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The necessity for properly lubricating the dynamic of engine lubricants. As there are a substantia
components of any engine i’s readily apparent. The number of commercial lubricants marketed today
recommendations, suggestions, and comments engine manufacturers and consumers canno;
included in this Maintenance Instruction are offered completely evaluate the entire spectrum of product!
as a guide in the selection of a suitable engine available., As a result, the selection of a suitable.
lubricating oil. heavy duty lubricant must be made in consultation
with a reliable oil supplier capable of making
OIL QUALITY product recommendations commensurate with the
engine builders specifications and specific environ-
It must be recognized that the only real measure of mental influences as well as furnishing such a
quality in a lubricating oil is its actual performance product on a consistent quality level.
in the diesel engine. This is apparent because of the
impossibility of establishing limits on all physical
and chemical properties of oils which can affect
their performance in the engine over a broad range OIL TYPE
of environmental influences.
An SAE 40, heavy duty additive type engine
Oil quality is the responsibility of the oil supplier, a lubricant conforming to the following specifications
term applicable to refiners, blenders, and rebranders should be used in all EMD engine applications:



Viscosity: D88 or D445

Saybolt Universal
Seconds at 2 10” F (98.9O C) 72-85 (13.5 - 16.8 cSt)

Viscosity Index D567 60- 100

Flash Point D92 420° F Min. (216* C)

Fire Point D92 475” F Min. (246” Q

Pour Point D97 40” F Max. (4.5” C)

Zinc Content (t) IO t:pm Max.

Total Hasc Number (tt) D-664 5-17

D-2896 5-20
*This bulletin is rcviscd and supersedes previous issues of this number.
Arcaa of change arc indicated by vertical bars in the margins.

DE-M’ March 198.1

M.I. 1760

NOTE qualifications by ASTM and EMD methods.

‘1 Zinc atldiliw compounds. such as zinc dithio- EM D will rcvicw and monitor sr~ch testsad ill
phosphate, must not hc present in lubricants all results arc in good agrccmcnt arvd u:i:ttirn
for EM 1) cngincs. Oils containing more than accefitable limits, the oil formulation will be,
10 ppm /inc arc considcrcd cxccssively con- considered worthy of 2-567 engine evaluation
taminatcd with zinc dithiophosphate or similar to determine its silver lubricity characteristics,
additive compounds which will not satisfactorily
2. 2-567 Silver Lubricity Test
lubricate the silver bearings in EMD engines.
t1’Ccrtain oils in this 1‘BN range will not provide The purpose of this test is to determine that the
adequate performance if fuels with sulfur laboratory qualified oil formulation will
conlent in cxccss of 0.59i: must be used. For satisfactorily lubricate the silver wrist pin
bearing. This test evaluation is also expected to
furthor rccommcndations in this regard refer
to the section on high sulfur fuels. be conducted and/or contracted by the oil or
additive supplier with review and monitoring of
In addition to the above properties, the oil formulation the results by EMD.
should have a high resistance to oxidation, a low
3 . Full Scale Field Test
tendency toward the formation of harmful carbon-
aceous and; or additive ash deposits, and must be Upon successful completion of the iaboratory-
non-corrosive to silver metal at .285” F (140” C) and silver lubricity tests, the oil formulation will,
(EMD L.O. 201 test). Oils with sufficient alkaline be considered worthy of full scale field test
reserve (TRN) and highly effective detergent- evaluation. Field tests should be conducted in a
dispersant systems should be employed in line with minimum of three (3) EMD engines, preferably
fuel quality and ‘or service demands. in heavy. duty service, for a period of not less
than one year.
QUALIFICATION TESTS FOR During the field evaluation and at iis conclusion,
ENGINE LUBRlCATING OILS EMD will review the oil and engine performance
data generated by the supplier(s).
The diesel engine lubricating oil must satisfactorily
lubricate ihe entire engine under all conditions After successful completion of the field test
expected to be encountered. While the condition program the oil will be considered satisfactory
and’ performance of the engine in actual service for limited use, but should be closely monitored
provides the criteria in reaching a final judgment of during the following two years of commercial
oil suitability, there are several laboratory tests introduction.
which are useful in making preliminary evaluations Oil formulations established and proven by this
of a product, namely:
development program must remain exactly the
I. Physical and chemical properties (as previously same with no subsequent changes in their make-up.
If an oil or additive improvement program i$
2. Corrosion of metals: desirable or necessary, the revised formulation must
be evaluated by going through the complete
a. Silver and copper - EMD No. L.O. 201
developmint program.
b . Lead S.O.D. method No. 5321-t (modified).
3. Over-alI evaluation of oxidation stability by the The use of a single brand name lubricant is
EMD L.O. 201 method, including: recommended. This recommendation of long
a. Viscosity increase characteristics standing is substantially supported by observations
b . Rctcntion of alkalinity (additive concentrate) of the performance of fleets lubricated with a single
c. Dcvclopmcnt of insolubles. oil compared to fleets iubricatcd with mixed oil
OIL FORMULATIONS EM D has continually recommcndcd that lubricating
oils should not be mixed. The combining of
I. Laboratory Evaluations lubricants with different additive and base stock
l‘hc supplier oft hc lubricant base stock and the components creates a chemical mixture which
supnho~~ 01 Ihc additive conccntratc arc expected cannot be readily evaluated in the laboratory, and
to conducr complclo laboratory and bench test its field performance cannot be reliably predicted,
M.I. 1760

RECLAlMED OILS that it is cssentiallv unfiltcrablc. In such siluations.

it might appear that an cxtcnsion of the I’iltcr
Considered as a general category. reclaimed oils are replacement interval may be iustil‘icd. Caution
not recommended for the lubrication of EMD should be excrciscd when coLtcmpIating such
engines. action since filter materials have not yet h c c n
developed that will tolcratc prolonged cxposurc to
lubricants at high tcmpcraturc without dctcrioration
HIGH SULFUR FUELS and/or possible disintegration of the filter media.

EMD strongly recommends the use of distillate

fuels with sulfur content of less than 0.5% in order to LUBRICATING OIL CHANGES
realize optimum life expectancies of both the engine
and the lubricating oil. It should also be noted, that Oil change intervals prescribed in the applicable
scheduled maintenance programs are based on fuel Scheduled Maintcnancc Program arc based on
sulfur levels of .5Vb or less and other properties as average operating conditions with quality fuels of
shown in M.1. 1750. less than 0.5% sulfur content.

In applications where fuel of recommended sulfur When oil change intervals are overextended, serious
level cannot be obtained, it may be necessary to and costly engine problems may result. This can
make specific engine modifications (contact your occur if the additive concentrate is depleted be!,ond
local EMD Service Representative) and follow the acceptable limits. and the lubricant loses essential
lubricating guidelines mentioned in this section, in properties including alkalinity, detergency. and
order to achieve reasonable peformance and wear dispersancy. In the absence of vital reserves of these
rates. properties, the lubricant no longer pro\,ides
satisfactory protection of the engine in limiting
In addition, EM D considers the use of high alkaline harmful deposit formations from oxidized oil and
reserve lubricants as mandatory where high sulfur other contaminants, or adequate control of the
fuels must be employed. Specifically, the use of corrosive products of combustion.
lubricants u ith new oil total base numbers of7 to I7
I by ASTM method D-664 (IO-20 b!, ASTM method Oils which have experienced sef’ere additive depletion
D-2896) are rccommcnded under these conditions. will result in accelerated engine Lvear. stuck or
broken piston rings, liner scuffing. and corrosive
It is emphasized that the use of high sulfur fuels attack and/or frictional failure of vital bearing
result in significant reductions in both engine wear surfaces.
life and lubricant life. Recommendations offered in
conjunction with the use of high sulfur fuels are Regular laboratory analysis of the lubricant is a
essential in minimizing these effects, but are limited valuable means of judging the condition of the
in what they accomplish. As a result, the user of high lubricant, and is of equal value in reflecting the
sulfur fuels must anticipate shorter intervals condition of the engine. Both engine and oil
between engine overhauls as well as more frequent condition must be given careful considcratjon ~~hcn
oil changes under such conditions. planning to extend oil change intcrtals beyond
those recommended.

FILTER CHANGES In addition. EMD strongly advises thcconscicntious

use of laboratory analysis whcrc high sulfur fuels
Regular monitoring of lube oil filter tank pressure must bc used. The dcgrcc (~fsatisfactor!~ pcrl’ormancc
should bc used to determine filter condition. in such applications is hca\il~, dcpendcnt on rhc
Replaccmcnt of oil filter clcments should bc made establishment of‘ proper oil ChilrlgC intcr\aIs under
according to the Schcdulcd Maintenance Program the actual scrvicc condition and high end ol’thc I’ucl
unless prcssurc monitoring or lilbOl3tOr~ analysis of s u l f u r range t hill C;ln bc CSpCCtCd. ‘l’hcrcforc. ill1
the lubricating oil dictates carlicr replacement. expeditious \vcll planned prog’am of frqucnr
analysis is most cssenlial in cst;thlishing ;I wlc oil
Replaccmcnt elements must bc of the EM D type or chance interval for i l given lubricant untlcr tlic3c
equivalent in ill1 rcspccts. Elcmcnts intcndcd for use condlt ions.
with other r!~~t‘s of cngincs arc not suitable.

\Yhcrc highl! dispcrsant oils arc criiplo~~l. carbon-

iICCOlIS lii;lllcV illiiy bc SllSpcIldcif SO finely in lhc oil

M.I. 1760

with the regular laboratory ~llIill!:SiS of tlic cnginc

lubricating oil. a summary of gurdclincs has been
included in this Maintenance Instruction. While
some variations from guideline values ma~~esist due
Among t hc kc!, p;~ramc~crs for judging the riced for t o method o r a n a l y s i s tcchniclucs cmploycd,
an oil change, total hasc numhcr (TBN) is one of significant deviations from the normal lubricant
p r i m a r y imp(~rtanc’c. W~CII t h i s o r other k e y history should still bc detectable. and the proper
indicalors il~~~l~~~~lCi1 or I-CilCll prescribed minimum, evaluation of such indicators as a means of
01. condcmninp limits, appropriate action must be iniplcmcnting preventive maintenance can serve
LikCIl. ‘I‘0 a s s i s t maintenance pcrsonncl i n the well in avoiding potential engine damage of a more
intcrprctation and ~econ~n~endcd actions associated serious nature.

M.I. 1760


No Action
Take Extra
Oil Samples
Shut Down Engme. Drain Lube 011
III Change Filters.
Viscosity & Flash Point - Borderline - find and fix fuel leak.
Check for dilution if flash
Fuel point less than 400° F or 0 to 2% High - check main bearings per mainte-
Above 5%
Leak oil viscosity drops 15% or nance manual.
more at 100” F.

Free Water None Any

Chromate Inhibitor 20 to 40 ppm Above 40 ppm

Boron Inhibitor oto 10ppn lOto20ppm Above 20 onm

Air Silicon 0 to 5 ppm 5 to 10ppm Above 10 ppm Improved air filter maintenance required,

“Min. TEN: Change Oil. If short oil life persists, check

TBN (D-664) (D-664) 0.5 lube oil quality, fuel sulfur content, oil
TBN (D-2896) (O-2896) 1 .O cooler efficiency, engine temperature
Excessive Viscosity Rise NIlax. Vis. Rise 30% controls, power output (governor and rack
PH M i n . pti 6.0 settings), engine condition (worn rings,
Pentane Insolubles Max. Pent. Insol. 25b cracked pistons, poor combustion), oil
filtration, or oil pump suction leak.

Zontami- Check fuel cleanliness. Notify fuel supplrer.

vated fuel Aluminum If engine smokes, check injector calibration
Above 5 ppm
cracking Magnesium and tip erosion. Check if piston rings are
zatalyst) excessively worn.

,Check if oil is contacting galvanized or zinc

Above 10 ’ PI: lm becomes I sainted surfaces. Check if make up oil in
Zinc Oto 1Oppm more dan ous with in- stock is within specifications. Notify lube
creasing 1 les. lil supplier. Check for silver bearing

Xl tCheck if oil contains zinc or is corrosive to

Zontami- silver. Check for broken piston cooling
>ation i :ubes, inefficient oil cooler, or improper
1 :emperature control. Feel sides of piston
Silver 0 to 1 ppm 1 to 2 ppm Above 2 ppm pins for signs of distress. Measure piston
to head clearance with lead readings. Oil
draining is not mandatory. Check strainers
and bottom of oil pan for debris. Consider
t urbo bearing condition.
- -
Abnormal Chromium (Not appli-
Near Or cable if chromate coolant Oto 1Oppm lOto20ppm Above 20 ppm ( :heck for rapid wear of rings & liners
Zorrosion inhibitor is used)
Rapid F uleasure piston to head clearance with leaa
ncreases Copper 0 to 75 ppm 75 to 150 ppn 1 Above 150 ppm , r eadings to locate worn prston thrust
Nithin c washers.
normal Iron 0 to 75 oom 75 to 125 oon 7 Above 125 ppm ( Check for rapid wear of rrngs & liners.
‘ange F dost likely lead flash IS dissolving off
should b e t Bearings. Premature lead removal, before
:onsidered t bearings are broken in, can lead to bearing
mrderline C listress. Inspect and replace upper con rod
:ondition) t tearings in service less than 6 months 11
Lead 0 to 50 ppm 50 to 75 ppm Above 75 PPm I ead flash has been removed from the
1 mloaded area of the fishback bearmg
S surface on turbocharged engines. If con
r od bearings require replacement, wrist
I lin bearings should also be checked and
I .eplaced if lead flash has been removed

(Check for debris under crankshaft gear

n Copper i ndicative of gear tram bushing distress.
Zombina- Iron Two out of’ thr ‘ee elements Iheck idler gear bearing clearances.
ion Lead in borclerltne or high range. I Iheck main and con rod bearings per main-
( t enance manual. Oil draining is not
I nandatory.

‘In areas wtrero focal sulfur content exceeds 0.5% the T8N level should nor be allowed to drop below 1 0 (D 664) or 3 0 (D 3896)

r* 0 0 . A Service Department Publication l l l l

Electra-Motive Division Of General Motors La Grange, Illinois 60525

-5- Litho in U S A

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