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Inventions in the world

1. Compass- compass being invented to enhanced sea navigation significantly,

allowing for greater exploration, trade, and combat. You might be surprised to
learn that the compass was initially used for divination, geomancy, fortune-telling,
and the discovery of rich jewels. The compass allowed for better reliability in
navigation, as well as a sense of direction when weather conditions were less
sufficient. Its impact to the society is that they have made life easier for the
people who specially need it to navigate and used this from their work.
2. Computer- was invented in order to automate mathematical computations
formerly conducted by individuals that could be totally taken over by machines,
which would not only boost dependability and remove human error, but would
also speed up and increase efficiency. People plan to forget how to correctly
communicate with others because they are completely engrossed in their
computers, however even with this, computers aid boost people's capacity to
look easier in obtaining meaningful work.
3. Wheel-- It was utilized for transportation, which got more complex throughout
time as other technology advanced. Wheeled carts aided agriculture and
commerce by allowing items to be transported to and from markets and
alleviating the responsibilities of individuals traveling long distances. It made
transportation much more convenient. People could move vast amounts of crops,
grain, or water by attaching wheeled vehicles to horses or other animals. It
improved farming since transporting heavy tools and crop outputs made labor
easier and results faster. Farmers and merchants could utilize the wheel to
transport their commodities to more distant markets, increasing revenues and
facilitating international trade.

4. Plastic-to-Diesel Converter- Jayme Navarro devised a mechanism that

can turn waste plastics into diesel; plastics are almost entirely
converted into oil and carbon black. To convert plastic to diesel, plastic
to diesel converters mostly use pyrolysis and distillation technology.
The most crucial aspect is that this method will not pollute the
environment. Plastic to diesel converters are environmentally friendly,
since they are outfitted with expert environmental protection equipment
to ensure that they fulfill emission regulations.

5. Jeepney- are public utility vehicles that resemble minibuses and are
the most popular mode of public transportation in the Philippines. In
the 1930s, adapted imported cars with attached carriages used as low-
cost passenger utility vehicles in Manila. It is much more convenient to
use in transportation, and it also provides a reduced transit fare.

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