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Genes, Brain and Behavior (2009) 8: 161–173 # 2009 The Authors

Journal compilation # 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd/International Behavioural and Neural Genetics Society

Anabolic-androgenic steroid treatment induces

behavioral disinhibition and downregulation of
serotonin receptor messenger RNA in the prefrontal
cortex and amygdala of male mice

G. Ambar† and S. Chiavegatto*,†,‡,§ Keywords: 5-HT1B receptor, aggression, anxiety, drug of

abuse, gene expression, hippocampus, hypothalamus, nan-

Department and Institute of Psychiatry, and ‡ Heart Institute drolone, real-time PCR, serotonin
(InCor), University of São Paulo Medical School, and §Department
of Pharmacology, Biomedical Sciences Institute, University of Received 27 May 2008, revised 3 September 2008, 18
São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil October 2008, 21 October 2008, accepted for publication 27
*Corresponding author: S. Chiavegatto, MSc, PhD, Department
October 2008
of Pharmacology, Biomedical Sciences Institute, University of
São Paulo, Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 1524, 05508-900, São Paulo,
SP, Brazil. E-mail: Anabolic-androgenic steroids (AASs) are synthetic com-
pounds derived from testosterone with therapeutic indications
to treat anabolic and androgenic disorders. Increasing world-
wide nonmedical use of AAS is prevalent in adolescents and
Nandrolone is an anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) that adults, typically in athletes or in individuals seeking physical
is highly abused by individuals seeking enhanced phys- strength or enhanced appearance (Buckley et al. 1988; Lukas
ical strength or body appearance. Supraphysiological 1996; Pope & Katz 1988; Yesalis 1992; Yesalis et al. 1993,
doses of this synthetic testosterone derivative have been 1997). Abuse of AAS is based on supraphysiological doses
associated with many physical and psychiatric adverse 10–100 times higher than the therapeutic dose (Brower 1993;
effects, particularly episodes of impulsiveness and overt Clark & Fast 1996) that have been associated with a wide
aggressive behavior. As the neural mechanisms under- range of physical and psychiatric adverse effects. Early
lying AAS-induced behavioral disinhibition are behavioral effects include increased confidence, energy and
unknown, we investigated the status of serotonergic motivation accompanied by irritability and agitation (Midgley
system-related transcripts in several brain areas of mice et al. 2001; Pope & Katz 1988, 1994), whereas prolonged use
receiving prolonged nandrolone administration. Male is usually associated with loss of inhibition and impulsive and
C57BL/6J mice received 15 mg/kg of nandrolone markedly aggressive behavior (Choi & Pope 1994; Corrigan
decanoate subcutaneously once daily for 28 days, and 1996; Hall et al. 2005; Schulte et al. 1993). In fact, the most
different sets of animals were used to investigate motor- evident reported personality disorders are increased episodes
related and emotion-related behaviors or 5-HT-related of overt aggression or violent feelings and actions.
messenger RNA (mRNA) levels by real-time quantitative The neural mechanisms underlying this behavioral disinhi-
polymerase chain reaction. AAS-injected mice had bition are unknown. Studies using rodents receiving supra-
increased body weight, were more active and displayed physiological doses of AAS (>3 mg/kg/day, Clark & Fast
anxious-like behaviors in novel environments. They ex- 1996; Clark & Henderson 2003) have recapitulated some
hibited reduced immobility in the forced swim test, a high- behavioral side-effects, including elevated aggressive behav-
er probability of being aggressive and more readily ior and disturbances in sexual behavior, but many results
attacked opponents. AAS treatment substantially reduced remain controversial (reviewed in Clark & Henderson 2003).
mRNA levels of most investigated postsynaptic 5-HT The diversity of animals, strains, doses and regimen (i.e.
receptors in the amygdala and prefrontal cortex. Interest- individual or different combinations of AAS) makes behavioral
ingly, the 5-HT1B mRNA level was further reduced in the data difficult to interpret.
hippocampus and hypothalamus. There was no alteration Some recent studies have focused on brain molecular
of 5-HT system transcript levels in the midbrain. In conclu- mechanisms correlated with behavioral effects of high AAS
sion, high doses of AAS nandrolone in male mice recapit- doses in rodents. Chronic use of AAS in mice has been shown
ulate the behavioral disinhibition observed in abusers. to induce dose-dependent, sex-dependent and age-dependent
Furthermore, these high doses downregulate 5-HT recep- changes in GABAA receptor subunit messenger RNA (mRNA)
tor mRNA levels in the amygdala and prefrontal cortex. levels in forebrain areas (McIntyre et al. 2002; reviewed in
Our combined findings suggest these areas as critical sites Clark et al. 2006) suggesting involvement of GABAergic
for AAS-induced effects and a possible role for the 5-HT1B inhibitory systems. Glutamatergic involvement has been
receptor in the observed behavioral disinhibition. recently shown in adolescent AAS-treated hamsters through

doi: 10.1111/j.1601-183X.2008.00458.x 161

Ambar and Chiavegatto

increased numbers of glutamate-expressing neurons as well behavioral paradigms, with a minimum 2-day recovery time between
as GluR1 receptor expression in specific aggression-related each test (from 1400 to 1800 h). Test sequence and timing were
selected to minimize interference from previous behavioral proce-
areas (Fischer et al. 2007). Additional studies by Melloni’s dures, that is from less to more aversive test. Therefore, mice were
group using adolescent male Syrian hamsters have provided initially observed on the open field (OF), followed by elevated plus
further evidence for participation of vasopressinergic and maze (EPM), forced swim test (FST) and, finally, aggression test in the
serotonergic systems in AAS-induced aggression (reviewed resident–intruder model. During the total period of behavioral testing,
animals continued to receive steroid or vehicle injections in the
in Grimes et al. 2006). Specifically, significant increases in the
morning. Each test was performed alternately between groups, and
content of the neuropeptide arginine vasopressin (AVP) and in the equipment was cleaned with 5% ethanol before each test to avoid
its immunoreactive fiber density in the anterior hypothala- odor cues. The experiments were videotaped overhead and scored
mus, as well as elevated AVP V1A receptor binding in some manually by a trained and blinded observer. The behavioral assess-
ment and killing were carried out in different sets of animals to
aggression-related areas, were observed (DeLeon et al. 2002;
prevent manipulation effects on mRNA levels.
Harrison et al. 2000). In this same model, a contribution of the
5-HT system has been suggested by decreased 5-HT inner- 1 OF: a squared wooden 60 cm OF covered with white Formica
with 36 squares and 30 cm high walls (Bibancos et al. 2007) was used
vation and altered 5-HT1A and 5-HT1B receptor expression in
to assess locomotor frequency (number of squares crossed), latency
specific brain areas (Grimes & Melloni 2002, 2005; Ricci et al. to leave the center of the arena, rearing frequency (both front paws
2006). elevated from the floor) and locomotor frequency in the 20 quadrants
In light of the known role of 5-HT neurotransmission in adjacent to the walls for 5 min. Performance was assessed on the
emotional behavior, particularly the participation of its dif- 16th day of treatment.
2 EPM: a wooden maze covered with black Formica with two
ferent receptors in aggression (reviewed in Nelson & opposing open and closed arms (30  5 cm each and 15 cm high
Chiavegatto 2001), we investigated the emotional behaviors walls in the closed arms) elevated 47 cm from the floor was used to
of adult male mice receiving prolonged high doses of nan- assess latency to leave the center (5 cm), entrance frequency in each
drolone decanoate, a highly abused type of AAS. Additionally, arm, time spent in each arm, transitions between the arms, frequency
of risk assessment (mice in the center of the maze investigating the
we systematically quantified the mRNA levels of several open arms without entering them with all four paws) and head-dipping
components in the 5-HT system (5-HT1A, 5-HT1B, 5-HT2A, (according to Bibancos et al. 2007) for 5 min. Performance was
5-HT2C, 5-HT3A, 5-HT6 and 5-HT7 receptors, 5-HT transporter assessed on the 19th day of treatment.
and tryptophan hydroxylase) in different brain areas (pre- 3 FST: a glass cylinder of 27 cm in diameter and 40 cm deep was
filled with 30 cm of 248C water and used to determine frequency and
frontal cortex, hippocampus, amygdala, hypothalamus and duration of immobility, that is the mouse floating motionless in the
midbrain) in a separate cohort of treated mice. This study thus water and only making movements necessary to keep its head above
aimed to help elucidate, albeit in an indirect way, some water (modified from Porsolt et al. 1977a). Each mouse was tested
behavioral effects and critical neural substrates of anabolic once for 6 min, and the duration of immobility during the last 4 min
was scored. Fresh water was replaced after each test. Performance
steroid abuse.
was assessed on the 25th day of treatment.
4 Resident–intruder: isolated steroid or control resident animals
were paired in their home cages with previously tested grouped-
housed adult docile male mice of the same strain. The following
Materials and methods behaviors displayed by residents during the 15-min encounter were
analyzed (according to Chiavegatto et al. 2001): latency to first attack
bite, number of bites, total duration of aggressive interactions and
Subjects and drugs number of animals showing aggression in each group. Performance
Male C57BL/6J mice from colonies bred and maintained in our was assessed on the 28th day of treatment.
vivarium (Institute of Tropical Medicine, University of São Paulo
Medical School, Brazil) were isolated in standard polypropylene
cages at 3 months of age. They were randomly assigned to
steroid-treated or control groups, with no more than two littermates
included for each experimental condition. The steroid group received
Brain and blood samples
subcutaneous injections of 15 mg/kg nandrolone decanoate (Deca- Separate sets of same-aged animals were used for polymerase chain
durabolinâ, Organon, Brazil), and the control group received peanut reaction (PCR) analyses: n ¼ 10 each for steroid-treated and control
oil. This dose was chosen based on the prolonged dose–response subjects. Animals were decapitated (alternating between treated and
study performed in rats by Nyberg’s group (Lindblom et al. 2003). control) on the 28th day of treatment, between 1400 and 1800 h.
The 15 mg/kg dose of nandrolone decanoate corresponds well to Prefrontal cortex (anterior to corpus callosum), total hippocampus
heavy abuse of AAS (Pope & Katz 1988). AAS was given daily for (from both hemispheres), hypothalamus (whole hypothalamic area),
28 days in a volume of 10 ml/kg at around 0900 h. Animals were total amygdala (both left and right) and midbrain (central portion
kept on a 12-h light/dark cycle (lights on at 0700 h), with temperature without colliculi and substantia nigra) were carefully and immediately
and humidity remaining fairly constant in closed, ventilated stands dissected on ice by a trained researcher (Bibancos et al. 2007) based
(Alesco, São Paulo, Brazil). Autoclaved food (Purina Chow, São on the mouse brain atlas (Paxinos & Franklin 2001) and snap frozen in
Paulo, Brazil) and water were available ad libitum. Experiments were liquid nitrogen. Trunk blood was collected in heparinized microtubes,
carried out in accordance with the ‘Guidelines for the Care and Use centrifuged for 5 min at 12 000 g at 48C and the plasma separated. All
of Mammals in Neuroscience and Behavioral Research’ (Institute for samples were stored at 808C until use.
Laboratory Animal Research, USA), and the protocol was approved
by the Ethics Committee of the School of Medicine (University of
São Paulo, Brazil).
Quantification of plasma androgenic steroids
Phenol/chloroform purified plasma samples were used in triplicate to
quantify circulating androgenic compounds using an enzyme immu-
Behavioral assessments noassay kit (Testosterone EIA kit from Cayman Chemical, Ann Arbor,
Steroid and control animals (n ¼ 13 and n ¼ 16, respectively) were MI, USA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Cross-
weighed weekly. After 16 days of treatment, they were tested in four reactivities for this EIA kit were 140% for 19-nortestosterone

162 Genes, Brain and Behavior (2009) 8: 161–173

Anabolic steroid disinhibition and 5-HT receptor mRNA

(nandrolone), 100% for testosterone, 27.4% for 5a-dihydrotestoster- Statistical analysis

one, 18.9% for 5b-dihydrotestosterone and less than 5% for all other
The body weights of steroid and control mice during the 28 days of
steroids. Consequently, the final plasma determination reflects a com- treatment were compared by two-way analysis of variance for
bination of administered drug, basal testosterone and metabolite repeated measures (factors: treatment and time) using SPSS 13.0.0
levels. Quantification was performed using a Victor 1420 multi-label
software (SSPS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Behavioral and mRNA data
counter (Wallac, Turku, Finland) at 405–420 nm. were tested for normal distribution (Kolmogorov–Smirnov test), and
those with parametric distribution were compared using two-tailed
Student’s t-test, while nonparametric data were compared by Mann–
Whitney U-test (GRAPHPAD INSTATâ version 3.05, GraphPad Software,
RNA isolation and cDNA synthesis
San Diego, CA, USA). The frequency of animals showing aggressive
Frozen brain samples were quickly immersed in TRIzol reagent behavior in each group was compared using the chi-square test
(Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA) and homogenized at maximum speed (GRAPHPAD INSTAT version 3.05). Data were expressed as mean 
(Polytron PT10/35-Brinkmann, Westbury, NY, USA) for 20 seconds. SEM or median and range. Differences were considered statistically
Total RNA, isolated according to the manufacturer’s protocol, was significant when P < 0.05.
quantified and its purity assessed using a spectrophotometer (Nano-
Dropâ ND-1000, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA). RNA
integrity was verified on 1% agarose gel stained with ethidium
bromide. Total RNA samples were treated with DNAse I enzyme Results
(Promega, Madison, WI, USA – 1 U/mg of RNA) for 30 min at 378C to
prevent residual DNA contamination. DNAse-treated total RNA (2 mg)
from both experimental groups was simultaneously reverse-tran- Effects of nandrolone administration on body weight
scribed using oligo(dT) primers and SuperScript III reverse transcrip- and circulating androgenic steroid levels in male mice
tase (Invitrogen, São Paulo, Brazil) in a final volume of 20 ml. The body weight of both groups was similar at the beginning
of treatment (day 0). However, the steroid group showed
a gradual increase over the course of treatment
Primer design [F(1,27) ¼ 7.01, P < 0.05 for treatment; F(4,140) ¼ 38.20, P <
Specific primers for serotonin 5-HT1A, 5-HT1B, 5-HT2A, 5-HT2C, 5-HT3A, 0.01 for time and F(4,140) ¼ 13.89, P < 0.01 for interaction;
5-HT 6 and 5-HT 7 receptor genes, serotonin transporter 5-HTT Fig. 1a]. Plasma androgenic steroid levels on the 28th day of
(Slc6a4), tryptophan hydroxylase-2 (Tph2) and the control genes
nandrolone treatment (5–8 h after the last drug injection)
cyclophilin A (peptidylprolyl isomerase A: Ppia), hypoxanthine guanine
phosphoribosyl transferase 1 (Hprt1), glyceraldehyde-3- phosphate were 6.7 times higher than those of control mice (P < 0.01;
dehydrogenase (Gapdh) and beta-actin (Actb) were previously de- Fig. 1b).
signed and are detailed elsewhere (Bibancos et al. 2007). Forward and
reverse primers were designed in different exons (with the exception
of the intronless genes Htr1a and Htr1b), and quality was further
confirmed using the NETPRIMER online tool ( Effects of nandrolone administration on OF activity
netprimer/netprlaunch/netprlaunch.html). Primers were synthesized Total OF locomotor frequency was increased in the steroid
by Invitrogen (Brazil) or IDT Technologies (Coralville, IA, USA).
group (control, n ¼ 16: 127.63  11.46 vs. steroid, n ¼ 13:
173.46  12.51, P < 0.05). Increased spontaneous motor
activity occurred in the quadrants along the walls (P < 0.05)
Real-time quantitative PCR but not in the central quadrants (P > 0.05) (Fig. 2a). The
Quantitative analysis of transcripts was carried out in a Rotor-Gene 3000 higher rearing frequency of male mice receiving nandrolone
device (Corbett Research, Concord, Australia) using SYBR green. almost reached statistical significance (P ¼ 0.06) (Fig. 2a).
Optimal conditions for cDNA and primer concentration as well as
amplification efficiency were obtained through five-point twofold dilution Latency to leave the central area did not differ between
curve analysis using RG-3000 (Corbett Research) software for each gene groups (control, n ¼ 16: 31.64  5.21 seconds vs. steroid,
and for different brain regions. As a result, each PCR reaction contained n ¼ 13: 22.22  3.28 seconds, P > 0.05).
12.5 ng of reverse-transcribed RNA, 200 nM of each specific primer,
SYBR Green PCR Master Mix (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA,
USA) and RNAse-free water to a 20 ml final volume. cDNA samples of
both groups were assayed in the same run, in triplicate, using 0.1 ml Effects of nandrolone administration on anxiety/
microtubes. Samples without cDNA template (no template control), and fear-like behaviors
samples with RNA (no reverse transcription) were included as negative
controls in all experiments. Amplification parameters were 958C for Anxiety-related behaviors were investigated using both EPM
10 min, followed by 40 cycles at 958C for 15 seconds and 608C for and OF apparatus. The time spent in the most aversive areas
60 seconds, with fluorescence acquisition at the end of each step. A was reduced for the steroid group. In the EPM, time spent in
melting step (dissociation curve) was performed following each run to the open areas (open arms and central area) was reduced in
further confirm product specificity and absence of primer dimers. Real-
time data were analyzed using RG-3000 (Corbett Research) software
the steroid group (P < 0.05) (Fig. 2b), while maintaining
and an Excel spreadsheet. The relative amount of transcripts of interest similar entrance frequency in the open arms (control, n ¼ 16:
in different brain region for steroid and control groups was calculated 2.06  0.51 vs. steroid, n ¼ 13: 1.69  0.43, P > 0.05) and
according to Vandesompele et al. (2002). Briefly, the arithmetic mean of transitions between arms (control: 16.06  0.98 vs. steroid:
each transcript’s replicated cycling threshold (Ct) value was trans-
18.08  1.24, P > 0.05). In the OF, mice in the steroid group
formed to a quantity relative to the sample with the highest level,
taking into account the amplification efficiency of each transcript. Real- spent less time in quadrants of the central area compared
time PCR efficiencies for each reaction varied from 93% to 104%, and with those in the control group (P < 0.05) (Fig. 2b). Other
the correlation coefficient was not lower than 0.96. Raw quantities behavioral parameters related to anxiety/fear included
were subsequently normalized by dividing them by the geometric mean reduced latency to escape from the EPM central area (P <
of stable reference transcripts for each brain area, selected among
Gapdh, Actb, Hprt1 and Ppia genes according to the GENORM APPLET 0.05) (Fig. 3c) and increased frequency of risk assessments
version 3.4 ( in the steroid group (P < 0.01) (Fig. 3c). The frequency of

Genes, Brain and Behavior (2009) 8: 161–173 163

Ambar and Chiavegatto

Figure 1: Weekly body weight of male mice receiving nandrolone and plasma levels of androgen steroids on the 28th day of
daily treatment. (a) The steroid group (n ¼ 13) showed a significant increase in body weight (g) starting on the 14th day that persisted
throughout the treatment when compared with the control group (n ¼ 16) (P < 0.01). (b) Androgen steroid quantification in the plasma
after 28 days of nandrolone injections. The immunoassay results do not discriminate between nandrolone, testosterone and their
metabolites (** P < 0.01). Data are expressed as mean and SEM.

head-dipping did not differ between groups (control, n ¼ 16: (Ppia: 0.61  0.08 vs. 0.40  0.04, P < 0.05; Hprt1:
13.00  1.49 vs. steroid, n ¼ 13: 11.77  1.24, P > 0.05). 0.51  0.07 vs. 0.25  0.04, P < 0.01; Gapdh: 0.51  0.08
vs. 0.29  0.03, P < 0.05, n ¼ 10 for each group, control vs.
steroid, respectively). Consequently, these mRNAs were not
Effects of nandrolone administration on FST used for normalization in this brain area.
The duration of immobility in the last 4 min of the FST was
reduced in the steroid group when compared with the
controls (P < 0.05) (Fig. 3). Effects of nandrolone administration on 5-HT receptor
mRNA levels in the hippocampus
5-HT1B was the only 5-HT receptor transcript whose level was
Effects of nandrolone administration on aggressive statistically different in the hippocampus of steroid mice with
behavior respect to the control group; it showed a reduction of
Animals receiving nandrolone showed more aggressive be- 36.6% (P < 0.05) (Fig. 6). In the hippocampus, Hprt1 and
haviors in the resident–intruder paradigm (attacks with bites, Actb mRNAs levels were used to normalize 5-HT receptor
pursuing and aggressive interactions) than those receiving transcripts because of their stable levels (M ¼ 0.67, GENORM
the vehicle (P < 0.05) (Fig. 4). The steroid group had shorter APPLET). In this structure, all four control genes had similar
latency to the first attack (P < 0.05) (Fig. 4), but the number mRNA levels across groups (Ppia: 0.47  0.07 vs.
of attack bites did not differ during the 15-min testing interval 0.56  0.09; Hprt1: 0.37  0.07 vs. 0.49  0.07; Actb:
[control: 0 (0–52), n ¼ 16 vs. steroid: 8.5 (0–46), n ¼ 12; 0.33  0.09 vs. 0.36  0.07; Gapdh: 0.36  0.09 vs.
Mann–Whitney U-test, P ¼ 0.08]. 0.31  0.07, n ¼ 10 for each group, control vs. steroid,
respectively, P > 0.05).

Effects of nandrolone administration on 5-HT receptor

mRNA levels in the prefrontal cortex Effects of nandrolone administration on 5-HT receptor
Transcript levels of 5-HT1A, 5-HT1B, 5-HT2A and 5-HT7 recep- mRNA levels in the amygdala
tors were statistically reduced in the prefrontal cortex of mice Transcript levels of 5-HT1A, 5-HT1B, 5-HT2A, 5-HT2C, 5-HT6 and
receiving steroids when compared with the control group 5-HT7 receptors were statistically reduced in the amygdala of
(Fig. 5). The decrease in mRNA levels was 62.9% for 5- mice receiving nandrolone when compared with the control
HT1A (P < 0.01), 58.8% for 5-HT1B (P < 0.01), 52.9% for group (Fig. 7), with decreases of 48.4% for 5-HT1A (P <
5-HT2A (P < 0.01) and 42.4% for 5-HT7 (P < 0.05). The 0.01), 46.0% for 5-HT1B (P < 0.05), 36.5% for 5-HT2A
remaining 5-HT receptor transcripts in this brain area, 5-HT2C, (P < 0.05), 66.4% for 5-HT2C (P < 0.01), 42.4% for 5-HT6
5-HT3A and 5-HT6, did not vary across groups (P > 0.05) (P < 0.05) and 61.0% for 5-HT7 (P < 0.01). The remaining
(Fig. 5). The control transcript used to normalize 5-HT recep- 5-HT transcript quantified in this brain area, 5-HT3A, did not
tor mRNA levels in the prefrontal cortex was Actb (control: vary between groups (P > 0.05) (Fig. 7). In the amygdala,
0.40  0.08 vs. steroid: 0.25  0.03, n ¼ 10 each group, Ppia and Hprt1 mRNAs were used to normalize 5-HT receptor
P > 0.05). Levels of Ppia, Hprt1 and Gapdh mRNAs were transcripts because of their stability (M ¼ 0.64, GENORM
statistically reduced in the steroid group in relation to controls APPLET). Gapdh mRNA levels were reduced in the steroid

164 Genes, Brain and Behavior (2009) 8: 161–173

Anabolic steroid disinhibition and 5-HT receptor mRNA

Figure 2: OF activity and anxiety/fear-related

behaviors of male mice with prolonged nan-
drolone administration. (a) The locomotor fre-
quency in 5 min was significantly higher along
the walls but not in central quadrants in the
steroid group (n ¼ 13), whereas rearing fre-
quency almost reached statistical significance
when compared with the control group (n ¼ 16).
(b) Time spent in aversive areas of EPM and OF
was significantly reduced in the steroid group
(n ¼ 13) when compared with controls (n ¼ 16),
although transitions between arms of EPM were
similar. (c) Reduced latency to escape the central
EPM area and increased frequency of risk as-
sessments in the steroid group. Data are ex-
pressed as mean and SEM. * P < 0.05 and
** P < 0.01.

group (0.66  0.09 vs. 0.39  0.09, n ¼ 10 each, P < 0.05), 0.46  0.08 vs. 0.46  0.11; Actin: 0.63  0.09 vs.
but levels of the other three controls tested were similar 0.34  0.13, P > 0.05, n ¼ 10 in each group, control vs.
across groups (Ppia: 0.47  0.07 vs. 0.42  0.09; Hprt1: steroid, respectively).

Genes, Brain and Behavior (2009) 8: 161–173 165

Ambar and Chiavegatto

Figure 5: 5-HT receptor transcripts in the prefrontal cortex of

Figure 3: Immobility duration in the FST paradigm after
male mice after prolonged nandrolone administration. Levels
prolonged nandrolone administration. Immobility time was
of transcripts for 5-HT1A, 5-HT1B, 5-HT2A and 5-HT7 receptors
significantly decreased in the last 4 min of the FST in the steroid
were significantly reduced (decreases ranged from 42.4% to
group (n ¼ 13) when compared with controls (n ¼ 16). Data are
62.9%) in the steroid group (n ¼ 10) when compared with
expressed as mean and SEM. * P < 0.05.
controls (n ¼ 10). Transcripts in the prefrontal cortex were
normalized against Actb mRNA levels. Data are expressed as
Effects of nandrolone administration on 5-HT receptor mean and SEM. * P < 0.05 and ** P < 0.01.
mRNA levels in the hypothalamus
The level of 5-HT 1B receptor transcripts was reduced 0.38  0.09 (n ¼ 7), control vs. steroid, respectively,
(51.5%, P < 0.05) and that of 5-HT6 receptor mRNA was P > 0.05].
increased (þ44.3%, P < 0.05) in the hypothalamus of mice in
the steroid group when compared with the control group
(Fig. 8). The other 5-HT receptor transcript levels were similar
Effects of nandrolone administration on 5-HT-related
across groups (P > 0.05) (Fig. 8). In the hypothalamus, Hprt1
mRNA levels in the midbrain
and Gapdh showed the most stable levels (M ¼ 0.56, GENORM
APPLET) and were thus used for the normalization of transcripts
The level of transcripts for all 5-HT receptors tested, as well
encoding 5-HT receptors. Levels of the four control genes as for the 5-HTT and Tph2 genes, did not vary across groups in
tested did not vary across groups [Ppia: 0.39  0.12 (n ¼ 9) the midbrain area (Table 1). In this region, Hprt1 and Gapdh
vs. 0.37  0.05 (n ¼ 7); Hprt1: 0.44  0.11 (n ¼ 9) showed the most stable levels (M ¼ 0.40, GENORM APPLET) and
vs. 0.56  0.10 (n ¼ 7); Actb: 0.36  0.11 (n ¼ 9) vs. were consequently used for normalization of 5-HT-related
0.45  0.09 (n ¼ 7); Gapdh: 0.40  0.11 (n ¼ 9) vs.

Figure 6: 5-HT receptor transcripts in the hippocampus of

Figure 4: Aggressive behavior of male mice after prolonged male mice after prolonged nandrolone administration. The
nandrolone administration. More animals receiving steroids 5-HT1B receptor transcript was the only altered transcript (36.6%)
displayed aggressive behavior in the resident–intruder paradigm. in the hippocampus of mice in the steroid group (n ¼ 10) when
Mice in the steroid group (n ¼ 13) were significantly faster to compared with controls (n ¼ 10). Transcripts in the hippocampus
attack their opponents when compared with the control group were normalized against the geometric mean of Actb and Hprt1
(n ¼ 16). Data are expressed as mean and SEM. * P < 0.05. mRNA levels. Data are expressed as mean and SEM. *P < 0.05.

166 Genes, Brain and Behavior (2009) 8: 161–173

Anabolic steroid disinhibition and 5-HT receptor mRNA

Figure 7: 5-HT receptor transcripts in the amygdala of male

mice after prolonged nandrolone administration. All 5-HT Figure 8: 5-HT receptor transcripts in the hypothalamus of
receptor transcripts, except for the 5-HT3A receptor, were signi- male mice after prolonged nandrolone administration. The
ficantly decreased in the amygdala of mice in the steroid group 5-HT1B receptor transcript level was significantly reduced
(n ¼ 10) when compared with controls (n ¼ 10). Reductions (51.5%), whereas the 5-HT6 receptor transcript level was
ranged from 36.5% to 66.4%. Transcripts in the amygdala elevated (þ44.3%) in the hypothalamus of mice in the steroid
were normalized against the geometric mean of Hprt1 and Ppia group (n ¼ 10) when compared with the control group (n ¼ 10).
mRNA levels. Data are expressed as mean and SEM. *P < 0.05 The mRNA levels of the other receptors were similar between the
and **P < 0.01. groups (P > 0.05). Transcripts in the hypothalamus were normal-
ized against the geometric mean of Hprt1 and Gapdh mRNA
levels. Data are expressed as mean and SEM. *P < 0.05.
transcripts. Ppia mRNA level was decreased in the steroid
group (control: 0.63  0.09 vs. steroid: 0.28  0.05, n ¼ 8
effects. Users have reported neurobehavioral changes, such
each, P < 0.01), but the levels of the other tested control
as euphoria and supra-aggression (Parrott et al. 1994; Pope
genes were similar for both groups (Hprt1: 0.70  0.09 vs.
et al. 2000; Su et al. 1993); analogous behaviors were also
0.49  0.09; Actb: 0.53  0.09 vs. 0.44  0.13 and Gapdh
observed in the present study in mice. Because of the
0.67  0.07 vs. 0.44  0.10, n ¼ 8 per group, control vs.
likelihood of 5-HT involvement in these behavioral manifes-
steroid, respectively, P > 0.05).
tations, we hypothesized that 5-HT-related mRNA levels
would be altered in this system. We were able to detect
several changes in 5-HT receptor transcript levels in distinct
Discussion aggression-associated brain areas of mice given an AAS
Prolonged administration of a supraphysiological AAS nan- treatment; such treatment also elicited enhanced aggression
drolone dose to adult male mice was able to recapitulate in a separate cohort of animals.
several characteristics observed in individuals who illicitly use
synthetic analogs of testosterone. Abuse of these com-
pounds is related to their anabolic properties, that is gain in Behavior
lean body mass (Bahrke & Yesalis 2004; Bhasin et al. 1996; Male adult C57BL/6J mice receiving daily injections of a high
van Marken Lichtenbelt et al. 2004). Accordingly, we dose of nandrolone decanoate were more active when evalu-
observed increased body weight in our mice starting as soon ated for 5 min in the OF. Higher motor activity was represented
as the second week of nandrolone administration that per- by increased locomotor frequency and a tendency toward
sisted throughout the 28-day course of AAS injections. increased rearing. Locomotor stimulation in mice is observed
Nandrolone is one of the most abused types of AAS because after administration of addictive drugs and is suggested to be
of its decreased androgenic activity (Clark & Henderson 2003; related to the euphoric effect induced by these drugs in humans
NIDA 2001; Shahidi 2001), although it is not devoid of adverse (Bergstrom et al. 2003). This stimulatory behavior in a novel

Table 1: 5-HT-related transcripts in the midbrain of male mice after prolonged nandrolone administration

5-HT receptors

Groups 1A 1B 2A 2C 3A 6 7 5-HTT Tph2

Control 0.73  0.17 1.03  0.12 0.80  0.09 0.95  0.11 0.70  0.13 1.13  0.09 0.88  0.12 0.74  0.11 0.90  0.12
Steroid 0.79  0.13 1.13  0.08 0.96  0.08 1.07  0.14 0.69  0.11 1.03  0.10 0.79  0.09 0.85  0.15 1.02  0.14

Transcripts in the midbrain were normalized by the geometric mean of Hprt1 and Gapdh mRNA levels. Data are expressed as mean  SEM.
n ¼ 8, for both groups.

Genes, Brain and Behavior (2009) 8: 161–173 167

Ambar and Chiavegatto

environment occurred only in quadrants adjacent to the walls, mission. AAS has different effects that are determined by
which are the most protected areas for rodents. Cautious location and cell type; many are believed to be mediated by
behavior was also reflected in EPM exploration. In this hormonal binding to an intracellular protein with subsequent
apparatus, mice receiving nandrolone spent less time in the translocation of the resulting complex to binding sites on
aversive areas (center and open arms), escaped faster from chromatin to modulate gene transcription and subsequent
the central area and also displayed increased frequency of risk mRNA synthesis (Spelsberg et al. 1989). Evidence that has
assessment before entering the aversive areas. Altogether, accumulated over the past two decades has suggested
these results suggest elevated anxiety or fear-like behaviors in additional nongenomic actions of androgens and other ste-
addition to AAS-induced motor stimulation. roids (reviewed in Foradori et al. 2008). These are mediated
In the FST, rodents are placed in a restricted container of by non-classical receptors, which are implicated in rapid
water from which they cannot escape. After initial vigorous effects on cellular functions and can be found in neuronal
activity, they adopt a characteristic immobile posture sugges- and glial processes (Sarkey et al. 2008). Nandrolone (19-
tive of behavioral despair or a passive coping strategy; this nortestosterone) directly activates androgen receptors and
behavior is selectively inhibited by several treatments effective through its aromatization to 17b-estradiol (although only
for depression (Porsolt et al. 1977a,b). In the present study, 20% as efficiently as testosterone) (Ryan 1959) has addi-
mice receiving nandrolone exhibited reduced immobility time tional effects at brain estrogen receptors through estrogenic
in this test when compared with the control group. This result metabolites. All these effects likely occurred in the present
is consistent with the hyperactive phenotype observed in the study because of the daily and prolonged administration of
OF and thus suggests that reduced immobility in the FST high doses of AAS. The impact of such dosing is reflected by
could result from general arousal rather than delayed onset of the 6.7-fold increase in circulating androgen steroid levels in
inactivity. In fact, psychostimulants can also reduce the comparison to controls on the 28th day of treatment. We
immobility of rodents in the FST because of a pronounced could not identify any steroid-response elements in the gene
increase in motor activity, introducing a caveat to the inter- sequences encoding 5-HTT, Tph2 or the 5-HT receptors that
pretation of this test (Porsolt et al. 1977a). However, other might predict a direct effect of AAS (or its estrogenic
groups have also found no correlation between OF and FST metabolites) on their transcription. Therefore, we speculate
activities, suggesting that activity in each test is related to that indirect AAS modulation, either by non-classical steroid
different phenomena (Alonso et al. 1991). In support of this receptors or by a classical effect on steroid-response ele-
concept, a previous study in our laboratory showed that after ments in other genes, ultimately affects the mRNA levels of
prolonged social isolation after weaning, aggressive C57BL/ genes related to 5-HT neurotransmission.
6J male mice showed hyperactivity in novel environments Serotonergic axons primarily originate from neuronal cell
(Bibancos et al. 2007) but no difference in immobility time in bodies in the dorsal and median raphe nuclei in the midbrain
the FST compared with group-housed controls (unpublished and project to both rostral and caudal areas of the brain
data). These data further suggest that different or additional (Aghajanian et al. 1967; Azmitia & Whitaker-Azmitia 1991).
neural mechanisms could participate in the duration of FST We selected several brain areas related to emotional behav-
immobility. Therefore, nandrolone-mediated reduction of iors that are enriched in 5-HT receptors and steroid receptors.
mouse immobility in the FST should be further explored, Transcripts encoding 5-HT receptors obtained from the fore-
especially because antidepressant effects of high AAS doses brain regions (prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, amygdala and
have been reported in humans (Uzych 1992). hypothalamus) likely originated from nonserotonergic neu-
Mice receiving nandrolone initiated attacks against in- rons with postsynaptic 5-HT receptors (Fig. 9). Transcripts
truders faster than mice receiving vehicle. Additionally, 75% encoding 5-HT receptors, 5-HT transporter or 5-HT synthetic
of mice in the steroid group displayed aggressive behavior in enzyme harvested from the midbrain area were likely derived
the 15-min observational interval, whereas only 33% of the from serotonergic neuronal somata, but additional nonsero-
control group did so. Based on Brunner and Hen’s (1997) tonergic neurons from local circuits cannot be excluded.
characterization of the failure to inhibit behavior as a motor
aspect of impulsivity (reviewed in Arce & Santisteban 2006),
we suggest that nandrolone treatment increased the impul-
sive behavior of these animals. They reacted more quickly to 5-HT receptor transcripts in the amygdala
both the social stimulus (encounter with a conspecific) and Converging evidence from animal and human studies impli-
the fear-induced stimulus (central area of the EPM). This cates the amygdala as a critical area of emotional regulation
impulsive, reactive type of aggression is also observed in and aggression (Coccaro et al. 2007; Davidson et al. 2000;
individuals abusing AAS (Hall et al. 2005) and is in agreement Nelson & Trainor 2007). Amygdala hyperexcitability has been
with the proposed ability of androgen steroids to elevate suggested to partly contribute to the neural basis of fear and
sensitivity to external stimuli and lower the threshold for ag- anxiety disorders, impulse control and aggressive behaviors
gression and dominance in response to social threats (Breuer (reviewed in Keele 2005). The amygdala of rodents exhibits
et al. 2001; Hermans et al. 2008; McGinnis et al. 2002). strong immunoreactivity for androgen and estrogen receptors
(Apostolinas et al. 1999; Mitra et al. 2003; Sar et al. 1990;
Sarkey et al. 2008). High dosing of nandrolone for 2 weeks in
Quantification of mRNA transcripts guinea pigs increased the number of c-Fos-positive neurons
Affective behavioral effects of high AAS doses in humans in the central amygdala, showing activation of this brain area
might partly be explained by disturbances in 5-HT neurotrans- by AAS (Johansson-Steensland et al. 2002). In our study,

168 Genes, Brain and Behavior (2009) 8: 161–173

Anabolic steroid disinhibition and 5-HT receptor mRNA

Figure 9: Schematic drawing of a 5-HT neu-

ron projection in a sagittal view of the mouse
brain. Represented are the presynaptic and post-
synaptic areas investigated in the AAS-treated
mice. Note the magnification of a synaptic cleft
from the prefrontal cortex (terminal ending of a 5-
HT neuron and a postsynaptic area of a non 5-HT
neuron showing 5-HT heteroreceptors).

prolonged administration of nandrolone induced a marked and 5-HT receptor transcripts in the prefrontal cortex
extensive downregulation of 5-HT receptor transcripts in the A role for the prefrontal cortex in behavioral inhibition, general
amygdala. The levels of all 5-HT receptor transcripts, with the activity, attention and emotion is supported by lesion and
exception of 5-HT3A, were significantly decreased by 37% imaging studies (Fuster 2001). Recently, regional studies in
to 66% in steroid-treated mice when compared with the rats concluded that the cerebral cortex is the main forebrain
control group. In agreement with our findings, downregula- target for androgen action because it contains extensive
tion of 5-HT2 receptors was reported in the amygdala after number of cells expressing androgen receptors (DonCarlos
treatment with high doses of nandrolone in binding studies et al. 2006). Accordingly, prolonged high dosage of nandro-
with male rats (Kindlundh et al. 2003), and a decrease in lone in guinea pigs activates the frontal cortex as shown by
5-HT1B immunoreactive puncta was found in both the central increased Fos-related antigen-containing neurons (Johansson-
and the medial amygdala of AAS-treated aggressive male Steensland et al. 2002). In the present study, nandrolone
hamsters (Grimes & Melloni 2005). induced a substantial and significant decrease of 5-HT1A,
5-HT in the amygdala has been shown to activate GABAer- 5-HT1B, 5-HT2A and 5-HT7 mRNA levels ranging from 42%
gic inhibitory interneurons, resulting in a net inhibitory tone on to 63% in the prefrontal cortex of male mice when compared
neuronal excitability (Rainnie 1999). This suggests that 5-HT with vehicle-treated mice. In accord with our findings, 5-HT2
functions as a braking mechanism to limit neuronal excitability receptor density was significantly reduced in the frontal cortex
(Keele 2005). The specific participation of different 5-HT of male rats receiving similar doses of nandrolone for 2 weeks
receptor subtypes expressed in the amygdala on this inhibi- (Kindlundh et al. 2003).
tory modulation is unknown. It is possible that nandrolone- Interestingly, we have recently shown that increased
mediated downregulation of 5-HT receptor mRNA, and aggressive behavior of male mice generated by different
potentially of 5-HT receptor protein synthesis, may result in types of stimuli occurs concomitantly with downregulation
increased excitability in the amygdala, which in turn could of most 5-HT receptor transcripts, particularly in the prefrontal
underlie the behavioral responses seen with prolonged use of cortical region. While male mice socially isolated from wean-
AAS. Accordingly, it has been recently shown that high doses ing displayed a hyperactive and aggressive phenotype paral-
of AAS in pubertal male rats significantly increased spine leled by an overall reduction of 5-HT receptor mRNA levels in
densities on neurons in regions of the amygdala, suggesting the prefrontal cortex (Bibancos et al. 2007), mice exhibiting
increased formation of excitatory synapses in these areas escalated aggression after consumption of alcohol showed
(Cunningham et al. 2007). a similar decrease in 5-HT receptor transcripts, with the
Interestingly, the 5-HT3 receptor, the only member of the exception of 5-HT3A subtype (Chiavegatto et al. 2007).
5-HT receptor family that belongs to the class of ionotropic Collectively, these data suggest a strong correlation between
receptors and mediates 5-HT fast excitatory responses aggressive behavior and perturbations of 5-HT receptor
(Sugita et al. 1992), was the only subtype in the present mRNA levels in the prefrontal cortex.
study whose level was not affected by nandrolone. The
5-HT3A receptor has previously been associated with reactiv-
ity to environmental stimulation using pharmacological and 5-HT receptor transcripts in the hippocampus
genetic manipulation techniques in mice (Bhatnagar et al. Ultrastructural analysis has shown androgen receptor immu-
2004; Gao & Cutler 1992; Kelley et al. 2003; Olivier et al. noreactivity at several extranuclear sites in all hippocampal
2000). However, our data do not support mRNA level subregions (Tabori et al. 2005). Estrogen receptors are
participation of this receptor in the effects of nandrolone in also present in the hippocampal formation (Spencer et al.
the amygdala. 2008). Despite the presence of steroid receptors and the

Genes, Brain and Behavior (2009) 8: 161–173 169

Ambar and Chiavegatto

well-established role of the hippocampal formation in mem- The 5-HT synthetic enzyme, the 5-HT transporter and the
ory processes, chronic AAS treatments in male rats did not 5-HT1A and 5-HT1B autoreceptors are part of the modulatory
induce deficits of spatial memory (Clark et al. 1995; Smith machinery of 5-HT neurons; this machinery functions as
et al. 1996) or hippocampal cell survival (Clark et al. 1995). a feedback mechanism to control the activity of these cells.
This could suggest that this brain region is less vulnerable to The observed absence of changes in mRNA levels suggests
perturbations induced by AAS. However, a role of the that effects of nandrolone on 5-HT transmission occur
hippocampus in anxiety independent of its roles in learning postsynaptically.
and memory has also been proposed (Engin & Treit 2007).
In line with this reasoning, 5-HT1B was the only 5-HT
receptor subtype with altered mRNA content in the hippo- Reduced 5-HT1B mRNA levels in 5-HT postsynaptic
campus in the present study. Prolonged administration of brain areas
nandrolone downregulated 5-HT1B receptor mRNA in male Our results suggest an important participation of the 5-HT1B
mice to the order of 37% compared with the control group. subtype in the AAS-mediated behavioral phenotype. Because
High nandrolone doses in guinea pigs have also resulted in transcripts encoding 5-HT receptors obtained from the fore-
a marked decrease of 5-HT1B receptor density in the CA1 brain areas mostly encode 5-HT heteroreceptors, that is
region of the hippocampus (Kindlundh et al. 2003). Although receptors found in nonserotonergic neural cells, our results
the significance of this finding is unknown, it has been shown implicate a role for postsynaptic 5-HT1B receptors in behav-
that CA1 pyramidal neurons containing 5-HT1B mRNA project ioral disinhibition. Accordingly, 5-HT1B receptors have already
primarily to the dorsal subiculum (Aı̈t Amara et al. 1995), been linked to aggressive behaviors in rodents by genetic and
which is considered to be their major output pathway from pharmacological studies. Increased impulsivity and aggres-
the hippocampus (Swanson & Cowan 1977). In the subicu- sive behavior has been found in mice in which the gene
lum, these presynaptic 5-HT1B receptors suppress glutamate encoding the 5-HT1B receptor was deleted by homologous
release from hippocampus, thereby modulating subicular recombination (Saudou et al. 1994), and different 5-HT1B
functions (Boeijinga & Boddeke 1993, 1996). Downregulation receptor agonists reduce or abolish aggressive behavior in
of 5-HT1B receptor mRNA, and possibly 5-HT1B receptor rodents (Chiavegatto et al. 2001; De Almeida et al. 2006; Fish
protein, by nandrolone treatment, would consequently re- et al. 1999; Olivier et al. 1995). Therefore, it has been
duce the inhibitory control of this area. Gray and McNaughton postulated that postsynaptic 5-HT1B heteroreceptors directly
(2000; reviewed in McNaughton 2006) suggested roles for influence the executive and consummatory phases of ago-
the hippocampus and subiculum in behavioral inhibition, nistic behavior (Olivier & van Oorschot 2005).
increased negative affective bias, increased exploration and
risk assessment. Our behavioral results in mice receiving high
nandrolone doses also suggest the participation of subiculum
Implications of nandrolone-induced changes in
activation in this anxious-like behavior. This is an interesting
mRNA levels
hypothesis that deserves further investigation.
An important and novel result of this study is the site-specific
alteration (mostly downregulation) of the mRNA levels of
several 5-HT receptors by prolonged administration of high
5-HT receptor transcripts in the hypothalamus doses of nandrolone. As mentioned before, we could not
The hypothalamus is a classical neuroendocrine control identify steroid-response elements in the gene sequences of
region that is highly sensitive to circulating levels of steroids. these 5-HT receptors, suggesting an indirect or non-classical
Nuclear and cytoplasmic immunoreactivity for the androgen effect of the AAS. The levels of mRNA quantified in this study
receptor has been found in several nuclei of the hypothala- represent steady-state levels and thus may reflect altered
mus in humans (Fernández-Guasti et al 2000) and rodents mRNA transcription, mRNA stability or both. In any case,
(Sar et al. 1990). Mice receiving high doses of nandrolone these effects may arise from signaling pathways that are
showed a 52% downregulation of 5-HT1B mRNA levels in the separate from the classical nuclear hormone receptor path-
hypothalamus when compared with control animals. In this ways, but at some point may also affect gene transcription
brain area, 5-HT6 receptor mRNA was also significantly products. These preliminary and provocative findings broaden
upregulated. The physiological implication of this finding is the potential impact of AAS on cellular function and empha-
not known because it has been shown that the brain size the regional specificity of these effects on the brain.
distribution of 5-HT6 receptor mRNA and protein, as well as It would be of interest to investigate the impact of AAS
5-HT6 receptor pharmacology, is markedly different between administration on mRNA levels of components of different
mice and rats or humans (Hirst et al. 2003). The uniqueness of neurotransmitter/neurosignaling systems. Finally, if 5-HT
the 5-HT6 receptor in mouse brains and its modulation by AAS receptor protein levels show similar changes to those
in the hypothalamus warrant future studies. observed in the present study, such modulation might help
to explain the aggressive and anxious-like phenotype induced
by nandrolone in male mice.
5-HT-related transcripts in the midbrain Taken together, these data support the hypothesis that the
Levels of all 5-HT-related transcripts investigated in the mid- outcome of AAS abuse is not limited to desired anabolic
brain area were quantitatively similar in mice receiving effects; it may also alter neurotransmission circuitry through-
prolonged nandrolone when compared with control mice. out the central nervous system.

170 Genes, Brain and Behavior (2009) 8: 161–173

Anabolic steroid disinhibition and 5-HT receptor mRNA

Conclusions Bibancos, T., Jardim, D.L., Aneas, I. & Chiavegatto, S. (2007) Social
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