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Do you think living abroad is good for people?

Thesis statement examples for this question

 In my opinion, living abroad offers people various advantages, but three of them are the most
important ones, which are enhancing self-confidence, raising your awareness about different
cultures, and speaking a foreign language.

 I strongly believe that there are three significant reasons why people should live abroad.
These are enhancing self-confidence, raising your awareness about different cultures, and
speaking a foreign language.

 I totally believe that enhancing self-confidence, raising your awareness about different
cultures, and speaking a foreign language are three essential benefits of living abroad for

 I think living abroad is an advantageous experience for people in terms of enhancing self-
confidence, raising your awareness about different cultures, and speaking a foreign language.

1st Body topic sentences for the topic

In the first place, living abroad provide people with a high chance to enhance their self-confidence.

The first crucial advantage of living abroad is that it provides people with a chance to enhance their

The first reason is that living abroad allows / makes / leads people to enhance their self-confidence.

To begin with, enhanced self-confidence is one of the main benefits of living abroad for people.

Body conclusion: ….Briefly, starting a life abroad can be a useful experience in terms of boosting one’s

…, people can believe in themselves more thanks to living abroad.

…….therefore, people can make a better version of themselves thanks to living another place.

2nd Body topic sentence

Another vital reason of living abroad is that it can raise people’s awareness about different cultures.

The second important advantage is that living abroad enables people to raise their awareness about
different cultures.

Raising awareness about different cultures is another essential benefit of living abroad for people.
Body conclusion: …..In short, experiencing a life abroad is a good opportunity in order to learn about
different cultures.

….so, people can be conscious of various cultures and lifestyles thanks to living abroad.

3rd Body topic sentence

Last but not least, people can speak a foreign language fluently when they live in another country.

The final important reason for living abroad is that it can lead people to speak a foreign language.

The last benefit of living abroad is speaking a foreign language.

Body conclusion: ….In brief, if people want to learn a language like their mother tongue, moving to
another country/living abroad seems to be a good option.

….therefore, people who have a chance to live abroad can take advantage of speaking another

….shortly, living abroad offers an opportunity to learn another language for people.

Conclusion paragraph (restatement / summary / comment suggestion)

All in all, when everything mentioned above into account, enhancing self-confidence, raising your
awareness about different cultures, and speaking a foreign language are three essential benefits of
living abroad for people. It is well known that these benefits can bring people higher standards of
living. I believe people of all ages should try to take a step out of their comfort zone and make their
lives better.

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