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Name: _Sapinosa, Mel Raquel C.

Course/Year/Section: ___BSBA MKT 1_L______________
Date: _July 6, 2023_________________________________ SET B

Long Quiz for Finals

Creating a Personal Stress Profile

Instruction: There are number of symptoms that occur immediately when a person is
faced with stressful situation. List the immediate physical symptoms that you recognize
in column A, psychological symptoms in column B, and behavioral symptoms in column
C. In the last column, list down your stressors, describe as specifically as possible the

Column A: Column B: Column C: Stressor:

Immediate Physical Psychological Behavioral
symptom Symptom Symptom
Ex. Rapid pulse Unable to Excessive Examination
concentrate complaining
1. Overthinking Feeling sad and left Study
Headaches behind

2. Easily irritated and Lack of Changes in

Fatigue low temper communication relationship
with friends

3. Appetite changes/ Uninterested in life future

Sleep problem stress eating

4. Appetite changes/ Lack of interested Financial

Sudden weight gain stress eating in hobby
5. Feeling Easily annoyed and Everything that I
Sweating uncomfortable nervous cannot control

B. For the Stressors listed above, list the goals that you expect to achieve in
managing this stressor.

1. __Prayed_______________________________________________________________

2. ___Talk and faced my


3. _______Take a break

C. “F R E E D O M P A G E”
( You can write anything you feel right now or at the moment!!!! Kaya nga
Freedom Page…..goodluck!! )

Everyday I always felt that I am weak, loner, loser, and left behind. I don’t
know I can’t control myself not to think negatively. Everytime that I yelled
my kids I felt that im a bad and failure mother to them, my partner never
asked me if I still okay or not, that’s why I always feel that im alone so I
always cry in a corner and said to myself that everything will be okay even
if its not, my friends noticed my behavior to them because I talk to them
seldom which is not was me. I lost interested of everything around me
specially my study, my life. Everything I listed above I hope one day I’ll
make all of them, but for now I always prayed that God give me strength
everyday for my children.

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