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Name: Sanchez, Mark Raymond G.

Grade and Section: STEM 7 - MAKISIG

I. Mapping your research

Instruction: Think of your paper. Using shapes or different lines, illustrate the concept of your chosen
topic from its very roots up to your desired outcome. Provide 5-10 sentences explanation. (20pts for a
precise illustration)


Relevant data and Cross-reference Identify the challenges of creating

information a playground
Identification of difficulties
Find out what factors need to
Identification of the things to consider be considered

Work Plan
Evaluation of data gathered

A playground is a recreational place for children, elders, and PDW that are equipped with
playground equipment. Our research focuses on the issue of designing a playground that is accessible to all
individuals, including people with disabilities. We, the researchers, want to know what aspects should be
properly considered when acquiring relevant data and information for the input. And the process includes is
the identification of difficulties in constructing the playground and including the finances of it, and the things
to consider, evaluation of data gathered to test, valid the information when it comes to research goal and
leads to easily achieve the outcome. The outcome resulting in easily identifying the challenges of creating a
playground, finding out what factors need to be considered, and the use of a work plan to easily know or
track the process effectively is the expected outcome.

It also seeks to determine what factors must be considered in order to create a successful
playground for people with disabilities. The findings can be used as a starting point to create a more
accessible playground for all.

II. Visualizing thoughts

Instruction: Reflect on the ideas catered by your research paper. Add a symbol of your choice (a picture
or an illustration) that you think will summarize the entire dimension of your paper. Provide 5 -10
sentences explanation. (10 pts for an accurate representation)

While doing this research, I see that it is like a growing plant. You need to start gathering information
before you plant and be sure if this plant is going to grow or not. You must be serious because this helps you
to become relevant in the future, such as the ideas of our research that will be essential to have an idea of
the other people to things to consider when building playground facilities for PWD while providing safety and
ensuring that they are comfortable. Just like a plant, first, you may feel that you are always looking or testing
what is the best soil to plant or like considering and checking the factors before you input something and
start the process because the plant is fragile and failed to grow if ever that it is not accurate to live and grow.
There's a lot of evaluation and difficulties to see but you know that this will lead to help that person to enjoy
more and comfortable playing in the area. Just like a plant as well that at first it’s hard to know and doubt if
this will work but someday you'll know once it is full-grown you will definitely help a lot of people and also
like our research will give joy and feel that they are not less prioritize

III. Parallel Concepts

Instruction: Summarize the concept of your paper. Afterwards, look/find research paper/s with the
same concept and relate it to your own study. List down 3 main similarities between these papers. (30
pts for appropriate answer)

Our resrach study's goal is to identify the challenges of designing an accessible playground for
people with disabilities, as well as the differences between a typical playground and an inclusive
playground for them. Furthermore, the researchers hope to discover what factors must be taken into
account in order to create a successful playground for PWDs, particularly in terms of safety.
The research study entitled:" Ergonomics Concept in Inclusive Public Playground Targeting
on Children with Disabilities". According to Radzi et al. (2020), playgrounds are usually undervalued for
enhancing physical and social and emotional development of children with special needs. As a result,
the purpose of this study is to identify the key features of ergonomically inclusive public children's
playgrounds (CWDs).

The study looked into the accessibility and condition of Malaysian playgrounds, and they
discovered that there are still many limitations that prevent those playgrounds from catering to children
with disabilities. Although some playgrounds are already PWD-friendly, some of their equipment still
needs to be improved because it does not meet universal design standards. Furthermore, the study
identified three critical aspects that must be considered when designing a park for people with
disabilities: the play experience, playground layout, and play activities. As we approach the end of the
decade, the study suggests that a playground should not be a place of discrimination, but rather a place
where everyone is accepted, regardless of disability.

The similarities are both studies aim to make the children have the best play experience and
play activities and no place for discrimination by making everyone well accepted regardless the
disabilities. Both studies can give hope and provide ideas for improvement, especially for children with
disabilities. Our research study is the same with this due to the aim of designing an appropriate
playground for disabilities like our study that evaluates, identifying what are the challenges and things
to consider to help the children to be comfortable and free for everyone such as recreational activities
without the discrimination.

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