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Dương Thạch Thảo.


Dear Daisy,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my standpoint over
participating in outdoors entertainment and share with you my preferences at
leisure time.

To be honest, I am not particularly athletic on account of activities organized

outside are hardly my cup of tea, thus, devoting my precious breaktime to enjoying
indoors atmosphere will be absolutely appropriate for me. Personally, after a hard-
working day at school, so exhausted my entire body that I am in no mood to
engage in any recreations which demand a great deal of energy such as playing
sports. Instead, I’d rather treat myself to some refreshments and immerse in my
favourite movies. However, I am thinking about taking up a sport recently and
would appreciate it if you could give me any suggestions.

That’s all for now. I am looking forward to receiving your respondence.

Nguyen Hoai Thu.


In this contemporary educational domain, students’ engagement in extracurricular

activities is widely supposed to be an effective avenue for nurturing their creativity and vivacity.
From my perspective, I am in favor of this notion. To begin with, the promotion of school
learners’ innovative ability can be obviously demonstrated by a wide range of extracurricular
organizations such as practical experience, artistic guilds, or musical ensembles. More
specifically, these outdoors activities feasibly enable students to apply their creative faculties to
real-world situations, thus fostering them to constructively build up their imagination in an active
way. For instance, according to my experience, having an opportunity to practically utilize my
drawing innovative ideas through artistic activities is a massive motivation for me to continue
improving my creations. In terms of vivacity, participating in a substantial number of those
activities can assist students in recuperating from hard work as well as alleviating strains,
therefore recharging their batteries. Besides, youngsters will also be offered ample social skills,
especially adaptive capacity and communication proficiency, which are integral parts of being
energetic. To illustrate, one’s being an eloquent person is feasibly formed through engaging
oneself in several particular activities related to the linguistic field. In conclusion, there is no
doubt in my mind that the application of extracurricular activities is worth attaining more

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