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Photosynthesis in

Higher Plants
INTRODUCTION ○ Green parts of the plant when exposed to
y Green plants and some chlorophyll bearing Definition sunlight show blue-black colour with iodine
bacteria are autotrophic and synthesise organic solution while the part of the leaf covered
compounds by using simple inorganic compounds Photosynthesis: It is a with black strip shows negative starch test.
in the presence of sunlight. physico-chemical (anabolic) ○ Iodine solution is used to test the presence of
y All the heterotrophic organisms are dependent process by which plants and starch in any plant part or item. Iodine gives
on the food prepared by autotrophs for survival. certain other organisms use blue-black colour if starch is present in the
y All life forms on earth are dependent on sunlight light energy and synthesise their experimental part or substance.
for energy directly or indirectly. own organic food. y Carbon dioxide is essential for photosynthesis:
y Thus, the use of energy from sunlight by the ○ One leaf of a destarched plant (as shown
plants to do photosynthesis is the basis of life in the figure) is placed half inside a bottle
on earth. Previous Year’s Question containing KOH. KOH absorbs CO2 and this
part of the leaf (after 6 hours) on testing for
SIMPLE EXPERIMENTS RELATED TO Chlorophyll a is found in all the presence of starch shows negative result.
PHOTOSYNTHESIS (1) O2 liberating photosynthetic
y Photosynthesis occurs in green parts of the organisms PHOTOSYNTHESIS
plants in the presence of sunlight and starch (2) Autotrophs y It is a physico-chemical process by which green
is manufactured after the process. It can be (3) Higher plants plants use light energy to synthesise organic
demonstrated as follows: (4) Algae compounds.
Previous Year’s Question
○ A small potted plant is placed in dark for y Photosynthesis is important for two reasons:
72 hours to get its leaves destarched. ○ It is the primary source of food for all living
The major portion of dry weight
of plants comprises of
○ It is the only process responsible for the
(1) Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
release of oxygen into the atmosphere by
(2) Nitrogen, phosphorus and
green plants.
(3) Calcium, magnesium and
Joseph Priestley (1733–1804) (4) Carbon, nitrogen and
y He performed a series of experiments (1770), that hydrogen
revealed the essential role of air in the growth of
Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

Photosynthesis in Higher Plants y He observed that a candle burning in a closed

space (say a bell jar), gets extinguished in a very
short time. Previous Year’s Question
y Similarly, a mouse kept in a closed space, the bell
jar would suffocate soon. The core metal of chlorophyll is
y He concluded that a burning candle or an animal (1) Ni
that breathes the air, somehow damage the air. (2) Cu
y But when he placed a mint plant in the same bell (3) Fe
jar, it was observed that the mouse stayed alive (4) Mg
and the candle continued to burn.

1. 2.
y So, Priestley hypothesised that plants restore to y Thus, he showed that only the green parts of the
the air whatever breathing animals and burning Rack Your Brain plants could release oxygen.
candle remove.
Glucose is the product of Previous Year’s Question
photosynthesis which consists
of three elements. What is the Water soluble pigments found in
source of oxygen in it? plant cell vacuoles are
(1) carotenoids
(2) anthocyanins
(3) xanthophylls
(4) chlorophylls

Rack Your Brain

What was proved by Joseph Definitions

Priestley in 1770 w.r.t.
photosynthesis? Photosynthetic Pigments:
Pigments that absorb light of
certain wavelength(s) of the
visible spectrum.
Accessory Photosynthetic
Pigments: These are the
Rack Your Brain pigments which absorb light
energy and pass it on to the main
To prove that carbon dioxide photosynthetic pigments, but
is essential for photosynthesis do not carry out the reactions
Julius von Sachs
which chemical is used that stops themselves.
y He showed that the green substance (chlorophyll)
CO2 to reach the experimental
is located in special bodies (chloroplasts).
plant parts.
y He provided evidence (1854) for the production of
Jan Ingenhousz (1730–1799) glucose when plants grow and glucose is stored
in the form of starch. Previous Year’s Question
y He conducted an experiment similar to Priestley’s
experiment with an aquatic plant, once kept in y He found that green parts of the plants are the
Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

bright sunlight and then in the dark. places where glucose is made. Which pigment absorbs the red
y He showed that when the plant that was kept Rack Your Brain and far red light?
in light, small bubbles were formed around the T. W. Engelmann (1843–1909) (1) Cytochrome
green parts, while no bubbles appeared when y He split the light causing a prism into its (2) Phytochrome
Who discovered that green parts
the same plant was kept in the dark. component parts and illuminated a green alga, (3) Carotenoids
of the plant release oxygen
y Later these bubbles have been identified as during the day?
Cladophora placed in suspension of aerobic (4) Chlorophyll
oxygen bubbles. bacteria.

3. 4.
y The bacteria were used to detect the sites of y The chloroplasts are found in large number in the
oxygen evolution. Rack Your Brain mesophyll cells of leaves.
y He observed that the bacteria accumulated y The chloroplasts align themselves along the walls
mainly in the region of blue and red light of the Name the experimental plant of the mesophyll cells, in such a way that they
visible spectrum of light. used by T. W. Engelmann to get maximum quantity of incident light; they will
y Engelmann was the first to describe the action demonstrate action spectrum. be aligned with their flat surfaces parallel to the
spectrum of photosynthesis; the action spectrum wall under low or optimum light intensities and
resembles roughly the absorption spectrum of perpendicular to the walls when the intensity
chlorophyll a and b. goes very high.
y There is a clear division of labour within the
Cornelis Van Niel (1897–1985) Rack Your Brain chloroplasts. The membrane system is responsible
y Based on his experiments with purple and green for the photo-chemical phase, where synthesis
bacteria, he made a contribution, a milestone, in Statement I: Red and blue light of ATP and NADPH occurs, whereas the stroma
the understanding of photosynthesis. support the highest rate of has enzymes for the reduction of carbon dioxide
Gray Matter Alert!!!
y He demonstrated that photosynthesis is photosynthesis. into carbohydrates and formation of sugars.
essentially a light-dependent reaction in which Statement II: These are the only y The pigments are distributed in the membrane The —CH3 (methyl group) in
hydrogen from a hydrogen-donor reduces carbon waves reaching to the plants. system. chlorophyll a is replaced by
dioxide to carbohydrates. Which statement/s is correct? —CHO (aldehyde group) in
y The present day equation has been given by him. PIGMENTS INVOLVED IN PHOTOSYNTHESIS chlorophyll b.
2H2 A + CO2 
→ 2A + CH2O + H2O y There are four pigments: chlorophyll a, chlorophyll
b, carotene and xanthophyll (carotenoids).
y In green plants, water (H2O) is the hydrogen donor
and it is oxidised to oxygen.
y Purple and green sulphur bacteria use H2S as the Previous Year’s Question Previous Year’s Question
hydrogen donor and so the oxidation product is
sulphur and no oxygen is produced. Which of the following absorb In chloroplasts, chlorophyll is
y Thus, he inferred that the oxygen evolved by light energy for photosynthesis? present in the
green plants during photosynthesis comes from (1) Chlorophyll (1) Inner membrane
water (H2O) and not from carbon dioxide (CO2) (2) Water molecule (2) Thylakoid
y This was later proved by using radioactive (3) O2 (3) Stroma
isotopes of oxygen (H218O). (4) RuBP (4) Outer membrane
y The overall correct equation for photosynthesis
is as follows:
Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

6CO2  12H2O 
 C6H12O6  6H2O  6O2
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SITE OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS ○ Chlorophyll a (C55H72O5N4Mg) — Bright green Which element is located at the
y Photosynthesis takes place mainly in the green Who discovered that oxygen or bluish green. centre of the porphyrin ring of
leaves and to some extent in other green parts released during photosynthesis ○ Chlorophyll b (C55H70O6N4Mg) — Yellowish chlorophyll?
of the plant. comes from the breakdown of green. (1) Magnesium (2) Calcium
y It takes place in the cell organelles called the water molecules? ○ Xanthophyll (e.g., Lutein C40H56O2) — Yellow. (3) Manganese (4) Potassium
chloroplasts. ○ Carotene (C40H56) — Yellow-orange or reddish.

5. 6.
y Chief or main pigment associated with y The absorption spectrum and action spectrum
photosynthesis — Chlorophyll a. Previous Year’s Question coincide closely showing that photosynthesis
y Accessory pigments — Chlorophyll b, carotenoids is maximum at the blue and red regions of the
(carotenes and xanthophylls). Which fraction of visible spectrum spectrum.
y The accessory pigments help in two ways: of solar radiations are primarily
○ Thylakoid pigments like xanthophylls absorbed by carotenoids of the EMERSON’S EFFECT
and carotenes also absorb light from the higher plants? y Emerson et. al. (1957) exposed unicellular alga
mid-part of visible light spectrum. Thus, (1) Violet and blue Chlorella to monochromatic light (i.e., only one
widen the absorption of spectrum. (2) Blue and green wavelength of light at a time) and measured the
○ Chlorophyll b, xanthophylls and carotenes also (3) Green and red photosynthetic yield in terms of quantum yield
protect chlorophyll a from photo-oxidation. (4) Red and violet (i.e., the number of O2 molecules evolved per
light quanta absorbed).
Note: Photosynthetic bacteria possess two y It was observed that the quantum yield of
types of photosynthetic pigments, e.g., photosynthesis decreased very sharply towards
bacteriochlorophyll (it is of several types) and far red (above 680 nm) region of the spectrum.
bacterioviridin (chlorobium chlorophyll). The fall in photosynthetic yield beyond red region
Bacteriochlorophyll has an empirical formula of the spectrum is called Emerson’s first effect Previous Year’s Question
of C55H74O6N4Mg. or red drop.
y In another experiment Emerson et. al. Which pigment absorbs the
Note: Phycobillins is the group of photosynthetic observed that the quantum yield is enhanced blue-violet light?
pigments found in red algae and cyanobacteria if monochromatic lights of longer wavelength (1) Cytochrome (2) Phytochrome
(blue-green algae). (i.e., 680 nm and above) and shorter wavelength (3) Carotenoids (4) Chlorophyll
(below 680 nm) were given simultaneously.
ABSORPTION SPECTRUM y It was observed that the photosynthetic yield was
y The curve showing the amount of different higher than the sum total of the photosynthetic
Rack Your Brain
wavelengths of light absorbed by photosynthetic yields of the two types of waves given separately.
pigments. The enhancement in photosynthetic yield by
combined effect of short and long wave-lengths What is meant by red drop in
y Chlorophyll a and b absorb maximum light in
of light is known as Emerson’s second effect or photosynthesis?
blue-violet and red wavelengths.
Emerson enhancement effect’.
ACTION SPECTRUM y It is due to:
y The curve depicting the relative rates of ○ Presence of different types of harvesting
Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

photosynthesis at different wavelengths of light. molecules around a trap centre in a
Previous Year’s Question
y It shows maximum photosynthesis in blue-violet photosynthetic unit.
and red part of visible light spectrum. ○ Presence of two interconnected pigment Chlorophylls absorb light of
systems with some common pigments. wavelengths
Note: Plants absorb 400 – 700 nm light for (1) 400–500 nm
photosynthesis. The best wavelength is 425 – PHOTOSYSTEMS (2) 400–500 nm and 600–700 nm
460 nm (blue range) & 600 – 700 nm (red range). y The pigments are organised on the inner side (3) 600–800 nm
of thylakoid membranes into two discrete (4) 300–400 nm

7. 8.
○ Photosystem I (PS I) Photosystem II
○ Photosystem II (PS II) Rack Your Brain y In PS II, the reaction centre is P680, a chlorophyll a Definition
y Each photosystem has one specific chlorophyll a molecule that absorbs light at 680 nm.
and many other pigments bound by proteins. Light reaction is concerned with y The electron carriers in Photosystem II are Photosystem II (PS II): The
y The chlorophyll a forms the reaction centre, the generation of ___________ quinone, pheophytin, plastoquinone, cytochrome photocentre P680 along with the
where the actual reactions take place, while the and ATP. complex and plastocyanin (common in both PS I other pigment molecules which
other pigment molecules from the light harvesting and PS II). absorbs light at or below 680 nm.
complex (LHC), also called as antenna.

Photosystem I
y In PS I, the reaction centre is P700, which is a Definition
chlorophyll a molecule that absorbs light at 700
nm. Photosystem I (PS I): The Rack Your Brain
y Electron carriers in PS I are ferredoxin, cytochrome photocentre P700 along with the
complex, plastoquinone, cytochrome f and other pigment molecules which Electron ejected by PS II is
plastocyanin. absorbs light at or below 700 nm. initially accepted by ___________.
y PS I participates in cyclic photophosphorylation
as well as in non-cyclic photophosphorylation.

Rack Your Brain

All pigments except _________ are Previous Year’s Question

called accessory photosynthetic
pigments in higher plants. Energy change in photosynthesis
(1) Electrical → Chemical
(2) Chemical → Light → Electrical
(3) Light → Chemical
Previous Year’s Question
y Photosynthetic organisms perform the following
Constituents of PS I are located
Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

Photosynthesis in Higher Plants basic functions of the light gathering, or better

termed light harvesting structures, in maximizing
(1) granal thylakoids
the conversion of light quanta into different
(2) stromal thylakoids
chemical intermediates of higher energy order: Rack Your Brain
(3) outer surface of granal and
○ Light absorption: The energy of the photon
stromal thylakoids
is captured by an antenna pigment molecule
(4) stroma How does bacteriochlorophyll
and an electron is excited thereof.
differ from chlorophyll of higher
○ Energy transfer: The excitation energy is
transferred through the antenna to a reaction

9. 10.
centre, which is a specialised form of pigment, LIGHT HARVESTING COMPLEX (LHC)
from which an electron is excited. Rack Your Brain y It is made up of 250–400 pigment molecules Definition
○ Energy transfer: The energised electron from bound to proteins. These are predominantly
the reaction centre is accepted by a chemical What is meant by P700 and P680? chlorophyll b, xanthophylls and carotenes with Light harvesting complex
acceptor; the oxidized reaction centre is one chlorophyll a molecule. (LHC/Antenna): All the pigments
reduced by an electron either from inorganic y LHC is present in both PS I and PS II. of the photosystem (chlorophyll
(water) or organic molecules. y LHC helps in absorbing different wavelengths of b and carotenoids) bound with
y The pigment antenna is a mechanism for light. Thus, help in making photosynthesis more proteins except the pigment
gathering quanta in low light to drive a process efficient. molecule (Chl. a) that forms the
Previous Year’s Question reaction centre.
which requires several quanta. This helps the
reaction centre to gather maximum light from The chloroplasts contain MECHANISM OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS
the visible spectrum. maximum quantity of y Photosynthesis occurs in two steps:
(1) RuBP carboxylase ○ Light reaction or photochemical phase
ELECTRON AND PROTON TRANSPORT IN (2) Hexokinase ○ Dark reaction or biosynthetic phase
y The electron flow is relatively complex and (4) None of the above
Light Reaction (Photochemical Phase) Dark Reaction (Biosynthetic Phase)
involves the following events:
It is not directly dependent on sunlight
○ Water splitting complex (in the lumen of It is directly dependent on sunlight
(light) but is dependent on the products
thylakoids) (light).
of light reaction.
○ PS II complex
○ Electron carrier intermediate Rack Your Brain ATP and NADPH2 are generated. ATP and NADPH2 are consumed.
○ PS I complex Photolysis of water occurs and oxygen Reduction of carbon dioxide occurs
○ Electron carrier which reduce the NADP to Which of the following processes is liberated. and carbohydrate is formed.
NADPH + H+. occur in the lumen of thylakoids? It occurs in the grana of chloroplast. It occurs in the stroma of chloroplast.
(i) Cyclic photophosphorylation
PHOTOSYNTHETIC UNIT (ii) Non-cyclic photophosphorylation PHOTOLYSIS OF WATER (Hill’s Reaction)
y The assemblage of chlorophylls, other accessory Definition
(iii) Photolysis of water y Robert Hill (1939) was the first person to formulate
photosynthetic pigments and reaction centre the light driven reactions of photosynthesis
constitute the photosynthetic unit. Photolysis of water: It is the
referred as electron transport chain. process of breakdown of water
y This light-dependent splitting of the water into H+ and OH– ions by the
PHOTOSYNTHETIC REACTION CENTRE molecule is called photolysis of water.
y It is a complex of several proteins, a chlorophyll a chlorophyll molecules making
Previous Year’s Question y This process takes place in the lumen of
Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

Photosynthesis in Higher Plants use of solar energy.

molecule and co-factors. thylakoids.
○ It helps in conversion of light energy (energy Besides water and carbon y When P680 absorbs sufficient light energy, it is
of photons) into chemical energy (ATPs) in dioxide, which is more essential excited and it transfer electrons to an electron
stepwise manner. Previous Year’s Question
raw material for food formation? acceptor.
○ Reaction centre gathers excitation energy (1) Light y So, P680 becomes a strong oxidising agent and
from light-harvesting antenna system and Ferredoxin is a component of
(2) Oxygen splits a molecule of water to release oxygen.
pass it through various electron acceptors. (1) P680 (2) Hill reaction
(3) NAD y Manganese, Chloride and Calcium ions play (3) Photosystem I (4) Photosystem
○ Reaction centre of PS I is P700. (4) Minerals important roles in photolysis of water.
○ Reaction centre of PS II is P680.

11. 12.
y The electrons generated in this process are used y Ferredoxin in turn transfer the electrons to NADP,
to replace the electrons lost by P680. Previous Year’s Question which along with the protons reduced to NADPH. Previous Year’s Question
y The protons are used for reducing NADP to y The electrons lost by PS II are replaced by the
NADPH. Photosynthetic pigments occur electrons generated by splitting of water. Photolysis of water is associated
y Oxygen is liberated as a by-product of in y Since the electrons lost by PS II do not come with
photosynthesis. (1) Thylakoid matrix back to it, this process of ATP formation is called (1) PS I (2) PS II
Water splitting enzyme (2) Matrix non-cyclic photophosphorylation. (3) Cyt. b (4) Quinone
2H2O 4H+ + O2 + 4e–
Mg+2, Ca+2, Cl– (3) Thylakoid membranes
y P680 is a strong oxidising agent which splits water (4) Plastoglobules
into its components.

Note: Manganese is the important metal in

water-splitting enzyme complex. Definition

Light reaction: It is a set of

PHOTOPHOSPHORYLATION reactions, directly dependent
y It is the process of formation of ATP in the on light and takes place in the
chloroplasts, making use of the light energy. grana of chloroplast.
y The protons formed during photolysis of water
accumulated inside the thylakoid membrane
resulting in a proton gradient.
y The energy released by the protons, when they
Previous Year’s Question
diffuse across the thylakoid membrane into the
stroma following the H+ concentration gradient, Structural component of
is used for the formation of ATP. chlorophyll among the following
y It occurs in two ways: is
○ Non-cyclic photophosphorylation (1) Mg
○ Cyclic photophosphorylation (2) Mn
(3) Fe
Non-cyclic Photophosphorylation (4) Zn
y It occurs in the membrane or lamellae of grana
because both PS I and PS II as well as NADP
Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

reductase enzyme are found.
y When P680 (PS II) acquires sufficient amount
of light energy, it becomes excited and emits
Non-cyclic photophosphorylation:
y The electrons (with high energy) run down an
Electrons do not move in a closed
electron transport chain, consisting of a primary
circle. Here electrons expelled from
acceptor, plastoquinone, cytochrome complex
P680 (reaction centre) do not return
and plastocyanin to P700, which transfer them to
to it.

13. 14.
Cyclic Photophosphorylation CHEMIOSMOTIC HYPOTHESIS
y It occurs in the stroma lamellae of chloroplast y Chemiosmotic hypothesis has been put forward Gray Matter Alert!!!
Previous Year’s Question
because here PS II as well as NADP reductase to explain the mechanism of ATP synthesis.
Chemiosmosis was first
enzyme are absent. Energy is transformed from the y ATP synthesis is linked to the development
hypothesized by British
y When PS I (P700) is activated by light, it is raised light reaction step to the dark of a proton gradient across the membranes of
biochemist Peter Dennis Mitchell.
to high energy level and emits a pair of electrons. reaction step by thylakoids.
y These electrons are captured by the primary (1) Chlorophyll y When electrons are transported through the
acceptor, which passes them on to Ferredoxin, (2) ADP electrons transport system (ETS), the protons
Plastoquinone, cytochrome complex and (3) ATP accumulate inside the thylakoid membranes.
plastocyanin. (4) RuBP y Since the splitting of the water molecules or
y Finally, the de-energised electrons come back to photolysis takes place on the inner side of
P700. the thylakoid membrane, protons produced Rack Your Brain
y Since the electrons come back to P700, this accumulate within the lumen of the thylakoids.
process of ATP formation is known as cyclic Definition y As electrons are passed through photosystems, Where does chemiosmosis occur
photophosphorylation. Photocentres or reaction centres: protons are transported across the membrane. in a prokaryotic cell?
The chlorophyll a molecules which y This happens because protons are removed from
expel electrons after excitation the stroma for the following reasons:
to electron acceptors for the ○ The primary electrons acceptor is located
generation of ATP in PS I and PS II. towards the outer side of the membrane and
transfer its electrons to the H carrier; so this
molecule removes a proton from the stroma
while transporting an electron and releases it Previous Year’s Question
Previous Year’s Question into the lumen or inner side of the membrane.
○ The enzyme NADP–reductase is located on
The rate of photosynthesis is
In both respiration and the stroma side of the membrane; along with
higher in
photosynthesis ATP synthesis is the electrons coming from the PS I, protons
(1) very high light
an oxidative process that uses are also needed to reduce NADP and so these
(2) continuous light
energy of protons are also removed from the stroma.
(3) red light
(1) Electrons y As a result, the protons in the stroma decrease in
(4) green light
(2) Ferredoxin number, while the protons in the lumen, increase
(3) Cytochromes in number, thus creating a proton gradient across
(4) Carbon dioxide the thylakoid membrane.
Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

y This gradient is important because energy is
released by the breakdown of this gradient.
y The gradient is broken down due to the movement
Definition of protons across the membrane through Rack Your Brain
Non-cyclic photophosphorylation: transmembrane channel of the F0 of the ATP
Electrons move in a closed circle. synthetase; the other portion of ATP synthetase What is the term for ATP synthesis
Here electrons expelled from P700 called F1 undergoes conformational changes with in mitochondria by using the
(reaction centre) return to it. the energy provided by the breakdown of proton process of chemiosmosis?
gradient and synthesis several molecules of ATP.

15. 16.
y Thus, chemiosmosis requires: BIOSYNTHETIC PHASE (DARK REACTION)
○ a membrane y The process by which carbon dioxide is reduced Definition
Previous Year’s Question
○ a proton pump to carbohydrates is called carbon fixation which
C3 pathway: The photosynthetic
○ a proton gradient occurs in the stroma.
Translocation of carbohydrates pathway where the first stable
○ ATP synthase y The process makes use of the ATP and NADPH
(photosynthetic product) in product of C-fixation is a three-
y Energy is used to pump protons across flowering plants occurs in the produced in the photochemical phase.
carbon (3C) compound i.e., 3-PGA.
the membrane, to create a gradient or high form of
concentration of protons with the lumen of the (1) Glucose C3 Pathway or Calvin Cycle
thylakoid. (2) Sucrose y The path of carbon in the dark reaction was
y ATP synthase has a channel that allows the (3) Fructose traced by Melvin Calvin through a technique called
Previous Year’s Question
diffusion of protons back across the membrane (4) Starch autoradiography, using 14C, hence this pathway is
which releases energy. termed as Calvin cycle In C3 plants, the first stable
y This energy activates ATP synthase enzyme that y Calvin cycle consists of three phases namely: product of photosynthesis during
catalyses the formation of ATP. ○ Carboxylation the dark reaction is
○ Reduction (1) OAA (2) 3-PGA
○ Regeneration of RuBP (3) PGAL (4) Malic acid

y Six molecules of Ribulose 1, 5 bisphosphate react Rack Your Brain
with six molecules of carbon dioxide to form six
molecules of a short-lived 6C-compound. Why is photosynthetic product
y The reaction is catalysed by RuBP-carboxylase translocated in the form of
(Rubisco). sucrose instead of glucose?
y The six molecules of the 6C-compound break
into 12 molecules of 3-phosphoglyceric acid
(PGA), 3C-compound.
Previous Year’s Question
y PGA is the first stable compound in this pathway.
Calvin cycle is
Reduction (1) Dependent on light
y 12 molecules of phosphoglyceric acid are converted (2) Not dependent on light
into 12 molecules of 1, 3-diphosphoglycerate and (3) Inhibited by light
then reduced to phosphoglyceraldehyde (PGAL). (4) Partly dependent on light
Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

y Two molecules of PGAL are diverted for the
synthesis of sugar and then starch.
Note: Input and output in Calvin
Regeneration of RuBP cycle.
y For the cycle to continue, the primary acceptor of Input — 6CO2, 18ATP, 12NADPH
carbon dioxide, i.e., RuBP has to be regenerated. Output — C6H12O6, 18ADP, 12NADP
y 10 molecules of PGAL, carry a series of complex
To make one molecule of glucose
reactions and are converted into 6 molecules of
6 turns of Calvin cycle are required.
5C-compound, RuBP.

17. 18.
y The formation of 6 molecules of RuBP requires PHOTORESPIRATION
six ATP molecules. y In C3 plants, RuBP-carboxylase which is the Definition
main enzyme of photosynthesis, functions as
oxygenase at high temperature and high oxygen Photorespiration: Due to high
concentration. oxygen concentration RuBISCO
y It catalyses the oxidation of RuBP into one molecule of photosynthesising tissue
of a 3C-compound, phosphoglycerate and one start taking up oxygen and the
molecule of a 2C-compound, phosphoglycerate. green tissue release carbon
y Phosphoglycerate is quickly converted into dioxide during day.
glycolate and transported to peroxisomes.

Previous Year’s Question

Photo-oxidation is
(1) photorespiration
(2) photolysis
(3) light and oxygen induced
(4) all the above

Rack Your Brain

Why photorespiration is called a

wasteful process?

Previous Year’s Question

Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

Which one of the following is wrong
in relation to photorespiration?
(1) It is the characteristic of C3
(2) It occurs in chloroplasts.
(3) It occurs in day time only.
(4) It is a characteristic of C4 plants.

19. 20.
y In the peroxisome, glycolate is oxidised to C4 PATHWAY OR HATCH-SLACK PATHWAY Note: The large cells around the
glyoxylate and is converted into amino acid,
Previous Year’s Question y This pathway of carbon fixation occurs in plants vascular bundles of C4 pathway
glycine. like maize, sugar cane, pearl millet and amaranth. plants are called bundle sheath
y Glycine enters the mitochondria and two glycine Photosynthate is translocated y The plants which employ this mechanism of cells, and the leaves which have
molecules give rise to one molecule of serine and through carbon fixation show the presence of two types such anatomy are said to have
one molecule of carbon dioxide. (1) Tracheids of photosynthetic cells, i.e., mesophyll cells and ‘Kranz’ anatomy. ‘Kranz’ means
y Serine is picked up by peroxisomes and is (2) Vessels bundle sheath cells (Kranz anatomy). ‘wreath’ and is the reflection of the
converted to glycerate by a series of reactions. (3) Sieve tubes y The chloroplasts are dimorphic, i.e., those in arrangement of cells. The bundle
y The glycerate leaves the peroxisome and enters (4) Latex tubes the mesophyll cells are granal and those in the sheath cells may form several layers
the chloroplast, where it is phosphorylated to bundle sheath cells are adrenal. around the vascular bundles; they
form PGA. y Phospho-enol-pyruvate (PEP) is the carbon have characterised by having a large
y The PGA enters Calvin cycle and thus 75% of dioxide acceptor, present in the mesophyll cells number of chloroplasts, thick walls
the carbon lost during oxygenation of RuBP is Previous Year’s Question and the reaction is catalysed by the enzyme impervious to gaseous exchange
recovered, but 25% is lost, as one molecule of phosphorenol-pyruvate carboxylase (PEP-case). and no intercellular spaces.
RuBP carboxylase-oxygenase is
carbon dioxide is released. y The first stable product is oxaloacetic acid (OAA),
located in
y Since there is loss of photosynthetically fixed which is a 4C-compound.
(1) Mitochondria (2) Chloroplasts
carbon and no energy-rich compound is
(3) Peroxisomes (4) Golgi bodies Definition
produced, photorespiration is considered as
wasteful process.
C4 pathway: The photosynthetic
pathway where the first stable
product of C-fixation is a
four-carbon (4C) compound,
oxaloacetic acid (OAA).

Rack Your Brain

Initial fixation of CO2 in C4 plants

takes place in __________ cells.
Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

Previous Year’s Question

Kranz type of anatomy is found in

(1) C2 plants
(2) C3 plants
(3) C4 plants
(4) succulents

21. 22.
y OAA is converted into malic acid and transported
to bundle sheath cells, where it is decarboxylated Previous Year’s Question
into pyruvic acid.
y The carbon dioxide liberated is used for Calvin
In the leaves of C4 plants, malic
cycle in the bundle sheath cells.
acid formation during CO2 fixation
y Pyruvic acid is transported back to mesophyll
occurs in the cells of
cell, where it is used for regeneration of PEP,
(1) bundle sheath
utilising two molecules of ATP for each pyruvate.
(2) phloem
y It is an adaptive mechanism to avoid
(3) epidermis
photorespiration; the decarboxylation of malic
(4) mesophyll
acid in the bundle sheath cells maintains a high
concentration of carbon dioxide near RuBisCo, so
that it functions as carboxylase only and not as
oxygenase. Previous Year’s Question

CRASSULACEAN ACID METABOLISM (CAM) Which of the following have high

y Among dicotyledons plants the family CO2 compensation point?
crassulaceae (e.g., jade plant and bryophyllum) (1) C2 plants
and among cotyledonous plants the members of (2) C3 plants
family Liliaceae, Orchidaceae, etc., exhibit CAM. (3) C4 plants
y The CAM plans are characterised by: (4) Alpine herbs
○ Succulent nature.
○ Stomata open at night and remain closed
during the day.
Previous Year’s Question
○ CO2 fixation occurs at night (darkness) (PEP
is CO2 acceptor). CAM is the characteristic of
○ Large quantities of malic acid is synthesised (1) Thin coloured leaves
at night and is stored in vacuoles. (2) Flesh green leaves
○ Decarboxylation of malic acid occurs during (3) Thin-green reticulate veined
day and CO2 is generated. leaves
○ Released CO2 enters Calvin cycle (RuBP is CO2 (4) Thin green paralleled veined
acceptor) and carbohydrates (sucrose and leaves
Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

starch) are formed.
○ Drop in stored starch and malate occurs
during night and day respectively.
Previous Year’s Question
Note: CO2 Compensation Point – The
Which is a C4 plant Note: RuBISCO content of chloroplast is 16 per cent. This enzyme is found in higher
atmospheric concentration of CO2 at which
(1) Sugarcane percentage in the chloroplast.
photosynthesis just compensates for
(2) Sorghum In green plants for evolution of each oxygen molecule one quanta of light is required.
respiration. Under such a conditions net
photosynthesis is zero. It is higher in C3 plants (3) Maize
than in C4 plants. (4) All of the above

23. 24.
Previous Year’s Question y In C3 plants, the rate of photosynthesis increases Previous Year’s Question
Blackman’s Law of Limiting Factors
with increase in CO2 concentration, up to 500 ml–1.
y When a physiological process is controlled by
In sugarcane plant CO2 fixed in
14 y In C4 plants, the saturation reaches at a The factors which is not
a number of factors, the rate of the reaction
malic acid in which the enzyme concentration about 360 ml–1. limiting in normal conditions for
depends on the slowest factor.
that fixes CO2 is photosynthesis is
y This means that at a given time, only the factor
(1) Fructose phosphatase Soil Water Availability (1) light
which is the least (limiting) among all the factors,
(2) Ribulose biphosphate y Water influences photosynthesis in two ways: (2) water
will determine the rate of the reaction.
carboxylase ○ If available water decreases and plants show (3) chlorophyll
(3) Phosphoenol pvruvic acid water stress, the stomata will not open and (4) carbon dioxide
External Factors
carboxylase hence there will be a decreased supply of
Light (4) Ribulose phosphate kinase carbon dioxide.
y Light quality and light intensity influence ○ Reduced water potential in the leaf reduces leaf
photosynthesis. expansion and reduced in the photosynthetic
Previous Year’s Question
y Light of wavelength between 400 nm and surface area.
700 nm is effective for photosynthesis and
Previous Year’s Question Photosynthesis is a process in
this light is known as photosynthetically active
radiation (PAR).
In C4 plants initial acceptor of (1) CO2 is reduced to
y As the intensity of light increase the rate of
CO2 is Previous Year’s Question carbohydrates
photosynthesis increases.
(1) RuBP (2) NAD is reduced to NADH
y But at higher light intensities, the rate of
(8) PGA (3) ATP is generated
photosynthesis decreases; it may be due to two Assertion: Cyclic pathway of
(4) Oxidative phosphorylation
(3) PEP photosynthesis first appeared in
(4) OAA (Oxaloacetic acid) occurs
○ Other factors needed for photosynthesis may some eubacterial species.
be limiting. Reason: Oxygen started
○ Destruction (photo-oxidation) of chlorophyll. accumulating in the atmosphere
after the non-cyclic pathway of
Temperature Previous Year’s Question photosynthesis evolved. Previous Year’s Question
y The photochemical phase remains unaffected by (1) Both the statements are true,
temperature. For each molecule of glucose and Reason is the correct Bacterial photosynthesis is
y But the biosynthetic phase that involves enzyme- formed in plants, the number of explanation of Assertion. different from photosynthesis of
catalysed reactions is sensitive to temperature; it molecules of ATP and NADPH2 (2) Both the statements are true, higher plants because
Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

may be due to the following reasons: required are respectively but Reason is not the correct (1) Energy is not fixed
○ At high temperatures, the enzymes become (1) 15 and 10 explanation of Assertion. (2) Light is not required
denatured (inactive). (2) 12 and 18 (3) Assertion is true, but Reason (3) Oxygen is not released
○ At low temperatures, the enzymes may get (3) 18 and 12 is a false statement. (4) Dependence on other
inactivated. (4) 12 and 6 (4) Both the statements are false. organisms is necessary

25. 26.

Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

Photosynthesis in Higher Plants



Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

Photosynthesis in Higher Plants


SOLVED EXERCISE ‘The law of limiting factors’ was proposed by
(1) Leibig (2) Hatch and Slack
In leaves of C 4 plants malic acid synthesis during CO2 fixation occurs in (3) Blackman (4) Arnon
(1) bundle sheath (2) guard cells
(3) epidermal cells (4) mesophyll cells (3)
Blackman (1905) gave the law of limiting factors which states that when a process
(4) is conditioned as to its rapidity by a number of separate factors, the rate of the
Sol. process is limited by the pace of the slowest process. It is the factor which is
C4 plants show Kranz anatomy, i.e., the mesophyll is undifferentiated, and its cells
occur in concentric layers around vascular bundle, which is surrounded by large present in minimum amount.
sized bundle sheath cells, in a wreath like manner.
In this type of plants, the initial fixation of CO2 occurs in mesophyll cell. The Photorespiration is favoured by
primary acceptor (phosphoenol pyruvate) combines with CO2 to form oxaloacetic 5.
(1) high temperature and low O2 (2) high humidity and temperature
acid which later reduces to malic acid. Malic acid is then translocated to bundle (3) high O2 and low CO2 (4) high CO2 and low O2
sheath cell for further decarboxylation.

Sol. (3)
2. Ferredoxin is a constituent of Photorespiration is the light dependent process of oxygenation of ribulose
(1) PS I (2) PS II biphosphate (RuBP) and release of carbon dioxide by the photosynthetic organs of
(3) Hill reaction (4) P 680 a plant. It leads to oxidation of considerable amount of photosynthetic products
to CO2 and H2O without the production of useful energy. Photorespiration occurs
(1) only in C3 plants because at high temperature and high oxygen concentration
Sol. RuBP carboxylase changes to RuBP oxygenase. Photorespiration is absent in C4
In Photosystem I, the ejected electron is trapped by FRS (ferredoxin reducing
substance) which is an unknown oxidation reduction system. The electron plants. Peroxisome and mitochondria are required for completing the process.
is now transferred to a non-heme iron protein called ferredoxin (Fd) from
which electron is transferred to NADP+ intermediate protein electron carrier Which element is located at the centre of the porphyrin ring in chlorophyll?
ferredoxin NADP reductase. So that NADP+ is reduced to NADPH + H+. 6.
(1) Calcium (2) Magnesium
(3) Potassium (4) Manganese

3. Photosynthetic pigments found in the chloroplasts occur in

(1) thylakoid membranes (2) plastoglobules (2)
Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

(3) matrix (4) chloroplast envelope Chlorophyll is the green pigment present in plants and some photosynthetic
bacteria. The empirical formula of chlorophyll a molecule is C55H72O5N4Mg. It
(1) consists of a porphyrin head and a phytol tail. Porphyrin is a cyclic tetrapyrrole
Sol. structure, having a magnesium atom in the centre. Tail consists of phytol alcohol,
Photosynthetic pigments are found in the thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts.
The grana lamellae are paired to form sac like structures and form thylakoids. and it is attached with one of the pyrrole rings.
Chlorophylls and other photosynthetic pigments are confined to grana.

31. 32.
9. The primary acceptor, during CO2 fixation in C3 plants, is
7. For the synthesis of one glucose molecule the Calvin cycle operates for
(1) phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) (2) ribulose 1, 5 biphosphate (RuBP)
(1) 2 times (2) 4 times
(3) phosphoglyceric acid (PGA) (4) ribulose monophosphate (RMP)
(3) 6 times (4) 8 times.

Sol. (2)
Sol. (3)
In C3 plants, CO2 primary acceptor molecule is RuBP or RuDP (i.e., Ribulose 1, 5
Photosynthesis is oxidation reduction process in which water is oxidised and
biphosphate or Ribulose 1, 5-diphosphate). There occurs covalent bonding of CO2 to
CO2 is reduced to carbohydrates. The reduction of CO2 to carbohydrates needs
RuBP and the enzyme catalyzing this reaction is RuBP carboxylase or RuBP oxygenase
assimilatory powers, i.e., ATP and NADPH2. The process of photosynthesis involves
two steps–
(i) Light dependent phase or photochemical reaction.
(ii) Light independent phase or dark reaction. In Calvin cycle, CO2 acceptor NADPH2 is generated through
molecule is RuBP or RuDP. The enzyme catalysing this reaction is RuBP 10.
(1) photosystem II (2) anaerobic respiration
carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO). As Calvin cycle takes in only one carbon (3) glycolysis (4) photosystem I
(as CO2) at a time, so it takes six turns of the cycle to produce a net gain of
six carbons (i.e., hexose or glucose). In this cycle, for formation of one mole
of hexose sugar (Glucose), 18 ATP and 12 NADPH2 are used. For 6 molecules Sol. (4)
of CO2, it needs 18 ATP and 12 NADPH2 molecules so for assimilation of one Non-cyclic photophosphorylation involves both PS I and PS II. Here electrons are
molecule of CO2 it needs 3 ATP and 2 NADPH2 molecules. not cycled back and are used in the reduction of NADP to NADPH2. The electrons
generated by PS II are passed over a series of electron carriers in a downhill journey
and handed over to reaction centre of PS I. PS I again passes the electrons to NADP+
8. In C4 plants, Calvin cycle operates in the which combines with H+ ions to form NADPH.
(1) stroma of bundle sheath chloroplasts
(2) grana of bundle sheath chloroplasts
(3) grana of mesophyll chloroplasts
(4) stroma of mesophyll chloroplasts

Sol. (1)
The C4 plants have a characteristic leaf anatomy called Kranz anatomy. Here two
types of chloroplasts are present — bundle sheath chloroplasts and mesophyll
chloroplasts. In C4 plants, there are two carboxylation reactions which occur first
Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

in mesophyll chloroplasts and then in bundle sheath chloroplasts. CO2 acceptor
molecule in mesophyll chloroplasts is PEP (Phospho-enol pyruvate) and not
Ribulose 1, 5 biphosphate. Further it has enzyme PEP carboxylase for initial CO2
fixation. RuBP carboxylase is absent in mesophyll chloroplasts but is present
in bundle sheath chloroplasts. The first product formed is oxaloacetic acid and
hence it is known as C4 cycle. Bundle sheath cells fix CO2 through C3 cycle.

33. 34.

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