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Top 10 Greatest MUSE Bass Lines
(Chris Wolstenholme)

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FREE LESSON BOOK: Top 10 Greatest MUSE Bass Lines (Chris Wolstenholme) 02

Top 10 Greatest MUSE Bass

Lines (Chris Wolstenholme)

Since scouring the heights of rock stardom

with Muse, Chris Wolstenholme has found the
perfect balance between melody and function,
showing just how creative rock bass playing
can be. In this lesson, Ian Allison breaks down
the Top Ten Greatest Muse bass lines. From
the epic riffage of Hysteria to the metallic slap
line on 2012’s Panic Station, today we’re going
to learn them all.

FREE LESSON BOOK: Top 10 Greatest MUSE Bass Lines (Chris Wolstenholme) 03

Album Showbiz
Released 1999

The third song from the band’s debut album, Fillip – and more
importantly, its undeniably brilliant, unending riffs – was a defining
moment in Muse’s early career. You can’t hear it and not be
sucked in by its soaring brilliance. The irresistible vocal melody is
a testament to what’s possible when an interesting bass line and
serving the song aren’t mutually exclusive.

Video - 02:50

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FREE LESSON BOOK: Top 10 Greatest MUSE Bass Lines (Chris Wolstenholme) 04

Album Origin of Symmetry
Released 2001

In 2001, Muse released the formidable Origin of Symmetry, which

saw Chris call upon more deftly deployed octaves and chromatic
passing tones that are way too much fun to play. The bass line
to this track not only anchors the band, but sets a new standard
for sonic creativity in rock bass. The centerpiece riff feverishly
jogs around a C minor chord with a fluidity that spotlights his
burgeoning guitar hero potential.

Video - 04:06

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FREE LESSON BOOK: Top 10 Greatest MUSE Bass Lines (Chris Wolstenholme) 05

“Time is Running Out”

Album Absolution
Released 2003

Though essentially a rock stomper, Time is Running Out was

probably the most pop thing that Muse had ever done; listen
closely to how the open, synth driven groove adds breathing
space to the verses. Mix in some heavy fuzz and a power stance
for maximum rock!

Time is Running Out

Video - 05:47

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FREE LESSON BOOK: Top 10 Greatest MUSE Bass Lines (Chris Wolstenholme) 06

Album Absolution
Released 2003

The third single from Absolution, Hysteria is built around a

manic, overdriven, all-16th note bass line that forms the heart
of the entire song (before the drums and a squealing guitar riff
kick in). This killer riff is about as virtuosic as Chris gets on the
fretboard. The descending line in the third bar is a great example
of how adding chromatic approach notes to scale tones can
create a signature riff. Also note how Chris uses open strings to
establish tonality.

Video - 07:41

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FREE LESSON BOOK: Top 10 Greatest MUSE Bass Lines (Chris Wolstenholme) 07

Album Black Holes and Revelations
Released 2006

Driven by a buzzing bass line and a light piano melody played over
an almost power-pop groove, Starlight was the first single from
Blackholes and Revelations and marked the point when Muse were
beginning to give in to their glam-rock influences. As ever, Matt
Bellamy’s superlative vocals add the perfect pinch of sweetness to
the bouncy fuzz-bass and funky, dance-inspired drums.

Video - 09:32

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FREE LESSON BOOK: Top 10 Greatest MUSE Bass Lines (Chris Wolstenholme) 08

Album The Resistance
Released 2009

The opening track from 2009’s The Resistance kicks out a dark
Doctor-Who-glam-meets-Blondie-style vibe. With a thumping drum
beat and a dangerously catchy guitar/vocal hook, this politically
charged anthem is just as catchy and captivating as it is thought
provoking. As ever, Chris Wolstenhome’s inventive bass part plays a
key harmonic and rhythmic role.

Video - 10:37

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FREE LESSON BOOK: Top 10 Greatest MUSE Bass Lines (Chris Wolstenholme) 09

“Panic Station”
Album The 2nd Law
Released 2012

The 2nd Law was as ambitious as anything Muse had ever

recorded. Made by Chris Wolstenholme’s thunderous slap bass
technique, Panic Station borrows from both Queen’s Another One
Bites the Dust and Michael Jackson’s Thriller. No tricks or alternate
tunings here - just an exercise in keeping the octaves, thumb slaps
and string-skipping nice and together.

Panic Station
Video - 13:57 œœ œœ œœ œœ
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FREE LESSON BOOK: Top 10 Greatest MUSE Bass Lines (Chris Wolstenholme) 10

Album The 2nd Law
Released 2012

At the core of Madness is a repetitive vocal hook that’s partnered

with a pulsing, almost EDM-inspired, synth. Muse had utilized
synth elements in the past, but this was the first time Chris had
properly taken advantage of the trend. Using a Misa Kitara Digital
Guitar Synth Controller and a Status Graphite S2-Classic headless
bass put together like a double neck guitar, Chris had the ability to
create a sweeping sound that mimics the rhythm of the vocal hook.
There isn’t another bass line quite like it.

Video - 17:00

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FREE LESSON BOOK: Top 10 Greatest MUSE Bass Lines (Chris Wolstenholme) 11

“The Handler”
Album Drones
Released 2015

The Handler features some technically amazing bass work from

Chris Wolstenholme (and a sustained falsetto from Matt Bellamy
that Freddie Mercury would have been proud of). Carrying the solid
rock heft of the band’s Origin of Symmetry era, Wolstenholme takes
up the right kind of space to match Bellamy’s sonic and melodic
choices. This is Muse at their cataclysmic, apocalyptic best.

The Handler
Video - 18:17

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FREE LESSON BOOK: Top 10 Greatest MUSE Bass Lines (Chris Wolstenholme) 12

“Thought Contagion”
Album Simulation Theory
Released 2013

Though Muse made their name in the alt-rock world, Simulation

Theory raised the bar on heaviness and intensity. If you’re familiar
with Wolstenholme’s signature sounds then you will have plenty
to process from Thought Contagion. It’s a three-minute song with
a big chorus and comes with an ’80s-indebted video about sexy
vampires and riot police. Awesome, in other words.

Thought Contagion
Video - 19:22


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Video - 19:37

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FREE LESSON BOOK: Top 10 Greatest MUSE Bass Lines (Chris Wolstenholme) 13


“Won’t Stand Down”

Album Will of the People
Released 2022

The band’s ninth album is full-on Muse: big, overblown and rafters
shaking in its sound. The guitar-orientated Will of the People
reignites the spirit and energy of Muse’s former incarnations with a
multi-layered, distorted array of irresistible bass tones. Like most
of Muse’s work, Chris takes everything up to 11, and that’s what we
love about him.

Won’t Stand Down

Video - 20:40

We are proud to offer the world’s largest library of
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Building Basslines: A Rhythmic

Approach With Jonathan Maron
In this course, we invited Jonathan Maron to our studio in New
York to discuss the techniques and compositional ideas that
he uses to make his bass playing as inventive as possible.

Jonathan has anchored countless albums with the New York

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