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Bass Teacher

learns Dream
Theater as
FAST as possible


FREE LESSON BOOK: Dream Theater - “Lines in the Sand” 02

Bass Teacher learns

Dream Theater as
FAST as possible
Ian Allison & Sharon Renold

In this lesson, John Myung brings you an unfeasibly

large left-hand stretch, as we challenge Sharon Renold
to learn one of Dream Theater’s finest recorded
moments as FAST as possible. Harmonics aplenty plus
an odd time signature? This one grooves mightily!

FREE LESSON BOOK: Dream Theater - “Lines in the Sand” 03

About Dream Theater

It’s a style generally associated with strange men dressed
as Britannia, singing about ‘topographic oceans’. It’s
progressive rock - hardly a fashionable musical category
for a contemporary rock band to be lumbered with.
But American progressive metal outfit Dream Theater
unashamedly embrace the ‘P’ word, where many of their
songs are in excess of seven minutes, and feature lengthy
instrumental passages in odd time signatures. Over the
last thirty years, they’ve built up a substantial following
worldwide, many of their fans being musicians wowed by
the awesome technique on display.

FREE LESSON BOOK: Dream Theater - “Lines in the Sand” 04


John Myung
Possibly the most technically gifted bassist in the world,
with the arguable exception of Mr V. Wooten, John Myung
specializes in high-speed playing of terrifying complexity.
Since he formed Dream Theater at Boston’s Berklee College
of Music in 1985, Myung has become one of the most
revered bass guitarists in the world. This is just as well,
because the rest of his band are equally adept on their
instruments, resulting in a barrage of melodic, metallic
harmony that has redefined heavy music since the ‘90s.

FREE LESSON BOOK: Dream Theater - “Lines in the Sand” 05

Lines in the Sand

Lines in the Sand embodies everything that makes Dream
Theater prime proponents of progressive metal. A harrowing
mid-tempo rocker, drummer Mike Portnoy plays in a way that
is both super flashy and perfectly suited for the song. The
keyboards range from heavy and technical, to subdued. And
the chorus features guest vocals from none other than rock god
Doug Pinnick. John’s command of a Yamaha 6-string bass is Album
Falling into Infinity
also awesome.
John Myung

FREE LESSON BOOK: Dream Theater - “Lines in the Sand” 06

The Main Riff

Taken from the instrumental section that begins after the third verse,
our unison riff might seem pretty fast and busy, but when you utilize
the proper technique it’s actually relatively easy to play. It’s based on
a pentatonic scale, which is a great pattern for both bass line building
and soloing.

Timing and rhythmic feel are essential parts of Dream Theater numbers.
Spend some time listening to the groove and pattern, and then try
playing it by feel. Speaking in 1998 Myung said, “It’s not something that
we’re figuring out in front of an audience - we’ve done our homework.”

Now you’ll want to give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back. Live
another day, climb a little higher. Go on, you can do it!

Unison Riff
Video - 08:54

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Building Basslines: A Rhythmic

Approach With Jonathan Maron
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paishrRErce erapLseiFpcsTFslcFcs rsRpOFsTecsNpccsELpKeaDs
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Step into a whole new world

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