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Types of Blocks in Scratch

Scratch gives you ten categories of blocks, each of which includes a number of
blocks you can use to do similar jobs. These are:

 Motion
 Looks
 Sound
 Pen
 Data
 Events
 Control
 Sensing
 Operator
 Variable
 User-created blocks (or More Blocks)

Let's take a look at what each of these categories includes.

Motion Blocks
Motion blocks are what you use to place your sprites on the stage or move them.
They are dark blue. You can only use motion blocks with sprites, not with the
Motion blocks include the following types of sub block:

1. Moving sprites

2. Turning sprites-

go to

Making sprites move to a given point on another sprite or the

mouse pointer. This movement can be instant using the go to blocks, or
gradually using theglide block.


Making sprites point in a direction or towards each



Changing the x and y co-ordinates of the sprite on the stage,

either by
altering it from its current value ( change x/y by ) or by setting it to a fixed
amount ( set x/y to ).


Making the sprite bounce if it hits the edge of the stage.

These sound very simple, but they are the basis for a lot of games and

Looks Blocks
Looks blocks are colored purple, and they control what your sprites and backdrop
look like, how big they are, and whether they are displayed in front of or behind
other assets. Looks blocks also include blocks that let you display text.

Looks blocks can be used with sprites and the backdrop, although there are some
that only apply to sprites. The main types of sub blocks are:

Sub Blocks for displaying text, either for a fixed period of time
or indefinitely. The Say blocks will display text in a speech bubble, think block
will display it in a thought bubble.


Sub Blocks for switching costumes (sprites) or backdrops

(stage). In each case you can switch to a defined costume or backdrop, or to the
next costume or backdrop.


Sub Blocks for changing the size of sprites, useful for zooming in
effect. Youcan change the size to a fixed amount or by a percentage.


Hide and show sub block will hide and show the sprite on the stage.
Sound Blocks
The next set of sub blocks is the pink Sound blocks.

he sub blocks come under these categories:


Sub Blocks to play or stop sounds, including sounds from the library and those that
you upload or record.


 Sub Blocks to change or set the volume or tempo and to display them
on thestage.
Pen Blocks

Pen block is added using


You can use the green Pen blocks to create interactive games where the user
can draw on the stage. Combine pen blocks with event and control blocks to
create interactive drawing applications, either on their own or as part of a game.

Pen blocks include:


erase all to remove pen mark from the stage.


 Blocks for moving the pen down to draw and up for not drawing.


Blocks for setting and changing the pen color, shape and
Events Blocks
The brown Events blocks are fundamental to Scratch as without them, nothing
will happen. Each script will have an event at its start which tells the script to run.

Events sub blocks include:

 The all-important when green flag clicked sub block that starts everything
You can use this with multiple scripts in your project.
 Sub Blocks for other user interactions such as a key being pressed or the
stageor a sprite being clicked.
Control Blocks
Control blocks let you control the blocks within your scripts, inserting conditional
statements, loops, repeats and pauses.

Control blocks include:


Blocks for pausing: either waiting for a set period of time or waiting
untilsomething happens or the user does something.


Conditional blocks: wrap these around a set of blocks to

make somethinghappen if a condition is met.

Loops: repeat a set of blocks a given number of times, forever, or

untilsomething happens or a condition is met.

A sub block to stop all loops.


sub Blocks for creating and using clones: these let you duplicate a
sprite and use it repeatedly. These are the only control blocks that can't be used
withthe stage.
Sensing Blocks
Sensing blocks are colored light blue. They let you identify what's happening at a
given point and make your sprites or background respond.

Sensing blocks include the following sub blocks :


Blocks to detect whether items (including spites and colors) are

touching each other or at a given distance from each other.


Blocks to ask the user a question—you can then use the

answer inconditional blocks, for example.
Variables Blocks-
variables in programming terminology are simply a container that can store some value. We can
simply think of a box which has a number in it.



Make a variable sub block is used to create variables.


set is used to set value to created variables.

Change is used to change values of variables.
Operator blocks -
Used to do calculations and comparison.

1. Mathematical calculations-

Add,subtract,multiply and divide.


Comparison->,< and =

3. join is used to combine two or more letters.

Questions and answers


1. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division can be performed using the _________
A) Motion block B) Operators block C) Event block

2. The sub block to change the costume of the sprite is located under the _______________ block.
A) Looks block B) Sound block C) Event block

3. A sprite can be moved using the ____________ blocks.

A) Motion Block B) Variables block C) Event block

4. When we start a new Scratch project, by default a ____________ sprite appears on the stage.
A) Catty B) Balloon C) Kite

5. WHEN FLAG CLICKED sub-block is present in _______________ block.

A) Pen block B) Sensing block C) Event block

II Answer the following

1. Druv created an animation where he multiplied 3 numbers and displayed the result. Name the
block to add the numbers and to display the result.
Operator block -multiply
looks block-say

2. List any 5 different blocks in scratch.

 motion
 Sensing
 Looks
 Variables
 Operator
 pen

3. Write the Block name and sub-block used for the following situation
a) total of PT1 and PT2 marks-operator/+
b) cost of 5 apples-operator/*
c) Pause the game-control/wait
d) to remove the drawings -pen/erase all
e) to repeat the action continuously. Control/repeat

3. Write a program to display whether the given number is positive or negative (greater than 0
positive)(less than 0 negative)

When flag clicked
If 12 >0
Say positive


Say negative

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