopping media playback when closing tab or quitting session (incl.
fullscreen and PiP) in modern WebView (WKWebView) also when running on macOS 11.3
or newer.
- "Prohibited Process Locked SEB" doesn't show process name/URL: Now process name
and appURL information should always be displayed if it was available.
- Attempting to fix unnecessarily displayed lock screen for process couldn't be
- Added additional preset default prohibited process for AnyDesk.
- Fixed toolbar Reload button width in older macOS versions.

**Optional features which need to be individually configured and are disabled by

- Support for lock screen notifications when connected to SEB Server. The
notification is displayed with a bell symbol in front of the user name in the
Running Exam monitoring view. Clicking the user name shows the error message which
invoked a lock screen.
- Lock screens can be unlocked from SEB Server (without having to communicate the
Quit/Unlock password to students). Note that you have to confirm all pending lock
screen notifications for a user if there are several before the lock screen closes.
- Now sending computer/environment information to SEB Server (ONLY when connecting
to an SEB Server instance is configured in individual settings): Local short
user/account name, operating system version and device type (iPhone, iPad, iPod
Touch), SEB version and machine name.
- Now supporting battery monitoring by SEB Server.
- Prevent reconfiguring an SEB Server exam with an exam config containing SEB
Server connection settings.
- Fixed implementation of general integration approach to receive the user
identifier from an LMS and finish the handshake with SEB Server (currently
supported by development versions of OpenOLAT and Ans).
- Implemented workaround for receiving Moodle user identifier when using a SSO
system like AAI/Shibboleth (requires a special Moodle PHP script, temporary
solution until the full SEB Server integration for Moodle is implemented).

** Release notes for Safe Exam Browser version 3.0 for macOS:**

SEB 3.0 for macOS is a major update, supporting the modern WebKit browser engine
and access to camera/microphone via WebRTC.

- Support for the modern WebKit browser engine (WKWebView), which increases
performance, stability and compatibility with web applications.

- Access to camera/microphone (_getUserMedia_ Web API) via WebRTC on macOS 11.1 Big
Sur and newer. You can use web-based video conferencing and remote proctoring
solutions, as long as the requirements explained below are met, so that SEB can use
the modern WebView. Note: Apple currently doesn't support _getDisplayMedia_ in
WKWebView for screen sharing.

- Due to refactored code using newer APIs, SEB 3.0 requires macOS 10.11 or later.
We recommend to only use macOS versions which still receive security updates from
Apple (the three most recent, currently macOS 10.14, 10.15 and 11).

- When using the modern WebKit browser engine (WKWebView), SEB currently doesn't
support _URL content filters_ (only URL filters for links and page loading) and
_sending the Config Key and Browser Exam Key in HTTP headers_ (the latter feature
will not be possible with WKWebView at all, so you will need to transition to the
SEB JavaScript API in your web applications, see the [developer documentation]
( If one of the
settings _sendBrowserExamKey=true_ or _URLFilterEnableContentFilter=true_ is
enabled, the classic WebView is used depending on the new setting _Preferences/
Browser/"Select Browser Engine Policy"_ (key _browserWindowWebView_), _"Prefer
Modern in New Tab+Different Host"_ (value 2), ensures that you still can use
testing systems/LMS like Moodle which use the Browser Exam/Config Key test for SEB
connecting to the exam (as they open in the classic WebView), but webpages opened
in new tabs, which have another host than the exam system, open in WKWebView.

- Support for the new [SEB JavaScript

API]( for easier
integration into exam solutions (currently for querying app version details,
ConfigKey and BrowserExamKey security elements).

- Support for restart session ([Preferences/Exam/Link to quit SEB after

exam/Restart instead of
seb-after-exam)) and quit SEB/session features, which are mostly interesting for
managed Macs and kiosk environments: If client settings are secure (have a quit
password set), SEB was not started with a seb(s) link or .seb file and an exam
session is quit, SEB is not quit (terminated), but only the exam session (SEB is
restarted with client settings).

- Fixes security issue with "Revert to Client Settings" and "Configure Client" in
Preferences window.

- Private Clipboard is also supported when using the modern WebView (WKWebView) and
working with commands in menu bar / Edit.

- Added setting in Preferences / Security / Check full macOS version number

(allowMacOSVersionNumberCheckFull) for full control about minimal allowed macOS
version (major/minor/patch version numbers, keys allowMacOSVersionNumberMajor/
allowMacOSVersionNumberMinor/ allowMacOSVersionNumberPatch).

- Fixed issue with setting Preferences / Security / Enforce minimal macOS version.

- Again asking for Admin password when settings aren't encrypted.

- Use AAC kiosk mode only on macOS 15.4+ and 11.4+ (except 11.0 - 11.3, as there
was an issue with DNS lookup. This caused pages with yet unknown domains to not
- No longer using AAC modal alert workaround on macOS 12 Monterey (as an issue
causing application modal alerts to be invisible was fixed there).

- Fixed repeated drag-and-drop onto Preferences window. Note: files in iCloud drive
need to be downloaded first in Finder (cloud icon in list view) before they can be

- Fixed double toolbar icon for "General" pane when opening settings when the
Preferences window already was open.

- Fixed check if reconfiguring is allowed when a .seb config file is opened while
SEB is running already (considering the Exam / Allow Reconfiguring setting).

- Now also supporting gzip compressed, unencrypted .seb files.

- Updated Network / Filter / Teach URL Filter feature for modern WebView
(WKWebView). Note: If content filtering is enabled, classic WebView is used.

- Fixed Teach URL Filter feature on macOS 11+ also for classic WebView.

- [Setting to enable
) (developer tools) and remote inspection (only when running a debug build) is now
functional in WKWebView, although the "Inspect Element" context menu ([right mouse
click must be enabled in
as well) doesn't work correctly with WKWebView.

** Release notes for Safe Exam Browser version 2.3.2 for macOS:**

SEB 2.3.2 is a minor update for 2.3.1 with one bug fix:

- When running on macOS 11 Big Sur on Intel CPU based Macs (tested on macOS
11.2.3), system processes displaying UI in the foreground were not recognized as
system applications and terminated by SEB or locked SEB (displaying a red lock
screen) if SEB couldn't terminate them. Now system processes should be identified
correctly both on Intel and Apple Silicon based Macs.

** Release notes for Safe Exam Browser version 2.3.1 for macOS:**

SEB 2.3.1 is a maintenance update, which disables Automatic Assessment

Configuration (AAC) macOS Assessment Mode in default settings, as it has a major
issue when used on macOS 11 Big Sur. We recommend to not use AAC until this issue
will be fixed in an upcoming macOS Big Sur update.

When running on macOS 11 Big Sur, DNS lookup fails while AAC is enabled. This is
why SEB fails to load URLs with a different domain than the Start URL the first
time it tries to connect to that URL. Usually it would connect to the according
domain after quitting and starting SEB again (as the DNS lookup result is cached).
The domain of the Start URL should always be loadable, as SEB reaches out to the
Start URL before activating AAC.

- Changed default setting for AAC to disabled, using a new settings key
- Block screen capture also when AAC is used (as AAC currently doesn't prevent
screen capture reliably).

- Fixed URL String from pasteboard to copy to Preferences/General/Start URL is not

saved when SEB is started in AAC.

- Clicking the close button of the running prohibited processes list window now
quits SEB/the exam session.

- Fixed force "Quit All Processes" alert was sometimes displayed behind process
list window.

- Fixed security issue with "Revert to Client Settings" and "Configure Client" in
Preferences: Don't ask for client settings admin password if none is set.

** Release notes for Safe Exam Browser version 2.3 for macOS:**

SEB 2.3 for macOS is a major update, which improves security massively by
supporting the Automatic Assessment Configuration (AAC) macOS Assessment Mode,
available from macOS 10.15.4. SEB 2.3 also adds new capabilities, improves the user
interface for students and exam administrators and fixes several issues.

- Support for Automatic Assessment Configuration (AAC) macOS Assessment Mode. AAC
is used by default if running on macOS 10.15.4 or newer. Assessment Mode blocks
various macOS features which shouldn't be accessible during exams. Also no other
applications and processes running in the background can access the network while
Assessment Mode is active.

- Optionally, the old SEB kiosk mode can be used also on latest macOS versions (see
Preferences / Security / "Use Assessment Mode (AAC) if available", settings key
enableAAC), as AAC doesn't support optionally enabling features like like screen
capture/sharing, Siri and Dictation. Assessment Mode also cannot be used if you
want to run a video conferencing solution in the background during an exam for

- New options to enforce using the internal (built-in) display of a MacBook or iMac
but optionally still allowing to use the external display on a Mac without built-in
display (Mac Mini, Mac Pro).

- Fixed an issue when calculating the Config Key for configuration files containing
prohibited processes entries for both macOS and Windows.

- New battery indicator in the SEB Dock, automatically displayed on devices with
battery when the macOS menu bar with its battery indicator is disabled. This
specifically applies when using Assessment Mode, as then the menu bar is always

- Full compatibility with macOS 11 Big Sur.

- Native support for Apple Silicon (universal binary).

- Preferences window can be opened by holding the option/alt key when starting SEB
(also when dropping a SEB configuration file onto the SEB icon).

- Fixed drag-and-drop of configuration files onto the Preferences window. Note that
files in iCloud drive need to be downloaded first (click the cloud icon in Finder's
list view).
- Added SEB 3.x for Windows settings to the Preferences window.

- Improved starting SEB by opening settings, fixed some related issues.

- Improved workaround for SEB freezing when a webpage tries to download a font.

- Now scaling text of Dock Time item according to Dock height

- Fixed a security issue regarding client settings in Preferences.

- Changed default option/button for confirming quitting to "Quit" (helps if mouse

control is lost).

- Fixed code signature check for system processes in macOS 11.

Known issues while using Assessment Mode in macOS 11:

- When switching Preferences panes, the Preferences window sometimes disappear.

Press cmd - , (comma key) in that case and the window appears again.

- In the file dialog, you cannot change the file name when using "Save As".

Use the new feature to open the Preferences window without locking SEB: Hold the
option/alt key when starting SEB by opening the app icon (or dropping a .seb
configuration file onto the SEB app icon).

** Release notes for Safe Exam Browser version 2.2.2 for macOS:**

This version is a maintenance update containing improvements and bug fixes:

- Fixed that PDF documents were not displayed when Acrobat PDF viewer is installed.

- Prevent Preferences window to be opened in Moodle 3.9 when using automatically

generated settings (option "Configure manually"). SEB now uses the default setting
allowPreferencesWindow=false in exam configurations (client configs still have
allowPreferencesWindow=true as default setting).

- Fixed: Cannot start SEB by opening .seb file on macOS <= 10.12.

- Fixed false positive detection of not allowed process because of partial match of
process executable name.

- Now controlling resizing of Preferences panels: Don't allow to resize those

without scroll view and allow to resize the ones with scroll view only to the
maximum size of their content.

- Now scrolling oversized Preferences panels to the top when displaying them the
first time.

- Fixed User Interface Preferences Panel didn't resize vertically.

- Fixed missing error message when identity certificate to decrypt SEB config
cannot be accessed.

- Attempted to fix (not always reproducible) checking code signature of some

visible apps delays or blocks starting SEB.

- Added Discord to preset prohibited processes.

** Release notes for Safe Exam Browser version 2.2.1 for macOS:**

SEB 2.2.1 for macOS is a major update, improving security by blocking prohibited
processes, adding new capabilities and offering full compatibility to enhanced
integrations with learning management systems, like the one available in Moodle

- Prohibited Processes settings for blocking specific processes and applications

from running together with SEB.

- Preset prohibited processes covering communication, screen sharing and recording

apps. Let us know if you would like to suggest applications and tools to be added
to those preset prohibited processes (we need information about the software, its
name and Bundle Identifier if applicable).

- Added settings to allow to reconfigure SEB, even it is already running in a

secure exam session.

- Implemented setting keys to control clearing cookies when starting/ending an exam

session (examSessionClearCookiesOnStart / examSessionClearCookiesOnEnd). This can
be used to keep users logged in from the previous session after an exam session was
started (and SEB reconfigured with new settings).

- Added setting to enable Web Inspector (web developer tools) in

Preferences/Browser (same settings key allowDeveloperConsole as in SEB for Windows
3.0. If enabled and right click isn't disabled (see Preferences/Security/Hooked
Keys/Enable Right Mouse), you can right click/ctrl-left click on a web page element
and open Web Inspector with 'Inspect Element'.

- Added Mac-specific settings for blocking screen shots and screen recording. The
separate settings allow to run SEB correctly in parallel with some remote
proctoring tools.

- Added separate Mac setting for the Private Clipboard feature.

- Added Mac-specific setting for blocking screen sharing over the network (VNC):
key screenSharingMacEnforceBlocked (default: false, then the value of the existing
key allowScreenSharing is used).

- Added all SEB for iOS settings in Preferences window.

- Fixed that a wrong Config Key was calculated because of specific new default
settings added in a new SEB version. This was the cause why SEB 2.1.4 did not work
correctly with the new SEB integration in Moodle 3.9.

- Fixed: Overriding check for specific processes in lock screen didn't work.

- Fixed: Client config encrypted with password wasn't compatible between Win vs.

- Fixed: Loading config file with different SEB admin password in Preferences
didn't work.
- Fixed that an SEB config without proper MIME type wasn't recognized: Added
"text/xml" as alternative MIME type for SEB config files when a seb(s) link is

- Removed ARDAgent from detecting Remote Management: ARDAgent is running always

when Remote Management is enabled in System Preferences / Sharing, which made it
necessary to always disable Remote Management. Now this is not necessary, as long
as no VNC client tries to connect to the SEB client (in that case the according red
lock screen is displayed and requires the quit/unlock password to be entered).

- Removed setting for disabling Local Storage (in Browser pane). Local Storage is
now always enabled.

- Replaced key string mobileShowSettings with string showSettingsInApp in default


Fixed SEB 2.2 issues in SEB 2.2.1:

- Cannot open Moodle Deeper Integration quiz by starting SEB with indirect sebs://

- Browser Exam and Config Key are not displayed correctly first time opening

- Allow to load configs from indirect sebs:// Links regardless of URL filter in
client settings.

- Embedded SSL debug certificate doesn't work with wildcard domains.

IMPORTANT: SEB 2.2.1 for macOS uses a different policy to decide if it can be
reconfigured when a seb(s) URL is opened and a .seb config file downloaded: When
running in Secure Mode (a quit password is set in the currently active settings),
SEB 2.2.1 cannot be reconfigured, even if it's using the persisted client settings.
Earlier versions could always be reconfigured when using client settings. If you
want to allow reconfiguring SEB by opening a seb(s) URL while running in Secure
Mode, then you need to use the "Allow Reconfiguring" and "Reconfiguring Config URL"
options in Preferences/Exam Session. For the same behavior as in previous versions,
you can enable "Allow Reconfiguring" and set "Reconfiguring Config URL" to "*"
(wildcard symbol, meaning any seb(s) URL or download URL of a .seb config file is
allowed to reconfigure SEB) in your SEB client settings. This policy settings for
reconfiguring are already used by SEB for iOS and will also be introduced in SEB
3.1 for Windows.

Other changes could also require you to change your SEB settings:
- Preset prohibited processes are required to be quit before starting an exam and
are automatically added to any config you open with SEB 2.2.1. This doesn't alter
the Config Key hash. The Browser Exam Key hash value is changed, but that key you
anyways have to determine by loading the according SEB config file in SEB 2.2.1 and
copy-paste the key from the Preferences/Exam pane. You cannot remove those preset
prohibited processes, but you can deactivate them individually using their "Active"
parameter. See the Preferences/Applications/Prohibited Processes pane. You can
change other properties of the prohibited process, although not all of these
parameters are used by SEB for macOS, currently only "Active", "Executable",
"Identifier", "OS", "Force quit" and "Description" are used. You can't change
"Executable" or "Identifier", if you do so, a new prohibited process entry is
created internally (and visible next time you open those settings). There are two
kinds of processes: Applications with a Bundle Identifier, which follows the
reverse domain notation (for example org.safeexambrowser.Safe-Exam-Browser). SEB
uses the Identifier parameter to detect those Application processes. BSD processes
don't have a Bundle Identifier, they are only detected using the Executable
property (process name). If you want to add prohibited processes to your settings,
you can use the Activity Monitor macOS app: Select a process, press the info button
(or cmd-I) and press the "Sample" button. In the sample output, you can identify
the process name (SEB property "Executable", which can differ from the localized
application name displayed by macOS in the Finder, Dock and Activity Monitor
process name list. If the sample shows an "Identifier" in reverse domain notation
(and not the identical string as the "Process" entry), then this process is an
application with a Bundle Identifier and you should enter this bundle ID as
"Identifier" in SEB's settings if you create a prohibited process. If "Identifier"
from the sample output isn't in reverse domain notation, don't enter anything in
the "Identifier" field in SEB's prohibited process settings, only enter the process
name in "Executable".
Only enable the "Force quit" parameter for prohibited processes in SEB if you are
sure that student's won't loose unsaved documents if the process is terminated
without a warning when starting SEB. Usually "Force quit" should not be used with
applications: When "Force quit" is disabled, SEB will send a regular quit command
to the application. Most applications will then either auto-save unsaved changes in
open documents or ask the user if the document should be saved before quitting.
By default, when the SEB setting "Attempt to quit prohibited applications"
(Preferences/Applications) is enabled, then SEB tries to quit all running
prohibited applications in this "nice" way, allowing them to save changes to open
documents. If you disable this setting, then the user first has to confirm SEB
trying to quit those running prohibited applications even in this "nice" way.
BSD processes cannot be "nicely" quit, users either have to manually quit or
disable them or use the "Force Quit" button displayed in the list of running
prohibited processes displayed when SEB is starting. Please note that macOS
restarts some background (daemon) processes automatically if they are force
terminated. Those processes might have to be uninstalled (or temporarily
deactivated using the command line in Terminal, as explained in this external
- New separate Mac setting for the Private Clipboard feature,
Preferences/Security/"Enforce private clipboard on Mac" (settings key
enablePrivateClipboardMacEnforce), by default enabled. If enabled, then the private
clipboard is used, even if the old setting Preferences/Security/"Use private
clipboard" is disabled. The reason for the separate Mac setting is, that enabling
private clipboard in the Windows version sometimes causes web compatibility issues
(which isn't the case in the Mac version). If you intentionally disabled "Use
private clipboard" (key enablePrivateClipboard=false) for the Mac version, then you
have to set enablePrivateClipboardMacEnforce=false in addition.
- New separate SEB for macOS settings for allowing screen capture/recording, window
capture and to use the legacy method for blocking screen shots. SEB 2.2.1 for macOS
is no longer using the old setting "Enable screen capture" which corresponded with
the setting "Enable Print Screen" in Windows. Instead, these new settings allow to
control access to the screen while SEB is running in a gradual way. The new setting
"Allow screen capture/recording" (key allowScreenCapture) controls a system
process, which since macOS 10.14 Mojave is used for the macOS screen recording
feature (cmd+shift+5) and for screen shots. The new setting "Allow window capture
(screen shots)" (key allowWindowCapture) controls if other processes are able to
read the contents of the windows displayed by SEB. Depending which system APIs are
used to read window or screen contents, those settings have a different effect: If
allowScreenCapture=true and allowWindowCapture=false, then macOS screen shots using
cmd-shift-3 and -4 can still be taken, but don't show SEB's windows (only the
desktop background). On screen recording videos taken with cmd-shift-5, SEB's
windows will still be visible, unless allowScreenCapture is set to false. When the
new setting "Block screen shots (Legacy)" (key blockScreenShotsLegacy) is enabled,
then SEB uses the method to redirect and delete screen shots which had to be used
with macOS 10.9 and older. Those separate settings may allow to use SEB with
specific remote proctoring solutions which need access to the screen and SEB's
window contents.
- New SEB for macOS setting "Enforce blocking screen sharing on Mac" (key
screenSharingMacEnforceBlocked, default value true/enabled), which overrides the
original screen sharing setting "Allow (network) screen sharing" (key
allowScreenSharing) on Mac clients. This allows for example SEB for Windows to be
used in Windows remote sessions (RDP), while still blocking VNC-based macOS screen
sharing and remote management on Mac SEB clients.

** Release notes for Safe Exam Browser version 2.1.4 for macOS:**

- SEB 2.1.4 is fully compatible with macOS 10.15 Catalina.

- The SEB application is now notarized and uses the Hardened Runtime security

- Set the default minimum required macOS version to 10.11 El Capitan. This means,
if you want students to be able to use older macOS versions, you need to adjust
that setting if you didn’t had it set in your config already (previous versions had
the default setting of macOS 10.7 as the minimum version). SEB 2.1.4 still should
run even on macOS 10.7, but we’re no longer testing it with such old versions. Many
modern web applications won’t run correctly on old WebKit versions used in older
macOS versions. Ideally don’t use macOS 10.10 or older. Consider recommending to or
demanding from your students to use a macOS version which is still getting security
updates from Apple. Until the release of 10.15 Catalina, this was macOS 10.12
Sierra, from now on the oldest version still getting updates will be 10.13 High

- SEB 2.1.4 uses the final implementation of the Config Key, to verify that an exam
is using a correct, unmodified SEB configuration. The Config Key can be generated
automatically by a compatible exam system together with the SEB config to be used
for an exam. All SEB versions supporting the Config Key generate the same key, as
long as the same SEB config file is used. Currently SEB for iOS supports the Config
Key as well, a compatible Windows version will follow later this year.

- Implemented key shortcuts for switching between open browser windows.

Left Alt (Option) Key - Tab: Cycle forward through open browser windows
Left Alt (Option) Key - Left Shift Key - Tab: Cycle backwards through open browser
Right Alt (Option) Key (- Right Shift) - Tab keeps the standard function (cycle
through website elements).

- Custom App Controls and Quick Actions in Touch Bar, also with enabled Control
Strip, are now disabled, even if BetterTouchTool is used. Added alert displayed
while quitting SEB, for the case when App Control mode for Touch Bar can't be
restored automatically. This dialog offers to open System Preferences / Keyboards,
so users can change the setting back manually.

- Fixed that the Preferences / Exams tab in some cases displayed "Save settings to
display its Browser Exam / Config Key" instead of the keys, even though settings
were not modified by the user.

- Fixed: Media player app (iTunes etc.) can block SEB, when in full screen and
started using the Play key. The previous implementation didn't work properly on
Mojave and newer.
- Selecting multiple files for upload is now possible, controlled by the HTML input
element (multiple-attribute).

- Fixed downloads not working on macOS 10.14 Mojave or newer.

- Fixed downloading and opening of SEB config files defined inline on a webpage
with "data:" didn't work.

- Fixed issue with the default location for the Downloads directory when running on
Mojave or newer. If you created a SEB config file with a previous version of SEB,
you might have to again select the Downloads directory in Preferences /
Down/Uploads in case an error message is displayed when trying to download files in

- Implemented blocking macOS screen recording (cmd+shift+5) introduced in Mojave,

controlled with setting Preferences / Security / Allow screen capture.

- Fixed: JavaScript confirm dialog didn't return false when cancel (or any
secondary) button was clicked.

- Red lock screen for "SEB process was stopped" (SIGSTOP) is no longer displayed
when Mac is set to sleep mode.

- Improved SIGSTOP detection in case system time is changed.

- Background of lock screen log view is again white also on Mojave.

- Removed global hotkeys for F3+F6 shortcut to open Preferences window (F3+F6
shortcut now only works if SEB is the active application). You can still also use
the macOS standard shortcut for opening Preferences, which is cmd + , (comma key).

- Improved preventing a modal lock (SEB freezes) when a webpage tries to download a
font (displaying a dialog hidden by SEB's kiosk mode). When SEB doesn't have the
needed Accessibility permissions to close the dialog, it is now terminated after
saving information on which webpage the font download was attempted (title and URL
or placeholder). This is then displayed when SEB is started next time.

- When checking server trust with embedded certificates, resources in subdomains of

already trusted domains are now trusted as well, according to behavior in other
standard browsers.

- Fixed opening an seb(s) link which requires authentication subsequently from

another browser, while SEB is running, can fail: When the temporary browser window
for authentication was closed (windows close button), then SEB ignored further
external calls (as from the other browser) to open an seb(s) URL.

- Now importing identity certificate with exportable private key when opening it in
the Preferences window.

- Now displaying an error message when an identity couldn't be exported from the

- Fixed: Background of Dock buttons was highlighted when clicked and buttons were
white instead of gray on Mojave or newer. SEB Dock button disappearing on macOS
10.10 - 10.13 instead of being highlighted when right/long clicked.

** Release notes for Safe Exam Browser version 2.1.3 for macOS:**
- New "Config Key" feature allowing an exam system to verify that the correct
settings are being used. The Config Key can be generated server-side and doesn't
change if same settings are loaded in a new SEB version which adds new setting

- Added setting to disable Siri.

- Added setting to disable dictation.

- Now refusing to start an exam which hasn't been submitted properly before,
displaying lock screen including log entries from the previously interrupted exam.

- Preventing that SIGSTOP could be used to freeze SEB and to cheat undiscovered.

- Added browser user agent suffix setting option.

- Now blocking Touch Bar typing suggestions (predictive keyboard) during an exam.

- The screen sharing detector now also works correctly when connecting to a Mac
using Apple ID (Back to My Mac).

- Added checkbox to lock screen to override security check and unlock SEB, even if
screen sharing is still active. Displaying info about overriding security check in
HUD (in red text color).

- Fixed that SEB in some cases didn't switch off automatic spelling correction when
running on macOS 10.12 and later.

- Implemented functionality for separate Allow Reload / Show Reload Warning / Allow
Navigating setting for exam and new browser windows: Hiding navigation and reload
buttons in toolbar and enabling navigation with Cmd + cursor keys according to

- Added confirm quitting option for Quit Link.

- Now respecting setting "enable right mouse button": Allows to use the right mouse
button/context menu according to setting key enableRightMouse. This only has an
effect in Javascript, browser plugins and video players etc. (not on regular
website elements).

- URL filter now treats query strings consistently in SEB macOS 2.1.3 and Windows

- Implemented new URL filter query string condition: If "?." is specified as query,
then SEB enforces no query.

- URL filter now ignores "about:" URLs. These can be blocked explicitly if desired.

- Fixed URL filter didn't work correctly with Javascript open links by only closing
the new window if the URL of the main frame wasn't allowed (applies only if content
filter isn't active).

- Changed "Restart Exam Button" to "Back to Start Button" and added disclaimer
about not logging out users.

- Now loading SEBClientSettings.seb also from the /Library/Preferences directory:

This directory is valid for all users on a Mac and usually only writable with
administrator rights. This improvement makes it easier to configure managed SEB
clients which are used by multiple users.

- Reconfiguration is now done seamlessly before initializing and opening the

browser. Note: The SEB admin password of a new client config needs to match the one
in the old client config (if there was one set), otherwise the reconfiguration
fails silently. If you need to change the SEB admin password on managed clients,
you first need to reset the existing SEB user defaults.

- Added new setting to allow SEB installation in user's ~/Applications folder. By

default, it's now only allowed to start SEB from the /Applications folder.

- Refactored startup process to correctly initialize SEB if it is started directly

(using client settings) or by opening a config file. Now client settings saved
persistently on the Mac are not considered at all when starting SEB by opening a
config file or config link.

- Fixed that double clicking a .seb config file or config link several times could
lock SEB.

- The About SEB splash screen now cannot hide alerts and lock SEB if those were
displayed modally.

- Fixed modal lock when webpage tries to download a font by sending an return key
event tap, which closes the dialog (invoking the button "Skip" in the system alert
which is displayed behind SEB's windows). This doesn't work on macOS 10.14 though,
as a workaround make sure that websites don't download additional fonts or open the
page first in Safari (or in SEB without active kiosk mode, using the setting
Applications/Permitted Processes/Allow switching to third party applications) so
the font gets downloaded before the exam.

- In case SEB cannot terminate an implicitly prohibited process (trying to display

an overlay/panel window), a lock screen is displayed requiring to enter the
quit/unlock password.

- Fixed names of running processes in log were truncated after 16 characters.

- No longer changing screenshot location on OS X 10.10 and later, as SEB's windows

are not captured on screenshots anyways.

- Updated default Start URL to "".

- Fixed problems while opening new settings when alerts were open in SEB.

- Now adding Safari/WebKit version strings "Version/11.1.1" and 605.1.15 to user

agent string.

- Added information on how to solve an issue with the Force Quit window alert: "If
the window isn't open and this alert is displayed anyways, restart your Mac".

- Fixed displaying correct time the SEB process was interrupted (in lock screen and

- Now preventing editing of log messages in lock screen.

- Fixed: Additional browser windows can be displayed behind the black screen
background cover windows after closing Preferences Window (when not changing any

- Fixed changing settings when Exam Pane is displayed doesn't trigger "save changed
settings" warning.

- Fixed Preferences window not working correctly on OS X 10.8 (bad auto layout
support!) by allowing to open Preferences starting macOS 10.9.

- Fixed lock screen windows could be opened twice (for screen sharing and user
switch) which would make it impossible to unlock again.

- Improved logging when starting SEB: Now starting to log (with log level Debug and
at standard log file path) regardless of current settings directly after SEB starts
up, before local persistent settings are initialized.

- Again fixed a bug when SEB could kill itself when a space switch occurred, this
time correctly.

- Fixed opening seb(s):// link wasn't working when temporary browser window (for
authentication) was open and SEB was restarted after editing preferences.

- Added one point to menu bar height to keep a black edge between menu bar and
browser window.

- Fixed a compatibility issue which caused SEB 2.1.2 to crash immediately when
started on OS X 10.7.

- Fixed reload (with confirm message) not working on macOS 10.7/10.8 (on non
fullscreen browser windows).

- Added Win Registry setting insideSebEnableNetworkConnectionSelector to Security

pane and Settings.

- Enabled all Function Keys in Hooked Keys (Win) default settings.

Changed in build 29E7:

- Improved performance and stability for reading system defaults (preferences for
Siri, dictation). The previous implementation in SEB 2.1.3 build 29E5 could crash
SEB while system load was very high (for example when SEB is automatically started
by the system after a reboot/hard reset).

- Changed default for setting browserWindowShowURL to never (to not leak exam URLs
in case the are supposed to be kept secret in some exam environments).

**Release notes for Safe Exam Browser version 2.1.2 for macOS:**

- Fixes a bug when a browser window wasn’t scaled correctly to fit the screen (it
was placed in the lower left screen corner, mainly off-screen) when only one screen
is connected and the „useBuiltin“ setting is false.

- Fixes a bug when the main browser window stayed open when starting SEB by opening
a config file. The window couldn’t be manually closed and stayed in the foreground
(as a „zombie“ window, caused by a timing problem when the window gets the close
command while it’s still being opened).

- To solve the latter problem and improve usability generally, when starting SEB by
opening a .seb config file or a seb(s):// link, the start URL from persistent
settings of the SEB client isn't opened first anymore, instead the new settings are
directly applied. In case loading or decrypting these new settings isn’t successful
(load error, canceled by the user, wrong decryption credentials etc.), SEB quits
instead of continuing with the persistent client settings.

- Fixed visible screen area was being wrong calculated, not considering correctly
if the SEB dock was visible on that screen. This also caused the temporary browser
window for authentication not to be moved up when the user moved it underneath the
SEB dock.

- Fixed this calculation when no main browser window is open yet (when starting SEB
by opening a seb(s):// link from a authenticated server and only the temporary
browser window is opened).

- Now opening the main browser window, the SEB dock and the temporary browser
window when starting SEB by opening a seb(s):// link from a authenticated server
always on the main screen as defined by settings (not macOS).

- Fixed a bug when SEB could kill itself when a space switch occurred.

Known limitations. The following preferences options are not yet available in this

- Applications pane: Monitor processes (new third party application handling and
additional security feature) is not yet available. It's possible to add permitted
and prohibited processes for SEB 2.x for Windows. SEB for Mac OS X doesn't support
directly starting and monitoring third party applications yet.

- Network pane: It's not yet possible to set individual SEB proxy settings, you
have to set system-wide proxy settings in OS X System Preferences. SEB for Windows
2.1.x supports individual proxy settings which you can configure here.

**Release notes for Safe Exam Browser version 2.1.1 for macOS:**

- Fully compatible with macOS 10.12 Sierra

- Implements support for embedded TLS/SSL & CA certificates and certificate pinning
(for SEB running on macOS 10.9 or later) for enhanced security when connecting with
exam servers.

- SEB is now using a private clipboard, so utilities running in the background and
Universal Clipboard (on macOS 10.12 Sierra) cannot be used to copy-paste contents
into or out of exams (can be disabled if using third party applications in a
securely managed user account).

- WebAudio API is enabled now.

- Added blocking panels and windows opened by third party tools running in the

- Added detection for macOS ScreenSharing.

- Added deactivating display mirroring and a new setting option for a maximum
number of displays which the user is allowed to use. This can prevent wireless
displays to be used to cheat or leak exam content.

- Added full support for Basic/Digest and NTLM Authentication.

- Loading seb(s):// linked settings from authenticated servers is possible now,
even with indirect links (not containing the config file name with the .seb
extension, like for example sebs:// Therefore a
SEB exam config file can be stored for example into the same Moodle course as the
quiz. The login session is remembered, so students don't have to login twice in SEB
if you start SEB/an exam using a seb(s):// link to a config file on an
authenticated server.

- Added a new settings option for enforcing a minimal macOS version. This is
helpful if your web application isn't compatible with an older WebKit version (as
for example used in OS X 10.7) or if you want to make sure that embedded
certificates and certificate pinning work on all exam clients, then you should
enforce the minimum macOS version 10.9.- On a trackpad supporting Force Touch, the
lookup feature (invoked by strongly pressing the trackpad while the cursor is over
a word or text selection) was not blocked with the settings option "Allow
dictionary look up" disabled.

- On a trackpad supporting Force Touch, the lookup feature (invoked by strongly

pressing the trackpad while the cursor is over a word or text selection) is now
also blocked when the settings option "Allow dictionary look up" is disabled.

- Fixed an issue when a media player app like iTunes could take over the screen if
started with the keyboard play key (after being maximized to full screen and quit
before starting SEB).

- Fixed a WebKit related bug which occurred in older WebKit versions (if running on
an older system than OS X 10.11) and with malformatted DOM elements. For example
the navigation buttons in a Moodle 1.8 quiz if running SEB 2.1 on OS X 10.10 or
older didn't work properly.

- Fixed issues in the URL filter: Host addresses with or without a trailing slash
"/" are treated as the same address, creating a filter for a path with trailing
wildcard "/*" now also matches the path without trailing slash.

- Fixed various minor issues.

Known limitations. The following preferences options are not yet available in this

- Applications pane: Monitor processes (new third party application handling and
additional security feature) is not yet available. It's possible to add permitted
and prohibited processes for SEB 2.x for Windows. SEB for Mac OS X doesn't support
directly starting and monitoring third party applications yet.

- Network pane: It's not yet possible to set individual SEB proxy settings, you
have to set system-wide proxy settings in OS X System Preferences. SEB for Windows
2.1.x supports individual proxy settings which you can configure here.

**Release notes for Safe Exam Browser version 2.1:**

- SEB 2.1 is fully compatible with OS X 10.11 El Capitan.

- Added button in SEB task bar for reloading current web page and an optional
warning message for reloading web pages.

- Added button in SEB task bar for restarting the exam, which can be password
protected. Exam supporters can use this button when problems with the exam occur,
instead of having to quit and restart SEB.

- Added display of current time in SEB task bar: This is for example helpful if you
decide to ban personal watches in exams (because of smartwatches).

- Now zooming the entire web page is also possible in addition to only changing
text size. Zoom can be disable completely as well.

- SEB 2.1 can be configured to always use the more secure internal PDF viewer
instead of the Acrobat Reader plug-in.

- Individual browser user agent strings can be used per exam, SEB also identifies
its version now in the user agent.

- Now it is possible to configure if you want examinees to be able to use the spell
and grammar checker.

- Added option to allow the OS X dictionary lookup feature (three finger tap on
trackpad or ctrl-cmd-D), as default this is disabled now.

- Blocking the Notification Center also on OS X 10.10 and higher.

- SEB now detects attempts to switch the user and displays a lock screen afterwards
which needs to be unlocked with the quit/restart password by exam

- Added a check if the Force Quit window is open when SEB is started, in that case
an error message is displayed and user is asked to close the window or quit SEB.
Note: The "About this Mac" window is also identified as the Force Quit window and
therefore needs to be closed before running SEB.

- When restarting, holding down command key now doesn't quit SEB but asks to
release the key.

- Improved getting the filename when downloading a file using an anchor with the
"download" attribute.

- If "allow browsing back/forward" in browser settings is selected, back/forward

buttons are displayed in a browser window toolbar and they now get enabled
conditionally depending on browsing history. Fixed that those buttons sometimes
didn't work.

- Now hiding back/forward, zoom text and the new zoom page button in browser window
toolbar, if these features are disabled in settings.

- Added a sebs:// protocol in addition to seb://. SEB uses https for opening a
sebs:// link (for a seb:// link SEB first tries to use http and if that fails then
https is used).

- The preferences window is now only available on OS X 10.8 and higher (no longer
possible on 10.7 because of lacking support for Base Internationalization). Added
alert explaining that the preferences window cannot be used when running SEB on OS
X 10.7.

- SEB preferences are now showing an alert to notify for what the saved .seb file
can be used also after "Save As..." of local client settings.

- Added a warning alert when activating "Allow switching to third party

applications" in the Applications prefs pane. This feature is only supposed to be
used in a secured, managed user account, as all applications can be accessed.

- SEB 2.1 is now supporting WebSQL databases.

- Fixed browser page history wasn't cleared when restarting SEB / restarting the

- Fixed a bug when downloading a data: blob having a download attribute, the
download confirmation dialog was displayed twice.

- Fixed 'download' attribute in an anchor (A tag) didn't work with resources which
the browser can display and the protocol wasn't data:

- Fixed importing an embedded identity in a .seb file into the keychain.

- Fixed some browser alerts were displaying alert messages inside the button.

- Fixed a rare crash when using the URL filter.

- Fixed a runtime exception which was rarely caused by displaying the Applications
pane permitted/prohibited processes tabs (caused by table views UI autosave).

- Fixed screen shots didn't show SEB windows when "Enable screen capture" was
selected and running on OS X 10.10.x and 10.11 (as Apple suddenly fixed a very old
bug and OS X is now finally respecting the property NSWindowSharingTypeNone).

- Fixed a security issue where a .seb file for configuring client encrypted with an
arbitrary password could reconfigure a client without having to enter the admin pw
saved currently in SEB on that client. Now this is only possible after entering the
current admin pw or by encrypting the new settings for configuring the client with
that current admin pw.

- Added clearing Pasteboard when restarting SEB.

- Fixed several English and German user interface tooltips in the preferences
window. Changed title of Appearance pane to User Interface/Benutzeroberfläche.

- Fixed bug changed passwords in the General prefs pane were not saved when saving
settings (commands Save or Save As).

- Added saving of from comma separated proxy exception list in Network -> Proxies
prefs pane.

Known limitations. The following preferences options are not yet available in this

- Applications pane: Monitor processes (new third party application handling and
additional security feature) is not yet available. It's possible to add permitted
and prohibited processes for SEB 2.x for Windows. SEB for Mac OS X doesn't support
directly starting and monitoring third party applications yet.

- Network pane: It's not yet possible to set individual SEB proxy settings, you
have to set system-wide proxy settings in OS X System Preferences. SEB for Windows
2.1 supports individual proxy settings which you can configure here.
**Release notes for Safe Exam Browser version 2.0:**

Adapted format of the encrypted SEB configuration files to be compatible with the
SEB 2.0.2 version for Windows. You can use the same .seb files for starting exams
on SEB 2.0.x Windows clients and SEB 2.0 Mac OS X clients. Note: Local client
settings in the Preferences folder of the system (created with SEB version 2.0pre3
or earlier) are cleared when this new SEB version is started first time, you will
have to configure SEB freshly. You can although save settings with SEB 2.0pre3
(before running SEB 2.0 first time) and reconfigure the SEB 2.0 client with these.
SEB config files saved with SEB 2.0pre1 or 2.0pre2 cannot be read with this

Comfortable built-in editor for the platform-independent SEB settings files, which
can also set all additional individual settings for the Windows version.

While the Preferences window is displayed, switching to other running (hidden)

applications is possible and the screen background isn't blacked out. Also the menu
bar is displayed, so that SEB menu commands can be used. There is a Settings menu
available, which contains the commands also available in the Config File
preferences pane and the pulldown menu in the Preferences window title bar
(clicking on triangle symbol).

Tool tips now always work in the Preferences window. Use these tool tips, as they
may render reading the SEB manual obsolete!

Help button/menu command now shows help (SEB manual) in a new browser window.

SEB 2.0 is again completely localized to German.

SEB 2.0 also blocks the screenshot feature of OS X.

SEB 2.0 features an optional dock/task bar displaying an icon for the SEB browser
with controls for its open browser windows and a quit button. Clicking the SEB icon
in the dock and holding the left mouse button down or a secondary (right mouse
button) click displays a popup menu with all open browser windows, the main browser
window is at the bottom. With this menu you can switch between open browser

The SEB browser main window can be displayed full screen, additional browser
windows float over the full screen main window. An indicator shows network

While starting, SEB now checks if there is a configuration file named

'SebClientSettings.seb' in in the Preferences folder (~/Library/Preferences/) and
reconfigures itself silently (no user feedback) to the settings in that file, then
the file is deleted. This works only if the administrator password in this file
matches the one set in the local settings of the SEB client. The file can either be
unencrypted or encrypted with a password that matches the administrator password
set in the local settings of the SEB client (otherwise the password to decrypt the
settings file will be prompted). This new feature can be used to configure deployed
SEB clients as in this version it isn't anymore possible to deploy the
org.safeexambrowser.Safe-Exam-Browser.plist file from the Preferences folder to
other machines (due to stronger, individual encryption per client).

Added optional check for SEB not installed in Applications folder. As default the
user will be notified that SEB must be moved to an Applications (/Applications or
~/Applications) folder and that only one copy of SEB should be installed on the
system, SEB quits after this alert. Reason: Unexperienced users sometimes tried to
run SEB from the mounted disk image and couldn't find SEB later, also registering
the .seb filetype and the seb:// protocol requires SEB to be 'installed' on the
system, best in an Applications folder. If several SEB versions are installed,
a .seb configuration file might be opened with the wrong SEB version.

SEB now optionally checks for the command key being held down while SEB is starting
up. This prevents using the application switcher to mess with SEB's kiosk mode. As
default this check is enabled. Please note that in case the cmd key is held down
why SEB starts up or reconfigures itself after loading a .seb config file, an alert
is displayed and SEB quits after that, the user needs to restart SEB manually.

Added an option to save an application log to a file (see Security preferences

pane). The log level indicates which information gets saved. The level Error shows
just error messages, Warning shows errors and warnings, Verbose shows all levels.
Default is Warning (error and warning messages). Info contains addresses of opened
web pages. Debug and Verbose is meant for debugging (send such a log file to the
SEB developers to find out details about a problem). Standard path for log is
'~/Library/Logs/Safe Exam Browser/'.

New URL filter including teach mode to control access of the SEB browser to web
links and resources. Saved settings files contain URL filter rules which also work
in SEB 2.0.2 for Windows. Please note that it's currently not possible to edit
those filter rules in the SEB Windows Config Tool, full support for the URL filter
will be included in SEB 2.1.

Fixed embedded certificates were not imported when using private user defaults
(loading .seb settings for starting an exam). You can now embed both cryptographic
identities (X.509 certificates with RSA public key and associated private key) and
SSL/TLS server certificates into .seb config files which will be imported into the
keychain of the SEB client which opens that config file.

Fixed reading identities or certificates from keychain when switching to Network

preference pane crashes on some certificates.

The Browser Exam Key is now automatically re-calculated and displayed in the Exam
preferences pane. This happens whenever a setting changes if editing local client
settings and after saving a config file if editing settings for starting an exam.

Added support for the W3C saveAs() File API interface using protocol "data:",
implemented adding correct file extension to a file downloaded with this (filename
will be "Unknown" due to lacking support for the File API in WebKit).

Added support for the W3C download attribute to the anchor tag, including proper
file name, example: <a download="logo.png"

Added option for persisting browser Local Storage between application runs (when
quitting and restarting), fixed WebKit bug which didn't persist Local Storage at

Added "Safari/533.16" to the SEB browser user agent string because some sites and
web applications (like VMware Horizon HTM View) didn't work properly.

Now applications which are displayed full screen on other screens while SEB is
started (security issue on OS X >= 10.9) are hidden when SEB is starting up.

Fixed retry reloading start URL webpage (and any other) didn't work.

Now bringing SEB and the current browser window to foreground before displaying any
web browser related alert.
Fixed enter password dialog was not correctly resizing (shrinking) when it was re-
displayed and the former height was larger.

Known limitations. The following preferences options are not yet available in this

Applications pane: Monitor processes (new third party application handling and
additional security feature) is not yet available. It's possible to add permitted
and prohibited processes for SEB 2.x for Windows.

Browser pane: Use SEB without browser window: Will be enabled together with the new
third party application handling.

Network pane: It's not yet possible to set individual SEB proxy settings, you have
to set system-wide proxy settings in OS X System Preferences. SEB for Windows 2.0.2
supports limited individual proxy settings which you can configure here.

Security pane: 'SEB Service' and 'Allow user switching' not yet functional.

**Release notes for Safe Exam Browser version 2.0pre3:**

Adapted format of the encrypted SEB configuration files to be compatible with the
SEB 2.0RC version for Windows. You can now use the same .seb files for starting
exams on SEB 2.0RC Windows clients and SEB 2.0pre3 Mac OS X clients. SEB settings
files written with SEB 2.0pre1 or 2.0pre2 cannot be read with this version.

Fixed a bug in calculating the Browser Exam Key when loading a .seb file for
starting an exam.

Fixed a bug which caused the SEB browser window to be invisible when starting the
new SEB version and old, incompatible settings were read from the Preferences
folder of the system. These outdated local client settings are cleared when this
new SEB version is started first, you will have to configure SEB freshly.

**Release notes for Safe Exam Browser version 2.0pre2:**

The Browser Exam Key allows an exam module to authenticate the connecting SEB
version and its settings. For the learning management system Moodle a beta version
of a plug-in offering this functionality has been released.

New options in the user interface: Size and positioning of browser windows (main
window with the quiz and additional browser windows) can be preset. A new indicator
shows network activity.

SEB can optionally display the standard OS X menu bar and a tool bar in browser
windows, functions like 'About SEB', quit, open preferences, reload page, zoom text
and browsing back/forward are therefore easier accessible (if desired). See also
the keyboard shortcuts for these features displayed in menus.

Changed default settings (when SEB is freshly downloaded) to show menu bar.
Therefore preferences are easily accessible when first time using SEB. Removed
alert informing new users how to enter preferences.
Improved error handling when loading settings which are manipulated, corrupted or
created by an older, incompatible version of SEB.

.seb config files now cannot be opened while SEB is in 'exam mode', means
another .seb file for starting an exam was opened before. Alert tells users to
first finish exam and exit SEB before starting another exam (or reconfiguring local

Implemented new preferences panes which include all new configuration options for
the 2.0 final release. Extended .seb settings format for these new features.
Improved handling of .seb files for compatibility with .seb files created with the
upcoming Windows version of SEB 2.0.

Fixed bug when About modal window sometimes was staying in front of alerts or
preferences window when starting SEB.

Added option to run SEB inside virtual machine (switch off the VM detector).

Known issues. The following features are not yet functional/disabled and will be
activated only after extensive testing in upcoming releases:

Config Files preferences pane: File handling buttons like open, save and revert are
disabled and not yet final because the settings file handling is currently being
migrated to the OS X 10.7+ auto saving document architecture.

Appearance pane: Full screen mode is not yet implemented. SEB dock/task bar when
using third party applications is not yet implemented and will follow as part of
some usability improvements.

Browser pane: Use SEB without browser window: Will be enabled together with the new
third party application handling.

Applications pane: Monitor processes (new third party application handling and
additional security feature) is not yet enabled. For demonstration purposes it's
possible to manually add permitted and prohibited processes.

Network pane: URL filter, certificates and proxies settings not yet functional.

Security pane: SEB Service, Allow user switching and logging not yet functional.

This preview does not contain all features of the final 2.0 release yet. Please
test it and provide us with feedback. This version runs on OS X 10.7 and 10.8 only.

**Release notes for Safe Exam Browser version 2.0pre1:**

Adds support for encrypted .seb setting files which allow to individually configure
SEB per exam.

New feature to quit SEB after the exam is submitted (without having to enter a quit
password) by specifying a quit link and placing this on the summary page displayed
by your LMS after submitting the exam.

Signed with an Apple Developer ID for compliance with the Gatekeeper feature of OS
X 10.8.

Removed writing settings to App Bundle feature which is replaced by the SEB
settings (.seb files) feature.
This preview does not contain all features of the final 2.0 release yet. Please
test it and give us feedback, productive use on your own risk. This version runs on
OS X 10.7 and 10.8 only.

**Release notes for Safe Exam Browser version 1.5.2:**

Fixed link button for pasting saved clipboard string in general preferences pane
sometimes not active.

Changed placeholder string for start URL field.

Mac App Store version: Removed writing settings to App Bundle feature due to
restrictions from Apple and because it doesn't make much sense for the software
deployment scenario of the App Store.

**Release notes for Safe Exam Browser version 1.5.1:**

Completed french translation of new GUI elements.

Fixed bug preferences window not set to modal.

Fixed graphical flaw in app icon.

**Release notes for Safe Exam Browser version 1.5:**

SEB can now open webpages in additional browser windows.

New browser preferences pane where separate policies can be set for opening
hyperlinks requesting to be opened in a new browser window and links in
JavaScript/plug-ins: Block those links generally, open in same window or open in
new window.

In addition SEB can optionally ignore links requesting to open in a new window
which direct to a different host than the one of the current page.

Improved integrity of the SEB environment by elevating all windows (including the
background covering windows) on a higher windows level and improving suppression of
other applications opening alert windows, requesting to become active and switch to

New option to enable or disable browsing back/forward (with cmd + cursor right/left
keys). This can prevent users to browse back out of an exam to an unprotected start

New options to enable/disable plug-ins, Java, JavaScript and pop-up windows.

The clipboard is now cleared when SEB starts and before it quits. But the content
of the clipboard (if it's a text string) is saved before SEB clears it, and by
pressing a new link button in general preferences pane you can paste that saved
string to the Start URL field.

Added elaborate suppression for links from Flash video player when it is in full
screen mode (context menu link 'About Flash player' and other links to external,
unprotected webpages).

Added option to prevent full screen invoked by Flash (usually used in Flash video
players) when third party applications are allowed. When switching to third party
applications is disabled, Flash fullscreen mode is deactivated generally now for
security reasons.

Added option to advanced preferences pane to download a PDF file and open it in a
third party application instead of viewing it inline.

Added an option to choose the name and path of a file to be uploaded automatically:
If users download a file, edit it in a third party application and save it with the
same name at the same path, pressing the 'chose file' button in the browser window
doesn't present a file requester, instead the file is automatically chosen.

Now application name ('Safe Exam Browser' or 'SEB', according to available space in
window bar), version number and title of web page are displayed in each browser

Fixed bug when running on OS X 10.7 Lion for 'open files after downloading'.

Fixed Lion Problem with terminated applications (windows still visible) and problem
with notification windows (like iCal alerts) being visible in front of SEB windows
by using different window level for all SEB windows (but only if third party
applications are not allowed).

Reload start URL/restart SEB now only after closing preferences and if start URL or
setting for allow 'switching to third party apps' changed.

Fixed saving preferences bug, works now regardless which pane first opens.

Fixed switching on presentation options (kiosk mode) again when user tried to put
Flash to fullscreen: Browser window becomes fullscreen again.

Fixed wrong path preselected in file requester when choosing upload directory in
Lion. Fixed some UI strings.

Removed embedded WebKit framework. Experiences didn't show any real advantage of
using a private WebKit instead of the system's in practice, besides that recent
WebKit builds were not working on Mac OS X 10.6.8 anymore.

**Release notes for Safe Exam Browser version 1.4.1:**

Fixed bug when running on OS X 10.7.2 Lion browser window didn't come in front.

Fixed bug crashing when starting third party application by downloading document.

**Release notes for Safe Exam Browser version 1.4:**

It is now possible to generate a pre-configured copy of SEB by writing the settings

into the application bundle. Then this copy of SEB can be copied to all exam
computers without having to distribute a separate preferences file.

Fixed bug saving changed passwords when switching panes in preferences.

**Release notes for Safe Exam Browser version 1.3:**

VM Detector refuses to start up SEB in a virtual environment.

Improved compatibility with OS X 10.7 Lion.

Updated embedded WebKit framework.

**Release notes for Safe Exam Browser version 1.2.1:**

Fixed a bug of SEB 1.2 crashing when there was no preferences file saved yet.

Completed french translation of new GUI elements.

**Release notes for Safe Exam Browser version 1.2:**

In advanced preferences it can now be chosen if SEB should allow down- and
uploading files and if downloaded files should be opened automatically. This is
useful when running additional applications during an exam in an account managed by
OS X parental controls.

SEB can be quit now also with the close button of the browser window (if quitting
is allowed in preferences, quitting needs to be confirmed in the same way as

A Retry button was added to the error dialog which displays network and server

Changed passwords are saved before the help web page gets displayed by clicking the
help button in preferences window.

Fixed a bug when password preferences were not correctly saved or loaded in rare

Updated embedded WebKit framework.

**Release notes for Safe Exam Browser version 1.1:**

New preferences window with tabs allows additional settings.

SEB MacOSX now allows to run additional applications during an exam in an account
managed by OS X parental controls.

**Release notes for Safe Exam Browser version 1.0.2:**

Added French localization (thanks to Nicolas Dunand).

Updated embedded WebKit framework.

**Release notes for Safe Exam Browser version 1.0.1:**

Added German localization.

Copyright and version in about box are now read from the corresponding fields in
the applications' info.plist file.

**Release notes for Safe Exam Browser version 1.0:**

Improved security of SEB kiosk mode by preventing other applications to unhide, to

steal user focus and to change presentation options.

SEB is now MacOSX code signed, so changes of the binary are prevented and the
identity of its publisher can be verified.

Hyperlinks embedded in Javascript, in Flash and other plugins are now ignored when
they link to another host than the one of the current page.

Context menu (activated by right mouse click) is now also disabled in plugin web

Switching to fullscreen video in plugins doesn't disengage the kiosk mode anymore.

Display and system idle sleep is now switched off while SEB is running.

Normal shutdown and reset invoked by keyboard or other applications is canceled.

Sleep mode invoked by keyboard is delayed to hinder possible tricking with fast
user switching.

When first starting SEB, a notice is shown about with which keys to quit SEB and
how to access its preferences.

SEB now also runs on 32-bit-only Mac's (although for security reasons web plugins
are disabled on this architecture).

Network and server errors are now displayed.

Added reload button (cmd + R).

Browser cache is now cleared when exiting SEB.

Updated to latest WebKit framework build.

**Release notes for Safe Exam Browser version RC1.0:**

Administrator and quit passwords are no longer saved in plaintext but as a SHA256
hash, input and checking of passwords in preferences and sheets was changed

Added a 'confirm quit password' field in preferences. Fixed a bug occurring rarely
when comparing password and confirm password fields.

Due to changing the executable name from 'SEB' to 'Safe Exam Browser', the file
name of the preferences file in the user's Library/Preferences/ directory changed
to 'org.safeexambrowser.Safe-Exam-Browser.plist'. If you have been using SEB MacOSX
Beta 1, you will have to enter your settings in preferences over again. It's
recommended to delete the old preferences file 'org.safeexambrowser.SEB.plist',
because it contains the old passwords in plaintext.

When SEB quits, the applications which were visible before starting it are unhidden

Added a 'About' panel with information about SEB and its release version. The panel
is displayed briefly while starting SEB and by clicking the 'About' button in

Added a help button ('?') in preferences, which displays this online manual in the
SEB browser window. Same time the preferences window is set to non-modal, so the
browser window gets accessible.

Reordered the buttons in preferences and confirm quit dialog to according to Apple
Human Interface Guidelines.

Improved code structure in encapsulation and modularity, preparing open source code
release including developer documentation. Improved 'Cocoa Bindings' implementation
in preferences.

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