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A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of lines,

shapes, colors and texture, and principles of balance,
proportion and variety through drawing
B. Performance Standards Creates a portrait of himself and his family which
shows the elements and principles of art by drawing

C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected
a. identifies different shapes and colors
used by artists in drawing;
b. creates a drawing to express one’s ideas
about oneself, one’s family , home and
school; and
c. shares stories related to their drawing
II. CONTENT Lesson: Elements and Principle of Art ( colors and
III. LEARNING RESOURCES Pictures, Worksheet about different elements of arts,
bondpaper, coloring materials, ruler and pencil
Teachers Activity Students Activity
a. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Good morning, Class! Let us all
stand for our opening prayer.
-Everyone stands
2. Greetings
Once again good morning class!
How are you feeling today? Are
you excited for our lesson today?
- Good morning teacher, we are
fine teacher and were excited
for our lesson today.
Wow! That’s good to hear!

3. Checking of Attendance
So now, let’s first check your
attendance. Preparing themselves

Very good everyone, I see that you

are all present today and for that I
will give everyone a chocolate
after our class. Is that alright?

- Yes teacher
4. Giving Classroom Rules
Okay, class, may I remind
everyone that if I speak in front of
you, I want you to listen. If you
want to excuse yourself or if you're
not feeling well, please raise your
right hand so that I can notice you.
Is that understood class?
- Yes Teacher
5. Motivation
Everyone, do you want to have a
short game? This game is called
“Bring Me”.
In this game, I will tell you
something and you can find it
everywhere in our classroom, if Everyone is preparing
you found that thing, you will
bring it in front of me. Those who
can give me first has a price but I
will still get those others things.
Is everyone’s ready? If yes then
will start our game now.

Bring me Bondpaper.
Bring me your bottled water (there Everyone is participating
is yellow, black, white,)
Bring me a clock
Bring me coins
Bring me 20 pesos
Bring me anything that is black.
(Notebook black, eraser)
Bring me white notebook
Bring me your bag. (Yellow, black,

b. Lesson Proper
1. Activity
Since we’re done with our short
games. Today I want you to
observed what you bring here in
- Students are murmuring

2. Analysis
What have you noticed upon your
observation? There is a black color of bag,
eraser, notebook, bottled water. A
white color of notebook, bottled
water, bond paper and one peso
A yellow bag, bottled water. There
is also a circular type of clock, a
rectangular clock and there also a
bag that looks like a rectangle and
the 20 pesos is shape like
rectangle. Also, the coins are

What can you say about this?

- Some of the things are the

same in shapes and colors.
- They are group by which
shapes and color do they.
Yes, that's great. You have great
observation class. Based from
your observation, what do you
think would be our topic today?

- Students murmuring
Anybody from the class?

- No one answer
Our topic today is all about the
elements and principles of arts but
we will focus on shapes and colors
that artist used in drawings. LISTENING

Every time an artist creates a work

of art, they consider the parts of
the work they will make in order to
create a good work of art. You will
end up with a lot better artwork if
you keep these in mind when you
plan and develop your artwork.

These include the artwork's

shapes and colors. - LISTENING
Let's take a closer look at what
these two elements are and why
they're vital to know while creating

Let's begin with the shape. A

shape is generated when two lines
connect to enclose a space.
Geometric or organic shapes are

What do you think are example of

geometric or organic shapes? - Circle, triangle, rectangle,

Thank you! Those examples you

give are examples of geometric

Geometric shapes are defined as

objects with a regular look that are
usually created by machines.
Circles, squares, triangles,
rectangles, and ovals are some
Organic shapes are defined as
shapes that have a curvy flow and
are uneven or asymmetrical in
appearance. Shapes that
resemble those found in nature,
such as plants, animals, and
rocks, and are generally curvilinear
in form.

Can you give me other example of

organic shapes?

Very good class.

- Stones, leaves, butterfly,


From the given pictures, aside from

the shapes, what have you

Yes, there are different types of

colors. When light is reflected into
the viewer's eye, color is formed. - There are different types of
Colors are grouped on a color colors
wheel in art. The color wheel was
created by Isaac Newton, who bent
the color spectrum into a circle.

Do you think we can relate a simple

artwork to our stories in life?

Yes, its true that artworks can be - Yes Teacher.

related to our stories in life, one
example of it is this artwork:

If you noticed, in this artwork there are

children who’s playing in the sand.
Even yourself do this when having a
family outing in beach right?
- Yes teacher

These are some examples of


3. Abstraction
Alright I think I’ve done discussing
everything. Now I will ask some
questions to everyone.

What was our topic today?

When doing an artwork, what does - Student answer

artist need to consider?

- They need to consider the

elements of an artwork to have
From the topic, we focus on the a better view of their works.
two elements of artworks, what are

- We discuss about the shapes

What is shapes? and colors

- A shape is generated when two

lines connect to enclose a
What is color? space. Geometric or organic
shapes are possible.
- Colors are grouped on a color
wheel in art. The color wheel
was created by Isaac Newton,
who bent the color spectrum
Can we relate doing artworks in into a circle.
our story of life?

I think everyone’s understand - Yes

already our topics.
Now are excited to make your own

4. Application

Now, what I want you to do is to get all

your coloring materials, paper,and
pencil. Draw anything what you want
to draw; you can have a family,
drawing, our school, our school
garden. Anything that you want and
after that please come forward and try
to explain what it’s in your drawing.
Am I understood class?

- Yes

15 minutes later, the students are

starting to explain their drawings.

Wow everyone has a unique output of

their drawings. I hope that in this class,
you understand the topics properly.
Students doing the Activity

List the shape you will see on this picture
and identify if it is geometrical shapes or
organic shapes.

For your assignment, make an artwork
about your family. Bring it in the class by
next meeting and discuss it on the class.

I will give you 1 day for doing this

assignment. Is that okay?

- Yes teacher

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