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1. Reflect on your Art subject back in your elementary years. What was good about it?

What could have been better? Which issues among those discussed above did you



My elementary years in art subject is not literally good because from what I remember, we are more on
copying notes and discussions, we are not hands on in doing simple artworks that for some reason when
I got to high school it feels like its new to me. I’m not saying that my elementary art subject experience
is bad but at some point, it was better if we have the chance to explore and let us be hands on to some
arts in simple ways so that for us not to be shock upon entering high school. Based from what I
experience, the Student Discipline and the Teachers Issue are mostly the issue I witness from my
elementary arts.

2. Did your being exposed to Art in your elementary and maybe high school education

influence your desire to pursue a career in Art Education today? If yes, what was it

about your early experiences with art that influenced you? If no, what experiences

outside of the art classroom inspired you to pursue Art Education now?


I’m not sure if being exposed to art in my elementary and high school education influence me to pursue
Art Education today, because sometimes I felt tired interacting to arts and I must say that I sometimes
hated doing arts. But for some reasons even I hated doing some arts because I not good at it, the
thoughts of finishing an art even its not literally good makes me happy and wonder to have an ample
time to practice Arts. I cannot give an exact experience outside of the art classroom that inspired me to
pursue art education because I still on the verge of exploring things that is related to arts.


Imagine you have the freedom to teach Art in whatever way you wish to a fourth-grade class,

but you have only three months to teach, and the only art materials you have access to are

those commonly found in an educational supply store. What would you teach and in what

sequence? What strategies and activities would you use to teach?

Since now it was technology integrated era, the used of art materials that I found in educational supply
store maybe I can upgrade it a little since technology can help us to be creative and we can get new
ideas to make our arts materials be attractive to a fourth-grade class. So for the effective used of the
arts materials, asking them of what their ideas of the materials that are found and make it purposeful to
used, having an effective communication are the best strategies that I may apply to teach.


Imagine having a student with great artistic talent but does not have the support of his or her

family since they believe that his or her artistic pursuits are a waste of time and money. How

would you convince them otherwise?


If I ever have one student that his/her parents did not support him/her, I will explain to them that their
child has this great artistic talent that should be proud of. Even if they think it’s a waste of time and
money, they should see how this greatly affect the emotional and mental status of the child. Let him/her
pursue his/her passion of arts since he/she is talented good enough for this, let him/her prove that
being in this talent is pretty much not a waste of time and money and if they will see that he/she is not
doing good anymore then it’s the time for them to say that it’s not good already. If you have a child the
support is what they needed the most in those stages.

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