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Figures of Speech

1. Alliteration. Involves using words that begin with the same sound.
(Sia Sells Sea shells on the sea shore)
2. Hyperbole. Exaggerated expressions
(I could eat mountain of chocolate, I love you to the moon and back)
3. Irony. the use of words to convey a meaning that is opposite of what is actually
said. (a fire station burns down)
4. Metaphor. Direct comparison WITHOUT using like or as (She is flower)
5. Simile. Two things are compared and it uses like, as, etc (She is like a flower)
6. Metonymy. One word that has a very similar meaning can be used for another
(Crown-king, cross-Christ)
7. Onomatopoeia. Word that actually sounds like what it means
(bow-wow, meow, oink)
8. Paradox. Contradicts itself in the same sentence (War is peace)
9. Personification. giving an inanimate object the qualities of a living thing
(The candle is crying, The sun smiled down on us)
10. Oxymoron. Puts two words together that seem to contradict each other (silent yell,
Friendly fight, climb down)

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