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Joshua Louis J.



1. Why did Rizal and del Pilar fight during their stay in Europe?


Because of their views and ideas there was a rivalry that emerged between Jose Rizal and Marcelo Del
Pilar when the latter became the editor, in chief of La Solidaridad. Rizal did not favor Del Pilar’s
management policies, which led to a voting for supremacy. Jose Rizal was widely recognized as the
Filipino of his time and a respected leader among his fellow countrymen. Marcelo Del Pilar on the hand
gained fame in Madrid for his publications in La Solidaridad and made a name for himself as a
courageous lawyer journalist. The competition between them intensified due to their contrasting
beliefs. After arriving in Barcelona in 1888 Del Pilar quickly became popular within the Filipino
community, in Europe as he actively continued his campaigns.

2. How did Rizal honor the GomBurZa in El Filibusterismo?


In his novel titled El Filibusterismo Rizal expressed his disapproval of the Spanish rule and the privileged
Filipinos. Rizal referred to Gomburza as "Filibusteros " highlighting their influence, on the Ilustrado
movement. As a mark of respect Jose Rizal honored these three priests, in his novel El Filibusterismo.

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