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Is it a near miss? Or was it an unsafe act?

Maybe just an unsafe condition.

What’s the difference and how do you explain it to your employees when introducing them
to your safety management system?

What is an unsafe What is an Unsafe act? What is a near miss? What is an accident?

condition? A near miss is an unplanned and uncon- An accident is an unfortu-

An unsafe act is an activity
trolled event that did not result in inju- nate incident that happens
An unsafe condition is that is conducted in a manner ry, illness, or damage but had the po- unexpectedly and uninten-
that may threaten the health tential to do so. Only a fortunate break tionally, typically resulting in
unsatisfactory physical
in the chain of events prevented an in- damage or injury.
condition existing in a and/or safety of workers.
jury, fatality, property damage or dam-
workplace. age to the environment.

Any example?.. Any example?.. Any example?.. Any example?..

The accident triangle, also known as Heinrich's triangle or Bird's triangle, is a theory of acci-
dent prevention. ... This idea proposes that if the number of minor accidents is reduced then
there will be a corresponding fall in the number of serious accidents. One of the main pur-
poses of the process safety triangle is the illustration of how unsafe acts can lead to a major

In 1931, industrial safety expert H.W. Heinrich proposed a workplace injury theory that is
still widely used today – for every 330 workplace incidents, 300 would not result in injury, 29
would result in minor injuries, and one would result in a significant injury or death. For near-
ly 90 years, Heinrich’s pioneering theory has been accepted as the standard for occupational
safety and continues to impact how industry leaders approach workplace safety.
Why it must be reported?
Many construction companies are reactive and not proac-
tive with their management of health and safety; and
some even wait for accidents to occur before imple-
menting preventative controls. In many cases accidents
are preceded by a Near Miss, but quite frequently the
Near Miss was ignored as no actual harm occurred. History
shows that if construction companies create a culture that
requires a Near Miss to be reported without retribution,
investigate it thoroughly and implement suitable controls
safety on their sites is greatly increased.
On all NEOM sites contractors must comply with the NE-
OM Health and Safety requirements NEOM-NPR- MSU 7,
NEOM- NPR-SOP 02.0 - Incident Notification, Investigation
and Reporting. The CONTRACTOR shall:
# Report all serious dangerous occurrences/ significant
near miss events as soon as possible and in all cases, with-
in 24 hours.
# Ensure all accidents and incidents (including near misses)
are investigated.

The standards require a Near Miss to be reported,

investigated and suitable controls to be imple-
mented to prevent future accidents and incidents

Near Miss Reporting Guidance for Contractors

# Create a policy and procedure that is communicated to all employees with the backing of senior management.
# Promote a culture of reporting with the support and help of all managers and supervisors.
# Educate employees on the reason why near miss reporting is a necessity, the important role that they play, and the process for re-
# Ensure that the near miss reporting process is easy to understand and use.
# Continue to communicate on the importance of near miss reporting encouraging the participation of all employees.
# Use the near miss reporting as a positive to improve workplace safety.
# Reinforce with employees that near miss reporting is not punishable.
# Consider incentives that encourage reporting and improve the safety culture.
# Include training for new employees as a part of their orientation.
# Celebrate the success and value of the near miss reporting process with all employees
# Investigate significant near-miss cases and identify the root causes. By learning lessons and making improvements, organizations can
avoid similar incidents occurring in the future.
Key take-aways
• Reporting near-misses is important
• Be aware of your safety and your environment
• Know who you should report near-misses and incidents to
Reporting of near misses is also a good opportunity for employees to provide feedback to their team and senior managers and
identify any weakness in operational procedures.

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