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Name: Gabriel T.

Dacanay Grade & Section 10- Saint Francis Xavier

Subject Teacher: Roy Sison Unit 2 PC-MT 3 RELIGION 10

Essay (10 pts.)

Explain the following norms and cite three (3) concrete situations where these are lived out in your life, especially in
this time of the pandemic. Do this activity on a short bond paper.
a. One may never do evil so that good may result from it.
So me, Something like lying to a person to keep their spirits up or to motivate them to do even better. True,
sometimes everybody needs a confidence boost and in my past, there have been people who needed that small pick-
me-up but ultimately to hide them behind a vale of ignorance just makes the truth hurt just that bit more.

In fact, that person has been me. As a kid, I didn't have many friends on my street so I tried inviting my neighbors to
play. When I grew a bit older, I learned that they only ever wanted to play with the toys I had and usually didn't talk
to me while they were there.

b. The golden rule- whatever you wish that men would do to you, do so to them.
I'd relate this most to, I'd say kinder through to 4th grade I've had bullying trouble. Yes, most of their bullying was
from my weight and natural loud and open personality but instead of paying them back or choosing to lash out at
them, I decided to communicate. I tried talking to them and being generally nicer so they'd learn to be a bit nicer,
and thankfully from years 5-6 they'd already become some of the most memorable friends I'd have.

c. Charity always proceeds by way of respect for one’s neighbor and his conscience, even though this does
not mean accepting as good something that is objectively evil. (CCC 375)

Now this, it stumped me. How I interpret this statement is that some may see charity as something evil. That's
something born out of pride or the need to be just as good as everyone else when in need of help. To decline the
offer of guidance or a helping hand to keep up your image. Another way to see this is by envisioning somebody's
charity as a way to insult you, that the only way you can do something is if you'll be helped. I myself have fallen to
both viewpoints in my life, most involving requirements.

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