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Qazi Abdul Rafay


Opposing Voice (The ninny)

I, Yulia Vasilyevna, used to look after children as a governess in order to make some money. I've
been a child's governess for two months now, but their father hasn't paid me. I was concerned since
my financial situation was dire, but I could not ask for my salary because I relied on that job.
Suddenly, her father called me to settle my accounts while I was thinking how I might approach
them to request my income. The extent of my happiness at the time is impossible to describe, but it
felt as though all my burdens had been lifted in a single instant by this news. I was so relieved that
the issue I had been worrying about for two months was going to be resolved.

When I reached, the situation had completely changed, and I was about to experience the true
tragedy. I was pleased to learn that I would soon receive the income I deserve after waiting two
months without asking for it, but the father of those children acted unfairly. He lied right away,
telling me that my salary had been agreed to be 30 rubles per month while it was actually 40.
However, I refrained from protesting out of concern that if I did, I would lose my job and the rest of
my salary. He was correct to assume that I was afraid and timid and hence unable to object, but I
don't believe he will ever really understand it. I am a poor woman, and he is a rich man. Our worlds
are as different as they can be. All I could do was agree, so I let it go and settled for 30 rubles
because I didn't want to lose that either.

I have been in charge of the kids for 2 months and 5 days, yet he claims I worked for exactly 2
months. Every time he unfairly reduced money from my pay, he would say that he had made a note
of it, even though he had never done so. However, I was unable to argue with him because he had
all the power in that room, and he was the one who had to decide my pay. When one lives in
poverty, every penny counts, and here had been deprived of my pay for two whole months. Yet I
was afraid to ask for it because I feared that he would become irritated or upset with me and fire me
from my work. I also could not stand to lose my remaining income, so I once more consented and let
it go. He kept reducing my pay by accusing me of doing things that I never did. He deducted money
from my pay for the three holidays I took because I was ill and had a toothache, as well as for the
nine Sundays I observed because it was a legal holiday.

He took money out of my salary to pay for the things his kids did because kids are always messy and
carefree. One of them tore her coat while playing, and another ran off with the chambermaid's
boots. These kinds of mishaps are inevitable when there are kids around, but he deducted the cost
of those things from my pay. After playing all these shady tricks on me, he still wasn't satisfied, he
falsely accused me of taking 10 rubles from him on January 10th although I never did. I was at a loss
for words about my present situation. Nothing was in my hand, so I couldn't obtain my right. I simply
said in a whisper that I didn't and that was all I could manage, and his response was the same as
before that "I have made a note of it." When I said I had only taken 3 rubles from his wife and
nothing else, he added 3 more that I had taken from his wife instead of deducing those 10 rubles he
added unfairly, showing how simple it was for him to carry off this entire scheme. I was slowly dying
from the inside while he was pulling these dirty games on me. I was at a loss for words to describe
the circumstances. My predetermined salary for the two months was 80 rubles, but after he falsely
accused me and unfairly criticized me for things that were not my fault, I only received 11 rubles.

He then kindly handed me the cash and said, "Take this, my dear", as he has done nothing wrong
and has acted justly and correctly. I was only thinking that I had been cheated, and the only course
of action left to me was to take the money that was left and leave; otherwise, if I raised my voice, I
would lose both the job and the remaining money, which I could not bear. I was the one in need
there and couldn't help myself, so I just muttered "mercy." He became quite angry when I said
merci, and when he leapt up and asked why, I very politely answered, "For the money."

Then, after I responded, he said, "Don't you know I've been cheating on you, I took your money, I
gave you nothing, and all you said was just merci." This was the most unexpected and astonishing
situation for me. He continued by asking me why you didn’t try to get your money or at least protest.
Can anyone be that foolish? All his questions received the same response that a wealthy man like
him cannot understand the plight of the poor. I didn't object since I knew nothing would change;
everything would be chosen by him. I also didn't object out of fear of losing my job and the
remaining money I needed to live.

He believed that you should speak up and fight for your rights, but he was never able to understand
why I couldn't do that when he wasn't as needy and destitute as I was. He gave me my fear salary,
which is 80 rubles for two months, and he also apologized for his dishonest behavior. I continued to
be extremely terrified due to the mental games he played on me and was unable to comprehend
what had just happened. He found it simple to pull off those vile acts, but I found it more
problematic to get close to them because the rich have it very good in this world, while the poor are
left powerless and unable to bear it. Even if they deceive, act cruelly, and deny the rights of the
poor, they are free to do as they choose. In that case, we poor people are helpless and dependent
on them for whatever they decide.

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