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Maximo David Peralta 6to 3ra

1- Read the text

2- Write next to the sat to statement what verb tense each one belongs to (present continuous or present simple)

a- We use it to talk about permanent states or situations (present simple)

b- We use it for things happening at the moment (present simple)
c- We use it for general facts (scientific facts)
d- We use it for talking about timetables (present simple)
e- We use it for future plans (present simple)
f- We use it for routines (present simple)
g- We use it for talk about likes and dislikes (present simple)


a- What is the predominant tense in the text?

b- Is there another tense that you can identify?

4- The following sentences are in affirmative. Write them in negative and interrogative form or the simple present

a- It´s freedom and independence

b- I spend the weekend hunched over essays, worrying about my grades.
c- I go to be late and wake up tired on mondays.
d- It presents responsibilities.
3- I love taking 30 minutes walks around the same square outside my house with my best friend.

5- Let´s talk about personal pronouns

a- ¨I´m a 16 year-old teenage girl. I have simpler parties with my friends where we eat snacks and talk about boys pose
embarrassing photos¨... Explain the pronoun ¨we¨ in this sentence. What does refer to?


a- We use it to talk about permanent states or situations (present simple)
b- We use it for things happening at the moment (present continuous)
c-We use it for general facts (scientific facts) (present simple)
d-We use it for talking about timetables (present simple)
e- We use it for future plans (present continuous)
f- We use it for routines (present simple)
g-We use it to talk about likes and dislikes (present simple)


a- The pedominant tense in the text is present simple, since it is used for habits or routines.
b- Yes, the present continuous, for example ¨am leaving¨

4- Here are the negative and interrogative forms of the sentences you provided:
• It's freedom and independence.
Negative: It isn't freedom and independence.
Interrogative: Is it freedom and independence?

• I spend the weekend hunched over essays, worrying about my grades.

Negative: I don't spend the weekend hunched over essays, worrying about my grades.
Interrogative: Do I spend the weekend hunched over essays, worrying about my grades?
• I go to bed late and wake up tired on Mondays.
Negative: I don't go to bed late and wake up tired on Mondays.
Interrogative: Do I go to bed late and wake up tired on Mondays?

• It presents responsibilities.
Negative: It doesn't present responsibilities.
Interrogative: Does it present responsibilities?

• I love taking 30 minute walks around the same square outside my house with my best friend.
Negative: I don't love taking 30 minute walks around the same square outside my house with my best friend.
Interrogative: Do I love taking 30 minute walks around the same square outside my house with my best friend?

5- In the text ¨we´ it´s used to represent the girl who narrates and her friends

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