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Child development

Reflection #2

Mailing Santa letters and snowflakes cutouts/math game

For mailing Santa letters, I was not able to be there. Luckily during the next visit with Arta, my buddy, I
was able to ask him important questions to find out about his experience mailing his Santa letter. To mail
the Santa letter, Arta prepared for the walk to the mailbox where he spent time talking to his peers and
keeping close to my peers in the Child development course. From what Arta had told me, he enjoyed
writing his letter to Santa. Christmas is his favorite holiday so writing and creating a letter to Santa
brought out his holiday spirit, he was not reluctant at all to send the letter. While I was not present, I
asked Arta what he did during the walk to the mailbox, he said that he talked to his friends and talked
about what they wanted for Christmas. With all the knowledge from getting to know Arta, I know he’s a
good kid and listens to the rules. He’s always striving to reach the goal in front of him, always making
sure to reach it in his own way.

During the snowflake and math game, me and Arta worked together to create a beautiful snowflake cut
out. I helped Arta with the folding process and the first cut, after that I let him do the rest on his own
under my supervision. He was very engaged in the process and while I gave him cutting suggestions, he
loved working independently to create his masterpiece. Arta made his own pattern to which he was very
proud of as he showed it off to his peers. Arta knows when he needs help and when he is confident in his
abilities, for this task he wanted to show off his skills.

For the math game activity, at first, I didn’t understand the game very well. Arta did a very good job
explaining the game to me. He demonstrated how to play and even showed me a new way to roll dice.
Not only teaching me but everyone around us too, demonstrating his abilities to the older and younger
kids. When we began the game, he helped me understand everything, he never tried to deceive me but
instead helped me to win. Arta was very good at the math game knowing what numbers added together
add to 10.

What I would do differently and the techniques I’d use. For the mailing the Santa Letters activity, I
would’ve used techniques and precautions to keep my buddy safe whilst having a good time. Keeping
conversation with him, talking about Christmas, friends, school, and family to learn more about him.
Keeping him close and reminding him the importance of being safe while having fun. I feel like I
proceeded with the snowflake and math game activity very well. Arta showed great social and teaching
skills, working with friends and independently to strengthen and show off his skills.

In the end I learnt that although Arta is shy and prefers doing things on his own, activities such as the
snowflake and math game help him interact with his peers. Through play-based learning and activities
Arta has shown growth in his creative thinking and problem-solving skills. Through play he managed to
use and ask for help from his friends to help him solve puzzles to reach his goal. I enjoy my time learning
and getting to know Arta better.

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