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Watchman Nee gave a series of studies on the characters of Abraham, Isaac, and
Jacob in the early part of 1940. These messages were published in Chinese in 1955 by
the Taiwan Gospel Bookroom under the title, The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
This book is a translation of the Chinese publication.


神說,『我…是亞伯拉罕的神,以撒的神,雅各的神。』 God said, “I am...the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob” (Exo.
(出三 6。) 3:6).
神爲了要揀選一班人歸於祂自己的名下,作祂的子民, In order to bring a group of people to come under His name, and in order to make
所以在亞伯拉罕、以撒、和雅各身上特別作工,使他們有 them His people, God did a special work in three persons, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
特別的經歷。神給亞伯拉罕的經歷,是要他認識神是父, respectively, and gave each one of them particular experiences. God gave Abraham
他的一切都得出於神;神給以撒的經歷,是要他認識子的 the experience of knowing God as the Father, showing that everything comes from
享受,他所有的一切都是父賜給他的;神給雅各的經歷, God. He gave Isaac the experience of knowing the enjoyment of the Son, showing that
是藉著聖靈的管治對付他的天然生命,並把基督組織在他 everything the Son has is from the Father. He gave Jacob the experience of the discipline
裏面。 of the Holy Spirit to deal with his natural life and constitute Christ into him.
亞伯拉罕、以撒、和雅各是神的子民的起頭,他們所有 Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are the beginning of the history of God’s people. As such,
的經歷,也就是神的子民所應當有的經歷。我們編寫這本 their total experience should be the experience of all of God’s people. In publishing
書,盼望能從神的話語中看見,亞伯拉罕、以撒和雅各的 this book, we hope that the readers will find spiritual meaning in the experience of
經歷,到底對於我們有甚麼屬靈的意義。但願神賜福給這 Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in God’s Word. May God bless this book and its readers and
本書和它的讀者,帶領我們認識亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各的 guide us to a full knowledge of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob so that we can
神,使我們能成爲神的見證的器皿。 become vessels of God’s testimony.
臺灣福音書房編輯部 The Editors, Taiwan Gospel Book Room
主後一九五五年二月 February 1955

2062 亞伯拉罕以撒雅各的神 - 第 1 頁 THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC, AND JACOB - Page 1


第一章 引言 1. Introduction
第二章 亞伯拉罕的蒙召 2. The Calling of Abraham
第三章 亞伯拉罕與迦南地 3. Abraham and the Land of Canaan
第四章 亞伯拉罕與兒子(上) 4. Abraham and His Son (1)—
-神的應許與亞伯拉罕的信心 God’s Promise and Abraham’s Faith
第五章 亞伯拉罕與兒子(中) 5. Abraham and His Son (2)—
-亞伯拉罕受割禮 Abraham’s Circumcision
第六章 亞伯拉罕與兒子(下) 6. Abraham and His Son (3)—
-亞伯拉罕獻以撒 Abraham Offering Isaac
第七章 以撒的特點 7. The Characteristics of Isaac
第八章 新約的以撒- 8. Isaac in the New Testament—
神在基督裏所豫備的產業 God’s Provisions in Christ
第九章 雅各的本性與所受的管教 9. Jacob’s Nature and the Discipline He Received
第十章 雅各天然生命的脫節 10. The Breaking of Jacob’s Natural Life
第十一章 雅各的成熟 11. The Maturity of Jacob
第十二章 聖靈的組織 12. The Constitution of the Spirit

2062 亞伯拉罕以撒雅各的神 - 第 2 頁 THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC, AND JACOB - Page 2

讀經: Scripture Reading:
出埃及記三章六節:『又說,我是你父親的神,是亞伯拉 Exo. 3:6, And He said, I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of
罕的神,以撒的神,雅各的神。摩西蒙上臉,因爲怕看神。』 Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look at God.
十五至十六節:『神又對摩西說,你要對以色列人這樣 15-16; And God also said to Moses, Thus you shall say to the children of Israel,
說,耶和華你們祖宗的神,就是亞伯拉罕的神,以撒的神, Jehovah, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God
雅各的神,打發我到你們這裏來;耶和華是我的名,直到 of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is My name forever, and this is My memorial from
永遠,這也是我的記念,直到萬代。你去招聚以色列的長 generation to generation. Go, and gather the elders of Israel together, and say to
老,對他們說,耶和華你們祖宗的神,就是亞伯拉罕的神, them, Jehovah, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob,
以撒的神,雅各的神,向我顯現,說,我實在眷顧了你們, has appeared to me, saying, I have surely visited you and seen what is being done to
我也看見埃及人怎樣待你們。』 you in Egypt.
馬太福音二十二章三十一至三十二節:『論到死人復活, Matt. 22:31-32 But concerning the resurrection of the dead, have you not read that
神在經上向你們所說的,你們沒有念過麼?祂說,『我是 which was spoken to you by God, saying, “I am the God of Abraham and the God of
亞伯拉罕的神,以撒的神,雅各的神。』神不是死人的神, Isaac and the God of Jacob”? He is not the God of the dead, but of the living.

林前十章十一節說,『他們遭遇這些事,都要作爲鑒 First Corinthians 10:11 says, “Now these things happened to them as an example...”
戒…。』聖經所記以色列人的歷史,都是爲著作我們的鑒 The Bible records the history of the Israelites as an example to us. It is for the purpose
戒,爲著造就我們的。神在舊約裏所作的,和在新約裏所 of our edification. Although there is an outward difference between God’s work in the
作的,雖然在外表上有分別,但是在原則上仍然是一樣的。 Old Testament and His work in the New Testament, they are the same in principle. The
神作工的原則只有一個,從前是怎樣,今天還是怎樣。 principle of God’s work is the same today as it was in the past.
神揀選以色列人作祂的子民,神也從外邦中揀選人作祂 God chose the Israelites to be His people, and He also chose men from among the
的子民。(徒十五 14。)聖經說,我們是與聖徒同國,是 Gentiles to be His people (Acts 15:14). The Bible says that we are fellow citizens and
神家裏的人,(弗二 19,)又說我們是真猶太人。(羅二 members of the household of God (Eph. 2:19). It also says that we are the true Jews
29。)所以,以色列人的歷史,就是我們的鑒戒。在這本 (Rom. 2:29). Hence, the history of the Israelites is a pattern to us. In this book we will
書裏,我們要來看一個問題,就是神對付祂子民的道路到 consider the way God deals with His people; in other words, the way God edifies His
底是如何。換句話說,神用甚麼方法來造作祂的子民;或 people. Putting it another way, this book will show the kind of experience we must
者說,人在神的面前有了甚麼經歷,才能作神的子民。 acquire before we can become the people of God.
我們要從亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各的身上來看這個問題, We will discuss this subject through a consideration of the history of Abraham, Isaac,
因爲亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各在聖經中有他們特別的地位。 and Jacob because each of these three persons occupies a particular place in the Bible.

2062 亞伯拉罕以撒雅各的神 - 第 3 頁 THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC, AND JACOB - Page 3

聖經給我們看見,神的子民有兩個起點:一個起點是亞伯 The Bible shows us that God’s people had two beginnings. The first beginning
拉罕,因爲神的揀選、神的恩召是從亞伯拉罕起頭的;還有 was with Abraham because God’s selection and calling began with Abraham. The
一個起點是以色列國,神告訴以色列人,他們要在萬民中作 other beginning was with the nation of Israel. God told the Israelites that they would
屬祂的子民,他們要歸祂作祭司的國度,爲聖潔的國民。(出 be a people to Him among all the nations. They would be a kingdom of priests and
十九 5 ~ 6。)所以,神的子民的的確確是從亞伯拉罕起點 a holy nation (Exo. 19:5-6). Hence, Abraham was a definite beginning for God’s
的,神的子民也的的確確是從以色列國起頭的。在這兩個起 people, and the nation of Israel was also a definite beginning for God’s people. In
點中間,神得著了三個人,就是亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各。有 between these two beginnings, God gained three persons, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
了亞伯拉罕,有了以撒,有了雅各,然後有以色列國。從此 First there was Abraham, then there was Isaac, then Jacob, and then the nation of
以後,以色列國起首作神的子民。從此以後,就有了神的子 Israel. From that point on, the nation of Israel became the people of God, and God
民。所以,我們可以這樣說,以色列國的根基,是建造在亞 had a people of His own. Hence, we can say that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are the
伯拉罕、以撒、雅各的身上。如果沒有亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅 foundations of the nation of Israel. Without Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, there would
各,就沒有以色列國;如果沒有亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各,就 not be the nation of Israel, and without Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, there would
沒有神的子民。神的子民所以能成爲神的子民,是因爲他們 not be a people of God. God’s people became His people through the experience of
有了亞伯拉罕的經歷,有了以撒的經歷,有了雅各的經歷。 Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

有一件希奇的事,就是神說,『我…是亞伯拉罕的神,以撒 It is interesting to note that God said, “I am...the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac,
的神,雅各的神。』(出三 6。)在舊約裏,神是這樣說;在新 and the God of Jacob” (Exo. 3:6). He said this in the Old Testament, and the Lord Jesus
約裏,主耶穌也引這一句話,馬太、馬可、和路加三卷福音書 quoted it in the New Testament. “I am the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the
都引這句話說,『我是亞伯拉罕的神,以撒的神,雅各的神。』 God of Jacob” is quoted in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke (Matt. 22:32; Mark
(太二二 32,可十二 26,路二十 37。)主耶穌並且對我們這樣 12:26; Luke 20:37). Furthermore, the Lord Jesus said that we would see “Abraham and
說,『你們要看見亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各…在神的國裏。』(路 Isaac and Jacob…in the kingdom of God” (Luke 13:28), and that “many will come from
十三 28。)『從東從西,將有許多人來,在天國裏與亞伯拉罕、 the east and the west and will recline at table with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the
以撒、雅各,一同坐席。』(太八 11。)祂不題別人的名字, kingdom of the heavens” (Matt. 8:11). Here, He does not mention anyone else’s names,
只題亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各的名字,可見在聖經中亞伯拉罕有 only the names of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This shows that Abraham, Isaac, and
特別的地位,以撒有特別的地位,雅各也有特別的地位。 Jacob each occupy a special place in the Bible.

爲甚麼亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各在聖經中有這樣特別的地 Why do Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob occupy such a special place in the Bible?
位?這是因爲神要揀選一班人歸於祂自己的名下,作祂的 It is because God wants to select a group of people to come under His name and
子民。神得著子民是從亞伯拉罕起頭的,神要在亞伯拉罕 to make them His people. Beginning with Abraham, God began to gain a people.
身上作一個屬靈的起頭,神要在亞伯拉罕身上作出一個工 God had a spiritual beginning with Abraham, and He did something in Abraham
作來,給我們看見,亞伯拉罕作神的子民所必須有的經歷, for the purpose of showing us the necessary experience that God’s people have to
就是所有作神的子民的人所必須有的經歷。所以神先在亞 go through. All of God’s people have to go through the same kind of experiences.

2062 亞伯拉罕以撒雅各的神 - 第 4 頁 THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC, AND JACOB - Page 4

伯拉罕身上作工,叫亞伯拉罕在神面前有一個特別的經歷, He did something in Abraham first, giving him some particular experiences, and
也叫這一個特別的經歷能傳到所有神的子民身上去。以色 through him He conveyed these experiences to all of His people. The nation of
列國的根基是建造在亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各的身上,所以, Israel is founded upon Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Hence, God has worked not
神不只先在亞伯拉罕身上作工,神也先在以撒身上作工, only in Abraham, but also in Isaac, giving him some particular experiences, and
叫以撒在神面前有一個特別的經歷,這個經歷能傳到神的 through him He conveyed these experiences to all of His people as well. Similarly,
子民身上去;神也先在雅各身上作工,叫雅各在神面前有 God did some work in Jacob, giving him some particular experiences, and through
一個特別的經歷,這個經歷能傳到神的子民身上去。把他 him He conveyed these experiences to all of His people. The dealings which these
們三個人在神面前所受的對付、所有的經歷傳下去,然後 three received before God and the experiences they went through culminated in
神才得著子民。所以,亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各所有的經歷, a people of God. Hence, the total experiences of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are the
就是神的子民所應當有的經歷;他們三個人在神面前所得 experiences that all of God’s people should have. The attainments of these three
著的,是所有神的子民都應當得著的。光得著了亞伯拉罕 should be the attainments of all the people of God. It is not enough to make us God’s
所得著的,還不彀作神的子民;光得著了以撒所得著的, people if we merely have Abraham’s experience. It is not enough to make us God’s
還不彀作神的子民;光得著了雅各所得著的,也還不彀作 people if we merely have Isaac’s experience, and it is not enough to make us God’s
神的子民。需要得著了亞伯拉罕所得著的,又加上以撒所 people if we merely have Jacob’s experience. We must have the attainments of
得著的,再加上雅各所得著的,才能作神的子民。 Abraham plus Isaac plus Jacob before we can become God’s people.
『我是你父親亞伯拉罕的神,…我與你同在,要賜福給 God told Isaac, “I am the God of Abraham thy father...I am with thee, and will
你,並要爲我僕人亞伯拉罕的緣故,使你的後裔繁多。』(創 bless thee, and multiply thy seed for my servant Abraham’s sake” (Gen. 26:24). He
二六 24。)這是神對以撒說的。『我是耶和華你祖亞伯拉罕 told Jacob, “I am the Lord God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac: the land
的神,也是以撒的神,我要將你現在所躺臥之地賜給你,和 whereon thou liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed” (28:13). He also told the
你的後裔。』(二八 13。)這是神對雅各說的。『我起誓應 Israelites, “I will bring you in unto the land, concerning the which I did swear to give it
許給亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各的那地,我要把你們領進去將那 to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob; and I will give it you for a heritage” (Exo. 6:8). This
地賜給你們爲業。』(出六 8。)這是神對以色列人說的。 shows us that the Israelites entered into the inheritance of the three men, Abraham,
這給我們看見,以色列人是進入亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各三個 Isaac, and Jacob. They did not have any inheritance of their own. Instead, they entered
人的產業裏的。他們自己沒有產業,他們是進入到亞伯拉罕、 into the inheritance of the three men, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Each of these men
以撒、雅各的產業裏。亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各有他們在神面 occupies a particular position before God. Their different spiritual experiences typify
前特別的地位,他們三個人屬靈的經歷,就是代表三個不同 three different kinds of spiritual principles. In other words, all the people of God
的屬靈的原則。這就是說,所有神的子民,都有雅各的成分; should have the element of Abraham, the element of Isaac, and the element of Jacob
所有神的子民,都有以撒的成分;所有神的子民,也都有亞 in them. Without these elements, we cannot become God’s people. God’s people must
伯拉罕的成分。沒有這些,他就不是神的子民。每一個作神 have the element of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. All true Israelites and all genuine
子民的人,都得有亞伯拉罕的成分,都得有以撒的成分,也 people of God must say that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are their ancestors. To say that
都得有雅各的成分。凡是真實的以色列人,真實的神的子民, Abraham is our ancestor is not enough, because Ishmael and his descendants can also
都得說,我們的祖宗是亞伯拉罕、以撒和雅各。光說,我們 say that their ancestor is Abraham. Neither is it enough to say that both Abraham and
的祖宗亞伯拉罕,是不彀的,因爲以實瑪利和他的子孫也能 Isaac are our ancestors, because Esau and his descendents can say the same thing.
說,我們的祖宗亞伯拉罕;光說,我們的祖宗亞伯拉罕、以 God’s people must say that their ancestors are Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Jacob must
撒,也是不彀的,因爲以掃也能這樣說,以掃的後裔也能這 be included for complete qualification. All three must be together before we can
樣說。神的子民要說,我們的祖宗亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各, justifiably be a people of God.

2062 亞伯拉罕以撒雅各的神 - 第 5 頁 THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC, AND JACOB - Page 5

亞伯拉罕原來的名字是叫亞伯蘭,後來神叫他改名爲亞 Abraham’s original name was Abram. Later God changed his name to Abraham (Gen.
伯拉罕。(創十七 5。)在這兩個名字裏,都有『亞伯』這 17:5). Within both of these two names is the root Abra, which in the original language
兩個字,『亞伯』在原文的意思是父親,亞伯拉罕自己是父, means “father.” Abraham was a father himself, and the lesson he learned was to know
亞伯拉罕所學習的功課就是認識神是父。亞伯拉罕在一生 God as the Father. Throughout his whole life, he learned this one lesson—knowing God
之中就是學習這一個功課-認識神是父。 as the Father.
甚麼叫作神是父?神是父的意思就是:一切都是出乎神 What does it mean to know God as the Father? It means that everything is from
的。主耶穌說,『我父作事直到如今,我也作事。』(約 God. The Lord Jesus said, “My Father is working until now, and I also am working”
五 17。)不是說,『我『神』作事直到如今,』乃是說, (John 5:17). He did not say, “My God is working until now,” but “My Father is working
『我『父』作事直到如今。』神是父,意思就是神是創造者, until now.” For God to be the Father means that God is the Creator, the unique Initiator.
神是惟一的發起人。子是父差遣來的。『子憑著自己不能 The Son was sent from the Father. “The Son can do nothing from Himself except what
作甚麼,惟有看見父所作的,子才能作;父所作的事,子 He sees the Father doing, for whatever that One does, these things the Son also does
也照樣作。』(19。)這是我們必須有的經歷。我們必須 in like manner” (v. 19). This must be our experience. We must receive grace from God
蒙神的恩典,看見我們在神面前不能發起一件事,不配發 to realize that we cannot initiate anything. We are not worthy of initiating anything.
起一件事。創世記一開頭就說,『起初神…,』起初不是我, Genesis 1 begins by saying, “In the beginning God...” In the beginning it was not us, but
起初是神。神是父,一切都是出乎神。 God. God is the Father, and everything originates from Him.
哦,有一天神給你看見『神是父』的時候,那一天是你有 The day that God shows you that He is the Father will be a blessed day. On that day
福的一天。那一天你會認識你不能作甚麼,你沒有辦法。你 you will realize that you cannot do anything and that you are helpless. You will not have
並不是勒住自己不作一件事,勒住自己不作兩件事;你乃是 to try to hold yourself back from doing this thing or that thing. Instead you will ask, “Has
問說,神起頭了沒有?這就是亞伯拉罕的經歷。他的經歷就 God initiated this?” This is the experience of Abraham. His experience shows us that
是給我們看見,他不是自己要作神的子民。亞伯拉罕沒有起 he had no thought of becoming God’s people. Abraham did not initiate anything. It was
頭,是神起頭的,是神從伯拉大河那一邊把他帶過來。(創 God who initiated. It was God who brought him from the other side of the Euphrates
十二 1 ~ 5。)神要他,所以神就呼召亞伯拉罕出來,亞伯拉 River (Gen. 12:1-5). God wanted him, and He called him out. Abraham never thought of
罕自己連想都沒有想過。阿利路亞!是神要他,是神作的事。 this. Hallelujah! God wanted him and God did the work.
神是父,不是亞伯拉罕自己說,我要到流奶與蜜之地去; God is the Father. Abraham did not volunteer to go to the land flowing with milk
是神說了話,然後他才得著。事先他自己不知道。他蒙召 and honey. God said it first, and then Abraham went and possessed it. He did not know
出去的時候,還不知道要往那裏去。(來十一 8。)他離開 anything about it beforehand. When he was called to go out, he did not know where he
家鄉了,還不知道往那裏去。這是亞伯拉罕。甚麼都是神 was going (Heb. 11:8). He left his father’s land without knowing where he was going.
起頭的,和他自己沒有關係。我們如果真知道神是父,我 This was Abraham. God was the Initiator of everything for him; he had nothing to do
們自己就沒有這麼多把握,就不能說,我要作甚麼就作甚 with it. If you know that God is the Father, you will not be so confident and will not say
麼;只能說,主若願意,我才能作,主怎麼說,我才怎麼 that you can do whatever you want. You will only say, “If the Lord is willing, I will do
定規。這不是說要你作一個猶豫不決的人,這是說你自己 this and that. Whatever the Lord says, I will do.” This does not mean that you should be
真的不知道,只有父指示了你才知道。 indecisive. It means that you truly do not know what to do and that you only know after
the Father has revealed His will.

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還不只這樣。亞伯拉罕連要生一個兒子都不知道,兒子 This was not all. Abraham did not know that he was going to beget a son. He even
也得神給他。亞伯拉罕不能發起任何的事,連他自己的兒 had to receive his son from God. Abraham could not initiate anything. His son was given
子也得神給他。這是亞伯拉罕。 to him by God. This was Abraham.
亞伯拉罕認識神是父。這一種的認識,不是道理上的認 Abraham knew God as the Father. This kind of knowledge is not a knowledge in
識。這一種的認識,是真被神帶到一個地步,看見說,『神 doctrine. It is a knowledge in which one is brought to the point of confessing, “God, I
阿,我不是根源,你是萬有的根源,也是我的根源。沒有 am not the source. You are the source of everything, and You are my source. Without
你,就沒有起頭。』這是亞伯拉罕。如果我們沒有亞伯拉 You, I cannot have a beginning.” This was Abraham. If we do not have Abraham’s
罕的這一種認識,就不能作神的子民。我們需要學習的第 realization, we cannot be God’s people. The first lesson we have to learn is to realize
一個功課就是這一個-我自己不能作甚麼,一切都在乎神, that we can do nothing and that everything depends on God. He is the Father, and He
祂是父,祂是一切的起頭。 is the Initiator of everything.

我們在以撒身上所得著的教訓是甚麼呢?加拉太四章說 What is the lesson we learn from Isaac? Galatians 4 says that Isaac is the promised
以撒是子。(23。)以撒給我們看見,一切都是從父那裏 son (v. 23). In Isaac we see that everything comes from the Father. The history of
承受的。我們從創世記十一章起,一直讀到五十章,在亞 Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in Genesis 11 through 50 shows us that Isaac was an
伯拉罕、以撒、雅各的故事裏,能看出以撒是一個碌碌無 ordinary and unexceptional man. He was not like Abraham, and he was not like Jacob.
奇、平平常常的人。他不像亞伯拉罕,他也不像雅各。亞 Abraham came from the other side of the great river; he was a pioneer. Isaac was not
伯拉罕從大河那邊出來,他是一個創業的人,但是以撒不 like this. But neither was Isaac like Jacob, whose life was filled with difficulties and who
是。以撒也不像雅各那樣遇見許多難處,喫過許多苦頭。 suffered many dealings. Isaac’s whole life was an enjoyment of his father’s inheritance.
以撒一生都是享受他父親所傳下來的。不錯,以撒也挖了 It is true that Isaac dug a few wells. But even the wells were first dug by his father. “And
幾口井;但是,有些井還是從前他父親挖的-『因非利士 Isaac digged again the wells of water, which they had digged in the days of Abraham his
人在亞伯拉罕死後塞住了,以撒就重新挖出來,仍照他父 father; for the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham: and he called
親所叫的,叫那些井的名字。』(二六 18。)以撒所給我 their names after the names by which his father had called them” (Gen. 26:18). The
們的一個功課就是,我們若不是從父那裏承受,就一無所 lesson that Isaac teaches us is that we have nothing other than what we have inherited
有。保羅問我們一個問題:『你有甚麼不是領受的呢?』(林 from the Father. Paul asked a question: “And what do you have that you did not
前四 7。)這就是說,我沒有一件東西不是接受的,我所有 receive?” (1 Cor. 4:7). In other words, there is nothing that we have that has not been
的,都是父親給的。這是以撒。 received. All that we have comes from the Father. This is Isaac.
哦,許多人不能作亞伯拉罕,就是因爲他不能作以撒; Many people cannot be in the position of Abraham because they cannot be in the
許多人亞伯拉罕作不好,就是因爲他以撒作不好。光有亞 position of Isaac. Many people fail to become Abraham because they fail to become
伯拉罕的經歷,沒有以撒的經歷,不行;光有以撒的經歷, Isaac. It is impossible to have the experience of Abraham without the experience of
沒有亞伯拉罕的經歷,也不行。我們要看見神是父,甚麼 Isaac. It is also impossible to have the experience of Isaac without the experience of
都是出乎祂;我們也要看見我們是兒子,甚麼都是祂給的。 Abraham. We have to see that God is the Father and that everything proceeds from Him.
我們作兒子的生命,是從祂來的。我們在神面前不過是一 We also have to see that we are sons and that everything we have is from Him. The life
個接受的人。得救是接受的,得勝也是接受的;稱義是接 of the Son which we inherit comes from Him. In the eyes of God we are only those who
受的,聖潔也是接受的;赦罪是接受的,得著釋放也是接 receive. Salvation is received, victory is received, justification is received, sanctification
受的。接受的原則就是以撒的原則。我們要說,阿利路亞! is received, forgiveness is received, and freedom is received. The principle of receiving
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阿利路亞!因爲所有的一切都是神給我們的。我們在神的 is the principle of Isaac. We have to say, Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Everything we have
話語中看見一件事,就是神所應許給亞伯拉罕的,也給以 is from God. We see from God’s Word that everything He promised to Abraham was
撒。以撒,神不是特別給他東西,神是將給他父親的也給 promised also to Isaac. God did not give anything additional to Isaac; He gave Isaac
他。這就是我們的拯救,這就叫我們得著釋放。 what He gave his father. This is our salvation; this is our liberation.

現在我們要來看雅各。許多基督徒能看見神是萬有的根 Now let us come to Jacob. Many Christians see that God is the source of everything.
源,也能看見我們所有的一切都是接受的;但是,在這裏 They also see that everything they have comes through receiving. But there is a
發生一個問題,就是爲甚麼許多基督徒都不接受。我們知 problem: Many Christians do not receive. We know that everything we have comes
道所有的都得接受,若不接受,我們就是虛空的,就甚麼 by receiving and that if we do not receive anything, we will be left with vanity and
都沒有。但是爲甚麼我們不接受,而要在那裏自己作呢? emptiness. But we still do not receive, and we still try to do things ourselves. Why? We
爲甚麼不藉著生命的律來得勝,而要藉著意志來得勝呢? do not overcome by the law of life; instead, we try to overcome by our own will. Why?
這裏有一個原因,就是因爲還有雅各,因爲還有雅各的原 One reason is that the principle of Jacob is still in us. The activity of the flesh is still
則在那裏-肉體的活動在那裏,魂的能力在那裏,天然的 present, the power of the soul is still present, and the natural life is still present. We
生命在那裏。爲甚麼我們在道理方面知道神是一切的起頭, know doctrinally that God is the Initiator of everything, yet in reality we initiate many
而在實際方面我們又要自己起頭呢?我們把道理記住了兩 things. We remember a doctrine for two weeks, but by the third week we have forgotten
週,到第三週就忘記了,自己又起頭了。所以這樣,是因 it. Then we try to initiate something again. We behave this way because Jacob is still
爲有雅各在這裏。一切得勝的道理,一切聖潔的道理,如 present within us. If a doctrine of overcoming or a teaching of sanctification only tells
果只告訴我們這都是從神來的,這都是接受的,而不告訴 us that everything comes from God and that everything is received, without telling us
我們對付天然的生命,那一個得勝的道理,那一個聖潔的 that the natural life needs to be dealt with, the doctrine of overcoming and the teaching
道理,還是不完全的,還是不切實際的。如果那一個道理 of sanctification are incomplete and impractical. If a teaching does not touch the soul-
沒有摸著魂的生命,那不過叫人歡喜快樂幾天,以後就完 life, it will only make us happy for a few days. Then everything will be over. We have to
了。我們必須看見神是萬有的頭,必須看見我們是一個接 see that God is the Head of all things. We have to see that we are those who receive. At
受的人,同時還必須看見我們天然的生命不能活動,然後 the same time, we have to see that our natural life must be checked. Only then will we
才能看見子的好處,然後才能順服父的道路。子的應許我 see the goodness of the Son and the way of submission to the Father. Whether or not
們能不能接受,父的道路我們能不能行走,就要看到底我 we can receive the promise of the Son and whether or not we can take the way of the
們有沒有受聖靈的管治,天然的生命有沒有被祂摸一下。 Father depend on whether we accept the discipline of the Holy Spirit and whether we
這一個,我們要從雅各身上來看。 are willing to have our natural life touched. We can see this from the life of Jacob.
雅各天然的特點,就是他的聰明。他是一個聰明絕頂的 The outstanding characteristic of Jacob’s natural constitution was his cleverness. He
人,甚麼人他都能騙,騙他的哥哥,騙他的父親,騙他的 was an exceptionally clever person. He could deceive anyone. He deceived his brother,
舅舅。甚麼他都想得到,甚麼他都作得到,甚麼他都達得 father, and uncle. He could devise anything, he could do everything, and he could
到。他不像他的父親那樣作兒子,他是赤手空拳的去到他 achieve anything. He was not like his father, who was just a son. He went to his uncle
舅舅那裏,後來滿滿的帶了回來。這是雅各。 empty-handed and came back with his hands full. This was Jacob.
雅各所給我們的教訓是甚麼呢?亞伯拉罕是對我們說 What is the lesson we learn from Jacob? Abraham speaks to us of the Father,
到父,以撒是對我們說到子,至於雅各,是對我們說到聖 Isaac speaks to us of the Son, and Jacob speaks to us of the Holy Spirit. It does not
靈。不是雅各這個人代表聖靈,乃是雅各這個人的經歷代 mean that Jacob represents the Holy Spirit, but that his experiences represent the
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表聖靈的工作。雅各一生的歷史,都是代表聖靈的管治。 work of the Holy Spirit. Jacob’s history is a type of the discipline of the Holy Spirit.
你在這裏看見有一個人是狡猾的,是詭計多端的,是會欺 We see a crafty person who was filled with schemes and deceits. But at the same
騙人的;但是你也看見這一個人有聖靈在那裏一步一步的 time, we see a person whom the Holy Spirit disciplined step by step. He held his
管治他。他抓住他哥哥的腳跟,但他還是作了弟弟。不錯, older brother’s heel, yet he still ended up being the younger brother. He supplanted
他用一碗紅豆湯騙了他的哥哥。但是後來離開家庭的是 his brother with a pottage of lentils and usurped the birthright, but he, not his
他,不是他的哥哥。不錯,長子的名分被他得來了,但是 brother, eventually had to run away from home. He received his father’s blessing,
逃難的是他,不是他的哥哥。不錯,他得著了他父親的祝 but he, not his brother, became a wanderer. When he went to stay with his uncle,
福,但是飄流在外的是他,不是他的哥哥。到了他舅舅那 he wanted to marry Rachel, but Laban gave him Leah, not Rachel first. For twenty
裏,他要娶拉結,但是拉班先給他的是利亞,不是拉結。 years, the drought consumed him in the day, and the frost consumed him by night
他二十年之久,白日受盡乾熱,黑夜受盡寒霜。(創三一 (Gen. 31:40). Indeed, he lived a toilsome and hard life. All these experiences were
40。)雅各真是又苦又勞碌。這一切都是聖靈的管治,都 the discipline of the Holy Spirit; they were the trials that a clever man had to go
是聰明人所受的熬煉。會打算的人,被主的手壓在那裏; through. Those who can scheme and who are resourceful will see God’s hand
有辦法的人,被主的手壓在那裏;天然的生命,要被神壓 upon them. The natural life has to be pressed out. Jacob’s history is a picture of the
出去。雅各一生的經歷,就是給我們看見聖靈的管治。 discipline of the Holy Spirit.
有的弟兄姊妹也許特別聰明,會想、會打算、有計謀、 Some brothers and sisters are exceptionally clever, thoughtful, shrewd, calculating,
有策畧;但是,請你記得,我們行事爲人,不是靠人的 and resourceful. But we must remember that we do not walk in fleshly wisdom but in
聰明,乃是靠神的恩惠。(林後一 12。)雅各就是一直 the grace of God (2 Cor. 1:12). Jacob experienced the continual discipline of the Holy
在那裏受聖靈的管治,以致他的聰明不能成功。在毘努 Spirit. As a result, his cleverness was never able to have its way. On the night at Peniel,
伊勒的那一夜,雅各學了一個最大的功課,這是他一生 Jacob learned the greatest lesson; it was actually the best night of his life! He thought
最好的一夜!他想碰著甚麼人都有辦法,碰著神也有辦 he could have his way with anyone and could similarly have his way with God. But
法,對於甚麼事情都容易過去,碰著神也能過去。豈知 when he came face to face with God, God touched the hollow of Jacob’s thigh, and he
他碰著神的時候,神把他的大腿窩摸了一把,他就瘸腿 became crippled (Gen. 32:25). The sinew of the hollow of the thigh is the strongest
了!(創三二 25。)大腿窩的筋是全身最大的筋,雅各 sinew in the whole body. For Jacob’s hollow to be touched meant that God had touched
的大腿窩被神摸著了,就是他天然生命最強的地方被神 the strongest part of his natural life. From that day on, he was crippled! Before he was
摸著了,從那一天起,他瘸了。他沒有瘸腿之先是雅各, crippled, he was Jacob. After he was crippled, Israel came into being (v. 28)! From
他瘸腿以後,以色列就起頭了!(28。)從那一天起, that day on, he was no longer a supplanter but one who was being supplanted. Before
不是他欺騙人,而是他受人的欺騙了。從前他欺騙父親, that time, he deceived his father. After that day, he was deceived by his sons (37:28-
從那天以後,他兒子欺騙他。(三七 28 ~ 35。)如果在 35). The formerly clever Jacob would never have been carried away by the deception
從前,聰明的雅各絕不會相信他兒子欺騙他的話;因爲 of his sons, because he was such a deceiver himself; he would never have believed in
那時他是一個善於騙人的人,是不會相信人的,他騙人 others. The more a person deceives, the more he does not trust in others, because he
越厲害,他就越不相信人,他總是以自己的心來測度別 judges others according to his own heart. But now things were different. The latter
人的。可是現在不同了,現在的雅各不是從前的雅各了, Jacob was different from the former Jacob. He no longer trusted in his own cleverness.
他不再倚靠他的聰明了,因此他也會受自己兒子的欺騙 This is why he could be deceived by his own sons. He shed many tears, and his natural
了。他流了許多眼淚,他天然的能力被神對付了,天然 strength was dealt with and was stripped away by God. This is the kind of experience
的能力被神除去了。就是這一個經歷,要帶領我們作神 that makes us the people of God. One day God will shine on you and show you how evil,
的子民。神有一天要光照你,給你看見你自己多壞,你 wicked, and conniving you are. When God shows you who you are, you will not be able

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自己多詭詐,你自己多有計謀。神給你看見的時候,你 to lift up your head. God’s light will terminate you and force you to admit that you are
頭都抬不起來,神的光要殺你,叫你不能不承認說,我 finished. You will acknowledge that you dare not serve God anymore and that you are
這個人完了,我不敢、我不配事奉神!從此你在神面前 not qualified to serve Him any longer! From that point on, you will no longer trust in
不敢倚靠自己了。這就叫作聖靈的管治。 yourself. This is the discipline of the Holy Spirit.

總括起來說,亞伯拉罕給我們看見甚麼都是出乎神,我們 In conclusion, Abraham shows us that everything is of God; we cannot do
不能憑著自己作甚麼。以撒給我們看見一切都是神所賜給的, anything by ourselves. Isaac shows us that everything comes from God, and our
我們應當接受。但是,我們雖然接受了,如果沒有受聖靈的 place is to receive. But if we only receive and do not have the discipline of the Holy
管治,還會出毛病。這是雅各所給我們看見的。主總得有一 Spirit, something will go wrong. This is what Jacob shows us. One day the Lord will
天,把你摸一下,把你大腿窩的筋扭了,把你天然的生命對 come to us, touch us, and twist the hollow of our thigh; He will deal with our natural
付了,然後你才會變成一個謙卑的人,然後你才會變成一個 life. Then we will become humble and follow the Lord in fear and trembling. Then
戰兢恐懼跟從主的人。到那一天,你才不敢大意,你才不敢 we will not be careless and make proposals rashly. How easy it is for us to make
擅作主張。唉,我們是何等容易出主張,何等容易不禱告就 proposals, and how easy it is for us to act without prayer. How easy it is for us to
說話行事,何等容易不在神面前等候就有把握。神要把你天 develop a confidence apart from God. God has to touch our natural life in a drastic
然的生命厲害的摸一下,神要把你天然的生命打斷了,給你 way; He has to break apart our natural life and show us that we can do nothing by
看見靠著自己不能作甚麼;從那一天起,你才是一個瘸腿的 ourselves. From that day on, we will be lame men. Being lame does not mean that
人。瘸腿不是說你不能走路,而是說你每走一步路,就知道 we cannot walk; rather, it means that every time we walk, we realize our weakness
自己的不行,知道自己是一個瘸腿的人。所有認識神的人都 and our lameness. This is the common trait of all those who know God. Before
有這一個共同的特點。一個人沒有被神帶到這一個地步,這 God brings a man to such a point, he does not have the experience of Peniel. All
一個人就是沒有毘努伊勒的經歷的人。還想自己有辦法、自 those who are still resourceful, confident, and powerful have not experienced the
己有把握、自己有能力的人,是沒有受過聖靈管治的人。 discipline of the Holy Spirit.
但願神開我們的眼睛,叫我們看見這三個經歷的關係。 May God open our eyes to see the relationship between these three kinds of
這三個都是專一的經歷,這三個又是互相成全的。你光有 experiences. All three experiences are particular experiences, and yet all three are
其中的一個或者兩個,都是站不住的。這三個經歷,我們 interrelated in their accomplishment. We cannot have just one or two of the three. We
都得清楚的看見,然後在神的道路上才能彀往前進。 have to be clear about all three experiences before we can advance in the way of God.

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讀經: Scripture Reading:
希伯來書十一章八至十節:『亞伯拉罕因著信,蒙召的 Heb. 11:8-10 By faith Abraham, being called, obeyed to go out unto a place which he
時候,就遵命出去,往將來要得爲業的地方去;出去的時候, was to receive as an inheritance; and he went out, not knowing where he was going.
還不知往那裏去。他因著信,就在所應許之地作客,好像 By faith he dwelt as a foreigner in the land of promise as in a foreign land, making his
在異地居住帳棚,與那同蒙一個應許的以撒、雅各一樣。 home in tents with Isaac and Jacob, the fellow heirs of the same promise; For he eagerly
因爲他等候那座有根基的城,就是神所經營所建造的。』 waited for the city which has the foundations, whose Architect and Builder is God.
使徒行傳七章二至五節:『司提反說,諸位父兄請聽: Acts 7:2-5 7:2 And he said, Men, brothers and fathers, listen. The God of glory
當日我們的祖宗亞伯拉罕在米所波大米還未住哈蘭的時 appeared to our father Abraham while he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in
候,榮耀的神向他顯現,對他說,『你要離開本地和親族, Haran, And said to him, “Come out from your land and from your relatives, and come
往我所要指示你的地方去。』他就離開迦勒底人之地住在 into the land which I will show you.” Then he came forth from the land of the Chaldeans
哈蘭;他父親死了以後,神使他從那裏搬到你們現在所住 and dwelt in Haran. And from there, after his father died, He removed him into this
之地;在這地方神並沒有給他產業,連立足之地也沒有給 land, in which you now dwell. Yet He did not give him an inheritance in it, not even a
他;但應許要將這地賜給他和他的後裔爲業;那時他還沒 place to set his foot on; and He promised to give it to him for a possession and to his
有兒子。』 seed after him, while he had no child.
加拉太書三章八節:『並且聖經旣然豫先看明,神要叫 Gal. 3:8 And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles out of faith,
外邦人因信稱義,就早已傳福音給亞伯拉罕,說,「萬國 announced the gospel beforehand to Abraham: “In you shall all the nations be blessed.”
創世記十一章三十一節至十二章三節:『他拉帶著他 Gen. 11:31—12:3 And Terah took Abram his son and Lot the son of Haran, his son’s
兒子亞伯蘭,和他孫子哈蘭的兒子羅得,並他兒婦亞伯 son, and Sarai his daughter-in-law, his son Abram’s wife; and they went out together
蘭的妻子撒萊,出了迦勒底的吾珥,要往迦南地去,他 from Ur of the Chaldeans to go to the land of Canaan, but when they came to Haran
們走到哈蘭就住在那裏。他拉共活了二百零五歲,就死 they settled there. And the days of Terah were two hundred five years, and Terah died
在哈蘭。耶和華對亞伯蘭說,你要離開本地、本族、父家, in Haran. Now Jehovah said to Abram, Go from your land / And from your relatives /
往我所要指示你的地去。我必叫你成爲大國;我必賜福 And from your father’s house / To the land that I will show you; And I will make of you
給你,叫你的名爲大,你也要叫別人得福;爲你祝福的, a great nation, / And I will bless you / And make your name great; / And you shall be a
我必賜福與他,那咒詛你的,我必咒詛他,地上的萬族 blessing. And I will bless those who bless you, / And him who curses you I will curse; /
都要因你得福。』 And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.
十二章七節上:『耶和華向亞伯蘭顯現,說,我要把這 7a And Jehovah appeared to Abram and said, To your seed I will give this land.
十三章十四至十七節:『羅得離別亞伯蘭以後,耶和華 13:14-17 And Jehovah said to Abram after Lot had separated from him, Now lift
對亞伯蘭說,從你所在的地方,你舉目向東西南北觀看; up your eyes, and look from the place where you are, northward and southward and

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凡你所看見的一切地,我都要賜給你和你的後裔,直到永 eastward and westward; For all the land that you see I will give to you and to your seed
遠;我也要使你的後裔如同地上的塵沙那樣多,人若能數 forever. And I will make your seed as the dust of the earth, so that if a man can number
算地上的塵沙,才能數算你的後裔。你起來,縱橫走遍這 the dust of the earth, then your seed can also be numbered. Rise up; walk through the
地,因爲我必把這地賜給你。』 land according to its length and its breadth, for I will give it to you.
十四章二十一至二十三節:『所多瑪王對亞伯蘭說,你 14:21-23 And the king of Sodom said to Abram, Give me the people, and take the
把人口給我,財物你自己拿去吧。亞伯蘭對所多瑪王說, possessions for yourself. But Abram said to the king of Sodom, I have lifted up my
我已經向天地的主,至高的神耶和華起誓:凡是你的東西, hand to Jehovah, God the Most High, Possessor of heaven and earth, That I will not
就是一根線、一根鞋帶,我都不拿,免得你說,我使亞伯 take a thread or a sandal thong or anything that is yours, lest you say, I have made
蘭富足。』 Abram rich;
我們在前面已經說過,神要得著一班人歸於祂自己的名 We have mentioned previously that God desires to gain a group of men who
下,作祂的子民,神要得著一班人能彀說是神的人,是屬乎 are called by His name and who are His people. He wants to gain a group of people
神的人。爲了要達到這個目的,神就先在亞伯拉罕身上作 who can say that they belong to God and that they are God’s people. In order to
祂自己的工,神也先在以撒身上作祂自己的工,神也先在雅 achieve this goal, He first worked on Abraham, then on Isaac, and finally on Jacob.
各身上作祂自己的工。亞伯拉罕的經歷加上以撒的經歷,再 The experiences of Abraham plus Isaac plus Jacob are the basic experiences
加上雅各的經歷,乃是每一個作神子民的人所該有的基本的 of all who desire to be God’s people. This means that being God’s people is not
經歷。這就是說,人作神的子民,不是隨隨便便就能作的; just a haphazard thing. In order to be God’s people, we must have some definite
人作神的子民,是要在神面前有一定的經歷的。人必須經過 experiences in Him. We have to pass through certain dealings and certain trainings
某種的對付、某種的帶領,才能作神的子民,才能真正的爲 before we can become God’s people and before we can truly live for God on this
著神活在世上。人作神的子民所必須有的基本的經歷,就是 earth. The basic experiences for being God’s people are the experiences of Abraham,
像亞伯拉罕那樣的經歷,就是像以撒那樣的經歷,就是像雅 the experiences of Isaac, and the experiences of Jacob. In other words, although
各那樣的經歷。換句話說,一個人雖然在名稱上歸於神的名 many people can be called by God’s name and outwardly be known as God’s people,
下,在外表上被稱爲神的子民,但是他如果沒有看見他所有 they are not qualified to become God’s people unless they see that everything they
的都是出於神,沒有看見在他身上一切都是接受的,也沒有 have is from God, that everything is received, and that everything of the natural life
看見他一切出於天然生命的要被神放在一邊,這個人就不能 has to be laid aside by God. If they are not such persons, they cannot be of much use
彀作神的子民,這樣的人在神手裏就沒有多大的用處。 in God’s hand.


我們要先來看關於亞伯拉罕的事。所有讀神話語的人, Let us come to the story of Abraham. All those who read the Bible will not fail to
都不能不看見亞伯拉罕的緊要。新約一開頭就題到亞伯拉 realize the importance of Abraham. His name is mentioned at the beginning of the
罕的名字,主耶穌說話的時候,常題到亞伯拉罕,而不題 New Testament. The Lord Jesus spoke of Abraham many times in His discourses;
亞當。祂是說,『還沒有亞伯拉罕,就有了我;』(約八 He did not mention Adam. He said, “Before Abraham came into being, I am” (John
58;)不是說,『還沒有亞當,就有了我。』祂沒有對猶 8:58). He did not say, “Before Adam came into being, I am.” He did not say to the
太人說,『你們的祖宗亞當;』乃是說,『你們的祖宗亞 Jews, “Your father Adam,” but “Your father Abraham” (v. 56). He took Abraham as
伯拉罕。』(56。)祂是以亞伯拉罕作起點的。 the starting point.

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但願神開我們的眼睛,給我們看見,在神的救贖計畫裏,在 May the Lord open our eyes to see that Abraham is the starting point in God’s
神的恢復工作裏,是以亞伯拉罕爲起點的。羅馬四章告訴我們 plan of redemption and in His work of recovery. Romans 4 tells us that Abraham
說,亞伯拉罕是所有信主之人的祖宗。(17。)沒有一個人信 is the father of all those who believe (v. 17). Every believer has his beginning in
主而不是從亞伯拉罕起的。你不能從亞伯拉罕以後起,你也不 Abraham. The starting point is Abraham, not Adam. Adam is the beginning of sin;
能從亞伯拉罕以前起。亞伯拉罕是起點,亞當不是起點。亞當 sin entered the world through one man (5:12). That beginning was a corrupted
是罪的起點,罪是從一人入了世界,(五 12,)那一個起點是 beginning. Even though Abel offered sacrifices to God by faith, he was only a good
敗壞的起點。至於亞伯,不錯,亞伯是一個因著信而獻祭與神的 person individually; we cannot receive blessing from him; hence, he is not the
人,但他只是一個個人的好人,我們不是因他得福,所以他不是 beginning of the recovery work of God. Even though Enoch walked with God, he
神恢復工作的起點。至於以諾,不錯,以諾是一個與神同行的 was also only a good individual; we cannot receive blessing from him; hence, he
人,但他也只是一個個人的好人,我們也不是因他得福,所以 cannot be the beginning of the recovery work of God either. Noah feared God, and
他也不是神恢復工作的起點。至於挪亞,不錯,挪亞是一個敬畏 his household entered the ark, but again he was only a good person individually; we
神的人,他的一家都進入方舟,但他也只是一個個人的好人,我 cannot receive blessing from him; hence, he cannot be the beginning of the recovery
們也不是因他得福,所以他也不是神恢復工作的起點。他們三 work of God either. All of these three persons were good, but they were only
個人都很好,但是,他們三個都是個人的好人。亞伯相信神, good individually. Abel, Enoch, Noah, and Abraham believed in God. But there is a
以諾相信神,挪亞相信神,亞伯拉罕也相信神,但是亞伯拉罕 difference between Abraham and Abel, Enoch, and Noah. Abraham occupies a much
與亞伯、以諾、挪亞都不同。亞伯拉罕在神的救贖計畫中,比亞 more important place in God’s plan of redemption than do Abel, Enoch, and Noah
伯、以諾和挪亞重要得多,因爲神恢復的工作是從他起頭的。 because God’s recovery work began with him.
我們必須看見亞伯拉罕與其餘的人不同。自從亞當犯了 We must see that Abraham is different from all the other men. From the time that
罪,就有一條犯罪的線一直下來。亞伯雖是一個好人,但是 Adam sinned, there has been a line of sin. Although Abel was a good man, he could
他不能對付犯罪的那一條線;以諾雖是一個好人,但是他不 not deal with the line of sin; although Enoch was a good man, he could not deal with
能對付犯罪的那一個潮流;挪亞雖是一個好人,但是他不能 the tide of sin either; and although Noah was a good man, he could not change the
挽回犯罪的那一個局面。人墮落了,人失敗了,他們三個人 sinful situation. Man had become fallen and had failed. Although these three men
雖然都是好人,但不過是個人的好,並不能挽回那個犯罪的 were good, they were good men as individuals only; they could not change the sinful
局面。個人的好,與挽回那一個局面,完全是兩件事。神第 situation. There is a great difference between being good individually and turning a
一次用來挽回犯罪的局面的那一個人,是亞伯拉罕。在亞伯 situation around. The first time God used a man to turn the sinful situation was when
拉罕之前,神在個人身上雖然有工作,但是那一個犯罪的局 He used Abraham. Before Abraham, God did some work in individuals, but He did not
面怎樣挽回,神並沒有動手去作。神第一次動起祂自己的手 do anything to recover the sinful situation. The first time God moved His hand to turn
來,爲要挽回犯罪的局面的,乃是揀選亞伯拉罕。換句話說, the sinful situation was in His selection of Abraham. In other words, the first point of
恢復的第一點,是從亞伯拉罕起頭的。犯罪的潮流一直下來, recovery was with Abraham. The tide of sin had been going on, and Abel, Enoch, and
亞伯、以諾、和挪亞好像是在這犯罪的潮流裏露出來的三塊 Noah were just three good rocks in the midst of this sinful torrent. Abraham was the
好石頭,但是,亞伯拉罕是神第一次用來把水流拐一個彎的。 first person through whom God turned the tide. God raised up Abraham and through
神興起亞伯拉罕來,藉著他,要興起拯救的工作;藉著他, him brought in the work of deliverance. Through him the Savior came and redemption
救主要來;藉著他,救贖要來。所以新約一開頭說到福音的 came. This is why the gospel in the New Testament begins with Abraham. May the Lord
時候,就是從亞伯拉罕說起的。但願神憐憫我們,使我們不 be merciful to us that we do not engage ourselves merely in the exposition of the Bible
是在這裏只作一些解經的工作,只打算明白一些聖經的知 or in helping others to understand some Bible knowledge. We look to God’s mercy to
識。我們仰望神的憐憫,叫我們看見神在那裏作甚麼事。 show us what God is doing.

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救贖是主耶穌作成功的,而那個起點是從亞伯拉罕起的。 Redemption was accomplished by the Lord Jesus, yet its beginning was with Abraham.
神恢復的工作一直到今天還是繼續著,一直到千禧年裏還 God’s recovery work has been continuing throughout the ages until today. It will continue
要繼續著,而起點是從亞伯拉罕起的。或者說,救贖的中 until the time of the millennium. However, the starting point was with Abraham. In other
心是主耶穌,救贖工作的完全是在千禧年末了、新天新地 words, the center of redemption is the Lord Jesus, and the consummation of redemption
起頭的時候,而救贖的起點乃是在亞伯拉罕。從亞伯拉罕 will be at the end of the millennium at the commencement of the new heaven and
起,一直到千禧年末了爲止,神一直作恢復的工作,在這 new earth. However, the beginning of redemption was with Abraham. From the time
麼長的恢復工作裏,它的中心是主耶穌基督,但是,我們 of Abraham until the end of the millennium, God has been doing a work of recovery
不要忘了起點是亞伯拉罕。 continually. During the long process of this work of recovery, the Lord Jesus Christ is the
center, but we should never forget that the starting point was Abraham.
亞伯拉罕特別的地方就是在這裏。神揀選亞伯拉罕,與神 This is what is special about Abraham. God’s selection of Abraham was very
恩待亞伯、以諾、挪亞大不相同。神得著一個亞伯,只是一 different from His gracious dealings with Abel, Enoch, and Noah. When God gained
個亞伯;神得著一個以諾,只是一個以諾;神得著一個挪亞, Abel, He only gained Abel. When God gained Enoch, He only gained Enoch. When God
只是一個挪亞;但是,神揀選亞伯拉罕,並不是光爲著亞伯 gained Noah, He only gained Noah. But when God chose Abraham, He did not gain just
拉罕一個人。亞伯拉罕蒙召的時候,神明明告訴他爲著甚麼 Abraham. When Abraham was called, God told him clearly why he was called. God told
召他。神呼召他,是要他離開本地、本族、父家而到迦南地 him to leave his country, his kindred, and his father’s house and to go into the land of
去,是要叫他成爲大國,是要萬族因他得福。(創十二 1 ~ Canaan; He promised to make him a great nation in whom all the families of the earth
3。)換句話說,亞伯拉罕的蒙召,亞伯拉罕的蒙揀選,是 would be blessed (Gen. 12:1-3). In other words, the calling and choosing of Abraham
爲著挽回犯罪的那一個局面,不是光爲著亞伯拉罕個人。這 was for the purpose of recovering a sinful situation; it was not for Abraham alone as an
也就是說,亞伯拉罕的蒙召是神要用他,是被神召出來去作 individual. Abraham was called because God wanted to use him. He was called to be a
一個器皿,爲著一個工作,而不只是被召出來作一個接受恩 vessel and called for a work. He was not called simply to receive grace. It is one thing
典的人。一個人被呼召蒙恩典是一件事,一個人被呼召去傳 for a person to be called to receive grace. It is another thing for a person to be called to
遞恩典又是一件事。亞伯拉罕的蒙召,不只是叫他自己接受 transmit grace. Abraham’s calling was not just for him to receive grace, but for him to
恩典,更是叫他作一個傳遞恩典的人。 be a transmitter of grace.


神呼召亞伯拉罕,是要他挽回那一個犯罪的局面。我們 God’s purpose in calling Abraham was to recover man from the sinful situation. We
不要以爲亞伯拉罕的蒙揀選是個人的事。亞伯拉罕蒙神揀 should not consider the choosing of Abraham to be a personal matter. Abraham’s being
選,是爲要挽回犯罪的局面。我們在神的面前要好好的來 chosen by God was for the purpose of recovering man from his sinful situation. We
看亞伯拉罕的蒙召到底包括幾件事,亞伯拉罕蒙召所能作 should carefully consider the items included in the calling of Abraham and the kind of
的是甚麼。在亞伯拉罕的蒙召裏,我們能看見神的目的, things brought about through such a calling. In Abraham’s calling we see God’s purpose,
我們能看見神的計畫,我們能看見神自己所豫定的到底是 plan, and predestination. We also see the solution to the problems of sin and the devil.
甚麼事,我們能看見怎樣才能把罪的問題和魔鬼的問題徹 May the Lord open our eyes to see these things.
我們讀創世記十二章一節:『耶和華對亞伯蘭說,你 Genesis 12:1 says, “Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country,
要離開本地、本族、父家,往我所要指示你的地去。』 and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will show thee.”
神呼召亞伯拉罕,是爲著要他『離開本地、本族、父家, God called Abraham with the purpose that he would get out of his country, and from

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往我所要指示你的地去』,這是產業的問題。二節:『我 his kindred, and from his father’s house. This is a matter of inheritance. Verse 2 says,
必叫你成爲大國;我必賜福給你,叫你的名爲大…。』 “And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great;
『成爲大國,』這是子民的問題。三節:『爲你祝福的, and thou shalt be a blessing.” “A great nation” speaks of a people. Verse 3 says, “And I
我必賜福與他,那咒詛你的,我必咒詛他,地上的萬族 will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all
都要因你得福。』『地上的萬族都要因你得福,』這是 families of the earth be blessed.” “In thee shall all families of the earth be blessed”—
神揀選亞伯拉罕的最終的目的。所以,在神揀選亞伯拉 this is the ultimate goal of God’s selection of Abraham. In God’s selection of Abraham,
罕的目的裏有三件事:(一)要他往神所要指示他的地 three things were included: (1) bringing him into the land which God would show him,
去;(二)要他成爲大國,作神的子民;(三)要萬族 (2) making him a great nation that would become God’s people, and (3) blessing all the
因他得福。 families of the earth through him.
一 『往我所要指示你的地去』 “Unto a Land That I Will Show Thee”
神呼召亞伯拉罕,是要他離開本地、本族、父家,往神 God called Abraham to leave his country, his kindred, and his father’s house and
所要指示他的地去。亞伯拉罕本來所住的地方,是在迦勒 go to a land that He would show him. Abraham came from Ur of Chaldea, a land which
底的吾珥。那是一個事奉偶像的地方。他的父親他拉,就 served idols. His father Terah dwelt there and served the idols (Josh. 24:2). God called
是住在那邊事奉偶像的。(書二四 2。)神把亞伯拉罕呼召 Abraham out of this land. On the negative side, it was for the purpose of taking him
出來,在消極方面,是要他離開本地、本族、父家,要他 out of his country, his kindred, and his father’s house and forsaking the service of the
遠離事奉偶像的事;在積極方面,是要他往神所指示他的 idols. On the positive side, it was for the purpose of bringing him into the land that
地去,也就是往迦南地去,在那地事奉這一位天地的主, God would show him, the land of Canaan, and serving the most high God, possessor of
至高的神。 heaven and earth.
神呼召亞伯拉罕,是要亞伯拉罕到迦南地去,住在那地, God called Abraham so that he would go into Canaan, live there, express God, and
在那地彰顯神,通行諸天的權柄。神也要把那地賜給亞伯 carry out the authority of the heavens. God intended to give the land to his descendants.
拉罕的後裔。神要藉著亞伯拉罕和他的後裔,把那地歸於 Through him and his descendants, God intended to claim the land for Himself and to
神,在那地通行神的權柄,在那地彰顯神的榮耀。這是神 carry out His authority and express His glory in the land. This was God’s first reason for
呼召亞伯拉罕的目的中的第一件事。 calling Abraham.
在馬太六章裏,主耶穌教門徒禱告說,『我們在天上的 In Matthew 6 the Lord Jesus taught the disciples to pray, saying, “Our Father who
父,願人都尊你的名爲聖。願你的國降臨。願你的旨意行在 is in the heavens, Your name be sanctified; Your kingdom come; Your will be done,
地上,如同行在天上。…』(9 ~ 13。)神的心意是要祂的 as in heaven, so also on earth” (vv. 9-10). God’s intention is for His people to bring
子民把祂的權柄、把祂的旨意帶到地上來。今天,教會就應 His authority and His will to earth. Today the church should be the place where
該是彰顯神榮耀的地方,就應該是神的權柄、神的旨意能彀 God’s glory is expressed and the place where His authority and will are carried out.
通行的地方。如果有一班神的子民能彀順服神的旨意,能彀 Wherever God’s people obey His will and allow His authority to spread among them,
讓神的權柄通行在他們的身上,那麼他們所在的地方,也就 that is the place where God’s authority and God’s will are executed. God wants to gain
是神的權柄、神的旨意得以通行的地方。神要在地上得著人 a group of men on earth to be His people. This means that God wants to gain a way
作祂的子民,就是要從他們身上得著一條路,使祂的權柄、 among men so that His authority and His will can be done on earth as they are done
祂的旨意能通行在地上如同通行在天上一樣。這是神呼召亞 in heaven. This was God’s goal in calling Abraham. It is also His goal in calling us to
伯拉罕的目的,也是神呼召我們作神子民的目的。 be His people.
二 『我必叫你成爲大國』 “I Will Make of Thee a Great Nation”
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神對於亞伯拉罕的呼召,不只是要他往神所要指示他的 God called Abraham not only for the purpose of bringing him to the land that He
地去,並且要使他成爲一個大國。神的目的,是要得著一 would show him but also for the purpose of making a great nation out of him. God’s
班人,作祂的子民。神呼召亞伯拉罕,就是爲了要揀選他 goal is to gain a group of men to be His people. God called Abraham with the purpose
和他的後裔作子民。換句話說,神揀選祂的子民是從亞伯 of making him and his descendants His people. In other words, God’s choosing of
拉罕起頭的。在那麼多的人中,神召出一個人來;從今以後, His people began with Abraham. He called one man out from among so many men.
神的旨意要向這一個人顯明;從今以後,神的救法要藉這 Thereafter, God revealed Himself to this man, and His salvation was to be accomplished
一個人去成功;從今以後,救恩要從這一個人出來。神要 through this man. Salvation would come out of this one man. God would reach His goal
從被揀選、被呼召的人身上來達到祂的目的。 through the man He chose and called.
亞伯拉罕的被揀選,就是說,神在許多人中召出一個 Abraham was selected. This means that God called out for Himself one man
人來爲著祂自己,神要得著一班子民爲著祂自己。舊約 from among many men. God wants to gain a group of people for Himself. In the Old
裏所以有以色列國,就是說出神要在地上有子民,意思 Testament there was a nation, Israel, because God wanted a people on this earth, that
就是有一班人是歸於神的,是爲著神的榮耀的,這些人 is, He wanted a group of people who were separated unto God, who were for His glory,
是屬於神的。 and who belonged to Him.
在舊約裏我們看見,以色列人犯了別的罪,神還讓他 Although God let the Israelites go in regard to many of the sins that they committed,
們過去,但是,當他們犯了拜偶像的罪,神就不讓他們 He would not let them go when they committed the sin of idolatry. For God’s people
過去。因爲神的子民拜偶像是頂嚴重的罪,神的地位永 to worship idols is a very serious sin. God’s place can never be usurped by idols. God’s
遠不能讓偶像奪去。神揀選子民的目的是要叫他們在地 purpose in choosing a people is for them to become His testimony on the earth. What
上作見證。見證甚麼?見證神。神把自己擺在祂子民的 should they testify? They should testify God. God has placed Himself in the midst of His
中間。換句話說,神的子民是盛裝神的器皿,有神的子 people. In other words God’s people are the vessel which contains God. Wherever there
民就有神的見證。以色列人的仇敵亞述王的大將拉伯沙 are God’s people, there is God’s testimony. Rabshakeh, a general of the king of Assyria, the
基說,『哈馬、亞珥拔的神在那裏呢?西法瓦音、希拿、 enemy of the children of Israel, said, “Where are the gods of Hamath, and of Arpad? where
以瓦的神在那裏呢?…難道耶和華能救耶路撒冷脫離我 are the gods of Sepharvaim, Hena, and Ivah?...Who are they among all the gods of the
的手麼?』(王下十八 34 ~ 35。)這給我們看見,以色 countries, that have delivered their country out of mine hand, that the Lord should deliver
列人的仇敵要對付以色列人,就得對付耶和華,因爲以 Jerusalem out of mine hand?” (2 Kings 18:34-35). This shows us that before the enemies of
色列人是與耶和華在一起的。神是把祂自己放在祂的子 the Israelites could deal with the Israelites, they had to first deal with Jehovah because the
民裏。神的自己、神的榮耀、神的權柄、神的能力,都 Israelites were one with Jehovah. God has placed Himself in the midst of His people. He has
放在神的子民裏。 placed Himself, His glory, His authority, and His power in the midst of His people.
行傳十五章十四節說,『神…眷顧外邦人,從他們中間 Acts 15:14 says, “God...visited the Gentiles to take out from them a people for
選取百姓歸於自己的名下。』這是新約裏的情形。新約裏 His name.” This is a picture of the New Testament. In the New Testament the church
的教會就是神的子民。今天神所有的見證、神所有的工作、 constitutes God’s people. All of God’s testimony, work, and will are found in the
神所有的旨意,都放在教會裏面。 church today.
神的目的是要有一班人歸於祂自己,神的目的是要有一班 God’s goal is to gain a group of people unto Himself. His goal is to gain a group of
人宣告說,『我是屬於耶和華的,我是屬於神的。』所以, people who will declare, “I belong to Jehovah. I am the Lord’s.” This is why the Bible
在聖經裏很注重人對於基督的承認。主說,『凡在人面前認 pays so much attention to a person’s confession of Christ. The Lord said, “Everyone who
我的,人子在神的使者面前也必認他;在人面前不認我的, confesses in Me before men, the Son of Man will also confess in him before the angels

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人子在神的使者面前也必不認他。』(路十二 8 ~ 9。)主 of God; but he who denies Me before men will be denied before the angels of God”
要得著的人,就是承認祂的人。許多時候,承認基督不只是 (Luke 12:8-9). The Lord wants to gain men who will confess His name. Many times,
傳福音,並且是宣告說,『我是屬乎主的人,我是屬乎神的 confessing Christ is not just preaching the gospel, but declaring, “I belong to the Lord. I
人!』這就是神的見證,這就叫神有所得著。神就是要得著 belong to God!” This is God’s testimony. In this way God will gain something. God wants
一班子民,他們能承認說,『我是神的,我是爲著祂的。』 to gain a group of people, who will confess, “I belong to God, and I am for Him.”
三 『地上的萬族都要因你得福』 “In Thee Shall All Families of the Earth Be Blessed”
接下去,神對亞伯拉罕說,『地上的萬族都要因你得 God also said to Abraham, “In thee shall all families of the earth be blessed” (Gen.
福。』(創十二 3。)可見神沒有忘記萬族。不過,神賜福 12:3). This shows that God has not forgotten the nations. God does not bless the nations
給地上萬族的方法,不是直接的,乃是藉著亞伯拉罕。神 of the earth directly. Rather, He blesses them through Abraham. God chose one man,
揀選一個人,這一個人是一個器皿;從一個人,有了一個 and this one man became a vessel. From this man there was a family, and from that
家;從一個家,有了一個國;從一個國,有了地上的萬族。 family a nation, and from that nation all the families of the earth are blessed. God does
神不是自己直接使萬族得福,神是先在一個人身上作工, not bless the nations directly. Rather, He worked on one man first, and through this one
使萬族因他得福。神要將祂自己的恩典、能力和權柄,完 man all the nations of the earth are blessed. God fully deposited His grace, power, and
全盛在一個人的裏面,然後臨到所有的人。這是亞伯拉罕 authority into this one man, and then through this one man dispensed all these things
蒙揀選的原則。這一個原則,一直繼續到今天。所以,神 to all men. This is the principle of Abraham’s selection. This principle continues until
所注意的問題,就是誰能作神的器皿。真的,蒙神揀選作 today. Hence, the most important issue for God is the choosing of His vessel. Indeed,
器皿的人,要怎樣認識神才可以!地上的萬族能不能得福, those who are chosen as vessels should know Him! Whether or not the families of the
就要看亞伯拉罕如何。換句話說,神永遠的旨意和計畫, earth would be blessed depended fully on Abraham. In other words, God’s eternal
是與神所揀選的人連在一起的;神所揀選的人站住或者失 purpose and His plan are joined to the men He has chosen. The standing or failure of
敗,就影響到神的旨意和計畫的成功。 God’s chosen men determines the success or failure of God’s purpose and plan.
因此,亞伯拉罕自己必須經過那麼多的事情,必須從神 This is why Abraham had to go through so many experiences and had to receive
那裏得著那麼多的東西,然後才能分給別人。怪不得亞伯 so much from God before he could dispense what he had received to others. It is
拉罕經過那麼多的難處,遭遇那麼多的事情;惟獨這樣, no wonder that Abraham had to go through so many trials and encounter so many
人才能從他身上得著幫助,得著益處。亞伯拉罕認識神, problems. This was the only way that others could receive help and benefit from him.
所以他能作信的人的祖宗。那以信爲本的人,就是亞伯拉 Abraham knew God; therefore, he is the father of those who believe. Those who are
罕的子孫,(加三 7,)就是從亞伯拉罕生的。我們要知道, of faith are the sons of Abraham (Gal. 3:7); they are begotten of Abraham. We know
所有屬靈的工作,都是根據於生的原則,不是根據於傳的 that all spiritual works are based on the principle of begetting, not on the principle of
原則。兒子是生出來的,不是傳出來的。神恢復的路,是 preaching. Sons are begotten; they do not come about through preaching. God’s way
要人信,信了才能稱義。神怎麼作呢?神先把一個人帶到 of recovery requires man to believe. Only those who believe will be justified. What
能信的地步,使他成了一個信的人,再由這個人生出許多 did God do? First He brought one man to the point of believing so that he would be a
信的人。 believer; from this believer many more believers were begotten.
我們要記得,光會傳道而不會生,那沒有用。這樣的傳 We have to remember that it is useless to preach without begetting. That kind of
道至多不過叫人明白道理,至多不過經過一個人的口,傳 preaching will only make men understand doctrines, and the doctrines will pass from
到另一個人的口,把地球繞了一個圈子,回到自己那裏, one mouth to another. After they circle the earth and come back to the speaker, they
還不過是一個道理而已。如果有一個人,他不認識神, will still be nothing more than doctrines. What good will it do for a man to zealously

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不是神生的,而在那裏熱心講得救的道理,那有甚麼用處 preach the doctrine of salvation if he himself does not know God and is not begotten of
呢?如果有一個人,不是僅僅用口傳得救的道理,而是見 God? But if a man is not merely preaching the doctrine of salvation with his mouth, but
證他怎樣得救,他怎樣遇見了神,他就叫你摸著實際的東 is testifying of his salvation and how he has met God, others will touch something real.
西。這樣的人才會生。神工作的原則,就是先在一個人身 Only this kind of person will beget others. God’s principle of work is to do something
上作了工,然後讓他去生。因爲神所作的工是活的,神把 in one person first and then beget others through him. God’s work is living, and when
活的種子撒在他身上,那個種子是會生的。保羅對哥林多 He sows the living seed into a person, the seed will grow. Paul told the Corinthians,
人說,『…乃是警戒你們,好像我所親愛的兒女一樣。… “It is not to shame you that I write these things but to admonish you as my beloved
因 我 在 基 督 耶 穌 裏 用 福 音 生 了 你 們。』( 林 前 四 14 ~ children...for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel” (1 Cor. 4:14-15).
15。)生,是屬靈工作的原則。屬靈工作的原則是生,不 Begetting is a great principle in spiritual work. The principle of spiritual work is one of
是傳授。 begetting, not of preaching.
我們要求神開我們的眼睛,真是看見傳授的虛空。我們 May God open our eyes to see the vanity of preaching. It is useless to preach
如果自己沒有那件東西,而對人去講,就一點也沒有用處。 something to others without having that thing ourselves. If we have the seed, we
有那一個種子,就會生;沒有那一個種子,就不能生。神 have the growth. Without the seed there cannot be growth. God’s work is related to
的工作是與生命發生關係的,不是空空的道理。你在神面 life; it is not an empty doctrine. Once you pass through a certain pathway ordained
前走過那條路,與神發生了關係,你才能生;不然,一點 by God, you will have the ability to beget. Otherwise, nothing will avail. In order
用處都沒有。神要萬族得福,神就要先在亞伯拉罕身上作 to bless all the families of the earth, God first had to work on Abraham. In order to
工;神要得著一班信的人,神就要先得著一個信的人。亞 have a group of believers, God first had to gain one believer. Abraham was the first
伯拉罕是頭一個信的人,然後從他生出許多信的人。地上 one who believed. Then many more believers were begotten through him. All the
萬族的得福,不是因爲他們聽了一篇道理,乃是因爲他們 families of the earth are blessed not through a sermon they hear, but through a life
得了一個生命;神先在亞伯拉罕身上作工,然後藉著亞伯 they receive. God worked on Abraham first, and then through him expanded His
拉罕擴充到許多人身上去。有一天,亞伯拉罕所仰望的城, work to many people. One day when the city which Abraham eagerly waited for
就是神所經營、所建造的那一座城(來十一 10)降臨的時 descends, the city whose Architect and Builder is God (Heb. 11:10), all the families
候,地上的萬族就要完全得福,神永遠的計畫就要完全成 of the earth will be fully blessed, and God’s eternal plan will be fully consummated.
功。但是,神救贖的工作是在亞伯拉罕那一天就已經起頭 God’s work of redemption began at the time of Abraham. God worked in Abraham in
了。神在亞伯拉罕身上的工作,是爲著叫亞伯拉罕作器皿, order to make him a vessel, and this was not for Abraham alone. Through Abraham
並非只爲著亞伯拉罕個人。神是要藉著他達到別人身上去。 God reached others.


現在我們要來看亞伯拉罕如何蒙召,如何跟從神。 Now we will consider how Abraham was called to follow God.
我們讀約書亞二十四章,知道亞伯拉罕的出身是一個拜 In reading Joshua 24, we find that Abraham was born into a family that served
偶像的家庭。但是希奇,神恢復的工作,是從亞伯拉罕起 idols. Therefore, it is interesting to note that God’s work of recovery began from
頭的,神就是揀選這樣的人。這就叫人看見:『這不在乎 Abraham. God purposely chose such a person. This shows us that “it is not of
那定意的,也不在乎那奔跑的,只在乎發憐憫的神。』(羅 him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy” (Rom. 9:16).
九 16。)亞伯拉罕能被神揀選,這是他連想也想不到的。 Abraham could never have thought that God would call him. He had nothing to
亞伯拉罕自己沒有甚麼可誇的。他是一個平常的人,與別 boast of in himself. He was an ordinary man who was no different from anyone
人沒有兩樣。使亞伯拉罕與人有所不同的,不是亞伯拉罕 else. It was not Abraham who made himself different from others; it was God who
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自己,乃是神。是神呼召了他,他才與別人有所不同。所以, made him different. God called him and made him different. Hence, we have to
有一件事我們要學習,就是要認識神的主權。神樂意這樣 know God’s sovereignty. If God wants to do something, He will do it. Abraham was
作,就這樣作。亞伯拉罕與別人是一樣一式的,他沒有理 the same as anyone else. There was no reason for God to choose him, yet God chose
由叫神揀選他,但是,神揀選了他。亞伯拉罕的第一個功 him. The first lesson Abraham had to learn was to know that God is the One who
課,就是學習認識是神起頭,不是他起頭。 initiates everything.
神對於亞伯拉罕的呼召有兩次。我們先來看第一次神如 God called Abraham twice. Let us consider how God called Abraham the first time,
何呼召他,他如何答應神的呼召。 and how he answered God’s calling.
第一次呼召-在吾珥 The First Calling in Ur
第一次的呼召,是在米所波大米,迦勒底的吾珥。司提反說, The first calling was in Mesopotamia, in Ur of Chaldea. Stephen said, “The God of
『…當日我們的祖宗亞伯拉罕在米所波大米還未住哈蘭的時 glory appeared to our father Abraham while he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt
候,榮耀的神向他顯現。』(徒七 2。)由此可見在亞伯拉罕 in Haran” (Acts 7:2). From this we see that God called Abraham before he left Ur. The
沒有離開吾珥的時候,神就呼召他。神,榮耀的神,向亞伯拉 very God of glory appeared to Abraham and called him out of his country, his kindred,
罕顯現,呼召他,叫他離開他的本地、本族、父家,往神所要 and his father’s house, unto the land that God would show him. Did Abraham believe?
指示他的地方去。亞伯拉罕信麼?希伯來十一章告訴我們說, Hebrews 11 tells us that Abraham believed. Indeed, once a man sees God’s glory, there
亞伯拉罕信。是的,人看見神的榮耀,就沒有法子不信。亞伯 is no way for him not to believe. Abraham was an ordinary man, the same as we. He
拉罕是一個平常的人,是和我們一樣的人,只因爲榮耀的神向 believed because the God of glory appeared to him. God was the reason and the cause
他顯現,所以他能相信。神是他作信徒的理由,神是他作信徒 of him becoming a believer. It was God who initiated, and it was God who caused him
的原因,是神在那裏起頭,是榮耀的神叫他相信。 to believe.
亞伯拉罕的信心一起頭就有那麼大麼?不。他聽見了神的 Was Abraham’s faith great from the beginning? No. What did he do after he heard
呼召以後怎麼作?『他拉帶著他兒子亞伯蘭,和他孫子哈蘭 God’s call? “And Terah took Abram his son, and Lot the son of Haran his son’s son,
的兒子羅得,並他兒婦亞伯蘭的妻子撒萊,出了迦勒底的吾 and Sarai his daughter-in-law, his son Abram’s wife; and they went forth with them
珥,要往迦南地去,他們走到哈蘭就住在那裏。』(創十一 from Ur of the Chaldees, to go into the land of Canaan; and they came unto Haran, and
31。)亞伯拉罕在米所波大米就聽見呼召了,這是行傳七章 dwelt there” (Gen. 11:31). Acts 7:2 says that Abraham heard the call in Mesopotamia.
二節告訴我們的;亞伯拉罕也信了,這是希伯來十一章八 Hebrews 11:8 says that Abraham had also believed. The incident in Genesis 11:31
節告訴我們的。我們要知道,創世記十一章三十一節的事是 came after the one in Acts 7:2 and Hebrews 11:8. We should take note of the word
在行傳七章二節的事和希伯來十一章八節的事之後的。我們 here: “And Terah took Abram his son, and Lot the son of Haran his son’s son, and Sarai
要特別注意這一句話:『他拉帶著他兒子亞伯蘭,和他孫子 his daughter-in-law, his son Abram’s wife; and they went forth with them from Ur
哈蘭的兒子羅得,並他兒婦亞伯蘭的妻子撒萊,出了迦勒底 of the Chaldees.” This was the first expression of Abraham’s faith. He was not much
的吾珥。』這是亞伯拉罕的信心頭一次的表現,他不比我們 better than we. God told him to leave his country. Did he leave? Yes, he left, but God
高多少。神對他說,你要離開本地。他離開麼?是離開了。 said that he should also leave his kindred. Did he do this? He only did half of it; Lot
神說,你要離開本族。他離開麼?離開了一半,羅得還跟 still followed him. God said that he should leave his father’s house, but he took his
著。神說,你要離開父家。他不只沒有離開,並且把父家帶 father’s house with him. Abraham’s leaving was not his own decision, but the decision
著走。亞伯拉罕的走,不是他自己定規的,是他的父親定規 of his father—”And Terah took Abram his son.” We do not know why Terah was willing
的-『他拉帶著他兒子亞伯蘭。』我們不知道他拉怎麼肯起 to go. Perhaps Abraham told his father, “God called me. I have to go.” Perhaps Terah
來走。也許是亞伯拉罕告訴他的父親說,『神呼召我,要我 went along because of his love for his son. We cannot say with certainty that this

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走,』父親因爲愛兒子的緣故,所以起來一同走?這個我們 was the case. But we can say that the one who did not receive the calling became the
不能肯定,但是我們能這樣說,一個沒有得著呼召的人,反 initiating party, while the one who received the calling became the follower! Perhaps
而作主動的人;一個有呼召的人,反而作了跟從的人!也許 some would say, “Isn’t it better that the whole household was saved?” We admit that
有人要說,如果能得著全家歸主,豈不是好麼?我們承認全 it was a good thing for the whole household to be saved. However, Abraham’s calling
家歸主是好事。但是,亞伯拉罕的蒙召,不是得救的問題, was not a matter of salvation but a matter of ministry. The calling of Noah to enter the
乃是作執事的問題。挪亞進方舟的呼召,是得救的問題;亞 ark was a matter of salvation, but the calling of Abraham to enter Canaan was a matter
伯拉罕進迦南地的呼召,是職事的問題,是成就神計畫的問 of ministry. It was a matter of the accomplishment of God’s plan. This is the difference
題。這是亞伯拉罕與挪亞的不同之處。挪亞把全家帶進方舟 between Abraham and Noah. It was right for Noah to bring his whole family into the
是對的,亞伯拉罕要把父家帶進迦南地是錯的。如果我們家 ark, but it was wrong for Abraham to bring his father’s house into Canaan. If there are
裏有人沒有得救,我們帶他得救是對的;但是,如果神呼召 some in our household who are not saved, it is right to bring them to salvation. But if
我們作神的執事,作神的器皿,我們就不能把沒有得著呼召 God has called us to be His minister and His vessel, we cannot bring along those who
的人帶著一同走。 do not have the calling.
所以,亞伯拉罕的起頭是很平常的。他蒙召,就信;但是, Abraham’s beginning was very ordinary. He was called, and he believed. But he did
他不是怎樣特別信的人,他不過是信而已。他自己想要順 not believe in an exceptional way; he merely believed. He wanted to go along, but he did
服,但是他沒有就完全順服。他要順服,不順服裏面覺得 not fully oblige. He wanted to obey, and he felt uneasy not obeying. He wanted to leave,
不對;他要離開,但是又沒有完全離開。他與我們並沒有 but he did not leave in a clear way. He was not much different from us. Therefore, none
多少差別。所以我們沒有一個人可以灰心,以爲我們自己 of us should be discouraged, and no one should think that he is through or hopeless.
不行,就沒有盼望;要知道,我們的盼望是在神身上。 We have to know that our hope rests in God.
亞伯拉罕跟著父親出來之後,結果怎樣?結果停在半路 What happened after Abraham followed his father and left? They stopped halfway.
上。神是要他到迦南地去,但是,他們停在哈蘭,在那裏住 God wanted him to go to Canaan, but he stopped in Haran and dwelt there. He did
下了。他沒有看見神要在他身上作徹底的工作,他才能作合 not realize that God had to do a thorough work in him before he could become His
乎神用的器皿;他還不知道神所給他的使命,神所派他的職 vessel. He was not clear about God’s commission and ministry for him. He still did not
事;他還不知道爲甚麼要出這麼多的代價。我們也是這樣, understand why he had to pay such a great price. This is also true of us. Because we do
我們因爲不知道神的心意,有時會想:『神爲甚麼這樣待我! not know God’s mind, we ask, “Why does God treat me this way? Why doesn’t He treat
神爲甚麼待我不像待挪亞那樣!挪亞是一家團圓,我卻要離 me like He treated Noah? Noah could be together with his whole family, yet I have to
開父家!』我們要記得,便宜的器皿,只要出便宜的代價就 leave my father’s house!” We have to remember that a cheap vessel comes with a cheap
能得著;貴重的器皿,要出貴重的代價才能得著。神要他作 price, while an expensive vessel comes with an expensive price. God wanted Abraham
貴重的器皿,神對於他的要求就必定比別人多。所以,我們 to be a vessel of honor, so His demands on him were greater than on others. We must
千萬不要誤會神對付我們的方法。你不知道神要怎麼用你。 never misunderstand God’s way in dealing with us. We do not know how God will
我們一切的遭遇,都是爲著將來的事奉。你千萬不要以爲別 use us. All of our experiences are for our future service. We should never say, “Others
人能作這個,別人能作那個,爲甚麼我不能。我們要記得, can do this and that. Why can’t I do the same?” We have to remember that God trains
神如果對於一個人有特別的訓練,那是因爲神要他有特別的 every person in a special way because He wants to use that person in a special way.
用處;特別的用處,是從特別的訓練來的。所以你不要不滿, Our special usefulness comes from our special training. Therefore, we should not be
不要不服。最愚昧的事,就是不服神的手,一直在那裏問爲 discontent or disobedient. It is most foolish to resist God’s hand or to ask why God does
甚麼神這樣,爲甚麼神那樣。 this and that.

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神對於亞伯拉罕的工作,就是神對於亞伯拉罕的心意,但 God’s work on Abraham shows His intention with Abraham, yet Abraham did not
是,亞伯拉罕不知道。他不知道神爲甚麼要他離開本地,離 understand. He did not know why God wanted him to leave his country, his kindred,
開本族,離開父家。所以,雖然他本地是離開了,但是離開 and his father’s house. He only went a short distance from his country. He wanted to
得不大遠;本族是要離開,但是仍把姪兒一同帶去;父家是 leave his kindred, but still brought Lot with him. He wanted to leave his father’s house,
要離開,但又覺得未免太難了,不如一起帶走。他沒有看見 but it was too difficult for him, and he ended up taking it along with him. He did not see
他的職事,他不知道神要他怎麼作。結果,他住在哈蘭的日 his ministry and did not know what God was doing. As a result, his days in Haran were
子,成了他空過的日子,耽擱的日子,無用的日子。 wasted days, delayed days, and useless days.
後來他父親死了,但是他還捨不得他的姪兒,他又把羅 Later his father died. But he was still unwilling to give up his nephew; he brought
得帶走了。他拉不過在活著的時候使亞伯拉罕受耽擱,羅 Lot with him. Terah was only a hindrance to Abraham while he was alive, but Lot
得則在死了之後還叫神的子民一直受他的累。因爲羅得所 became a burden to God’s people even after his death. Because of Lot’s actions, two
有的工作,就是生了兩個兒子:一個名叫摩押,就是摩押 sons were produced. One was Moab, the father of the Moabites; the other was Ben-
人的始祖;一個名叫便亞米,就是亞捫人的始祖。摩押人 ammi, the father of the Ammonites. Both the Moabites and the Ammonites eventually
和亞捫人都是以色列人的難處。 became problems to the Israelites.
第二次呼召-在哈蘭 The Second Calling in Haran
到了創世記十二章,是神對亞伯拉罕第二次的呼召。第 In Genesis 12, God called Abraham the second time. The first time was in Ur, while
一次的呼召是在吾珥,第二次的呼召是在哈蘭。神說,『你 the second time was in Haran. God said, “Get thee out of thy country, and from thy
要離開本地、本族、父家,往我所要指示你的地去。我必 kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will show thee: and I will make
叫你成爲大國;…地上的萬族都要因你得福。』(1 ~ 3。) of thee a great nation,...and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed” (vv. 1-3).
這是老的呼召。從前的那個呼召,現在又聽見了。第一次 This was the same calling as the original calling. He heard this calling once again in
的呼召,只把他帶到半路,第二次的呼召,才把他帶到迦 Haran. The first calling only brought him halfway. The second calling brought him
南地。我們要常常感謝神,因爲神不放手!神的堅持不放 all the way into Canaan. We have to thank the Lord unceasingly because He never
是最寶貴的事!我們能作基督徒,是因爲神的堅持不放, gives up! God’s persistence is most precious! We become Christians because of God’s
不是我們自己去抓住神。如果憑著我們自己去作基督徒, persistence, not because of our holding on to God. If it were up to us, we would have
我們早就失去了。亞伯拉罕所以能到迦南,是因神的堅持 let go long ago. Abraham was able to reach Canaan because God was persistent. We
不放;我們今天所以能作基督徒,是因神抓住了我們。感 can be Christians because God holds us fast. Thank the Lord that He is a God who will
謝神,祂是堅持不放的神。 not let go.
在神向亞伯拉罕的顯現裏,在神對亞伯拉罕的呼召裏, In appearing to and calling Abraham, we see that God is a God who is never
我們看見神是不失敗的神,神是榮耀的神!自從亞當犯罪 defeated. God is the God of glory! From the fall of Adam until the time of God’s
之後,一直到神向亞伯拉罕顯現,聖經裏曾多次記載神對 appearance to Abraham, the Bible records many of God’s speakings to man, but it
人說話,但是沒有記載神向人顯現。在人墮落之後,聖經 does not say that God appeared to man. The first time that the Bible records God’s
所記神向人頭一次的顯現,是在米所波大米向亞伯拉罕的 appearance to man was in Mesopotamia when He appeared to Abraham. This is why
顯現。所以我們相信,神恢復的工作是從亞伯拉罕起頭的。 we say that God’s work of recovery began with Abraham. Prior to this, God never
在許多年中,神沒有向人顯現,可是這一次,神向亞伯拉 appeared to man. But on this occasion, God appeared to Abraham. Although two
罕顯現了。神的顯現給我們看見,雖然人墮落的歷史已經 thousand years of human history had elapsed since the fall, and although humanly
有二千年之久,按著人看,好像神已經失敗了;但是神並 speaking, God had apparently failed, His appearance tells us that He really had not

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沒有失敗,神的目的並非達不到,因爲現在榮耀的神向亞 failed. His goal was not lost, because the God of glory appeared to Abraham! God is
伯拉罕顯現了!神是榮耀的神!祂是阿拉法,祂也是俄梅 the God of glory! He is the Alpha and the Omega. He is still the God of glory! Nothing
戛,到底祂還是榮耀的神!沒有一件事比神的榮耀更堅固, can be more sure than the God of glory, and nothing can last longer than His glory.
沒有一件事比神的榮耀更長久。從亞當到亞伯拉罕,不是 From Adam to Abraham, two thousand years passed, not twenty years or two hundred
二十年,不是二百年,乃是二千年之久;時間雖過了這麼久, years. Although God did not appear to man for a long time, He had not failed, for He
但是神沒有失敗,因爲祂是榮耀的神。 was the God of glory.
榮耀的神向亞伯拉罕顯現,並且給亞伯拉罕知道祂要作甚麼 The God of glory appeared to Abraham and told him what he should do. Abraham
事。亞伯拉罕不只得著神的顯現,並且得著神將祂自己的旨意交 not only received God’s appearance but was entrusted with God’s will. He knew what
託給他,他知道神要怎麼作。神對亞伯拉罕說,『你要…往我所 God wanted him to do. God told him, “Get thee...unto a land that I will show thee: and I
要指示你的地去。我必叫你成爲大國;…地上的萬族都要因你得 will make of thee a great nation,...and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”
福。』神對亞伯拉罕說這些話,就是要給他看見:二千年之久, God said this to show Abraham that in spite of two thousand years of man’s failure and
人雖然有這麼多的失敗,人雖然有這麼多的罪惡,但是現在神要 in spite of the multiplicity of man’s sin, God was coming in now to recover him. God was
來挽回他們了,神要藉著亞伯拉罕來作挽回的工作了。 bringing in a recovery work through Abraham.
神第一次的呼召,亞伯拉罕聽見了,也相信了,也離開了 Abraham heard and believed in God’s first calling, and he left Ur of Chaldea. But he
迦勒底的吾珥;不過,他跟著父親停在哈蘭,只走了一半的 followed his father to stay in Haran; he only went halfway. It is hard for us to forget our
路而已。我們對於得救蒙恩的事,是難得忘記的;但是,我 salvation story, but it is easy for us to forget the vision of our calling to the ministry. It
們對於蒙召作執事的異象,是很容易忘記的,是很容易落掉 is easy for us to drop our calling. The minute we become slightly busy with our service
的。不必說別的,只要我們在事奉神的事情上忙亂一點,就 to God, we easily forget our ministry and God’s purpose. Abraham forgot God’s calling
很容易忘記了我們的職事,就很容易忘記了神的目的到底是 of him. Therefore, he needed God to speak to him again, and God spoke the same thing
甚麼。亞伯拉罕忘記了神對他的呼召,所以需要神再對他說 to him in Haran. Thank the Lord that He speaks to us again and again to ensure that we
話,所以神在哈蘭又對他說了同樣的話。我們感謝神,因祂 know what He wants to do.
亞伯拉罕又聽見了,第一次的呼召在他裏面所引起的信 Abraham heard the calling. The faith that was invoked in him the first time
心,現在又起來了。亞伯拉罕的信心又恢復了,所以他能 when he was called came back. His faith was recovered, and he was able to journey
再走前面的道路。 onward again.

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讀經: Scripture Reading:
使徒行傳七章二節:『司提反說,諸位父兄請聽:當日 Acts 7:2 And he said, Men, brothers and fathers, listen. The God of glory appeared to
我們的祖宗亞伯拉罕在米所波大米還未住哈蘭的時候,榮 our father Abraham while he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Haran,
創世記十二章四節至十三章十八節:『亞伯蘭就照著耶 Gen. 12:4—13:18 So Abram went as Jehovah had spoken to him, and Lot went with him.
和華的吩咐去了;羅得也和他同去;亞伯蘭出哈蘭的時候, Now Abram was seventy-five years old when he went out of Haran. And Abram took Sarai his wife
年七十五歲。亞伯蘭將他妻子撒萊,和姪兒羅得,連他們 and Lot his brother's son and all their possessions that they had gathered and the souls that they
在哈蘭所積蓄的財物、所得的人口,都帶往迦南地去;他 had acquired in Haran, and they went out to go to the land of Canaan. And they came to the land
們就到了迦南地。亞伯蘭經過那地,到了示劍地方摩利橡 of Canaan. And Abram passed through the land to the place of Shechem, to the oak of Moreh. And
樹那裏;那時迦南人住在那地。耶和華向亞伯蘭顯現,說, at that time the Canaanites were in the land. And Jehovah appeared to Abram and said, To your
我要把這地賜給你的後裔;亞伯蘭就在那裏爲向他顯現的 seed I will give this land. And there he built an altar to Jehovah who had appeared to him. And he
耶和華築了一座壇。從那裏他又遷到伯特利東邊的山,支 proceeded from there to the mountain on the east of Bethel and pitched his tent, with Bethel on
搭帳棚;西邊是伯特利,東邊是艾;他在那裏又爲耶和華 the west and Ai on the east; and there he built an altar to Jehovah and called upon the name of
築了一座壇,求告耶和華的名。後來亞伯蘭又漸漸遷往南 Jehovah. And Abram journeyed onward, journeying toward the Negev. And there was a famine in
地去。那地遭遇饑荒,因饑荒甚大,亞伯蘭就下埃及去, the land; and Abram went down to Egypt to sojourn there, for the famine was severe in the land.
要在那裏暫居。將近埃及就對他妻子撒萊說,我知道你是 And when he was about to enter into Egypt, he said to Sarai his wife, I know indeed that you are
容貌俊美的婦人;埃及人看見你必說,這是他的妻子,他 a beautiful woman to look at; And when the Egyptians see you, they will say, This is his wife, and
們就要殺我,卻叫你存活。求你說,你是我的妹子,使我 they will kill me; but they will keep you alive. Now say you are my sister, that it may be well with
因你得平安,我的命也因你存活。及至亞伯蘭到了埃及, me on account of you and I may live because of you. And it came about that when Abram came to
埃及人看見那婦人極其美貌。法老的臣宰看見了她,就在 Egypt, the Egyptians saw that the woman was very beautiful. And Pharaoh's officials saw her and
法老面前誇獎她;那婦人就被帶進法老的宮去。法老因這 praised her before Pharaoh, and the woman was taken into Pharaoh's house. And he treated Abram
婦人就厚待亞伯蘭,亞伯蘭得了許多牛羊、駱駝、公驢、 well on account of her, and there were to him sheep and oxen and donkeys and male servants and
母驢、僕婢。耶和華因亞伯蘭妻子撒萊的緣故,降大災與 female servants and female donkeys and camels. And Jehovah struck Pharaoh and his house with
法老和他的全家。法老就召了亞伯蘭來,說,你這向我作 great plagues because of Sarai, Abram's wife. And Pharaoh called Abram and said, What is this
的是甚麼事呢?爲甚麼沒有告訴我她是你的妻子?爲甚麼 you have done to me? Why did you not tell me that she was your wife? Why did you say, She is my
說,她是你的妹子,以致我把她取來要作我的妻子?現在 sister, so that I took her to be my wife? Now then here is your wife; take her and go. And Pharaoh
你的妻子在這裏,可以帶她走吧。於是法老吩咐人將亞伯 commanded his men concerning him, and they sent him away with his wife and all that he had. And
蘭和他妻子,並他所有的都送走了。亞伯蘭帶著他的妻子 Abram went up out of Egypt, he and his wife and all that he had, and Lot with him, into the Negev.
與羅得,並一切所有的,都從埃及上南地去。亞伯蘭的金、 And Abram was very rich in livestock, in silver and in gold. And he continued on his journey from
銀、牲畜極多。他從南地漸漸往伯特利去,到了伯特利和 the Negev as far as Bethel, to the place where his tent had been at the beginning, between Bethel
艾的中間,就是從前支搭帳棚的地方,也是他起先築壇的 and Ai, To the place of the altar, which he had made there formerly; and there Abram called on the
地方;他又在那裏求告耶和華的名。與亞伯蘭同行的羅得, name of Jehovah. And Lot, who went with Abram, also had flocks and herds and tents. And the land

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也有牛羣、羊羣、帳棚。那地容不下他們,因爲他們的財 could not support them that they might dwell together, for their possessions were so great that
物甚多,使他們不能同居。當時迦南人,與比利洗人,在 they could not dwell together. And there was strife between the herdsmen of Abram's livestock
那地居住;亞伯蘭的牧人,和羅得的牧人相爭。亞伯蘭就 and the herdsmen of Lot's livestock. And at that time the Canaanites and the Perizzites dwelt in
對羅得說,你我不可相爭,你的牧人和我的牧人也不可相 the land. And Abram said to Lot, Let there please be no strife between me and you and between
爭,因爲我們是骨肉。徧地不都在你眼前麼?請你離開我, my herdsmen and your herdsmen, for we are brothers. Is not the whole land before you? Please
你向左,我就向右,你向右,我就向左。羅得舉目看見約 separate yourself from me. If you go to the left, then I will go to the right. Or if you go to the right,
但河的全平原,直到瑣珥,都是滋潤的,那地在耶和華未 then I will go to the left. And Lot lifted up his eyes and saw the entire plain of the Jordan, that it was
滅所多瑪、蛾摩拉以先,如同耶和華的園子,也像埃及地。 well watered everywhere-this was before Jehovah had destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah-like the
於是羅得選擇約但河的全平原,往東遷移;他們就彼此分 garden of Jehovah, like the land of Egypt, as you go to Zoar. So Lot chose for himself the entire plain
離了。亞伯蘭住在迦南地,羅得住在平原的城邑,漸漸挪 of the Jordan, and Lot journeyed east; and they separated themselves from each other. Abram dwelt
移帳棚,直到所多瑪。所多瑪人在耶和華面前罪大惡極。 in the land of Canaan, and Lot dwelt in the cities of the plain and moved his tent as far as Sodom.
羅得離別亞伯蘭以後,耶和華對亞伯蘭說,從你所在的地 Now the men of Sodom were very wicked and sinful toward Jehovah. And Jehovah said to Abram
方,你舉目向東西南北觀看;凡你所看見的一切地,我都 after Lot had separated from him, Now lift up your eyes, and look from the place where you are,
要賜給你和你的後裔,直到永遠;我也要使你的後裔如同 northward and southward and eastward and westward; For all the land that you see I will give to
地上的塵沙那樣多,人若能數算地上的塵沙,才能數算你 you and to your seed forever. And I will make your seed as the dust of the earth, so that if a man can
的後裔。你起來,縱橫走遍這地,因爲我必把這地賜給你。 number the dust of the earth, then your seed can also be numbered. Rise up; walk through the land
亞伯蘭就搬了帳棚,來到希伯崙幔利的橡樹那裏居住,在 according to its length and its breadth, for I will give it to you. And Abram moved his tent and came
那裏爲耶和華築了一座壇。』 and dwelt by the oaks of Mamre, which are in Hebron, and there he built an altar to Jehovah.
十四章十一至二十三節:『四王就把所多瑪和蛾摩拉所 14:11-23 And they took all the possessions of Sodom and Gomorrah and all their
有的財物,並一切的糧食,都擄掠去了。又把亞伯蘭的姪 food and went away. And they took Lot, Abram's brother's son, and his possessions
兒羅得,和羅得的財物擄掠去了;當時,羅得正住在所多 and departed, for he was dwelling in Sodom. And one who had escaped came and told
瑪。有一個逃出來的人,告訴希伯來人亞伯蘭;亞伯蘭正 Abram the Hebrew. Now he was dwelling by the oaks of Mamre the Amorite, the brother
住在亞摩利人幔利的橡樹那裏;幔利和以實各,並亞乃, of Eshcol and the brother of Aner; and these were allies of Abram. And when Abram
都是弟兄,曾與亞伯蘭聯盟。亞伯蘭聽見他姪兒被擄去, heard that his brother had been taken captive, he led out his trained men, born in his
就率領他家裏生養的精練壯丁三百一十八人,直追到但; house, three hundred eighteen of them, and pursued as far as Dan. And he divided his
便在夜間,自己同僕人分隊殺敗敵人,又追到大馬色左邊 forces against them by night, he and his servants, and struck them and pursued them to
的何把;將被擄掠的一切財物奪回來,連他姪兒羅得和他 Hobah, which is north of Damascus. And he brought back all the possessions and also
的財物,以及婦女人民,也都奪回來。亞伯蘭殺敗基大老 brought back Lot his brother and his possessions as well as the women and the people.
瑪,和與他同盟的王回來的時候,所多瑪王出來,在沙微 And after his return from the slaughter of Chedorlaomer and the kings who were with
谷迎接他,沙微谷就是王谷。又有撒冷王麥基洗德,帶著 him, the king of Sodom went out to meet him at the valley of Shaveh (that is, the King's
餅和酒,出來迎接;他是至高神的祭司。他爲亞伯蘭祝福, Valley). And Melchizedek the king of Salem brought out bread and wine. Now he was
說,願天地的主,至高的神,賜福與亞伯蘭;至高的神把 priest of God the Most High. And he blessed him and said, Blessed be Abram of God the
敵人交在你手裏,是應當稱頌的。亞伯蘭就把所得的,拿 Most High, / Possessor of heaven and earth; And blessed be God the Most High, / Who
出十分之一來,給麥基洗德。所多瑪王對亞伯蘭說,你把 has delivered your enemies into your hand. And Abram gave him a tenth of all. And the
人口給我,財物你自己拿去吧。亞伯蘭對所多瑪王說,我 king of Sodom said to Abram, Give me the people, and take the possessions for yourself.
已經向天地的主,至高的神耶和華起誓;凡是你的東西, But Abram said to the king of Sodom, I have lifted up my hand to Jehovah, God the Most
就是一根線、一根鞋帶,我都不拿,免得你說,我使亞伯 High, Possessor of heaven and earth, That I will not take a thread or a sandal thong or
蘭富足。』 anything that is yours, lest you say, I have made Abram rich;
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亞伯拉罕一生的歷史,可分爲三段:創世記十二章到 Abraham’s history can be divided into three sections. Genesis 12 through 14 form
十四章是第一段,這一段特別注重迦南地的問題;十五章 the first section. The emphasis in this section is the land of Canaan. Chapters fifteen
到二十二章是第二段,這一段特別注重關於他的兒子的問 through twenty-two form the second section. The emphasis in this section is his son.
題;二十三章到二十五章是第三段,那是關於亞伯拉罕晚 Chapters twenty-three to twenty-five form the third section. It covers the events which
年的事。現在我們先來看第一段。 happened in Abraham’s old age. Let us first come to the first section.
創世記十二章四至五節:『亞伯蘭就照著耶和華的吩咐 Genesis 12:4-5 says, “So Abram departed, as the Lord had spoken unto him; and
去了;羅得也和他同去;亞伯蘭出哈蘭的時候,年七十五 Lot went with him: and Abram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of
歲。亞伯蘭將他妻子撒萊,和姪兒羅得,連他們在哈蘭所 Haran. And Abram took Sarai his wife, and Lot his brother’s son, and all their substance
積蓄的財物、所得的人口,都帶往迦南地去;他們就到了 that they had gathered, and the souls that they had gotten in Haran; and they went forth
迦南地。』亞伯拉罕在哈蘭聽見了神第二次的呼召之後, to go into the land of Canaan; and into the land of Canaan they came.” After Abraham
就離開哈蘭,來到迦南,他現在已經到了迦南地,可是, heard God’s second calling in Haran, he left Haran and came to Canaan. But we have
我們要知道,人就是到了迦南地,還會忘記到迦南地去是 to realize that it is possible for a person to reach Canaan without knowing why he is
爲著甚麼。我們不要以爲看見異象就行了。看見從天上來 there. Do not think that once we see the vision, everything will follow. It is one thing to
的異象是一件事,一直不違背從天上來的異象又是一件事。 see the heavenly vision, but it is another thing to not disobey the heavenly vision. After
所以,當亞伯拉罕到了迦南地之後,十二章七節說,『耶 Abraham arrived in Canaan, verse 7 says, “And the Lord appeared unto Abram, and said,
和華向亞伯蘭顯現,說,我要把這地賜給你的後裔。』這 Unto thy seed will I give this land: and there builded he an altar unto the Lord, who
是神向亞伯拉罕第二次的顯現,第三次的說話。神又一次 appeared unto him.” This is the second time God appeared to Abraham and the third
顯現說話,是要亞伯拉罕一直清楚的、新鮮的記得神所託 time He spoke to him. God appeared and spoke once more so that Abraham would have
付的事。 a clear and fresh impression of the things God had committed to him.
神呼召我們的異象,是很容易被我們失去的。卽使你天 It is easy for us to lose the vision of God’s calling. Even if we are consciously
天注意作基督徒,你還會把那個異象失去;卽使你天天殷勤 trying to be a proper Christian, it is still possible for us to lose our vision. We can
作工,你還會把那個異象失去。你不要以爲作通常的事會把 lose our vision even while we are working diligently day after day. Do not think
那個異象失去,要知道就是作屬靈的事,也會把那個異象失 that only mundane things can blur our vision; even spiritual things can blur our
去。我們若不是一直活在神的顯現裏,就很容易失去呼召的 vision. If we do not live continuously in God’s appearing, it will be easy for us to
異象。教會所得的呼召,與亞伯拉罕所得的呼召是相同的, lose the vision of our calling. The calling that the church has received is the same
但是,難處就在許多人沒有看見這個恩召有何等的指望。所 as the calling that Abraham received. But many people have not seen the hope
以保羅要禱告說,『…使你們知道祂的恩召有何等指望。』 of this calling. Therefore, Paul prayed, “That you may know what is the hope of
(弗一 18。)指望,就是這一個恩召的內容到底是甚麼, His calling” (Eph. 1:18). “Hope” indicates the content of this calling, the things
神呼召我們的內容到底是甚麼。但願神拯救我們脫離那自私 included in God’s calling. May God deliver us from selfish thoughts. We know that
自利的思想。我們要知道,神呼召我們是有一定的目的的。 God calls us with a definite goal. Our salvation is to fulfill this goal. If we have not
我們得救是爲要達到神的目的。你若沒有看見亞伯拉罕蒙召 seen the substance of Abraham’s calling, we will not see the meaning of our own
的實質,你就不能看見你自己蒙召的意義。你若沒有看見亞 calling. If we have not seen the key to Abraham’s calling, we will not see our own
伯拉罕蒙召的關鍵到底是在那裏,你就不能看見你的職事。 ministry. If we do not see this, we will be like those who build a house without
你若沒有看見這個,你就像蓋房子沒有根基一樣。哦,我們 a foundation. How easy it is for us to forget what God wants to do! Many times,
是何等容易忘記神所要作的!我們往往事情多一點,工作多 when we have too much to do and the work becomes a little more hectic, we lose
一點,那一個屬靈的呼召就遺失了。我們需要多次來到神面 sight of our spiritual calling. We need to come again and again to the Lord and

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前說,『求你繼續向我顯現,求你繼續對我說話!』我們需 beseech Him: “Appear to me again and again, and speak to me again and again!”
要一直繼續的看見,我們需要有一個永遠的看見,看見神的 We need to have a continuous seeing, an eternal seeing; we need to see God’s
那一個目的,看見神到底要作甚麼。 goal and what God is doing.
亞伯拉罕現在已經到了迦南地。他在迦南地的時候,有 Abraham had reached Canaan. After he arrived in Canaan, several things happened.
幾件事發生:第一,他在迦南地築了三座壇;第二,他在 First, he built three altars in Canaan. Second, he was tested three times in Canaan.


亞伯拉罕到了迦南地之後,聖經記載他所到的第一個地方, After Abraham arrived in Canaan, the Bible tells us that the first place he went to
就是示劍;他在示劍築了一座壇。他所到的第二個地方,就是 was Sichem (or Shechem). In Shechem he built an altar. The second place he went to
伯特利;他在伯特利也築了一座壇。後來他離開伯特利,到了 was Bethel, and there he also built an altar. Later he left Bethel and went to Egypt. Then
埃及。後來他又從埃及上南地,又從南地回到伯特利,到了伯 he went from Egypt to the south, and from the south he went back to Bethel, staying
特利和艾的中間,就是起先築壇的地方。後來他又到一個地 in between Bethel and Hai (or Ai), the place where he first built an altar. Later he
方,就是希伯崙,他在那裏又築了一座壇。亞伯拉罕在這三個 went to another place, Hebron, and built another altar. In these three places, Abraham
地方築了三座壇。這三個地方都有壇,這三個地方都是分別爲 built three altars. All three places have an altar, and all three places are sanctified. The
聖的。聖經的記載給我們看見,神就是用這三個地方-示劍、 Bible shows us that God used these three places—Shechem, Bethel, and Hebron—to
伯特利和希伯崙-來代表迦南地的。憑著神的眼光看迦南地, represent Canaan. In God’s eyes, Canaan carries the characteristics of Shechem, Bethel,
有示劍的特點,有伯特利的特點,也有希伯崙的特點。這三個 and Hebron. The characteristics of these places are the characteristics of Canaan.
地方的特點就是迦南地的特點。你看見這三個地方,你就知道 Once we see these three places, we will see what Canaan is like. Let us consider the
迦南地是甚麼地方。現在我們仔細來看這三個地方的特點。 characteristics of these three places.
一 示劍(肩膀)-有能力之地 Shechem (Shoulder)—the Place of Strength
『亞伯蘭…到了示劍地方摩利橡樹那裏;…耶和華向 “And Abram passed through the land unto the place of Sichem, unto the plain of
亞伯蘭顯現,說,我要把這地賜給你的後裔;亞伯蘭就 Moreh...And the Lord appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this
在那裏爲向他顯現的耶和華築了一座壇。』(創十二 6 ~ land: and there builded he an altar unto the Lord, who appeared unto him” (Gen. 12:6-
7。)亞伯拉罕到了示劍。『示劍』在原文的意思是『肩 7). Abraham arrived in Shechem. The meaning of the word Shechem in the original
膀』。肩膀是人全身力量最大的地方,手所拿不起來的 language is “shoulder.” In the human body the shoulder is the place with the most
東西,肩膀能承擔得起,所以示劍也就是有力量的意思。 strength. The shoulder can lift what the hand cannot pick up. Therefore Shechem can
迦南地的第一個特點,就是有能力。就是說,神把祂自 also mean “strength.” The first characteristic of Canaan is strength. This means that
己的能力擺進迦南地去。迦南地不只是流奶與蜜之地, God’s strength is in Canaan. Canaan is not just a place flowing with milk and honey; it is
並且是有能力之地。 also a place of strength.
我們從聖經中看到,神的能力不只是神奇的能力,並且 The Bible shows us that God’s power is not only a miraculous power, but the power
是生命的能力,是使人得著滿足的能力。主說,『人若喝 of life; it is a power which satisfies man. The Lord said, “Whoever drinks of the water
我所賜的水就永遠不渴;我所賜的水,要在他裏頭成爲泉 that I will give him shall by no means thirst forever; but the water that I will give him
源,直湧到永生。』(約四 14。)哦,這是多麼有能力! will become in him a spring of water gushing up into eternal life” (John 4:14). How
這是生命的能力!主的生命是使人得著滿足的能力!人有 powerful this is! This is the power of life! The Lord’s life has a power that satisfies! Once

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了主的生命,就能永遠不渴,因爲他裏面已經得著滿足。 a man possesses the Lord’s life, he will never thirst again, because he will be inwardly
裏面得著滿足的人,裏面得著生命的人,是最有能力的人。 satisfied. Those who are inwardly satisfied and who have received life within are the
這樣的人,是示劍,是肩膀,是有能力的,是能彀負重的。 most powerful ones. They are Shechem, the shoulder, and are powerful to bear much
我們感謝神,讚美神,迦南地的特點就是有生命的能力。 burden. Thank and praise the Lord that one characteristic of Canaan is the power of life.
在示劍有摩利的橡樹。『摩利』在原文的意思是『教師』 In Shechem there was the oak of Moreh (Gen. 12:6, ASV). The name Moreh means
或『教訓』,這是有關於知識方面的。摩利的橡樹是在示 “teacher” or “teaching” in the original language. It has something to do with knowledge.
劍的地方,意思就是說,知識是從能力來的,知識是能力 The oak of Moreh was in Shechem. This means that knowledge comes from power and
的結果。換句話說,真實的屬靈的知識,都是從得著基督 that knowledge is the result of power. In other words, genuine spiritual knowledge
的能力而來的。我們若沒有得著基督生命滿足的能力,我 comes from the power of Christ. If we do not have the satisfying power of the life of
們就沒有真實屬靈的知識,那就不能給人甚麼屬靈的東西。 Christ, we will not have genuine spiritual knowledge and will not be able to convey
神如果要得著一個器皿來恢復祂在地上的見證,那個器皿 anything spiritual to others. If God is to have a vessel to recover His testimony on earth,
就必須是一個特別的器皿;不是給他聽一些道理,乃是先 such a vessel must be a particular vessel. With such a vessel, the first need is not to be
給了他滿足,先給了他生命的能力,然後他才有真實的知 taught doctrines; the first need is to be satisfied and to acquire the power of life. Then
識。這裏面的分別不知道有多麼大:一個是道理,一個是 there will be real knowledge. There is a tremendous difference here. One is a matter
生命;一個是從外面聽來的,一個是在裏面看見的;一個 of doctrine, while the other is a matter of life. One is the result of hearing something
是聽過了會忘記的,一個是住在裏面忘記不了的。如果有 outward, and the other is seeing something inward. One results in forgetting what one
人說,『我忘記了十字架,因爲這幾個月沒有人傳十字架,』 hears, and the other results in receiving something unforgettable. If anyone says, “I no
那是說明他所有的十字架,不過是道理,不過是在記憶裏 longer remember the cross, because no one has preached about the cross during the
的,並不是在生命裏的。我們要記得,所有真實的知識都 past few months,” this proves that the cross he has is only in doctrine and memory; it
是在生命的能力裏的。基督的能力,就是我們的能力。因 is not in life. We have to remember that all genuine knowledge is found in the power of
爲在我們裏面有這一個東西,所以我們能把這一個東西分 life. Christ’s power is our power. Because we have something within us, we can share
給別人。主所給我們的是裏面有能力,是裏面知道。那一 the same thing with others. The Lord gives us inward power and inward knowledge.
個『摩利』,是從能力來的。 Moreh comes from power.
我們在神面前要防備一件事,就是僅僅將我們所聽見的道 We have to be careful not to give to others just the doctrines that we have heard.
理去告訴人。我們必須自己有這一個屬靈的東西,才能把這 We must have the spiritual thing itself before we can give it to others. In spiritual
個東西分給別人。在屬靈的事情上,『聰明』的人恐怕反而 matters the clever ones end up taking the circuitous way. They trust too much in their
要多走一些彎路,因爲他們倚靠自己的聰明,就使他們離開 cleverness, and as a result they wander farther away from the spiritual path. May the
屬靈的道路更遠一些。但願主拯救我們脫離傳授的工作。 Lord deliver us from objective teachings.
二 伯特利(神的家)-基督的身體 Bethel (the House of God)—the Body of Christ
『從那裏他又遷到伯特利東邊的山,支搭帳棚;西邊是 “And he removed from thence unto a mountain on the east of Bethel, and pitched
伯特利,東邊是艾;他在那裏又爲耶和華築了一座壇,求 his tent, having Bethel on the west, and Hai on the east: and there he builded an
告耶和華的名。』(創十二 8。)神帶領亞伯拉罕,不只把 altar unto the Lord, and called upon the name of the Lord” (Gen. 12:8). God brought
他帶到示劍,並且把他帶到伯特利。『伯特利』在原文的 Abraham not only to Shechem, but to Bethel as well. The name Bethel in the original
意思是『神的家』。神不是要有幾千幾百個像參孫那樣有 language means “the house of God.” God is not after hundreds and thousands of strong,
能力,而又都是散漫的人,神也不是要把祂的活石堆成一 but uncoordinated, men like Samson, and He is not after a pile of unorganized, living

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個雜亂無章的石堆,神乃是要建造一個殿-神的家。迦南 stones. God’s intention is to build a temple—the house of God. One characteristic of
地有一個特點,就是說,神的子民是神的殿,是神的家。 Canaan is that God’s people are the temple of God and the house of God. Hebrews 3:6
那一個家不是摩西在那裏管,而是神的兒子在那裏管,這 tells us that it was not Moses who was over this house, but the Son of God who is over
是希伯來三章六節告訴我們的。 this house.
神要興起一個器皿來達到祂的目的,這一個器皿必須就 God wants to raise up a vessel to fulfill His purpose. Such a vessel must be His
是祂的家。不是光有幾個特別會傳福音的人就能達到祂的 house. A few particularly gifted gospel preachers will not fulfill such a purpose,
目的,不是光有幾個會領復興會的人就能達到祂的目的。 nor will a few capable revivalists do the job. It is not enough to have Shechem
光有示劍-能力-是不彀的,還得有伯特利才行。所有有 (power) only. There must also be Bethel. All the powerful ones must become God’s
能力的人,必須成爲神的家,成爲基督的身體,才有用處。 house and the Body of Christ before they can become useful. God has to deliver us
神必須拯救我們脫離一切的個人主義。神救我們,不只要 from all forms of individualism. God has not saved us only to be proper Christians,
我們作一個好的基督徒,並且要我們和祂的眾兒女在一起 but to be God’s house and one Body together with all His children. Therefore, we
成爲神的家,成爲一個身體。所以我們不應該有個人的『自 should not have our personal “liberty.” Unfortunately, many Christians love their
由』。可惜許多基督徒就是喜歡個人的『自由』,也真是 personal liberty and are very good at preserving their personal liberty! Brothers
會保全他們個人的『自由』!弟兄姊妹,我們如果真知道 and sisters, if we are truly clear about the testimony of God’s house, and if we
神的家的見證,真知道神的器皿是一個家,不是一塊一塊 know that God’s vessel is a house, not individual, scattered stones, we will learn to
散開的石頭,我們就必須學習彼此順服,除去個人單獨的 submit to one another, reject any individual move, and take the same way as all of
行動,學習與神的眾兒女一同走前面的路。 God’s children.
神的家不光是一個原則,神的家乃是一個生命。難處 God’s house is not only a principle, but a life. The problem is that many Christians
就是在這裏:不少的基督徒,不過把基督的身體當作一 consider the Body of Christ merely as a principle; they have not seen the life of the
個原則,而沒有看見基督身體的生命。我們想想看,只 Body of Christ. What good is it if we try to do something according to a principle
憑著一個原則去作而沒有生命,那有甚麼用處?我們以 without having the life to do it? We think that we should cooperate with one another in
爲甚麼事情都得大家合作,所以也只得與大家合作,而 everything, and we often reluctantly agree to cooperate, but our heart has no taste for
心裏卻並不是那樣,那有甚麼用處?我們必須記得,身 it. What is the use of doing such a thing? We have to remember that the Body is a life
體是一個生命,不只是一個原則。你如果不知道身體是 and not merely a principle. If we do not know that the Body is a life, and if we merely
一個生命,而光是憑著一個原則去作,那你不過是外面 act according to a principle, we are only imitating in an outward way. Many Christians
傚法而已。許多基督徒在神面前沒有受過對付,只是因 have never been dealt with by the Lord. They have heard that they should not act
爲聽見弟兄們說不要單獨行動,要大家合作,所以他們 independently and that they should cooperate with others, and they try to practice
也學著作,豈知這不是學得來的。你和基督的關係,如 cooperation. However, they do not realize that this is something that one cannot learn
何不是學得來的,照樣,你和基督的身體的關係,也不 to do. Just as our relationship with Christ is not something we acquire by learning, our
是學得來的。 relationship with the Body of Christ is not something that we acquire by learning.
怎麼能認識身體的生命呢?根本的條件是你的帳棚要搭 How can we know the life of the Body? The basic condition for knowing the life
在伯特利和艾的中間;要西邊是伯特利,東邊是艾。不只 of the Body is that our tent must be pitched between Bethel and Ai. To our west
是伯特利的問題,艾的問題也在這裏。『艾』在原文的意 there should be Bethel, and to our east there should be Ai. It is not merely a matter
思是『堆』。伯特利是一個家,是神的家;艾是一個堆, of Bethel, but a matter of Ai as well. The name Ai means “a heap” in the original
荒涼的堆。荒涼的堆,就是指舊造。艾所代表的,就是舊 language. Bethel is a house, the house of God, while Ai is a heap, a desolate heap. The
造。我們如果要面向著神的家,那就必須背朝著荒涼的堆。 desolate heap signifies the old creation; Ai symbolizes the old creation. If we are to
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換句話說,一個基督徒如果肉體的生命沒有受過對付,他 turn our face towards God’s house, we must turn our back towards the desolate heap.
就不能知道基督身體的生命。只有你東邊是艾的時候,你 In other words, unless a Christian is dealt with in his fleshly life, he cannot possibly
西邊才是伯特利;你的東邊如果不是艾,你的西邊就不可 know the Body of Christ. Only when we have Ai on the east will we have Bethel on
能是伯特利。進入基督的身體,享受身體的生命,活出身 the west. If we do not have Ai on our east, we will not have Bethel on our west. One
體的生命,是從對付肉體的生命起的,是從對付天然的生 begins his experience of the Body of Christ and enjoys and lives out the Body life by
命起的。你如果要看見甚麼叫作神的家,你就必須在消極 dealing with the life of the flesh. If we want to find out what the house of God is, we
方面拒絕荒涼的堆。只有神對付了你天然的生命,神使你 must deny the desolate heap on the negative side. Only after our natural life has been
變成了一個輭的人,使你認識了天然的生命是該受審判的 dealt with by God, and only after we have been subdued to realize that the natural life
東西,而不是可讚美的東西,這樣,你才能自然而然與其 should be judged rather than praised, will we be joined spontaneously to the other
他的弟兄姊妹合得起來,你才能活出基督身體的生命來。 brothers and sisters. Only then will we be able to live out the life of the Body of Christ.
叫我們和弟兄姊妹合不起來的,只有一個原因,就是我們 The only reason we cannot be joined to the other brothers and sisters is that the life
舊造的生命太強。我們的舊造一受對付,我們就自然而然 of our old creation is too strong. Once the old creation within us is dealt with, we will
活出基督身體的生命來,就自然而然看見我們是基督身體 spontaneously live out the life of the Body of Christ; we will see that we are a part of
的一部分,我們是在身體裏面的。所以,舊造的生命必須 the Body of Christ and that we are in the Body. Hence, the life of the old creation must
受對付,必須完全拒絕。在這一堆裏的,無論怎樣,只是 be dealt with and thoroughly denied. No matter what is in the heap, it is a desolate
一個荒涼的堆,不是神的家。 heap and not the house of God.
對於舊造沒有審判過的基督徒,舊造乃是他所誇口 For those Christians who have not passed through the judgment of the old creation,
的,他還覺得他的那一個自己是好的。儘管他在口頭上 the old creation is a boast to them. They still think that what they have in themselves is
天天說自己輭弱,說自己敗壞,但是在實際上,他從來 good. Although they admit with their mouth that they are weak and corrupt, they have
沒有審判過。他沒有把敗壞當作是敗壞,他還把敗壞當 never been judged in reality. They do not consider corruption to be corruption. Instead
作是可愛的,他還以爲他和別人合不起來的地方是可寶 they consider corruption to be something lovable. They consider the part in them
貴的。甚麼時候我們是這樣的話,就是我們最需要神的 which cannot get along with others to be something noble. Whenever we find ourselves
憐憫的時候。 in this state, that is the time we need God’s mercy the most.
所以,總得有一天,神把我們帶到一個地步,使我們看 One day God will bring us to the point where we realize our uselessness. We will
見我們自己沒有用處,我們自己沒有把握,然後,自然而 lose our self-confidence. Only then will we come into God’s house spontaneously. It is
然的,我們就活在神的家裏。肉體沒有受過對付,而要活 impossible to live the Body life without having the flesh dealt with. We must ask the
出一個身體的生活,那是不可能的事。我們要求神給我們 Lord to show us that the Body of Christ is not just a principle, but a life.
三 希伯崙(交通)-交通的原則 Hebron (Fellowship)—the Principle of Fellowship
『亞伯蘭就搬了帳棚,來到希伯崙幔利的橡樹那裏居住, “Then Abram removed his tent, and came and dwelt in the plain of Mamre, which is
在那裏爲耶和華築了一座壇。』(創十三 18。) in Hebron, and built there an altar unto the Lord” (Gen. 13:18).
『希伯崙』在原文的意思是『交通』。神的家是一個 The name Hebron means “fellowship” in the original language. God’s house is a
生命,交通是一個生活。沒有經過伯特利,就想住在希伯 matter of life, while fellowship is a matter of living. It is impossible for one to live
崙,那是辦不到的事。我們要記得,希伯崙是在伯特利之 in Hebron without first passing through Bethel. We have to remember that Hebron
後的。有了神的家,然後才有交通。交通並不是若干人組 comes after Bethel. Where there is God’s house, there is fellowship. Fellowship is not
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成一個團體,交通乃是在神的家裏面。沒有神的家,就沒 a community organized by a number of people. Fellowship can only be found in the
有交通。你的天然的生命如果沒有受對付,你就不能有交 house of God. Without God’s house it is impossible to have fellowship. If our natural
通。乃是你天然的生命受了對付之後,你才活在身體裏 life is not dealt with, we cannot have any fellowship. We live in the Body and have
面,你才有交通。 fellowship only when the natural life is dealt with.
伯特利好像是迦南地的中心。神把亞伯拉罕帶到伯特利 Bethel appears to be the center of Canaan. God brought Abraham to Bethel to
去住,亞伯拉罕一離開那裏,他就失敗。他從埃及回來的 dwell there. As soon as Abraham left Bethel, he failed. When he came back from
時候,神帶他再回到伯特利,就是他從前築壇的地方。等 Egypt, God brought him back to Bethel, the place where he had built an altar. Only
他在那裏穩定以後,神才讓他搬到希伯崙去。這是特別有 after he settled down in Bethel did God gradually move him to Hebron. This is very
意思的。你看見了神的家-基督身體的生命-之後,你才 meaningful. One will be led into the fellowship only after he sees the house of God—
被引到交通裏。 the life of the Body of Christ.
這一個身體是事實,是實實在在的事實,你在這一個身 The Body is a fact; it is a real, definite fact. In this Body we spontaneously
體裏面,你就自然而然與神其他的兒女有來往,有交通。你 communicate and fellowship with other children of the Lord. Once we turn our back
把背朝著艾,審判了天然的生命,你就自然而然進入基督身 towards Ai and judge the natural life, we will enter into the life of the Body of Christ and
體的生命,也自然而然引到交通。凡真正認識甚麼是基督的 be brought into the fellowship spontaneously. Those who truly know the Body of Christ
身體的人,自然而然不會與眾寡合,自然而然覺得自己靠不 are freed from individualism spontaneously. They do not trust in themselves, and they
住,自然而然覺得自己輭弱得很,自然而然與神的眾兒女有 realize that they are very weak. They fellowship with all the children of God. God must
交通。總得有一天,神把我們帶到一個地步,叫我們看見, bring us to the point where we cannot go on without fellowship. God will show us that
沒有交通就沒有法子走前面的路。神要給我們看見,一個人 what is impossible with individuals is possible when it is done in fellowship. This is the
不能的,在交通裏就能。這是希伯崙的意思。 meaning of Hebron.
在示劍那裏有橡樹,叫作摩利的橡樹;在希伯崙也有橡 In Shechem there was an oak called the oak of Moreh. In Hebron there were also
樹,叫作幔利的橡樹。『幔利』在原文的意思是『肥美』、 oaks called the oaks of Mamre (Gen. 13:18, ASV). The name Mamre means “fatness” or
『剛強』。交通的結果就是肥美、剛強。所有的肥美,所 “strength” in the original language. The result of fellowship is fatness and strength. All
有的豐富,所有的剛強,都是從交通來的。 fatness, riches, and strength come from fellowship.
總起來說,示劍、伯特利、和希伯崙這三個地方,就是 In summary, Shechem, Bethel, and Hebron signify the characteristics of Canaan.
代表迦南地的特點,也就是說,雖然全地的人都不認識神, Although no one on the whole earth knows God, His people in Canaan know His
但是,在迦南地,神的子民認識神的能力,神的子民認識 power, His Body, and fellowship. As a result of seeing this, God’s people become His
基督的身體,神的子民認識交通。神的子民因著看見這些 testimony. They must maintain themselves in such a condition before they can bear
的緣故,就能爲神作見證。必須站在這一種情形中,才能 God’s testimony. Only when they bear these three characteristics will they be able
維持神的見證。也就是在這三個特點上,才能彀獻燔祭, to offer up burnt offerings, and only then will God accept the sacrifice. A sacrifice
神才肯接受。祭的問題不只是我們奉獻不奉獻,並且是神 is not only an offering, but there is also the element of God’s acceptance. We may
接受不接受。有許多東西,我們要給神,但是神根本不要 want to offer many things to God which He absolutely does not want. All three
那些東西。這三個地方都有祭壇,就是說,這是神所要的 places have altars. This means that these are the places that God wants and that
地方,是神所接受的地方。 God accepts.
所以,基督徒在地上若要維持神的見證,他所有的屬靈的 If a Christian wants to maintain God’s testimony on earth, his spiritual knowledge
知識就必須是從能力來的,不然,就沒有用處。只有一種知 must come from power. Otherwise, it is of no avail. The only kind of knowledge that

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識是有屬靈的價值的,就是那一個知識是從基督作我們的能 has spiritual value is the knowledge that comes from Christ as our power. It is easy
力所生出來的。我們很容易把聽來的知識當作我們自己的, for us to take the knowledge we have heard as our own and convey it to others, but
轉講給別人聽,這是沒有屬靈的價值的。願神憐憫我們這樣 this has no spiritual value. May the Lord be merciful to us! However, when we find
的人!另一面,基督徒在主面前知道了甚麼叫作能力,有了 out what power is before the Lord and acquire some spiritual experience, it is easy
一些屬靈的經歷,就很容易作一個不順服的人,很容易以爲 for us to become disobedient. It is easy for us to think that we know what others do
只有他知道,別人不知道,所以他要作,所以他能作,他的 not know, and that we can do many things. Immediately our self is exposed. At this
自己立刻顯出來了。因此神在這裏要我們注意祂的家。神的 point, God turns our attention to His house. God’s house demands our obedience.
家對於我們的要求是順服。你沒有法子活在神的家裏,如果 If we act according to our own will, we cannot live in God’s house. When we see
你憑著個人的意思去作。你看見身體生命的時候,就看見你 the life of the Body, we see our place in it, and we will not overstep. A person who
的地位,你不能越過你那個地位。一個蒙神啓示看見基督身 has received God’s revelation of the Body of Christ will not act independently. If
體的人,他就不能單獨行動。我們如果真看見身體的生命, we truly see the life of the Body, we will see that there is restriction in the house of
我們也就看見在神的家裏有約束,我們在那裏不能隨便活 God, and we will not move freely. At the same time, if we have the life of the Body,
動。同時,我們如果有了那一個身體的生命,我們就自然而 we will spontaneously fellowship with other children of God, and we will treasure
然與神的兒女有交通,就寶貴交通,就不覺得交通是一個重 this fellowship and not feel that it is a burden to us. If God’s children do not know
擔。神的兒女如果不知道甚麼叫作神的家,也就不能與神的 the meaning of God’s house, they will not be able to fellowship with God’s other
兒女有交通。所有不會重看別的弟兄的人,不會把人當有的 children. Whoever cannot honor the other brothers and cannot render them their
尊敬、當有的稱讚、當有的地位給人的人,都因爲沒有看見 due respect, praise, and position has not seen the house of God. If our natural life
神的家。如果我們自己天然的生命受過對付,真知道甚麼叫 has been dealt with, and if we know what the life of the Body means, we will learn
作身體的生命,就會學習寶貴別的弟兄,就會在聚會裏摸著 to treasure the other brothers and to touch life and receive help in the meetings. We
生命,得著幫助。許多時候我們來到一個聚會裏,你坐在那 often receive help and touch life when we come to the meetings. Yet when we leave
裏,你覺得有生命,你覺得有幫助。你出去,碰著一個弟兄, the meeting, another brother may come and tell us that the meeting was terrible and
他卻說,今天的聚會不行,不行。但是,你覺得最不行的不 wrong. Actually, what was terrible and wrong was not the meeting but the brother;
是別人,正是他。因爲他沒有站在神的家的地位上,他就不 he did not take his stand in the house of God. As a result, he could not fellowship with
能與人交通,他就得不著生命的供應。如果他的肉體受過對 others and could not receive the supply of life from others. If his flesh is dealt with,
付,看見了基督的身體,他就自然而然與人有交通,他就覺 he will see the Body of Christ and spontaneously fellowship with others. He will find
得頂輭弱的弟兄姊妹都能給他幫助。 that even the weakest brother or sister can render him some help.
這就是迦南地的特點。在亞伯拉罕的經歷中,神特別揀 These are the characteristics of Canaan. Among all of Abraham’s experiences, God
選這三個地方作他築壇的地方,這就是說,神的接受、神 chose these three places for him to build altars. This means that God’s acceptance,
的悅納、神的盼望、神的垂看,就是在這三個地方。 approval, hope, and countenance are upon these three places.


亞伯拉罕到了迦南地之後,聖經給我們看見,他因爲迦南地 After Abraham arrived in Canaan, the Bible shows us that he was tested three times
的問題,遭遇了三次試煉。現在我們把這三次試煉來看一下。 concerning the land of Canaan. Let us consider these three tests one by one.
第一次試煉-遭遇饑荒 The First Test—Famine

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亞伯拉罕到了伯特利之後,不久就顯出失敗。我們可以 Soon after Abraham reached Bethel, failure set in. This was God’s dealing to show
說,這是神對付他,要他認識他的蒙召是出於神的憐憫, him that his calling was of God’s mercy and was not due to his own goodness. Abraham
不是因他自己好。亞伯拉罕不是生下來就好的,所以他與 was not born good; he failed just as everyone else does. Genesis 12:9 says, “And Abram
別人一樣有失敗。十二章九節說,『亞伯蘭又漸漸遷往南 journeyed, going on still toward the south.” This was his failure: God had brought him
地去。』他的失敗就在這裏:神帶領他到神的家,但是他 to the house of God, but he did not stay there for long. Instead he moved gradually to
不能長住在那裏,卻漸漸往南遷移;雖然他沒有立刻下到 the south. Although he did not move immediately into Egypt, he was in the south at the
埃及去,可是他已經到了南地。就是與埃及交界的地方。 border of Egypt.
他到了南地,結果就遭遇饑荒。十節:『那地遭遇饑荒, When he moved to the south, he encountered a famine. Verse 10 says, “And there
因饑荒甚大,亞伯蘭就下埃及去,要在那裏暫居。』亞伯 was a famine in the land: and Abram went down into Egypt to sojourn there; for the
拉罕已經到了與埃及交界的地方,所以很容易下到埃及去。 famine was grievous in the land.” Abraham had reached the border of Egypt, and it was
他到了埃及之後,在那裏撒了謊,在那裏受了法老的責備, very easy for him to go into Egypt. After he arrived in Egypt, he began to lie and was
在那裏受了頂大的羞辱,(11 ~ 20,)然後他回到迦南來。 rebuked by Pharaoh. There he suffered great shame (vv. 11-20). After this he returned
這是他第一次受的試煉。 to Canaan. This was his first test.
這一個試煉是怎麼起頭的呢?以前神在示劍曾向亞伯拉 How did this test start? God appeared to Abraham in Shechem and said to him,
罕顯現,對他說,『我要把這地賜給你的後裔。』神是要 “Unto thy seed will I give this land.” God intended to give Canaan to him. Did he want it?
把這迦南地賜給他,他要不要這迦南地呢?亞伯拉罕並不 Abraham was not a strong man. Although God promised to give him this land, Abraham
是一個很剛強的人,並沒有因爲神說要把這地給他,他就 did not maintain his stand. What did he do? He kept moving to the south until he
把這地位守住。他怎樣呢?他一直往南走,至終他下埃及 reached Egypt. This was the cause of the first test. The first trial tested Abraham to see
去了。這就是第一個試煉的根源。第一個試煉就是要看亞 if he wanted this land. Abraham did not see the preciousness of the land. In order to
伯拉罕要不要這地。亞伯拉罕並沒有看見這地多麼寶貴, establish him in the land, God had to test Abraham.
亞伯拉罕在埃及失敗以後,學了一個功課,就是知道了 After his failure in Egypt, Abraham learned one lesson: He realized the importance
迦南地的重要,也知道了撒謊是不對的,欺騙是不對的, of Canaan and knew that it was wrong to lie or deceive. It was a shame for God’s people
作神子民的人被埃及人責備是可恥的。所以,他怎麼作? to be rebuked by the Egyptians. What did he do? Genesis 13:1-3 says, “And Abram went
十三章一至三節:『亞伯蘭帶著他的妻子與羅得,並一切 up out of Egypt, he, and his wife, and all that he had, and Lot with him, into the south.
所有的,都從埃及上南地去。亞伯蘭的金、銀、牲畜極多。 And Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold. And he went on his journeys
他從南地漸漸往伯特利去,到了伯特利和艾的中間,就是 from the south even to Bethel, unto the place where his tent had been at the beginning,
從前支搭帳棚的地方。』他回到當初的地位來了。這一次 between Bethel and Hai.” He returned to his former position. Now Abraham knew how
亞伯拉罕寶貴這地了。在這塊地上用不著撒謊,也就不會 to treasure the land. In this land there was no need to lie, and he did not need to bear
受埃及人的責備。在這一塊地上,是能彀榮耀神的。 the reproach of the Egyptians. In this land he could glorify God.
第二次試煉-羅得選擇地 The Second Test—Lot’s Choice of the Land
亞伯拉罕回到迦南地之後,又受第二個試煉。第一個試煉, After Abraham returned to Canaan, he encountered the second test. The first test
是看亞伯拉罕對於這地的價值的認識如何,看他對於這地到底 was to see how much Abraham valued and treasured the land. After he learned the
寶貴不寶貴。等到他在埃及受到了失敗的教訓,認識了只有迦 lesson of defeat in Egypt, he realized that Canaan was the only place of value, and he
南地是有價值的地方,於是他回到迦南地;在他回來以後,他 returned. After his return it was easy for him to exercise his fleshly hands to hold on to
很容易伸出肉體的手來抓住迦南地,所以第二個試煉就來了。 Canaan. Therefore, there was a second test.
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十三章五至七節:『與亞伯蘭同行的羅得,也有牛羣、 Genesis 13:5-7 says, “And Lot also, which went with Abram, had flocks, and herds, and
羊羣、帳棚。那地容不下他們,因爲他們的財物甚多,使 tents. And the land was not able to bear them, that they might dwell together: for their
他們不能同居。當時迦南人,與比利洗人,在那地居住; substance was great, so that they could not dwell together. And there was a strife between the
亞伯蘭的牧人,和羅得的牧人相爭。』到這時候,神要給 herdmen of Abram’s cattle and the herdmen of Lot’s cattle: and the Canaanite and the Perizzite
亞伯拉罕看見,神呼召他離開本地、本族、父家,他一半 dwelt then in the land.” God showed Abraham that although he had obeyed half of God’s
已經順服了,可是還有一半沒有順服,就是他還沒有與羅 commandment to leave his country, his kindred, and his father’s house, he had not yet obeyed
得分離。所以,神就藉著羅得來管教他。 the other half; he had not parted with Lot. Hence, God needed to discipline him through Lot.
十三章八至九節:『亞伯蘭就對羅得說,你我不可相 Verses 8 and 9 say, “And Abram said unto Lot, Let there be no strife, I pray thee, between
爭,你的牧人和我的牧人也不可相爭,因爲我們是骨肉。 me and thee, and between my herdmen and thy herdmen; for we be brethren. Is not the
徧地不都在你眼前麼?請你離開我,你向左,我就向右, whole land before thee? separate thyself, I pray thee, from me: if thou wilt take the left hand,
你向右,我就向左。』亞伯拉罕現在知道了-神的呼召 then I will go to the right; or if thou depart to the right hand, then I will go to the left.” Now
只在他身上,不在羅得身上。弟兄姊妹,我們必須看見, Abraham knew that God’s calling was only for him and not for Lot. Brothers and sisters, we
得著神呼召作執事的人,不能帶著沒有神呼召的人一同 must realize that those who have been called to be the ministers cannot bring along those
去作執事。亞伯拉罕現在看見神對於他作執事的呼召了, who have not been called by God. Abraham saw God’s calling for him to be a minister, and
所以他對羅得說,『請你離開我,你向左,我就向右, he said to Lot, “Separate thyself, I pray thee, from me: if thou wilt take the left hand, then I
你向右,我就向左。』他不用肉體的手來抓住這許多地, will go to the right; or if thou depart to the right hand, then I will go to the left.” He would
他讓羅得去揀選。 not hold on to the land with fleshly hands; he was willing to let Lot make the choice.
我們要看見,在這裏一面是亞伯拉罕完成神所給他的呼召, On the one hand, Abraham had to fulfill God’s calling. On the other hand, God
另一面是神給亞伯拉罕學一個功課,就是:神應許給他的迦 had to teach him the lesson that there is no need to use fleshly methods to hold on
南地,用不著他用肉體的方法去維持。這是我們特別要學的 to God’s promised land of Canaan. We should take care to learn this lesson well. God
功課。神是把這地賜給亞伯拉罕,但是,用不著他用肉體的 gave the land to Abraham, but this does not mean that Abraham could hold on to it
方法去維持。神是把這地賜給亞伯拉罕,但這並不是說,亞 with his flesh. We must learn the lesson of trusting in God to preserve that which He
伯拉罕就得用肉體去抓住這地。我們要學一個功課,就是對 has promised us. There is no need for us to try to preserve it with earthly means or
於神所應許給我們的東西,我們要相信神會保守,用不著我 fleshly energy.
這是亞伯拉罕所受的第二次試煉,結果亞伯拉罕得勝了, This was the second test of Abraham. In the end he overcame, and he was able to say to
他能對羅得說,『你向左,我就向右,你向右,我就向左。』 Lot, “If thou wilt take the left hand, then I will go to the right; or if thou depart to the right
他不用自己的力量來保守。 hand, then I will go to the left.” He did not try to preserve anything with his own strength.
十三章十至十二節:『羅得舉目看見約但河的全平原, Genesis 13:10-12 says, “And Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of Jordan,
直到瑣珥,都是滋潤的,…於是羅得選擇約但河的全平原, that it was well watered everywhere...Then Lot chose him all the plain of Jordan; and
往東遷移;他們就彼此分離了。亞伯蘭住在迦南地…。』 Lot journeyed east: and they separated themselves the one from the other. Abram
好的都被羅得選擇去了,亞伯拉罕還是住在迦南地。一切 dwelt in the land of Canaan...” The best portions were chosen by Lot, while Abraham
認識神的人,都不是自己保護自己的人。如果你真認識神, remained in Canaan. All those who know God do not vindicate themselves. If we truly
你就不用自己保護自己。如果神將迦南地給你,你就用不 know God, we do not need to vindicate ourselves. If God has given Canaan to us, there
著用你肉體的手來抓住。所以我們要學習相信神,要學習 is no need for us to hold on to it with our fleshly hands. We have to learn to believe in

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交託給神,要學習背十字架。亞伯拉罕信託神的結果,雖 God, trust in Him, and bear the cross. Although the result of Abraham’s faith in God put
然是居住在山地,但他還是在迦南地。羅得揀選了那些平 him on the hilly terrain, he was nevertheless in the land of Canaan. Lot chose the plain
原,但他結果是往所多瑪去。 but ended up in Sodom.
在這裏,我們看見亞伯拉罕進步了,他現在開始發亮了! Here we see that Abraham had made some progress. From this time on, he began to
『羅得離別亞伯蘭以後,耶和華對亞伯蘭說, shine! Verses 14 through 17 say, “And the Lord said unto Abram, after that Lot was separated
從你所在的地方,你舉目向東西南北觀看;凡你所看見的 from him, Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and
一切地,我都要賜給你和你的後裔,直到永遠;我也要使 southward, and eastward, and westward: for all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give
你的後裔如同地上的塵沙那樣多,人若能數算地上的塵沙, it, and to thy seed forever. And I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth: so that if a man
才能數算你的後裔。你起來,縱橫走遍這地,因爲我必把 can number the dust of the earth, then shall thy seed also be numbered. Arise, walk through
這地賜給你。』在這裏,神再一次要把亞伯拉罕建立在那 the land in the length of it and in the breadth of it; for I will give it unto thee.” Once more
地上。按人看,好像有一部分的地已經給羅得拿去了。但 God established Abraham in the land. Humanly speaking, a portion of it seemed to have
就是在這一個時候,神來對亞伯拉罕說話,不必亞伯拉罕 been taken by Lot. But at this juncture, God came and spoke to Abraham. There was no need
伸出自己的手來作甚麼事。迦南地是主所賜給的,用不著 for Abraham to stretch out his hands to do anything. Canaan was given to him by the Lord,
肉體的方法來保守。我們的保守是在乎相信神,不是在乎 and there was no need to preserve it with fleshly ways. Our vindication comes from our
我們用肉體的方法來抓住。但願主憐憫我們,拯救我們脫 trust in God; it does not depend on our holding on to anything with fleshly means. May the
離自己的手、自己的方法。 Lord be merciful to us and deliver us from our own hands and our own ways.
十三章十八節:『亞伯蘭就搬了帳棚,來到希伯崙幔利 Verse 18 says, “Then Abram removed his tent, and came and dwelt in the plain of
的橡樹那裏居住…。』他經過了第二次的試煉,實在是進 Mamre, which is in Hebron, and built there an altar unto the Lord.” Having passed the
步了,他搬到希伯崙來居住了。我們要知道,神所要的得 second test, Abraham made some progress. He moved to Hebron. We have to realize that
勝,是完全的得勝。當羅得選擇約但河全平原的時候,亞 God is after a total victory. While Lot was choosing the plain of Jordan, Abraham might
伯拉罕可能外面得勝而裏面不得勝,可能外面說,『你向 have overcome outwardly, but might not have overcome inwardly. Perhaps outwardly
左,我就向右,你向右,我就向左,』而裏面還盼望羅得 he said, “If thou wilt take the left hand, then I will go to the right; or if thou depart to
有一點良心,不至於那麼狠,把一切好的都選擇去。但是, the right hand, then I will go to the left.” But inwardly he might have hoped that Lot
神把亞伯拉罕帶到一個地步,不只在外面得勝,並且在裏 would act according to his conscience and would not be so shrewd as to take the best
面也得勝了。亞伯拉罕搬了帳棚,到希伯崙來住了。他真 portions. Yet God brought Abraham through; he did not just overcome outwardly, but
是得勝了。 also inwardly. He moved his tent and dwelt in Hebron. He had indeed overcome.
第三次試煉- The Third Test—
援救羅得並拒絕所多瑪的財物 Rescuing Lot and Rejecting the Riches of Sodom
第二個試煉過去了,第三個試煉又來了。十四章十一至 The second test had passed, and the third test came. Genesis 14:11-12 says, “And
十二節:『四王就把所多瑪和蛾摩拉所有的財物,並一切 they took all the goods of Sodom and Gomorrah, and all their victuals, and went their
的糧食,都擄掠去了。又把亞伯蘭的姪兒羅得,和羅得的 way. And they took Lot, Abram’s brother’s son, who dwelt in Sodom, and his goods, and
財物擄掠去了;當時,羅得正住在所多瑪。』這是亞伯拉 departed.” This was the last test Abraham experienced for the sake of the land.
罕爲了迦南地所受的最末了一次的試煉。 When Abraham heard the news about his nephew’s captivity, he did not say, “I
亞伯拉罕聽見了羅得被擄的消息,他並沒有說,『我早 knew that he should not have gone to such a place. When he did, surely God’s hand was

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知道那個地是他不該去的,他如果去,神的手就要壓在他 heavy upon him.” What did Abraham do? Verse 14 says, “And when Abram heard that
身上。』他怎麼作呢?十四章十四節說,『亞伯蘭聽見他 his brother was taken captive, he armed his trained servants, born in his own house,
弟兄被擄去,就率領他家裏生養的精練壯丁三百一十八人, three hundred and eighteen, and pursued them unto Dan.” This shows that Abraham
直追到但。』這給我們看見,亞伯拉罕真是一個得勝者。 was truly an overcomer. He overcame his self and was brought to the point where he
他是勝過自己的,他被神帶到一個地步,沒有他個人的感 no longer had any personal feelings. It did not matter how Lot had treated him; he still
覺。不管羅得怎樣對待他,他還是認羅得是他的弟兄。雖 recognized Lot as his brother. Although Lot had never overcome, he was still Abraham’s
然羅得是一個從來沒有得勝的人,但羅得還是他的弟兄。 nephew. Lot was an ordinary man in Mesopotamia, he was an ordinary man when he
羅得這個人,在米所波大米是一個平常的人,到了哈蘭仍 reached Haran, and he was an ordinary man after he reached Canaan. He even chose
是一個平常的人,到了迦南地還是一個平常的人,甚至於 the good land for himself and moved to Sodom. Lot had no virtue except his sorrow
爲自己選擇好地,往所多瑪去。羅得除了常爲惡人的淫行 over the licentious manner of life of the lawless (2 Pet. 2:7-8); he had no testimony
憂傷(彼後二 7 ~ 8)以外,沒有別的長處,沒有其他的見 other than this one. Yet Abraham still recognized him as his nephew. Only those who
證。但是亞伯拉罕還是認羅得是他的弟兄。只有這樣站在 stand on the ground of Hebron, that is, the ground of fellowship, can engage in spiritual
希伯崙-交通-的地位上的人,才能有屬靈的爭戰。爭戰 warfare. In order to have the strength for warfare, we must not harbor any complaint
要有能力,就得裏面沒有不平。卽使弟兄對我們不起,我 within us. Even if our brother has wronged us, we should still consider him our brother,
們還得看他是一個弟兄,還得爲他禱告,還得甘心樂意的 and we should still pray for him and help him unreservedly. Only this kind of person
幫助他。這樣的人,才有屬靈爭戰的能力。亞伯拉罕就是 can have the power to fight the spiritual battle. Abraham fought by standing on this
站在這樣的地位上去爭戰,所以能戰勝敵人。 ground. Therefore, he was able to overcome the enemy.
亞伯拉罕打敗了敵人,把被擄掠的羅得從敵人手裏奪回 When Abraham defeated the enemy and took back Lot from the hand of the enemy,
來的時候,是他最容易驕傲的時候。這時候他很容易對羅 it would have been very easy for him to become proud. It would have been very easy
得說,『我早就對你說了,你不聽!』這時候他臉上很容 for him to say to Lot, “I told you so, but you would not listen!” It would have been very
易顯出得意的樣子,好像虧得他救了羅得。但是,亞伯拉 easy for him to have had an expression of contempt on his face, as if Lot owed him
罕並沒有這樣。 something for such a deliverance. Yet Abraham did not show any such expression.
亞伯拉罕將被擄的一切財物奪回來,連他姪兒羅得和他 After Abraham brought back all the goods, including his nephew Lot and his goods
的財物,以及婦女、人民也都奪回來之後,有所多瑪王出 and the women and the people, the king of Sodom went out to meet him at the valley
來在沙微谷迎接他。又有撒冷王麥基洗德帶著餅和酒出來 of Shaveh. Melchizedek king of Salem also brought forth bread and wine to meet him.
迎接他。『所多瑪王對亞伯蘭說,你把人口給我,財物你 “And the king of Sodom said unto Abram, Give me the persons, and take the goods to
自己拿去吧。』(創十四 21。)這時,亞伯拉罕已經學會 thyself” (Gen. 14:21). Abraham had learned the lesson. He did not consider the goods
了功課,他並沒有覺得這些財物是他辛苦打仗得來的,是 as trophies of his hard-fought battle and that he deserved them. On the contrary, “Abram
他該得的;相反的,『亞伯蘭對所多瑪王說,我已經向天 said to the king of Sodom, I have lifted up mine hand unto the Lord, the most high God,
地的主,至高的神耶和華起誓;凡是你的東西,就是一根 the possessor of heaven and earth, that I will not take from a thread even to a shoe-
線、一根鞋帶,我都不拿,免得你說,我使亞伯蘭富足。』 latchet, and that I will not take any thing that is thine, lest thou shouldest say, I have
(22 ~ 23。)他在這裏站在一個地位上,給人看見,除了 made Abram rich” (vv. 22-23). He took a certain stand and showed others that, other
耶和華之外,誰也不能給他甚麼。 than Jehovah, no one could give him anything.
亞伯拉罕稱神爲『天地的主』!我們不要輕看這句話。 Abraham called God “the possessor of heaven and earth”! We should not think
這是說明因爲在地上有亞伯拉罕爲神站住的緣故,所以不 lightly of this title. This means that because of Abraham’s stand for the Lord, heaven
只天是祂的,地也是祂的了。神不只是天上的主,並且是 became the Lord’s, and the earth became the Lord’s. God was no longer the Lord of
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天地的主了!亞伯拉罕稱神爲天地的主,並不是他自己發 heaven only, but the possessor of heaven and earth! Abraham did not invent the title “the
明的,乃是從麥基洗德那裏學來的。當他殺敗基大老瑪和 possessor of heaven and earth”; he learned this from Melchizedek. After he slaughtered
與他同盟的王回來的時候,在沙微谷,就是王谷,遇見了 Chedorlaomer and the other kings, he met Melchizedek at the valley of Shaveh, which
麥基洗德。他打了勝仗之後,並不是在高大的城牆上遇見 was the king’s dale. After he won the victory, he did not meet others at the height of
人,而是在卑微的山谷裏遇見人。在那裏,麥基洗德帶著 the city wall, but at the bottom of a humble valley. Melchizedek came to him with bread
餅和酒出來迎接他,爲他祝福說,『願天地的主,至高的 and wine and blessed him, saying, “Blessed be Abram of the most high God, possessor
神,賜福與亞伯蘭;至高的神把敵人交在你手裏,是應當 of heaven and earth: and blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine
稱頌的。』(19 ~ 20。)在這裏,因爲有一個人在地上爲 enemies into thy hand” (vv. 19-20). Because a man stood on earth for God, Melchizedek
神站住了,所以麥基洗德說,神是天地的主。這是全部聖 was able to proclaim God as the possessor of heaven and earth. This is the first time in
經第一次說神是天地的主。因爲有亞伯拉罕在地上得了勝, the Bible that God was called the possessor of heaven and earth. After Abraham won
神開始被稱爲天地的主了! the victory on earth, God was called the possessor of heaven and earth!
亞伯拉罕受了各種各樣的試煉,終於他得勝了!這是神 Abraham had passed through all the tests. In the end he overcame! This was God’s
在亞伯拉罕身上所作的工作。天地的主,至高的神,是應 work on Abraham. Blessed be the most high God, the possessor of heaven and earth!

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亞伯拉罕與兒子(上)- ABRAHAM AND HIS SON (1)
讀經: Scripture Reading:
羅馬書四章三節:『經上說甚麼呢?說,『亞伯拉罕信神, Rom. 4:3 For what does the Scripture say? "And Abraham believed God, and it was
這就算爲他的義。』』 accounted to him as righteousness."
十七至二十二節:『亞伯拉罕所信的,是那叫死人復活 17-22 (As it is written, "I have appointed you a father of many nations") in the sight
使無變爲有的神,他在主面前作我們世人的父;如經上所記: of God whom he believed, who gives life to the dead and calls the things not being as
『我已經立你作多國的父。』他在無可指望的時候,因信 being. He beyond hope believed in hope in order that he might become the father of
仍有指望,就得以作多國的父,正如先前所說,『你的後 many nations, according to that which was spoken, "So shall your seed be." And not
裔將要如此。』他將近百歲的時候,雖然想到自己的身體 weakening in his faith, he considered his own body as already dead, being about a
如同已死,撒拉的生育已經斷絕,他的信心還是不輭弱; hundred years old, as well as the deadening of Sarah's womb; But with regard to the
並且仰望神的應許,總沒有因不信,心裏起疑惑;反倒因信, promise of God, he did not doubt in unbelief, but was empowered by faith, giving glory
心裏得堅固,將榮耀歸給神。且滿心相信,神所應許的必 to God And being fully persuaded that what He had promised He was able also to do.
能作成;所以這就算爲他的義。』 Therefore also it was accounted to him as righteousness.
加拉太書四章二十三至二十六節:『然而那使女所生的, Gal. 4:23-26 However the one of the maidservant was born according to the flesh,
是按著血氣生的;那自主之婦人所生的,是憑著應許生的, but the one of the free woman was born through promise. These things are spoken
這都是比方;那兩個婦人,就是兩約;一約是出於西乃山, allegorically, for these women are two covenants, one from Mount Sinai, bringing forth
生子爲奴,乃是夏甲。這夏甲二字是指著亞拉伯的西乃山, children unto slavery, which is Hagar. Now this Hagar is Sinai the mountain in Arabia
與現在的耶路撒冷同類;因耶路撒冷和她的兒女都是爲奴 and corresponds to the Jerusalem which now is, for she is in slavery with her children.
的。但那在上的耶路撒冷是自主的,她是我們的母。』 But the Jerusalem above is free, which is our mother;
二十八節:『弟兄們,我們是憑著應許作兒女,如同以撒一樣。』 28 But you, brothers, in the way Isaac was, are children of promise.
創世記十五章:『這事以後,耶和華在異象中有話對亞 Gen. 15 After these things the word of Jehovah came to Abram in a vision, saying, Do
伯蘭說,亞伯蘭你不要懼怕,我是你的盾牌,必大大的 not be afraid, Abram; I am your shield and your exceedingly great reward. And Abram
賞賜你。亞伯蘭說,主耶和華阿,我旣無子,你還賜我 said, O Lord Jehovah, what will You give me, for I go childless, and the heir of my house
甚麼呢?並且要承受我家業的,是大馬色人以利以謝。 is Eliezer of Damascus? And Abram said, Since You have given me no seed, therefore,
亞伯蘭又說,你沒有給我兒子,那生在我家中的人,就 a servant in my house is my heir. But then the word of Jehovah came to him, saying,
是我的後嗣。耶和華又有話對他說,這人必不成爲你的 This man shall not be your heir, but he who will come out from your own body shall
後嗣,你本身所生的,才成爲你的後嗣。於是領他走到 be your heir. And He brought him outside and said, Look now toward the heavens, and
外邊,說,你向天觀看,數算眾星,能數得過來麼?又 count the stars, if you are able to count them. And He said to him, So shall your seed be.
對他說,你的後裔將要如此。亞伯蘭信耶和華,耶和華 And he believed Jehovah, and He accounted it to him as righteousness. Then He said

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就以此爲他的義。耶和華又對他說,我是耶和華,曾領 to him, I am Jehovah who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldeans to give you this land
你出了迦勒底的吾珥,爲要將這地賜你爲業。亞伯蘭說, to inherit it. And he said, O Lord Jehovah, how will I know that I will inherit it? And He
主耶和華阿,我怎能知道必得這地爲業呢?祂說,你爲 said to him, Bring Me a three-year-old heifer and a three-year-old female goat and a
我取一隻三年的母牛,一隻三年的母山羊,一隻三年的 three-year-old ram and a turtledove and a young pigeon. And he brought Him all these
公綿羊,一隻斑鳩,一隻雛鴿。亞伯蘭就取了這些來, and cut them in two in the middle and laid the half of each opposite the other, but the
每樣劈開分成兩半,一半對著一半的擺列,只有鳥沒有 birds he did not cut in two. And the birds of prey came down upon the carcasses, and
劈開。有鷙鳥下來落在那死畜的肉上,亞伯蘭就把牠嚇 Abram drove them away. And when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon
飛了。日頭正落的時候,亞伯蘭沉沉的睡了;忽然有驚 Abram; and, behold, a terror and great darkness fell upon him. And He said to Abram,
人的大黑暗落在他身上。耶和華對亞伯蘭說,你要的確 Know assuredly that your seed will be sojourners in a land that is not theirs, and they
知道,你的後裔必寄居別人的地,又服事那地的人,那 will serve them; and they will afflict them four hundred years. But I will also judge that
地的人要苦待他們四百年;並且他們所要服事的那國, nation, whom they will serve, and afterward they will come out with great possessions.
我要懲罰,後來他們必帶著許多財物,從那裏出來。但 But as for you, you will go to your fathers in peace; you will be buried in a good old age.
你要享大壽數,平平安安的歸到你列祖那裏,被人埋葬。 And in the fourth generation they will come here again, for the iniquity of the Amorites
到了第四代,他們必回到此地,因爲亞摩利人的罪孽,還 is not yet complete. And when the sun went down and it was dark, there came a
沒有滿盈。日落天黑,不料有冒煙的爐,並燒著的火把, smoking furnace and a torch of fire which passed between these pieces. On that day
從那些肉塊中經過。當那日,耶和華與亞伯蘭立約,說, Jehovah made a covenant with Abram, saying, To your seed do I give this land, / From
我已賜給你的後裔,從埃及河直到伯拉大河之地;就是 the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates: The land of the Kenites and
基尼人、基尼洗人、甲摩尼人、赫人、比利洗人、利乏 the Kenizzites and the Kadmonites And the Hittites and the Perizzites and the Rephaim
音人、亞摩利人、迦南人、革迦撒人、耶布斯人之地。』 And the Amorites and the Canaanites and the Girgashites and the Jebusites.
十六章一至四節上:『亞伯蘭的妻子撒萊不給他生兒 16:4a Now Sarai, Abram's wife, bore him no children; and she had an Egyptian
女;撒萊有一個使女名叫夏甲,是埃及人。撒萊對亞伯 female servant, whose name was Hagar. And Sarai said to Abram, Because Jehovah
蘭說,耶和華使我不能生育,求你和我的使女同房,或 has prevented me from bearing, please go in to my female servant; perhaps I will have
者我可以因她得孩子。亞伯蘭聽從了撒萊的話;於是亞 children through her. And Abram listened to the voice of Sarai. So after Abram had
伯蘭的妻子撒萊,將使女埃及人夏甲給了丈夫爲妾;那 dwelt ten years in the land of Canaan, Sarai, Abram's wife, took Hagar the Egyptian,
時亞伯蘭在迦南已經住了十年。亞伯蘭與夏甲同房,夏 her female servant, and gave her to Abram her husband to be a wife. And he went in to
甲就懷了孕。』 Hagar, and she conceived;
十五至十六節:『後來夏甲給亞伯蘭生了一個兒子;亞 15-16 And Hagar bore Abram a son, and Abram called the name of his son, whom
伯蘭給他起名叫以實瑪利。夏甲給亞伯蘭生以實瑪利的時 Hagar bore, Ishmael. And Abram was eighty-six years old when Hagar bore Ishmael
候,亞伯蘭年八十六歲。』 to Abram.
關於迦南地的問題,亞伯拉罕已經解決了。從創世記十五章 The matter of Canaan was settled for Abraham, but from Genesis 15, we see the
起,我們就看見另外有一個問題發生。那就是關於兒子的問題。 matter of his son. This does not mean that Canaan is no longer an issue after chapter
當然這並不是說,從十五章起再也不題到迦南地了,這乃是說, fifteen. It only means that the focus is no longer on Canaan, but on the seed.
神的應許 God’s Promise

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創世記十五章一節:『這事以後,耶和華在異象中有話 Genesis 15:1 says, “After these things the word of the Lord came unto Abram in a
對亞伯蘭說,亞伯蘭你不要懼怕,我是你的盾牌,必大大 vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.”
就在亞伯拉罕打了勝仗之後,神說這樣的話,這是特別有意 It was very meaningful for God to reassure Abraham with such a word even though
思的。我們要知道,亞伯拉罕不過是一個人,他的得勝是人的 he had just come back from a victory. We have to realize that Abraham was only a man,
得勝,並不是超人的得勝。雖然神給他一個得勝,但是神並沒 and his victory was the victory of a man; it was not a superhuman victory. Although
有使他超越過人。因此,當他從麥基洗德那裏有餅有酒可以享 God granted him a victory, He did not make him superhuman. It was easy for Abraham
受的時候,他很容易拒絕所多瑪王的財物,很容易甚麼都不要; to refuse the riches of Sodom when he had the enjoyment of the bread and the wine
但是,在他得勝以後,興奮過了以後,熱鬧過了以後,只有他 from Melchizedek; it was easy for him to deny everything then. But after the moment of
一個人在帳棚裏思前想後的時候,他就不免想到因援救羅得而 victory, when the excitement and uproar were over, and when he began to contemplate
開罪於四王,因拒絕財物而又失歡於所多瑪王,於是,他不免 in his tent, he would undoubtedly worry about how he had offended the four kings by
畏懼起來了。這從神對亞伯拉罕所說的話裏可以看得出來。神 saving Lot, and how he had offended the king of Sodom by declining his goods. It was
說話都是有原因的,因爲亞伯拉罕懼怕,所以神對他說,『你 unavoidable for him to have some fear. We can detect this from God’s word to Abraham.
不要懼怕。』爲甚麼可以不懼怕呢?神告訴他有兩個原因: God always has a reason when He speaks. God said, “Fear not,” because Abraham was
(一)『我是你的盾牌,』再也沒有人能攻擊你;(二)我是 afraid. God gave him two reasons to not fear: (1) “I am thy shield;” no one could attack
『你的極大的賞賜』,所以你所失去的一切,在我身上都能得 him anymore. (2) “I am...thy exceeding great reward”; therefore, whatever Abraham
著。神在這裏對亞伯拉罕說了安慰的話。 lost he could find in Him. God was comforting Abraham.
二節:『亞伯蘭說,主耶和華阿,我旣無子,你還賜我甚 Verse 2 says, “And Abram said, Lord God, what wilt thou give me, seeing I go
麼呢?並且要承受我家業的,是大馬色人以利以謝。』亞伯 childless, and the steward of my house is this Eliezer of Damascus?” Abraham
拉罕對神這樣說,意思是說他的問題沒有這麼簡單。他好像 told the Lord that his problem was not that simple. It seemed as if he turned the
是在反問主說,『主,你還不知道麼?』真的,主也喜歡聽 question back to the Lord: “Lord, don’t You know?” The Lord likes to hear us speak.
我們對祂說話。一面主要我們敬畏祂,另一面祂也喜歡聽我 On the one hand, the Lord wants us to fear Him. On the other hand, He likes to
們說話。神說話,我們聽;我們說話,神也聽。亞伯拉罕在 hear us speak. When God speaks, we listen. When we speak, God listens. Abraham
這裏對神表示說,他的問題並不是財物的問題,乃是兒子的 was telling God that his problem was not one of goods, but of a son. The matter
問題。迦南地的問題是解決了。現在兒子的問題來了。亞伯 of Canaan had been settled. Now there was the problem of a son. He said, “What
拉罕說,『我旣無子,你還賜我甚麼呢?並且要承受我家業 wilt thou give me, seeing I go childless, and the steward of my house is this Eliezer
的,是大馬色人以利以謝。』大馬色人不是他生的,不是他 of Damascus?” This man from Damascus was not begotten of him; he was not
的兒子,他雖然曾聽見神的話說,『我必叫你成爲大國,』 Abraham’s son. Although Abraham had heard God say, “I will make of thee a great
『我也要使你的後裔如同地上的塵沙那樣多,』可是,迦南 nation” and “I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth,” and although the matter
地的問題是解決了,兒子還沒有生哪! of Canaan was settled, he still had no son!
神在這裏要我們學一個功課,就是:難道神不知道麼?難 God is teaching us a lesson here. Does He not know everything? Did He not know
道神不知道亞伯拉罕需要一個兒子麼?神知道。但是,神喜 Abraham’s need for a son? Yes, God knows, but He likes to see us being His friends. He
歡我們作祂的朋友,神喜歡我們進入祂的心,神喜歡我們進 wants us to enter into His heart and His mind, and He wants us to speak to Him this
入祂的思想,神喜歡我們對祂這樣說。亞伯拉罕就是這樣進 way. Abraham entered into God’s mind in this way. God had promised him a son, but He
入了神的心意。神應許他有兒子,但神把他帶到一個地步, wanted Abraham to ask for it himself. Abraham was saying that if God wanted a nation,
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要他自己向神要。亞伯拉罕的意思是說,神如果要在地上有 He had to give him a son, and the son had to be born of his own house, rather than from
一個國,就必須使他有兒子,並且必須是自己生的,不是買 somewhere else. The nation had to be brought in through one begotten of him, not
來的。這一個國必須是他生出來的人成功的,不是買來的人 through one bought by him. The nation should belong to his sons, not to his servants.
成功的;這一個國應該是兒子,不是僕人。亞伯拉罕看見, Abraham realized that none of his three hundred eighteen trained servants nor Eliezer
無論是那三百一十八個精練的壯丁也罷,無論是大馬色人 of Damascus could solve this problem. He needed someone begotten of him. Only
以利以謝也罷,都不能解決他的問題;必須是他生的,才能 someone begotten of him could solve the problem. This was what he meant when he
解決他的問題,這是亞伯拉罕對神說話的意思。亞伯拉罕真 spoke with God. Abraham was indeed a friend of God! He had entered into God’s heart!
是神的朋友!他進入了神的心意!在亞伯拉罕看來,沒有兒 Without a son, the land would have been vain and the promise would have been useless
子,那就地是空的,應許也是空的!沒有兒子,就永遠得不 to Abraham! Without a son he could have never received the blessings. This realization
著祝福。這一個看見,也是神在亞伯拉罕身上工作的結果。 was a result of God’s work in Abraham.
亞伯拉罕說了這些話以後,神並不馬上說話,神讓他再 After Abraham spoke, God did not immediately answer. He allowed Abraham to go
說下去。神是很會聽話的神。三節:『亞伯蘭又說,你沒 on speaking. God is a God who is very good at listening. Verse 3 says, “And Abram said,
有給我兒子,那生在我家中的人,就是我的後嗣。』 Behold, to me thou hast given no seed: and, lo, one born in my house is mine heir.”

亞伯拉罕因信稱義 Abraham Justified by Faith

四至六節:『耶和華又有話對他說,這人必不成爲你的 Verses 4 through 6 say, “And, behold, the word of the Lord came unto him, saying,
後嗣,你本身所生的,才成爲你的後嗣。於是領他走到外 This shall not be thine heir; but he that shall come forth out of thine own bowels shall
邊,說,你向天觀看,數算眾星,能數得過來麼?又對他說, be thine heir. And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and
你的後裔將要如此。亞伯蘭信耶和華,耶和華就以此爲他 tell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed
的義。』這是全部聖經第一次題起信心的地方。亞伯拉罕 be. And he believed in the Lord; and he counted it to him for righteousness.” This is the
是信心的祖宗,他在這裏的的確確信神的話,神就以此爲 first time the Bible speaks of faith. Abraham is the father of faith. He believed God’s
他的義。 word in a definite way, and God counted it to him for righteousness.
神對亞伯拉罕說,『你本身所生的,才成爲你的後嗣。』 God told Abraham, “He that shall come forth out of thine own bowels shall be thine
這給我們看見,神要達到祂的目的,並不是藉著招聚來 heir.” This shows us that God’s goal is not achieved through the many people He has
的人,乃是藉著神所生的人。不是神所生的,就不能算 gathered, but through those whom He has begotten. Those who are not begotten of
數,不能達到神的目的。神永遠的旨意,是藉著神所生 God do not count; they cannot fulfill God’s purpose. God’s eternal purpose is fulfilled
的人成功的。 through those whom He has begotten.
神又對亞伯拉罕說,天上的星你能數得過來麼?你的後 God asked Abraham if he could count the stars in heaven and told him that his
裔要像天上的星那樣多。亞伯拉罕信神,神就以此爲他的 descendants would be as numerous as the stars. Abraham believed in God, and God
義。這就是我們在前面所說的,神如果要在許多人身上有 counted it to him for righteousness. As we have mentioned previously, God first had
所得著,神就必須先在一個人身上作工,先在一個人身上 to work on one person and gain something in him before He could gain something
有所得著。神需要許多信的人,就需要一個人先信。現在 through many others. In order for God to have many believers, He first had to gain one
亞伯拉罕信了神,神就以此爲他的義。 believer. Abraham believed in God, and God counted it to him for righteousness.


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我們要特別注意下面幾句話:『耶和華又對他說,我是 We have to pay attention to the following words: “And he said unto him, I am the
耶和華,曾領你出了迦勒底的吾珥,爲要將這地賜你爲業。 Lord that brought thee out of Ur of the Chaldees, to give thee this land to inherit it.
亞伯蘭說,主耶和華阿,我怎能知道必得這地爲業呢?』 And he said, Lord God, whereby shall I know that I shall inherit it?” (Gen. 15:7-8). In
(創十五 7 ~ 8。)神起頭就對他說,『我是你的盾牌,你 the beginning God said to him, “I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.” But
的極大的賞賜;』但是他說,『我沒有兒子。』神又對他說, Abraham said to the Lord, “I go childless.” God then told him that only he who came
你本身所生的,才成爲你的後嗣,你的後嗣要像天上的星 forth out of his own bowels would be his heir, and that his seed would be as the stars
那樣多;而他在這裏卻又要神給他第二個憑據。他的意思 in heaven. Then he asked God for more proof. He wanted to know how he could be
是要知道怎樣能彀必得這地爲業。對於神的應許,亞伯拉 assured that the land would be his inheritance. Abraham believed God’s promise,
罕是信的,神也說他信;他這樣問神。並不是不信的表示, and God acknowledged his faith. His question was not an indication of unbelief, but a
乃是爲著信而要有一個憑據。神對於他這一個問題的答覆, request for a sign for his faith. In answering this question, God shows the believers His
也使我們這些信的人明白怎樣能達到神的目的。 way of reaching His goal.
神怎樣答覆他呢?九至十節:『祂說,你爲我取一隻三 How did God answer him? Verses 9 and 10 say, “And he said unto him, Take me a
年的母牛,一隻三年的母山羊,一隻三年的公綿羊,一隻 heifer of three years old, and a she goat of three years old, and a ram of three years
斑鳩,一隻雛鴿。亞伯蘭就取了這些來,每樣劈開分成兩 old, and a turtledove, and a young pigeon. And he took unto him all these, and divided
半,一半對著一半的擺列,只有鳥沒有劈開。』又十二節: them in the midst, and laid each piece one against another: but the birds divided he
『日頭正落的時候,亞伯蘭沉沉的睡了;忽然有驚人的大 not.” Verse 12 says, “And when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abram;
黑暗落在他身上。』又十七至十八節:『日落天黑,不料 and, lo, a horror of great darkness fell upon him.” Verses 17 and 18 say, “And it came to
有冒煙的爐,並燒著的火把,從那些肉塊中經過。當那日, pass, that, when the sun went down, and it was dark, behold a smoking furnace, and
耶和華與亞伯蘭立約,說,我已賜給你的後裔,從埃及河 a burning lamp that passed between those pieces. In that same day the Lord made a
直到伯拉大河之地。』這就是神的答應。 covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of
Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates.” This was God’s answer.
『每樣劈開分成兩半,一半對著一半的擺列…有冒煙的 Abraham “divided them in the midst, and laid each piece one against
爐,並燒著的火把,從那些肉塊中經過。』這是憑據,這 another...behold a smoking furnace, and a burning lamp that passed between those
也就是十字架的道路。甚麼叫作『劈開分成兩半』?『劈 pieces.” This is the proof. It is a picture of the way of the cross. What does it mean to
開分成兩半』就是死,就是十字架。甚麼叫作『從那些肉 divide “in the midst”? To divide in the midst is to die; it is the cross. What does it mean
塊中經過』?『從那些肉塊中經過』就是經過死,就是經 to pass “between the pieces”? To pass “between the pieces” is to die, which also means
過十字架。在這裏,神就是要給亞伯拉罕看見,他能『得 to pass through the cross. God showed Abraham that his inheritance of the land was
這地爲業』,是在乎十字架的工作;他的後裔將來能站在 based on the work of the cross, and that his seed was able to stand in this land through
這地上,是因爲有十字架的死。 the death of the cross.
我們必須看見十字架是一切屬靈生活的根基。沒有經過 We have to realize that the cross is the foundation of all spiritual living. Without
十字架,就沒有法子爲神活在地上。卽使我們能講一篇十 passing through the cross, we cannot live for God on this earth. Even if we can give a
字架的道理,但是,如果我們這個人不是經過十字架對付 message on the cross, it will not produce any spiritual effect unless we are first dealt
的人,那也沒有屬靈的用處。主給我們看見,只有從十字 with by the cross. Only those who have passed through the cross will have the smoking
架經過的,才有冒煙的爐,才有燒著的火把。換句話說, furnace and the burning lamp. In other words, only those who have passed through
只有從死裏經過的,才有試煉的潔淨,才有真實的亮光。 death will have the purging, cleansing, and genuine light.

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許多人的難處就在這裏:能力大一點,工作多一點, The problem with many people is that whenever they find themselves with a little
就以爲自己在主手裏有用處。其實,沒有這件事。所有 power or a little achievement in the work, they think that they are useful in God’s hand.
的問題,是你把甚麼東西帶進到主的工作裏來。只要你 Actually, there is not such a thing. The whole matter depends on the kind of substance
把自己的東西帶進來,你就已經失敗了。你的失敗不是 you bring into the Lord’s work. If you bring something of yourself into the work, you
因爲你不會說話,你能力不大,你聖經不熟,乃是因爲 have failed already. You have not failed because you cannot speak, you are not powerful
你這個人不對,十字架在你身上沒有作過工。我們必須 enough, or you are not familiar enough with the Scripture. You have failed because you
清楚,只有經過死的,才能『得這地爲業』;沒有經過 are the wrong person. The cross has not done its work in you. We have to be clear that
死的,就得不著。所以,我們所需要的,是潔淨的工作。 only those who have passed through the cross will inherit the land. Those who have not
唉,爲主作工,是何等的難以潔淨!甚麼叫作潔淨?潔 passed through death will not inherit the land. We need the purifying work. How difficult
淨就是沒有攙雜。在我們爲主作工的時候,何等容易, it is to be pure in the Lord’s work! What does it mean to be pure? To be pure means to be
上一句話是出於靈的,下一句話就出於肉體;上一句話 without any mixture. In our work for the Lord, how easy it is to say one word in the spirit
是憑著主說的,下一句話是憑著自己說的。這就是攙雜, and the next word in the flesh. How easy it is to say one word by the Lord and the next
這就是不潔淨。所以我們需要主帶著冒煙的爐,從肉塊 word by ourselves. This is mixture, and this is impurity. Consequently, we need the Lord
中經過,作潔淨的工作。基督死的效力,能使我們變成 to bring a smoking furnace to pass through the pieces in order to conduct a purifying
潔淨的人,主不要我們作一個攙雜的人,主要煉我們, work in us. The efficacy of the death of Christ will make us a pure person. The Lord does
叫我們得以潔淨。 not want us to be a mixed person. He wants to purge us so that we may be pure.
從那些肉塊中經過的,不只有冒煙的爐,並且有燒著的 What passed through the pieces was not only a smoking furnace but also a burning
火把。在冒煙的爐之前,必須有死,必須有十字架;在燒 lamp. Before there is the smoking furnace, there must first be the cross, and before
著的火把之前,也必須有死,必須有十字架。所以,要得 there is the burning lamp, there must also be the cross. Hence, in order to have real
著真實的亮光,就必須先經過死。一個沒有經過十字架對 light, one must first pass through death. A person who has not passed through death
付的人,他可能有聰明、有知識,使人覺得他講的話很有 may be very clever and knowledgeable; others may think that his words are very
道理,但是,他沒有刺透人的亮光。那一個燒著的火把, intelligent. But such a person does not possess any piercing light. The burning lamp,
那一個真實的亮光,是從十字架來的,是從肉塊中經過的, the genuine light, comes from the cross. It comes from the act of passing through the
是從死經過的。所以,爲主作工的這一個職事,不是憑著 pieces, that is, from passing through death. No one can fulfill the ministry of God’s work
人的聰明、人的知識能作的,這是需要人自己在主面前有 based on his human wisdom or knowledge. In order to fulfill such a ministry, one must
十字架的經歷的。傳十字架的道是容易的事,但是神在這 have the experience of the cross before the Lord. It is easy to preach the doctrine of the
裏給我們看見,必須是認識十字架的人,必須是經歷十字 cross, but these verses show us that only those who know and experience the cross can
架的人,才能爲神站住。 stand for God.
當亞伯拉罕把每樣劈開分成兩半,一半對著一半擺列之 After Abraham divided everything in the midst and laid each piece one against
後,他就沉睡了。忽然有驚人的大黑暗落在他身上。一個 another, he fell asleep. Suddenly a great darkness fell upon him. A person who does
沒有看見甚麼叫作十字架的人,總以爲像他那樣的人爲主 not know the cross will think that he is more than qualified to work for the Lord and
作工,是綽綽有餘的,是沒有甚麼可怕的;但是,一個看 that there is nothing to be fearful of, but a person who knows the cross will see great
見甚麼叫作十字架的人,就有驚人的大黑暗落在他身上, darkness falling upon him. He will realize that he can do nothing and that he is totally
使他認識自己一點也沒有辦法,自己一點也不行。當一個 incapable of doing anything by himself. When a person is brought by the Lord to the
人被主帶到輭弱的地步,覺得自己不能也不配作甚麼的時 place of weakness and when he feels that he cannot do anything and is not worthy of
候,才是他真正開始爲主作工的時候。當你真的看見這工 doing anything, he can begin to work for the Lord. When we truly see that this work is

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作是主的工作,你自己沒有用處,你也真的看見主的聖潔 the Lord’s work and that we are useless and when we truly see the Lord’s holiness and
和你自己的污穢的時候,你才開始能爲神用! our filthiness, the Lord will begin to use us.
亞伯拉罕怎麼能得這地爲業呢?神給他看見,要經過死, How did Abraham inherit the land? God showed him that he had to pass through death;
要經過十字架。惟有經過十字架這條路,才能『得這地爲 he had to pass through the cross. Only by going through the way of the cross will we inherit
業』,才能一直在這地上爲神活著。 the land, and only then will we be able to live for God continuously on this earth.

『那一個子孫』 “THY SEED”

十五章五節:『於是領他走到外邊,說,你向天觀看,數 Genesis 15:5 says, “And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward
算眾星,能數得過來麼?又對他說,你的後裔將要如此。』 heaven, and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and he said unto him, So
『後裔』就是子孫,照原文也可譯作『種』,是單數,不是 shall thy seed be.” The word “seed” refers to his descendant. It is singular, not plural,
多數。這的確很希奇,如果是人說的話,旣然說,你的子孫 in number. This is very strange because humanly speaking, if his descendants were
要像天上的星那樣多,那麼,這一個『子孫』,應該是多數 to be as numerous as the stars in heaven, “seed” should have been plural. But when
的;但是,在這裏,神告訴亞伯拉罕有那麼多子孫的時候, God was telling Abraham of the multiplicity of his descendants, He used the word
神所用的那個『種』字是單數的。爲甚麼要用單數呢?如果 “seed” in the singular. Why does He use the singular form of the word? Who was
是單數,那麼那一個『種』-子孫-究竟是指誰呢?保羅在 the one seed? In Galatians 3:16, Paul said, “He does not say, ‘And to the seeds,’ as
加拉太三章十六節告訴我們說,『神並不是說眾子孫,指著 concerning many, but as concerning one: ‘And to your seed,’ who is Christ.” Hence,
許多人,乃是說你那一個子孫,指著一個人,就是基督。』 the seed that God referred to was not many people, but one person. This person was
所以,神所說的子孫,不是指著許多人,乃是指著一個人, not Isaac, but Christ.
神在這裏給我們看見一件事:能得著地的,是『那一個 This shows us that the One who inherits the land is the one seed. As far as Abraham
子孫』。按著亞伯拉罕當時來說,那一個子孫是以撒;看 was concerned, the seed was Isaac. But in a wider context, the seed is Christ. Isaac was
得遠一點,那一個子孫乃是基督。以撒不過是影像,實際 just a shadow; the substance is Christ. In other words, Christ will inherit the land and
乃是基督。換句話說,能承受這地、使全地得著祝福的, bless the earth. Both power and authority are with Christ. God’s work of recovery is
是基督。是基督,才有能力;是基督,才有權柄。神恢復 carried out by Christ, not by Isaac.
這一個兒子的問題是十分緊要的。因爲兒子的問題如果 The matter of sonship is very important. If this matter of sonship and the seed is not
沒有解決,『種』的問題如果沒有解決,就沒有誰能彀爲 settled, no one can carry out God’s recovery work. If Abraham was not brought to the
神作挽回的工作。亞伯拉罕這一個人,如果沒有被神帶到 point of perfection, he could not have brought in Isaac. Abraham first had to become
一個完全的地步,就無法把以撒帶進來;必須亞伯拉罕成 a vessel before Isaac could be brought in. This means that the glorious Christ will be
爲一個器皿了,才能把以撒帶進來。這就是說,必須有一 brought in only when a group of people believe as Abraham believed; only then will
班人-和亞伯拉罕一樣相信的人-成爲一個器皿了,才能 God’s work be accomplished. Isaac was merely a shadow; the reality is Christ. In the
把榮耀的基督帶進來,才能使神的工作完全成功。以撒不 same way, Abraham was a shadow; the reality is the church. Just as Abraham became a
過是影像,實際乃是基督;亞伯拉罕也不過是影像,實際 vessel to bring in Isaac, so the church is a vessel to bring in the glorious Christ.

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神要亞伯拉罕作一個器皿,把以撒帶進來。是亞伯拉罕 God wanted Abraham to become a vessel to bring in Isaac. The descendants of
的後裔來達到神的目的,並不是他自己來達到神的目的。 Abraham will fulfill God’s purpose; Abraham himself did not fulfill God’s purpose.
所以,教會本身算不得甚麼,乃是教會把基督帶進來,教 Hence, the church is nothing in itself. What is important is that the church brings
會把基督彰顯在地上,以恢復神在地上所有的工作,這樣 in Christ and expresses Christ on earth for the recovery of all God’s work on
才算得數。亞伯拉罕在當初是作一個帶進以撒的器皿,教 earth. Abraham was a vessel to bring in Isaac. Today the church is a vessel to
會在今天是作一個帶進基督的器皿。 bring in Christ.


亞伯拉罕要把以撒帶進來,並不是一件簡單的事,他還得 It is not a simple thing to usher in Isaac. Abraham had to be tested. In order for
受試驗。我們要成爲神的器皿,把基督帶進來,使基督能彰 us to be God’s vessel, bring in Christ, and express His authority, there must be many
顯祂的權柄,也必須多經試驗。所以,從創世記十五章以後, tests. After Genesis 15, the Bible shows us that Abraham was tested three times
聖經給我們看見,亞伯拉罕爲著兒子也受了三次試驗,像爲 concerning his son just as he was tested three times concerning the land of Canaan.
著迦南地受了三次試煉一樣。這三次試驗,兩次是在兒子未 Two of these tests occurred before the birth of his son, and one occurred after his
生以前,一次是在兒子旣生之後。這三次試驗都是爲把亞伯 birth. All three tests prepared Abraham for the ushering in of Isaac. In other words,
拉罕豫備好,使他能把以撒帶進來。換句話說,教會也必須 the church must be tested and prepared before it can bring back the glorious Christ
受試驗,豫備好,才能把榮耀的基督帶到地上來。 to the earth.
十五章告訴我們,亞伯拉罕曾對神說過一句話:『主耶 Chapter fifteen tells us that Abraham said to the Lord, “God, what wilt thou give me,
和華阿,我旣無子,你還賜我甚麼呢?並且要承受我家業 seeing I go childless, and the steward of my house is this Eliezer of Damascus?” God
的,是大馬色人以利以謝。』神對他怎麼說呢?神說,『你 said, “He that shall come forth out of thine own bowels shall be thine heir.” Abraham
本身所生的,才成爲你的後嗣。』亞伯拉罕信神,神就以 believed in God, and God counted it to him for righteousness. The promise of begetting
此爲他的義。要生兒子的應許是有了,信心也有了,但是, a son was there, and the faith was there. However, day after day, there was no son.
一天過一天,還是沒有兒子;一月過一月,還是沒有兒子; Month after month, there was no son, and year after year, there was no son. This shows
一年過一年,還是沒有兒子。這就給我們看見,信心是要 us that faith has to be tested. Abraham’s faith grew step by step.
十六章一節:『亞伯蘭的妻子撒萊不給他生兒女…。』他 Genesis 16:1 says, “Now Sarai, Abram’s wife, bare him no children.” He was now
現在已經八十五歲了,他的妻子撒萊還不給他生兒子,這怎 eighty-five years old. His wife Sarah could not bear him a son. What should he do? At
麼辦?就在這一個時候,他的妻子對他說,『耶和華使我不 that juncture, his wife said to him, “Behold now, the Lord hath restrained me from
能生育,求你和我的使女同房,或者我可以因她得孩子。』 bearing: I pray thee, go in unto my maid; it may be that I may obtain children by her” (v.
亞伯拉罕聽了怎樣作呢?『…亞伯蘭聽從了撒萊的話;於是 2). What did Abraham do? “Abram hearkened to the voice of Sarai. And Sarai, Abram’s
亞伯蘭的妻子撒萊,將使女埃及人夏甲給了丈夫爲妾。』 wife, took Hagar her maid the Egyptian…and gave her to her husband” (vv. 2-3). The
接下去,聖經特意題起說,『那時亞伯蘭在迦南已經住了十 Bible specifically says that “Abram had dwelt ten years in the land of Canaan” (v. 3).
年。』(2 ~ 3。)當亞伯拉罕初到迦南地住的時候,神老 When Abraham first arrived in Canaan, God promised, “Unto thy seed will I give this
早就應許他說,『我要把這地賜給你的後裔。』(十二 7。) land” (12:7). Just before these events God promised him again, “He that shall come
不久以前,神又曾應許他說,『你本身所生的,才成爲你的 forth out of thine own bowels shall be thine heir.” By the time he was eighty-five years
後嗣。』到了現在,他已經八十五歲了,可是還沒有兒子。 old, however, he still had no son. He became anxious. In order to have a son, he went in
他著急了,他爲了要生兒子,就納夏甲爲妾了。夏甲就懷孕, unto Hagar as his concubine. Hagar became pregnant and brought forth Ishmael. The
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生了以實瑪利。聖經特意記載說,『夏甲給亞伯蘭生以實瑪 Bible specifically says, “And Abram was fourscore and six years old, when Hagar bare
利的時候,亞伯蘭年八十六歲。』(十六 16。) Ishmael to Abram” (16:16).
在這裏有一個極大的問題發生。神所定規的,是亞伯拉罕 This is a great matter. God ordained that Abraham would beget a son, but His
要生兒子;神所定規的,是亞伯拉罕要藉著撒拉生兒子;神 ordination was for Abraham to beget a son through Sarah and that he would beget him
所定規的,是要等到亞伯拉罕一百歲的時候生兒子。可是亞 at the age of one hundred. However, Abraham shortened the time by fourteen years
伯拉罕呢,他憑著自己提早了十四年的時間。並且是藉著夏 with his own effort. Moreover, the son was begotten through Hagar. This was the first
甲生兒子。這就是亞伯拉罕因兒子的事所受的第一個試驗。 test that Abraham faced concerning his son.
他信神的話,他信神要給他一個兒子。但是他沒有看見 He believed in God’s word. He believed that God would give him a son. Yet he did not
信就是停止自己的活動,等候神來作!我們甚麼時候能信, realize that believing meant to stop his own activities and wait on God’s work! As soon as
我們甚麼時候就不自己作。希伯來四章十節說,『那進入 we believe, we should stop our own work. Hebrews 4:10 says, “For he who has entered
安息的,乃是歇了自己的工。』甚麼時候能信,甚麼時候 into His rest has himself also rested from his works, as God did from His own.” When we
就不著急;甚麼時候能信,甚麼時候就能安息。亞伯拉罕 believe, we should not make haste. Whenever we believe, we should be at rest. Abraham
信神,但是亞伯拉罕沒有學會這一個功課,他沒有看見: believed in God, yet he did not learn his lesson. He did not see that if he had believed,
我如果信,我就應當等候,我就不應當自己作;他卻以爲: he should have waited and should not have done anything by himself. He thought that
我如果信,我應當幫助神,我應當自己作。所以,他就聽 in order to believe, he should help God and do something by himself. Consequently, he
了妻子的話,納夏甲爲妾,生了以實瑪利。亞伯拉罕幫神 accepted his wife’s word, took Hagar to be his concubine, and bore Ishmael. Abraham
的忙!他以爲神旣然應許他有一個兒子,他這樣作,豈不 gave God a hand! He thought that since God had promised a son, he would fulfill God’s
是成全神的旨意!他沒有作其他的事,乃是神所應許的那 will by doing this! He did not do anything else. All he did was act on his own concerning
一點,他自己作了。也就是這一作,他失敗了! something that God had promised him. But this one act brought about his failure!
應許的原則 The Principle of Promise
和以實瑪利的原則 and the Principle of Ishmael
問題不是在於亞伯拉罕生不生兒子,問題乃是在於他藉 It was not a question of whether Abraham should have a son. It was a question
著誰生這一個兒子;不是亞伯拉罕有了兒子就能滿足神的 of through whom the son should be begotten. God’s heart could not be satisfied with
心,乃是亞伯拉罕的這一個兒子必須是從撒拉生的才能滿 Abraham just having a son. The son of Abraham had to be begotten through Sarah before
足神的心。神與亞伯拉罕爭執的點,就在這裏。 God’s heart could be satisfied. This was the point of contention between God and Abraham.
今天許多基督徒所一直不明白的,也是這一點。許多人 This is also a point that confuses many Christians today. Many people ask, “Is it
說,『難道像我這樣傳道也錯麼?』當然神的話是說,我 wrong for me to preach the truth?” God’s Word says that we should testify and preach
們應當作見證,我們應當傳福音,這些事都是對的;但是, the gospel. These things are good. But God is concerned with who is doing the work.
神所爭執的,乃是問由誰來作,由誰來傳。生兒子是對的, Who is doing the preaching? It is right to beget sons, but the real question is who is
但要問是誰生的。神所注重的問題還不是在於事情的有無, begetting them. God’s emphasis is not on whether something has happened, but on
而是在於事情的來源。我們所注意的問題,往往只是事情 what the source is. Often our attention is just on the correctness of the results and the
的現象好不好,事情的形式對不對;我們自己以爲對就算 forms. Whatever we think is correct is taken to be correct, and whatever we think is
對,自己以爲好就算好。但神所注意的問題是這件事是從 right is taken to be right. However, God is concerned with where something comes from
那裏來的,這件事是誰作的。光說是神的旨意還不彀,還 and who is doing it. It is not enough to say that something is the will of God. One must

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要看是誰去作成這一個旨意才彀。有兒子是神的旨意,但 still ask who is fulfilling this will. It is God’s will to have a son, but who is going to give
是,是誰生兒子來成功這一個旨意?如果是憑著自己生的, birth to this son in order to fulfill His will? If the begetting is done through one’s self-
那就是以實瑪利。 effort, the result is Ishmael.
神是要立亞伯拉罕爲父,所以神在亞伯拉罕身上特別 God intended that Abraham be the father. Therefore, He did a special work on him
作工,要他認識甚麼叫作神是父。神是父,意思就是所 in order to show him what it means for God to be the Father. For God to be the Father
有的一切都應該是出於神的。亞伯拉罕如果沒有看見甚 means that everything should issue from God. If Abraham did not see that everything
麼都應該是出於神的,如果不知道神是父,他也就不配 issued from God and that He is the Father, he would not have been qualified to be the
作多國的父。可是,亞伯拉罕生以實瑪利是出於他自己, father of many nations. Yet the begetting of Ishmael issued from Abraham himself and
並不是出於神。 was not from God.
在神的兒女中,最大的試驗就是他們作事的來源的問題。 The greatest test to God’s children is in the choosing of the source for their
許多神的兒女往往說,這件事『是好的』,『是不錯的』,『是 work. Many of God’s children often say that such and such a thing is “good,” “right,”
神的旨意』;但是在這些『好的』、『不錯的』、『神的旨 or “according to God’s will.” But behind these “good” and “right” things that are
意』背後,他們可能完全憑著他們自己在那裏作,一點不知 “according to God’s will,” the self is doing all the work, and there is no realization
道十字架,一點不知道讓血氣的生命受神的對付。他們是在 of the cross and no ground given to God to deal with the fleshly life. Under these
這樣的情形之下來作那些好的事、不錯的事,來遵行神的旨 conditions they do God’s will by performing many so-called good and right things.
意,結果他們生出來的不是以撒,而是以實瑪利。所以,我 The result is not Isaac, but Ishmael. We have to ask God to speak to us and show us
們需要求神對我們說話,使我們認識到底是誰作的,這是緊 who is actually doing these things. This is the critical issue. We may work in a certain
要的問題。我們在一個地方作了工,也許作得很辛苦,也許 place, labor diligently, and save many souls, but in the final analysis, the number of
蒙恩的人也不少;但是,最末後的問題,不是有多少人蒙恩, souls that are saved and the appearance of the work are not important. Whether
不是工作的現象好不好,乃是要問到底是神藉著我們作的, we have done something by God or by ourselves is what is important. The most
或者是我們憑著自己作的。我們最可慚愧的事,就是我們講 regrettable thing that we can do is to teach God’s Word, preach God’s truth, and
的道理是神的,我們傳的真理是神的,我們有的恩賜是神的, exercise God’s gift by ourselves. If we have done this, we should bow down our head
但是,事情卻是我們憑著自己作的。如果我們這樣,我們在 and confess our sins. We have to realize that the works done “for His sake,” which
神面前就不能不低下頭來認罪。神必須把我們帶到一個地步, are not of Him, and which are done without recognizing Him as the Father, have no
使我們看見凡不是出於祂的,凡不是祂作父的,那一個所謂 spiritual value at all. God must bring us to such a point. Whether or not our spiritual
『爲著主』的工作,就一點屬靈的價值都沒有。屬靈的工作 work is pure depends on how much of the work comes out of God and how much of
能不能乾淨,就看有多少是出乎神的,有多少是出乎自己的。 it comes out of the self.
亞伯拉罕要有兒子,就應當認識神是父,讓神作父,而 Since Abraham wanted a son, he should have realized that God is the Father and
把他自己擺在一邊。亞伯拉罕要得著以撒,他就不應當憑著 should have allowed Him to be the Father, laying himself aside. Abraham wanted
自己來生。換句話說,如果我們要得著基督來承受產業,來 Isaac, but he should not have tried to beget him by himself. In other words, if we want
爲神站在地上,那我們就不能把自己帶進來,我們自己不能 Christ to inherit the land and if we want to stand for God, we should not try to bring
動,我們自己不能作,我們自己不能發起,我們自己必須放 Him in by ourselves. We should not act or do anything by ourselves. We have to put
在一邊。這是最大的試驗,也是最難受的試驗。這是神的僕 ourselves aside. This is the greatest and hardest test. This is where God’s servants
人們最容易失敗的一點。我們必須記得,在神的工作上,不 most frequently fail. We must remember that God’s work must not only be free from
只不可以犯罪,並且憑著自己去作好也是不可以的。神的問 sin, it must be free from our own efforts as well. God is not only asking how well a
題不只是作得怎麼樣,神的問題更是誰在那裏作。可惜我們 work is done, but who is doing the work. Unfortunately, it is easy to exhort men to
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勸人不犯罪還容易,但是勸人不應當憑著自己去作,那就不 forsake sin, but it is not easy to exhort men to forsake self-effort. May God bring us
容易。但願我們被神帶到一個地步,能對主說,『主,我要 to the point where we can say to the Lord, “I want to do Your will! You are within me
遵行你的旨意!是你自己在我裏面使我遵行你的旨意,不是 and You must enable me to do Your will. I am not here to do Your will by myself! It
我自己在這裏遵行你的旨意!是你,不是我!』 must be You, not I!”
我們必須記得:『耶和華說,我的意念,非同你們的意 We must remember that “My thoughts are not your thoughts,/And your ways are
念,我的道路,非同你們的道路。天怎樣高過地,照樣我的 not My ways, declares Jehovah. /For as the heavens are higher than the earth,/So are
道路,高過你們的道路,我的意念,高過你們的意念。』(賽 My ways higher than your ways,/And My thoughts higher than your thoughts” (Isa.
五五 8 ~ 9。)因此,憑著我們自己所作的,卽使從我們看 55:8-9). Therefore, anything we do by ourselves, even though it may be good in our
來是不錯的,也不能滿足祂的心。憑著我們自己去遵行祂的 eyes, cannot satisfy God’s heart. Even carrying out His will by ourselves will not satisfy
旨意,也不能滿足祂的心。只有祂自己作的,才能滿足祂的 His heart. The only thing that will satisfy His heart is that which is done by Himself
心。雖然祂降卑祂自己,竟然肯使用我們,但是我們要記得, alone. Although He has lowered Himself and is willing to use us, we have to remember
我們不過是被使用的僕人,我們不過是祂手裏的器皿,我們 that we are merely servants whom He uses as vessels in His hand. We cannot replace
不能代替祂去作甚麼。我們只能讓神藉著我們去作,我們不 Him in anything. We can only allow God to work through us; we cannot do anything by
能憑著我們自己去作。不錯。後來以撒還是亞伯拉罕生的, ourselves. Eventually, Isaac was born of Abraham, but Isaac was the son born according
但是以撒是神應許的兒子,是神使亞伯拉罕生的兒子,是神 to God’s promise. It was God who caused Isaac to be born. God begot this son through
藉著他生的兒子。應許的原則和以實瑪利的原則是完全不同 Abraham. The principle of promise is totally different from the principle of Ishmael.
的。但願神憐憫我們,拯救我們脫離以實瑪利的原則。 May the Lord be merciful to us and deliver us from the principle of Ishmael.

恩典與律法 Grace and the Law

亞伯拉罕娶了夏甲,生了以實瑪利。加拉太四章告訴我 Abraham married Hagar and begot Ishmael. Galatians 4 says that “the one of the
們:『然而,那使女所生的,是按著血氣生的;…一約是 maidservant was born according to the flesh…from Mount Sinai, bringing forth children
出於西乃山,生子爲奴,乃是夏甲。這夏甲二字是指著亞 unto slavery, which is Hagar. Now this Hagar is Sinai the mountain in Arabia..” (vv. 23-
拉伯的西乃山…。』(23 ~ 25。)換句話說,夏甲就是指 25). In other words, Hagar represents the law. What is the law? The law represents
律法。那麼,律法是甚麼呢?律法是代表神的要求。十條 God’s demand. The Ten Commandments represent God’s demands on man. God wants
誡命就是代表神對於人的十樣要求,就是神要這個,神要 this and He wants that. What does it mean to keep the law? Keeping the law means
那個。所以,甚麼叫作遵行神的律法呢?遵行神的律法, giving something to God and pleasing God.
但是,加拉太三章十節說,『凡以行律法爲本的,都是 But Galatians 3:10 says, “Cursed is everyone who does not continue in all the things
被咒詛的。』換句話說,以『我要』討神喜歡爲本的人,是 written in the book of the law to do them.” In other words, those who say, “I will please
被咒詛的人。爲甚麼呢?因爲人憑著自己不能討神的喜歡, God,” are cursed. Why are they cursed? It is because man cannot please God by himself,
不配得神的喜歡。(羅八 7 ~ 8。)在神的話語中,題起律 and he is not qualified to please God (Rom. 8:7-8). In the Bible the law is frequently
法的時候,常把律法和肉體連在一起。羅馬七章特別題起律 mentioned in conjunction with the flesh. Romans 7 is a chapter particularly on the law.
法,羅馬七章也特別題起肉體。甚麼是肉體呢?簡單的說, It is also a chapter particularly on the flesh. What is the flesh? Simply put, the flesh is
肉體就是自己的力量,肉體就是自己。甚麼時候要行律法, self-effort; the flesh is the self. Whenever we try to keep the law, we are in the flesh.
甚麼時候就有肉體;甚麼時候人用他自己的力量討神的喜 Whenever man tries to please God by his own effort, the law comes. A person who tries
歡,甚麼時候律法就來了。一個用肉體的力量去討神喜歡的 to please God with the fleshly strength is one with whom God is not pleased. This is
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人,就是神所不喜歡的人。夏甲和以實瑪利就是代表這一 what Hagar and Ishmael represent. Hagar represents the law, while Ishmael represents
個。夏甲就是代表律法,以實瑪利就是代表肉體的結果。 the resulting flesh.
亞伯拉罕是一個信徒,他打算尋求神的喜歡,他打算達到 Abraham was a believer. He tried to please God and fulfill God’s goal. God wanted
神的目的。神要他生兒子,他就想方法生兒子,這豈不是遵 him to have a son, and he tried to have a son by himself. Was this not according to God’s
行神的旨意、討神的喜歡麼?這一個難道還錯麼?但是,保 will, and did he not do it to please God? Could it be wrong? However, Paul said, “The
羅說,『那使女所生的,是按著血氣生的。』我們是應當遵 one of the maidservant was born according to the flesh.” It is true that God’s will should
行神的旨意,但是,問題是誰來遵行神的旨意。如果是憑我 be done. But the question is who should be the one to do His will. If we try to do His
們自己遵行神的旨意,結果就生出以實瑪利來。亞伯拉罕所 will by ourselves, the result is Ishmael. Abraham was wrong, not in his goal but in his
以錯,不是他的目的錯,乃是他的源頭錯了。他的目的是要 source. His goal was to see God’s promise being fulfilled, but he was wrong to fulfill it
神的應許得著成功,但是,錯在他用自己的力量去作這件事。 by his own strength.
所以,我們要看準了:不只我們去作一件神所不喜歡的 Now we are clear. Not only will God reject those who do things that are not pleasing
事,是要被神棄絕的,並且我們憑著自己去作一件神所喜歡 to Him. He will reject even those who do things that are pleasing to Him, but who do
的事,也是要被神棄絕的;不只我們犯罪會使神不喜歡,並 them according to themselves. We will not please God if we sin, and neither will we
且我們憑著自己的血氣去作好,也會使神不喜歡。我們能不 please God if we try to do good by our flesh. Whether or not we please God depends on
能討神的喜歡,關鍵是在於十字架有沒有在我們身上作工, whether the cross has done its work in dealing with our flesh and the natural life. Are
對付我們的肉體,對付我們天然的生命;我們是不是真對神 we saying, “God, I cannot do anything, and I am not qualified to do anything; I can only
說,『神,我甚麼都不能,甚麼都不配,只有仰望你!』真 look to You”? A person who truly believes in God is one who does not act according to
信神的人就不憑著自己的血氣動。神是工作的主,所以,神 his flesh. God is the Master of the work. The thing that offends God the most is usurping
的兒女最得罪神的事,就是奪去神作工的地位。許多時候, His place in the work. This is often where our mistake lies. We cannot believe, we
我們的錯就在這裏:我們不能信,我們不能托,我們不能等, cannot trust, and we cannot wait. We cannot commit everything to God. This is the root
我們不能把事情交在神手裏。這是我們得罪神的根源。 of our offense against God.
神所定規的是亞伯拉罕要藉著撒拉生兒子。加拉太四章 God ordained that Abraham would beget a son through Sarah. Galatians 4:23 tells
二十三節告訴我們說,『那自主之婦人所生的,是憑著應許 us that “the one of the free woman was born through promise.” The free woman was
生的。』那自主的婦人就是指撒拉。夏甲旣代表律法,撒拉 Sarah. Hagar represents the law, while Sarah represents grace. What is the difference
就代表恩典。律法與恩典有甚麼分別呢?我們自己作,這叫 between law and grace? Doing things by ourselves is law, while grace is God doing
律法;神替我們作,這叫恩典。簡單的說,恩典就是神替我 things for us. Simply put, grace is God doing everything for us. If we are doing it, it is not
們作。我們自己作不算恩典,神替我們作才是恩典。聖經裏 grace. Only when God is doing it for us is it grace. Grace, as defined in the Bible, is not
所說的恩典,並不是寬大放任,也不是甚麼都讓我們去作, forbearance or tolerance, nor is it doing anything by ourselves. It is something specific
乃是神有專一的事作在我們身上。神在亞伯拉罕身上所要作 that God does in us. The specific work God wanted to do in Abraham was begetting
的事,是要他藉著撒拉生以撒。不錯,以撒是要亞伯拉罕生 Isaac through Sarah. Isaac was to be begotten of Abraham, but he was to be begotten
的,但是,是神的恩典叫他生的,是憑著神的應許生的。 through grace and through God’s promise.

不死就不能生 No Life without Death

創世記十六章說亞伯拉罕生以實瑪利的時候年八十六 Genesis 16 says that Abraham begot Ishmael when he was eighty-six years old. At
歲,那是他血氣的力量、天然的力量還存在的時候,所以 that time his fleshly energy and natural strength still existed. This is why Galatians 4

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加拉太四章說以實瑪利是憑著血氣生的。至於亞伯拉罕生 says that Ishmael was born of the flesh. Genesis 21 tells us that by the time Abraham
以撒的時候,創世記二十一章說是在亞伯拉罕年一百歲的 begot Isaac, he was already a hundred years old (v. 5). Romans 4 tells us that when he
時候。(5。)在他將近百歲的時候,羅馬四章告訴我們, was about a hundred years old, Abraham considered his own body as already dead
亞伯拉罕的身體如同已死,撒拉的生育已經斷絕了。(19。) and Sarah’s womb as being deadened (v. 19). In other words, his fleshly energy and
換句話說,他血氣的力量、天然的力量已經沒有了。亞伯 natural strength were gone. Abraham did not have any more strength to beget a son,
拉罕沒有力量生兒子,撒拉也沒有力量生兒子,神就揀這 and neither did Sarah. God chose this time for Isaac to be born. This means that God
個時候,使他們生以撒。這就是說,神要亞伯拉罕自己斷 wanted Abraham to consider himself as a dying, and even dead, person so that he could
定自己是必死的人,是已死的人,好使他能信那叫死人復 trust in the God who gives life to the dead and calls the things not being as being. God’s
活、使無變爲有的神。神的目的是要亞伯拉罕看見他自己 intention was for Abraham to realize that he was not the Father. It is very interesting
不是父。這是很奇妙的事,神要他作父,神又要他看見他 that God wanted him to be a father, yet at the same time, He wanted him to see that he
不是父。神要等到亞伯拉罕所有天然的力量都衰敗的時候, was not the Father. He waited until all the natural energy of Abraham was gone before
才使他生以撒。 He gave him Isaac.
神在我們身上所要作的工作,就在這裏。神一直等著, This is the kind of work that God wants to perform in us. He is always waiting. Even
卽使需要等十四年,神還是等著。神要等到有一天,你知 if it means waiting for fourteen years, He will still wait. He is waiting for the day when
道你不能,你看見自己像死了一樣,那一天才能使你生以 we realize that we cannot make it, and when we see ourselves as good as dead. Then
撒。今天神所以不能用我們,就是因爲我們的時候還沒有 we will beget Isaac. He cannot use us today because our time has not come. God is after
到。因爲神所要的不只是成功祂的旨意,並且是要這一個 not only the accomplishment of His will, but an accomplishment that issues from Him.
成功也是出於祂的。如果我們只懂得許多道理,只有很多 If we only have doctrines and knowledge and have never been brought to the point
知識,卻沒有被神帶到一個地步能對主說,『我完了,我 where we tell Him, “I am through, I am dead, and I cannot make it,” He cannot use us,
死了,我沒有法子了,』這樣,神就還不能用我們,我們 and we cannot beget Isaac or fulfill His goal.
生以撒有一個很重要的條件,就是時間問題。我們真正 One very important condition for begetting Isaac is the matter of time. The
能被神用的時候,真正能把基督彰顯出來、在地上維持神 Lord cannot really use us and we cannot really manifest Christ or uphold God’s
的見證的時候,就是當我們是一百歲的時候,就是我們自 testimony on earth until we are a hundred years old. This is the time when
己甚麼都完了的時候。在這一天沒有來到之先,我們憑著 everything about us is finished. Before that day arrives, every work that we do by
自己所作的工作都是以實瑪利。 ourselves is Ishmael.
所以,在這裏有一個問題:我們到底要以實瑪利呢,或者 The question now is whether we want Ishmael or Isaac. It is easy to beget Ishmael;
是要以撒?要生以實瑪利,那是很容易的,你在任何時候, if we are like Hagar, we can beget Ishmael at any time. It is easy to do things through
只要你有夏甲,你就能生以實瑪利。靠夏甲,是很容易的事, Hagar. If we are like Hagar, there is no need for us to wait, but if we would be like Sarah,
並不像靠撒拉那樣需要等候。要生以實瑪利,是用不著等候 there is a need for us to wait. In begetting Ishmael, one does not need to wait. But in
的;要生以撒,就需要等候,要等候神的應許,要等候神的 order to beget Isaac, there is the need of waiting. One has to wait for God’s promise, for
時候,要等候神自己來作。凡不能等候神作工的人,凡不能 His timing, and for Him to do the work. Those who cannot wait for God to work, who
讓神作工的人,凡不能得著神作工的人,他們只會伸出自己 will not allow God to work, and who do not have God working for them will stretch out
的手去得著以實瑪利。凡要得著以撒的,就必須等候神。要 their own hands to seize Ishmael. Those who want to have Isaac must wait on God. The
等候到有一天,你自己沒有辦法了,你自己不會了,你自己 day will come when we cannot do anything by ourselves, when we are not able to do
不能了,你自己完了,到那一天,基督才能完全彰顯在你身 anything, are not capable of anything, and are completely through in ourselves. That
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上,神的目的才能達到。在那個時候以前,你憑著自己所作 will be the day when Christ will be fully manifested in us and God’s goal will be fulfilled.
的一切,都是沒有屬靈的價值的,都是反而有害處的。所以, Before that time, everything that we do by ourselves will have no spiritual value; rather,
在屬靈的工作上,並不是我們作多少的問題,乃是我們得著 it will be harmful. In spiritual work it is not a matter of how much we do, but a matter
主作多少的問題。在屬靈的事上,神的工作與人的工作是絕 of how much we have gained of the Lord’s work. In spiritual matters, God’s work and
對不同的,神的工作的價值與人的工作的價值也是絕對不同 man’s work are two entirely different things. There is a vast difference between the
的。只有出於祂的,才有屬靈的用處;凡不是出於祂的,就 value of God’s work and the value of man’s work. Only that which comes out of Him has
一點屬靈的價值都沒有。 any spiritual value. Anything that does not come out of Him has no spiritual value.
所以,甚麼叫作以實瑪利?以實瑪利就是不及時而生的, What then is Ishmael? Ishmael is anything born prematurely. It is doing things
又是出乎自己的。我們可以說,以實瑪利包括兩個特點: by oneself. We can say that Ishmael includes two characteristics: the first is a wrong
一個是源頭不對,一個是時間太早。在屬靈的事上,沒有 source, and the second is a premature timing. In spiritual things nothing tests us
一個東西試驗我們自己比時間更厲害。有時候。時間不必 more than the matter of time. It often does not take much for our flesh to be exposed.
多,只要神把我們擺在旁邊三個月,我們的肉體就受不住。 All that God needs to do is put us aside for three months, and our flesh will not be
但是,神絕不喜歡在祂的時候沒有到之先,我們就生一個 able to stand it. But God will never be pleased to see an Ishmael before His time.
以實瑪利。用肉體的力量說幾句話,作幾件事,卽使在表 Even if we can say a few words or do a few things, and even if these things appear to
面上看來好像屬乎神的,神都不要這一個。神的目的,是 be of God, He will not be pleased with them. God’s goal must be achieved according
要在神所定規的時候達到的,也是要靠神的力量達到的, to God’s time and through God’s power. This is the principle of Isaac—a principle of
這是以撒的原則-神的時候和神的能力。 God’s time and God’s power.

亞伯拉罕又一次因信稱義 Abraham Being Justified Once Again

羅馬四章十九至二十二節:『他將近百歲的時候,雖然 Romans 4:19-22 says, “And not weakening in his faith, he considered his own body as
想到自己的身體如同已死,撒拉的生育已經斷絕,他的信 already dead, being about a hundred years old, as well as the deadening of Sarah’s womb;
心還是不輭弱;並且仰望神的應許,總沒有因不信,心裏 but with regard to the promise of God, he did not doubt in unbelief, but was empowered
起疑惑;反倒因信,心裏得堅固,將榮耀歸給神。且滿心 by faith, giving glory to God and being fully persuaded that what He had promised He was
相信,神所應許的必能作成;所以這就算爲他的義。』 able also to do. Therefore also it was accounted to him as righteousness.”
我們要注意,這裏所說的亞伯拉罕因信稱義,和羅馬四 We should note that Abraham’s justification by faith in these verses is different in
章三節所說的,是有時間上的不同的。三節說,『亞伯拉 time from that spoken of in Romans 4:3, which says, “Abraham believed God, and it was
罕信神,這就算爲他的義。』那是保羅引創世記十五章六 accounted to him as righteousness.” This is Paul’s quotation of Genesis 15:6. It refers to
節的話,是指亞伯拉罕八十五歲以前的事。那時,神在異 the time before Abraham was eighty-five years old. At that time God spoke to Abraham
象中對亞伯拉罕說,『你本身所生的,才成爲你的後嗣;』 in a vision: “He that shall come forth out of thine own bowels shall be thine heir.” God
神又領他到外邊,叫他向天觀看,數算眾星,對他說,『你 also brought Abraham forth abroad and asked him to look toward heaven and number
的後裔將要如此;』亞伯拉罕信神,神就以此爲他的義。 the stars and said to him, “So shall thy seed be.” Abraham believed in God, and God
這是第一次。那一次,亞伯拉罕雖然信了,但是他的信心 counted it to him for righteousness. This was the first justification. Although Abraham
並不是完全的,後來他仍憑著自己的血氣生了以實瑪利。 believed, his faith was not perfect, and later he begot Ishmael by his own flesh. The
羅馬四章二十二節所說的『這就算爲他的義』,那是指創 words “it was accounted to him as righteousness” in Romans 4:22 refer to the incident
世記十七章的事,那時他已經九十九歲了,他雖然想到自 in Genesis 17. At that time he was ninety-nine years old. Although he considered his
己的身體如同已死,他的妻子也不能生育了,但是他的信 own body as being already dead and his wife’s womb as being deadened, he did not
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心還是不輭弱,他滿心相信神所應許的必能作成,這就算 doubt in unbelief. He fully believed that God would fulfill what He had promised. This
爲他的義。所以,這是他又一次的因信稱義。時間至少已 was accounted to him as righteousness. Hence, this was a further justification by faith.
隔了十幾年。神還是教亞伯拉罕學同樣的功課-信心的功 There was a time lapse of over ten years, but God was still teaching Abraham the same
課。在他起頭的時候,他的信心還有自己的成分在裏面; lesson—the lesson of faith. At the beginning, there was Abraham’s own element in
過了許多年,等到有一天,他自己一點沒有盼望的時候, his faith. After many years he had entirely lost hope in himself, but he was still able to
他還是信,神就又一次以他的信心算爲他的義。這是神把 believe. God counted him as righteous based on his faith. God had brought him to the
他帶到了一個真能信的地步,這是神在他身上工作的結果。 point where he truly believed. This was the result of God’s work in him. This shows us
這叫我們看見,真的『不在乎那定意的,也不在乎那奔跑 that it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy (Rom.
的,只在乎發憐憫的神』。(羅九 16。)起頭的是祂,工 9:16). He is the One who initiates the work, and He is the One who carries out the work.
作的也是祂。但願神憐憫我們,也帶領我們學習信心的功 May the Lord be merciful to us. May He help us learn the lesson of faith, and may we
課,使我們能單單的仰望祂! look to Him alone!

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亞伯拉罕與兒子(中)- ABRAHAM AND HIS SON (2)
亞伯拉罕受割禮 Abraham’s Circumcision
讀經: Scripture Reading:
創世記十六章十六節:『夏甲給亞伯蘭生以實瑪利的時 Gen. 16:16 And Abram was eighty-six years old when Hagar bore Ishmael to Abram.
十七至十八章:從畧。 17—18 (OMITTED)
二十章一至二節:『亞伯拉罕從那裏向南地遷去,寄居 20:1-2 And Abraham journeyed from there toward the region of the Negev and
在加低斯和書珥中間的基拉耳。亞伯拉罕稱他的妻撒拉爲 dwelt between Kadesh and Shur; then he sojourned in Gerar. And Abraham said of
妹子,基拉耳王亞比米勒差人把撒拉取了去。』 Sarah his wife, She is my sister. And Abimelech the king of Gerar sent and took Sarah.
十至十三節:『亞比米勒又對亞伯拉罕說,你見了甚麼 10-13 And Abimelech said to Abraham, What were you thinking, that you have done
才作這事呢?亞伯拉罕說,我以爲這地方的人總不懼怕神, this thing? And Abraham said, Because I thought, Surely there is no fear of God in this
必爲我妻子的緣故殺我。況且她也實在是我的妹子,她與 place, and they will slay me because of my wife. But she is also truly my sister, the
我是同父異母,後來作了我的妻子。當神叫我離開父家飄 daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother; and she became my wife. And
流在外的時候,我對她說,我們無論走到甚麼地方,你可 when God caused me to wander from my father's house, I said to her, This is your kindness
以對人說,他是我的哥哥;這就是你待我的恩典了。』 which you must do to me: At every place where we go, say of me, He is my brother.
十七至十八節:『亞伯拉罕禱告神,神就醫好了亞比米 17-18 And Abraham prayed to God; and God healed Abimelech and his wife and his
勒和他的妻子,並他的眾女僕,她們便能生育。因耶和華 female servants, so that they bore children. For Jehovah had completely shut up all the
爲亞伯拉罕的妻子撒拉的緣故,已經使亞比米勒家中的婦 wombs of the house of Abimelech because of Sarah, Abraham's wife.
二十一章一至三節:『耶和華按著先前的話,眷顧撒拉, 21:1-3 And Jehovah visited Sarah as He had said, and Jehovah did to Sarah as He
便照祂所說的給撒拉成就。當亞伯拉罕年老的時候,撒拉 had promised. And Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age, at the
懷了孕;到神所說的日期,就給亞伯拉罕生了一個兒子。 appointed time of which God had spoken to him. And Abraham called the name of his
亞伯拉罕給撒拉所生的兒子起名叫以撒。』 son who was born to him, whom Sarah bore to him, Isaac.
十節:『就對亞伯拉罕說,你把這使女,和她兒子趕出去, 10 So she said to Abraham, Cast out this maidservant and her son, for the son of this
因爲這使女的兒子,不可與我的兒子以撒,一同承受產業。』 maidservant shall not inherit with my son Isaac.
歌羅西書二章十一節:『你們在祂裏面,也受了不是人 Col. 2:11 In Him also you were circumcised with a circumcision not made with
手所行的割禮,乃是基督使你們脫去肉體情慾的割禮。』 hands, in the putting off of the body of the flesh, in the circumcision of Christ,
腓立比書三章三節:『因爲真受割禮的,乃是我們這以 Phil. 3:3 For we are the circumcision, the ones who serve by the Spirit of God and
神的靈敬拜,在基督耶穌裏誇口,不靠著肉體的。』 boast in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh,

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神應許亞伯拉罕要生一個兒子,但是亞伯拉罕沒有等候神給 God promised Abraham a son, but Abraham did not wait on God for his
他一個兒子,他就自己娶妾生了一個兒子-以實瑪利。當他生 son; he married a concubine and gave birth to a son—Ishmael. After he begot
了以實瑪利之後,有十三年之久,神沒有對亞伯拉罕說話。(創 Ishmael, there was a thirteen-year period in which God did not speak to him
十六 16,十七 1。)雖然他生了一個兒子,但是他虛度了十三年。 (Gen. 16:16—17:1). Although he begot a son, he wasted thirteen years. This is
這也是許多基督徒所經歷的,就是甚麼時候我們憑著肉體作事, the experience of many Christians. Whenever we act according to the flesh, God
甚麼時候神就把我們擺在一邊,讓我們去喫我們肉體所結的果 puts us aside and allows us to eat the fruit of our flesh. In God’s eyes that period
子。我們在這一段期間所過的日子,在神看來,完全是虛度的。 of time is a total waste.
亞伯拉罕生了以實瑪利,在這長長的十三年中,雖然他 After Abraham begot Ishmael, during the long period of thirteen years, there was
的家庭沒有平安,但是,聖經並沒有記載他懊悔,他反而 no peace in his family. However, the Bible does not show us that Abraham had any
很寶貴以實瑪利,這從他對神說,『但願以實瑪利活在你 regret. On the contrary, he treasured Ishmael very much. We can see this from his
面前』(十七 18)這句話,可以看得出來。雖然十五章 word to the Lord: “O that Ishmael might live before thee!” (17:18). Although chapter
已經記載他信了,但是,他並沒有多大的追求。一天過一 fifteen tells us that he believed, there does not seem to have been too much pursuing
天,他還是以以實瑪利爲他的滿足。一個人憑血氣作事過 on his part. Day after day, he still took satisfaction in Ishmael. According to our
了十三年之久,還沒有感覺自己錯了;按我們的眼光看來, thought, if a man has been walking according to the flesh for thirteen years and still
這樣的人是沒有多大盼望的。但是我們要記得,亞伯拉罕 has no feeling of guilt, there must not be much hope for him. But we must remember
是神所呼召的人,神在他身上有一個目的必須達到,神不 that Abraham was called by God. God had a purpose in him which He had to fulfill;
能放鬆他。他落下去有十三年之久,神雖然沒有說話,卻 He could not give him up. Although he backslid for thirteen years and although God
已經作了工。神在這裏給我們看見一件事,就是祂不放鬆 did not speak to him during all that time, He was working all the time. God does not
祂所揀選的人。祂如果要得著人,人就沒有法子逃出祂的 give up those whom He has chosen. If He wants to gain a person, that person cannot
手。雖然亞伯拉罕是失敗了,但是神要來找他。我們應當 escape His hand. Even though Abraham had failed, God still came and looked for him.
知道,所有出於我們血氣的追求、掙扎、煩躁、不安,都 We have to realize that no fleshly pursuit, struggle, fretting, or unrest will bring us
不能使我們進步;我們要學習將自己交在全能者的手中, forward. We should learn to commit ourselves to the hand of the Almighty. He will
祂要按照祂所看爲最好的來帶領我們。 lead us as He sees fit.

神與亞伯拉罕立約 God Making a Covenant with Abraham

過了十三年,亞伯拉罕年九十九歲了,已經衰老了,他 After thirteen years, Abraham was ninety-nine years of age and was becoming old.
的身體如同已死了。他就是自己要生兒子也不能了。到了 He considered his own body as being already dead. Even if he wanted to have a son,
這個時候,神就向他顯現,對他說,『我是全能的神!』 he could no longer do it. Then God appeared to him and said, “I am the Almighty God”
(十七 1。)這是神第一次啓示祂這一個名-『我是全能的 (17:1). This was the first time that God revealed His name as “the Almighty God.” The
神。』『全能的神』照原文也可譯作『全足的神』。神向 name Almighty God in the original language can be translated as “all-sufficient God.”
他啓示了這個名之後,就向他有這個要求-『你當在我面 After God revealed this name to him, He put a demand on him. “Walk before me, and be
前作完全人。』亞伯拉罕雖然曾相信神是有能力的神,但 thou perfect.” Although Abraham had believed that God is powerful, he might not have
也許還沒有相信神是全足的神,所以他要憑自己去作事。 believed that God is all-sufficient. This was why he tried to do things by himself. God
神在這裏給他看見,他如果相信神是全足的神,他就得在 showed him that if he believed in God as the all-sufficient One, he had to walk before
神面前作完全人。完全的人就是純潔的人,神所要求於亞 Him as a perfect man. Being perfect is being pure. God required Abraham to be pure
伯拉罕的是純潔沒有攙雜。 and without any mixture.

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神給亞伯拉罕認識了這件事,就對他說,『我就與你立 After God showed this to Abraham, He said, “I will make my covenant between
約,使你的後裔極其繁多。…我與你立約,你要作多國的 me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly...My covenant is with thee, and thou
父。從此以後,你的名不再叫亞伯蘭,要叫亞伯拉罕,因 shalt be a father of many nations. Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram,
爲我已立你作多國的父。我必使你的後裔極其繁多,國度 but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee...And
從你而立,君王從你而出。我要與你並你世世代代的後裔 I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their
堅立我的約,作永遠的約,是要作你和你後裔的神。我要 generations, for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee and to thy seed after
將你現在寄居的地,就是迦南全地,賜給你和你的後裔, thee. And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a
永遠爲業;我也必作他們的神。』(2 ~ 8。)神要從亞伯 stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God” (vv.
拉罕身上得著一班子民,神要作他們的神。 2-8). God wanted to gain a people through Abraham, and God wanted to be their God.
亞伯拉罕自己和神的子民該站在甚麼地位上才能作神 What kind of a standing should Abraham and God’s people take before they can
的子民呢?神說,『你們所有的男子,都要受割禮,這就 become His people? God said, “This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me
是我與你,並你的後裔所立的約,是你們所當遵守的。』 and you and thy seed after thee; Every man child among you shall be circumcised” (v.
(10。)換句話說,神要得著一班子民,這一班子民應當 10). In other words, God wants a people, yet they must not have any fleshly activity,
是沒有肉體的活動的,沒有肉體的能力的,沒有血氣的力 power, or strength. Who then are the people of God? They are those who have been
量的。所以,誰是神的子民呢?就是受過割禮的人。割禮 circumcised. Circumcision is the mark of God’s people. Those who were eight days old,
就是神子民的記號。無論是家裏生的,無論是用銀子從外 whether they were born in the house or bought with money of any stranger had to be
人買的,生下來第八日都要受割禮。(12。)生還不彀, circumcised (v. 12). It was not enough to be born, and it was not enough to be bought.
買還不彀,要受了割禮才彀。我們這些人都是神所生的, One had to be circumcised as well. We are all born of God and bought by God. As far
也都是神所買的。以救贖來說,我們是神所買的;以生命 as redemption is concerned, we were bought by God. As far as life is concerned, we
來說,我們是神所生的。但是,如果我們沒有受割禮,我 were born of God. But if we are not circumcised, we will have no part in the testimony
們就在神的子民的見證上沒有分。神對亞伯拉罕說,『但 of the people of God. God told Abraham, “The uncircumcised man child whose flesh of
不受割禮的男子,必從民中剪除。』(14。)凡不受割禮 his foreskin is not circumcised, that soul shall be cut off from his people” (v. 14). Those
的人,必從神的子民中剪除。這是見證的問題。這就是說, who were not circumcised were to be cut off from among God’s people. This has to do
沒有受割禮的人,是不能作神見證的器皿的。所以,一個 with the testimony. It means that those who are not circumcised cannot be vessels for
人雖然得著了救贖,雖然得著了生命,但是如果他沒有受 God’s testimony. A man may be redeemed and have life, but if he is not circumcised, and
割禮,如果他不認識對付肉體的十字架,他還是不能作神 if he does not know the flesh-dealing cross, he cannot be of God’s people; he still has to
的子民,他還是一個從民中被剪除的人。 be cut off from the people.

割禮的意義 The Meaning of Circumcision

歌羅西二章十一節:『你們在祂裏面,也受了不是人手 Colossians 2:11 says, “In Him also you were circumcised with a circumcision not
所行的割禮,乃是基督使你們脫去肉體情慾的割禮。』(在 made with hands, in the putting off of the body of the flesh, in the circumcision of
原文中,『情慾』這個辭是沒有的。) Christ.”
腓立比三章三節:『因爲真受割禮的,乃是我們這以神 Philippians 3:3 says, “For we are the circumcision, the ones who serve by the Spirit
的靈敬拜,在基督耶穌裏誇口,不靠著肉體的。』 of God and boast in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh.”

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這兩處聖經節給我們看見甚麼叫作割禮。簡單的說,割 These two verses show what circumcision is. Simply put, circumcision is the removal of
禮就是除去肉體。甚麼是受割禮的人的態度呢?就是不靠 the flesh. What should be the attitude of those who are circumcised? They should have no
著肉體,不相信肉體。(『靠』按原文也可譯作『信』。) confidence in the flesh and should not put their trust in the flesh. (The word “confidence”
真受割禮的人是誰呢?是以神的靈敬拜而不相信肉體的人。 in Philippians 3:3 can be translated “trust” according to the original language.) Who are
所以,割禮的意思沒有別的,就是對付人本來的力量,對 the circumcision? They are the ones who serve by the Spirit of God and who put no trust in
付人天然的能力。 the flesh. Therefore, circumcision deals with man’s inherent energy, his natural strength.
神對亞伯拉罕說這句話,是何等的合式!神給亞伯拉罕 How appropriate it was for God to say such a word to Abraham! God showed
看見,憑著自己所能作的,憑著自己所能生的,不過是以 Abraham that whatever he did and begot by himself was just Ishmael. If the flesh is
實瑪利。肉體如果沒有受對付,就與神的約沒有分。肉體 not dealt with, one will have no part in God’s covenant. If the flesh is not dealt with,
如果沒有受對付,就不能作神的子民,就不能維持神的見 one cannot be of God’s people and cannot maintain His testimony or participate in His
證,就不能在神恢復的工作中有分。 recovery work.
神的兒女們最大的難處就是不知道甚麼叫作肉體!許多基督徒 The greatest problem among God’s children is that they do not know what the flesh
所知道的肉體,以爲不過是犯罪而已。不錯,肉體的確會叫人犯 is! The flesh that many Christians know is merely related to the matter of sin. It is true
罪,但是,肉體不僅是叫人犯罪而已。羅馬八章八節說,『屬肉 that the flesh causes us to sin. But the flesh does not cause man to just sin. Romans
體的人,不能得神的喜歡。』這裏說肉體不能得神的喜歡,意思 8:8 says that “those who are in the flesh cannot please God.” This means that the flesh
就是說肉體曾打算要得神的喜歡。許多時候,肉體的目的不一定 has tried to please God. Many times, the goal of the flesh may not be to try to offend
是要得罪神,肉體的目的也可能是要討神的喜歡。羅馬七章給我 God; its goal may be to try to please God. Romans 7 shows us that the flesh exerts
們看見,肉體曾在那裏花許多力量要守律法,要作好,要遵行神 great effort to keep the law, to do good, to do God’s will, and to please God. However,
的旨意,要討神的喜歡,但是結果不能。經歷告訴我們,犯罪的 it cannot make it. Our experience tells us that it is comparatively easy to deal with the
肉體還容易對付,惟有要得神喜歡的肉體是最難對付的。就是這 sinning flesh, but it is very difficult to deal with the flesh that tries to please God. This
個肉體,要跑到神的工作裏面去;就是這個肉體,要跑到敬拜神 is the flesh that tries to creep into God’s work and service. This is the flesh that creeps
的裏面去;就是這個肉體,要跑到神的事情裏面去。 into all the things of God.
有的人誤會了,他沒有看見人不能憑著自己來得神的喜歡, Some people do not realize that man cannot please God by himself. They think that
所以他就在那裏想:從前我這個人是那樣作的,現在我信主了, even though they were once a certain kind of person, now they can do good because
我的目標改換了,我就這樣作好了。這樣的人,不知道神所注意 their goal has changed since they have believed in the Lord. Such people do not realize
的問題還不是他的目標有沒有改換,而是他的肉體有沒有受過對 that God is concerned not merely with changing their goals, but with terminating their
付。他如果想在那裏靠肉體得神的喜歡,神要告訴他說,肉體不 flesh. If they want to please God with their flesh, God will tell them that the flesh cannot
能得神的喜歡。我們必須看見,割禮就是對付肉體,並且是對付 please Him. We must see that circumcision is the cutting off of the flesh, the very flesh
那一個生以實瑪利的肉體,是對付那一個要得神喜歡的肉體,是 that begets Ishmael, the flesh that tries to please God. Circumcision deals with the flesh
對付那一個要遵行神旨意的肉體,是對付那一個要用自己的力量 that tries to do God’s will and to fulfill His promise by itself. This was what God wanted
來成就神應許的肉體。神在這裏給亞伯拉罕認識的就是這一個。 Abraham to understand.
神的兒女在神面前最大的難處就是他的肉體沒有受對付, The greatest problem with God’s children is that their flesh is not dealt with before
相信肉體,倚靠肉體。肉體沒有受對付的最顯著的現象,就 the Lord. They believe in the flesh and put their trust in the flesh. The most obvious sign
是覺得自己『有把握』。肉體的特點就是自己『有把握』。 of unchecked flesh is self-confidence. Self-confidence is the characteristic of the flesh.
腓立比三章三節說,『真受割禮的,乃是…不相信肉體的。』 Philippians 3:3 says, “We are the circumcision, the ones who…have no confidence in

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不相信肉體,也就是對於肉體沒有把握。凡被十字架擊打過 the flesh.” To put no trust in the flesh is to have no confidence in the flesh. All those who
的人,他那個人雖然還存在著,可是他已經破碎了,他已變 have been smitten by the cross are broken. Although their person may remain, they
成戰戰兢兢的人了,他已變成不敢相信自己的人了,他已變 have learned to fear God and no longer put their trust and confidence in themselves.
成沒有把握的人了。在你沒有受神對付以先,每逢一件事情 Before a person is dealt with by the Lord, he quickly judges anything that comes his
臨到你身上,你很容易下斷案,一開口就有斷案;可是,在 way. He opens his mouth and makes judgments quickly. But after a person has been
你受了神對付之後,你就不敢輕易下斷案了,你會覺得你沒 dealt with by the Lord, he does not judge lightly; he no longer has any confidence. No
有把握了。所以,沒有一個快出主張、相信自己有力量的人 one who makes quick proposals and believes in his own strength knows the cross. Such
是認識十字架的。這樣的人,十字架從來沒有在他身上作過 a person has never experienced the work of the cross. Once our flesh is circumcised,
工。你的肉體一受割禮,你就不能相信自己,你就不會那麼 we will not believe in ourselves any longer. We will not be that full of confidence, and
有把握,你就不敢輕易發表意見。我們必須看見,我們在神 we will not express our opinions easily. Before the Lord, we must see that we are weak,
面前所有的,是輭弱,不是剛強,是無依無靠,不是有把握。 powerless, helpless, and faltering.
神在這裏要把亞伯拉罕帶到一個地步,特別給他看見, God brought Abraham to the point where he realized that his flesh needed to be
他的肉體必須受對付,他在前十四年所作的事不行;神 dealt with, and that the things he did during the past thirteen years were wrong. There
的應許,用不著他來作,用不著他來成全,只要他相信 was no room in God’s promise for him to do or accomplish anything; all he needed to
就彀了。同時神也給他看見,他世世代代的後裔都要受 do was believe. At the same time, God showed him that his descendants for generations
割禮,這是作神的子民的基本條件。我們能不能作神的 to come must be circumcised. This is the basic requirement to be God’s people. The
子民,在實行方面的條件,就是看在我們的肉體上有沒 condition for us to be God’s people in practicality is to have the mark of the cross upon
有十字架的記號。割禮是作神子民的記號,是作神子民 our flesh. Circumcision is the mark of God’s people. It is the proof of God’s people.
的證據。記號是甚麼?記號就是特點。神的子民有一個 What is a mark? A mark is a characteristic. God’s people have a characteristic, a mark,
記號,有一個特點,就是棄絕肉體,不相信肉體。神的 which is the denial of the flesh, the rejection of confidence in the flesh. God’s people are
子民,就是肉體的把握被神割掉了的人;神的子民,就 those whose confidence in the flesh has been cut off. They are the ones who have lost
是失去肉體把握的人。 confidence in the flesh.
最可惜的事,就是有許多基督徒覺得自己很有把握。 It is a pity that so many Christians are so confident about themselves. They know
他知道怎樣信主耶穌,他知道怎樣被聖靈充滿,他知道 how to believe in the Lord Jesus, and they know how to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
怎樣得勝,他知道甚麼是基督徒該有的生活…差不多他 They know how to overcome, and they know how to live the Christian life. It seems that
是一個無所不知的人!許多時候,他會告訴你,其月某 there is nothing that they do not know! They brag again and again about this and that
日他有甚麼經歷,某月某日他又有甚麼經歷,幾乎他甚 kind of experience that they had on certain days of certain months. It seems that they
麼都不缺少!許多時候,他也會告訴你,他與神如何有 are lacking in nothing! They may talk about how they fellowship with God and how
交通,他與神如何有來往,他知道某一次神對他怎麼說, they communicate with Him. They think that they know what God is saying concerning
某一次神的旨意是如何,某一次神叫他到某處去說話, certain matters. They think that they know God’s will concerning many things. They
某一次神又叫他到某處去禱告…。可以說,他知道神的 can talk about what God has told them to speak or pray at such and such a place and at
旨意好像比知道世界上最容易的事還容易些!可是,他 such and such a time. To them, it seems as if knowing God’s will is the easiest thing on
缺少一個記號-『沒有肉體的把握。』這樣的基督徒, earth! Yet they lack the mark of having “no confidence in the flesh.” Such Christians are
真需要神的憐憫! indeed in need of God’s mercy!
割禮的意思,就是割去那一個肉體的把握,就是割去那 The meaning of circumcision is to cut off the confidence of the flesh. It is to cut off
一個天然的能力,使你在神的面前不敢隨便說話行事,使 the natural strength so that one no longer speaks and walks in a loose way, but instead
你變作一個戰兢恐懼的人。 becomes a fearful and trembling person.
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亞伯拉罕受割禮 Abraham’s Circumcision
亞伯拉罕受了神十幾年的對付,他到現在成了一個怎樣 After being dealt with by God for so many years, what kind of person did Abraham
的人呢?他成了一個對於自己無所憑藉的人了。這時候神 become? He became a person who had no trust in himself. Then God said to him, “As for
對他說,『你的妻子撒萊,…她的名要叫撒拉。我…要使 Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall her name be. And I will
你從她得一個兒子。』(十七 15 ~ 16。)在這以前十幾 bless her, and give thee a son also of her” (Gen. 17:15-16). God had promised Abraham
年,神已經應許亞伯拉罕:『你本身所生的,才成爲你的 earlier that “he that shall come forth out of thine own bowels shall be thine heir.” At
後嗣,』那時亞伯拉罕已經信了;現在過了十幾年,神又 that time Abraham had believed. After more than ten years, God came again and told
來對他說,要使他從妻子撒拉生一個兒子。這時候亞伯拉 him that he would have a son through his wife Sarah. What did Abraham do? He was
罕怎樣呢?亞伯拉罕沒有從前那樣的勇氣了,他沒有從前 not as bold as before. He did not have the faith that he had before. When he heard God’s
那樣的信心了。他聽見了神的應許,『就俯伏在地喜笑, promise, he “fell upon his face, and laughed, and said in his heart, Shall a child be born
心裏說,一百歲的人,還能得孩子麼?撒拉已經九十歲了, unto him that is a hundred years old? and shall Sarah, that is ninety years old, bear?”
還能生養麼?』他並且對神說,『但願以實瑪利活在你面 And he said to God, “O that Ishmael might live before thee!” (vv. 17-18). This means that
前!』(17 ~ 18。)這就是說明他對自己完全絕望了,他 he had given up hope entirely in himself. He considered his own body as being already
看自己的身體如同已死了,看撒拉的生育已經斷絕了。回 dead and Sarah’s womb as being deadened. He could not recall how he had believed at
想當初,也不知道對神怎麼會信的。從前真是年輕,所以 the beginning. He might have said, “Perhaps I was young and could believe then. But
能信,現在那裏信得來!按人看,亞伯拉罕不知道退後到 now, how can I believe anymore?” In man’s eyes Abraham had backslidden all the way.
甚麼地步了,他退到一個地步,好像連信心都沒有了。 He had backslidden so much that even his faith was seemingly gone.
其實,亞伯拉罕在十幾年前的那一點信心,是有肉體攙雜 Actually, the little faith that Abraham had years ago was a faith that was mixed up
的信心,是用肉體生以實瑪利的信心。十三年之久,神把他擺 with the flesh. It was a faith which begot Ishmael with the flesh. For thirteen years God
在一邊,同時,神也帶領他到了盡頭,帶領他到了乾淨的地 put Abraham aside and brought him to his end so that he would be purified. It seemed
步。好像亞伯拉罕是失敗了,可是神仍在他身上工作。我們要 as if Abraham had failed. Yet God was still working on him. We have to remember that
記得,我們得勝的時候,不一定都是神的工作;我們失敗的時 God’s work may not be with us when we are victorious, and God’s work may not be
候,不一定神都沒有工作。所以,我們應當將自己無依無靠的 altogether absent from us when we fail. We should commit ourselves to the hand of
交在永活的神手裏。祂如果呼召了你,祂如果在你身上動了祂 the ever-living Lord. As long as He has called us and has started His work in us, He will
的工,祂就不放手。卽使在我們輭弱、失敗的時候,祂還是作 never give up. Even when we are weak and failing, He still carries on His work, and He
祂自己的工作,祂的手還是在那裏一步一步的引領我們。 is still leading us on step by step.
現在神來向亞伯拉罕重新題起說,你妻子撒拉要給你生 When God repeated to Abraham that his wife Sarah would bring forth a son, he
一個兒子。亞伯拉罕聽了這話,就俯伏在地喜笑。亞伯拉罕 fell upon his face and laughed. Was he laughing at God? No, he was really laughing
的笑是笑神麼?不是,他實在是在那裏笑自己。他自己在這 at himself. It was too impossible of a situation for him. Yet in the midst of such a
一種情形之下太沒有辦法了,但是,就是在這一種的情形之 situation, he believed in God. It is strange that in easy situations, it is hard to believe
下,他相信神。這是很奇妙的,環境容易的時候,很不容易 in God, while in hard situations, it is easy to believe in God. Easy situations do not
相信神;環境艱難的時候,反而容易相信神。環境容易,不 help a person believe in God. When a man reaches a desperate situation, he truly
會幫助人相信神。人到了環境絕望的時候,是真相信神的時 believes in God. Hence, God always guides us in two ways: He causes us to trust in
候。所以,神常是從兩方面帶領我們的:若不是把環境帶到 Him by bringing us to the end in our environment and by bringing our flesh to its
絕路,叫我們來相信祂;就是把我們的肉體帶到盡頭,叫我 end. The lesson from the environment is outward, while the lesson from circumcision

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們來相信祂。環境所給我們的教訓是外面的,割禮所給我們 is inward. For Sarah’s womb to be deadened was an end in the environment; this
的教訓是裏面的。撒拉的生育斷了,這是環境到了絕路,這 was something outward. For Abraham to be circumcised was for his flesh to be
是外面的;亞伯拉罕受割禮,這是肉體到了盡頭,這是裏面 brought to its end; this was something inward. We must be brought to our end before
的。我們必須被帶到絕路盡頭來相信神。我們的肉體如果受 we can believe in God. If our flesh is dealt with, we will believe in God whether the
了對付,那就無論環境順利或者艱難,我們總是能相信神。 environment is smooth or difficult.
我們要知道,神所要的不是攙雜的信心,而是純潔的信 God does not want a mixed faith, but a pure faith. We should not believe only
心。不能因爲你看事情還有可能,你看自己還有把握,所 when things look bright and we have confidence in ourselves. We should believe
以你信;只能因爲神這樣說了,所以你信。十三年前,亞 simply because God has spoken. Abraham could not believe in this way thirteen
伯拉罕還不能這樣的信,可是現在他到了這個地步,就是 years previously. But now he was brought to the point where he considered his body
自己的身體如同已死,撒拉的生育已經斷絕了,這個時候 as being already dead and his wife’s womb as being deadened. The faith which he
的信,那必定是純粹的信了,那必定是單單信神了。從前 now had was a pure faith; it was one that believed in God alone. His previous faith
的信,是信神和亞伯拉罕自己,現在的信,是單單信神, was based on God and on himself. His faith now was based on God alone because all
因爲亞伯拉罕已經甚麼能力都沒有了,已經沒有甚麼用處 his strength was gone, and there was nothing left in him; everything was finished.
了,已經完了。亞伯拉罕的笑一笑,就說明他甚麼都完了。 Abraham’s laugh confirms this: To him everything in him was finished. Yet God said
但是神對他說,『你妻子撒拉要給你生一個兒子,你要給 to him, “Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name
他起名叫以撒。』(十七 19。) Isaac” (17:19).
我們在神面前要注意這一個:神要亞伯拉罕生的是以撒, We should take note of this fact: God wanted Abraham to beget Isaac, not
不是以實瑪利!神永遠不肯接受我們人把甚麼東西拿來代 Ishmael! God will never accept any replacement of His work. After He waited for
替祂的工作。等了十三年之久,祂還是要亞伯拉罕生以撒, thirteen years, He still wanted Abraham to beget Isaac. Ishmael can never satisfy
以實瑪利不能滿足神的心! God’s heart!
十七章二十三至二十四節:『正當那日,亞伯拉罕遵著 Genesis 17:23-24 says, “And Abraham took Ishmael his son, and all that were
神的命,給他的兒子以實瑪利和家裏的一切男子,無論是 born in his house, and all that were bought with his money, every male among the
在家裏生的,是用銀子買的,都行了割禮。亞伯拉罕受割 men of Abraham’s house; and circumcised the flesh of their foreskin in the selfsame
禮的時候,年九十九歲。』亞伯拉罕的受割禮,就是他承 day, as God had said unto him. And Abraham was ninety years old and nine, when
認自己是完了,他的肉體是毫無辦法了。憑著他自己的情 he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin.” Abraham’s circumcision was his
形來說,他對於神的應許,好像連信也信不來了。可是, acknowledgment that he was through, that his flesh absolutely could not make it. As far
等他自己信不來的時候,真的信心就來了!就是在他自己 as his own condition was concerned, he could not even believe in God’s promise. But
信不來的時候,就是在他沒有辦法的時候,他就真的要倚 just when he could not believe anymore, the real faith came in! When he could believe
靠神了。這個時候,他好像信,又好像信不來,在他裏面 no longer and when he could do nothing anymore, he truly trusted in God. It seemed
只有一點點的信心,但就是這一點點的信心,才是純粹 as if he believed and, at the same time, was unable to believe. There was only a flicker
的信心。亞伯拉罕在這時候的情形,就是羅馬四章十九至 of faith in him. Yet this flicker of faith was the pure faith. Abraham’s condition at this
二十節所說的那一種情形,他『雖然想到自己的身體如同 time is described in Romans 4:19-20: “And not weakening in his faith, he considered his
已死,撒拉的生育已經斷絕,他的信心還是不輭弱;並且 own body as already dead, being about a hundred years old, as well as the deadening of
仰望神的應許,總沒有因不信,心裏起疑惑;反倒因信, Sarah’s womb; but with regard to the promise of God, he did not doubt in unbelief, but
心裏得堅固,將榮耀歸給神』。 was empowered by faith, giving glory to God.”

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神的朋友 God’s Friend
亞伯拉罕這樣一信,一受割禮,到了十八章,他與神的 In chapter eighteen, after Abraham believed and was circumcised, his fellowship
交通就更加親密,顯出他真是神的朋友了。創世記十八章 with God became more intimate. This shows that he was indeed a friend of God.
是很特別的一章聖經。在這一章裏面說到三件事:(一) Genesis 18 is a special chapter. This chapter speaks of three things: (1) fellowship, (2)
交通,(二)知識,(三)代禱。這三件事是特別連起來的, knowledge, and (3) intercession. These three things are intimately related, and they are
也是每一個基督徒跟隨主多年之後所該特別享受的。在這 the special enjoyment of a Christian who has been following the Lord for many years.
裏我們只能簡單的題一下。 We can only cover them briefly.
先說到交通:『耶和華在幔利橡樹那裏,向亞伯拉罕顯 “And the Lord appeared unto him in the plains of Mamre” (Gen. 18:1). At the end of
現出來。』(創十八 1。)我們在創世記十三章末了已看見 chapter thirteen, Abraham was dwelling by the oaks of Mamre, which was in Hebron.
過,亞伯拉罕是在希伯崙幔利橡樹那裏居住的。希伯崙是 Hebron means fellowship. For God to appear to Abraham meant that Abraham was
交通的意思,神在這裏向亞伯拉罕顯現,就是說亞伯拉罕 standing on the ground of fellowship. “And he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day;
是在交通的地位上的。『那時正熱,亞伯拉罕坐在帳棚門 and he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, lo, three men stood by him” (18:1-2). This is
口。舉目觀看,見有三個人在對面站著。』(十八 1 ~ 2。) a very peculiar portion of the Old Testament. God visited Abraham, not as the God of
這是舊約裏最特別的一個地方。神來探望亞伯拉罕,不像 glory, but in the form of a man. It was as if He came to Abraham in plain clothes. God’s
從前那樣是榮耀的神向他顯現,而是取了人的樣式向他顯 appearance was fully in the position of a man. Therefore, Abraham did not feel that it
現,並且好像是輕裝便服走路來的。這一次神的顯現完全 was God who appeared to him. “And when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the
是站在人的地位上來的,所以亞伯拉罕一點不覺得是神向 tent door, and bowed himself toward the ground, and said, My Lord, if now I have found
他顯現。『他一見,就從帳棚門口跑去迎接他們,俯伏在地, favor in thy sight, pass not away, I pray thee, from thy servant: let a little water, I pray
說,我主,我若在你眼前蒙恩,求你不要離開僕人往前去。 you, be fetched, and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree: and I will fetch
容我拿點水來,你們洗洗腳,在樹下歇息歇息;我再拿一 a morsel of bread, and comfort ye your hearts; after that ye shall pass on: for therefore
點餅來,你們可以加添心力,然後往前去,你們旣到僕人 are ye come to your servant. And they said, So do, as thou hast said. And Abraham
這裏來,理當如此。他們說,就照你說的行吧。亞伯拉罕 hastened into the tent unto Sarah, and said, Make ready quickly three measures of
急忙進帳棚見撒拉說,你速速拿三細亞細麵調和作餅。亞 fine meal, knead it, and make cakes upon the hearth. And Abraham ran unto the herd,
伯拉罕又跑到牛羣裏,牽了一隻又嫩又好的牛犢來,交給 and fetched a calf, tender and good, and gave it unto a young man; and he hastened
僕人,僕人急忙豫備好了。亞伯拉罕又取了奶油、和奶、 to dress it. And he took butter, and milk, and the calf which he had dressed, and set it
並豫備好的牛犢來,擺在他們面前,自己在樹下站在旁邊, before them; and he stood by them under the tree, and they did eat” (vv. 2-8). This was
他們就喫了。』(2 ~ 8。)這是亞伯拉罕與神交通。亞伯 Abraham’s fellowship with God. Abraham was led by God to the point where he could
拉罕被神帶到一個地步,能像朋友一樣的與神來往了! communicate with God as a friend!
就在這裏,又談到兒子的問題。在十七章是記載亞伯拉 Then the subject of the son was brought up once more. Chapter seventeen speaks
罕笑,在十八章是記載撒拉笑。現在,亞伯拉罕已經豫備 of Abraham laughing. Chapter eighteen speaks of Sarah laughing. Abraham was ready;
好了,可以這樣的與神來往了。他們在帳棚外面談,撒拉 he could communicate with God. While they were conversing outside the tent, Sarah
在帳棚門口聽。他們在那裏說話,撒拉在那裏暗笑,神就 was listening in the tent door, and while they were speaking to one another, Sarah
指出撒拉的暗笑來。(12 ~ 15。)這一個是交通。神作人, was laughing within herself. God pointed out Sarah’s laughing (vv. 12-15). This was
神與人來往,這就是神與祂子民的交通。 fellowship. God became a man and communicated with a man. This is the fellowship
between God and His people.

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『三人就從那裏起行,…亞伯拉罕也與他們同行,要送 “And the men rose up from thence...and Abraham went with them to bring them
他們一程。』(16。)這是交通,這是神的朋友。這一個 on the way” (v. 16). This is fellowship. This is being God’s friend. Once there is
交通一有,立刻就生出知識來。這一種知識並不是聖經的 fellowship, there is knowledge. This kind of knowledge is not just the knowledge
知識,這一種知識是認識神。亞伯拉罕與神有了交通,亞 of the Bible but the knowledge of God. When Abraham fellowshipped with God, he
伯拉罕就有了認識神的知識。『耶和華說,我所要作的事, acquired a knowledge of God. “And the Lord said, Shall I hide from Abraham that
豈可瞞著亞伯拉罕呢?』(17。)這是何等親切的一句話! thing which I do?” (v. 17). What a word of intimacy! God was treating Abraham like a
這是神以對待朋友的態度對待亞伯拉罕。接下去神說,『所 friend. Then God said, “Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because
多瑪和蛾摩拉的罪惡甚重,聲聞於我。我現在要下去,察 their sin is very grievous, I will go down now, and see whether they have done
看他們所行的,果然盡像那達到我耳中的聲音一樣麼?若 altogether according to the cry of it, which is come unto me; and if not, I will know”
是不然,我也必知道。』(20 ~ 21。)這是神把祕密透露 (vv. 20-21). This means that God revealed His secret to Abraham. Before the Lord,
給亞伯拉罕了。亞伯拉罕在神面前知道了人所不能知道的 Abraham was able to know what other men could not know. God’s will is revealed
旨意。神的旨意只給與神同行的人知道。所以,與神同行 only to those who walk with Him. The preciousness of walking with God lies in the
的寶貴,就是能認識神。 fact that we can know God.
當神把這一個祕密告訴了亞伯拉罕之後,亞伯拉罕就立 After God told Abraham of this secret, Abraham immediately entered into a
刻作代禱的工作。代禱是受交通支配的,代禱也是受知識 work of intercession. Intercession is governed by fellowship; it is also governed by
支配的。有了交通就產生知識,有了知識就有代禱的負擔。 knowledge. With fellowship there is knowledge, and with knowledge there is the
亞伯拉罕在這裏的禱告,乃是認識神、與神表同情的禱告。 burden for intercession. The prayer that Abraham offered was a prayer that issued
亞伯拉罕近前來,對神說,『無論善惡,你都要剿滅麼?… from his knowledge of God and his sympathy for God. Abraham drew near and said
審判全地的主,豈不行公義麼?』(23 ~ 25。)亞伯拉罕 to the Lord, “Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked?...Shall not the
的禱告是站在神一邊的,是完全爲神的公義著想的。換句 Judge of all the earth do right?” (vv. 23-25). Abraham stood on God’s side to pray; his
話說,亞伯拉罕的代禱並不是爲著感動神的心,而是爲著 prayer was fully on behalf of God’s righteousness. In other words, his prayer was not
表明神的心。所以,認識神的心的禱告,並不是要改變神 to move God’s heart but to express it. Hence, a prayer that knows God’s heart is not
的旨意,而是要顯明神的旨意。亞伯拉罕這一種的禱告, a prayer that changes His will, but one that expresses His will. Abraham’s prayer was
是認識神的心意的禱告,是顯明神的旨意的禱告。亞伯拉 a prayer that knew God’s will; it was a prayer that expressed God’s will. He was truly
罕真是神的朋友! God’s friend!


這以後,亞伯拉罕第一個試驗已經過去了,用肉體的手 Abraham passed his first test. The bringing forth of Ishmael with his fleshly strength
生以實瑪利的事已經過去了。按人看,好像他甚麼事情都 was over. Humanly speaking, he had done everything, and Isaac should have been born.
成功了,應當就生以撒了。豈知道這件事剛剛過去,他又 But before the incident in chapter seventeen was barely completed, another came
碰著了一件事,就是他爲著兒子的問題受到第二次的試驗。 along, and he was tested a second time concerning the matter of his son.
二十章一節:『亞伯拉罕從那裏向南地遷去,寄居在加低 Genesis 20:1 says, “And Abraham journeyed from thence toward the south
斯和書珥中間的基拉耳。』亞伯拉罕在那裏又犯了和在埃及 country, and dwelt between Kadesh and Shur, and sojourned in Gerar.” Abraham
所犯的同樣的罪,就是稱撒拉爲他的妹子。他那一次在埃及 committed the same mistake as he did in Egypt when he called Sarah his sister. After

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受了法老的責備,蒙神帶領他回來。這次他到了基拉耳亞比 he was rebuked by Pharaoh of Egypt, God brought him back. But in chapter twenty
米勒那裏,又犯了同樣的罪。唉,這是我們實在難以領會的。 he went to Abimelech of Gerar and committed the same mistake. It is difficult for us
他已經到了十八章所說的那樣交通的高點,之後,怎麼還會 to understand this. How could he fall to such a low state after he had reached the
落到這樣的地步呢?我們要看見,二十章告訴我們一件事, peak of fellowship in chapter eighteen? Chapter twenty relates something that was
是十二章所沒有告訴我們的。亞比米勒責備亞伯拉罕說, not mentioned in chapter twelve. Abimelech rebuked Abraham, saying, “What hast
『你怎麼向我這樣行呢?…你見了甚麼才作這事呢?』(9 ~ thou done unto us?...What sawest thou, that thou hast done this thing?” (vv. 9-10).
10。)亞伯拉罕就把他所以這樣說的理由說出來:『我以爲 Abraham said, “Because I thought, Surely the fear of God is not in this place; and they
這地方的人總不懼怕神,必爲我妻子的緣故殺我。況且她也 will slay me for my wife’s sake. And yet indeed she is my sister; she is the daughter of
實在是我的妹子,她與我是同父異母,後來作了我的妻子。 my father, but not the daughter of my mother; and she became my wife. And it came
當神叫我離開父家飄流在外的時候,我對她說,我們無論走 to pass, when God caused me to wander from my father’s house, that I said unto her,
到甚麼地方,你可以對人說,他是我的哥哥;這就是你待我 This is thy kindness which thou shalt show unto me; at every place whither we shall
的恩典了。』(11 ~ 13。)所以,這件事的根不是生在埃及, come, say of me, He is my brother” (vv. 11-13). Hence, the root of this matter was not
而是生在米所波大米。他在埃及的失敗,不過是根的顯露, in Egypt, but in Mesopotamia. His failure in Egypt only exposed the root. The root
而失敗的根是在米所波大米就已經有了。因此,他到了基拉 of failure was in Mesopotamia. Therefore, when he went to Gerar, the same thing
耳,這件事又顯露出來了。 happened again.
神所以這樣對付亞伯拉罕,是要給他看見,他和撒拉是分不 God dealt with Abraham in order to show him that he and Sarah could not be
開的。在米所波大米的時候,亞伯拉罕以爲他和撒拉是可以分 separated. In Mesopotamia he thought that he and Sarah could be separated, and
開的,以爲碰著危險的時候,他們夫妻也可以分開變作兄妹。 that during times of peril the couple could become brother and sister. Abraham was
可是我們要記得,亞伯拉罕所站的地位是信,撒拉所站的地位 standing on the ground of faith, while Sarah was standing on the ground of grace.
是恩典,從人一方面來說是信,從神一方面來說是恩典,信和 On man’s side, it is faith, and on God’s side, it is grace. Faith and grace can never be
恩典是不能分開的,是必須在一起的。如果把恩典拿掉,就沒 separated from each other; they must always be together. If grace is taken away, there
有信,就沒有神的子民,就不能把基督帶進來。但是,亞伯拉 is no faith, there is no people of God, and Christ cannot be brought forth. But Abraham
罕以爲他可以和撒拉分開;這一個根,在米所波大米的時候就 thought that he could be separated from Sarah. The root was planted in Mesopotamia
已經種下了,所以在埃及顯出來,到現在又顯出來了。在這裏, and exposed in Egypt. Now it was exposed again. God was removing the root that had
神要作一件事,神要把亞伯拉罕在米所波大米時所有的那一個 been planted in Mesopotamia. If this matter had not been taken care of, Isaac could not
根拔出來。這一個如果不對付好,以撒就不能來。神要得著子 have been brought forth. In order for God’s people to maintain His testimony, there is
民來維持神的見證,就是藉著信心和恩典。光有信不成,光有 the need for faith and grace. It is not enough to have faith alone, and it is not enough to
恩典也不成。所以神必須把亞伯拉罕帶到一個地步,給他看見 have grace alone. God showed Abraham that he could not sacrifice Sarah and could not
撒拉犧牲不得,撒拉是不可分開的。 be separated from her.
有一件事很希奇,就是神『爲亞伯拉罕的妻子撒拉的緣 It is interesting that “the Lord had fast closed up all the wombs of the house of
故,已經使亞比米勒家中的婦人,不能生育』。(18。) Abimelech, because of Sarah, Abraham’s wife” (v. 18). After Abimelech returned Sarah
等到亞比米勒把撒拉歸還給亞伯拉罕以後,『亞伯拉罕禱 to Abraham, “Abraham prayed unto God: and God healed Abimelech, and his wife, and
告神,神就醫好了亞比米勒和他的妻子,並他的眾女僕, his maidservants; and they bore children” (v. 17). After this incident, Sarah begot Isaac
她們便能生育。』(17。)這件事以後,到下面二十一章, in chapter twenty-one. This is amazing.

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亞比米勒家中的婦人都不能生育,怎麼亞伯拉罕禱告神, The women in the house of Abimelech could not bear children. Why did they bear
神就醫好了她們,她們便能生育呢?別人也許能爲這一件事禱 children again when Abraham prayed and God healed them? Others could have prayed
告,但是亞伯拉罕自己的妻子還從來沒有生育過,他怎麼能替 for this, but Abraham’s own wife had never borne a child. How could he pray for the
亞比米勒家中的婦人禱告呢?這的確是一件太難的事,可是, women in the house of Abimelech? This was indeed a difficult thing to do. But in this
就在這件事上,亞伯拉罕在米所波大米所種下的錯誤的根被神 matter, the root which Abraham had planted in Mesopotamia was dug out by God. He
拔出來了。現在他知道他的妻子能不能生育完全是神的事了。 realized that for his wife to bear children was something entirely up to God. While he
他替亞比米勒家中的人禱告的時候,也許他自己一點把握都沒 was praying for the house of Abimelech, probably he did not have any confidence at
有,但是,他的把握是在乎神,不是在乎他自己。現在,亞伯 all in himself. His confidence was in God and not in himself. Now Abraham was fully
拉罕被拯救完全脫離了他自己。他自己還沒有得著兒子,但是, delivered from himself. He did not have a son, yet he could pray for others to bear
他能爲別人的生育禱告神。他的肉體,的的確確已經受了對付。 children. His flesh had truly been dealt with.
這是亞伯拉罕爲兒子的問題所受的第二個試驗。他從這 This is the second test Abraham went through concerning his son. He learned
一次試驗中學了一個功課,就是認識了神是父。雖然亞伯 the lesson from this test that God is the Father. Although his wife and the women
拉罕自己的妻子和亞比米勒家中的婦人是一樣的不能生育, in Abimelech’s house were the same and could not bear children, he prayed for the
但是他爲亞比米勒家中的婦人禱告,這是他認識了神是父, women of Abimelech’s house. He did it because he knew that God is the Father. He
他認識了能力是出乎神,不是出乎他自己。神如果要作, knew that power comes from God and not from himself. If God wants to do something,
神就能作,在神並沒有不能的事。當亞伯拉罕替亞比米勒 He can do it. With Him nothing is impossible. Abraham had to pay a price to pray for
家中的婦人禱告的時候,真是出了代價,那一個代價就是 the women of Abimelech’s house. The price was himself. What he prayed for was what
他自己。他在那裏代求的這件事,就是他自己所追求的。 he himself sought after. God was asking him to pray for something that he had not
神叫他代求的這件事,就是他自己一生所沒有的。神就是 had for his whole life. God was touching him on this matter. Hence, in praying for the
摸著這一件事。所以,亞伯拉罕爲亞比米勒家中的婦人禱 women of Abimelech’s house, Abraham ceased all activities of his self. Only one who
告這件事,叫他完全停止了他自己。只有不想自己、不看 did not think about himself and did not consider himself could have prayed for the
自己的人,才能在那一天爲亞比米勒家中的婦人禱告。讚 women of Abimelech’s house on that day. Thank the Lord that God brought Abraham
美神,祂帶領亞伯拉罕到一個地步,真能不看自己。亞伯 to the point where he could truly look away from himself. He could do this because he
拉罕爲甚麼能不看自己?因爲他認識了神是父。 knew God as the Father.
我們要記得,『父親』的『父』和『父神』的『父』是有不 We have to remember that there are two meanings to the name Father. God is
同的意思的。神是父親,神和信徒的關係是父子的關係,是很 our Father, and His relationship with the believers is a father-son relationship; this
親熱的關係,這是許多基督徒在重生的時候就已經看見了的。 is very intimate. This is something which many Christians realize at the time of their
但是還有一個功課我們應當學習的,就是神不只是父親,神並 regeneration. But there is still another lesson we have to learn. God is the Father in
且是父神,就是三而一神中的父神,所有的一切都出乎神,這 the persons of the Trinity; everything is of Him. This is the meaning of God the Father.
就是父神的意思。祂是一切的父,祂是萬有的父,這就叫作父 He is the Father of everything, the Father of all things. This is the other meaning
神。亞伯拉罕現在已學會了這一個功課。不是因爲他家裏兒女 of God the Father. Abraham learned this lesson. He could pray for the women of
成行,所以他能替亞比米勒家中的婦人禱告,乃是因爲他看見 Abimelech’s house, not because he had clusters of children in his house, but because
神是父,所以他能替亞比米勒家中的婦人禱告,亞伯拉罕因著 he saw that God is the Father. Through the begetting of Ishmael, Abraham learned
生以實瑪利的事學了功課,認識了神是父;現在他在亞比米勒 to know God as the Father. In this incident with Abimelech, he learned to know God
的事情上,又學了功課,又認識了神是父。所以,這一件事過 as the Father once again. Therefore, after this incident, God fulfilled His promise to
了以後,神給亞伯拉罕生以撒的應許就實現了。 Abraham and brought forth Isaac.

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亞伯拉罕與兒子(下)- ABRAHAM AND HIS SON (3)
亞伯拉罕獻以撒 Abraham Offering Isaac
讀經: Scripture Reading:
加拉太書四章二十九至三十一節:『當時那按著血氣生 Gal. 4:29-31 But just as at that time he who was born according to the flesh
的,逼迫了那按著聖靈生的;現在也是這樣。然而經上是怎 persecuted him who was born according to the Spirit, so also it is now. But what
麼說的呢?是說,『把使女和她兒子趕出去;因爲使女的兒 does the Scripture say? "Cast out the maidservant and her son, for the son of the
子,不可與自主婦人的兒子一同承受產業。』弟兄們,這樣 maidservant shall by no means inherit with the son of the free woman." So then,
看來,我們不是使女的兒女,乃是自主婦人的兒女了。』 brothers, we are not children of the maidservant but of the free woman.
五章一節:『基督釋放了我們,叫我們得以自由,所以 5:1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free; stand fast therefore, and do not be
要站立得穩,不要再被奴僕的軛挾制。』 entangled with a yoke of slavery again.
希伯來書十一章十七至十九節:『亞伯拉罕因著信,被 Heb. 11:17-19 By faith Abraham, being tested, offered up Isaac; indeed he who gladly
試驗的時候,就把以撒獻上;這便是那歡喜領受應許的, received the promises was offering up his only begotten, Of whom it was said, "In Isaac
將自己獨生的兒子獻上。論到這兒子,曾有話說,『從以 shall your seed be called"; Counting that God was able to raise men even from the dead,
撒生的才要稱爲你的後裔;』他以爲神還能叫人從死裏復活; from which he also received him back in figure.
雅各書二章二十至二十四節:『虛浮的人哪,你願意知道 James 2:20-24 But are you willing to know, O vain man, that faith without its works
沒有行爲的信心是死的麼?我們的祖宗亞伯拉罕,把他兒子 is useless? Was not Abraham our father justified by works in that he offered up Isaac
以撒獻在壇上,豈不是因行爲稱義麼?可見信心是與他的行 his son upon the altar? You see that faith worked together with his works, and by these
爲並行,而且信心因著行爲才得成全;這就應驗經上所說: works faith was perfected. And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, "And Abraham
『亞伯拉罕信神,這就算爲他的義。』他又得稱爲神的朋友。 believed God, and it was accounted to him as righteousness"; and he was called the
這樣看來,人稱義是因著行爲,不是單因著信。』 friend of God. You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith only.
創世記二十一章八至十節:『孩子漸長,就斷了奶;以 Gen. 21:8-10 And the child grew and was weaned. And Abraham made a great feast
撒斷奶的日子,亞伯拉罕設擺豐盛的筵席。當時,撒拉看 on the day that Isaac was weaned. And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, whom
見埃及人夏甲給亞伯拉罕所生的兒子戲笑,就對亞伯拉罕 she had borne to Abraham, mocking. So she said to Abraham, Cast out this maidservant
說,你把這使女,和她兒子趕出去,因爲這使女的兒子, and her son, for the son of this maidservant shall not inherit with my son Isaac.
二十二章一至五節:『這些事以後,神要試驗亞伯拉罕, 22:1-5 Now after these things God tested Abraham and said to him, Abraham. And
就呼叫他說,亞伯拉罕,他說,我在這裏。神說,你帶著 he said, Here I am. And He said, Take now your son, your only son, whom you love,
你的兒子,就是你獨生的兒子,你所愛的以撒,往摩利亞 Isaac, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the
地去,在我所要指示你的山上,把他獻爲燔祭。亞伯拉罕 mountains of which I will tell you. And Abraham rose early in the morning and saddled

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清早起來,備上驢,帶著兩個僕人和他兒子以撒,也劈好 his donkey and took two of his young men with him and Isaac his son. And he split
了燔祭的柴,就起身往神所指示他的地方去了。到了第三 the wood for the burnt offering and rose up and went to the place of which God had
日,亞伯拉罕舉目遠遠的看見那地方。亞伯拉罕對他的僕 told him. On the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes and saw the place from afar. And
人說,你們和驢在此等候,我與童子往那裏去拜一拜,就 Abraham said to his young men, Stay here with the donkey; and I and the boy will go
回到你們這裏來。』 over there, and we will worship; and then we will return to you.
十六至十八節:『耶和華說,你旣行了這事,不留下你 16-18 And said, By Myself I have sworn, declares Jehovah: Because you have done
的兒子,就是你獨生的兒子,我便指著自己起誓說,論福, this thing and have not withheld your son, your only son, I will surely bless you and
我必賜大福給你,論子孫,我必叫你的子孫多起來,如同 will greatly multiply your seed like the stars of the heavens and like the sand which is
天上的星,海邊的沙,你子孫必得著仇敵的城門。並且地 on the seashore; and your seed shall possess the gate of his enemies. And in your seed
上萬國都必因你的後裔得福,因爲你聽從了我的話。』 all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice.
自從亞伯拉罕在替亞比米勒家中的婦人禱告這件事上認 After Abraham realized that God is the Father through his intercession for
識了神是父以後,到了神所說的日期,撒拉就給亞伯拉罕 the women in Abimelech’s house, Sarah bore him a son at God’s appointed time.
生了一個兒子,亞伯拉罕給兒子起名叫以撒。他兒子以撒 Abraham called his son Isaac. When his son was born, he was a hundred years old
生的時候,亞伯拉罕年一百歲。(創二一 5。) (Gen. 21:5).

趕出以實瑪利的日子 The Day Ishmael Was Cast Out

在以撒斷奶的日子,神藉著撒拉說一句話:『你把這使 The day Isaac was weaned, God spoke a word through Sarah: “Cast out this
女,和她兒子趕出去,因爲這使女的兒子,不可與我的兒 bondwoman and her son: for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son,
子以撒,一同承受產業。』(10。)這不是撒拉嫉妒。加 even with Isaac” (v. 10). This was not Sarah’s jealousy. Galatians 4:30 shows us that
拉太四章三十節給我們看見,這是神藉撒拉的口所說的話: this was God’s word through the mouth of Sarah: “For the son of the maidservant shall
『因爲使女的兒子,不可與自主婦人的兒子一同承受產 by no means inherit with the son of the free woman.” This means that only one person
業。』這就是說,只有一個是能達到神的目的的,那一個 could fulfill God’s goal. This one was Isaac, not Ishmael. Ishmael was the first, not the
是以撒,不是以實瑪利。因爲以實瑪利是第一個,不是第 second. Therefore, he represented Adam, not Christ. “But the spiritual is not first but
二個,所以他所代表的是亞當,不是基督。『屬血氣的在先; the soulish, then the spiritual” (1 Cor. 15:46). Those who are of the flesh cannot inherit
以後才有屬靈的。』(林前十五 46。)屬血氣的不能承受 the kingdom of God; they cannot fulfill God’s goal. The second one was Isaac. Therefore,
屬靈的產業,不能達到神的目的。第二個是以撒,所以以 Isaac represented that which is spiritual, he who can inherit God’s inheritance and
撒是代表屬靈的,是能承受神的產業、維持神的見證的。 maintain God’s testimony.
這很希奇,以實瑪利不是一生下來就被趕出去的,乃是到了 It is interesting to see that Ishmael was not cast out the day Isaac was born. He
以撒斷奶的日子,他才被趕出去。沒有以撒,就沒有法子把以 was cast out only after Isaac was weaned. Without Isaac, it was impossible to cast
實瑪利趕出去。有的弟兄姊妹本來是充滿了血氣的工作和血氣 out Ishmael. Some brothers and sisters are full of fleshly works and a fleshly walk.
的行爲的,等到有一天,他聽見了甚麼叫作血氣,甚麼叫作肉 When they hear about the flesh and what it means, they dare not do anything any
體,他就甚麼都不敢作了,他就把甚麼工作都停止下來了。這 longer, and they cease their work altogether. They do not have Isaac yet. Therefore,
就是因爲他沒有以撒,所以把他的以實瑪利一趕出去,他就甚 when they cast out Ishmael, they cannot do anything. Many Christians have been
麼都不能作了。許多基督徒從來都是憑著自己的意思作事,都 used to doing things by themselves and according to their fleshly strength. When
是憑著肉體的能力作事,等到有一天,他把屬肉體的工作一停, they stop their fleshly work, they are left with no spiritual work. They did not have

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他屬靈的工作也就沒有了。因爲他本來沒有屬靈的,只有屬肉 anything spiritual before; all they had were fleshly things. When the flesh is stopped,
體的,所以把血氣的一停,屬靈的也就沒有了。可是,這裏的 nothing spiritual remains. The principle is that Isaac must be weaned. This means
原則是說,要到了以撒斷奶的日子,就是以撒剛強起來作兒子 that Ishmael can only be cast out when Isaac is strong enough to be the son and has
的時候,也就是以撒得著地位的時候,以實瑪利才被趕出去。 gained the proper ground.
甚麼叫作趕?我們讀加拉太五章一節:『基督釋放了我們,叫 What does it mean to be cast out? Let us read Galatians 5:1. “It is for freedom that
我們得以自由,所以要站立得穩,不要再被奴僕的軛挾制。』這 Christ has set us free; stand fast therefore, and do not be entangled with a yoke of
意思就是說,主耶穌已經釋放了我們,主耶穌已經活在我們裏面, slavery again.” This means that the Lord Jesus has freed us; He is already living within
我們所得的生命是自由的生命,我們是有自由的人,所以,我們 us. The life we have received is a life of freedom; we have been freed. Therefore, we
不要再打算去『作』甚麼來討神的喜歡。你甚麼時候一『作』, should not try to do anything to please God. Whenever we try to do anything, we
你就成了以實瑪利;你甚麼時候不『作』,你就活在兒子的自由 become Ishmael. Whenever we stop trying, we are living in the freedom of the Son. The
裏。我們要知道,基督徒的生活,都在乎這一件事-你『作』, Christian life hinges on whether or not something has been done by us. Whenever we
或者你不『作』。甚麼時候你打算『作』一件事來討神的喜歡, try to do something to please God, the self and the law of sin and of death come, and we
你的自己來了,罪和死的律也就來了,你就立刻落到以實瑪利的 fall back to Ishmael’s position and become the sons of a maidservant. As a son of the
地位上去,成了使女的兒子。如果是自主婦人的兒子,就不需要 free woman, there is no need for us to do anything by ourselves. We have a life within
憑著自己去『作』,因爲在我們裏面有一個生命,那一個生命是 us, and this life will do everything in a spontaneous way. We are Christians; we do not
自然而然會那樣作的。我們『是』基督徒,我們不是『作』基督徒; need to act out our Christian life. We are children; we do not need to act like God’s
我們『是』神的兒女,我們不是『作』神的兒女。我們是活在『是』 children. We live in what we are, not in what we do. Whenever we try to do something,
裏面,我們不是活在『作』裏面。我們甚麼時候打算『作』,我 we are “entangled with a yoke of slavery again” and become sons of the maidservant.
們就『被奴僕的軛挾制』,就成了使女的兒子。我們如果活在以 If we stand on the ground of Isaac, the life we have will spontaneously be manifested
撒的地位上,那個生命就自然而然的彰顯在我們身上。 through us.
等到亞伯拉罕把以實瑪利趕出之後,那個時候,連責備亞 After Abraham cast out Ishmael, even Abimelech, who had rebuked him once, came
伯拉罕的亞比米勒都要來對他說,『凡你所行的事,都有神 to him and said, “God is with thee in all that thou doest” (Gen. 21:22). The root of
的保佑!』(創二一 22。)現在,亞伯拉罕那一個失敗的 failure was removed from Abraham, and God was able to fully manifest His own work
根已經完全除去了。神藉著以撒完全彰顯了祂自己的工作。 through Isaac.


亞伯拉罕爲兒子的問題已經受了兩次試驗:第一次試驗 Abraham had been tested twice concerning his son. The first test was in the
是生以實瑪利,第二次試驗是爲亞比米勒家中的婦人禱告。 begetting of Ishmael. The second test was in praying for the women of Abimelech’s
現在亞伯拉罕爲兒子的問題又受了第三次試驗。這第三次 house. Now he was tested for the third time concerning his son. This third test was the
試驗就是在摩利亞山上獻上他的兒子以撒。 offering up of his son Isaac on Mount Moriah.
現在亞伯拉罕已經達到了他所該達到的地位,可以說他 Abraham had reached the proper ground. One can say that he had reached the peak,
已達到絕頂了,已達到最高點了。過了二十二章以後,那 the pinnacle. After chapter twenty-two, the record turns to the story of his old age.
是記載他晚年的事了。所以,二十二章所記的事,是亞伯 Hence, chapter twenty-two marks the peak of Abraham’s life. One can say that this was
拉罕所達到的最高點,可以說是他一生的正午。 the high noon of his life.
二十二章一至二節:『這些事以後,神要試驗亞伯拉罕,就呼 Genesis 22:1-2 says, “And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt

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叫他說,亞伯拉罕,他說,我在這裏。神說,你帶著你的兒子, Abraham, and said unto him, Abraham: and he said, Behold, here I am. And he said,
就是你獨生的兒子,你所愛的以撒,往摩利亞地去,在我所要指 Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land
示你的山上,把他獻爲燔祭。』這一個要求,關係到神的應許 of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which
的成全。不錯,以撒是亞伯拉罕的獨生子,是亞伯拉罕所愛的, I will tell thee of.” This demand had to do with the fulfillment of God’s promise. Isaac
如果亞伯拉罕要獻上以撒的話,對於亞伯拉罕的代價是太大,但 was Abraham’s only son, and he was his beloved. It was a great price for Abraham to
這還不是這裏的要點。希伯來十一章所給我們看見的,是創世記 offer up Isaac. But this is still not the main point. Hebrews 11 shows us something that
二十二章所沒有記載的。希伯來十一章十八節說,『從以撒生的 Genesis 22 does not record. Hebrews 11:18 says, “In Isaac shall your seed be called.”
才要稱爲你的後裔。』所以,現在的問題不僅是犧牲一個亞伯拉 Hence, it was not just a matter of sacrificing Abraham’s beloved son, but a matter of
罕所愛的兒子的問題,並且是有關於神自己的應許、神自己的目 God’s own promise, goal, and work. God did not give Abraham’s son to him alone. His
的、和神自己的工作的問題。神所給亞伯拉罕的這一個兒子,不 intention was to achieve His goal through Isaac. If Isaac died, what would happen? This
只是給亞伯拉罕一個人的,並且要藉著這一個兒子來達到神的目 was Abraham’s test.
所以,亞伯拉罕受試驗,以個人來說是一個問題,以器 This test involved himself as an individual and himself as a vessel. Hebrews 11:18
皿來說又是一個問題。希伯來十一章十八節給我們看出, shows us the aspect of the vessel. God promised to give Abraham a son. Yet He wanted
這一個試驗有器皿的問題在裏面。這是肉體所受不住的。 this son to be offered up as a burnt offering! This is something that the flesh cannot
神說要給亞伯拉罕一個兒子,神又說要把以撒獻爲燔祭! stand. A burnt offering must be burned by fire. All of God’s promises hinged on Isaac.
獻燔祭是必須用火燒掉的,神所有的應許是在以撒身上, If Isaac was burned up, would not God’s promises be burned up? God’s goal and His
把以撒燒了,豈不是把神的應許燒了!神的目的、神的工 work were with Isaac. If he was burned up, would not God’s promise, goal, and work
作都在以撒身上,把以撒燒了,豈不是把神的目的、神的 be burned up as well? It was reasonable and right to cast out Ishmael because he was
工作也燒了!以實瑪利是憑著血氣生的,把他趕出去,這 born of the flesh. But Isaac was born according to God’s promise. Why should he be
有道理,這是對的;但是,以撒是憑著神的應許生的,怎 offered up as a burnt offering? Abraham had sought for satisfaction with Ishmael. But
麼又要把他獻爲燔祭呢?亞伯拉罕本來有以實瑪利就已經 God Himself said, “No.” It was God who repeatedly said that Sarah would have a son.
滿足了,是神自己說『不然』,是神自己一再說撒拉要生 Abraham did not insist on having this son; it was God who gave this son to him. Now
一個兒子;亞伯拉罕並沒有強求這一個兒子,是神自己給 God wanted him back, and not in an ordinary way, but as a burnt offering. This was
他的。今天,神又要把這個兒子拿回去,並且不是普通的 beyond his comprehension. If Isaac should not have been born, God should have told
拿回去,而是要把他燒了拿回去,這真是莫名其妙的事。 him sooner. If it was right for Isaac to be born, Abraham should have been able to keep
如果以撒不該生,神應當早就告訴亞伯拉罕;如果以撒該 him. If God did not want Abraham to keep Isaac, He should not have given Isaac to him
生,就應當留給亞伯拉罕。不給他,那起頭就不必叫他生; in the first place. If He did want Abraham to have Isaac, He should not have demanded
要給他,那就不該要他把以撒獻爲燔祭。又要生,又要獻, that he be offered up as a burnt offering. What was the purpose of begetting a son and
這怎麼說呢?這沒有別的,這就是要亞伯拉罕更深的認識 then offering him up? It was solely to bring Abraham into a deeper realization of God as
神是父! the Father!

神是父 God Being the Father

亞伯拉罕還得學他最末了的一個功課,這一個功課也就是 Abraham still had to learn one last lesson. This lesson was actually the lesson he
他起初所學的功課。如果神要稱爲亞伯拉罕的神,亞伯拉罕 had already learned. In order for God to be the God of Abraham, he had to know God
就必須認識神是父。不錯,以撒是沒有問題了,以撒的確是 as the Father. There was no question about Isaac; he was indeed given by God and

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神所賜的,的確是神應許的兒子,但是,問題是在亞伯拉罕 indeed a son according to His promise. But what was Abraham’s relationship with
與以撒發生了怎樣的關係。我們在神面前有一個最深的功課 Isaac? The deep lesson that we have to learn before the Lord is that we cannot get
需要學的,就是:所有神所賜給我們的,我們都不可與它發 ourselves directly involved with any of the things that God has given to us. God does
生直接的關係,神不許我們與它發生直接的關係。不只憑著 not allow us to have a direct relationship with them. It is wrong to acquire something
血氣所得著的是不對的,就是憑著應許所得著的,如果用屬 by the flesh, but it is equally wrong to hold on to what is acquired through the
血氣的手來抓住它,也是不對的。不錯,以撒是神所賜的, promise with fleshly hands. Indeed, Isaac was given by God, but what was Abraham’s
但是,問題是在亞伯拉罕與以撒所發生的關係是甚麼。 relationship with Isaac?
亞伯拉罕在生以撒的事情上,已經認識了神是父;但是, In begetting Isaac, Abraham learned that God is the Father. But he still had to learn
亞伯拉罕還得知道一件事,就是在以撒未生之先,神是父, one more thing. God was the Father before Isaac was born, but was He still the Father
現在生了以撒,神是不是還是父呢?許多基督徒的情形是這 after Isaac was born? This is the condition that many Christians face today. Before
樣:在以撒沒有生以先,他們看神是父;在以撒生了之後, their “Isaacs” are born, they realize that God is the Father. But after their “Isaacs” are
他們的眼睛是看以撒,就不再看神是父了。他們的盼望,他 born, their eyes turn to their “Isaacs.” They think that their “Isaacs” will fulfill God’s
們的眼睛,他們的心意,都寄託在以撒身上了。他們想,這 promises, accomplish God’s goal, and bring in God’s work. They think that they have
一個以撒要達到神的目的,這一個以撒要成功神的應許,這 to treasure their “Isaacs,” care for their “Isaacs,” and raise up their “Isaacs”! God is
一個以撒要將神的子民帶進來,所以現在要寶貴這一個以撒, put aside after their “Isaacs” are born. All of their thoughts are on their “Isaacs,” and
要顧念這一個以撒,要栽培這一個以撒!而對於神呢,自從 God becomes nothing to them. However, we have to see that God is the Father. He will
生了以撒以後,就把神擺在一邊了。現在,把所有的心意都 not allow our thoughts to be centered on our “Isaacs.” God is the Father. He cannot be
放在以撒身上了,對於神卻沒有甚麼了。但是,我們必須看 limited by time. Before Isaac was born, God was the Father. After Isaac was born, God
見,神是父,祂不能讓我們停在以撒身上。神是父,不能有 was still the Father. Whether or not God’s promises would be fulfilled depended on
時間的限制,以撒沒有生之先神是父,以撒生了之後神還是 God, not on Isaac.
父。神的應許能不能成功,不是在以撒身上,還是在神身上。 Isaac was a gift from God. Here lies our greatest danger before the Lord. Our hands
以撒是神所給的恩賜。我們在神面前最大的危險,就是 are empty before we receive any gift; thus, we can fellowship and communicate with
在沒有得著恩賜以先,我們的手是空的,我們會與神交通, God. But after we receive the gift, our hands become full, and we do not fellowship or
與神來往;等到得著恩賜之後,我們的手是滿的,就不與 communicate with Him anymore. When our hands are empty, we fellowship with God
神交通,不與神來往了。當我們是空手的時候,我們是用 with empty hands. But when our hands pick up the gift, we become satisfied with the
空手與神交通;當我們的手接受了恩賜,就因爲手裏有了 gift in our hands, and we stop fellowshipping with God. God must teach us a lesson:
恩賜,我們就以此爲滿足,我們就不與神交通了。神要在 We should put the gifts aside and live totally in God. Before man’s flesh is dealt with,
這裏教訓我們一個功課,就是恩賜要擺在一邊,我們要完 he always lives according to God’s gift and neglects God Himself. However, this is
全住在神裏面。人的肉體沒有徹底受對付的時候,人總是 something that God never endorses.
生以撒是亞伯拉罕的一個經歷。可以說,這是亞伯拉 The begetting of Isaac was one experience that Abraham had. We can say that this
罕極寶貴的一個經歷。但是,神給我們一個經歷,並不 was a very precious experience for Abraham. But God does not give us an experience so
是給我們一生一世用的。我們要知道,我們的根源是神, that we may sit on it for the rest of our lives. We have to realize that our source is God,
不是經歷。生以撒是一個經歷,但這不是父;生以撒是 not experiences. The begetting of Isaac was indeed an experience, but the experience
一個經歷,但這不是根源。難處就在這裏:我們得著了 itself was not the Father. It was an experience, but it was not the source. The problem
一個關於基督的經歷,我們就抓住這個經歷,一天到晚 is that once we acquire an experience concerning Christ, we hold on to that experience
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寶貴的都是這個經歷,卻忘記了神是父。但是神不容許 and treasure the experience, while at the same time, we forget that God is the Father.
這樣的情形。神必須給我們看見,我們的經歷是可以擺 God will not allow this to happen. He has to show us that our experience can be
下的,神是不可以擺下的。以撒是可有可無的,父是不 dropped but He cannot be dropped. Isaac is dispensable, but we cannot be separated
可一時一刻分離的。 from the Father even for a moment.
不過,這還沒有摸著這裏的中心點。以撒是代表恩賜也 This still has not touched the crux of the matter. Whether Isaac represents a gift
罷,以撒是代表一個經歷也罷,這不過摸著我們血氣的生命 or an experience, this application merely touches our fleshly life. There is another
而已。在這裏還有一件更緊要的,就是以撒是代表神那一 important thing: Isaac represents God’s will, which God had spoken to Abraham. If
次對亞伯拉罕說的旨意。如果以撒一死,神那一次對他說的 Isaac died, would that not mean that the will of God that was spoken to Abraham would
旨意豈不是不能成全了麼?因爲要重視神那一次對他說的旨 be unfulfilled? Because Abraham cared so much about God’s will, he had to use all
意,就不得不用所有的力量把以撒抓住,許多基督徒的情形 his energy to hold on to Isaac. This is the situation with many Christians. We have to
都是如此。可是我們要知道,我們是與神發生關係,我們不 realize that we are related to God Himself; we are not related to the things which God is
是與神所要作的那一件事情發生關係,我們不是與神那一次 about to do. We are not related to the will which He has spoken. We have to be brought
所說的旨意發生關係。我們在神面前要被帶到一個地步,沒 to the point where our self no longer exists. We have to be delivered to the point where
有一時一刻有自己的存在。神要拯救我們到一個地步,就是 we want God only, not the things that He wants us to do. We often use fleshly hands to
我們所要的是神自己,而不是神所要我們作的事。我們往往 uphold the things that God wants us to do. We think that because God wants us to do a
用肉體的手來維持神要我們作的事,以爲旣然神要我們作這 certain thing, we have to try our best to accomplish it. But the lesson that God is really
件事,那麼我們無論如何都要用力把這件事作好。可是,神 teaching us is to give up our own will so that we will do what God wants us to do and
要我們學的功課,乃是要我們不堅持己意,甚麼時候神要我 not do what He does not want us to do.
以撒也代表屬靈的工作。有一次神呼召我們,叫我們去 Isaac also represents our spiritual work. God may call us to participate in some
作某一個屬靈的工作,但是我們心裏實在不舒服,因爲我 kind of spiritual work. However, we may not want to do it. We want our Ishmael,
們要以實瑪利,我們有自己的工作要作。等到有一天,神 and we have our own work. One day God will speak to us, and after He speaks again
說話,神再說話,神說話到一個地步使我們不能逃了,我 and again, we will find that we can no longer escape, and we will say, “All right. I am
們就說,『好,我肯把自己的工作放下,來作這一個工作。』 willing to drop my work to take up Your work.” But a second danger follows: We may
但是第二個危險又來了,就是我們把那一個放下了,又把 drop one work only to find ourselves caught up by another. Before we have Isaac, we
這一個抓住了。沒有以撒之前,要以實瑪利;有了以撒之後, hold on to Ishmael. After Isaac comes, we hold on to Isaac. We are no longer directly
又非以撒不可了。我們不是與神發生直接的關係,而是與 related to God, but related to the work instead. We insist on working and do not give
工作發生直接的關係了。我們一直要作,非作不可,我們 up. We replace God with spiritual works. Therefore, God allows our works to die. We
以屬靈的工作代替了神的地位。就是爲這個緣故,神要讓 may argue with God, saying, “You asked me to do this. Why have I ended up with such
這個工作死掉。也許你會對神講道理說,『是你要我作的, failure?” We have to realize that God allows our work to fail miserably because He
怎麼事情會失敗到這個地步呢?』你要知道,神所以讓你 does not want us to have any direct relationship with the work. If we see this, our self
的工作失敗到這個地步,就是要你看見你與這工作不該發 will go away.
我們從前生以實瑪利而不生以撒,這是肉體;我們現在用自 Formerly, the flesh begot Ishmael and not Isaac. Now the flesh holds on to Isaac.
己的手去抓住以撒,這也是肉體,同樣都是肉體。神要試驗亞 Both are the flesh. God was testing Abraham. He wanted to see if Abraham was directly
伯拉罕,要他知道他今天是與以撒發生直接的關係呢,還是只 related to Isaac or directly related to God. This is the test which Abraham faced on
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與神發生直接的關係。這就是亞伯拉罕在摩利亞山所受的試驗。 Mount Moriah.
我們今天要問自己同樣的問題:神呼召我,叫我作工, Today we have to ask ourselves the same question. God has called us to the work
叫我事奉祂,我起頭的時候不願意,後來我願意了,就作 and to serve Him. In the beginning we were unwilling, but later we became willing, and
神的工;到了今天,是不是我愛那一個工作,我放不下那 we engaged ourselves in His work. Do we love this work? Are we reluctant to let go of
一個工作,我用自己的手抓住那一個工作呢?如果是這樣, it? Are we holding on to this work with our own hands? If we are, God will come in to
神就要來對付我們。神是要我們看見:以撒可失,神不可失, deal with us. God wants us to realize that we can sacrifice Isaac but we cannot sacrifice
因爲只有神是父!但是,有許多基督徒只知道要屬靈的工 God, because only God is the Father! Yet many Christians only know that they need
作,不知道要神。我們要求神賜恩給我們,叫我們看見我 spiritual works. They do not know that they need God. May the Lord be gracious to us
們與屬靈的工作不發生直接的關係,我們是與神發生直接 so that we would not be directly related to spiritual works, but directly related to God,
的關係,因爲只有神是我們的父! because only God is our Father!

神是叫死人復活的神 God Being the God of Resurrection

現在亞伯拉罕達到了成熟的地步。當他聽見神叫他獻上 By this time Abraham had reached maturity. When he heard that God wanted him
以撒的時候,他不覺得是一件難事。他對他的僕人說,『你 to offer up Isaac, he did not feel that this was a difficult thing to do. He told his servant,
們和驢在此等候,我與童子往那裏去拜一拜,就回到你們這 “Abide ye here with the ass; and I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come
裏來。』(創二二 5。)他對於『祭』這個字連題都不題, again to you” (Gen. 22:5). He did not even mention the word sacrifice. To him this was
因爲從他的眼光看來,這是敬拜!除了神的自己以外,連神 a worship! Nothing was more precious than God Himself, not even the most important
所安排的最要緊的工作,都算不得寶貴。神甚麼時候要他放 work that He had assigned. Whenever God wanted him to drop something, he willingly
下,他就放得下。所有的都爲著神,他一點都不與神爭執。 dropped it. Everything was for God, and he did not argue with God.
希伯來十一章十九節給我們看見,亞伯拉罕把以撒獻上的時 Hebrews 11:19 shows us that at the time Abraham offered up Isaac, he knew that
候,他也認識了神是叫死人復活的神。他遵從神的吩咐把以撒 God is the God of resurrection. He obeyed God’s command to offer up Isaac, “from
獻上,他也『彷彿從死中得回他的兒子來』。不錯,在實際上 which he also received him back in figure.” It is true that he did not kill Isaac and that
他沒有殺以撒,以撒沒有死;但希伯來十一章十九節說,亞伯 Isaac did not die, but Hebrews 11:19 says that “from which [that is, death] he also
拉罕『彷彿從死中得回他的兒子來』。他看見神不只是創造的 received him back in figure.” He considered God not only to be the God of creation, but
神,神並且也是叫死人復活的神。他相信他的兒子以撒就是死 also the God of resurrection. He believed that even if his son died, God would resurrect
了,神也要叫他復活。他認識神是父,神是一切的起頭,是神 him. He knew God as the Father, the Initiator of everything, who calls things not being
使無變爲有,是神叫死人復活。他知道神是父,所以他相信神, as being and gives life to the dead. He knew that God is the Father, and he believed in
他仰望神。創世記十五章記載他因信稱義,到了這裏,神因亞 God and looked to Him. In Genesis 15 Abraham was justified by faith. God justified him
伯拉罕信心的行爲又稱他爲義。雅各書二章二十一至二十三節 once more because of this act of faith in Genesis 22. James 2:21-23 speaks about this
就是指這裏的事說的。現在,亞伯拉罕所有的事,都是與神直 matter. At this point everything with Abraham was directly related to God; he was not
接發生關係,而不是與以撒直接發生關係了。 related to Isaac in any direct way.


所以我們要學習在神面前看見這一個:連我們所得著的 Before the Lord, we have to realize that even the commission we have received,
使命,連我們所作的工作,連從前我們所知道的神的旨意, the work we are doing, and the will of God that we know, must be dropped. There

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都得放下。天然的與復活的是大有分別的。一切天然的, is a big difference between what is natural and what is of resurrection. Everything
都是我們所不願放手的;一切從死裏復活的,都是神所保 that we do not want to let go of is natural. Everything that comes from resurrection
守的,不是我們自己用肉體的手所能抓住的。我們要學習 is preserved by God, and we cannot hold on to it with our fleshly hands. We have
到達這樣的地步:神叫我們爲祂作工,我們感謝神;神不 to learn to thank the Lord for calling us to His work and also learn to thank Him for
叫我們爲祂作工,我們也感謝神。我們不是與神的工作發 calling us to not work. We are not directly related to God’s work, but to God Himself.
生關係,而是與神自己發生關係。一切都應當是死而復活 Everything should pass through death and resurrection. What is resurrection?
的。甚麼叫作一切都是死而復活的呢?就是一切都是我們 Resurrection is anything that we cannot put our hands on, that we cannot hold on
自己所抓不住的。我們自己抓不住的,這就叫作復活。天 to. This is resurrection. Natural things are the things that we can grasp hold of, while
然的,是我們能抓住的;復活的,是我們不能抓住的。我 we cannot grasp hold of the things in resurrection. We have to see that everything
們必須看見,我們所有的,都得出乎神;並且所有出乎神的, we have is of God and that anything that is of God cannot become our own private
也不能由我們佔爲己有,還得放在神手裏。神把以撒給了 possession. We must put it in God’s hand. God gave Isaac to Abraham, but Isaac still
亞伯拉罕,並不是亞伯拉罕的,還是神的。亞伯拉罕達到 belonged to God. He did not belong to Abraham. When Abraham reached this point,
這一個地步,這一個器皿就成功了。 he became a completed vessel.
亞伯拉罕到了這一個地步的時候,神說甚麼?神說, When Abraham reached this point, God said, “By myself have I sworn, saith the
『你旣行了這事,不留下你的兒子,就是你獨生的兒子, Lord, for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only
我便指著自己起誓說,論福,我必賜大福給你,論子孫, son, that in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the
我必叫你的子孫多起來,如同天上的星、海邊的沙,你子 stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the seashore; and thy seed shall
孫必得著仇敵的城門。並且地上萬國都必因你的後裔得 possess the gate of his enemies; and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be
福,因爲你聽從了我的話。』(創二二 16 ~ 18。)我們 blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice” (Gen. 22:16-18). The ultimate goal for
在起頭所說的神呼召亞伯拉罕最後的目的,現在達到了。 which Abraham was called at the beginning was fulfilled. God had called Abraham
神呼召亞伯拉罕有三個目的:一是要把迦南地賜給他和他 for three purposes. First, He wanted to give the land of Canaan to Abraham and his
的後裔,二是要他和他的後裔作神的子民,三是要地上的 descendants. Second, He wanted to make him and his descendants a people of God.
萬族因他得福。亞伯拉罕爲著迦南地受了試煉,也爲著後 Third, He wanted to bless all the nations of the earth through him. Abraham was tested
裔受了試驗,現在亞伯拉罕已經成功了神的器皿,所以神 concerning Canaan and concerning his descendant. He became God’s vessel, and God
能說,『地上萬國都必因你的後裔得福』了。現在神的目 was able to say, “In thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.” God’s goal was
的達到了。 now fulfilled.
所以,神的器皿不是恩賜構成的,神的執事也不是恩賜構成 Gifts do not constitute God’s vessels and ministers. God’s vessels and ministers
的。神的器皿,神的執事,是在神的面前經過神的對付的,是 must be those who are before the Lord, who have passed through His dealings, and
有相當的經歷的。人在事奉神的事情上,往往有一個最大的誤 who have much experience. The greatest misunderstanding we have in our service
會,就是以爲神的工人們的根基是建造在知識和恩賜上的,甚 to God is to think that God’s workers are built upon the foundation of knowledge
至是建造在天然的聰明上的。如果有一個人天然聰明一點,記 and gifts or even natural cleverness. If a man is naturally clever and has a good
性好一點,就說這個人不錯,認爲他在事奉神的事情上有盼望, memory, others will say that he is quite good and promising in God’s service. They
有屬靈的用處。人常以爲只要在天然方面聰明、敏捷、有口才, will say that he is useful in spiritual matters. Man thinks a vessel is “useful to the
再多聽一點道理,多讀一點神學,多得一點聖經知識,並且有 Master” as long as he is clever, quick, and eloquent in his natural constitution, as
一點屬靈的恩賜、屬靈的口才,這一個人就是一個『合乎主用』 long as he acquires more teachings, theologies, and Bible knowledge, and as long as
的器皿了。可是我們在這裏要說直話,神第一個恩召的器皿,並 he has some amount of spiritual gift and eloquence. But we have to say an honest

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不是這樣造成的。亞伯拉罕是神第一個恩召的器皿,來成就神 word. The first vessel that God called did not become one because of these things.
永遠的計畫的,但是他並不是這樣成功的。他是被神從一條路 He was brought through one way. God repeatedly showed him his weaknesses and
上帶出來,一直給他看見他自己的輭弱,他自己的無用,他肉 uselessness and that his fleshly energy was not pleasing to Him. God dealt with him
體的能力在神面前是何等不蒙神的悅納;神一步一步的對付他, step by step until he truly knew God as the Father. Finally, he offered Isaac to God.
對付他到一個地步,叫他真認識了神,知道了甚麼叫作神是父; By that time, he had become a vessel, and God was able to say, “In thy seed shall all
最後,還把以撒獻上給神,到了這一個時候,他才成功爲神的 the nations of the earth be blessed.”
不錯,我們事奉神有許多層的情形,無論在那一層都可 It is true that there are different levels in our service to God, and we can serve
以事奉神;可是,今天的問題是,我們在那一層事奉神才能 Him wherever we are. But the real question is, “What kind of service should
滿足神的心?真能滿足神的心的,就是在消極方面認識十字 we have in order to satisfy Him?” Those who satisfy God know the cross on the
架,在積極方面認識神是父的人。缺少這一個,就缺少屬靈 negative side and know God as the Father on the positive side. If our service does
的價值。但願神賜恩給我們,使我們看見,神在亞伯拉罕身 not have this knowledge, it lacks spiritual value. May the Lord be gracious to us to
上所作的一切事,就是要顯出祂是父,祂是一切的起頭。因 show us that everything God did with Abraham was to reveal Himself as the Father
著亞伯拉罕認識神是父的緣故,所以在全部聖經中,也只有 and the Initiator of everything. Because Abraham knew God as the Father, he is
亞伯拉罕是父。(新約裏的『祖宗』這個辭,按原文都可譯 the only one in the whole Bible who is called “father.” Only those who know God as
作『父』。)必須是一個認識神是父的人,才能作父。你在 the Father can be a father. What we know of God determines what kind of vessel
神的面前認識神是甚麼,你就作甚麼器皿。你所認識的神, we are before Him. The God that we know determines the kind of vessel that we
就斷定你作甚麼器皿。但願神拯救我們脫離死的道理、死的 are. May the Lord deliver us from dead doctrines and knowledge. We can only be
知識。因爲只有我們認識神的那一點,才能使我們作神的器 God’s vessels and ministers according to our knowledge of Him. God’s vessels and
皿,作神的執事。神的器皿,神的執事,是認識神的人。 ministers are those who know God.

2062 亞伯拉罕以撒雅各的神 - 第 71 頁 THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC, AND JACOB - Page 71

讀經: Scripture Reading:
創世記二十五章五至六節:『亞伯拉罕將一切所有的都 Gen. 25:5-6 And Abraham gave all that he had to Isaac. But to the sons of the
給了以撒。亞伯拉罕把財物分給他庶出的眾子,趁著自己 concubines that Abraham had, Abraham gave gifts. And he sent them away from Isaac
還在世的時候,打發他們離開他的兒子以撒往東方去。』 his son, while he was still living, eastward to the east country.
十一節上:『亞伯拉罕死了以後,神賜福給他的兒子以撒。』 11a And after the death of Abraham, God blessed Isaac his son.
二十六章一至五節:『在亞伯拉罕的日子,那地有一次 26:1-5 And there was a famine in the land, besides the former famine that had
饑荒;這時又有饑荒,以撒就往基拉耳去,到非利士人的 occurred in the days of Abraham. So Isaac went to Abimelech the king of the Philistines
王亞比米勒那裏。耶和華向以撒顯現,說,你不要下埃及 at Gerar. And Jehovah appeared to him and said, Do not go down to Egypt; dwell in the
去,要住在我所指示你的地。你寄居在這地,我必與你同 land of which I will tell you. Sojourn in this land, and I will be with you and will bless
在,賜福給你,因爲我要將這些地都賜給你和你的後裔, you; for to you and to your seed I will give all these lands, and I will establish the oath
我必堅定我向你父亞伯拉罕所起的誓。我要加增你的後裔, which I swore to Abraham your father. And I will multiply your seed as the stars of
像天上的星那樣多;又要將這些地都賜給你的後裔;並且 heaven and will give to your seed all these lands; and in your seed all the nations of
地上萬國必因你的後裔得福;都因亞伯拉罕聽從我的話, the earth will be blessed, Because Abraham obeyed My voice and kept My charge, My
遵守我的吩咐,和我的命令、律例、法度。』 commandments, My statutes, and My laws.
二十三至二十四節:『以撒從那裏上別是巴去。當夜耶 23-24 And he went up from there to Beer-sheba. And Jehovah appeared to him
和華向他顯現說,我是你父親亞伯拉罕的神,不要懼怕, the same night and said, I am the God of Abraham your father. Do not be afraid,
因爲我與你同在,要賜福給你,並要爲我僕人亞伯拉罕的 for I am with you, and I will bless you and multiply your seed for My servant
緣故,使你的後裔繁多。』 Abraham's sake.
神不只要得著亞伯拉罕一個人,神並且要得著一個團體 God is not after just Abraham. He is after a corporate vessel. He is after the
的器皿,要得著亞伯拉罕的子孫,就是教會,以達到祂自己 descendants of Abraham, the church, who will fulfill His purpose. Abraham’s history
的目的。所以,亞伯拉罕的歷史,一方面是亞伯拉罕個人的 includes both his own experience and the necessary experience of every vessel of
經歷,另一方面又是神的每一個器皿所應當有的經歷。亞伯 God. Abraham was not just an individual; he was the father of those who are of faith
拉罕不只是一個個人,並且是信的人的父;(加三 7;)不 (Gal. 3:7). Just as he had to go through these experiences, all those who are of faith
只他一個人需要有這些經歷,並且所有信的人都需要有這些 must go through the same experiences. In reading the history of Abraham, we have
經歷。因此,我們讀亞伯拉罕的歷史的時候,一方面要看見 to realize that it is not only a description of Abraham’s experience in being dealt
這是亞伯拉罕受神對付的經歷,另一方面也要看見亞伯拉罕 with by the Lord, but it is also a description of the standard by which God deals with
就是神對付祂子民的標準。這樣,亞伯拉罕的歷史,就成了 all of His people. Abraham’s experience is God’s requirement on every believer. If we
神對於我們每一個信的人的要求。如果我們搆不上這一個要 do not meet this requirement, we cannot satisfy God’s heart, and we cannot reach
求,就不能滿足神的心,就不能達到祂的目的。 His goal.

2062 亞伯拉罕以撒雅各的神 - 第 72 頁 THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC, AND JACOB - Page 72

神爲著祂自己的計畫,祂要我們作祂的器皿,使我們在祂 God wants us to be His vessels for the fulfillment of His own plan; He wants us to
恢復的工作中有分。這樣,就自然而然有一個問題會發生,就 have a part in His recovery work. Abraham’s experiences were wonderful, and the
是,亞伯拉罕的經歷真是好,亞伯拉罕所受的對付真是寶貴; dealings he received were precious. In the beginning he was an ordinary person, but
亞伯拉罕本來不過是一個平平常常的人,神竟把他帶到這樣的 God brought him through many experiences until one day he became a shining and
地步,到創世記二十二章,他發亮了,他發光了。但是,像我 glowing person in Genesis 22. Here a question arises. Why do some of us still not shine
們這些人,作基督徒作了多少年,怎麼一直都不發亮呢?亞伯 even though we have been Christians for many years? If Abraham is the standard of
拉罕是神的子民的標準,那麼,我們怎麼能達到亞伯拉罕所達 God’s people, how can we reach that standard? How can we allow God to accomplish in
到的地步呢?我們怎麼能讓神在我們身上作成功,像祂在亞伯 us what He accomplished in Abraham? God gained a vessel in Abraham. Will He gain a
拉罕身上所作成的呢?神在亞伯拉罕身上得著一個器皿,神在 vessel in us? This is the question before us.
在神的話語中,神不只稱祂自己是亞伯拉罕的神,神也接下 The Bible tells us that God is not only called the God of Abraham, but also the God
去稱祂自己是以撒的神,神也再接下去稱祂自己是雅各的神。 of Isaac. After this, He is also called the God of Jacob. As far as God’s goal is concerned,
按著神的目的來說,亞伯拉罕是完全的;可是按著神的工作來 Abraham was complete in himself. But as far as God’s work is concerned, he was not
說,亞伯拉罕不彀完全,還需要加上以撒,加上雅各,才得完 complete. God needed Isaac and Jacob before there could be the completion. This is a
全。這是聖經中最重要的原則之一。換句話說,神要得著的這 very important principle in the Bible. In order for God to gain a person, he must know
一個人,必須像亞伯拉罕那樣認識神是父,像亞伯拉罕那樣脫 God as the Father, even as Abraham knew Him as the Father. He must be delivered from
離肉體的工作,也必須認識神怎樣作以撒的神,認識神怎樣作 the work of the flesh like Abraham was delivered. He must also know God as the God of
雅各的神。必須認識了以撒的神,認識了雅各的神,人才能得 Isaac and the God of Jacob. A person must know the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob
到亞伯拉罕所得到的。不錯,神所有的目的都在亞伯拉罕身 before he can gain what Abraham gained. God’s purpose rested entirely on Abraham,
上,神給以撒的,都是神給亞伯拉罕的;以撒所走的路,沒有 and whatever was given to Isaac had been given to Abraham already. Isaac did not go
比亞伯拉罕走得更遠;雅各所走的路,也沒有比亞伯拉罕走得 beyond Abraham, and Jacob did not travel further than Abraham. If Abraham touched
更遠;可以說亞伯拉罕已經走到絕頂了;可是,爲甚麼亞伯拉 the peak, why was he not able to inherit a kingdom immediately? He could not because
罕還不能立刻得著一個國呢?這就因爲在經歷上還需要補充, there was still the need of supplementary experiences. There was still the need of
要把以撒加在亞伯拉罕裏,再把雅各加在亞伯拉罕裏,然後才 Isaac and Jacob to be added to Abraham before God could gain what He intended to
能達到神在亞伯拉罕身上所要達到的。換句話說,我們需要有 gain in Abraham. In other words, we need the experience of Abraham, and we need
亞伯拉罕的經歷,我們也需要有以撒的經歷,也需要有雅各的 the experience of Isaac and the experience of Jacob as well. Abraham is a standard for
經歷。亞伯拉罕是一個標準擺在那裏,但是在亞伯拉罕和以色 us. But between Abraham and the nation of Israel, there was still Isaac and Jacob. God
列國之間,還有一個以撒和一個雅各。神不能越過以撒、雅各, could not jump over Isaac and Jacob and go directly to the nation of Israel. There first
就跳到以色列國去。需要有以撒所認識的神,需要有雅各所認 had to be the experiences of the God that Isaac knew and the God that Jacob knew,
識的神,然後才能有以色列國,然後才能有團體的經歷。神所 before there could be the nation of Israel and before there could be the corporate
要的是一個團體的器皿。要成爲團體的器皿,就必須認識亞伯 experience. God is after a corporate vessel. In order to be a corporate vessel, one has
拉罕的神、以撒的神和雅各的神。我們要一直記得神說的這一 to know God as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. We have to
句話,祂說,『我…是亞伯拉罕的神,以撒的神,雅各的神。』 remember God’s word continually: “I am...the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and
(出三 6。)等到神稱爲亞伯拉罕的神、以撒的神和雅各的神, the God of Jacob” (Exo. 3:6). As soon as God was called the God of Abraham, the God of
以色列國就來到了。出埃及記就是說到這一個。這一個地步一 Isaac, and the God of Jacob, the nation of Israel appeared. This is revealed in the book of
到,神的器皿就來,神的團體的器皿就來了。 Exodus. Once this point is reached, God has His corporate vessel.

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現在我們要來看甚麼叫作以撒的神。 Now let us consider the meaning of the God of Isaac.


甚麼叫作亞伯拉罕的神,我們已經知道了。亞伯拉罕 We have seen the meaning of the God of Abraham. Abraham himself was a father. On
自己就是父。一方面神帶領亞伯拉罕認識神是父,另一 the one hand, God led him to realize that He is the Father. On the other hand, He made
方面神又叫亞伯拉罕作父。他的名字起頭叫亞伯蘭,裏 Abraham a father. Abraham’s original name was Abram, which means “father.” Later
面有父的意思;後來叫亞伯拉罕,裏面也有父的意思, he was called Abraham, which also means “father,” but in a more superlative form; it
不過比從前大一點,是作多國的父。亞伯拉罕認識神是 means the father of many nations. Abraham knew God as the Father, and as a result,
父,所以他自己也是父。從各方面來看,亞伯拉罕都是父: he also became a father. He was a father in every sense of the word. As far as God’s
以神恢復的工作來說,是從亞伯拉罕起頭的,所以他是 recovery work is concerned, Abraham was the initiator, and as such he was the father.
父;以神的揀選來說,他是頭一個被揀選作神的子民的, As far as God’s selection is concerned, he was the first to be chosen as one of God’s
所以他是父;以亞伯拉罕所作的事來說,他是頭一個過 people, and therefore, he was also the father. As far as his acts were concerned, he was
河的,所以他是父。從亞當以後二千年之久,你那裏聽 the first one to cross the river, and therefore, he was also a father. For two thousand
見有一個希伯來人,神叫他離開本地、本族、父家,到 years after Adam, who among all men was a Hebrew? Who did God call to leave his
迦南地去?亞伯拉罕是第一個人。你那裏聽見有一個人 country, kindred, and father’s house to go into Canaan? Abraham was the first. Have we
與神來往,親密得像朋友一樣?亞伯拉罕是第一個人。 heard of anyone who communicated with God and who was so intimate with God that
你那裏聽見有一個人過了生育的年齡還生兒子?亞伯拉 he was called a friend of God? Abraham was the first. Have we heard of anyone who
罕是第一個人。你那裏聽見有一個人在一百歲生了一個 begot a child after passing the age of child begetting? Abraham was the first. Have we
兒子,後來又把這個兒子獻上爲祭?亞伯拉罕是第一個 heard of anyone who had a son when he was a hundred years old, and who later offered
人。我們在聖經中看到有許多事,都是亞伯拉罕第一個 the son as a sacrifice? Abraham was the first. We see from the Bible that many things
作的。亞伯拉罕真是父。 were first done by Abraham. Indeed, Abraham is the father.
我們旣然看見亞伯拉罕是父,我們也就看見以撒是子。全 Now that we have seen Abraham as the father, we have to go on to see Isaac as the son.
部聖經中,沒有第二個人的歷史能顯出主耶穌作子,像以撒 No one’s history depicts the Lord Jesus as the Son as much as Isaac’s history. Isaac’s birth
的歷史一樣。以撒生下來的時候,就不是憑著血氣生的,而 was not according to the flesh but according to God’s promise. The first two chapters of
是憑著神的應許生的。新約的馬太一至二章,相當於舊約的 Matthew in the New Testament correspond with Genesis in the Old Testament. There was
創世記。新約裏只有一個不是憑著血氣生的,舊約裏也有一 only one person in the New Testament who was not born according to the flesh, and there
個不是憑著血氣生的。這一個子,不只不是憑著血氣生的, was only one person in the Old Testament who was not born according to the flesh. Not
並且是一個獨生子,是一個父所愛的獨生子。這一個獨生 only was the Lord Jesus born apart from the flesh, but He was an only begotten Son, One
子,曾擺在祭壇上,後來,又從祭壇上收回來,彷彿從死中 who was the beloved of His Father. He was placed on the altar and received back from the
得回來。(來十一 19。)我們看見這裏有一個神所愛的兒子, altar as the One who had come back from the dead (Heb. 11:19). He is the Son whom God
是死過的兒子,也是復活的兒子。我們還看見,他的父親差 loves, who died and resurrected. His Father also sent a servant to His own country and
遣僕人到他的本族、本家去,娶一個女子來作他的妻子。仔 own kindred to find a wife for Him. Those who study the Bible carefully know that this
細讀聖經的人都知道,這就是豫表聖靈爲著基督去尋找教 is the Holy Spirit seeking out the church for Christ. The church is according to the Lord’s
會。這教會乃是神旨意中的教會,是神生的,是與主一家的 will; it is begotten of God and belongs to the same household of the Lord Jesus. Isaac and
人。以撒與利百加是一家的人,神的兒女成爲神的教會,也 Rebekah were of the same household. God’s children, the church, are begotten of God in
是神生的,像主耶穌是神生的一樣。 the same way that the Lord Jesus was begotten of God.

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有一件事是特別希奇的,就是亞伯拉罕曾離開過迦南地到埃 Abraham left Canaan once to go into Egypt, and Jacob spent his entire old age in
及去,雅各在晚年的時候是住在埃及,可是以撒是生在迦南地, Egypt. But Isaac was born in Canaan and died in Canaan; he never left Canaan. This is
也死在迦南地,從來沒有離開過迦南地。生在迦南地,長在迦 the Son, who was born in Canaan, raised up in Canaan, and died in Canaan. The Son is
南地,從來沒有離開迦南地,這就是子。子是『從天降下仍舊 the One who “descended out of heaven, the Son of Man, who is in heaven” (John 3:13).
在天的人子』,(約三 13,)子是『在父懷裏的獨生子』。(一 He is “the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father” (1:18). When He was
18。)祂在地上的時候,是把父表明出來,但是祂從來沒有離 on earth, He expressed the Father, yet He never left the bosom of the Father. Hence, in
開父的懷。所以在豫表方面,以撒的確是子的最好的代表。 typology, Isaac is the best figure of the Son.
以豫表來說,以撒的確是豫表子。以個人的經歷來說,以 According to typology, Isaac indeed typified the Son. But what kind of experiences
撒所有的經歷是甚麼樣的經歷呢?可以說,以撒的經歷是很平 did Isaac have? We can say that Isaac’s experiences were all very common. Unlike
凡的經歷。以撒與亞伯拉罕大不相同;亞伯拉罕作了許多從來 Abraham, who did many things which had never been done before, Isaac only did
沒有人作過的事,而以撒只是作了些已經有人作過的事。亞伯 what others had already accomplished. Abraham was truly the father, while Isaac
拉罕的確是父,以撒的確是子。我們在創世記二十一章看見, was truly the son. In Genesis 21 Ishmael was mocking on the day Isaac was weaned,
以實瑪利曾在以撒斷奶的日子戲笑過,但是我們沒有看見以撒 but we do not see any record of what Isaac did when he was young. When Abraham
年幼的時候到底怎麼樣。當亞伯拉罕把燔祭的柴放在他身上的 put the wood for the burnt offering on him, he did not say a word. When Abraham
時候,他沒有話說。等一等,亞伯拉罕把他捆綁了放在壇的柴 bound him and laid him on the altar upon the wood, he did not say anything either.
上,他也沒有話說。父親叫他到甚麼地方,他就到甚麼地方, He went wherever his father told him to go and did not say anything. At such a
他沒有話說。他在這麼大的事情中,只發了一個問題,就是: critical moment, he only said, “Where is the lamb for a burnt offering?” (22:7). In
『燔祭的羊羔在那裏呢?』(二二 7。)到創世記二十三章, Genesis 23 his mother died, and in chapter twenty-four his father found a wife for
他母親死了;到二十四章,他父親替他娶了一個妻子。他不憑 him. He did not make any decisions, and he did not do anything for himself. He had
自己定規甚麼,他不憑自己作甚麼,他自己甚麼都沒有。在他 nothing of his own. When he was sixty years old, he had two sons, which was not
六十歲的時候,他生了兩個兒子,這也沒有甚麼特別,因爲亞 unusual, because Abraham also had two sons. God commanded Abraham to cast out
伯拉罕也有兩個兒子。神要亞伯拉罕把第一個兒子趕出去,把 the first son and put the second son on the altar, but He did not command Isaac to do
第二個兒子擺在祭壇上,可是神並沒有要以撒這樣作。雖然神 this. Although God loved Jacob and hated Esau (Mal. 1:2-3), He did not ask Isaac to
愛雅各,惡以掃,(瑪一 2 ~ 3,)但是神並沒有要以撒作甚 do anything. Abraham experienced a famine in Canaan, and Isaac also experienced
麼。亞伯拉罕在迦南地遭遇饑荒,以撒在迦南地也遭遇饑荒。 a famine in Canaan (Gen. 12:10; 26:1). When the famine came, Abraham went down
(創十二 10,二六 1。)亞伯拉罕遭遇了饑荒就下埃及去,在 to Egypt. While he was there he told others that his wife was his sister. In the end he
埃及說他的妻子是妹子,結果受到了法老的責備;(十二 18 ~ was rebuked by Pharaoh (12:18-19). Although Isaac did not go down to Egypt when
19;)以撒遭遇了饑荒,雖然沒有下埃及去,但是他往基拉耳去, the famine came, he went down to Gerar. He also said that his wife was his sister. In
也說他的妻子是妹子,結果受到了亞比米勒的責備。(二六 9 ~ the end he was rebuked by Abimelech (26:9-10). Later, Isaac dug some wells, but
10。)後來,我們看見以撒曾挖井,但是有些井還是他父親亞 the wells that he dug were those that his father had dug when he was alive. After his
伯拉罕在世之日所挖的,他父親死後,被非利士人塞住了,以 father died, the Philistines covered up the wells, and Isaac opened them up again. He
撒就重新挖出來,仍照他父親所叫的,叫那些井的名字。(18。) called them by the same name that his father had called them (v. 18). After he died,
他死了以後是葬在他父親的墳墓裏,連他的墳墓也是他父親豫 he was buried in his father’s grave. Even his grave was prepared by his father (49:30-
備的。(四九 30 ~ 31。)這是以撒一生的歷史。 31). This is the history of Isaac.
我們要從這裏學一個功課,就是認識子神。我們不只要 We have to learn the lesson of knowing God as the Son from these experiences.
認識神是父神,我們也要認識基督是子神。甚麼叫作子神? Not only do we have to know God as the Father, but we have to know Christ as the

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子神的意思,就是所有的一切都是接受的,沒有一點是自 Son. What is the meaning of God as the Son? It means that everything is received and
己發起的。在亞伯拉罕身上,給我們看見神的目的;在以 nothing is initiated by Him. In Abraham we see God’s purpose. In Isaac we see God’s
撒身上,給我們看見神的能力。在亞伯拉罕身上,給我們 power. In Abraham we see the standard which God requires of His people. In Isaac we
看見神對於祂子民所要求的標準是甚麼;在以撒身上,給 see the life which enables God’s people to reach that standard. Many Christians have
我們看見神的子民達到那一個標準的生命是甚麼。許多基 one basic problem: They only see God’s purpose but do not see God’s provisions.
督徒有一個極大的難處,就是看見了神的目的,而沒有看 They see God’s standard but do not see God’s life. They see God’s demands, but do
見神的供給;看見了神的標準,而沒有看見神的生命;看 not see the power that meets these demands. This is why we have to consider Isaac
見了神的要求,而沒有看見有一個能力是可以來答應那一 as well as Abraham.


在以撒的生命中,我們要特別注意兩件事:第一件事就 We have to pay attention to two things in Isaac’s life. The first is Isaac’s relationship
是以撒與亞伯拉罕的關係,第二件事就是以撒與神的關係。 with Abraham, and the second is Isaac’s relationship with God.
以撒與亞伯拉罕的關係 Isaac’s Relationship with Abraham
創世記二十四章三十六節:『我主人的妻子撒拉年老的 Genesis 24:36 says, “And Sarah my master’s wife bare a son to my master when
時候,給我主人生了一個兒子;我主人也將一切所有的都 she was old: and unto him hath he given all that he hath.” This son was Isaac. Isaac
給了這個兒子。』這個兒子就是以撒。所以,甚麼叫作以 means that we do not do anything ourselves or seek for anything ourselves. Isaac is the
撒呢?以撒不是自己要去作,不是自己要去得,以撒乃是 enjoyment of everything of Abraham. Everything is from the father. “Unto him hath he
享受亞伯拉罕所得著的,一切都是他父親給他的-『我主 given all that he hath.”
再看二十五章五節:『亞伯拉罕將一切所有的都給了以 Read 25:5 again. “And Abraham gave all that he had unto Isaac.” Isaac received
撒。』以撒所有的,以撒所得著的,沒有一件是以撒自己 nothing and acquired nothing through his own efforts. His prosperity had nothing
去作的。後來他發達起來,是神給他的,那是另一件事。 to do with himself; it was from God. The Bible shows us that Isaac’s characteristic
在聖經中給我們看見,以撒的特點就是承受。一切都是父 was to inherit. Everything he had was from his father. He did not have to do
親給他的,不是他自己去作成的。他父親是到迦南地去的, anything. His father came to Canaan; he was born in Canaan. He did not have to
他是生在迦南地的,甚麼事情都不必他自己操心。 worry about anything.

以撒與神的關係 Isaac’s Relationship with God

以撒與亞伯拉罕的關係是承受,以撒與神的關係是甚麼呢? Isaac’s relationship with Abraham was one of receiving. What was Isaac’s
創世記二十六章二至三節:『耶和華向以撒顯現,說,你不要 relationship with God? Genesis 26:2-3 says, “And the Lord appeared unto him, and said,
下埃及去,要住在我所指示你的地。你寄居在這地,我必與你 Go not down into Egypt; dwell in the land which I shall tell thee of. Sojourn in this land,
同在,賜福給你,因爲我要將這些地都賜給你和你的後裔,…』 and I will be with thee, and will bless thee; for unto thee, and unto thy seed, I will give
如果我們只讀到這裏,也許要以爲神直接與以撒發生關係,與 all these countries.” If we stopped here, we would think that God had established a
以撒立約了。可是接下去神明顯的告訴他說,『我必堅定我向 direct relationship with Isaac and had made a covenant with him. But then God clearly
你父亞伯拉罕所起的誓。』神所以賜福給以撒,並不是因爲以 said, “And I will perform the oath which I swore unto Abraham thy father.” God did

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撒的緣故,乃是因爲以撒的父親的緣故。神的應許是給以撒的 not bless Isaac because of himself, but because of his father Abraham. God’s oath was
父親的,現在神賜福給以撒,是因爲要堅立那一個約。四節: given to Isaac’s father. Now God was blessing Isaac as a confirmation of the covenant.
『我要加增你的後裔,像天上的星那樣多;又要將這些地都賜 Verse 4 says, “And I will make thy seed to multiply as the stars of heaven, and will give
給你的後裔;並且地上萬國必因你的後裔得福。』這些話也是 unto thy seed all these countries; and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be
神已經對亞伯拉罕說過的。(二二 17 ~ 18。)神沒有給以撒 blessed.” God had spoken these words to Abraham (22:17-18). He did not give anything
新的東西,神給以撒的,不過就是神給亞伯拉罕的。萬族怎樣 new to Isaac. He gave to Isaac what He had already given to Abraham. How could all the
能彀得福呢?二十六章五節說,『都因亞伯拉罕…,』不是因 nations of the earth be blessed? Genesis 26:5 says “Because that Abraham”; it was not
以撒,乃是『都因亞伯拉罕』。所以神不是先說祂自己是以撒 because of Isaac but because of Abraham. God says that He is first the God of Abraham
的神,而是先說祂自己是亞伯拉罕的神。 and then the God of Isaac.
二十四節:『當夜耶和華向他顯現說,我是你父親亞伯拉 Genesis 26:24 says, “And the Lord appeared unto him the same night, and said, I
罕的神!…』這是神與以撒的關係-『我是你父親亞伯拉罕 am the God of Abraham thy father.” This is the relationship between God and Isaac.
的神!』神接下去說,『不要懼怕,因爲我與你同在,要賜 Then God said, “Fear not, for I am with thee, and will bless thee, and multiply thy seed
福給你,並要爲我僕人亞伯拉罕的緣故,使你的後裔繁多。』 for my servant Abraham’s sake.” God’s Word shows us clearly that Isaac’s relationship
神的話彀清楚的給我們看見,以撒與神的關係,是根據於亞 with God was based on Abraham’s relationship with God. God blessed Isaac because
伯拉罕與神的關係。因爲以撒是亞伯拉罕的兒子,所以神賜 he was the son of Abraham. God was the God of Abraham his father. Therefore, He
福給他。神是他父親亞伯拉罕的神,所以神賜福給他。 blessed Isaac.


從以上兩個關係看來,可見以撒的特點,就是他一生一 From these two relationships, we can see Isaac’s characteristics. Throughout his
世所有的一切,都是享受,都是接受。所以,甚麼叫作認 entire life, everything he had was a matter of enjoyment and receiving. What does
識以撒的神?認識以撒的神祇有一個意思,就是認識神是 it mean to know the God of Isaac? Knowing the God of Isaac means only one thing:
供給者,認識甚麼都是從神來的。你要認識父神,你就得 knowing God as the Supplier and that everything comes from Him. If we want to know
認識子神;你要認識亞伯拉罕的神,你就得認識以撒的神。 the Father, we have to know the Son. In order to know the God of Abraham, we have to
光有亞伯拉罕的神,我們還沒有辦法,因爲祂住在人所不 know the God of Isaac. We are helpless if we only know the God of Abraham because He
能靠近的光裏;(提前六 16;)但是感謝神,祂也作以撒 dwells in unapproachable light (1 Tim. 6:16). But thank the Lord that He is also the God
的神。這就是說,亞伯拉罕把他的一切都給了以撒。這也 of Isaac. This means that everything that Abraham had was Isaac’s. It also means that
就是說,我們甚麼都是接受的。 everything comes by receiving.
所以,一個基督徒如果不認識以撒的神,他就不能走前 If a Christian does not know the God of Isaac, he cannot go on. If a Christian does
面的路;一個基督徒如果不認識甚麼是以撒,他就不能達到 not know the meaning of Isaac, he cannot reach God’s goal. In other words, if we do not
神的目的。換句話說,你如果不知道作一個接受的人,你就 know how to receive, we will never reach God’s goal. Those who do not know Isaac can
永遠不能達到神的目的。所有不知道作以撒的人,都是住在 live only under Mount Sinai. Those who do not know Isaac in life and do not express
西乃山下面的人。所有在生命中不認識以撒的,所有在生活 Isaac in living possess nothing but the law. When God has a demand, they try to do it
中沒有顯出以撒的,他所有的都不過是律法。神有要求,他 according to themselves. When God wants something, they try to offer it according to
就憑自己去『作』;神要得著,他就憑自己去『奉獻』:這 themselves. This is not Isaac. This kind of Christian eventually can only sigh and say, “For
就不是以撒。這樣的人,到最後只能歎一口氣說,『我肉體 I know that in me, that is, in my flesh, nothing good dwells; for to will is present with
之中,沒有良善;因爲立志爲善由得我,只是行出來由不得 me, but to work out the good is not” (Rom. 7:18). The person in Romans 7 was willing
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我!』(羅七 18。)羅馬七章的那一個人,並沒有不要好, to do good; he was very desirous of being good. But he himself was doing the work; he
他是要好的,但是,是『他』在那裏作。他沒有看見是神來 did not see that God must deliver him. He did not see that everything is in Christ, and
拯救他,他沒有看見一切都是在基督裏,他沒有看見神在基 he did not see the riches God has prepared in Christ. He did not see the inheritance in
督裏所豫備的是何等豐富,他沒有看見在以撒裏我們能承受 Isaac. He did not realize that the secret to victory is in receiving. He did not realize that
多少。他不知道得勝的祕訣是在乎接受。他沒有看見我們 Christians are Christians by virtue of who they are; they do not act out the Christian
『是』基督徒,而不是去『作』基督徒。他沒有看見神拯救 life. He did not see that God delivers a person by giving him the law of life. Therefore,
我們是用生命的律,所以他還在那裏要用他意志的力量。 he could only exercise his will.


難處就在於神的兒女們知道神向亞伯拉罕的要求,而沒 The problem with God’s children is that they realize God’s demand on Abraham,
有看見應當怎樣得到這一個。神的兒女們看見神的目的之 but they do not see the way to meet this demand. After God’s children see His goal,
後,他們就以爲應當去『作』,應當去『達到』。他們不 they think that they should do something to attain the goal. They do not realize
知道,基督徒的生命,得勝的生命,釋放的生命,聖潔的 that the Christian life, the overcoming life of freedom and sanctification, is obtained
生命,是『得』到的,不是『達』到的。以撒的原則,就 and not attained. The principle of Isaac is that everything is received. Salvation is
是一切都是得著的。像得救這件事,乃是主耶穌已經作好 something that the Lord Jesus has accomplished. Once we receive it, we are saved.
了,我們一接受就得救了。得救不是爬天梯,要很辛苦的 Salvation does not involve a race to climb up the heavenly ladder, in which there
爬到最高一步才得著;得救不是我們到高天去得著的,乃 is no assurance until one has struggled tortuously to the top rung. Salvation is not
是神從天上降下來賜給我們的。得勝也是這樣,並不是要 acquired in heaven; rather, God sends it to us from heaven. The same is true with
我們一天一天的去『作』。不是我們意志的力量比別人強, victory. We do not have to strive for victory day after day. We do not overcome our
所以我們能彀勝過罪。得救如何是接受的,得勝也如何是 sins by possessing an extraordinarily strong will. Just as salvation is received, victory
接受的。用不著憑自己去『作』,只要接受就好了。只要 is received. There is no need to do anything by ourselves; all that we have to do is
你看見了,你接受了,你就能說,『主,我感謝你,讚美你, receive. Once we see and receive, we can say, “Lord, I thank and praise You because I
在基督裏我得著了!』 have received all in Christ!”
在彼得後書,有一節聖經是非常寶貴的:『因此祂已將又 Second Peter 1:4 is a very precious verse: “Through which He has granted to
寶貴又極大的應許賜給我們,叫我們旣脫離世上從情慾來的 us precious and exceedingly great promises that through these you might become
敗壞,就得與神的性情有分。』(一 4。)我們不知道有多 partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption which is in the world by
少基督徒真注意這個『旣』字。這個『旣』字真是何等的好! lust.” We do not know how many Christians have noticed the words “having escaped.”
許多基督徒都在那裏說,『我們巴不得脫離,』但神是說, How wonderful these words are! Many Christians say, “I wish I could escape.” But God
『旣脫離。』不是說,我們『去』脫離,也不是說,神作工 says, “Having escaped.” He does not ask us to escape, nor did He say that He will work
作到一個地步使我們『能』脫離,乃是說,『旣』脫離!旣 to the extent that we can escape. He says, “Having escaped!” Having escaped means that
脫離就是已經脫離,我們只要接受就得著了。這就叫作以撒。 the escaping is done. All that we have to do is receive. This is Isaac.
以撒的意思,是神作事,我們接受。我們不是在那裏作 The meaning of Isaac is that God does the work and we receive the work. We do
一個一直『要』、一直『追求』、一直『盼望』的人。我 not crave, pursue, or hope over and over again. Rather, we sit down and reap the fruit.
們乃是坐享其成。你用不著罣慮,因爲你是兒子,你已經 There is no need for us to worry about anything, because we are the sons and we are
住在裏面了。旣是兒子,就是後嗣,就可承受家裏的產業。 already “in.” Since we are the sons, we are also the heirs and are qualified to inherit the
旣是以撒,就可享受。這是神的恩典。 possession of the family. Since we are Isaac, we can enjoy. This is all God’s grace.
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許多基督徒是怎麼作的呢?他們是勉強去作他們所不能 However, what do many Christians do? They try to force themselves to do what they
作的事,勉強去作他們所作不來的事。他們不要作這個, cannot do. There are things that they do not want to do, but they realize that God wants
但是神要他們作,所以他們就勉強去作。或者反過來,他 them to do these things. Therefore, they force themselves to do these things. Or they
們要作這個,但是神不要他們作,所以他們就勉強不作。 want to do something, and they know that God does not want them to do it. Therefore,
這都是在那裏『作』基督徒!這完全錯了,這不像以撒, they force themselves not to do it. They are Christians by their “doings”! This is
這裏面沒有享受。 absolutely wrong. This is not Isaac, because there is no enjoyment.
正常的情形應該是這樣:神在基督裏給我們一個生命, The proper way is to do things by the life that God has given us in Christ. This life
那一個生命能自然而然的作神所要我們作的事,不是強 spontaneously does what God wants us to do; it does not force us to do anything. At the
迫我們去作。另一面,那一個生命能不作神所不要的事, same time, this life turns away from things that God does not want us to do. As a result,
所以不是我們勉強不作,而是自然而然的不作。無論作 we do not have to force ourselves to turn away from certain things. We can turn away
與不作,都是自然的,不是勉強的,這就叫作以撒。神 from them spontaneously. Whether we do certain things or do not do certain things,
有一個豫備,我們進到那一個豫備裏去,這就叫作以撒。 everything is spontaneous. There is no need to force ourselves to do anything. This is
在亞伯拉罕要把以撒獻上給神的時候,以撒只問一個問 Isaac. God has a provision, and we should put ourselves under this provision. This is
題,就是:『燔祭的羊羔在那裏呢?』這是他惟一的問題。 being an Isaac. When Abraham was about to offer up Isaac to God, Isaac only asked one
但是,就是在他問這一個問題的時候,他父親回答說, question: “Where is the lamb for the burnt offering?” This was his only question. But
『神必自己豫備。』這是以撒的特點。以撒的特點就是 his father answered, “God will provide himself.” This is the characteristic of Isaac; his
享受神的豫備。 characteristic is to enjoy God’s provision.


所以,甚麼叫作以撒的神呢?以撒的神,意思就是神在 What then is the meaning of the God of Isaac? The God of Isaac means that all of
亞伯拉罕裏所有的要求、所有的盼望、所定規的標準,是 God’s demands, expectations, and standards which He set forth in Abraham are fulfilled
神自己來作成的。亞伯拉罕顯出神的目的,以撒顯出神生 by God alone. In Abraham we see God’s purpose, and in Isaac we see the operation of
命的工作。神的要求、神的標準,是在亞伯拉罕裏;神的 God’s life. God’s demands and standards are seen in Abraham, while God’s provision
供給、神的倉庫,是在以撒裏。 and storehouse are found in Isaac.
亞伯拉罕的神,意思是說,神立了一個標準的器皿;以撒的 The God of Abraham speaks of God setting up a standard for the vessel. The God of
神,意思是說,要作神的器皿,要達到神的標準,那就所有的 Isaac speaks of the fact that all the life and power one needs to become such a vessel
生命、所有的能力,都得是從神的兒子來的。以撒是兒子,兒 and reach such a standard come from the Son of God. Isaac is the son, and the son
子能承受父親的一切,一點用不著花自己的力量去作。所以, inherits everything from the father. There is no need for a son to strive with his own
如果我們只知道亞伯拉罕的神,我們還不能達到神的目的。如 strength. We will not reach God’s goal just by knowing the God of Abraham. In order to
果要達到神的目的,我們還得學習認識以撒的神。但是,我們 reach God’s goal, we have to learn to know the God of Isaac. But we cannot stop there.
所該追求認識的,不能停在這裏,我們還需要認識雅各的神。 We also should know the God of Jacob. It is not enough just to have Abraham, and it is
光有亞伯拉罕還不彀,光加上以撒也不彀,還得加上雅各才彀。 not enough just to add Isaac; Jacob must also be added.

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雅各這一個人計謀多,詭詐多,但是雅各碰著了神。神在以 Jacob was a crafty and deceitful person. Yet he met God. God’s work in Isaac was
撒身上的工作,是供應的工作;神在雅各身上的工作,是擊打 a supplying work, while His work in Jacob was a smiting and disciplining work.
的工作,懲治的工作。這兩個工作是根本不同的。神對以撒, These two kinds of work are different. God was always supplying Isaac, while He
是一直供給;神對雅各,是一直剝奪。以撒在神面前一直蒙恩 was always stripping Jacob. Isaac continually received grace before the Lord, while
典,雅各在神面前一直受責打。換句話說,神在以撒身上,是 Jacob was continually chastised by the Lord. In other words, in Isaac we see God
把基督供應他;神在雅各身上,是用聖靈去管教他。以撒是叫 supplying Christ to us, while in Jacob we see the Holy Spirit disciplining us. Isaac
我們看見,甚麼叫作享受得勝的生命;雅各是叫我們看見,甚 shows us the meaning of the enjoyment of the overcoming life, while Jacob shows
麼叫作天然的生命受對付。以撒是叫我們看見,神已經把基督 us the meaning of the dealing of the natural life. Isaac shows us the riches of the
復活的生命豐富的給了祂的兒女;雅各是給我們看見,神如何 resurrection life of Christ which God has given to His children, while Jacob shows
一步一步的擊打天然的生命、魂的生命、人憑著肉體而有的能 us how God deals with the natural life, the soulish life, and the fleshly energy until
力,一直要打到有一天,把那個根打斷了,把那個大腿窩扭了。 one day the root is cut off, and the hollow of the thigh is touched. God will not stop
神要作工到這一個地步,叫我們看見,我們憑著自己的打算, working on us until we realize that it is spiritually useless to do anything according
憑著自己的聰明,憑著自己的能力,都沒有屬靈的用處。神要 to our planning, our wisdom, and our strength. God wants to teach us one deep
我們深深的學會一個功課,就是除去自己。換句話說,雅各的 lesson, which is to remove our self. In other words, the God of Jacob completes
神是成全以撒的神,雅各的神是爲著以撒的神。神所給我們的 the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob is for the God of Isaac. The life that God has
生命,受我們天然生命的捆綁,不能自由,所以神要一步一步 given us is bound by our natural life and cannot be free. Therefore, God needs to
的來對付這天然的生命。基督徒必須受神對付到一個地步,有 deal with the natural life step by step. A Christian must be dealt with by God to
了一個致命的對付在他身上。可惜有的基督徒受神幾十次幾百 the extent that others see a mortal blow in him. Unfortunately, some Christians
次的對付,還沒有得著這一個致命的對付。如果有一個致命的 have been dealt with by God tens and even hundreds of times, yet they have not
對付,就叫雅各服下來了,就在那裏停止了雅各的計謀,停止 received a mortal blow. Only a mortal blow will subdue Jacob and stop him from
了雅各的打算,停止了雅各的力量,停止了雅各的活動。天然 his scheming, planning, energy, and activity. Once the activity of the natural life
的活動停止了,神所給我們的生命就得著自由了。所有在基督 ceases, the life that God gives us will be liberated. If we want to see everything that
裏的一切,如果要在我們身上得著完全,那就必須在我們身上 is in Christ being perfected in us, we must make sure that nothing in us comes from
沒有一件東西是出於天然的,我們必須停止了所有天然的,基 the natural life. We must cease from everything that is natural before Christ can be
督才能在我們身上完全彰顯。 fully manifested in us.
所以,基督徒該追求甚麼經歷呢?我們可以這樣說,我們 What kinds of experiences should we Christians seek? We need a vision before
在神面前要有一個異象,像亞伯拉罕所看見的;要有一個生 God like Abraham had, we need a life like Isaac had, and we need the discipline of the
命,像以撒所得著的;也要受聖靈的管治,像雅各所受的; Holy Spirit like Jacob had. These are the three specific experiences that we should
這就是我們該追求的三個專一的經歷。我們千萬不要以爲 pursue. We should never think that one of them is good enough. We must have all three
得著一個就彀了。我們必須有了這三個經歷,才能在主的面 experiences before we can become valuable in the eyes of the Lord. We must have a
前有價值。我們必須有一個異象,就是看見神所要求的是甚 vision that sees what God is after. We must have a vision that sees that everything is
麼,看見一切都得出乎神,認識祂是父。同時,我們也必須 of Him and that He is the Father. At the same time, we must know the life of Christ and
認識基督的生命,認識祂的恩典就是我們的能力。我們如果 know that His grace is our strength. If we live by the flesh, we will not reach God’s goal.
憑著肉體,就不能達到神的目的。我們要達到那一個器皿的 His work, not ours, will make us His vessel. After we have seen the life of Christ, we may
地步,乃是祂作,不是我們作。但是,我們很容易在看見基 still be ignorant of our flesh. Consequently, it is easy for us to replace the life of Christ
督的生命之後,因爲沒有看見肉體,就把天然的能力拿來代 with our natural strength and take the grace of the Lord to glorify ourselves and use

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替基督的生命,或者把主的恩典拿來榮耀自己,拿來誇口, it as our boast and our pride. This is why we need the discipline, like that which Jacob
拿來驕傲;所以我們還必須受管教,像雅各那樣受管教。 experienced.
有異象,所以我們能看見神所要作的;有生命,有得勝 When we have the vision, we see what God is doing. When we have the life, the
的生命,所以我們能讚美,我們能有得勝的把握;可是還 overcoming life, we can praise and have the confidence to overcome. But there is still
有一方面,就是神要對付我們。我們認識以撒的神,就能 another aspect; God has to deal with us. If we know the God of Isaac, we will have the
叫我們有把握說,『感謝神,常帥領我們在基督裏誇勝!』 confidence to say, “But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in the Christ”
『誰能使我們與基督的愛隔絕呢!』(林後二 14,羅八 (2 Cor. 2:14). “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?” (Rom. 8:35). However,
35。)但是我們還得認識雅各的神。神在雅各身上的對付, we still need to know the God of Jacob. God’s dealings with Jacob tell us that it is still
就是對我們說,任何時候,我們還有失敗的可能。我們不 possible for us to fail. We cannot guarantee our trustworthiness. If the Lord does not
能擔保說,我們是靠得住的。如果不是主保守我們,就任 protect us, we can become weak and fallen at any time. In Isaac we know Christ. In
何時候我們都可能輭弱,我們都可能跌倒。我們在雅各這 Jacob we know ourselves. Because we know Christ, we have confidence, and because
一邊,是認識我們自己;我們在以撒這一邊,是認識基督。 we know ourselves, we lose our own confidence. When these two combine together, we
因著認識基督,我們就有把握;因著認識我們自己,我們 will fully live Christ.
有的人知道了神是父,知道了神是一切,知道了甚麼都 Some people have seen that God is the Father, that He is everything, and that
得出於神,就憑著自己去對付自己,壓住自己,管束自己; everything is of Him. Yet they still try to deal with themselves, suppress themselves,
但是他裏面沒有那個積極的東西,結果喫了許多苦還是達 and restrict themselves by their own effort. While they are doing these things, there
不到這一個地步。他這樣作,並不是屬靈的道路。有的人 is nothing within them to positively support them. As a result, they go through much
看見了基督是生命,得著了基督,的確有了得勝的生命, suffering only to find that they have not yet attained. This is not the spiritual way. Other
但是他忘記了有天然的生命的存在,或者他根本沒有看見 people have seen that Christ is life. They have received Christ and the overcoming
天然的生命也像罪那樣需要受對付,結果他就把天然生命 life. But they forget that their natural life still exists. They have not seen that their
裏的東西,都當作所謂的得勝的生命;這樣作,也不是屬 natural life needs to be dealt with just as their sins needed to be dealt with. As a result,
靈的道路。所以,光看見基督是得勝的生命還不彀,還得 they mistakenly regard things that pertain to the natural life as manifestations of the
看見甚麼是天然的生命。 overcoming life. Again, this is not the spiritual way. It is not enough just to realize that
Christ is the overcoming life. We must also see the natural life.
我們要作神的子民,要作祂的器皿,要維持祂的見證,要達 In order for us to be God’s people, to be His vessel, to maintain His testimony, and to
到祂的目的,就必須認識祂是亞伯拉罕的神,也必須認識祂是 reach His goal, we have to know God as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the
以撒的神和雅各的神。這三個經歷是必須都有的,光有其中的 God of Jacob. All three experiences are necessary. Having just one or two is not enough.
一個或兩個,都是不彀的。總得有一天,神開我們的眼睛,叫 The day will come when God opens our eyes to see the vision of His demands. The day
我們看見異象,看見神的要求;總得有一天,神開我們的眼睛, will come when God opens our eyes to see His work in Christ and that Christ is our life.
叫我們看見神在基督裏的工作,看見基督作生命;總得有一天, The day will come when God opens our eyes to see that He has to touch our natural life
神開我們的眼睛,叫我們看見神摸著我們天然的生命,把我們 and break its strength. If we see these three things, we will go forward. I repeat that
天然生命的背脊骨打斷了。我們有了這三方面的看見,然後我 these three things are specific experiences. Just as God revealed Himself to Abraham
們才能一直的前進。我們再說,這三個都是專一的經歷。神怎 and became the God of Abraham, He has to reveal Himself to us to become our God. Just
樣顯現給亞伯拉罕作亞伯拉罕的神,神也得照樣顯現給我們作 as He revealed Himself to Isaac and became the God of Isaac, He has to reveal Himself
我們的神。神怎樣顯現給以撒作以撒的神,神也得照樣顯現給 to us to become our God. Just as He revealed Himself to Jacob and became the God of
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我們作我們的神。神怎樣顯現給雅各作雅各的神,神也得照樣 Jacob, He has to reveal Himself to us to become our God. We must know God in these
顯現給我們作我們的神。我們必須在這三方面認識這一位神。 three aspects. We have to know the meaning of God being the God of Abraham, the God
我們必須認識,祂作亞伯拉罕的神是甚麼意思,祂作以撒的神 of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. We must have these three experiences before we can go
是甚麼意思,祂作雅各的神是甚麼意思。我們總得有這三個不 on in a proper way.

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讀經: Scripture Reading:
加拉太書三章二十六至二十九節:『所以你們因信基督 Gal. 3:26-29 For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many
耶穌,都是神的兒子。你們受浸歸入基督的,都是披戴基 as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There cannot be Jew nor Greek, there
督了。並不分猶太人、希利尼人,自主的、爲奴的,或男 cannot be slave nor free man, there cannot be male and female; for you are all one in
或女;因爲你們在基督耶穌裏都成爲一了。你們旣屬乎基 Christ Jesus. And if you are of Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, heirs according to
督,就是亞伯拉罕的後裔,是照著應許承受產業的了。』 promise.
四章六至七節:『你們旣爲兒子,神就差祂兒子的靈, 4:6-7 And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our
進入你們的心,呼叫阿爸,父。可見,從此以後,你不是 hearts, crying, Abba, Father! So then you are no longer a slave but a son; and if a son, an
奴僕,乃是兒子了;旣是兒子,就靠著神爲後嗣。』 heir also through God.
二十八節:『弟兄們,我們是憑著應許作兒女,如同以 28 But you, brothers, in the way Isaac was, are children of promise.
三十一節:『弟兄們,這樣看來,我們不是使女的兒女, 31 So then, brothers, we are not children of the maidservant but of the free woman.
五章一節:『基督釋放了我們,叫我們得以自由,所以 5:1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free; stand fast therefore, and do not be
要站立得穩,不要再被奴僕的軛挾制。』 entangled with a yoke of slavery again.
約翰福音十五章四節上:『你們要常在我裏面,我也常 John 15:4a Abide in Me and I in you.
羅馬書六章五至七節:『我們若在祂死的形狀上與祂聯 Rom. 6:5-7 For if we have grown together with Him in the likeness of His death,
合,也要在祂復活的形狀上與祂聯合;因爲知道我們的舊 indeed we will also be in the likeness of His resurrection, Knowing this, that our old
人,和祂同釘十字架,使罪身滅絕,叫我們不再作罪的奴僕; man has been crucified with Him in order that the body of sin might be annulled, that
因爲已死的人,是脫離了罪。』(六節的『和祂同釘十字 we should no longer serve sin as slaves; For he who has died is justified from sin.
十一節:『這樣,你們向罪也當看自己是死的;向神在 11 So also you, reckon yourselves to be dead to sin, but living to God in Christ Jesus.
以弗所書二章四至六節:『然而神旣有豐富的憐憫;因 Eph. 2:4-6 But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He
祂愛我們的大愛,當我們死在過犯中的時候,便叫我們與 loved us, Even when we were dead in offenses, made us alive together with Christ (by
基督一同活過來;(你們得救是本乎恩;)祂又叫我們與 grace you have been saved) And raised us up together with Him and seated us together

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基督耶穌一同復活,一同坐在天上。』 with Him in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus,
加拉太書二章二十節:『我已經與基督同釘十字架;現在 Gal. 2:20 I am crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who
活著的,不再是我,乃是基督在我裏面活著;並且我如今在 lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live in faith, the faith in the Son of
肉身活著,是因信神的兒子而活,祂是愛我,爲我捨己。』 God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.
腓立比書一章二十一節上:『因我活著就是基督。』 Phil. 1:21a For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.
哥林多前書一章三十節:『但你們得在基督耶穌裏,是 1 Cor. 1:30 But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became wisdom to us from God:
本乎神,神又使祂成爲我們的智慧:公義、聖潔、救贖。』 both righteousness and sanctification and redemption,


我們都知道,人得救是因著恩典,不是因著律法。但是, We know that a man is saved by grace and not by the law. But this does not mean
這並不是說,恩典僅僅是關於得救而已。一方面,羅馬書 that grace is limited to our salvation. On the one hand, the book of Romans tells
說,一個罪人是憑著恩典得救的;另一方面,加拉太書說, us that a sinner is saved by grace. On the other hand, the book of Galatians tells us
一個人憑著恩典得救以後,不能停在那裏,他還得憑著恩 that after a man is saved by grace, he should go on in grace. Romans tells us that a
典一直往前面去。羅馬書是說,基督徒的起點是憑著恩典; Christian begins by grace, while Galatians tells us that a Christian continues in grace.
加拉太書是說,基督徒一直都是憑著恩典。加拉太三章三 Galatians 3:3 says, “Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the
節說,『你們旣靠聖靈入門,如今還靠肉身成全麼?』所以, flesh?” Hence, a Christian should not depend on grace just for his beginning; he should
基督徒不只起點是靠恩典,並且一直是靠恩典。 depend on grace continually.
人得救的時候,不需要用自己的力量去作甚麼,只需要 When a man is saved, he does not need to do anything by his own strength. All
仰望神的恩典;此後繼續往前進的時候,也不需要用自己 that he has to do is trust in God’s grace. As he progresses, he still does not need to do
的力量去作甚麼,只需要仰望神的恩典。這就是以撒的特 anything by his own strength. Again, all that he has to do is trust in God’s grace. This is
點。以撒的特點就是繼續在神的恩典中,不只起頭是恩典, the characteristic of Isaac. It is continuing in the grace of God. Not only is our beginning a
並且繼續下去一直是恩典,一直是接受。在新約裏的以撒, matter of grace, but our continuation is also a matter of grace. From the beginning to the
就是基督。祂是神的獨生子,替我們成了以撒,叫我們這 end, it is a matter of receiving. In the New Testament our Isaac is Christ. He is God’s only
些在祂裏面的人,能享受神的產業。 begotten Son. He has become Isaac for us so that we can enjoy God’s inheritance in Him.
恩典的兩方面 Two Aspects of Grace
在聖經中給我們看見,神在基督裏所給我們的產業有兩 The Bible shows us that there are two aspects of the inheritance which God has
方面:一方面是我們在基督裏,一方面是基督在我們裏。 given to us in Christ. On the one hand, we are in Christ. On the other hand, Christ is
或者說,神把我們和基督連在一起是有兩方面的:一方面 in us. In other words, there are two aspects of God’s joining us to Christ. On the one
是我們在基督裏,一方面是基督在我們裏。這兩個聯合的 hand, we are in Christ, and on the other hand, Christ is in us. We cannot confuse the
先後,也是不能更換的;先是我們在基督裏,後是基督在 order of these two unions. First we are in Christ, and then Christ is in us. This is why
我們裏。所以主的話是說,『你們要常在我裏面,我也常 the Lord’s Word says, “Abide in Me and I in you...He who abides in Me and I in him...”
在你們裏面,』『常在我裏面的,我也常在他裏面。』(約 (John 15:4-5).
十五 4,5。)

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我們在基督裏,是指著基督的事實說的;基督在我們裏, Our being in Christ has to do with the facts that are in Christ, while Christ being
是指著基督的生命說的。換句話說,我們在基督裏,是摸 in us has to do with the life of Christ. In other words, our being in Christ touches
著基督的工作;基督在我們裏,是摸著基督的生命。我們 Christ’s work, while Christ being in us touches Christ’s life. When we are in Christ, all
在基督裏,就叫所有屬乎基督的事實都變作我們的;基督 the facts that are in Christ become ours. When Christ is in us, all the power that is in
在我們裏,就叫基督所有的能力都變作我們的。我們在基 Christ becomes ours. When we are in Christ, everything that Christ has accomplished
督裏,是叫基督所已經作的都變作我們的;基督在我們裏, becomes ours. When Christ is in us, everything that Christ can accomplish becomes
是叫基督所能作的都變作我們的。我們在基督裏,是叫我 ours. When we are in Christ, we receive everything that Christ has accomplished. When
們得著基督所已經成功的一切;基督在我們裏,是叫我們 Christ is in us, we receive everything that Christ is today. When we are in Christ, all the
得著基督今天所是的一切。我們在基督裏,是叫基督在過 works that Christ accomplished in the past become ours. When Christ is in us, all that
去所已經成功的一切工作都變作我們的;基督在我們裏, Christ is and can do today becomes ours.
我們要知道,神在基督裏的豫備都是我們的產業。我們 We have to realize that all of God’s provisions in Christ are our inheritance. If we
如果要知道神所給我們的產業有多少,我們如果要知道我 want to understand the extent of God’s inheritance for us and if we want to know the
們所能享受的產業有多少,我們就必須看見一方面我們在 extent of the enjoyment of our inheritance, we must see that we are in Christ and that
基督裏,一方面基督在我們裏。每一個要認識主的人,也 Christ is in us. Everyone who wants to know the Lord has to know Him in these two
都得從這兩方面來認識祂。如果你只知道我們在基督裏, aspects. If we only know that we are in Christ, but do not know that Christ is in us,
而不知道基督在我們裏,那你就輭弱得很,虛空得很,甚 we will be weak and empty, and everything will be theoretical. We will fail again and
麼都是理想的,你會失敗而又失敗。如果你只知道基督在 again. However, if we only know that Christ is in us, without knowing that we are in
我們裏,而不知道我們在基督裏,那你就苦得很,你要去 Christ, we will suffer a great deal. We will find that we do not have the means to do
作而沒有憑藉去作;怎麼作都不能完全。我們必須知道, what we want to do. No matter how hard we try, we will be left with imperfections.
神在基督裏所給我們的產業是有兩方面的:一面是我們在 We have to realize that God’s inheritance for us in Christ contains these two aspects.
基督裏,一面是基督在我們裏。這兩方面的產業,讓我們 On the one hand, we are in Christ, and on the other hand, Christ is in us. These two
在神的面前好好的享受。一切關於生命和敬虔的問題,一 aspects of our inheritance provide us with a rich enjoyment in the Lord. All the
切關於聖潔和公義的問題,一切今世和來世的問題,都包 matters related to life and godliness, holiness and righteousness, and everything
括在『我們在基督裏』和『基督在我們裏』這兩個裏面。 pertaining to this age and the next are included in the two phrases: “we in Christ” and
這兩方面的恩典,都是要叫基督徒享受的。我們如果享受 “Christ in us.” Both of these aspects of grace are a Christian’s enjoyment. If we enjoy
這兩方面的恩典,就不必我們自己費力。這兩方面的恩典, these aspects of grace, we will not need any self-effort. These two aspects of grace will
要拯救我們脫離自己的工作,要給我們看見一切都是出於 deliver us from our own work. They will show us that everything is of God and that
神,沒有一點是出於我們自己。 nothing is of ourselves.
我們本來是罪人,我們如果要往前走,就需要一個新的起頭, We were sinners, and in order to go on, there was the need for a new start and a
需要一個新的地位。我們陷在淤泥的坑中,如果要憑自己去走 new stand. We were stuck in the mire. If we were left to ourselves, we would be in
路,那就走來走去還是在淤泥之中。神必須把我們從淤泥中拉 the mire forever. In order to give us a new standing, God pulled us out of the mire and
出來,把我們的腳放在磐石上,我們才有一個新的地位。有了 set our feet on the rocks. Once we have a new standing, we have a new beginning,
一個新的地位,有了一個新的起頭,我們才能往前走。我們需要 and we can go forward from there. We need to be delivered from sin, the mire, and
脫離罪,需要從淤泥的坑中出來,站在一個新的地位上。這一 we need to take a new standing. What kind of standing is this new standing? It is a
個新的地位是甚麼地位呢?是在神面前的地位。我們怎麼能從 standing before God. How can we be delivered from the mire, and how can we take

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淤泥的坑中出來站到新的地位上去呢?我們怎樣才能到神面前 this new standing? How can we come before God? We have the Adamic life in us, and
去呢?我們有亞當的生命,我們不好;我們不是作得不好才不 we are wicked. We did not become wicked after we did something wrong; we were
好的,乃是生下來就不好。我們的行爲不對,是因爲我們生下 wicked as soon as we were born. Our conduct is wrong because we inherited a wrong
來就有了一個不對的生命。當我們才作基督徒的時候,我們只 life. When we first became Christians, we only saw that our conduct was wrong. After
看見我們這個人的行爲不好,事情作得不對而已。我們經過了 a long time, the cross did some work in us, and under God’s dismantling work, we
許多時候,十字架在我們身上作了工,神把我們摔到一個地步, saw that not only was our conduct wrong, but our person was wrong as well. Not
給我們看見:不只是我們的行爲不對,並且是我們這個人不對; only is our conduct wrong, but the Adamic life within us is wrong. Our life is wrong;
不只是我們的行爲不對,並且是我們裏面有一個亞當的生命出 therefore, our conduct is wrong. This is what the book of Romans tells us. The first
了問題;是我們的生命不對,所以我們的行爲才不對。這就是 three chapters of Romans show us that our conduct is wrong, while chapters five
羅馬書所說的;羅馬書頭三章給我們看見行爲不對,五至八章 through eight show us that our person is wrong. Since our person is wrong, what
給我們看見人不對。我們這個人不對,怎樣辦呢?神的話是說, should we do? God’s Word says that we should die. God requires that man’s sins be
應當死。神的要求是人的『罪』應當洗,犯罪的『人』應當死。 washed away and the man who sins be put to death. “For he who has died is justified
『因爲已死的人,是脫離了罪。』(六 7。)所以,要解決我們 from sin” (6:7). Therefore, the only way to deal with the sinning man is to put him
這個犯罪的『人』,只有經過死。不但如此,除了死以外,我 to death. But this is not all. In addition to death, we need a new life. When we die,
們還有一個新的需要,就是需要新的生命。我們死了就完了, everything is finished. If we want to have a new start before God, we need a new life.
我們在神的面前如果要有新的起頭,就需要有一個新的生命。 Therefore, we not only need to die, but we also need to resurrect. But we cannot stop
所以我們不只需要死,也需要復活。可是我們還不能停在這裏, at this point either. Resurrection is not enough, and a new life is not enough. We still
光是復活還不彀,光是有一個新的生命還不彀,我們還需要得 need a new position. Therefore, God transfers us out of the old position and puts us
著一個新的地位。所以神又把我們擺在天上新的地位上,使我 in a new position in heaven so that we can live before God. From this point on, we
們脫離老的地位,使我們活在神面前。從今以後,我們有一個 have a new position and have nothing more to do with the old position. Simply put,
新的地位,和已往的地位脫離了關係。簡單的說,我們罪人有 as sinners we have three great needs: death, resurrection, and ascension. With death,
三大需要,就是死、復活、升天。有了死、復活、升天,才能 resurrection, and ascension, everything we have in Adam is terminated and we can
了結我們在亞當裏所有的一切,才能有一個新的起頭。 have a new beginning.
我們在基督裏 We in Christ
在這裏馬上有一個問題發生,就是:我們怎麼能彀死呢?我們 How can we die, resurrect, and ascend? This is a big question, and it is a
怎麼能彀復活呢?我們怎麼能彀升天呢?這是一個最大的問題,這 big problem. We cannot die, resurrect, or ascend. But praise the Lord that He
是一個最大的難處。我們沒有法子死,我們沒有法子復活,我們也 has the way. He has joined us to Christ. Thank and praise Him. “But of Him you
沒有法子升天。但是感謝神,神有一個作法,就是神把我們聯合在 are in Christ Jesus” (1 Cor. 1:30). God has joined us to Christ Jesus. We have to
基督裏。感謝神,讚美神,『你們得在基督耶穌裏,是本乎神。』(林 remember this verse: “But of Him you are in Christ Jesus.” This means that God’s
前一 30。)是神把我們聯合在基督耶穌裏。我們要記住這一節聖 work has put us in Christ. God has put the believers into Christ Jesus. When God
經:『你們得在基督耶穌裏,是本乎神。』這就是說,我們得以在 puts us into Christ Jesus, Christ’s experiences become our experiences. This is
基督裏,是神作的,是神把我們這信祂的人都擺在基督耶穌裏。神 like putting a photograph in a book. If someone takes this book and burns it,
把我們擺在基督耶穌裏,基督耶穌的經歷就成了我們的經歷。好比 the photograph is burned as well. In the same way, God has put us into Christ.
我們把一張照片夾在一本書裏面,如果有人把這本書拿去燒,那就 When Christ died, we also died. When Christ resurrected, we also resurrected.
連這一張照片也一同燒掉了。照樣,神把我們擺在基督耶穌裏,所 When Christ ascended, we also ascended. Our co-death, co-resurrection, and co-
以基督死了,我們也死了,基督復活了,我們也復活了,基督升天 ascension with Christ are not something that we worked out, but something that

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了,我們也升天了。與主同死、同復活、同升天,不是我們去作出 God accomplished in Christ. God has taken Christ to the cross, resurrected Him,
來的,乃是神在基督裏作成的。神把基督帶到十字架上去,神使基 and brought Him to the heavens. Thank and praise the Lord. By putting us into
督復活,又把祂帶到天上去。感謝神,讚美神,因爲神把我們擺在 Christ, God has made us partakers of the experiences of Christ. Since He died,
基督裏的緣故,我們就有分於基督的經歷:祂死了,我們也死了; we have died. Since He resurrected, we have resurrected. Since He ascended,
祂復活了,我們也復活了;祂升天了,我們也升天了。所以,如果 we have ascended. If we look at ourselves apart from Christ, we have not died,
你看你是在基督之外,你就看見你沒有死,你沒有復活,你沒有升 resurrected, or ascended. But if we look at ourselves in Christ, we will say,
天;如果你看你是在基督裏,你就要說,『阿利路亞,我已經死了, “Hallelujah. I have died, I have resurrected, and I have ascended!” If we look at
我已經復活了,我已經升天了!』你如果在基督裏看你自己,相信 ourselves in Christ and believe in the word of 1 Corinthians 1:30, we will surely
神在林前一章三十節所說的,你就必定說,『感謝神,讚美神,我 say, “Thank and praise the Lord. I have died, resurrected, and ascended!” Because
不只死了、復活了,我也升天了!』因爲我們在基督裏,所以基督 we are in Christ, all of His experiences have become ours. This is the first item of
的經歷都是我們的。這是神在基督裏所給我們的第一部分的產業。 God’s inheritance to us in Christ.
從前有一位弟兄作見證說,『我在十幾年前,有這樣一段經歷: A brother once testified, “Over ten years ago, I had the following experience: I
那時我知道十字架的道理,也會傳十字架的道理;如果說我一點 knew the doctrine of the cross, and I was able to preach this doctrine. I would not
不知道這裏面的道理,我不承認;如果說我一點經歷都沒有,我 admit that I had absolutely no experience of the cross. Yet I realized that I had a
也不承認。但是,我在神面前看見我是有毛病的,有許多東西在 problem before the Lord. There were many things in me that I could not say that I
我這個人身上,我不能說是經過對付的,我沒有把握說我已經死 had dealt with. I did not have the assurance that I was dead to them. I knew about
了。在道理上,我知道甚麼叫復活,也知道甚麼叫升天,但是在 resurrection and ascension doctrinally. But I did not know these things experientially.
經歷上我不知道。所以我有四個多月之久在神面前一直追求,求 For a period of four months, I sought the Lord and asked Him to show me the
神給我看見甚麼叫作與基督同死;無論如何,求神把我帶到與基 meaning of dying with Christ. I asked God to help me die with Him at any cost. I
督同死的地步;無論如何,我要與基督同死。在那四個多月之中, wanted to die with Christ at any cost. During those four months, the Lord showed
神給我一點光,使我找到一件事-神的話從來沒有一次說我應當 me a little light, and I discovered one thing: God’s Word does not say that I should be
釘十字架。每一次神的話都是說,你已經釘十字架。但是我信不 crucified. God’s Word says I have been crucified. However, I could not believe this.
來。我如果把自己看一看,就覺得我不像已經釘了十字架。除非 When I looked at myself, I did not feel like I was crucified. I could only say that I was
我不老實,才能說我已經釘了十字架;我如果老實一點,我就不 crucified if I was not honest with myself. If I was honest with myself, I could not say
能說我已經釘了十字架。我花了四個多月的工夫,一直在神面前 that I was crucified. I spent four months studying His Word and hoping to find the
讀祂的話,要求根本的解決這個難題。有一天早晨,我禱告的時 solution to my problem. One morning while I was praying, I suddenly saw that I was
候,忽然我看見了我是在基督裏,我是與基督合而爲一的,我與 in Christ and that Christ and I were joined together. We two were one. I realized that
基督是一個。於是我就看見,怎麼可能基督死了而我沒有死呢? it was impossible for me not to die when Christ had already died. This was something
這是在半分鐘、一分鐘之內所發生的問題。我就是問:『基督死 that happened within less than a minute’s time. I asked myself, ‘Has Christ died?’ I
了沒有?』我只能承認基督已經死了。除非我瘋了,才會說基督 could only say that Christ had died. I would be crazy to say that Christ had not died.
沒有死。我底下一個問題就是:『我呢?』我立刻跳起來說,『阿 Next I asked, ‘What about me?’ Immediately I jumped up and said, ‘Hallelujah! I have
利路亞,我也死了!』我立刻看見基督是死了,我也是死了。我 died also!’ I saw that since Christ had died, I had also died. My problem was solved.
的問題解決了。我與主是合而爲一的,神在祂身上所作的,就是 I am one with the Lord. Whatever God has done in Him, He has done in me. When
神在我身上所作的。祂死了,我也死了;祂復活了,我也復活了; He died, I died. When He resurrected, I resurrected. When He ascended, I ascended.
祂升天了,我也升天了。從那一天起,一直到今天,我不能推翻 From that day until now, I cannot deny this fact. This has become my inheritance.”
這一個,因爲這是我的產業。』弟兄姊妹,這位弟兄所講的,是 Brothers and sisters, this brother was speaking about God’s inheritance to us in
講神在基督裏給我們的產業,這個產業是我們應當接受的。 Christ. We should accept this inheritance.

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我們在基督裏,這是一個產業,只需要我們接受,只需要我 Our being in Christ is an inheritance. All we have to do is receive and enjoy it. There
們享受,不需要自己去作。但是許多基督徒苦得很,他們沒有 is no need for us to do anything. However, many Christians go through many sufferings.
看見這是產業,這是接受的,這是享受的,所以他們在那裏壓 They do not see that this is an inheritance and that this is something one receives and
制,在那裏用力,在那裏想辦法,結果花了許多工天,還是不 enjoys. They continue to suppress themselves and struggle to find their own way. Yet in
能死,不能成事。其實,你那一個一點沒有辦法的自己,你那 spite of their repeated efforts, they find that they are still not dead and that their hopes
一個舊人,你在許多年來一直要擺脫而擺脫不掉的舊人,神已 have still not come to pass. Actually, the self that we cannot change and the old man
經老早在十字架上把他釘死了!因爲我們是在基督耶穌裏,所 that we have tried to shake off have been crucified on the cross by the Lord already!
以我們已經與基督同釘十字架了。問題就在這裏:是你自己去 Because we are in Christ, we are crucified with Christ. Can we attain to this experience
達到那一個經歷呢,或者是神在基督裏給了你呢?許多基督徒 by ourselves, or is it something that God has given to us in Christ? This is the problem
的難處就在這裏,他們以爲釘十字架是要他自己去達到的一個 many Christians face. They think that crucifixion is an experience they have to attain
經歷。但是憑主的話來說,沒有這件事。事實上,是神在基督 to. But according to the Lord’s Word, there is not such a thing. God has accomplished
裏已經作成了,所以我們只需要接受就彀了。 everything in Christ. All that we have to do is receive.
當然,這也在乎看見。有的人聽見同釘十字架是一個道 Of course, this depends on how much one has seen. Some have taken crucifixion as
理,不過明白了一個道理,明白了一個教訓,那就沒有用 a doctrine, and they only understand it as a doctrine and teaching. This is fruitless. We
處。必須得著了啓示,裏面看見了我們是在基督裏,才能 need to have the revelation and the inward vision to see that we are in Christ before we
享受這一個同釘十字架的事實。 can enjoy the fact of our crucifixion with Christ.
神所作的,是作在基督身上;因爲你在基督裏的緣故,所以所 God has done everything in Christ. When we are in Christ, everything that is done in
有作在基督身上的,也都作在你身上。所以我們越過越看見林前 Christ is done in us. This is why 1 Corinthians 1:30 is so precious: “But of Him you are
一章三十節的寶貴-『你們得在基督耶穌裏,是本乎神。』阿利 in Christ Jesus.” Hallelujah. God has put us in Christ! Thank the Lord that He has given
路亞,是神把我們擺在基督裏!感謝神,祂不只把基督賜給我們, us not only Christ and the power of Christ, but even more the experience of Christ. Not
祂不只把基督的能力賜給我們,祂也把基督的經歷賜給我們。我 only do we partake of the divine nature, but we partake of the nature of the Son of God,
們不只有分於神的性情,有分於神兒子的性情,我們並且也有分 and we share in the experience of the Son of God. Of course, we are talking about His
於神兒子的經歷。當然,這是指祂死、復活、升天的經歷說的。 experience of death, resurrection, and ascension. We do not partake of His experiences
在祂死以前的經歷,我們沒有分。那個時候,一粒麥子還是一粒 before His death. At that time, the one grain was still one grain. But after the one grain
麥子。但是一粒麥子死了以後,神的一切就都是我們的了。 died, His all became our all.

基督在我們裏 Christ in Us
事情並不停在這裏。我們在基督裏,是了結我們已往的 However, the matter does not stop here. When we are in Christ, our past is
歷史,把我們引到今天。還有一部分的產業,也是神在基 terminated and we are ushered into the present, in which God has given us another
督裏所給我們的產業,就是『基督在我們裏』。基督在我 part to our inheritance in Christ. This inheritance is “Christ in us.” What is the purpose
們裏是爲著甚麼呢?基督在我們裏,乃是爲著今天,一直 of Christ being in us? Christ in us is for the present and for the future. Christ is in us for
到將來。基督在我們裏,乃是爲著今天作我們的生命。 the purpose of becoming our life today.
我們常有一個問題,就是我怎樣能得勝?我怎樣能作一個 Many times we ask, “How can we overcome? How can we be righteous? How can we
義人?我怎樣能作一個聖潔的人?在這裏,有一件事是我們 be holy?” We have to note carefully that God has not given us Christ as our pattern. He
要特別注意的,就是神不是把基督賜給我們作榜樣,神也不 has not given us Christ as our power. God has given us Christ for only one purpose: “I

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是把基督賜給我們作能力,神把基督賜給我們,是爲著這一 am crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me;
個-『我已經與基督同釘十字架;現在活著的,不再是我, and the life which I now live in the flesh I live in faith, the faith in the Son of God, who
乃是基督在我裏面活著;並且我如今在肉身活著,是因信神 loved me and gave Himself up for me” (Gal. 2:20).
的兒子而活,祂是愛我,爲我捨己。』(加二 20。)

是方法不是目標 The Means and Not the Goal

許多人誤會,以爲神把加拉太二章二十節給我們作目標, Many people are misled to think that God has made Galatians 2:20 our goal.
盼望我們作基督徒五年十年,直等到有一天,我們能說,我 After being a Christian for five or ten years, they hope that they can one day say that
已經與基督同釘十字架,現在活著的不再是我,乃是基督 they are crucified with Christ and that it is no longer they who live, but Christ who
了。他們以爲這是一個最高的目標,是要去達到的。許多人 is living within them. They think that this is the high goal toward which they should
想,我一直追求,追求到有一天達到那一個地步就好了。但 strive. Many people think, “I will keep pursuing, until the day I reach that goal. That
是我們要記得,加拉太二章二十節並沒有說,這是神要我們 will be wonderful.” But Galatians 2:20 does not tell us that this is God’s goal for us
去達到的目標;它所說的乃是神的方法,是神已經作成的。 to achieve. It says that it is God’s means, something that God has accomplished. This
神是要給我們看見,甚麼是基督徒的生命,基督徒應該怎樣 verse shows us the meaning of a Christian’s life, and how a Christian should live
活出祂的生命來滿足神的心。感謝神,我們在基督裏面已經 out this life and satisfy God. Thank the Lord that we are crucified in Christ already.
釘死了,不是要我們追求與祂同活,乃是基督作我們的生命 We do not need to seek to live with Him. Rather, Christ lives within us as our life. If
在那裏活著。你如果要活出基督徒的生命來滿足神的心,那 we want to live out the Christian life and satisfy God’s heart, the way is for us to no
個方法就是:『現在活著的,不再是我,乃是基督在我裏面 longer live, but for Christ to live in us. In other words, the Lord Jesus is living for us
活著。』換句話說,是主耶穌爲我們活,是主耶穌替我們活。 and on our behalf. This is why we can say that it is no longer we who live, but Christ
所以我們能說,現在活著的不再是我,乃是基督。 who is living.

是一個律 A Law
保羅說,『我活著就是基督。』(腓一 21。)這並不是 Paul said, “For to me, to live is Christ” (Phil. 1:21). This does not mean that Paul
保羅作了多少年的基督徒,達到了一個地步,才說『我活 would reach a certain stage after being a Christian for many years and could then say,
著就是基督』。保羅的意思乃是說,這是我的路。甚麼叫 “For to me, to live is Christ.” He was telling us that this was the way he had lived all
作基督徒的生命?基督徒的生命,就是基督。甚麼叫作基 along. What is the Christian life? The Christian life is just Christ. What does it mean
督住在我們裏面?基督住在我們裏面,意思就是基督作我 for Christ to live within us? Christ living within us means that Christ is our life and
們的生命,代替我們活著。不是我們自己靠著主的能力活 that He is living instead of us. We do not live by the power of Christ. Rather, Christ
著,乃是主在我們裏面代替我們活。這是一個產業,是我 lives within us and on our behalf. This is an inheritance that we can enjoy. God has
們可以享受的。神是把基督給我們作生命。基督徒的生活, given Christ to us to be our life. A Christian life is one which requires no self-effort,
用不著我們自己的力量,因爲基督徒的生命是一個律。神 because the Christian life is a law. God has given Christ to us to be our life. This life
把基督賜給我們作生命,這生命是一個律,是自然而然的, is a law, and it is spontaneous. There is no need for us to do anything. The law of the
不必我們去作的。是生命聖靈的律在我們裏面。(羅八 2。) Spirit of life is in us (Rom. 8:2). We do not have to make up our mind to do anything.
不是要我們立志怎樣作,乃是有一個律,自然而然是這樣 When this law operates, it spontaneously does things for us. We need to realize that
的。我們必須知道,這一個生命是一個律。如果不是一個 this life is a law. If it were not a law, there would be the need for self-effort, and we
律,我們就要用力氣,就要花工夫;如果是一個律,我們 would have to do something. But since it is a law, there is no need for self-effort, and

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就不必用力氣,就不必花工夫。比方你手裏拿一件東西, there is no need for us to do any work. Suppose we are holding something in our
你一放手,這一件東西必定落在地上。因爲地心吸力是一 hands. The minute we let go, the object will fall on the ground. The force of gravity is
個律,律能自然而然的顯出一種現象,是不必花力氣就有 a law, and this law will produce certain results automatically. Thank and praise the
的。感謝神,讚美神,基督徒的生命是一個律,不是要我 Lord that the Christian life is a law and that we do not have to grasp onto such a life.
們去抓住的。感謝神,那一個律是自然而然能作主的。神 Thank the Lord that such a law operates in a spontaneous way. God has put Christ in
把基督擺在我們裏面,把祂賜給我們作產業,是祂自然而 us and given Him to us for our inheritance. He is working spontaneously in us. All we
然的去作,我們只要像以撒那樣接受就好了。 have to do is receive as Isaac did.

是一個人 A Person
我們現在再回頭讀林前一章三十節:『你們得在基督耶穌 Let us read 1 Corinthians 1:30 again: “But of Him you are in Christ Jesus.” The
裏,是本乎神。』這是上半節的話,是講到我們在基督耶穌 first part of the verse speaks of us being in Christ Jesus. The second part of the verse
裏。下半節就說,『神又使祂成爲我們的智慧:公義、聖潔、 says, “Who became wisdom to us from God: both righteousness and sanctification
救贖。』神使基督成爲我們的義,神使基督成爲我們的聖潔, and redemption.” God has made Christ our righteousness, our sanctification, and our
神使基督成爲我們的救贖。義本來是一件東西,但是神所給 redemption. Righteousness was originally a thing, but the righteousness that God gives
我們的義,不是一件東西,而是一個人,是主耶穌自己在我 us is not a thing but a person. It is the Lord Jesus within us becoming our righteousness.
們裏面作我們的義,祂就是我們的義。聖潔本來是一種情形, He is our righteousness. Sanctification was originally a condition, but the sanctification
但是神所給我們的聖潔,不是一種情形,而是一個人,是主 that God gives us is not a condition but a person. It is the Lord Jesus within us becoming
耶穌自己在我們裏面作我們的聖潔,祂就是我們的聖潔。救 our sanctification; He is our sanctification. Redemption was originally a hope, but the
贖本來是一個盼望,但是神所給我們的救贖,不是一個盼望, redemption that God gives us is not a hope but a person. It is Christ within us becoming
而是一個人,是基督在我們裏面,成爲我們榮耀的盼望。 our hope of glory.

是基督自己 Christ Himself

所以,基督徒每天的生活,就是享受基督,就是接受基督。 The daily life of a Christian is one of enjoying Christ and receiving Christ. On
一面你站在基督裏,你看見基督所成功的一切,都是你的; the one hand, we stand in Christ, realizing that all that Christ has accomplished
另一面,你一天過一天活在地上的時候,你看見基督成爲你 is ours. On the other hand, while we live on this earth day by day Christ becomes
所需要的東西,基督就是那一件東西。我們的聖潔就是基督 everything that we need. Christ is the very things themselves. Our sanctification
自己,我們的義就是基督自己,我們的忍耐就是基督自己, is just Christ, our righteousness is just Christ, our patience is just Christ, and our
我們的謙卑就是基督自己,我們的溫柔就是基督自己,我們 humility, meekness, and goodness are just Christ. Joy is not when we are happy.
的良善就是基督自己。不是我們自己喜樂了就叫作喜樂, Joy is Christ living within us and being expressed as joy. Meekness is not a feigned
乃是基督住在我們裏面,祂所顯出來的就是喜樂。不是我們 appearance of weakness before others. It is Christ living within us and being
在人面前裝作輭弱的樣子就叫作溫柔,乃是基督住在我們裏 expressed as meekness. Our joy, our meekness, etc., are all Christ Himself. These are
面,祂所顯出來的就是溫柔。我們的喜樂,我們的溫柔…, the expressions of Christ.
基督教的特點就在這裏:在我們裏面有一個生命,這一個生命 This is what makes Christianity so special. We have a life within us, and this
就是基督自己,用不著我們怎樣花力氣,這一個生命自然而然的顯 life is just Christ Himself. There is no need for us to use our own strength. This life
出來,就是溫柔,就是良善,就是謙卑,就是忍耐。基督在我們裏 will spontaneously express itself in meekness, goodness, humility, and patience.

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面成爲我們的溫柔,成爲我們的良善,成爲我們的謙卑,成爲我們 Christ in us becomes our meekness, our goodness, our humility, and our patience.
的忍耐。我們以爲溫柔是我們的一種美德,良善是我們的一種美 We may think that meekness, goodness, humility, and patience are virtues that we
德,謙卑是我們的一種美德,忍耐是我們的一種美德,但是神的話 possess, but God’s Word shows us that these things are just Christ Himself. God
給我們看見,這些就是基督自己。神是把祂自己的兒子擺在我們裏 has put His Son within us so that Christ Himself will live spontaneously out of us
面,使我們在一切的環境中所自然而然顯出來的,就是基督自己。 in all circumstances. When we are tempted by anxiety, this life will manifest itself
碰著試探要你焦急的時候,這生命所顯出來的就是忍耐;碰著試探 as patience. When we are tempted by pride, this life will manifest itself as humility.
要你驕傲的時候,這生命所顯出來的就是謙卑;碰著試探要你剛硬 When we are tempted by stubbornness, this life will manifest itself as meekness.
的時候,這生命所顯出來的就是溫柔;碰著試探要你沾染污穢的時 When we are tempted by defilement, this life will manifest itself as holiness.
候,這生命所顯出來的就是聖潔。是基督從我們裏面顯出忍耐來, Christ will express His patience, His humility, His meekness, and His holiness
是基督從我們裏面顯出謙卑來,是基督從我們裏面顯出溫柔來,是 from within us. Christ becomes our patience, our humility, and our holiness. It
基督從我們裏面顯出聖潔來;是基督成爲我們的忍耐,是基督成爲 is not a matter of our doing, but a matter of Christ living. We do not need to try
我們的謙卑,是基督成爲我們的溫柔,是基督成爲我們的聖潔。不 to be humble by the power of the Lord; rather, Christ is our humility. We do not
是我們作,乃是基督活。不是我們靠著主謙卑,乃是基督就是我們 need to try to be holy by the power of the Lord; rather, Christ is our holiness. We
的謙卑;不是我們靠著主聖潔,乃是基督就是我們的聖潔。不是我 do not need to fulfill God’s goal by living by ourselves or even by the power of the
們活著來達到神的目的,不是我們靠著主的能力來達到神的目的, Lord. The spontaneous manifestation of Christ Himself fulfills God’s goal. When
乃是基督自然而然顯出來達到神的目的。主在我們裏面顯出祂自己 the Lord is expressed through us, we become what we are spontaneously. This is
來,我們自然而然就這樣。這一個才是基督教。 Christianity.


我們需要認識亞伯拉罕的神。我們如果要走前面的路, We have to know the God of Abraham. If we want to go on, we have to commit
就得把自己交給全能的神,讓祂在合式的時候給我們啓示, ourselves to the Almighty God and allow Him to reveal Himself to us as the Father at
叫我們認識祂是父,叫我們看見出於自己的都不能滿足祂 the proper time. We have to see that nothing from ourselves will satisfy His heart and
的心,一切都得出於神,因爲只有神是父。我們也需要認 that everything must be of Him, because only God is the Father. We must also know the
識以撒的神。我們要看見甚麼都是基督作的,已往是祂作 God of Isaac. We have to see that everything is accomplished by Christ. In the past, He
的,將來還是祂作的。祂的事實是我們的,祂的生命是我 accomplished everything. In the future, He will still accomplish everything. His facts are
們的,祂的經歷是我們的,祂的能力也是我們的。我們在 ours, His life is ours, and His experiences and power are ours. It is one thing for us to
基督裏是一方面,基督在我們裏又是一方面。這兩方面的 be in Christ. It is another thing for Christ to be in us. Neither aspect requires any effort
工作都用不著我們自己去作。總得神有一天開我們的眼睛, on our part. One day the Lord will open our eyes to see that everything is of Christ and
叫我們看見一切都是出於基督。一切從神來的,都是基督 from God and that everything has been accomplished by Christ. God is the source and
作成的。源頭是神,工作是基督。 Christ is the One who is working.
我們認識了以撒的神,還需要認識雅各的神,以撒的神和 After we know the God of Isaac, we still must know the God of Jacob. What is the
雅各的神在屬靈的意思上有甚麼不同呢?我們可以這樣說, difference in spiritual significance between the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob? We
以撒的神,是說神怎樣把祂的兒子分給我們;雅各的神,是 can say that the God of Isaac shows us how God has dispensed His Son to us, while the
說神怎樣藉著聖靈管教我們。以撒的神,是給我們看見神的 God of Jacob shows us how God is disciplining us through the Holy Spirit. The God of
恩賜;雅各的神,是給我們看見神的雕刻。以撒的神,叫我 Isaac shows us God’s gift, while the God of Jacob shows us God’s workmanship. The God
們敢作見證說,『神給我看見新的光,叫我認識基督是我的 of Isaac gives us the boldness to testify, “God has given me new light and shown me that

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生命,我得勝了;』雅各的神,要叫我們謙卑的說,『神帶 Christ is my life. I have overcome!” The God of Jacob causes us to confess humbly, “God
領我認識我的自己,叫我永遠不敢說我是靠得住的,不敢說 has shown me the self, and I can never trust in it again or boast of its usefulness.” The
我是有用處的。』以撒的神,是叫我們大膽的說,『罪已經 God of Isaac causes us to proclaim boldly, “Sin is trampled under my feet!” The God of
被踐踏在我腳底下了;』雅各的神,是叫我們戰兢的說,『我 Jacob causes us to fearfully confess, “I can still fail at any time.” The God of Isaac shows
在任何時候都有失敗的可能。』以撒的神,是把基督給我們 us Christ, while the God of Jacob shows us ourselves. The knowledge of the God of Isaac
看;雅各的神,是把我們自己放出來給我們看。認識以撒的 gives us the confidence to know that everything is done by Christ and not by ourselves.
神,就使我們有把握,因爲一切都是基督作的;不是我們作 The knowledge of the God of Jacob causes us to know ourselves and delivers us from
的;認識雅各的神,就使我們認識自己,就不敢大膽。我們 presumptuousness. If we study God’s Word carefully, we will see these two different
仔細讀神的話,就會看見有這兩種不同的經歷在那裏。 kinds of experiences.
可以說,雅各的神是要成全以撒的神的工作。雅各的神 We can say that the God of Jacob completes the work of the God of Isaac. The God
在我們裏面工作,叫我們有地位爲著以撒的神,有地位爲 of Jacob works in us to make room for the God of Isaac so that Christ will gain a place
著基督,叫基督在我們身上越過越能多得著地位。就是這 and occupy more and more ground in us. It is this very work that puts us “in weakness
一個,使我們變作『又輭弱,又懼怕,又甚戰兢』。(林 and in fear and in much trembling” (1 Cor. 2:3). Our life is a paradox. We have much
前二 3。)我們的生活好像是很矛盾的,一面我們在基督裏 assurance in Christ, and at the same time, we have no assurance in ourselves. On the
頂有把握,另一面我們自己一點沒有把握。一面我們敢作 one hand, we are bold to testify and speak, but on the other hand, we are fearful of
見證,敢說話;另一面我們甚麼話都不敢說,我們在祂面 speaking anything and feel like dust before Him. Without the blood of the Lord, we
前真是像灰塵一樣,如果沒有主的血,我們就不能見神。 cannot face God. After we know the God of Isaac, we still have to go on to know the
我們認識了以撒的神,我們還需要認識雅各的神,把這兩 God of Jacob. When we combine these two experiences together, we have the proper
個經歷合起來,才是基督徒的生活。 Christian life.

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讀經: Scripture Reading:
創世記二十五章十九至三十四節:『亞伯拉罕的兒子以 Gen. 25:19-34 And these are the generations of Isaac, Abraham's son. Abraham
撒的後代,記在下面:亞伯拉罕生以撒,以撒娶利百加爲 begot Isaac. And Isaac was forty years old when he took Rebekah, the daughter of
妻的時候,正四十歲;利百加是巴旦亞蘭地的亞蘭人,彼 Bethuel the Aramaean of Paddan-aram, the sister of Laban the Aramaean, to be his
土利的女兒,是亞蘭人拉班的妹子。以撒因他妻子不生育, wife. And Isaac entreated Jehovah for his wife because she was barren. And Jehovah
就爲她祈求耶和華,耶和華應允他的祈求,他的妻子利百 was entreated of him, and Rebekah his wife conceived. And the children struggled
加就懷了孕。孩子們在她腹中彼此相爭,她就說,若是這 with each other within her. And she said, If it is so, why am I like this? And she went to
樣,我爲甚麼活著呢?她就去求問耶和華。耶和華對她說, inquire of Jehovah. And Jehovah said to her, Two nations are in your womb, / And two
兩國在你腹內,兩族要從你身上出來,這族必強於那族, peoples shall be separated from your bowels. / And the one people shall be stronger
將來大的要服事小的。生產的日子到了,腹中果然是雙子。 than the other people. / And the older shall serve the younger. And when her days to
先產的身體發紅,渾身有毛,如同皮衣;他們就給他起名 be delivered were fulfilled, behold, there were twins in her womb. And the first came
叫以掃。隨後又生了以掃的兄弟,手抓住以掃的腳跟,因 forth red, all over like a hairy garment; and they called his name Esau. And after that
此給他起名叫雅各。利百加生下兩個兒子的時候,以撒年 his brother came forth, and his hand was holding on to Esau's heel, so his name was
正六十歲。兩個孩子漸漸長大,以掃善於打獵,常在田野; called Jacob. And Isaac was sixty years old when she bore them. And when the boys
雅各爲人安靜,常住在帳棚裏。以撒愛以掃,因爲常喫他 grew up, Esau became a skillful hunter, a man of the field; but Jacob was a quiet man,
的野味;利百加卻愛雅各。有一天,雅各熬湯,以掃從田 dwelling in tents. Now Isaac loved Esau because he had a taste for game, but Rebekah
野回來累昏了。以掃對雅各說,我累昏了,求你把這紅湯 loved Jacob. And Jacob cooked a stew. And Esau came in from the field, and he was
給我喝;因此以掃又叫以東。雅各說,你今日把長子的名 faint. And Esau said to Jacob, Let me swallow down some of the red stew, that red
分賣給我吧。以掃說,我將要死,這長子的名分於我有甚 stew there, for I am faint. Therefore his name was called Edom. And Jacob said, First
麼益處呢?雅各說,你今日對我起誓罷;以掃就對他起了 sell me your birthright. And Esau said, I am now about to die. Of what use then is this
誓,把長子的名分賣給雅各。於是雅各將餅和紅豆湯給了 birthright to me? And Jacob said, First swear to me. And he swore to him and sold his
以掃,以掃喫了喝了,便起來走了;這就是以掃輕看了他 birthright to Jacob. And Jacob gave Esau bread and lentil stew, and he ate and drank
長子的名分。』 and rose up and went away. Thus Esau despised his birthright.
二十七至三十章:從畧。 27—30 (OMITTED)
每一個仔細讀神話語的人,都不能不感覺到以撒的歷史 Every careful reader of the Word of God cannot fail to find a great difference
與雅各的歷史是何等的不同。以撒的歷史是平安無事的, between the history of Isaac and the history of Jacob. Isaac’s history was uneventful
雅各的歷史卻是多難多事的;以撒的路途是平坦的,雅各 and peaceful, while Jacob’s history was full of trials and troubles. Isaac’s path was
的路途卻是崎嶇的;以撒所遭遇的,都是順利的,卽使遭 smooth, while Jacob’s path was rugged. Everything that occurred in Isaac’s life worked
遇別人反對,也都容易勝過,可是雅各所遭遇的,卻都是 for him. Even when he encountered opposition, it was easily overcome. But most of
痛苦的事。 Jacob’s experiences were painful ones.

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神是亞伯拉罕的神,以撒的神,雅各的神,因此,我們不 God is the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. Therefore, we
能把這三個人的歷史分開來看。在屬靈的意義上,這三個人 cannot separate their histories. Spiritually speaking, the histories of these three reveal
的歷史,乃是給我們看見一個人的三方面。神在一個人裏面 three aspects of a person’s experience. God works on man from these three angles.
作工,是從這三方面來作的。所以,你千萬不要以爲有的人 Do not think that some people are absolutely like Jacob and that others are absolutely
絕對象雅各一樣,有的人絕對象以撒一樣。感謝神,我們是 like Isaac. Thank the Lord that we are Isaac, and at the same time we are Jacob. On the
以撒,同時也是雅各。一方面我們在主面前就是享受,一切 one hand, we enjoy everything in the Lord. Everything is peaceful, rich, and victorious,
都是平安的、豐富的、勝利的,因此能繼續不斷的感謝讚美; and we can thank and praise Him continuously. On the other hand, the Holy Spirit
另一面因爲有天然生命的緣故,聖靈要繼續不斷的在我們身 continually works in us and disciplines us because of the presence of our natural life.
上管教我們。神的話是說,『焉有兒子不被父親管教的呢?』 God’s Word says, “For what son is there whom the father does not discipline?” (Heb.
(來十二 7。)憑著兒子來說,一面是父親收納我們,一面是 12:7). As sons, our Father receives us as well as disciplines us. Isaac shows that we
父親管教我們。以撒是說出我們因著神的恩典被收納作兒子, are received by God’s grace as sons, while Jacob shows that we are disciplined by
雅各是說出我們怎樣受神的管教作兒子。所以,神一面給我 Him as sons. On the one hand, God shows us that our life is like Isaac’s; it is full and
們看見我們的生命像以撒,是滿足的、是順利的,在主裏一 smooth, and everything that is in the Lord becomes ours. Everything that Abraham had
切都給了我們,凡亞伯拉罕所有的都是以撒所有的,凡父所 belonged to Isaac. Everything that our Father has is ours. On the other hand, He leads
有的都是我們所有的;另一面祂要帶領我們有分於祂的聖潔, us to partake of His holiness so that Christ may be formed in us and the Holy Spirit may
要叫基督成形在我們裏面,叫聖靈在我們身上結出果子來。 bear fruit through us.
我們讀雅各的歷史的時候,如果我們自己沒有經過神的對 In reading the history of Jacob, it is very easy for us to stand aloof and judge
付,不認識肉體,那就頂容易站在高位上審判雅各,認爲雅各 Jacob as being unqualified for God’s use and worthy of condemnation, especially
這個人是不配爲神用的,這個人應該被定罪。我們讀亞伯拉罕 if we have never been dealt with by the Lord and do not know our flesh. We find
的歷史,我們覺得有意思;我們讀到雅各的歷史,就以爲沒有 Abraham’s history interesting, but we find Jacob’s history irrelevant. However, if
多大意思。但是,我們如果被神稍微光照一下,看見甚麼叫作 we are enlightened by God and realize what the natural life is and what fleshly
天然的生命,甚麼叫作血氣能力的敗壞,我們就自然而然的看 energy is, we will spontaneously see that the aspect of Jacob is in us. We will
見我們自己身上的雅各,看見雅各不只是一個雅各,並且也在 realize that there is more than one aspect of Jacob inside of us. When we read
我們裏面。當我們讀雅各晚年的歷史的時候,就看見他在埃及 the history of Jacob in his old age, we see that his seventeen years in Egypt were
的那十七年,是他最豐富的十七年。在那裏,我們看見他所說 his richest years. In reading of his words, his deeds, his attitudes, and his acts,
的話,看見他所作的事,看見他的態度,看見他的行動,我們 we cannot help but bow our heads and say, “God, Your grace can make a man like
就不能不低下頭來說,『神阿,像雅各這樣的人,也達到這樣 Jacob reach such a state!” When we come to the end of Jacob’s history, we cannot
的地步,這是你的恩典!』我們讀雅各的歷史到末了的時候, help but exclaim in tears, “God, Your grace truly has turned a hopeless person into
不能不流淚說,『神阿,實在是你的恩典,把這樣一個沒有盼 a useful vessel!”
我們現在要來看,神怎樣在雅各身上作成祂的工-神怎 Let us consider the way that God accomplished His work in Jacob—how God
樣管教他,神怎樣對付他天然的生命,使他輭弱,神怎樣 disciplined him, dealt with his natural life, and weakened him, how God caused Christ
藉著聖靈的組織,使基督成形在他的裏面,結出聖靈的果 to be formed in him through the constitution of the Holy Spirit, and how he bore the
子來。 fruit of the Holy Spirit.
聖靈的管教和聖靈的組織,到底是怎麼一回事呢?聖靈 What is the discipline of the Holy Spirit, and what is the constitution of the Holy Spirit?
的管教和聖靈的組織是一個工作,不是兩個工作,就是在 The discipline and constitution of the Holy Spirit are one work; they are not two separate
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聖靈的管教裏組織,就是在聖靈的雕刻裏製造,就是在對 works. We are constituted by the discipline of the Holy Spirit. We are molded by the carving
付我們天然的生命的時候,把基督的性格組織在我們身上。 work of the Holy Spirit. When our natural life is being dealt with, the nature of Christ is
雅各這個人經過神的對付,就自然而然的結出平安的果子 being constituted into us. While Jacob was being dealt with by God, he began to bear the
來。在管教之中就結平安的果子,不是到了管教之後再結 fruit of peace. In the midst of discipline, the fruit of peace is borne. The fruit of peace does
平安的果子。神摸著他天然的生命,他就自然而然的結出 not come after the disciplining work. While God was touching his natural life, the fruit of
平安的果子來。這就是神在雅各身上所彰顯的原則。所以, peace was borne. This is the principle by which God manifested Himself through Jacob. On
一面我們要看見神怎樣雕刻他,使他輭弱;另一面我們要 the one hand, we have to observe the way that God carved him and weakened him. On the
看見神怎樣藉著聖靈,把基督的性格組織在他身上,成了 other hand, we have to observe the way that God wrought the nature of Christ into him
他的性格。 through the Holy Spirit. This work makes Christ’s nature his nature.
從神給雅各的帶領來看雅各一生的歷史,很自然的可以 The history of God’s leading in the life of Jacob can be divided into four sections. The
分爲四段:第一段-雅各的本性。(創二五~二七。)就 first section describes Jacob’s nature (Gen. 25—27). It began with his birth and lasted
是從他的出生起,到他用詭計騙取父親的祝福爲止,說出 until the time he received his father’s blessing by cheating. This section tells us the kind
雅各到底是怎樣一個人。第二段-雅各的受管教。(二八~ of person Jacob was. The second section describes the discipline Jacob experienced
三十。)就是從他離開家庭,到巴旦亞蘭,在那種環境裏 (Gen. 28—30). It began from the time he left his home and lasted until Padan-aram.
受試煉、受管教。第三段-雅各天然生命的脫節。(三一~ During this period, he suffered trials and discipline. The third section describes the
三五。)就是從雅各離開舅家,離開巴旦亞蘭,經過毘努 dismantling of the natural life of Jacob (Gen. 31—35). It began from the time he left his
伊勒,經過示劍,經過伯特利,到住在希伯崙爲止。這一 father’s-in-law house in Padan-aram, journeying through Peniel, Shechem, and Bethel,
段的時候,是雅各天然生命被神摸著的時候。第四段-雅 until he arrived in Hebron. During this period, Jacob’s natural life was being touched by
各的成熟。(三七~四九。)就是雅各晚年的時期,從約 God. The fourth section describes Jacob’s maturity (Gen. 37—49), that is, the period of
瑟被賣起,一直到雅各離世爲止。 his old age. It began from the time Joseph was sold to the time Jacob died.


我們先來看雅各第一段的歷史。雅各的本性如何呢?雅 Let us begin with the first section of Jacob’s history. What was Jacob’s nature?
各是甚麼樣的人呢?從創世記二十五章起,一直到二十七 What kind of person was he? We can learn about Jacob’s nature from Genesis 25
章,我們能看見雅各的本性如何,看見他是甚麼樣的人。 through 27.
在母腹中就爭爲大 Struggling within His Mother’s Womb
雅各是怎樣出生的呢?『孩子們在她腹中彼此相爭。』 How was Jacob born? “And the children struggled together within her” (Gen. 25:22).
(二五 22。)這是雅各,這是雅各的天然。在神的話語中 This was Jacob. This was his nature. God’s Word shows us that Jacob was totally
給我們看見,雅各與以撒是完全不同的。以撒是一個平平 different from Isaac. Isaac was an ordinary man. Everything with him came in the way
常常的人,甚麼都是享受的,甚麼都是承受的。而雅各呢, of enjoyment; he inherited everything. But Jacob was a wicked and crafty person. He
他是一個詭計多端的人,是一個會打算、會用聰明的人。 was calculating and clever; he could and would do anything. He had both shrewdness
他甚麼都會作,也甚麼都作得到。他有聰明,他也有才幹。 and ability. This was Jacob. But God was able to make Jacob His vessel to fulfill His goal.
這就是雅各。就是這一個雅各,神把他帶到一個地步,能 Isaac shows how one enjoys God’s grace, while Jacob shows how one suffers under
作神的器皿,來達到神的目的。以撒是告訴我們怎樣享受 God’s carving work.

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神的話給我們看見,不只雅各所作的事不對,並且他這 God’s Word shows that Jacob was not only wrong in the things he did; he was wrong in
個人就是不對的;不只他所作的事不能榮耀神的名,並且 the kind of person he was. Not only did he dishonor God’s name in the things that he did, but
他這個人就不能榮耀神的名。因爲他在母腹裏就已經出了 as a person he brought dishonor to God’s name. He was a problem even when he was still in
問題,他還沒有見天日就已經出了問題。他的壞,在母腹 his mother’s womb. He became a problem before his eyes saw the first glimpse of daylight.
中就已經開始了。利百加禱告,問神這是怎麼一回事。神 His wickedness began from his mother’s womb. Rebekah prayed and asked God what was
對她說,『兩國在你腹內,兩族要從你身上出來,這族必 happening in her womb, and God said to her, “Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner
強於那族,將來大的要服事小的。』(23。)等到利百加 of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than
生產的時候,果然是雙子,先產的是以掃,隨後又生了以 the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger” (v. 23). When Rebekah delivered,
掃的兄弟,手抓住以掃的腳跟,因此給他起名叫雅各。雅 she indeed had twins. The first one to come out was Esau, and his brother came after him,
各不讓以掃作大的,巴不得以掃停留一步,所以抓住以掃 holding Esau’s heel. His name was therefore called Jacob, which means supplanter. Jacob did
的腳跟,他從起頭就是這樣的一個人。 not want Esau to be great; he wished that Esau would have waited a little. Therefore, he took
hold of Esau’s heel. This was the kind of person Jacob was from the beginning.
從人的眼光來看,以掃好像還算是一個老實人,像雅各這 In the eyes of man, Esau was an honest man. It was too much for Jacob to supplant
樣欺侮哥哥,實在太過,這樣的人有甚麼用處!這是從天然 his brother the way that he did. What can such a man be good for? This is Jacob from
方面來看他。但是,我們從羅馬九章來看,就看見以掃和雅 the natural point of view. However, from Romans 9, we find that the real issue between
各的問題,有關於神的揀選。神說,『雅各是我所愛的,以 Esau and Jacob was God’s selection. God said, “Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I
掃是我所惡的。』(13。)這是神揀選雅各來成爲祂的器皿。 hated” (v. 13). God had chosen Jacob to be His vessel.
所以我們要學習相信神的揀選,要學習相信神能把我們帶到 Therefore, we have to learn to trust in God’s selection. We have to learn to believe
一個完全的地步。神作事不會半途而廢。祂是阿拉法,祂也是 that God can bring us to perfection. God never gives up on anything halfway through.
俄梅戛;祂是始,祂也是終。祂旣然揀選了,已經起了頭,難 He is the Alpha, and He is the Omega; He is the beginning and the end. Since He has
道祂只作一半麼?如果神是揀選了你,你就得學習相信,把你 chosen and initiated, will He not complete His work? If God has chosen us, we have to
自己交在神的手裏。在神看爲好的時候,祂要把你帶到一個完 learn to trust and commit ourselves into His hand. In God’s good time, He will bring us
全的地步。雅各就是這樣。神就是揀選一個這樣的雅各。 to perfection. This was Jacob’s case. God chose such a one as Jacob.
有不少弟兄姊妹說,『我這個人是何等難以對付的!』 Many brothers and sisters have said, “I am a hard person to deal with!” Those who
說這樣的話的弟兄姊妹,需要雅各的神。雖然你有一點難 speak in this way need the God of Jacob. We may be hard to deal with, but if God could
以對付,但是,神能對付雅各,神也能對付你。並且,還 deal with Jacob, He can deal with us. Moreover, we have to realize that Jacob did not
不是雅各自己尋找神,乃是神尋找雅各。是雅各還在母腹 seek God; rather, God sought Jacob. While Jacob was still in his mother’s womb, God
的時候,神就揀選了他。所以,你如果知道神的揀選,你 selected him. Hence, if we know God’s selection, we can put ourselves in God’s bosom;
就能把你自己投在神的身上,扔在神的身上,你就能相信, we can cast ourselves upon Him and trust that He will bring us to the point where we
神要把你帶到一個地步來合乎祂的心意。 will be pleasing to Him.
用紅豆湯換長子的名分 Exchanging the Birthright for a Pottage of Lentils
有一天,以掃從田野打獵回來,累昏了,就對雅各說, One day Esau came back from his hunting in the field and was fainting. He spoke to
『求你把這紅湯給我喝。』雅各說,『你今日把長子的名 Jacob, saying, “Feed me, I pray thee, with that same red pottage.” Jacob said, “Sell me
分賣給我吧。』剛好以掃疲乏得很,就隨便答應說,『我 this day thy birthright.” At that time Esau was very tired and answered carelessly, “I am
將要死,這長子的名分於我有甚麼益處呢?』結果,以掃 at the point to die: and what profit shall this birthright do to me?” As a result, Esau sold
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就把長子的名分賣給雅各了。(二五 29 ~ 34。)這件事顯 his birthright to Jacob (Gen. 25:29-34). This incident reveals the craftiness of Jacob’s
明了雅各的性格是何等詭詐。不錯,雅各看重長子的名分, nature. Jacob treasured the birthright, which shows that he treasured God’s promise.
表明他看重神的應許,這是好的;但是他用這樣詭詐的方 This is good, but it was not good for him to acquire the birthright through such a
法來取得長子的名分,這是不正當的。雅各這樣作,是用 deception. This shows that Jacob was a person who used his own strength to gain what
自己的力量來取得神所要給他的。 God wanted to give to him.
用欺騙取得父親的祝福 Receiving His Father’s Blessing through Deception
雅各和他母親商量好了要欺騙他的父親。他父親原是對 Jacob plotted with his mother to deceive his father. His father told Esau, “Go out
以掃說,『往田野去爲我打獵;照我所愛的作成美味,拿 to the field, and take me some venison; and make me savory meat, such as I love, and
來給我喫,使我在未死之先,給你祝福。』結果,雅各在 bring it to me, that I may eat; that my soul may bless thee before I die” (27:3-4). But
母親的幫助之下,利用了他父親年老眼花的弱點,穿上了 Jacob, under his mother’s guidance, took advantage of the weakness of his father’s old
以掃的衣服,拿了羊羔作成的美味,騙了他的父親,得著 age and feeble eyesight. He put on Esau’s clothes, took skins of the kids of the goats,
了祝福。(二七 1 ~ 29。)這件事又一次顯明了雅各的性 made savory meat, and received the blessing, thus deceiving his father (vv. 6-29). Once
格是何等詭詐,何等狡猾。也許有人要說,這個祝福如果 again this shows the craftiness and wickedness of Jacob’s character. Some may ask, “If
給以掃得著,那麼大的就不會服事小的了,這豈不是神的 this blessing had gone to Esau, the elder would not have served the younger. Would
應許要遇見難處了麼?神的應許是要祝福雅各,雅各這樣 that not have put God’s promise in jeopardy? God’s promise was to bless Jacob. By
作,正好成就了神的應許,這豈不是好麼?但是我們要知 doing this, Jacob fulfilled God’s promise. Was this not very good?” However, we have
道,神的應許是用不著人用肉體的方法去幫助成全的。難 to know that God’s promise does not require man’s hand for its fulfillment. Will God’s
道神的寶座會動搖,需要用我們人的手來把它撐住,來使 throne shake, and does it require man’s hand to uphold and stabilize it? These are
它鎮定麼?這是人的思想! man’s thoughts!
雅各在母腹裏就是一個爭先爭大的人,他在年幼的時候 Jacob was a supplanter in his mother’s womb. When he was young, he deceived
欺騙了他的哥哥,現在他又用巧妙的方法欺騙了他的父親, his brother. Then he deceived his father with trickery. These incidents reveal Jacob’s
這些事都顯明了雅各的天然。聰明,的確很聰明;詭詐, nature. He was very clever and crafty! This was Jacob’s natural disposition. This was his
實在很詭詐!這是雅各的本性,這是雅各的天然。 natural life.


神現在就是要對付雅各這一個人。所以,在雅各用欺騙 God had to deal with a person like Jacob. After he received his blessing through
的方法得著了祝福之後,就不能再住在家裏。他知道哥哥 deception, he could no longer remain at home. He knew that his brother would kill him,
要殺他,他只好走,他只好逃難似的走出去。 and he could only escape. He ran away like a refugee.
離開父家 Away from Home
他這一次用欺騙的方法要得著祝福,結果卻是得著了神 He cheated his brother out of the blessing. Yet in the end he received God’s
的管教。他肉體的行動的結果是受管教。對於一個聰明的 disciplining hand. The result of his fleshly activity was discipline. God exercises more
人,對於一個有本事的人,對於一個有手段、有辦法的人, discipline on those who are clever, capable, shrewd, and resourceful. However, we
神的管教特別多。但是,我們還是應當感謝神,因爲神就 must thank the Lord because through His discipline, Jacob received the blessing. From
是用管教叫他得著祝福。從現在起,神就一直管教他,叫 this time on, God continued to discipline him so that he would be blessed through the

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他因管教而得著祝福。現在他不能不離開父親的家了,他 discipline. He was forced to leave his father’s house. He left his parents and set out on
只得離別了父母,孤孤單單的動身往巴旦亞蘭去。 his lonely journey to Padan-aram.
露宿伯特利 Camping at Bethel
創世記二十八章十至十一節:『雅各出了別是巴向哈蘭 Genesis 28:10-11 says, “And Jacob went out from Beersheba, and went toward
走去。到了一個地方,因爲太陽落了,就在那裏住宿;便拾 Haran. And he lighted upon a certain place, and tarried there all night, because the sun
起那地方的一塊石頭,枕在頭下,在那裏躺臥睡了。』現 was set; and he took of the stones of that place, and put them for his pillows, and lay
在他是在曠野裏露宿,把石頭枕在頭下。他受管教的生活開 down in that place to sleep.” He camped in the wilderness with stones for his pillows.
始了。十二至十四節:『夢見一個梯子立在地上,梯子的頭 His life of discipline had begun. Verses 12-14 say, “And he dreamed, and behold a
頂著天,有神的使者在梯子上,上去下來。耶和華站在梯子 ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels
以上,說,我是耶和華你祖亞伯拉罕的神,也是以撒的神, of God ascending and descending on it. And, behold, the Lord stood above it, and said,
我要將你現在所躺臥之地賜給你,和你的後裔;你的後裔必 I am the Lord God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon thou
像地上的塵沙那樣多,必向東西南北開展;地上萬族必因你 liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed; and thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth;
和你的後裔得福。』這些話,就是我們在創世記十二章裏所 and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the
已經看見的話,神現在把祂給亞伯拉罕的應許都給了雅各。 south: and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed.” These
神給雅各應許是在甚麼時候?是在雅各詭計多端的時候,是 were the words we read in Genesis 12. God now gave Jacob the promises He gave to
在他肉體的生命、血氣的生命、天然的生命沒有受對付的時 Abraham. When did God give these promises to Jacob? He gave them while he was
候。神在這一個時候能對他說這些話,這是因爲神很有把 still supplanting and before his fleshly and natural life was dealt with. God was able to
握。神知道雅各這個人逃不出祂的手。總有一天,神能把他 say these words to him because He was confident. He knew that Jacob could not run
帶到一個地步,成爲神永遠計畫中的器皿。我們的神是有把 away from His hand. One day God would finish His work of making him a vessel for His
握的神,神能達到祂自己的目的。如果是人,那一定要顧 eternal plan. Our God is a confident God; He can reach His goal. If a man were doing
慮:像雅各這樣靠不住的人,等一等出了事情,闖了禍,怎 this, he surely would have worried. Jacob was such an unreliable person. What would
麼辦?但是,神有絕對的把握,祂能說,『地上萬族必因你 happen if he became involved in some kind of trouble? But God had absolute assurance.
和你的後裔得福。』神就是這樣定規了。所以,我們的盼望 He was able to say, “In thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed.” God
是在乎神的靠得住,不是在乎我們的靠得住;我們的用處是 had decided. Our hope lies in God’s trustworthiness, not in our trustworthiness. Our
在乎神的旨意,不是在乎我們意志的剛強。弟兄姊妹,我們 usefulness depends on God’s will, not on the strength of our will. Brothers and sisters,
要學習認識神是永不失敗的神。 we have to learn to know Him as the God who never fails.
這一次雅各夢見神對他說話,是在伯特利。神並沒有對他 At Bethel Jacob heard God speaking to him in a dream. God did not rebuke him.
說一句責備的話。神並沒有說,『你這個人,你想想看,你 He did not say, “Look at yourself. What have you done at home these days?” If it were
這些日子在家裏作了甚麼事!』如果是我們的話,我們必定 us, we would have rebuked Jacob. But God knew Jacob; He knew that Jacob was a
要責備他一頓。可是神認識雅各,神知道雅各是一個聰明、 clever, crafty, and supplanting person. He knew that Jacob had more energy than
狡猾、詭計多端的人,他的能力比別人大,他的個性比別人 others and a stronger disposition than others. Toward such a person, rebuke and
強,對於這樣的人,責備和勸勉並沒有甚麼用處。神是把雅 exhortation do not work well. God took Jacob into His hand. Through operating in
各抓在祂自己的手裏。神能在環境中把雅各這裏削掉一點, Jacob’s environment, God chipped off a corner here and a corner there; He carved a
那裏削掉一點,這裏雕刻一點,那裏雕刻一點。如果一年作 little here and a little there. If He cannot finish His work in one year, He will do it in
不成,那麼兩年總能作得成;如果十年作不成,那麼二十年 two years. If He cannot finish it in ten years, He will finish it in twenty years. God will

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總能作得成。神必定能作成這件事。所以,二十年之後,神 always finish His work. When God brought Jacob back to Bethel after twenty years,
把雅各再帶回伯特利來的時候,雅各已經改變了。 he was changed.
神給雅各的應許,還超過祂給亞伯拉罕的應許,也超過祂 God’s promise to Jacob actually exceeded the promise He gave to Abraham. It also
給以撒的應許。亞伯拉罕和以撒在神面前所沒有得著的,雅 exceeded the promise He gave to Isaac. Jacob received something from the Lord that
各也得著了-神接下去對雅各說,『我也與你同在,你無論 Abraham and Isaac did not receive. God went on to tell Jacob, “And, behold, I am with
往那裏去,我必保佑你,領你歸回這地,總不離棄你,直到 thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest, and will bring thee again
我成全了向你所應許的。』(二八 15。)阿利路亞,讚美神! into this land; for I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to
神給雅各的這一個應許,是沒有條件的。祂沒有說,『你如 thee of” (28:15). Hallelujah, praise the Lord! The promise that God gave to Jacob was
果把我當作神,我就把你當作子民;你如果遵守我的條件、 unconditional. He did not say, “If you make Me your God, I will make you My people.
命令,你就能得著我所應許的。』這樣無條件的應許,意思 If you keep My conditions and commandments, you will receive My promise.” An
就是不論雅各長也罷,雅各短也罷,雅各老實也罷,雅各 unconditional promise means that God would always have a way to deal with Jacob
狡猾也罷,神都有辦法對付他。神知道有一天要到-『我成 whether he was good or bad, honest or cunning. God knew that one day He would fulfill
全了向你所應許的。』我們的神是不會失敗的神,我們不能 “that which I have spoken to thee of.” Our God is a God who cannot fail. We cannot stop
攔阻神,我們不能使神半途而廢。如果有一次神已經揀選你 God, and we cannot cause Him to stop halfway. If God has chosen us, He will definitely
了,神就必定要把祂的應許作成在你身上。 fulfill His promise in us.
接下去,我們看雅各說甚麼:『雅各睡醒了,說,耶和 Then Jacob said, “And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said, Surely the Lord
華真在這裏,我竟不知道。就懼怕說,這地方何等可畏, is in this place; and I knew it not. And he was afraid, and said, How dreadful is this
這不是別的,乃是神的殿,也是天的門。』(16 ~ 17。) place! this is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven” (vv. 16-
神對他說的話,他都忘記了。他沒有想到亞伯拉罕的神、 17). He forgot about God’s word to him. He did not think about the promise of the
以撒的神的應許,他只看見這是天的門,而感覺懼怕。伯 God of Abraham and the God of Isaac. He only became fearful because it was the gate
特利,在屬肉體的人看起來的確是可怕的。我們知道伯特 of heaven. Bethel is indeed a dreadful place in the eyes of the fleshly man. We know
利是神的家。在肉體沒有受過對付的人看來,神的家是可 that Bethel is the house of God. The house of God is indeed a dreadful place for those
怕的。神的家裏有權柄,神的家裏有執事,神的家裏有神 whose flesh has not been dealt with. In God’s house there is authority and there
的安排,有神的榮耀,有神的聖潔,有神的公義;人的肉 is administration. In God’s house, there is God’s dispensation, glory, holiness, and
體如果沒有經過對付,神的家是可怕的地方。 righteousness. If the flesh is not dealt with, God’s house is indeed a dreadful place.
『雅各清早起來,把所枕的石頭立作柱子,澆油在上 “And Jacob rose up early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put for his
面。』(18。)這意思就是把那塊石頭分別出來。『他就 pillows, and set it up for a pillar, and poured oil upon the top of it” (v. 18). This means
給那地方起名,叫伯特利;但那地方起先名叫路斯。』 that he sanctified the stone. “And he called the name of that place Bethel: but the name
(19。)接下去,雅各就對神許願說,『神若與我同在, of that city was called Luz at the first” (v. 19). Then Jacob vowed, “If God will be with
在我所行的路上保佑我,又給我食物喫、衣服穿,使我平 me, and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat, and raiment
平安安的回到我父親的家,我就必以耶和華爲我的神,我 to put on, so that I come again to my father’s house in peace; then shall the Lord be my
所立爲柱子的石頭,也必作神的殿;凡你所賜給我的,我 God: and this stone, which I have set for a pillar, shall be God’s house: and of all that
必將十分之一獻給你。』(20 ~ 22。)這是雅各對於神的 thou shalt give me I will surely give the tenth unto thee” (vv. 20-22). This was Jacob’s
答應,這是雅各對於神的認識。 answer to God. This was the extent of Jacob’s knowledge of God.

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神對他說,『我也與你同在,』他對神說,『神若與我 God said to him, “Behold, I am with thee,” and Jacob said to God, “If God will be with
同在;』神說,『你無論往那裏去,我必保佑你,』他說,『神 me.” God said, “[I] will keep thee in all places wither thou goest,” and Jacob said, “If
若…保佑我。』神說『同在』,他說『若…同在』;神說『必 God…will keep me in this way that I go.” This was Jacob’s knowledge of God.
再看他的要求是甚麼。我們看他所要求的,就能知道他 Let us consider Jacob’s petition. His petition reveals the things he was after. He
所注重的。他說,『又給我食物喫、衣服穿…。』他所顧 said, “If God will…give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on...” He cared about things
念的,就是衣食的問題,他沒有看見神的計畫。從雅各這 related to his eating and clothing. He did not see God’s plan. This word also shows us
一句話,也給我們看見雅各所受的管教。他本來在家裏是 the type of discipline he had received from his parents. He was a spoiled child at home.
一個嬌兒,因著受管教的緣故,遠離了家庭。昨晚是第一 He left his home only because of God’s discipline. This was the first night that he had
次露宿,用石頭當作枕頭。從今以後,不知道食物從那裏 ever camped out, and he made the stones his pillows. From this point on, he did not
來,也不知道衣服從那裏來,所以他現在所顧念的,是飲 know where his food and raiment would come from. Therefore, his mind was on food
食衣服的問題。他在衣食的問題上受管教。他現在看見, and raiment. He was disciplined in the matter of food and raiment. He saw that in
用不正當的手段要得著祝福,結果反而連食物也沒有,衣 trying to gain the blessing by guile, he ended up with no food and clothing, and he lost
服也沒有,父親的家也沒有了。所以他對神說,『神若與 his father’s house. Therefore, he said, “If God will be with me, and will keep me in this
我同在,在我所行的路上保佑我,又給我食物喫、衣服穿, way that I go, and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on, so that I come again
使我平平安安的回到我父親的家…。』他所盼望的,就是 to my father’s house in peace...” His hope was to have food to eat and raiment to put on
有喫、有穿、平平安安的回到父親的家。如果神是這樣待 and to be able to return to his father’s house. If God would do these things for him, he
他,他就要這樣作:『我所立爲柱子的石頭,也必作神的殿; would do the following: “This stone, which I have set for a pillar, shall be God’s house:
凡你所賜給我的,我必將十分之一獻給你。』這就是雅各, and of all that thou shalt give me I will surely give the tenth unto thee.” This was Jacob.
這就是雅各起初認識神的程度。神給他多少,他必將十分 This was the degree of Jacob’s knowledge of God at the beginning. Whatever God would
之一獻給神。他的思想,是買賣的思想;他與神的來往, give to him, he would give back a tenth to God. His thoughts were very commercial. His
好像不過是作買賣。神與他同在,神保佑他,神給他食物 communication with God was a kind of bargaining. If God would be with him, keep him,
喫、衣服穿,神使他平平安安的回家去,然後他就用十分 give him food and raiment, and guide him safely back to his father’s house in peace, he
之一來報答神。 would reward God with one tenth of his possessions.
這是雅各第一次遇見神。因爲伯特利是神第一次與雅各 This was the first time Jacob met God. Bethel was the place where God spoke to
說話的地方,所以,以後神對雅各說話的時候,就說『我 Jacob for the first time. Thereafter, when God spoke to Jacob, He always said, “I am the
是伯特利的神』。(三一 13。)這一次雅各雖然還不大認 God of Bethel” (31:13). Although Jacob did not know God that well at this time, God
識神,但是神在伯特利所給他的印象,是很深的印象。這 left a deep impression in him at Bethel. This was the first time that God dealt with him.
一次是神第一次對付他。再過二十年,他因著受過管教, Twenty years later, after much discipline, he became a useful man.
在哈蘭所受的管教 The Discipline Jacob Experienced in Haran
創世記二十九章告訴我們,雅各到了東方人之地,在井 Genesis 29 tells us that Jacob went to the land of the people of the east and saw the
旁看見了一班從哈蘭來的牧人。『雅各正和他們說話的時 shepherds who came from Haran. “And while he yet spoke with them, Rachel came with
候,拉結領著她父親的羊來了,因爲那些羊是她牧放的。 her father’s sheep: for she kept them. And it came to pass, when Jacob saw Rachel the
雅各看見母舅拉班的女兒拉結,和母舅拉班的羊羣,就上 daughter of Laban his mother’s brother, and the sheep of Laban his mother’s brother,

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前把石頭轉離井口,飲他母舅拉班的羊羣。雅各與拉結親 that Jacob went near, and rolled the stone from the well’s mouth, and watered the flock
嘴,就放聲而哭。』(9 ~ 11。)他在路上遇見神的時候, of Laban his mother’s brother. And Jacob kissed Rachel, and lifted up his voice, and
已經罣慮喫甚麼、穿甚麼;現在到了東方,遇見了自己的 wept” (vv. 9-11). When he met God on his way, he worried about food and raiment.
親戚,他第一件事就是放聲而哭。這一個哭,就說出他在 When he had reached the land of the east and met his relatives, the first thing he did
路上所經過的情形,以及豫料將來要遇到的情形。一個有 was weep. This weeping tells us what he experienced on his way and what he expected
計謀、有打算的人是不大會哭的,除非到了沒有辦法的時 to face in the future. A scheming and calculating man usually does not weep. He weeps
候才會哭。但是雅各現在哭了。 only when he finds that he cannot do anything anymore. Jacob wept at this point.
神在他身上又要作一個工作了,他到了舅父的家裏,他 God was also ready to begin another work in him. When he arrived at his uncle Laban’s
舅父拉班對他說,『你實在是我的骨肉。』雅各就和他同 house, his uncle said to him, “Surely thou art my bone and my flesh,” and Jacob abode with
住了一個月。(14。)他作舅父的客人,作了一個月之後, him for a month (v. 14). After being a guest of his uncle for a month, his uncle said in a
他舅父好像很有禮貌的對他說,『你雖是我的骨肉,豈可 seemingly polite way, “Because thou art my brother, shouldest thou therefore serve me
白白的服事我?請告訴我你要甚麼爲工價。』(15。)從 for nought? tell me, what shall thy wages be?” (v. 15). From this word we see that Laban’s
這一句話裏面,可見拉班的頭腦也是一個作買賣的頭腦。 mind was also the mind of a businessman. He and Jacob turned out to be the same kind
拉班和雅各竟是一樣一式的人!以掃碰著雅各的時候,以 of person! When Esau was with Jacob, he could not deal with Jacob. But when Jacob met
掃沒有法子對付雅各;但是雅各碰著拉班的時候,雅各也 Laban, Jacob found it hard to deal with Laban. A quick-tempered person may often come
難以對付拉班。脾氣急的人碰著脾氣急的人,鄙吝的人碰 across another quick-tempered person. A stingy person may often come across another
著鄙吝的人,驕傲的人碰著驕傲的人,喜歡佔便宜的人碰 stingy person. A proud person may often come across another proud person. A person
著喜歡佔便宜的人,都是磨煉很多,難以對付的。現在雅 who likes to take advantage of others may often come across another person who equally
各所碰見的,就是如此。神的管教,把他擺在拉班這樣的 likes to take advantage of others. These are all thorny trials. This was what Jacob was faced
人那裏。『你雖是我的骨肉,豈可白白的服事我?請告訴 with at that time. God’s discipline put him before a man like Laban. “Because thou art my
我你要甚麼爲工價。』這話表面好聽得很,其實拉班的意 brother, shouldest thou therefore serve me for nought? tell me, what shall thy wages be?”
思是說,你不應當白喫我的飯,應當爲我作一點事情,我 Apparently this word sounded nice. Actually, Laban was saying that Jacob should not eat
就給你一點錢。拉班不過用一句好聽的話來說出他的意思 his food for free, that he should work a little, and that he would be given a little money.
而已。從前雅各在家裏是作兒子,今天在這裏竟作了雇工! Laban was only putting it in a nice way. In the past, Jacob was a son at home. Now he had
這是神在環境中給他的管教。 to be a hired worker! This was God’s discipline through the environment.
他服事拉班,他所要的工價是娶拉結。他爲拉結的緣故, He served Laban, and the payment he wanted was Rachel. For Rachel’s sake, he served
服事了拉班七年,結果他受拉班的欺騙,所娶的卻是利亞。 Laban seven years. In the end he was cheated by Laban and was given Leah instead. Formerly
前些日子他欺騙別人,現在他被別人欺騙!好,他又爲拉 he deceived others; now he was deceived! So he served Laban seven more years for the
結的緣故,服事拉班七年。在這十四年之中,他就是爲著 sake of Rachel. During those fourteen years, he served his uncle for the sake of Laban’s two
舅父的兩個女兒而服事舅父。他服事舅父二十年之久,可 daughters. In all he served his uncle for twenty years. During this time, his uncle deceived
是他舅父欺哄他,十次改了他的工價。本來說好工作作了 him and changed his wages ten times. Originally it was agreed that he would get a certain
就給多少錢,可是現在是工作作好之後又說不行,要改價 sum of money after he finished his work. But after the work was finished, he was told that
錢。拉班改了他十次工價,平均兩年改一次。雅各在這裏 something was wrong, and his wages were changed. Laban changed Jacob’s wages ten times.
真是受試煉。 On the average, this was one change every two years. Jacob was indeed being tried.
但是,感謝神,這是神的手在他身上。在伯特利,神曾 But thank the Lord that this was God’s hand upon him. In Bethel God said that He
說,我必領你歸回這地。神應許領他回去,但是神要他先 would bring him back to the land. God promised that he would return. Before that,
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認識神的家。神在那裏抓住他。神把雅各放在與他一樣的 however, He first wanted him to know God’s house. God was holding Jacob. He put Jacob
有計謀、有聰明、有手段的拉班的家裏,使雅各受對付。 in the house of Laban, a man who was as crafty, clever, and shrewd as he was, so that
雅各在這一段時期之內,開始學習服在神大能的手下。但 Jacob would be dealt with. During this period, Jacob began to learn to submit under the
這並不是說,雅各這個人改變了。雅各在這一段時期之內, mighty hand of God. But this does not mean that Jacob as a person had changed. Jacob
還能想辦法使生下來的小羊都是有斑點的,歸他自己。雅 still devised methods to make the lambs spotted and speckled so that they would become
各還是那個舊雅各,連拉班也對他無可奈何。拉班十次改 his. Jacob was still the same old Jacob. Even Laban could not deal with him. Even though
雅各的工價,可是雅各還有辦法勝過拉班。 Laban changed his wages ten times, Jacob still had the way to come out ahead of him.
神在雅各身上所作的工作就是這樣:神對雅各有一個 God had a purpose in Jacob. In order to fulfill His purpose, God disciplined him
目的,神要帶領他達到那一個目的,就在各方面用管教來 in many ways. He wanted to deal with his strong points. This was God’s work which
對付他太強的那一點。神就是這樣一步一步的對付雅各, He wanted to accomplish in Jacob. He dealt with Jacob step by step. For twenty years
二十年之久,一直使雅各受傷,一直使雅各受虧。一面神 Jacob was repeatedly wounded and he repeatedly suffered. On the one hand, God
在他身上作工,使他受管教;一面他的肉體還是在那裏, was working in him to discipline him. On the other hand, his flesh was still present,
他還是那樣狡猾,還是那樣詭詐。但是神一直在他身上作 and he was as cunning and crafty as before. However, God did not give up working on
工,使他從這些不順利的環境中,不得不承認這是神的手 him. Through all of his adverse circumstances, he eventually came to acknowledge
在那裏。 God’s hand.
拉結生約瑟之後,雅各曾想回去過,但是他受管教的日 After Rachel gave birth to Joseph, Jacob thought about returning home. But his days
子還沒有滿足,還得服在拉班的手下,早一天走都不行。 of discipline were not yet fulfilled, and he still had to submit under the hand of Laban.
He could not leave one day too soon.
我們應當相信神的手所作的事都是對的。我們的環境是 We should believe that everything that passes through God’s hand is good.
神所安排的,是爲著我們的好處的。環境每一點的安排, Our circumstances are arranged by God and are there for our benefit. Every
都是爲著我們的好處;環境每一點的安排,都是爲著對付 environmental arrangement is for our benefit; it deals with the strong points in
我們天然特別剛強的那一部分。我們盼望神對付我們用不 our natural life. We hope that God will not need to use twenty years to deal with
著二十年,但是,可惜有的人過了二十年還沒有學好他的 us. But unfortunately, some people do not learn the lesson even after twenty years.
功課。有的人雖然一直受試煉,一直受管教,但是他並沒 Although some people have been tested and disciplined, they never advance; it is a
有進步,他的肉體並沒有被神摸著而變爲輭弱,所以他在 pity that their flesh is never touched or weakened, and they are still scheming and
那裏還是會打算,還是詭計多端,這是十分可惜的。弟兄 supplanting. Brothers and sisters, we should not complain that God’s hand is too
姊妹,你不要怪神的手重重的壓在你身上。神知道祂所作 heavy. God knows what He is doing. Originally, Jacob was a merciless person, but
的是甚麼事。本來雅各這個人是一個無情的人,但是他受 after he was disciplined by God, he became a kind and loving person in his old age.
了神的管教,到年老的時候,他變成一個慈愛的人了。但 May we see that all our experiences in our environments are measured one by one by
願我們能看見,所有我們遭遇的一切,都是聖靈在環境裏 the Holy Spirit according to our need. No experience comes to us by accident. All the
照著我們的需要,一件一件的量給我們的。沒有一個基督 experiences we encounter are arranged by the Holy Spirit and are there to edify us.
徒的遭遇是偶然的。基督徒所有的遭遇,都是聖靈所安排 While we are passing through these disciplines and trials, we may not feel joyful or
的;這些都是爲著造就我們的。我們在那裏經過管教、試 comfortable, but they are all part of God’s work in us. Afterwards, we will realize that
煉的時候,雖然當時並不覺得好,並不覺得快樂,但是, these experiences were all for our benefit.
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讀經: Scripture Reading:
創世記三十一至三十五章:從畧。 Gen. 31—35 (OMITTED)
『雅各』這一個名字,在原文中有好幾個意思:有一個意 There are a few meanings of the name Jacob in the original language. One meaning
思是抓住,還有一個意思是詭詐的排擠者。我們在前面已經說 is “to grasp,” and another is “to supplant.” We have said previously that Jacob was
過,雅各這一個人因爲詭計多端的緣故,所以他一直受神的管 constantly under God’s discipline because of his craftiness. God would not allow him
教。神不讓他自由,神使他離開家。二十年之久,神讓他在 to be free. He made him leave his home. For twenty years, God allowed him to be
巴旦亞蘭受他舅父的欺,被他舅父十次改了他的工價,這日子 cheated by his uncle in Padan-aram; his wages were changed ten times. This was a
實在是不好過的。所以,雅各的經歷與以撒的經歷是完全不同 very difficult period for him. Jacob’s experience was totally different from that of Isaac.
的。以撒的特點是接受,我們接受從神來的豐富,這是很快、 Isaac’s characteristic was one of receiving. It is quick and easy for us to receive riches
很容易的。一個基督徒如果要進入基督的豐富,看見基督的事 from God. It takes only a short time for a Christian to enter into the riches of Christ
實是他的,看見基督的生命是他的,那快得很,只要一看見, and to realize that the facts in Christ and the life of Christ are his. The moment he sees
就立刻能進去,甚麼問題都解決了。但是,雅各的經歷不是這 this, he enters into it, and all problems are solved. But Jacob’s experience was different;
樣,乃是一生一世的。天然的生命,是一生一世的。我們活在 his experience lasted a lifetime. The natural life is something that lasts a lifetime. The
地上有多久,我們這一個人的血氣的活動也跟著有多久,這就 activity of our flesh lasts for as long as we live on this earth. This means that we need
需要神長久的、繼續不斷的對付,需要神一步一步的對付。我 God’s continuous, long-term dealings; He has to deal with us step by step. We thank the
們感謝神,這一個工作並不是永遠作不好的,並不是永遠作不 Lord that this work will not be left unfinished; it will not be left undone. God will finish
了的。神總有一天能作得好。總有一天,神摸著雅各天然能力 this work. God put His hand on Jacob’s natural strength, and he became weak. Let us
集中的地方,雅各就變爲輭弱。現在我們來看雅各的歷史的第 consider the third section of Jacob’s history, which covers the way his natural life was
三段,就是他天然的生命怎樣因神的對付而脫了節。 broken through God’s dealings.

神在拉班的家裏花了許多年的工夫,一直對付雅各這個 God used Jacob’s years in the house of Laban to deal with him, to discipline
人,使他受管教,把他壓在那裏。但是雅各還是雅各,不 him, and to subdue him. But Jacob was still Jacob. No matter how shrewd Laban
管拉班的手段多辣,雅各還是作一個上算的人。他雖然受 was, Jacob still came out on top. Although he was oppressed in many ways, he
盡欺負,但他還是有辦法的,連羊羣都上了他的當。二十 was still very resourceful; even his flock fell for his schemes. After twenty years,
年以後,時候到了,他已經在那裏生了十一個兒子了,這 the time had come for God to speak to him. He had already had eleven sons, but
時候,神對雅各說話了。自伯特利那一次神在夢中對他說 this was the first time that God spoke to him since the time He spoke to him in the
話以後,二十年來,這是神第一次對他說話。 dream at Bethel.
神釋放雅各回迦南 God Releasing Jacob Back to Canaan

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創世記三十一章三節:『耶和華對雅各說,你要回你祖你 Genesis 31:3 says, “And the Lord said unto Jacob, Return unto the land of thy fathers,
父之地,到你親族那裏去,我必與你同在。』又十三節:『我 and to thy kindred; and I will be with thee.” Verse 13 says, “I am the God of Bethel,
是伯特利的神;你在那裏用油澆過柱子,向我許過願;現今 where thou anointedst the pillar, and where thou vowedst a vow unto me: now arise,
你起來離開這地,回你本地去吧。』神在這裏呼召雅各,叫 get thee out from this land, and return unto the land of thy kindred.” God was calling
他回到本地去。於是,雅各就豫備回到他祖他父的地方去。 Jacob to return to his own land. Subsequently, Jacob prepared to return to his kindred’s
當然,我們知道拉班是不願意讓雅各走的。雖然拉班也喫雅 land. Laban, however, did not want to let Jacob go. Although Jacob had somewhat taken
各的虧,但是究竟神還是因著雅各的緣故而祝福拉班,究竟 advantage of Laban, God still blessed Laban for Jacob’s sake. It was still better for Jacob
雅各服事拉班比拉班自己牧羊還好得多,所以,拉班是不會 to serve him than for him to shepherd the flock himself. Hence, Laban would not let
讓雅各走的。當雅各對拉結和利亞說明了他的心意,也得了 Jacob go. After Jacob told Rachel and Leah of his intention and had their consent, he
她們的同意之後,就帶著妻子、兒女,以及他在巴旦亞蘭所 took his wives, children, and all the cattle and possessions he had acquired in Padan-
得的一切牲畜和財物,背著拉班,偷偷的走了。 aram and secretly left without telling Laban.
到第三日,拉班知道了,就起來追趕他。在快追上的前 On the third day, Laban learned of this and went after Jacob. The night before he
一夜,神在夢中對拉班說,『你要小心,不可與雅各說好 caught up with Jacob, God spoke to Laban in a dream: “Take heed that thou speak not to
說歹。』(24。)神不許可拉班說甚麼,因爲神要帶領雅 Jacob either good or bad” (v. 24). God would not allow Laban to say anything, because
各回去,神要雅各離開試煉之地。時候到了,神要釋放他。 He was leading Jacob out of the place of trial and was taking him home. The time had
所有的試煉,都有一定的期限,那一個試煉的目的一達到, come, and God wanted to release him. Every trial will last for only a limited period of
神就要釋放,連拉班也沒有辦法扣住。拉班聽了神對他所 time. When the goal of Jacob’s trial was reached, God released him and Laban could do
說的話,等他追上雅各的時候,他就不敢多說甚麼。結果, nothing to stop him. Laban heard God’s word, and dared not say much when he caught
拉班就與雅各立約。這一個約是很有意思的。『拉班又說, up with Jacob. Eventually, they made a covenant. This covenant was very meaningful.
你看我在你我中間所立的這石堆、和柱子;這石堆作證據, “And Laban said to Jacob, Behold this heap, and behold this pillar, which I have cast
這柱子也作證據,我必不過這石堆去害你,你也不可過這 betwixt me and thee; this heap be witness, and this pillar be witness, that I will not pass
石堆和柱子,來害我;但願亞伯拉罕的神,和拿鶴的神…。』 over this heap to thee, and that thou shalt not pass over this heap and this pillar unto
(51 ~ 53。)拉班是拿鶴的孫子,拿鶴是亞伯拉罕的兄弟, me, for harm. The God of Abraham, and the God of Nahor...” (vv. 51-53a). Laban was the
所以拉班說,『但願亞伯拉罕的神,和拿鶴的神…。』但是, grandson of Nahor, who was Abraham’s brother. Consequently, Laban said, “The God of
這是神所不承認的。『雅各就指著他父親以撒所敬畏的神 Abraham, and the God of Nahor...” But God would not recognize this, so “Jacob swore by
起誓。』(53 下。)拉班能很客氣的說,『亞伯拉罕的神, the fear of his father Isaac” (v. 53b). Laban could say politely, “The God of Abraham, and
和拿鶴的神,』但是雅各不能這樣說,雅各只能指著他父 the God of Nahor,” but Jacob could not say this. He could only swear by the God of his
親以撒的神起誓。這就說明了神應許的路線是從揀選起頭 father Isaac. This means that the line of God’s promise began from His choosing. God
的,神揀選雅各的父親以撒和雅各的祖父亞伯拉罕,這是 had chosen Jacob’s father Isaac and his grandfather Abraham. God alone had done this,
神自己作的,別人不能插進去,拿鶴不能插進去。 and no one else could interfere. Even Nahor could not interfere.
下面的事更寶貴,就是雅各『又在山上獻祭』。(54。) The incident following this was even more precious. “Then Jacob offered sacrifice
拉班沒有獻祭,只有雅各獻祭。雅各聽見了神的聲音,就 upon the mount” (v. 54). Laban did not offer up any sacrifice; only Jacob offered up
開始親近神,他有進步了。從前他到巴旦亞蘭去,是他的 sacrifice. Jacob heard God’s voice and began to draw near to God. He had made some
父母叫他去的,並不是因爲聽神的話去的;後來他在伯特 progress. He went to Padan-aram because his mother had persuaded him to go; he
利遇見神,他向神也沒有作甚麼,不過向神許了一個願; did not go because of God’s word. When he met God at Bethel, he did not do anything
這一次是神叫他回去,他也聽從了神的話就動身回去,雅 except make a vow to God. For his return God told him to go back, and he obeyed God’s

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各與神的關係開始進步了。可以說這是他第一次聽神的話, word to return. His relationship with God had improved. This was the first time he
這是他第一次順服神,這也是他第一次獻祭給神。雖然神 obeyed God’s word. This was the first time he submitted to God and the first time he
二十年的管教並沒有把雅各改變爲另外一個人,但是雅各 offered sacrifice to God. Although the twenty years of discipline did not make Jacob a
已經顯出他要神的心,已經有進步了。雅各起初那樣抓住 different man, he now showed some desire for God. There was some progress. When
哥哥的腳跟,那樣要長子的名分,那樣要祝福,那並不是 Jacob took hold of his brother’s heel and coveted the birthright and blessing, he was not
他要神,他不過是要從神那裏得著好處而已。換句話說, after God, but after the goodness from God. In other words, he wanted God’s gift and
他要神的恩賜,不是要賜恩者;他要神的東西,不是要神 not the Giver. He wanted God’s things and not God Himself. But after twenty years of
的自己。可是現在,他經過了神二十年的管教,開始有一 discipline under God, there was some inclination toward God and some turn. Therefore,
點傾向神,有一點轉機了。所以當他與拉班立約之後,拉 at the time of their covenanting, only Jacob offered sacrifice to God; Laban did not offer
班沒有獻祭,他卻獻祭與神。 any sacrifice.
雅各獻完了祭,第二天與拉班分別,就行路要回迦南地 After Jacob offered his sacrifice, he parted with Laban the next day and set out on
去了。 his journey to Canaan.
經過瑪哈念 Through Mahanaim
創世記三十二章一至二節:『雅各仍舊行路,神的使者遇 Genesis 32:1-2 says, “And Jacob went on his way, and the angels of God met him.
見他。雅各看見他們就說,這是神的軍兵;於是給那地方起 And when Jacob saw them, he said, This is God’s host: and he called the name of that
名叫瑪哈念。』『瑪哈念』在原文的意思就是『兩營軍兵』。 place Mahanaim.” The name Mahanaim means “two camps.” This is a precious word.
這一句話很寶貴,這是神開雅各的眼睛,給他看見,因爲他 God was opening Jacob’s eyes to see that as a result of his obedience to God to leave
順服神,離開巴旦亞蘭回家去,所以神要拯救他脫離拉班的 Padan-aram, God had delivered him from the hand of Laban and would deliver him
手,今後還要拯救他脫離其他人的手。神開他的眼睛,給他 from the hands of others. God opened his eyes to see that his company of people
看見他在地上一大批的人是一營,神的軍兵也是一營,所以 on earth was one camp, while God’s army was another camp; hence, there were the
說是『兩營』。神開雅各的眼睛,給他看見神的使者與他一 “two camps.” God opened his eyes to see that the messenger of God was with them.
路走。起先,神自己來找他,對他說,『你要回你祖你父之 First, God came to him alone and said to him, “Return unto the land of thy fathers,
地,到你親族那裏去,我必與你同在;』等他走在路上,拉 and to thy kindred; and I will be with thee.” While he was on his way, Laban came
班帶著一班人追上來了,神就給他保護,用事實來證明有神 with a company of men, but God protected him. This proved to Jacob that God was
與他同在;等到拉班走了之後,神還給他這個異象,叫他看 with him. After Laban left, God gave him a vision and showed him that there was not
見不只有地上的一營在這裏,並且還有一營天上的軍兵跟著 only a camp on earth, but another camp of heavenly hosts following him. All of these
他。這一切,使他不能不學習相信神。 incidents taught him to trust in God.
一面打算一面禱告 Scheming while Praying
但是,在這一種境遇之中,雅各還是雅各。肉體總是 Under such circumstances, however, Jacob was still Jacob. The flesh is still the flesh;
肉體,肉體永遠不能受神恩典的感化。雖然雅各看見了 it will never be reformed by God’s grace. Although Jacob had seen the vision, it was a
這異象,但是可憐得很,他在底下還是照常用他的手腕。 pity that he still exercised his maneuvering. Let us read verses 3 through 5: “And Jacob
我們看三至五節:『雅各打發人先往西珥地去,就是以 sent messengers before him to Esau his brother unto the land of Seir, the country of
東地,見他哥哥以掃。吩咐他們說,你們對我主以掃說, Edom. And he commanded them, saying, Thus shall ye speak unto my lord Esau; Thy
你的僕人雅各這樣說,我在拉班那裏寄居,直到如今。 servant Jacob saith thus, I have sojourned with Laban, and stayed there until now:

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我有牛、驢、羊羣、僕婢,現在打發人來報告我主,爲 and I have oxen, and asses, flocks, and menservants, and womenservants: and I have
要在你眼前蒙恩。』我們讀了這一段話,就看出雅各這 sent to tell my lord, that I may find grace in thy sight.” This passage shows us that
個人甚麼手段都能用,甚麼卑鄙的話都能說。只要叫自 Jacob was a person who could resort to any amount of maneuvering and say any kind
己不喫虧,他甚麼事都能作得出。他想他的話能改變他 of despicable word. He would do anything to save himself from any disadvantage. He
哥哥的心,他忘記了神的呼召,他忘記了神的保護。他 thought his words could change his brother’s heart, but he had forgotten God’s calling
忘記了神的使者! and protection. He had forgotten God’s angels!
六節:『所打發的人回到雅各那裏說,我們到了你哥 Verse 6 says, “And the messengers returned to Jacob, saying, We came to thy brother
哥以掃那裏,他帶著四百人,正迎著你來。』雅各又糊塗 Esau, and also he cometh to meet thee, and four hundred men with him.” Jacob was
起來了,想想到底這是好意呢,還是惡意?現在以掃帶著 confused once again. He wondered if this word was out of good intention or evil
四百人來,到底爲著甚麼呢?七節:『雅各就甚懼怕,而 intention. Esau was coming with four hundred men. What was his purpose? Verse 7
且愁煩。』可見越是會打算的人,就罣慮越多、憂愁越多、 says, “Then Jacob was greatly afraid and distressed.” This shows that those who plan
懼怕越多。雅各只會思想,不會倚靠;只會打算,不會相 the most also worry the most. The more anxiety a person has, the more fear he has.
信。他一天到晚就是在懼怕和愁煩裏過日子,這就是雅各。 Jacob could only think; he could not trust. He could only scheme; he could not believe.
肉體沒有受對付的人,只會倚靠自己的打算、自己的計謀, He lived his days in fear and distress. This was Jacob. Those whose flesh is not dealt
不會倚靠神、相信神,所以他只好懼怕、愁煩。 with can only trust in their own planning and scheming; they cannot trust in God or
believe in Him. Therefore, they can only fear and worry.
雅各的打算是無窮的,他的計謀是無盡的,他還要想 Jacob’s considerations were endless and his schemes unlimited. He was still making
辦法。他知道神要他回去,如果他再住在米所波大米, his own plans. He knew that God wanted him to return and that he could not stay in
那是不行的,所以無論如何他總是要想辦法回去的。他 Mesopotamia any longer. He had to find a way to return. He could obey God, but he
能順服神,但是他不能信靠神。他不能讓神承擔他順服 could not trust in God. He could not let God be responsible for the consequences of his
的結果。他想,如果因順服神而闖了禍,那怎麼辦?許 obedience. He wondered what would happen if he encountered troubles as a result of
多基督徒也是這樣,往往前門順服神,後門豫備出路。 obeying God. This is the experience of many Christians. They often obey God “at the
雅各真會想辦法,結果,辦法想出來了:『便把那與他 front door,” but at the same time prepare a way of escape “through the back door.” Jacob
同在的人口,和羊羣、牛羣、駱駝,分作兩隊。』(7。) was truly resourceful. He came up with an idea. “He divided the people that was with
這裏的『兩隊』,在原文中與前面的『瑪哈念』是同一 him, and the flocks, and herds, and the camels, into two bands” (v. 7). The “two bands”
個辭。雅各把自己的人口和牲畜也分作『瑪哈念』,他 in this verse are the same as the name Mahanaim in the previous verse. Jacob divided
把這個『瑪哈念』來代替那個『瑪哈念』。本來是他在 his people and cattle into Mahanaim. He used this Mahanaim to replace that other
地上有一隊,神在天上有一隊;現在他卻把地上的一隊 Mahanaim. Originally, Jacob had one band on earth and God had one band in heaven,
也分作兩隊,他說,『以掃若來擊殺這一隊,剩下的那 but now Jacob divided his band into two. He said, “If Esau come to the one company,
一隊還可以逃避。』(8。)雅各想辦法的結果,是豫 and smite it, then the other company which is left shall escape” (v. 8). The goal of
備逃避。 Jacob’s scheme was to provide a way for escape.
不過到底他還是有些認識神的,從前神來找過他,現 Of course, he still knew something of God. Formerly, God had sought after him, now
在他來找神了:『雅各說,耶和華,我祖亞伯拉罕的神, he sought after God. “And Jacob said, O God of my father Abraham, and God of my father
我父親以撒的神阿,你曾對我說,回你本地本族去,我 Isaac, the Lord which saidst unto me, Return unto thy country, and to thy kindred, and
要厚待你。你向僕人所施的一切慈愛和誠實,我一點也 I will deal well with thee: I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies, and of all the
不配得;我先前只拿著我的杖過這約但河,如今我卻成 truth, which thou hast showed unto thy servant; for with my staff I passed over this
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了兩隊了。求你救我脫離我哥哥以掃的手,因爲我怕他 Jordan; and now I am become two bands. Deliver me, I pray thee, from the hand of my
來殺我,連妻子帶兒女一同殺了。你曾說,我必定厚待 brother, from the hand of Esau: for I fear him, lest he will come and smite me, and the
你,使你的後裔如同海邊的沙,多得不可勝數。』(9 ~ mother with the children. And thou saidst, I will surely do thee good, and make thy
12。)這是雅各的禱告。當然,我們還不能說雅各這一 seed as the sand of the sea, which cannot be numbered for multitude” (vv. 9-12). This
個禱告是很高的,但是,我們不能不承認這已經比從前 was Jacob’s prayer. This prayer was not a high prayer, but we must admit that it was
好得多了。在已往,他只有打算,沒有禱告;到現在, much better than before. In the past he only planned; there was no prayer. Now he both
他也有打算,也有禱告。雅各在這裏,一面打算,一面 planned and prayed. Jacob was planning on the one hand and praying on the other hand.
禱告;一面自己活動,一面仰望神。這樣的情形,難道 On the one hand, he was having his own activity, and on the other hand, he was looking
只有雅各一個人麼?許多基督徒的情形不也是這樣麼? to God. Is Jacob the only person who has done this kind of thing? Is this not the condition
無論如何,雅各比從前進步了。在這裏,雅各禱告的話 of many Christians? Yet, in spite of this, Jacob’s condition had improved. His prayer and
語和所站的地位,都是不錯的。他稱呼神爲『我祖亞伯 the position he took were quite proper. He called God the “God of my father Abraham,
拉罕的神,我父親以撒的神』,他也知道是神叫他回本 and God of my father Isaac.” He knew that God wanted him to return to his own land
地本族去的,神要厚待他。同時,他也明明告訴神,他 and to his kindred, and that He would bless him. He told God plainly that he was afraid
怕他的哥哥來殺他,這是他的誠實。他對神說,『你曾 his brother would come and kill him. He was honest, and said to the Lord, “Thou saidst,
說,我必…使你的後裔如同海邊的沙,多得不可勝數,』 I will surely...make thy seed as the sand of the sea, which cannot be numbered for
他記得神的應許,他在這裏題醒神。 multitude.” He remembered God’s promise and reminded God of the promise.
但是另一面,他又不能相信神,他擔心如果神的話落 At the same time, however, he could not trust in God. He was afraid of what would
了空怎麼辦。叫他不倚靠神,那不行,因爲神已經對他說 happen if God’s word failed. He could not cast away his trust in God, because God had
話了;叫他完全倚靠神,他又怕太冒險。他盼望又倚靠 spoken to him, but he considered it very risky to trust in God completely. He wanted to
神,又不冒險,所以他不得不想許多方法:『就從他所有 trust in God, yet without risk. Therefore, he came up with his own ways. “He lodged there
的物中拿禮物,要送給他哥哥以掃:母山羊二百隻,公山 that same night; and took of that which came to his hand a present for Esau his brother;
羊二十隻,母綿羊二百隻,公綿羊二十隻,奶崽子的駱駝 two hundred she goats and twenty he goats, two hundred ewes and twenty rams, thirty
三十隻,各帶著崽子,母牛四十隻,公牛十隻,母驢二十 milch camels with their colts, forty kine and ten bulls, twenty she asses and ten foals.
匹,驢駒十匹;每樣各分一羣,交在僕人手下,就對僕人 And he delivered them into the hand of his servants, every drove by themselves; and
說,你們要在我前頭過去,使羣羣相離有空閒的地方。又 said unto his servants, Pass over before me, and put a space betwixt drove and drove.
吩咐儘先走的說,我哥哥以掃遇見你的時候,問你說,你 And he commanded the foremost, saying, When Esau my brother meeteth thee, and
是那家的人?要往那裏去?你前頭這些是誰的?你就說, asketh thee, saying, Whose art thou? and whither goest thou? and whose are these
是你僕人雅各的,是送給我主以掃的禮物,他自己也在我 before thee? Then thou shalt say, They be thy servant Jacob’s; it is a present sent unto my
們後邊。又吩咐第二、第三、和一切趕羣畜的人說,你們 lord Esau: and, behold, also he is behind us. And so commanded he the second, and the
遇見以掃的時候,也要這樣對他說;並且你們要說,你僕 third, and all that followed the droves, saying, On this manner shall ye speak unto Esau,
人雅各在我們後邊;因雅各心裏說,我藉著在我前頭去的 when ye find him. And say ye moreover, Behold, thy servant Jacob is behind us. For he
禮物解他的恨,然後再見他的面,或者他容納我。於是禮 said, I will appease him with the present that goeth before me, and afterward I will see
物先過去了;那夜雅各在隊中住宿。』(13 ~ 21。)哦, his face; peradventure he will accept of me. So went the present over before him; and
這是雅各的傑作!雅各現在碰到他一生一世所未曾碰到過 himself lodged that night in the company” (vv. 13-21). This was Jacob’s master plan! He
的危險,真是到了性命難保的關頭。雅各一生一世碰到許 was facing the peril of his lifetime; it was a moment of life and death. Jacob had passed
多的事,但是沒有碰到像這樣絕路的事。他知道他哥哥的 through many things, but he had never encountered a situation as desperate as this one.

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脾氣,他知道他哥哥是個打獵的人,不憐恤野獸,或許也 He knew his brother’s temperament, and he knew that his brother was a hunter who did
不憐恤人。這是雅各最危險的時候。雅各從來沒有像這樣 not pity the animals. He was afraid that he would not have pity on men as well. This was
禱告過,也從來沒有一天比這天更懼怕,比這天更憂愁。 Jacob’s most perilous hour. He had never prayed as he then prayed, and he was never
在伯特利的那一次是神找他,現在是他呼求神。說他不敬 as fearful and as anxious as he was on that day. In Bethel God sought him out. Now he
畏神麼,可是他也禱告;說他信靠神麼,可是他又想出了 called on God. If you say that he did not fear God, you must remember that he prayed.
許多計謀、許多方法!他對於神的應許,說忘記又像是記 But if you say that he trusted in God, you must remember that he came up with all these
得,說記得又像是忘記。神曾拯救他脫離拉班的手,神也 schemes and ways! He seemed to have forgotten God’s promises, and at the same time, it
曾給他看見有一隊神的使者與他一路走;但他現在還是懼 appeared that he had not forgotten them completely. God delivered him out of the hand
怕,還是憂愁,還是打算,還是想辦法。二十年之久,神 of Laban and showed him that a host of God’s angels were going with him. However, he
把雅各壓在下面,使他受管教;但是,二十年之後,雅各 was still afraid and worried, and he was still planning and scheming. For twenty years
還是雅各,雅各的本領還是那麼大,雅各的口才還是那麼 God had subdued and disciplined Jacob, but twenty years later, Jacob was still Jacob. He
好,雅各的方法還是那麼多。在這裏,他把最好的辦法都 was still very capable in himself. His eloquence was still with him, and he still had all
拿出來了。 kinds of schemes. Here he came up with his best plan.
雅各在那一天晚上,先打發他的妻子、兒子、使女過河, That night Jacob took his wives, children, and womenservants over the river first.
又打發所有的都過去,只剩下自己一人。 Then he sent everything else over the river. He alone was left on this side.


就在那天夜間,神遇見他-『只剩下雅各一人;有一個人來 God met him that night. “Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him
和他摔跤,直到黎明。那人見自己勝不過他,就將他的大腿窩 until the breaking of the day. And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he
摸了一把,雅各的大腿窩,正在摔跤的時候就扭了。』(24 ~ touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob’s thigh was out of joint, as he
25。)這個地方叫作毘努伊勒。這一個地方,就是雅各血氣的 wrestled with him” (vv. 24-25). This place was called Peniel. It was the place where
生命最用力的地方,也就是雅各血氣的生命受對付的地方。 Jacob’s fleshly life was exhausted and dealt with.
神與雅各摔跤 God Wrestling with Jacob
在這一個地方,不是雅各在這裏作甚麼,也不是雅各禱 In this place Jacob was not doing something; he was not praying or wrestling with
告,也不是雅各去與神摔跤,乃是神來與雅各摔跤,是神 God. Rather, God came and wrestled with Jacob; God came and subdued him.
甚麼叫作摔跤?摔跤就是要把一個人壓在下面。神來與 What does it mean to wrestle? Wrestling means to press someone down. God
雅各摔跤,就是神要叫雅各服在祂的下面,要叫雅各沒有 wrestled with Jacob in order to subdue him, strip him of his strength, and pin him
力量,要叫雅各不能再動,要叫雅各不能再掙扎。摔跤的 down so that he could not struggle any longer. The meaning of wrestling is to deplete
意思,就是叫你沒有力氣,叫你倒下去,叫你不能動。摔 someone of his strength, bring him down, and pin him down. It means to subdue
跤的意思,就是把你摔倒了再有一個力量壓在你身上。聖 someone and then to keep him down with power. The Bible shows us that God wrestled
經告訴我們,神來與雅各摔跤,但是神不能勝過他。雅各 with Jacob and did not prevail over him. Jacob was indeed strong!

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甚麼叫作神不能勝過他呢?當我們不倚靠神的時候,當我們自 What is the significance of God being unable to prevail over Jacob? When we do not
己在那裏打算的時候,當我們自己在那裏覺得滿意的時候,我們 trust in God and when we contrive by ourselves and are satisfied with ourselves, we
只得承認說,神不能勝過我們。當我們在那裏用自己的力量去遵 have to admit that God cannot prevail over us. When we try to do God’s will by our own
行神的旨意,用各種各樣出乎天然的方法去拯救自己的時候,我 strength and try to deliver ourselves by all kinds of natural means, we have to say that
們只得承認說,神不能勝過我們。有許多弟兄姊妹,信主已經多 God has not prevailed over us. Many brothers and sisters have believed in the Lord for
年了,可是他們還只得承認說,神不能勝過他們。他們還是那樣 many years, but they have to admit that God has never prevailed over them. They are
聰明,還是那樣剛強,還是那樣有本事,還是那樣有辦法,神不 still very clever, strong, capable, and resourceful. God is not able to prevail over them.
能勝過他們。他們從來沒有被神摔倒過,從來沒有被神打敗過。 They have never been subdued by God and have never been defeated by Him. If they
如果被神打敗了,他就會說,『我不能了!神,我服了!』何等 had been defeated by God, they would have said, “I cannot make it! God, I surrender!”
可惜,有許多弟兄姊妹在神面前一直受管教,一次受神的管教, It is unfortunate that many brothers and sisters have been under God’s discipline
兩次受神的管教,三次受神的管教,結果還沒有被神打敗。他還 repeatedly and still are not defeated. They think that they did not plan well enough the
以爲前一次他打算得不彀好,所以第二次還要打算得周密些,第 first time, and that they have to design a better plan the second or third time. Such ones
三次更要打算得精密些,這樣的人從來沒有被神打敗過。 have never been defeated by God.
雅各這個人,是不打敗仗的,他知道他已經到了千鈞一 Jacob was a person who would never suffer a defeat. He knew that this was a
髮的時候,但是他的方法還多得很;在他想來,以掃這個 critical moment for him, but he still had his own ways. He might have thought, “I know
人我認識,我只要這樣作,這樣說,百分之九十九是會成 Esau very well. If I do this, there is a ninety-nine percent chance that I will succeed.”
功的。雖然他心裏很懼怕,但是另一面他卻仍舊有辦法。 Although he was afraid in his heart, he was still very resourceful.
有的人多次受過神的管教,但是,因爲他天然的生命還 Many people have repeatedly experienced God’s discipline, but their natural life has
沒有在根本上被神對付過,所以他反而會把神的管教拿來 never been dealt with in a thorough way. As a result, they make God’s discipline their
當作天然的誇口,以爲自己常受神的管教,是有屬靈的歷 boast in a natural way. They think that by experiencing God’s discipline frequently, they
史的。他如果從來沒有受過神的對付,他在神面前還沒有 are accumulating a rich spiritual history for themselves. If they had never been dealt
話說,他除了有屬世的驕傲之外,不會有屬靈的驕傲。但 with by the Lord, they would have nothing to say. They would not be able to take pride
是,他已經與神有了一點交通,受了一點對付,他就會把 in any spiritual thing. The only thing they could take pride in would be the worldly
這些零碎的對付拿來裝飾他的肉體,作他屬靈驕傲的張本, things. But when they have had a little experience of fellowshipping with God and
以爲他是一個認識神的人。 received some dealings, they adorn themselves with these fragmented dealings and use
them as the basis for their spiritual boast and claim that they know God.
弟兄姊妹,也許你與神摔跤已經有五年、十年了,但是 Brothers and sisters, perhaps God has been wrestling with you for five or ten years
神還沒有勝過你。你沒有一次被神帶到一個地步說,『我 but has not yet prevailed over you. You have not yet been brought to the point where
完了,我爬不起來了,我沒有辦法了;』這就是神不能勝 you say, “I am finished. I cannot stand up any longer. I cannot make it.” This means that
過你。 God has not yet prevailed over you.
神摸雅各的大腿窩 God Touching the Hollow of Jacob’s Thigh
感謝神,神有辦法!不錯,雅各是最厲害的,他肉體的 Thank God that He has a way! It is true that Jacob was very capable and that his
生命,他天然的力量,是比甚麼人都強的,但是結果神還 fleshly life and natural energy were stronger than anyone else’s. But in the end God
是勝過了他。如果神按著普通的方法來與他摔跤,那恐怕 prevailed over him. If God had wrestled with him according to the usual way, the
還有二十年好摔。但是神知道時候已經到了。當神看見雅 wrestling might have lasted for twenty years. But God knew that the time had come.
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各一直打不倒的時候,神就把他的大腿窩摸了一把。神一 When He saw that Jacob could not be put down, He touched the hollow of his thigh.
摸他大腿窩的筋,他的大腿窩就扭了。 Once God touched the hollow of his thigh, it came out of joint.
大腿窩的筋,是全身最堅強的筋,是代表人最有能力的 The sinew of the hollow of the thigh is the strongest sinew in the body. It represents
地方,是代表人天然能力的中心點。現在,雅各這一個天 the strongest part of a person, the seat of man’s natural strength. God touched the seat
然能力的中心點,被神摸著了。 of Jacob’s natural strength.
神那一天摸雅各的大腿窩,是因爲那一天雅各大腿窩的 God touched the hollow of Jacob’s thigh because on that day, the sinew of it was
筋顯出來了,突出來了。那一天,他怕以掃來了要殺他, revealed and exposed. On that day, he was afraid that Esau would come and kill him.
他怕連妻子帶兒女一同被哥哥殺了,所以他把他一生一世 He was afraid that his wives and children would be killed by his brother, and therefore,
最好的本領都拿出來了。他把禮物豫備好,每樣各分一羣, he put on the best performance of his life. He prepared his gifts, put some of each kind
叫僕人帶著,在他前頭走,使羣羣相離,有空閒的地方, in each company, and asked the servants to walk in front and separate the companies
又叫他們遇見以掃時都要說好話。他想出了這樣巧妙的方 by a distance. He also told them to speak good words when they met Esau. He came up
法來解以掃的恨,使以掃看見了就沒有辦法。雅各在這裏, with this smart way of mitigating Esau’s animosity so that Esau would feel obliged to
把他最大的本領都用出來了,把他大腿窩的筋顯出來了。 forgive. Jacob was putting his best ability forward; the sinew of the hollow of his thigh
神就在這一天,摸了他大腿窩的筋。 was exposed. But that day God touched the hollow of his thigh.
人天然的能力都是有特點的,總有一個地方是他天然 Man’s natural strength always exhibits certain characteristics. There are always
能力所寄託的地方,總有一點是他特別剛強的地方。神 certain areas from which the natural strength manifests itself. There are always
就是要把他那一個特點顯露出來。可惜有的基督徒還不 certain spots which are particularly strong. God intends to expose these strong spots.
知道自己天然能力所寄託的點在那裏。最可憐的人,不 Unfortunately, many Christians do not know the vehicles upon which their natural
是輭弱的人,而是不知道自己輭弱的人;最可憐的人, energy is lodged. The most pitiful people are not those who are weak, but those who
不是錯誤的人,而是不知道自己錯誤的人。這樣的人不 do not know that they are weak. The poorest people are not those who are wrong, but
只有錯誤,並且有黑暗。因爲他沒有活在光中,所以他 those who do not know that they are wrong. They are not only in error but in darkness.
雖然錯了,自己還不知道。有的基督徒會說他自己這一 They do not live in the light. As a result they are not aware of their wrong. Some
個不對,那一個不對。但是,也許他所說的不對還不是 Christians can say that they are wrong in this and that, but the wrongs they mention
中心,也許他裏面還有最深最深的東西沒有顯出來,神 are actually not the crux of the problem. There may be deeper problems which are not
還沒有給他機會把那一點顯出來。神讓雅各遇見以掃帶 yet manifested, and God has not yet been provided the opportunity to expose them.
著四百人迎面而來,才把雅各所有的力量都顯露出來, God permitted Jacob to encounter Esau with the four hundred men so that all of Jacob’s
才把雅各那個特點顯露出來。 strength would be exposed and his characteristics revealed.
基督徒必需的經歷 The Necessary Experience of a Christian
基督徒走神的道路,必須接受一切從基督來的。可是, In order for a Christian to take God’s way, he must receive everything from Christ.
我們如果光是作以撒,那還是不彀的。我們是以撒,同時 However, it is not enough for us to just be Isaacs. We are Isaacs, but at the same time
我們也是雅各。我們需要神來摸著我們的大腿窩,把我們 we are also Jacobs. We need God to touch the hollow of our thigh, to weaken us,
弄輭弱了,叫我們扭筋了。總得有這一天,神摸著我們的 and to put us out of joint. The day will come when God will touch the hollow of our
大腿窩。我們不能一直這樣慢慢的進步。如果我們就是這 thigh. Our advance cannot always be slow. If we advance as slowly as we are now, it
樣慢而又慢的進步,那就是再過二十年,能不能走到伯特 is questionable that we will reach Bethel in twenty years. God has been disciplining
利還是一個問題。神管教你已經有二十年了,現在需要神 us for twenty years, but now we need to have the hollow of our thigh put out of joint
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來把你的大腿窩弄脫節,使你在神面前再也強硬不起來。 so that we can no longer stand tall before the Lord. This is a specific experience, one
這也是一個專一的經歷,像得救是一個專一的經歷一樣。 that is as specific as our salvation. Just as we needed to be saved in a definite way,
你怎樣需要有一次的得救,你怎樣需要有一次眼睛開起來 and just as our eyes needed to be opened to see the riches of Christ in a definite way,
看見基督的豐富,你也照樣需要有一次被神摸著你能力的 the seat of our strength also needs to be touched in a definite way so that our natural
中心,使你天然的生命脫節。 life will be dislodged.
每一個基督徒都有他的大腿窩。有的基督徒的天然的能 Every Christian has his own thigh hollow. With some, their natural strength is
力寄託在他的計謀裏,有的基督徒的天然的能力寄託在他 lodged within their conniving. With others, their natural strength is lodged within their
的才幹裏,有的基督徒的天然的能力寄託在他的情感裏, talent. Some Christians have their natural strength lodged in their emotions, while
有的基督徒的天然的能力寄託在他的自愛裏。每一個基督 others have their natural strength lodged within their self-love. Every Christian has his
徒都有他特別的那一點,他天然的能力就寄託在那一點裏。 own particular strong spot. His natural strength is lodged in that spot. Once that spot
那一點被神摸著了,也就是他天然的能力被神摸著了。我 is touched, his natural strength is touched by God. I cannot tell you where your natural
們不能告訴你,你天然的能力寄託在那裏;但是我們能說, strength is lodged, but I can say that every Christian has his own particular spot. Every
每一個基督徒都有他特別的那一點;他生活的各方面,都 aspect of his life is under the influence of this spot, and this spot can be considered as
受他那一點的支配,那一點就是這裏所說的大腿窩。 the hollow of his thigh.
有的基督徒的天然的生命最喜歡顯露,喜歡把屬靈的事 The natural life of some Christians is manifested in their love for exhibition. They
拿來顯露。他的所謂『作見證』,其實不是真的爲主作見證, love to exhibit what little spirituality they have. Their so-called “testimonies” are
而是誇耀自己,而是顯露自己。在他所有的行動、生活、 actually not testimonies for the Lord, but a kind of self-boasting and self-manifestation.
工作中都能看見,他甚麼都是從顯露自己出發的。這樣的 All of their actions, life, and work issue from their desire to exhibit themselves.
基督徒,總需要有一天神摸著他的顯露。 Eventually, God will touch their love for exhibition.
有的基督徒的天然的能力寄託在他的自愛裏。他無論作 Some Christians have their natural strength lodged in their self-love. Everything that
甚麼都是以自愛作出發點。有學習的人能看得出,他這樣作 they do originates from their self-love. Those who are experienced can tell immediately
是因爲愛自己,他那樣作也是因爲愛自己,他這樣說是因爲 that they are doing this and that and are saying this and that only because they love
愛自己,他那樣說也是因爲愛自己。你能從各種各樣的情形 themselves. From all of their behavior, one can find a thigh hollow, which is their self-
中,找出他有一個大腿窩,就是自愛。我們的天然的生命, love. There is always a nerve center for our natural life within which strong power is
總有一個中心,總有一個厲害的能力在那裏。總得主有一天 hidden. Eventually, the Lord will have to destroy this before we can bear the fruit of the
把那一個拆毀了,然後我們這一個人才能結出聖靈的果子 Holy Spirit. Otherwise, everything will still come from our self.
有的基督徒的天然的生命寄託在他那一個很大的頭腦裏。 Some Christians have their natural life hidden behind their strong mentality.
不論你和他說甚麼,他總是想:這個有道理或者沒有道理, They always think and reason when others speak to them; they always judge
這個講得通或者講不通。不管甚麼事,一碰著他,他就完全 whether or not something is rational or justifiable. They analyze everything that
用頭腦去分析。他的頭腦太活潑了,他的頭腦太大了。他一 comes their way. Their minds are too active, and their heads are too big. They live
直活在頭腦裏,他不思想一下就不能活,他不分析一下就不 in their mentality. If they do not think and analyze, they cannot live. Their mind
能活,他的頭腦變作他的生命了。結果,他能彀在外面對付 becomes their life. They may be capable in doing many things, but they are useless
許多事情,但是他在神的手裏沒有用處。總得有一天,神來 in God’s hand. Eventually, God will have to touch their mind before His purpose in
摸著他這一個頭腦,神在他身上的目的才能達到。 them can be fulfilled.

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還有其他許多的地方,都能作我們天然生命寄託的地方。當 Other things can also be the lodging place of our natural life. When God touches
神來摸著你那一點的時候,神就有一個工作作成在你的身上。 this spot, it means that He is working in us. This does not mean that we have become
當然,這不是說你就完全了,這不過是你的一個轉機而已。 perfect, but it does signify a turning point in our life.
有許多基督徒的錯,從外表看來好像是零零碎碎的,這 Many Christians seem to have committed unrelated mistakes. They make small
裏一點,那裏一點,有許許多多的現象,可是在根本上還 mistakes here and there. The outward expressions of these mistakes may be different,
是一個東西。這一個根本的東西,就是這裏所說的大腿窩, but the root is the same. This root is the hollow of the thigh we mentioned earlier; it
就是天然生命所寄託的地方。這一個,神不能放鬆,神必 is the lodging ground of their natural life. God will not let this go; He will always come
須對付。神所注意的,還不是外面許多枝枝節節的現象; back to deal with it. God’s attention is not on the many outward, minor expressions.
神所注意的,乃是要摸著天然生命的集中點,叫人有一個 His intention is to touch the nerve center of the natural life and to bring about a basic
根本上的改變。 change in them.
感謝神,神把雅各的大腿窩摸了一把,經過這一摸,雅 Thank the Lord that He touched the hollow of Jacob’s thigh. After this touch, Jacob
各這一個人就扭筋了,雅各這一個人就輭弱了,雅各這一 became crippled. He became weak, was defeated, and could no longer wrestle.
毘努伊勒的意義 The Meaning of Peniel
也許有人還要問,毘努伊勒到底有甚麼意義?雅各的毘努伊 Some may ask, “What is the meaning of Peniel? How can Jacob’s Peniel be applied
勒,擺在我們身上是甚麼?我們可以這樣說,本來在你身上有 to us?” We can answer this way: You may have a stubborn disposition which has
一個頑強的特點,這一個特點支配了你,這一個特點成了你行 been dominating your life. This disposition has become the principle of your life and
事爲人的原則,這一個特點也就是你天然能力寄託的地方,但 the lodging ground of your natural life. At ordinary times, you do not notice it. But
是在通常的時候你不知道;神給你遇見許多機會,使這一個天 God provides many opportunities in which this natural strength is exposed once,
然的能力一次顯出來,兩次顯出來,十次顯出來,一百次顯出 twice, ten times, or even a hundred times. Yet you are still unaware of it. One day,
來,但是你還不知道;等到有一天,在雅博渡口,你把你所有 at the crossing at Jabbok, you will have exhausted your ability and the very seat of
的本事用盡了,你天然生命的集中點顯露出來了,神的手就在 your natural life will be exposed. At that time, God’s hand will touch you and show
那時候來摸你一把,給你看見這就是你天然的能力。這樣,你 you where your natural strength lies. You will realize your most ugly, evil, and filthy
就看見,這是你最醜陋的、最可惡的、最污穢的一個特點。你 disposition. What you have been boasting about, what you have gloried in and taken
一生一世所誇口的,所以爲榮耀的,所以爲了不得的,所以爲 satisfaction in, and what you have considered excellent and superior are now under
比別人更好的,所以爲滿意的,現在忽然被神光照,你就看見 the shining of God’s light and found to be nothing but the fleshly life, which is filthy,
這些是血氣的生命,是污穢的生命,是敗壞的生命,是可恨惡 corrupted, and despicable. The light has killed you. This is the meaning of Peniel. God
的生命,那一個光把你殺死了,這就叫作毘努伊勒。你本來以 shows you that the very things that you once boasted in, considered admirable, were
爲可榮耀的,你本來以爲可佩服的,你本來以爲可誇口的,你 proud of, and that distinguished you from others are the very expressions of the
本來以爲別人是那樣而我不是那樣的,就是在那個地方,就是 fleshly life. When God touches your life in this way, you become weakened. This is the
在這一點上,神給你看見這是你血氣的生命,神來把這一個生 meaning of Peniel.
你在神面前有你天然的能力需要受對付,可是,當你還 Your natural strength needs to be dealt with by the Lord. But before you see
沒有看見光的時候,你反而會把那一點當作可寶貴、可誇口 the light, you consider this strength as something precious and worthy of boasting.
的。弟兄姊妹,你要小心你所誇口的地方。許多的基督徒, Brothers and sisters, you have to be careful with your boasting. The strength of the
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他天然生命的能力,都是在他所誇口的地方。很難得有一個 natural life is hidden within the boasts of many Christians. It is hard to find one
基督徒,他天然生命所寄託的地方不是他所誇口的地方。所 Christian who does not have his natural life lurking behind his boasts. Therefore, you
以在你誇口的地方要特別小心;許多時候,你誇口的地方, have to be particularly careful about your boasts. The things that you boast in are
就是神要對付的地方。恐怕就是那一點,是你的大腿窩,神 often the very things that God will deal with. Perhaps these very things are the hollow
要光照你,神要摸著你這一個大腿窩。當神的手摸著你那一 of your thigh. God will shine on you and touch the hollow of your thigh. When He
點的時候,你會覺得羞恥到極點,你會說,『唉,我竟然把 touches this spot, you will become very ashamed and say, “How could I have made my
最羞恥的當作榮耀!』凡稍微認識一點毘努伊勒的人,都要 greatest shame my glory?” All those who know a little about the experience of Peniel
作見證說,他被神摸著大腿窩的時候,他不只輭弱,他更是 can testify that when God touches the hollow of their thigh, they are not only weakened
羞愧。他會說,『我怎麼這麼笨!我以爲我這個是不錯的, but ashamed. They exclaim, “How could I have been so foolish? I thought that this and
以爲我那個是不錯的,豈知道都是可羞恥的事!』他會覺得 that were good. Actually they were all shameful things!” They feel that they are the
他在神面前是一個極醜的人。弟兄姊妹,你一被神摸著,你 most ugly person before the Lord. Brothers and sisters, once God touches you, you
就看見你從前所作的都是極醜的。你會覺得希奇,你以前竟 will see that everything you did before was ugly. You will wonder how you could have
然會把那些事當作榮耀,還以爲這是你的特長,還以爲別人 considered them your glory and your virtues, and how you could have considered
不如你!就在這裏,神摸著了你。 others inferior to yourself! When this happens, God has touched you.
『毘努伊勒』在原文的意思是『神的面』。神的面也就 The name Peniel means “the face of God” in the original language. God’s face is
是神的光。神在當初是用手摸著雅各大腿窩的筋,神在今 God’s light. In the past, God touched the hollow of Jacob’s thigh with His hand. Today
天是用光摸著我們天然的生命。神的光給你照一下,你就 He is touching our natural life with His light. Once we are enlightened by God’s
看見你從前所以爲好的,所以爲榮耀的,所以爲特長的, light, we will realize that the things we once considered to be good, glorious, and
原來是這麼可羞恥的,是這麼愚昧的。就是這個光照,叫 outstanding are but shameful and foolish things. This light will give us a mortal blow
你受了致命傷,叫你渾身無力了。 and deplete us of all strength.
弟兄姊妹,我們總得有一天經過毘努伊勒。必須神摸著 Brothers and sisters, one day we will have to pass through Peniel. God must touch
了我們的天然生命,我們才能在神手裏作一個有用處的人。 our natural life before we can become useful persons in His hand. The day will come
你總得有一天經過這一個。當然,你自己要急也急不來, when we will pass through such an experience. Of course, we cannot hasten its coming
不過,你能把你自己交給那信實的造化之主,求祂在環境 by being anxious. However, we can commit ourselves to the faithful Creator and pray
中安排,讓祂帶領你到一個地步,看見你所有誇口的事都 that He will work things out in the environment and lead us to the realization that our
是羞恥的事、愚昧的事。但願神憐憫我們,給我們光,叫 boasts are just our shame and foolishness. May the Lord be merciful to us, and may He
我們因著毘努伊勒-神的面-顯出光來照我們的緣故,使 give us light so that His work may be fulfilled in us through the enlightening of Peniel—
神在我們身上的工作能以成功。 the face of God.
對付天然生命不可裝假 No Pretense in Dealing with the Natural Life
天然生命是必須對付的,但是我們不可裝假。裝假就不 The natural life must be dealt with. Yet we cannot pretend. Pretension is not
是基督教。基督教絕對不叫我們作一個不自然的人。你如 Christianity. Christianity does not make us persons we are not. If we are adults, we will
果是一個大人,就自然而然是一個大人的樣子;你如果是 spontaneously have the appearance of adults. If we are children, we will spontaneously
一個小孩,就自然而然是一個小孩的樣子。神的工作是這 have the appearance of children. The same is true with God’s work. It is He who touches
樣的:是祂摸著你天然的生命,是祂除去你的能力,叫你 our natural life and removes its strength. As a result we cannot do anything by ourselves
自己不能作甚麼。你要讓聖靈把基督顯在你身上。我們不 any longer. We have to allow the Holy Spirit to manifest Christ within us. We do not

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要天然,但是,我們要天真。神的兒女裝作屬靈的樣子, want to be natural, yet we do not want to be pretentious either. It is an uncomely sight
不只是一件不好看的事,並且會攔阻他天然的生命得著對 for a child of God to pretend to be spiritual; it frustrates his natural life from being dealt
付。許多基督徒裝作謙卑的樣子,他越謙卑,就越叫你難 with. Many Christians pretend to be humble. The more humble they appear, the more
受。許多基督徒在你面前多講一點世界上通常的事,你還 uncomfortable they make others feel. With many Christians, it would be better for them
覺得好受些,你還覺得他天真;可是,他如果講屬靈的事, to speak of worldly things because they would at least be somewhat genuine. But the
你就不能不對神說,『神阿,憐憫他,他所談的是不實在 minute they talk about spiritual things, others cannot help but pray, “Lord, be merciful
的。』許多基督徒好像溫柔得很,可是你只能對神說,『神, to him. He is talking about things that bear no reality at all.” Many Christians appear
求你赦免他的『溫柔』,因爲他的『溫柔』不知道是從那 very meek, but one cannot help but pray, “Lord, forgive this man’s meekness; we do not
裏來的。』真的,沒有一件事攔阻基督徒的生命更過於做 know where this meekness comes from.” Indeed, nothing frustrates the Christian life
作。我們要自然,我們要天真。要說就說,要笑就笑,千 more than pretension. We have to be unpretentious and genuine. If we want to smile, we
萬不要做作,千萬不要裝假。對付天然的生命,是主自己 should smile. If we want to laugh, we should laugh. We must never perform and never
來作的,是聖靈自己來作的。我們絕對不要勸人去作他所 pretend. The Lord deals with the natural life, and the Holy Spirit accomplishes this work.
不是的。人如果是謙卑的,就是謙卑的;如果是裝作謙卑, We must never exhort others to be what they are not. If a man is humble, he is humble.
那就沒有價值。基督徒如果裝作一個屬靈的人,他天然的 If he pretends to be humble, his pretension is worthless. If a Christian pretends to be
生命就更難對付。神用不著這樣的人,因爲這樣的裝假, spiritual, his natural life will become even harder to deal with. God does not need this
反而攔阻了神的工作。 kind of person, because his pretension is a frustration to God’s work.
在前一個世紀,有一位弟兄,是主所大用的人。有一天, In the last century, there was a brother who was greatly used by the Lord. One day he
他到一個人家裏作客。有一位青年姊妹也在那一家作客。 was a guest at another person’s house. A young sister was also invited as a guest. The sister
那位姊妹看見他也來作客,覺得希奇得很。她想,不知道 was surprised to find that this brother was also a guest. She wondered if this brother would
他喫麵包用不用奶油。她以爲他旣是一個屬靈的人,總應 put butter on his bread. She thought that a spiritual person would surely be different from
當與別人兩樣一點。但是希奇,他不像她理想中的一個屬 others. But to her disappointment, he did not fit her expectation of what a spiritual person
靈的人。他還是一個人!她失望了,因爲他是一個人!她 should be. He appeared to be just a normal man! She was disappointed that he was merely
坐在那裏看,他喫麵包也用奶油,他也一邊喫一邊談話, a man! She observed that he buttered his bread just like everyone else and chatted while he
沒有甚麼特別。她在那裏想,爲甚麼屬靈的人也與一般人 ate. She did not see much difference in him. She wondered why such a spiritual man would
一樣呢?她不知道他與一般人不同的地方,並不是在於喫 be the same as others. She did not realize that his difference did not lie in eating unbuttered
麵包用不用奶油,也不是在於用膳時說不說話,而是在於 bread or in restraining himself from conversation at mealtime, but in his special knowledge
他特別認識神,他特別認識神的生命。 of God. What was special about this man was his experience in the life of God.
所以,你千萬不要以爲對付天然的生命,是把自己裝作 We should never think that dealing with the natural life is pretending to be a
一個地上沒有、天上也沒有的特別人。我們一點用不著自 special kind of person, one who is found neither in heaven nor on earth. We do
己去裝假、做作。是神來摸我們天然的生命,是神來對付 not need to pretend or imitate. It is God who touches our natural life and God who
我們,是神來把我們天然能力的中心點摸一下,使我們沒 deals with us. God touches the seat of our natural energy. He strips us of our own
有辦法,使我們活不了。毘努伊勒是神的工作。毘努伊勒 ways so that we can struggle no longer. Peniel is God’s work; it is not something
絕對不是我們自己去裝作。主要我們作一個天真的人;但 that we conjure up. The Lord wants us to be genuine. We should neither strive to
是,你也不要在那裏去『作』一個天真的人,去『裝』一 become genuine nor “act” genuine. One sister appeared very genuine before others.
個天真的人。有一個姊妹,在人面前好像很天真,但是她 But while she appeared to be “genuine,” her heart was saying, “See! How genuine
『天真』的時候,你能看出她心裏的意思:『你看,我多 am I!” This kind of “genuineness” has no value before the Lord. She was faking her

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天真!』這樣的『天真』在神面前一點價值都沒有,因爲 genuineness; it was a kind of self-boasting genuineness. We have to remember that
這是她在那裏裝天真,這是她在那裏自鳴得意的天真。我 the natural life is not touched when we pretend to be what we are not. God alone
們要記得,天然生命的被摸著,不是我們自己去裝作我們 can deal with our natural life; we cannot do it. We need to be unpretentious. We
所不是的。這乃是神來作,不是我們作。我們需要天真, should be what we are. God will deal with our natural life. Brothers and sisters,
我們是怎樣,就是怎樣。對付天然的生命是神來作的。弟 we have to be thoroughly clear that there is a big difference between anything that
兄姊妹,我們需要徹底看見出於自己與出於神的不同。出 comes from ourselves and anything that comes from God. Anything that comes from
於神的,就有價值;出於自己的,就沒有價值。出於自己的, God counts, while anything that comes from us is worthless. Anything that comes
只能使你作一個『不是』的人;出於神的,才能把你帶到 from ourselves only makes us someone we are not. Only that which comes from God
一個地步,成爲以色列。 will make us Israel.
一個記號-腿瘸了 A Sign—Lameness
雅各在毘努伊勒,被神摸著了他的大腿窩,他的大腿就瘸 Jacob was touched by God in the hollow of his thigh at Peniel, and his leg was
了。許多基督徒有這一個屬靈的經歷,不過當時並不知道, crippled. Many Christians have this experience. But when they experience it, they do
也許是過了幾個月或者一年兩年之後,神才給他看見,神那 not know what it is. After a few months or a few years God may show them that He was
一次所對付的乃是他天然的生命。到那一個時候,他才知道 dealing with their natural life. Then they will realize that they have passed through
他有了那一個經歷。所以,你千萬不要以爲你在某一天禱告 such an experience. Do not think that just because you are exuberant when you pray,
的時候心裏快樂得很,就是你已經被神對付了天然生命。這 your natural life has been dealt with by the Lord. It is wrong to think this way. Our
樣的想法是不對的。在經歷上,你不知道神甚麼時候摸著你 experience tells us that we do not know when God deals with our natural life. But one
天然的生命;但是有一個你知道,就是自從你被主摸過之後, thing we do know: Whenever we are touched by the Lord, we are no longer free in our
你所有的舉動不方便了,你沒有像從前那樣便利了;在你身 walk; we are no longer as convenient as before. There is a big mark in us—lameness.
上有一個很大的記號,就是你的大腿瘸了。腿瘸了,這就是 Lameness is a sign that our natural life has been touched by God. It is not a matter of
你天然的生命被神摸著的記號。不是有一次你在聚會中作見 testifying in a certain meeting that God dealt with our natural life on a certain date. It
證,說神在某年某月對付了你天然的生命;乃是你在某一次 is a matter of our legs becoming crippled through some spiritual experience. Originally,
屬靈的經歷中,你的腿瘸了。本來你在那裏打算的時候,是 the more we contrived, the more we enjoyed our contriving. But once we have been
越打算越有味道;可是現在只要你試著要去打算,裏面就好 touched, something will vacillate within us when we contrive again. We can no longer
像洩了氣似的,要打算也打算不來了,一打算裏面就覺得不 contrive. The minute we try, we lose our peace. Originally, we were so capable of
平安了。你本來會這樣說、那樣說,你有高言大智;可是現 speaking about this and that kind of thing; we had lofty words and high sounding
在你還沒有說出口,你心裏就覺得厭煩起來了,你不能再像 phrases. But even before the words come out of our mouth now, we feel sick about
從前那樣滔滔不絕了。你本來是有手段的、有辦法的,對於 them. We can no longer be as glib as before. Originally we were shrewd and resourceful;
這個人要這樣作,對於那個人要那樣作,你不必倚靠神;可 we knew what to do about this person and what to do about that person. There was
是,如果神摸著了你天然的生命,當你想要用巧妙的方法去 no need for us to trust in God. But after God has touched our natural life, we will feel
對付人的時候,你裏面就好像洩了氣一樣,你裏面就提不起 that something within is gone when we try to supplant others; something within us
精神來了。當然,我們不是說,不要作智慧的事;有時候, wilts. We are not saying that we should not act wisely. God often will lead us to do wise
的確是神引導你作智慧的事;但如果是你自己在那裏用心計 things. But if we try to exercise our own maneuvering, we will feel that something has
的話,那卽使你還沒有行出來,你裏面就已經洩氣了,因爲 collapsed within us. We will feel this way before we even try to do anything. This means
你的大腿已經瘸了。 that the hollow of our thigh has been touched.

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經過神對付的人,能分別甚麼叫作天然的能力,甚麼叫 Those who have passed through God’s dealings know the difference between natural
作屬靈的能力。當你天然的能力受對付之後,你爲主作工 strength and spiritual power. After a person’s natural strength is fully stripped, he will be
的時候就怕用你天然的能力。你明知道一句話怎樣講就會 afraid of the resurgence of his natural strength whenever he works for the Lord. We know
有怎樣的結果,但是你怕得著那樣能豫料的結果。你如果 that we will obtain a certain kind of result if we say a certain word, but we are afraid of
再要憑著你天然的能力那樣作,你裏面會冷下去,你裏面 reaping that result. If we go on according to our natural strength, we will feel cold inside,
會不要作。這樣的情形就是腿瘸了。 and something within us will refuse to go along. This is the meaning of lameness.
被神摸著,也有程度上的差別。有的人不過被神稍微摸著一 There is also a difference in degree as to how much a person is touched by God.
點,不過良心覺得不平安;有的人是被神有了根本的摸著,被 Some are touched by God just to the extent that their conscience is bothered. Some are
神摸著了大腿窩的筋,這樣的人才真的瘸腿了。我們需要神作 touched by God in a thorough way; they are touched in the sinew of their thigh hollow.
一次基本的工作在我們身上,作到一個地步,叫我們一生一世 These people are the truly crippled ones. God has to do a thorough work in us until a
有一個記號,就是腿瘸了。腿瘸了以後,那麼每一次我們要動 life-long mark is left on us, a mark of lameness. After we become crippled, something
的時候,每一次我們要作的時候,就有一件東西在那裏使我們 will hurt us and frustrate us whenever we try to move or do something. This is the
覺得痛,使我們覺得不方便。這就是被神摸著的記號。 mark of being touched by God.

雅各抓住神 Jacob Laying Hold of God

雅各的大腿窩,正在摔跤的時候就扭了,雅各不行了。 Jacob’s thigh hollow was put out of joint when he wrestled with God. But we see
但是,有一件事很希奇,我們看二十六節:『那人說,天 one amazing thing in verse 26: “And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he
黎明了,容我去吧!雅各說,你不給我祝福,我就不容你 said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me.” According to our thought, Jacob’s
去。』按我們看,雅各大腿窩的筋已經扭了,他已經渾身 thigh hollow was already out of joint, and he was depleted of all strength. How could
無力了,那人怎麼還走不了呢?可是那人說,『天黎明了, he not let God go? Yet the man said, “Let me go, for the day breaketh.” This shows
容我去吧。』這是告訴我們,甚麼時候我們大腿窩的筋扭 that when the hollow of our thigh is touched, we hold on to God the strongest. When
了,也就是我們把神抓得最牢的時候。我們在沒有辦法的 we cannot make it, we turn and grasp hold of God. When we are weak, we become
時候,反而要抓住神。當我們輭弱的時候,我們就剛強了。 strong, and when we are crippled, we turn back to God and say, “I will not let You
當我們大腿窩的筋扭了的時候,我們反而能對神說,我不 go.” To us, it seems impossible that we can do this, but this is a fact. When our
讓你去。按人看,這好像是不可能的,但是,這是事實。 strength is gone, we find ourselves grasping hold of God. The grasping that happens
你自己沒有力量的時候,你反而能抓住神。沒有力量時的 when our strength is gone is the real grasping. Those who grasp hold of God have
抓住,才是真的抓住。抓住神的人,永遠用不著自己的力 no need of their own strength. The faith that accomplishes things is the faith that is
量。所有成功事情的信心,都是像芥菜種一樣的信心。芥 as small as a mustard seed. A faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains
菜種那樣的信心,反而能移山。(太十七 20。)許多時候, (Matt. 17:20). Many times, fervent prayers and fervent faith are merely fervor;
那些熱鬧的禱告,熱鬧的信心,只是熱鬧而已,不會發生 they do not bring about any result. But often, when we do not have the strength in
事情。可是有時候,你連要神都不會要,你連求神都不會 ourselves to seek God, when we cannot even pray to Him or ask of Him, and when
求,你連禱告都不會禱告,你連相信都不會相信,但是你 we cannot even believe, we find ourselves believing! The amazing thing is that this
仍然信!希奇,就是那個輭弱的信,就是那個微細的信, feeble faith, this little faith, brings in results. When Jacob was so strong, he was
成功了事情。雅各太剛強的時候,在主手裏並沒有用處; useless in the hand of the Lord. But when the hollow of his thigh was touched, God
可是等到他大腿窩扭了的時候,反而神被他抓住了。 took hold of him.

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那人就給他祝福:『那人說,你的名不要再叫雅各,要叫 He blessed Jacob saying, “Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel” (Gen.
以色列。』(創三二 28。)『以色列』在原文的意思是『與 32:28). The name Israel means “ruling with God” or “reigning with God.” This was the
神一同管理』,或『與神同爲君王』。這是雅各的轉機。毘 turning point in Jacob’s life. The experience at Peniel shows us that Jacob was defeated
努伊勒的經歷是雅各敗在神手裏了,雅各大腿窩的筋扭了, by God’s hand; the sinew of his thigh’s hollow was touched, and he became crippled for
並且是一生一世的瘸了;但是接下去神說,『你與神與人較 the rest of his life. Following this, however, God said, “As a prince hast thou power with
力,都得了勝。』這一個才是得勝。我們真的得勝的時候, God and with men, and hast prevailed.” This is true victory. When we are defeated by
就是敗在神手裏的時候,就是不能憑著自己的時候。甚麼時 God, we have truly prevailed and truly lost confidence in ourselves. Whenever we find
候我們自己沒有辦法了,甚麼時候我們就得勝了。 that we can no longer make it, that is the time when we have overcome.
雅各不知道神的名字 Not Knowing God’s Name
我們接下去看二十九節:『雅各問他說,請將你的名告 Let us read verse 29: “And Jacob asked him, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, thy
訴我;那人說,何必問我的名?』雅各要知道那人到底是 name. And he said, Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name? And he blessed
誰,要知道他的名字是甚麼。但是,那人不把自己的名字 him there.” Jacob wanted to know who the man was and what His name was. But the
告訴他,要等到將來他到了伯特利才告訴他。(三五 10 ~ man would not give Jacob His name; He would only tell Jacob after he reached Bethel
11。)那人是雅各所不知道的人。那人來的時候,雅各不 (35:10-11). Jacob did not know the man. He did not know when He came and when
知道;那人去的時候,雅各也不知道。雅各只知道他自己 He left. Jacob only knew that his own name was to be changed to Israel; he did not
的名字應當改作以色列,雅各卻不知道那人是誰。在經歷 know who that person was. All those whose thigh hollow has been touched by God
上,凡被神摸著大腿窩的,當時都不是知道得很清楚的。 are not too clear about what they have experienced. This is something that we must
這是我們要特別注意的。 all realize.
有一位弟兄,聽了雅各在毘努伊勒的故事之後,他說,『上 After one brother heard the story of Jacob at Peniel, he said, “Last Friday night,
一個週五的晚上,神摸著了我的大腿窩,我天然的力量被神 God touched the hollow of my thigh, and He dealt with my natural strength.”
對付了。』另有一位弟兄問他說,『你怎樣經過的?』他說, Another brother asked, “What happened?” The first one answered, “When God
『那一天,神給我看見,我就完了。我高興得很,我在那 opened my eyes that day, I became finished. I was very happy and thanked the
裏大大的感謝神,我的大腿窩已經被神摸著了。』可是,自 Lord greatly because He had touched the hollow of my thigh.” It is questionable
己知道得這樣清楚的『經歷』是有問題的。雅各的故事告訴 whether one can be so clear about his own experience. The story of Jacob shows us
我們,他天然的生命被摸著的時候,他還不清楚是怎麼一回 that when his natural life was touched, he was still not very clear about what had
事。所以,如果神摸著你天然的生命,當時你自己並不知道; happened. If God has touched our natural life, we probably did not know about it
也許要過了幾週你才知道,也許要過了幾個月你才知道。有 at the time. We may only know about it after a few weeks or a few months. Some
的弟兄天然的生命被摸著的時候,他不知道是怎麼一回事, brothers do not know what happened to them when their natural life was touched.
他只知道有的事他不敢作了,他不敢再像從前那樣自以爲有 They only know that they dared not do something and were not as capable, strong,
本領、有力量、有聰明了。他本來作事很有把握,現在連一 and clever as before. Formerly they had much confidence, but now their confidence
點把握都沒有了。等到有一天他讀神的話,回頭去看,他才 is gone. Only when they turn to God’s Word one day, do they realize that God has
知道這就是神摸著了他天然的生命。 touched their natural life.
所以,我們不可等候經歷。如果你的眼睛要看經歷,那 Therefore, we should not wait for such an experience to come. If our eyes are set on the
卽使再過幾年,你還是得不著的。神不讓我們的眼睛看經 experience, we may wait for a few years and still not get it. God does not allow our eyes
歷,神祇讓我們的眼睛看祂。凡尋求經歷的人,反而得不 to be set on our experience; He only allows us to set our eyes on Him. Those who seek for

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著經歷;凡仰望神的人,就要得著經歷。許多人得救了還 experience will not find it, but those who look to God will find the experience. Many people
不知道,照樣,許多基督徒天然的生命被神摸著了還不知 are saved without being conscious of it. In the same way, many Christians have their natural
道。雅各的經歷就是這樣,他當時並不怎麼清楚,他只知 life touched without realizing it. This was the experience of Jacob. He was not very clear at the
道那一天神遇見了他,他面對面見了神。 beginning. He only knew that he met God that day. On that day, he came face to face with God.
有毘努伊勒的經歷的人,他不能把道理講得那麼清楚, Those who have passed through the experience of Peniel will not be able to tell
他只知道遇見了神,只知道腿瘸了。他只能說,自從主那一 others very clearly about the doctrine of it. All they know is that they have met God and
次遇見他之後,他沒有那麼大的力量了,他沒有那麼大的把 that they have become crippled. They can only say that they are not as strong as they
握了;每一次要用心計的時候不敢用心計了,每一次要打算 once were, and that they are not as confident as they once were. Every time they try to
的時候不敢打算了,每一次要顯露自己有本事的時候不敢顯 maneuver or contrive, they find themselves unable to do it any longer. Every time they
露了。瘸腿,是大腿窩被摸過的憑據。不是用口作見證說, try to prove their ability, they are stopped. Lameness is the proof of the thigh hollow
『我瘸腿了,』就是真的瘸腿了;如果行事還是那樣有把 being touched. One does not become crippled by shouting, “I am lame!” If a man still
握,說話還是那樣有機巧,行動還是那樣單獨,遇事還是那 acts confidently, speaks persuasively, moves independently, insists on his proposals,
樣不等候神、不仰望神,自己的主張還是那樣非貫徹不可, and does not wait on God and look to Him when things happen, he is not crippled, and
那就還沒有瘸腿,還沒有被神摸著過。雅各在這裏不知道神 God has not touched him yet. Jacob did not know God’s name; all he knew was that a
的名字,只知道有一個記號留在他身上,就是腿瘸了。甚麼 mark was left on him, the mark of lameness. What does it mean to become lame? It
叫作瘸腿呢?就是從此以後,你不敢憑著自己,你不敢倚靠 means to no longer live by oneself, trust in oneself, or believe in oneself. One dares not
自己,你不敢相信自己,你不敢自作聰明,你不敢自以爲有 consider himself clever or capable, and he dares not exercise his schemes. All he can do
本事,你不敢再用計謀,你只能仰望神,你只能等候神,你 is look to God and trust in Him. He is in fear and trembling and remains in weakness.
只能倚靠神,你戰兢恐懼,你輭弱了,這就叫作瘸腿,這就 This is being crippled, and this is having the sinew of the thigh hollow touched. There is
叫作大腿窩的筋被摸著了。所以,你不要注意這件事將在那 no need to spend time to consider when this will happen or how it will happen. All we
一天發生,將要怎樣發生;你只要仰望神,相信神有一天要 have to do is look to the Lord and believe that one day, subconsciously the sinew of our
在你不知道的時候,把你大腿窩的筋弄扭了。 thigh hollow will be touched.
但是,毘努伊勒的經歷還不是完全的。毘努伊勒是神的起 However, the experience of Peniel alone is not complete. Peniel signifies God’s
頭,毘努伊勒是神第一次對雅各說,『你的名…要叫以色列。』 beginning. It was there that God first told Jacob that he would be called Israel. After
在毘努伊勒之後,我們還很難馬上找到以色列,我們所碰著的 Peniel it is hard for us to detect Israel in Jacob. We still see Jacob. In Peniel Jacob only
還是雅各。在毘努伊勒,雅各只知道自己的名字要叫以色列, knew that his own name would be called Israel; he did not know God’s name. Jacob did
雅各還不知道神的名字。要到了創世記三十五章,雅各才知道 not know who God was until Genesis 35. Hence, Peniel was only a turning point. The
神是誰。所以毘努伊勒是一個轉機,要等到伯特利才有所成 completion is not found until we come to Bethel. More time was needed before God’s
功。還得過一段時候,才看見神的工作成全在雅各身上。 work could be completed in Jacob.


雅各經過毘努伊勒,他的大腿就瘸了。但是他還不知道 Jacob became crippled after Peniel, but he still did not know what he had
在毘努伊勒所經過的事是甚麼意思。到了天明,雅各起來, experienced. When the day broke, he still acted according to his original plan.

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許多人在這裏要怪雅各,認爲雅各這個人真是不應該; Many people condemn Jacob and pass judgment on him. They think that Jacob
旣然你已經被神摸著了,就應該停止你的活動了;旣然你 should have stopped his activities because he had been touched by God. Since he was
已經被神摸著了,就應該甚麼都解決了。這是不認識自己 touched by God already, every problem should have been solved. This is the mentality
的人的想法。他以爲甚麼都是一刀兩斷的,甚麼都是一口 of those who do not know themselves. They think that everything is clear-cut and that
氣就能彀解決的。其實,絕沒有這麼簡單的事。要知道, all of their problems can be solved in one breath. Actually, things are never that simple.
經歷不是理想,雅各不能一下子變爲以色列。他昨天旣然 We have to realize that experience is not a whim of an idea. Jacob could not become
已經一隊一隊的都安排好了,今天只好仍舊繼續這個計謀。 Israel in an instant. Since he had made all the arrangements the day before, he carried
不過有一件事我們必須看見的,就是他被神摸著了大腿窩 out his scheme as planned. But we have to realize one thing: After God touched the
之後,到第二天去見以掃的時候,他已經與素常不一樣了, hollow of his thigh, he was different when he met Esau. We can see that Jacob was
我們看見雅各這一個人已經在改變了。 beginning to change.
我們看創世記三十三章一至三節:『雅各舉目觀看,見 Let us read Genesis 33:1-3: “And Jacob lifted up his eyes, and looked, and, behold,
以掃來了,後頭跟著四百人;他就把孩子們分開交給利亞、 Esau came, and with him four hundred men. And he divided the children unto Leah,
拉結、和兩個使女;並且叫兩個使女和她們的孩子在前頭, and unto Rachel, and unto the two handmaids. And he put the handmaids and their
利亞和她的孩子在後頭,拉結和約瑟在盡後頭。他自己在 children foremost, and Leah and her children after, and Rachel and Joseph hindermost.
他們前頭過去,一連七次俯伏在地,才就近他哥哥。』他 And he passed over before them, and bowed himself to the ground seven times, until
還是那樣有計謀,甚至於一連七次拜他的哥哥。四節:『以 he came near to his brother.” He was still as cunning as before. He even bowed down
掃跑來迎接他,將他抱住,又摟著他的頸項與他親嘴,兩 seven times to the ground before his brother. Verse 4 says, “And Esau ran to meet him,
個人就哭了。』真是料想不到,他所有的心計都是白費的, and embraced him, and fell on his neck, and kissed him: and they wept.” Jacob did not
他所有的安排都是白作的。神的保護是這樣實在,只要他 expect that his schemes would not be needed and that all his plans were in vain. God’s
有一點信心,就能免去許多憂愁和懼怕!以掃並沒有要殺 protection was real. All he needed was a little faith and he could have avoided much
他,反而跑來迎接他,將他抱住,又摟著他的頸項與他親 vexation and fear! Esau did not try to kill him; rather, he was coming to welcome him.
嘴。他的聰明,他的計謀,完全撲了一個空!當他從前離 He embraced Jacob, fell on his neck, and kissed him. All of Jacob’s cleverness and plans
開哥哥遇見拉結的時候,他哭;現在回來看見以掃的時候, came to nothing! When he left his brother and met Rachel, he wept. Now when he came
又哭了。有的人哭是天性好哭,但是雅各本來是充滿了辦 back and met Esau, he wept again. Some people weep because they like to weep by
法的人,是不哭的人,現在看見他的哥哥,就哭了,這是 nature. But Jacob was a resourceful person; he did not weep easily. However, when he
難得的事。這一個說明了毘努伊勒的經歷已經使雅各變成 saw his brother, he wept. This was a rare occasion. This means that the experience of
一個柔輭的人了。 Peniel had made Jacob a soft person.
六至八節:『於是兩個使女和她們的孩子前來下拜。 Verses 6 through 8 say, “Then the handmaidens came near, they and their children,
利亞和她的孩子也前來下拜;隨後約瑟和拉結也前來下 and they bowed themselves. And Leah also with her children came near, and bowed
拜。以掃說,我所遇見的這些羣畜是甚麼意思呢?雅各 themselves: and after came Joseph near and Rachel, and they bowed themselves. And
說,是要在我主面前蒙恩的。』他在這裏還是說他昨天 he said, What meanest thou by all this drove which I met? And he said, These are to find
所豫備好的話。昨天他豫備不稱以掃爲哥哥,而稱他爲 grace in the sight of my lord.” He was still delivering the speech he had prepared the
『我主』,現在他還是照著原定的計謀稱他爲『我主』。 day before. The day before he had prepared to call Esau “my lord.” He went according
所以,一個人的天然生命受對付,他的能力可能被神一 to the original plan and called him “my lord.” A man can be dealt with in his natural life,
次對付掉,但是外面的行爲,也許需要經過幾週、幾個 and his power can be stripped by God, but his outward conduct may take a few weeks
月,才能逐漸脫去。 or even a few months to change.

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九至十節:『以掃說,兄弟阿,我的已經彀了,你的仍歸 Verses 9 and 10 say, “And Esau said, I have enough, my brother; keep that thou hast
你吧。雅各說,不然,我若在你眼前蒙恩,就求你從我手裏 unto thyself. And Jacob said, Nay, I pray thee, if now I have found grace in thy sight,
收下這禮物,因爲我見了你的面,如同見了神的面,並且你 then receive my present at my hand: for therefore I have seen thy face, as though I had
容納了我。』在這裏有一句話,我們千萬不要以爲這還是雅 seen the face of God, and thou wast pleased with me.” We should not consider this
各的計謀。他說,『我見了你的面,如同見了神的面,』這 word as Jacob’s pretense. He said, “I have seen thy face, as though I had seen the face of
話不是雅各在那裏裝作謙卑。雅各那樣的人,固然還是會做 God.” Jacob was not trying to be humble in saying this. Of course Jacob was very good
作的,不過在這句話裏面,不都是他的計謀。這句話裏面有 at pretending, but this word was not his pretense. There was deep significance to his
意思。這句話等於說,我看見你的面,就如同看見毘努伊勒。 word. This word means that for him to see Esau’s face was for him to face Peniel. What
這是甚麼意思呢?意思就是:看見我所得罪的人的面,看見 does this mean? It means that when one sees the face of those he has offended and
我所虧欠的人的面,就好像看見神的面。你甚麼時候碰著你 sinned against, he sees the face of God. Whenever we meet those whom we have sinned
所得罪的人,你甚麼時候就碰著神;你甚麼時候遇見你所虧 against, we meet God. Whenever we come across those whom we have offended, we
欠的人,你甚麼時候就遇見審判。你如果虧欠一個人,苦待 come across judgment. If we owe anyone anything, if we have ill-treated anyone, or if
一個人,使一個人受過你的傷害,這件事如果沒有解決,你 we have done anyone harm, we will see God every time we see them if the matter is
每一次看見他,就如同看見神,就好像遇見神一樣的可怕。 not settled. They will become as fearful as God. Every time we see their face we will
你每一次看見他的臉,你就想到神;你每一次碰著他的時候, be reminded of God, and every time we come across their way we will come across
就碰著神的審判。雅各說的是實在情形。在雅各,真是『我 judgment. Jacob was stating the real fact. For Jacob, seeing Esau’s face was indeed “as
見了你的面,如同見了神的面』。 though I had seen the face of God.”


以掃動身回往西珥去了,雅各就動身往疏割去。『雅各 Esau returned to Seir, and Jacob set off to Succoth. “And Jacob came to Shalem, a
從巴旦亞蘭回來的時候,平平安安的到了迦南地的示劍城, city of Shechem, which is in the land of Canaan, when he came from Padan-aram; and
在城東支搭帳棚。』(18。) pitched his tent before the city” (v. 18).
停在示劍 Remaining in Shechem
神要雅各到他父親的地方去,但是雅各停在示劍。示劍 God wanted Jacob to go back to his father’s land, but he remained in Shechem.
不過是進入迦南地去的第一個地方,但是雅各住在示劍。 Shechem was only the first stop on the way to Canaan, yet Jacob dwelt in Shechem.
他先在疏割蓋造房屋,(17,)現在到了示劍,又買了一 First, he built a house in Succoth (v. 17). Then he bought a parcel of a field, spread his
塊地,支搭帳棚,還築了一座壇,起名叫『伊利伊羅伊以 tent, and erected an altar in Shechem, and called it “El-Elohe-Israel,” which means “God,
色列』,意思就是『神,以色列的神』。(20。)他還沒 the God of Israel” (vv. 19-20). He had not reached Bethel nor Hebron yet; he was only
有到伯特利,還沒有到希伯崙,他現在只是到了示劍,就 in Shechem, and he dwelt there. He not only dwelt there, but he bought a piece of land
住下了。他不只住在那裏,並且在那裏買了地。這些都顯 there. This shows that Jacob was not strong enough and had not learned the lesson
出雅各還不彀剛強,還沒有學會他該學的功課,還沒有到 properly. He had not reached the state of perfection. God’s dealing with Jacob was
達完全的地步。神對付雅各,是一步一步的。神的管教和 gradual. The discipline of God and the constitution of the Holy Spirit were carried out
聖靈的組織,是一步一步的。 step by step.
雖然雅各停在示劍是一個失敗,可是他在那裏築了一座 Although it was a failure for Jacob to remain in Shechem, he nevertheless built an
壇,求告神的名,稱神是以色列的神。這一點還是一個進 altar there, called on the name of God, and proclaimed God to be the God of Israel. This

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步。現在神不只是亞伯拉罕、以撒的神,而且是『伊利伊 was a progression. God was now not only the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac, but
羅伊以色列』了。『伊利』是神,『伊羅伊』也是神,整 “El-Elohe-Israel.” “El” is God, and “Elohe” is also God. The meaning of the whole word is
句的意思就是:以色列的神真是神,神真是以色列的神。 “The God of Israel is indeed God,” or “God is indeed the God of Israel.” He could now say
他現在能說這樣的話,他在神面前已經進一步了。 such a word. He had indeed made some progress before the Lord.
到創世記三十四章,雅各的女兒在那地受了玷污,雅 In chapter thirty-four, Jacob’s daughter was defiled in that land, and two of his
各的兩個兒子用計謀把示劍和那城的一切男丁都殺死了。 sons plotted and killed Shechem and all the males of the city. This put Jacob in a very
這件事使雅各爲難了。就在這時候,神叫他上伯特利去。 difficult situation. It was then that God called him to Bethel (35:1). God disciplined him
(三五 1。)神管教他,神引導他。他要住在示劍,但是神 and guided him. He wanted to live in Shechem, but God would not let him live there for
不讓他在示劍久住下去。 too long.
我們在前面已經說過,亞伯拉罕一生在迦南地,就是在 We have mentioned before that Abraham lived in three places in Canaan: Shechem,
這三個地方:示劍、伯特利和希伯崙。他曾在這三個地方 Bethel, and Hebron. He built altars in all three places. These three places carry the
築了壇,這三個地方是迦南地的特點,這三個地方特別代 characteristics of Canaan; they are in fact a representation of the land of Canaan. After
表迦南地。雅各經過毘努伊勒之後,神也要帶他走亞伯拉 Peniel, God intended to take Jacob on the path of Abraham, first to Shechem, then to
罕的路:先在示劍,再上伯特利,然後到希伯崙。亞伯拉 Bethel, and finally to Hebron. Abraham passed through these three places, and God led
罕到過這三個地方,神帶領雅各也要經過這三個地方。從 Jacob through these three places as well. After Peniel, God led him on to Shechem and
毘努伊勒以後,神要帶領他不停在示劍,上伯特利去。毘 then to Bethel. Peniel and Bethel match one another. At Peniel God said, “Thy name
努伊勒與伯特利是遙遙相對的:在毘努伊勒,神對他說,『你 shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel” (32:28), and at Bethel He also said, “Thy name
的名不要再叫雅各,要叫以色列;』(三二 28;)在伯特 is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob” (35:10). In other words, Peniel
利,神也對他說,『不要再叫雅各,要叫以色列。』(三五 was the beginning, while Bethel was the completion.
上伯特利 Going to Bethel
創世記三十五章一節:『神對雅各說,起來,上伯特利去 Genesis 35:1 says, “And God said unto Jacob, Arise, go up to Bethel, and dwell
住在那裏,要在那裏築一座壇給神,就是你逃避你哥哥以掃的 there: and make there an altar unto God, that appeared unto thee when thou fleddest
時候向你顯現的那位。』神叫他上伯特利去。伯特利特別能摸 from the face of Esau thy brother.” God told him to go up to Bethel. Bethel was a place
著雅各的心,因爲雅各曾在那裏夢見神向他顯現。我們在前面 that particularly touched Jacob’s heart because he dreamed and God appeared to him
已經說過,伯特利的意思是神的殿,是神的家,是表明基督的 there. We have mentioned earlier that Bethel means the house of God; it signifies the
權柄,是表明基督管理那一個家,是表明團體的生命,是表明 authority of Christ, that Christ is ruling over His house. It also signifies the corporate
基督的身體。在這一個家裏,是不能容讓污穢、不能容讓罪、 life, which is the Body of Christ. In this house there should not be any defilement, sin,
不能容讓任何不合神旨意的東西的。所以,當雅各聽見神要他 or anything that is contrary to God’s will. This is why Jacob told his household and
上伯特利去的時候,他就立刻對他家中的人,並一切與他同在 those who were with him to “put away the strange gods that are among you, and be
的人說,『你們要除掉你們中間的外邦神,也要自潔,更換衣 clean, and change your garments” when they went up to Bethel (v. 2). In other words,
裳。』(2。)換句話說,要把所有與偶像有關的東西都扔在 they had to leave behind everything that was related to the idols before they could go
示劍,才可以上伯特利去。雅各在示劍把外邦人的神像和耳環 up to Bethel. In Shechem Jacob buried the strange gods and all their earrings under
都埋在橡樹底下。(4。)示劍的意思就是肩膀的能力,也就 the oak (v. 4). The meaning of Shechem is “strength of the shoulder.” In other words,
是說,是基督對付我們的偶像,是基督對付我們的罪,是基督 Christ deals with our idols and our sins, and Christ deals with all the things which

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對付我們所不能對付的。換句話說,示劍的橡樹,就是告訴我 we cannot deal with. The oak of Shechem speaks of the riches of Isaac; it shows us
們以撒的豐富,就是給我們看見一切與我們不相合的東西在這 that everything contrary to us is dealt with there. In Shechem Christ has enough
裏都能對付。在示劍,基督有充足的能力能對付這一切,有彀 power to deal with all these things. His shoulder is broad enough to bear all these
大的肩膀能承當這一個責任。伯特利是神的家,在神的家裏只 responsibilities. Bethel is the house of God. There should only be clean conduct and
可有潔淨的行爲、潔淨的生活;一切不潔淨的東西,都應當對 clean living in the house of God, and all the unclean things should be dealt with before
付清楚,才能上伯特利去。神不只要我們個人有一個潔淨的生 one can go up to Bethel. God demands not only that we have a clean living individually,
活,神更要我們團體有一個潔淨的生活。伯特利是不能容納任 but that we also have a clean living corporately. Bethel cannot tolerate any unclean
何不潔淨的東西。基督的身體就是基督,只有基督是在基督的 things. The Body of Christ is Christ, and only Christ can remain in His Body; everything
身體裏的,其餘的東西只好留在示劍。 else must be left behind in Shechem.
五節:『他們便起行前往。』雅各靠著主的能力,除去 Verse 5 says, “And they journeyed.” After Jacob trusted in the power of the Lord and
了一切不能榮耀主的東西以後,就起行前往伯特利去了。 removed all the things that did not glorify Him, he set out on his journey.
六至七節:『於是雅各和一切與他同在的人,到了迦南 Verses 6 and 7 say, “So Jacob came to Luz which is in the land of Canaan, that is,
地的路斯,就是伯特利。他在那裏築了一座壇,就給那地 Bethel, he and all the people that were with him. And he built there an altar, and called
方起名叫伊勒伯特利。』到這裏,雅各又進步了。在示劍, the place El-bethel; because there God appeared unto him, when he fled from the face
他說『伊利伊羅伊以色列』;在這裏,他說『伊勒伯特利』。 of his brother.” At that time, Jacob took another step forward. In Shechem he called the
這就是說,他在示劍稱神是以色列的神,他在這裏稱神是 place “El-Elohe-Israel.” Here he called it “El-bethel.” In Shechem he called God the God
伯特利的神。現在他從個人進入到團體了。在示劍,他認 of Israel, while here he called God the God of Bethel. He advanced from the individual
識神是以色列的神;到了伯特利,他認識神是『神的家』 experience to the corporate experience. In Shechem he knew God as the God of Israel.
的神了。他到了伯特利,才知道神所要得著的器皿是一個 When he reached Bethel, he knew God as the God of His house. When he reached
家,是一個團體的器皿。神不只是他個人的神,神更是『神 Bethel, he realized that the vessel God is after is a house, a corporate vessel. God was
的家』的神。他開始到了這寬廣之地。 not only his God, but the God of His house. He was brought to a broadened place.
感謝神,讚美神,神所造的不是一堆一堆的、零零碎碎 Thank and praise the Lord that God is not heaping up piles of isolated stones;
的石頭,神所造的乃是一個彰顯祂自己的家。必須有團體 He is building a house that expresses Him. There must be the corporate testimony
的見證,才能達到神的目的。光是個人還不能滿足神的心, before God’s goal can be reached. Individuals cannot satisfy God’s heart. Even many
卽使有很多個別的爲主作工的人,也不彀滿足神的心;需 individuals working for the Lord will not satisfy God’s heart. There is the need of a
要有團體的器皿來達到神的目的,才能滿足神的心。我們 corporate vessel to fulfill God’s purpose and satisfy His heart. Our God is the God of
的神,是伯特利的神,是教會的神。 Bethel, the God of the church.
在這裏,神又向雅各顯現了。神這一次在伯特利向他顯 Here God appeared to Jacob once more. This appearance of God in Bethel was
現,與神上一次在伯特利向他顯現不同;上一次是神在夢中 different from His previous appearance in Bethel. The previous time God had appeared
向他顯現,這一次是神直接向他顯現。我們看九至十節: in a dream. This time He appeared directly. Let us read verses 9 and 10: “And God
『雅各從巴旦亞蘭回來,神又向他顯現賜福與他;且對他說, appeared unto Jacob again, when he came out of Padan-aram, and blessed him. And
你的名原是雅各,從今以後不要再叫雅各,要叫以色列,這 God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob,
樣,他就改名叫以色列。』神要他把原名『雅各』改叫『以 but Israel shall be thy name; and he called his name Israel.” At Peniel God began to
色列』,是在毘努伊勒起頭的;現在他到了伯特利,就實行 change his name from Jacob to Israel. At Bethel the changing of his name was actually
改名了。在毘努伊勒所起頭的,到神的家就得著了。在毘努 carried out. What began at Peniel was completed in the house of God. At Peniel God

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伊勒,神對付雅各的天然生命,神在他身上作工,使他受了 dealt with Jacob’s natural life. God worked in him and gave him a mortal blow. After
致命傷;毘努伊勒之後,在他身上所遺留的,不過是他天然 Peniel only a mere vestige of his natural life remained; it was no longer as strong as it
生命的尾巴,已經不厲害了。到了伯特利之後,他個人在毘 once was. When he reached Bethel, that which began with his enlightening at Peniel
努伊勒得著光照的時候所起頭的,在神的家裏得著完全了。 was perfected in the house of God. Having our natural life touched individually is the
所以,你個人被神摸著天然的生命,那是你作以色列的起 starting point of Israel, while knowing the Body of Christ in the house of God is the
點;你到了神的家裏,認識基督的身體,那是你作以色列的 perfection of Israel. The beginning of the experience of Peniel is the enlightening and
成全。得著光照,天然的生命受對付,是毘努伊勒經歷的起 the stripping of the natural life, while the completion of the experience of Peniel is
點;到伯特利-神的家,是毘努伊勒經歷的成全。 Bethel, the house of God.
然後神又對他說,『我是全能的神!』(11。)他在毘努伊 God said to Jacob, “I am God Almighty” (v. 11). Jacob heard what he did not hear at
勒所沒有聽見的,現在他聽見了。在毘努伊勒,雅各問神的名 Peniel. At Peniel Jacob asked God for His name, and God would not tell him. God told
字叫甚麼,神不告訴他;在這裏,神把自己的名字告訴他了。 him His name here. “I am God Almighty!” This was one of the names God revealed to
『我是全能的神!』這就是神向亞伯拉罕顯現時所說的那一 Abraham when He appeared to him (17:1). God said this to Jacob to show him not only
個名字。(十七 1。)神對雅各這樣說,意思就是:你不只要 his own impotence, but God’s omnipotence. Not only do we have to know our poverty,
認識你自己的無能,你也要認識我的全能;你不只要認識你自 but we have to know His riches. “Be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of
己的貧窮,你也要認識我的豐富。『你要生養眾多,將來有一 nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins; and the land which I gave
族、和多國的民從你而生,又有君王從你而出。我所賜給亞伯 Abraham and Isaac, to thee I will give it, and to thy seed after thee will I give the land”
拉罕和以撒的地,我要賜給你,與你的後裔。』(三五 11 ~ (35:11-12). This shows that God had secured a new vessel in Jacob. Now there was a
12。)這告訴我們說,神在雅各身上,得著了一個新的器皿, people who could fulfill God’s purpose on earth. After God spoke this, He went up from
現在有一個子民在地上來達到神的目的了。神對雅各說了這些 him (v. 13). When Jacob met God previously, he erected a stone to be a pillar, poured oil
話之後,神就升上去了。(13。)上一次雅各在伯特利遇見神 on it, and called the name of the place the house of God. At that time, he was afraid and
之後,曾把一塊石頭立作柱子,澆上油,給那地方起名叫神的 felt that the place was very dreadful. After Jacob met God this time, he set up a pillar
家,那時他很懼怕,覺得這地方何等可畏。這一次雅各在伯特 of stone and poured oil as well as a drink offering on it (v. 14). A drink offering is an
利遇見神之後,又在那裏立了一根石柱,他不只澆上油,並且 offering of wine; in the Bible it signifies joy. Now Jacob was no longer fearful but joyful.
還奠酒。(14。)奠酒就是以酒獻上爲祭,在聖經裏是表明喜 Previously, he felt dreadful when he met God. Now he was joyful when he met God. This
樂。現在雅各不是懼怕,而是喜樂了。上一次遇見神覺得可畏, shows us that when we are saved, there is a certain taste in our praise of the Lord, and
這一次遇見神覺得喜樂,這給我們看見,蒙恩得救讚美神有一 when our flesh is dealt with, there is another taste in our praise of the Lord. The taste
種味道,肉體受了對付來讚美神另有一種味道。肉體受了對付 of praise which comes after the flesh is dealt with is something which one can never
以後的讚美的味道,是以前所沒有的。 experience prior to being dealt with.
住在希伯崙 Dwelling in Hebron
十六節:『他們從伯特利起行…,』又二十七節:『雅 Verse 16 says, “And they journeyed from Bethel.” Verse 27 says, “And Jacob came
各來到他父親以撒那裏,到了基列亞巴的幔利,乃是亞伯 unto Isaac his father unto Mamre, unto the city of Arba, which is Hebron, where
拉罕和以撒寄居的地方;基列亞巴就是希伯崙。』雅各現 Abraham and Isaac sojourned.” Jacob had arrived in Hebron. Once he reached this
在到了希伯崙。他到了這裏,神在他身上的工作完成了。 place, God’s work in him was completed. From this point on, he dwelt in Hebron, the
此後,他就住在希伯崙,就是從前亞伯拉罕和以撒所住的 place where Abraham and Isaac once dwelt. The meaning of Hebron is to remain in the
地方。希伯崙的意思就是一直在交通裏,不只與神交通, fellowship. It was not only fellowship with God but fellowship with the other members
並且與基督身體上別的肢體交通。 of the Body of Christ.

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伯特利還不是雅各久住的地方,只有希伯崙才是亞伯拉 Bethel was not the permanent dwelling place for Jacob. Only Hebron was the
罕、以撒、雅各三個人所久住的地方。這意思就是說,我 permanent dwelling place of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This means that we need to
們需要認識伯特利是神的家,正像我們需要認識示劍是神 know Bethel as the house of God just as we need to know Shechem as the power of
的能力一樣;但是,我們不是活在對於神的家的知識裏, God. However, we do not live in the knowledge of the house of God; we live daily in the
而是活在交通裏,天天活在交通裏。 fellowship of it.
從那時候起,雅各就看見沒有一件事是他自己所能作的, From that time on, Jacob realized that he could do nothing on his own. Everything
所有的事只有在交通裏才能作,沒有交通就不能作。肉體 had to be done in fellowship, and nothing could be done outside of fellowship. If the
如果沒有受過對付,就永遠看不見交通的緊要。有許多基 flesh is not dealt with, it will never see the importance of fellowship. Many Christians
督徒,好像甚麼都用不著交通,用不著與神交通,也用不 do not seem to need fellowship. They do not need to fellowship with God, and they do
著與神其他的兒女交通。他們所以這樣,有一個最大的原 not need to fellowship with other children of God. They are this way mainly because
因,就是因爲他們的肉體從來沒有受過對付。必須肉體受 their flesh has never been dealt with. The flesh must be dealt with, and one must
了對付,認識了伯特利的生命,才會覺得不在希伯崙就不 know the life of Bethel before he realizes that he cannot live outside Hebron, and that
能過日子,沒有交通就不能過日子。我們在這裏所說的交 he cannot survive without fellowship. The fellowship we are speaking of refers to the
通,是指著基督生命的供應,是從別的肢體身上得著基督 life supply of Christ which comes from the other members. When other brothers and
生命的供應。別的弟兄姊妹裏面的基督來供應我們,使我 sisters supply us with the indwelling Christ and we go forward through the supply of
們因著別的肢體的供應,能彀往前進,這就叫作希伯崙, these other members, we have Hebron and fellowship. God’s children are very much in
這就叫作交通。神的兒女需要這一個。 need of this.
神的兒女如果肉體沒有經過對付,就不能知道基督身體 If God’s children have not been dealt with in their flesh, they cannot know the life
的生命。雖然對於基督的身體這一個道理,他能彀懂得, of the Body of Christ. They may understand the doctrine about the Body of Christ,
他能彀解釋,他能彀講得清楚;但是他的肉體如果沒有經 and they may even be able to expound it clearly. But if their flesh is not dealt with,
過對付,他還是不能認識那一個生命。肉體一受對付, they will not know the life of the Body. Once the flesh is dealt with, they will know
你就能知道基督身體的生命是甚麼,你就能看見交通的緊 the life of the Body of Christ. They will see the importance of fellowship, and they will
要,你沒有交通就沒有法子過生活,你沒有神其他的兒女 not be able to live apart from the fellowship. They will not be able to be a Christian at
就不能作基督徒,你沒有神其他的兒女的幫助就得不著生 all without the other children of God, and they will not be able to receive any supply
命的供應。弟兄姊妹,基督的身體是一個事實,不是一個 of life apart from the help of God’s children. Brothers and sisters, the Body of Christ is
道理。我們沒有基督不能活,照樣,我們沒有別的基督徒 a fact; it is not a doctrine. We cannot live without Christ, and we cannot live without
也不能活。 the other Christians.
所以,我們要求神給我們看見,我們不能單獨的作基督徒, We have to ask God to show us that we cannot be Christians by ourselves. We have
我們必須活在與神的交通裏,也必須活在基督身體的交通裏。 to live in fellowship with God, and we have to live in fellowship with the Body of Christ.
我們要求神帶領我們,使我們真能榮耀神的名。但願神不只 May God lead us on so that we can truly glorify His name. May God gain not only a
在雅各身上得著一個器皿,也在我們身上得著一個器皿。 vessel in Jacob, but a vessel in us as well.

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讀經: Scripture Reading:
創世記三十七章:從畧。 Gen. 37 (OMITTED)
四十二至四十九章:從畧。 42—49 (OMITTED)
雅各在毘努伊勒經過了神的對付之後,他漸漸的認識了 After Jacob was dealt with by God at Peniel, he began to recognize his own
自己的輭弱,也漸漸的改變,漸漸的看見了他前面的道路, weakness and was gradually changed. He gradually saw the way he should take; he
他就經過示劍到伯特利,至終住在希伯崙。但這並不是說, passed through Shechem to Bethel and finally dwelt in Hebron. However, this does
從毘努伊勒之後,他就用不著神其他的管教了。聖經告訴 not mean that Jacob needed no further dealings from God after Peniel. The Bible
我們,從毘努伊勒之後,他所受的神的管教,似乎比以前 shows us that after Peniel, he seemed to encounter even more dealings from God than
更多。可以說,雅各是一個多經苦難的雅各。在他從示劍 before. We may say that Jacob was a suffering-ridden person. From Shechem to Bethel
到伯特利、從伯特利到希伯崙這一段期間,曾遭遇了不少 and from Bethel to Hebron, Jacob suffered many sorrows. We can take a look at the
傷心的事,就如: following examples.
雅各在示劍碰著一件十分爲難的事,就是他的女兒被那 In Shechem Jacob met a very difficult situation. His daughter was defiled by
地的主希未人哈抹的兒子示劍玷辱,他的兒子們就用計謀 Shechem, the son of Hamor the Hivite, the prince of the country. Jacob’s sons then
把示劍和城中一切男丁都殺死了。這件事是雅各最擔心的 conspired to slay Shechem and all the males in the city. This matter greatly troubled
『雅各對西緬和利未說, Jacob. Let us read Genesis 34:30: “And Jacob said to Simeon and Levi, Ye have troubled
你們連累我,使我在這地的居民中,就是在迦南人,和比 me to make me to stink among the inhabitants of the land, among the Canaanites and
利洗人中,有了臭名,我的人丁旣然稀少,他們必聚集來 the Perizzites: and I being few in number, they shall gather themselves together against
擊殺我,我和全家的人,都必滅絕。』雅各擔心示劍同族 me, and slay me; and I shall be destroyed, I and my house.” Jacob was very worried that
的人要起來復仇,雅各和他全家的人就都要滅絕。這是雅 Shechem’s countrymen might rise up in revenge to destroy him and his entire house.
各在示劍遭遇的難處。 This was the crisis that confronted Jacob in Shechem.
到了三十五章,他上伯特利去,又碰著一件事-『利百 In chapter thirty-five Jacob went to Bethel and encountered another incident.
加的奶母底波拉死了。』(8。)他看不見母親,如果有母 “Deborah Rebekah’s nurse died” (v. 8). He could not see his mother, but if his mother’s
親的奶母,也可稍慰此心,想不到母親的奶母也死了!聖 nurse was there, he would have been somewhat comforted. He did not expect that
經在此特意記載說,『就葬在伯特利下邊橡樹底下;那棵 his mother’s nurse would die also. The Scripture purposely records that “she was
樹名叫亞倫巴古。』『亞倫巴古』在原文的意思就是『哭 buried beneath Bethel under an oak: and the name of it was called Allon-bachuth.” The
泣之橡』。於此可見雅各那時悲傷的心情。 meaning of Allon-bachuth in the original language is “the oak of weeping.” From this we
have a glimpse of Jacob’s sorrow and grief at that time.
他從伯特利起行,離以法他還有一段路程,他碰著更傷 He journeyed from Bethel, and when he was close to Ephrath, he was met with an
心的事:『拉結臨產甚是艱難;…她將近於死,靈魂要走 even more sorrowful event. “Rachel travailed, and she had hard labor...And it came to
的時候,就給她兒子起名叫便俄尼,他父親卻給他起名叫 pass, as her soul was in departing, (for she died,) that she called his name Benoni: but

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便雅憫。拉結死了,葬在以法他的路旁;以法他就是伯利恆。 his father called him Benjamin. And Rachel died, and was buried in the way to Ephrath,
雅各在她的墳上立了一統碑,就是拉結的墓碑,到今日還 which is Bethlehem. And Jacob set a pillar upon her grave: that is the pillar of Rachel’s
在。』(16 ~ 20。)他最愛的妻子,在半路上死了。他在 grave unto this day” (vv. 16-20). The wife whom Jacob loved so much died on the way.
拉結的墳上所立的一統碑,說出了他傷心的故事。 The pillar that he set upon Rachel’s grave told of his sad story.
他在以得臺的時候,又碰著一件最痛心的事,就是他的 When Jacob was in Edar, he experienced another heartbreaking thing. His son
兒子流便與他的妾辟拉同寢。(22。)這又是一件叫他難 Reuben went to lay with Bilhah, Jacob’s concubine (v. 22). This was another matter that
受的事。 caused Jacob to suffer.
他經過了這麼多的事情之後,他到了希伯崙他父親以撒 After he passed through all these incidents, he arrived at Hebron where his father
那裏。聖經沒有題到他母親利百加,大概他母親已經死了。 Isaac sojourned. Here the Bible makes no mention of his mother Rebekah; perhaps his
這是神嚴嚴的對付雅各。他年輕的時候,母親寵愛他,教 mother had already died. This was God’s severe dealing with Jacob. In his youth his
他怎樣奪取他哥哥以掃可得的祝福;但是現在,愛他的母 mother had loved him. His mother had taught him how to steal the blessing that his
親已經不在了。他所遭遇的傷心的事的確不少。 brother Esau should have received. But now the mother who had loved him so dearly
was no longer around. He truly experienced many sorrows.
到這裏可以說,我們已經讀完了雅各歷史的第三段。在 At this point we have completed our study of the third stage of Jacob’s history. In
他歷史的第一段中,我們看見他的性格;在他歷史的第二 the first stage of his history, we saw his disposition. In the second stage of his history,
段中,我們看見他所受的試煉,他所受的管教;在他歷史 we saw the trials and disciplines that he suffered. In the third stage of his history, we
的第三段中,我們看見神不只管教他,神並且對付他這個 saw that God not only disciplined him, but also dealt with his being and his natural life.
人,對付他天然的生命;等到他天然的生命受了基本的對 Even after his natural life had been thoroughly dealt with, we see that the discipline of
付之後,我們看見在他身上仍舊有神的管教。神這樣對付 God was still upon him. God dealt with him in this way for the purpose of creating in
他,就是要在他身上造出一個他從前所沒有的性格來。 him a character that he did not possess before.
從三十七章起,到雅各的晚年,可以說是雅各歷史的第 The section from chapter thirty-seven to the end of Jacob’s old age may be
四段,也可以說是雅各成熟的時期,是雅各一生中最光明 considered the fourth stage of Jacob’s history. We may also say that this was the period
的時期。箴言四章十八節說,『義人的路,好像黎明的光, of the maturing of Jacob, the brightest period in Jacob’s entire life. Proverbs 4:18 says,
越照越明,直到日午。』他是一天過一天的越照越亮,一 “But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the
直到離世的日子。在這一個時期裏,差不多有四十年之久, perfect day.” Jacob shone brighter day by day until his death. During this period of
雖然雅各沒有作多少事,但是他在神面前真是變成一個滿 almost forty years, Jacob did not do much, yet before God he was transformed fully into
有恩惠、滿有愛心的人了。 a man of grace and love.
我們在聖經裏能看見,基督徒到了晚年,不必有衰頹的 We can see from the Bible that a Christian need not regress and decline in his old
光景。新約裏最好的三個使徒,到臨終的時候都是十分明 age. The three top apostles in the New Testament all shone brightly at the time of their
亮的。彼得寫後書的時候,已快到他脫離帳棚的時候了, death. When Peter wrote his second Epistle, it was close to the time of his departure
可是他趁著還在帳棚的時候,還是題醒弟兄,激發弟兄, from his tabernacle. But he still reminded and exhorted the brothers while he was yet
特別題到他曾親眼見過主的威榮。(彼後一 13 ~ 18。)可 in his tabernacle. In particular he said that he was an eyewitness of the Lord’s glory
以說,在他身上的那個明亮的情形,一點沒有衰敗。至於 and power. There was absolutely no waning of the brightness of Peter’s shining. As for
保羅,他說,『我現在被澆奠,我離世的時候到了。…從 Paul, he said, “For I am already being poured out, and the time of my departure is at
此以後,有公義的冠冕爲我存留,就是按著公義審判的主 hand...Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, with which the

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到了那日要賜給我的…。』(提後四 6,8。)我們從這幾 Lord, the righteous Judge, will recompense me in that day” (2 Tim. 4:6-8). We can see
句話中能看出,他對主的盼望還是那麼明亮。約翰是最明 from these sentences that the hope he had toward the Lord was brightly shining. With
顯的,他到了年老的時候才寫福音,才寫書信,才寫啓示錄; the apostle John, who wrote his Gospel, his Epistles, and the book of Revelation during
而他所寫的福音是說,『太初有道,』(約一 1,)他所寫 his old age, this shining is most apparent. The Gospel he wrote says, “In the beginning
的書信是說,『論到從起初原有的生命之道,』(約壹一 was the Word.” The first Epistle he wrote says, “That which was from the beginning...the
1,)他所寫的啓示錄是說到他『所看見的,和現在的事, Word of life.” Revelation also says, “The things which you have seen...and the things
並將來必成的事』;(一 19;)可以說,他從『起初』一 which are about to take place after these things.” John wrote “from the beginning” all
直寫到『永永遠遠』,年老的約翰還是一點沒有衰敗。所以, the way to “forever and ever.” There was no decline at all in the life of the aged John.
我們晚年的日子,不必是衰敗的日子。所羅門晚年的歷史, Therefore, our old age need not be days of deterioration. The history of Solomon’s old
(王上十一 1 ~ 8,)不是我們晚年所該有的歷史。神給我 age (1 Kings 11:1-8) should not be the history of our old age. God shows us that our
們看見,晚年的日子,該是豐富的日子。卽使像大衞曾犯 old age should be days of fullness. Even though David sinned, his ending was better
過罪,他的結局還可以比起頭的日子好,他的結局就是豫 than his beginning; he ended by preparing for the building of the temple. Although
備在那裏造聖殿。彼得雖然曾有三次不認主,但是,他的 Peter denied the Lord three times, in the end he was for the Lord. Although Mark once
結局還是爲著主的。馬可雖然有一次畏難而退,(徒十三 withdrew from the work because of difficulty (Acts 13:13; 15:37-38), he still wrote the
13,十五 37 ~ 38,)但是,馬可福音還是他寫的,後來他 Gospel according to Mark, and eventually he was profitable to Paul for the ministry (2
還是於保羅有益處的。(提後四 11。)這些人的歷史告訴 Tim. 4:11). The histories of these men show us that they all did very well in the last
我們,他們在末了一段路上都是走得很好的。 stretch of their journey.
我們回頭來看雅各這個人,在起初,可以說他真是詭詐 Let us come back to Jacob. In the beginning he was crafty and deceitful to the
到了極點;但是他後來變成了一個可愛的人,變成了一個在 uttermost, yet in the end he was transformed into a lovely person, a useful person in
神手裏有用處的人。如果我們把雅各與亞伯拉罕、以撒來比 God’s hand. If we compare Jacob with Isaac and Abraham, we may say that Jacob’s
一比,可以說雅各的結局比亞伯拉罕的結局好,雅各的結局 ending was better than that of Abraham and much better than that of Isaac. The
比以撒的結局更好。雅各的晚年是發亮的,是我們所想不到 shining in Jacob’s later years comes almost as a surprise to us. We may think that
的。我們也許以爲像雅各這樣的人沒有多大的盼望,是不堪 a person like Jacob is without much hope and not worthy of being perfected. Even
造就的,卽使好也好不了多少,在神手裏不會有多大用處; if he improved, we may think that he would not end up being of much use in God’s
但是按個人來說,亞伯拉罕的結局和以撒的結局,還不如雅 hand. But individually speaking, Abraham’s and Isaac’s endings were not as good as
各的結局。亞伯拉罕和以撒在晚年的時候,好像有一點生銹 Jacob’s. Both Abraham’s and Isaac’s later years seem a little rusty. However, Jacob’s
似的;但是,晚年的雅各是在那裏發亮,是在那裏結果子。 later years were shining and fruitful. God was able to accomplish in him in his later
在他晚年的時候,神在他身上所顯出來的,是他早年所沒有 years all that was absent in his early years. Let us look at some of the events in
的。現在我們來稍微看一點雅各晚年的事。 Jacob’s later years.


從創世記三十七章起,雅各退到後面去了,雅各這個人退 Beginning from Genesis 37 Jacob withdrew; he retired. Before this time Jacob was
休了。從前雅各這個人,是一天到晚在那裏活動的,一件事 active from morning until evening. As soon as he was finished with one matter, he
剛了,另一件事又來了。可以說,雅各是血氣力量的代表, would become involved in another matter. Jacob typified the strength of the flesh. No
別人沒有法子叫雅各不活動,沒有法子叫雅各不說話。他在 one could stop Jacob from his activity or his speaking. At Peniel God touched him. At
毘努伊勒的時候,神摸著他;他到了伯特利,神成全了他; Bethel God perfected him. At Hebron Jacob withdrew to the background. Beginning

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現在他到了希伯崙,他退到後邊去了。從三十七章起,有時 from chapter thirty-seven, he only occasionally came forward to speak a few words
候他到前面來說幾句話,有時候他到前面來作一件事,但是 or to take care of something. Most of the time he retreated to the background. He
在平常的時候他退到後面去,他靜下來了。 became quiet.
我們如果認識雅各這一個人,就知道他本來有的那一股勁是不 If we know Jacob, we will realize that his natural energy would not allow him to
能休息的。有的基督徒也是這樣,如果你叫他休息兩天,他是作 rest. Some Christians are like this. If you ask them to rest for a couple of days, they
不到的,因爲他是不能停的。但是,晚年的雅各靜下來了。雅各 simply cannot do it. They do not know how to stop. However, Jacob was quiet in his
不再憑著天然活動了。這一個是聖靈在他身上所結的果子。當然, later years. He was no longer active in his natural life. This was the fruit of the Spirit
這並不是說,雅各從今以後不作事了;這乃是說,雅各不再憑著 in Jacob. This does not mean that after our natural life has been dealt with, we will
天然的生命作事了。這不是說,我們天然生命受了對付之後,可 become a lazy person; nor does it mean that a person who seldom endeavors is
以作一個懶惰的人;也不是說,事情作得少的人,就是住在希伯 necessarily one that dwells in Hebron. If we think that being spiritual is doing very
崙的人。如果有人以爲要屬靈就得少作事情,甚至不作事情,這 little or even doing nothing, we are very wrong. When we say that Jacob was quiet,
是大錯。我們在這裏所說的雅各靜下來了,乃是說雅各天然的能 we mean that Jacob’s natural energy stopped. After Jacob returned to his father’s
力停下來了。雅各一回到他父親的家裏,一住在希伯崙,他就靜 house to dwell in Hebron, he became quiet and retreated. The work of the Spirit
下來了,他就退到後面去了。聖靈的工作成功在雅各身上了。 prevailed in Jacob.
肉體受神對付之後的一個最大的特點,就是肉體的活動 The most outstanding characteristic of a person whose flesh has been dealt with
停止了。就是像雅各這樣有一股勁的人,也能靜下來不活 by God is the cessation of fleshly activities. Even an energetic person such as Jacob can
動了。如果懶惰的人退到後面去,那沒有甚麼希奇;主如 become quiet and inactive. There is nothing to marvel at when a lazy person retreats to
果要對付他的話,也許反而要拖他到前面去才行。但是雅 the background. The Lord may deal with such a person by pushing him to the foreground.
各是一直活動的人,一直憑自己擠在前面的人,現在卻退 However, Jacob was a person who was always active, always asserting himself in the
到後面去了。這是神在他身上工作的結果。 forefront. His retreat to the background was truly the result of God’s work on him.
我們知道雅各是一個詭詐狡猾的人,是一個工於心計的 We know that Jacob was a crafty, cunning, and scheming person. This kind of person
人,這樣的人都是不顧別人的人。我們無法找到一個工於 does not usually have any concern for others. It is difficult to find a scheming person
心計的人是真愛別人的。一直想辦法對付別人的人,他所 who truly loves others. A person who always plots against others has only one goal—
有的目的不過是損人利己;自己上算的就作,自己不上算 to profit at the expense of others. He will do whatever profits him and not do anything
的就不作;永遠不能與別人表同情,永遠不會愛人。這是 that does not profit him. He can never sympathize with others or be considerate of
雅各。雅各的天性是只顧自己不顧別人的;雅各不會愛別 others. He can never love others. This was Jacob. Jacob’s nature was one that only
人,就是他對於拉結的愛,也是自私的愛。但是神管教雅 cared for himself. He did not know how to love others. Even his love for Rachel was a
各。自從他離開父家以後,他受了許多痛苦,碰著許多難 selfish love. Yet God disciplined him. After he left his father’s house, he endured much
處;當他回來的時候,他所親愛的人又相繼去世;女兒底 suffering and encountered many difficulties. When he returned to his father’s house,
拿,旣受玷辱,長子流便,又污牀榻;雅各所遭遇的,可 his loved ones passed away one by one. His daughter, Dinah, was defiled, and his eldest
以說彀傷心了!當他住在希伯崙的時候,可以說甚麼都沒 son, Reuben, defiled his bed. Jacob’s sufferings were really great. By the time he settled
有了。但是,經過了這些難處,他漸漸的成熟了,現在他 in Hebron he had lost everything. Yet through all these sufferings, he gradually became
不再像從前那樣憑著自己活動不休,他靜下來了,他退到 mature. He was no longer active in himself; rather, he became quiet and retreated to
後面去了。 the background.


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現在雅各也開始作一個有愛心的人了。兒子們在外面放 Jacob began to turn into a compassionate person. When his sons were feeding the
羊,他就打發約瑟去看他們。(創三七 12 ~ 14。)他現 flock away from home, he sent Joseph to inquire after them. Here we see that he was
在所作的,顯明他是一個有愛心照顧少年的長者。他恐怕 an elderly person who loved and cared for the young ones. He was afraid that his sons
兒子們在外面闖禍,所以要約瑟去看他們。想不到,約瑟 might get into mischief, and he sent Joseph to inquire after their welfare. He never
被賣了。雅各並不知道約瑟是被賣了,因爲他的兒子們把 expected that Joseph would be sold or that his sons would deceive him by showing
約瑟的那件綵衣染了血騙他;『他認得,就說,這是我兒 him Joseph’s many-colored coat dipped in blood. Genesis 37:33 says, “And he knew
子的外衣,有惡獸把他喫了,約瑟被撕碎了,撕碎了!』 it, and said, It is my son’s coat; an evil beast hath devoured him; Joseph is without
(33。)一個年老的人重複的說,『約瑟被撕碎了,撕碎 doubt rent in pieces.” What a great sorrow this was for an old man to repeat, “Joseph
了!』這是多麼傷心的事!接下去,『雅各便撕裂衣服, is without doubt rent in pieces.” The next verses say, “And Jacob rent his clothes, and
腰間圍上麻布,爲他兒子悲哀了多日。他的兒女都起來安 put sackcloth upon his loins, and mourned for his son many days. And all his sons and
慰他;他卻不肯受安慰,說,我必悲哀著下陰間到我兒子 all his daughters rose up to comfort him; but he refused to be comforted; and he said,
那裏!約瑟的父親就爲他哀哭。』(34 ~ 35。)神在雅各 For I will go down into the grave unto my son mourning. Thus his father wept for him”
身上一步一步的減除,一步一步的剝奪;到現在,連約瑟 (vv. 34-35). Step by step God took everything away from Jacob; step by step Jacob was
也去了。三十七章末了所記載的,實在是一件淒涼悲哀的 stripped. Even Joseph was taken from him. The record in the latter part of Genesis 37 is
事。雅各又一次在神手裏受管教、受磨煉,神要使他變成 truly sad and sorrowful. Once again Jacob was disciplined and tried in God’s hand. God
一個滿有愛心的人,作一個與人表同情的人。 was making Jacob a person full of compassion and sympathy for others.


後來約瑟在埃及地作了法老全家的主,並埃及全地的宰相, Later, Joseph was made lord over Pharaoh’s house and governor over all the land
但是雅各在迦南地卻遭遇饑荒,雅各又碰著難處了。現在他 of Egypt. Jacob, on the other hand, was facing famine in the land of Canaan. When
叫兒子們到埃及去糴糧,只是小兒子便雅憫沒有去。兒子們 Jacob was faced with this calamity, he sent his sons to buy corn in Egypt. Benjamin, his
到埃及糴糧的時候,被約瑟認了出來,約瑟故意把西緬留在 youngest son, did not go. While his sons were buying food in Egypt, Joseph recognized
埃及,要他們把小兄弟便雅憫帶去,才把西緬釋放。兒子們 them. Joseph purposely detained Simeon. He would release him on the condition that
回到家裏,把這經過告訴雅各。雅各對他們說,『你們使我 they bring Benjamin to him. When the sons returned home, they told Jacob all that had
喪失我的兒子;約瑟沒有了,西緬也沒有了,你們又要將便 befallen them, and Jacob said to them, “Me have ye bereaved of my children: Joseph is
雅憫帶去,這些事都歸到我身上了。』(四二 36。)在這裏, not, and Simeon is not, and ye will take Benjamin away: all these things are against me”
我們看見一個溫柔的雅各,不是前些日子的雅各了。在這裏 (Gen. 42:36). Here we see a tender Jacob, not the Jacob of his former days. Here was
有一個人,是在神手下過日子的人,是一天過一天失去他天 a man who lived under God’s hand, whose natural life disappeared day by day. Before
然生命的人;他在神面前,變成一個溫柔、有愛心的人。 God he was transformed into a tender and loving person.
由於那地的饑荒甚大,他們從埃及帶來的糧食已經喫盡了, When the corn that had been brought from Egypt was eaten, they could go and
如果再要去糴糧,那就要按著埃及的那一位宰相所說的,非把 buy food only according to the condition laid out by the governor in Egypt: They had
便雅憫帶去不可。雅各現在沒有辦法了,連最心愛的一個小兒 to bring Benjamin with them. Jacob had no other way but to let his most treasured,
子也不得不讓他去了。到這裏,聖經記載說,『他們的父親以 youngest son go. At this point the Bible records, “And their father Israel said unto
色列說,若必須如此…。』(四三 11。)聖經稱他的名字爲以 them, If it must be so...” (Gen. 43:11). Here the Bible calls his name Israel. The phrase
色列了。『若必須如此,』這句話顯出他現在是一個溫柔的人 “if it must be so” indicates that he was now a tender person; he was no longer a
了,不再作一個堅持的人了。在前些日子,他要怎樣就怎樣, stubborn person. Formerly, he did whatever he wished, but no longer. His words, “if it

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但是現在不然了。『若必須如此,你們就當這樣行…,』雅各 must be so now, do this,” indicate that Jacob was now softened and was able to listen
現在輭了,能聽別人的話了。『可以將這地,土產中最好的乳 to others. “Take of the best fruits in the land in your vessels, and carry down the man
香、蜂蜜、香料、沒藥、榧子、杏仁,都取一點收在器具裏, a present, a little balm, and a little honey, spices and myrrh, nuts and almonds.” The
帶下去送給那人作禮物。』現在這一個老人有好心了。『又要 aged man was now full of kindness. “And take double money in your hand; and the
手裏加倍的帶銀子,並將歸還在你們口袋內的銀子,仍帶在手 money that was brought again in the mouth of your sacks, carry it again in your hand;
裏;那或者是錯了。』(12。)他現在要把錯得來的銀子還給 peradventure it was an oversight” (v. 12). He wanted to return the money that was
人了,不像從前那樣,老是要把別人的東西拿來當作自己的了。 taken before. This was unlike his past when he took the possessions of others as his
『也帶著你們的兄弟,起身去見那人。』(13。)他答應讓便 own. “Take also your brother, and arise, go again unto the man” (v. 13). He agreed to
雅憫也去了。雅各接下去說,『但願全能的神使你們在那人面 let Benjamin go, saying, “And God Almighty give you mercy before the man, that he
前蒙憐憫,釋放你們的那弟兄和便雅憫回來;我若喪了兒子, may send away your other brother, and Benjamin. If I be bereaved of my children, I
就喪了吧。』(14。)現在的雅各,與從前的雅各完全兩樣了。 am bereaved” (v. 14). This Jacob was entirely different from the former Jacob. God was
到這裏,神把他最後所心愛的也要拿去了,連最末了的一個兒 taking away his most treasured son; his youngest son, Benjamin, had to leave him! In
子便雅憫也必須離開他去了。他一生辛苦,到現在甚麼都沒有 spite of all his life’s labor, he had nothing left. This was God’s stripping. He said, “If I
了;這是神的剝奪。他說,我若喪了兒子,就喪了吧!我只有 be bereaved of my children, I am bereaved.” He seemed to be saying, “I only have one
一個盼望,但願全能的神,就是我在伯特利所認識的神,叫你 desire: May God Almighty, the God I knew at Bethel, give you mercy before that man,
們在那人面前蒙憐憫,釋放你們的那弟兄和便雅憫回來。弟兄 and deliver your other brother and Benjamin home.” Brothers and sisters, if you read
姊妹,你如果坐在雅各的旁邊讀他的歷史,你還不能明白他; Jacob’s history as an outsider, you may not understand him, but if you put yourself in
但你如果進入雅各的裏面讀他的歷史,你就會明白現在的雅各 Jacob’s situation and read his history, you will realize what kind of person Jacob was
是一個怎樣的雅各了。他本來是一個那樣有本領、那樣詭計多 by this time. Formerly he was a capable, cunning, and supplanting person, but now
端的人,到了現在,竟然變成一個這麼輭、這麼溫柔、這麼有 he had been transformed into a soft, tender, and loving person. How much work must
愛心的人!從這裏,你能領會神在他身上作了多少工。 God have done on him!


以上這些,還不彀顯出雅各的光亮,再下去,可以說是雅各發 All the above is not enough to reveal Jacob’s shining brightness. From this point on,
亮的時候了。當他兒子們第二次從埃及回來的時候,告訴他說,『約 Jacob became shining. When his sons returned from Egypt the second time and told
瑟還在,並且作埃及全地的宰相。』當時雅各心裏冰涼,因爲不信 him, “Joseph is yet alive, and he is governor over all the land of Egypt,” Jacob’s heart
他們。(四五 26。)後來看見約瑟打發來接他的車輛,就心裏甦 fainted because he did not believe them (Gen. 45:26). Later when he saw the wagons
醒了。以色列說,『罷了,罷了,我的兒子約瑟還在,趁我未死以 which Joseph had sent to carry him, his spirit revived, and “Israel said, It is enough;
先,我要去見他一面。』(28。)在這裏我們要注意聖經的記載: Joseph my son is yet alive: I will go and see him before I die” (v. 28). We need to note
甚麼時候稱他爲雅各,甚麼時候稱他爲以色列。我們在這裏看出他 when the Bible calls him Jacob and when it calls him Israel. He was already a tender
已經是一個溫柔的人了。如果是二十年或者四十年以前的雅各,遇 person. If he had been the Jacob of twenty or forty years earlier, he probably would
見了這樣的事,恐怕要重重的責備他的兒子們說,你們爲甚麼欺騙 have severely scolded his sons under such circumstances. He might have said, “Why
我這麼久!但是,他現在說,『罷了,罷了,我的兒子約瑟還在, have you cheated me for so long?” But he only said, “It is enough;...I will go and see
趁我未死以先,我要去見他一面。』在這裏我們摸著溫柔,在這裏 him before I die.” Here we touch gentleness, maturity, and a character refined by fire.
我們摸著成熟,在這裏我們摸著一個經火煉過的性格。現在,已經 Within Jacob there was the constitution of the Holy Spirit which could not be found in
有聖靈的組織在雅各裏面,是從前的那個雅各所沒有的。 the former Jacob.

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雖然雅各說,『我要去見他一面,』但是他在這裏發生 Although Jacob said, “I will go and see him,” a question rose up within him. It seems
了一個問題:我真的可以下埃及去麼?我真的可以因約瑟 as if he was asking, “Can I really go down to Egypt? Can I truly go down to Egypt for
的緣故下埃及去麼?我的祖父亞伯拉罕到埃及去的時候犯 Joseph’s sake? My grandfather, Abraham, sinned while going down to Egypt. He was
了罪,受了責備,然後回來;我的父親以撒遇見饑荒的時 reproached and he returned. My father Isaac wanted to go down to Egypt when he
候要下埃及去,神就顯現,警告他不可下埃及去,他聽從 met famine, but God appeared and warned him that he should not go down to Egypt.
神的吩咐,神就祝福他;我現在是繼續在亞伯拉罕、以撒 He obeyed God’s commandment, and God blessed him. Now can I, who have inherited
之後得著應許的,我能不能因著約瑟的緣故下埃及去呢? the promises of Abraham and Isaac, go down to Egypt because of Joseph? Joseph is my
不錯,約瑟是我所愛的,他在埃及作宰相,不能到我這裏 beloved, and he is governor over Egypt and cannot come to me, but is this natural tie of
來,但是父子的天性能不能作我下埃及去的理由呢?我如 father and son enough reason for me to go down to Egypt? If I go down to Egypt, what
果到埃及去,神的命令要變作怎樣呢?神的應許要變作怎 will happen to God’s commandment? What will happen to God’s promises? What will
樣呢?這一塊地-神的產業-要變作怎樣呢?我如果到埃 become of this land, God’s inheritance? Will this lineage be frustrated if I go down to
及去,會不會叫這一條線受攔阻呢?亞伯拉罕、以撒的那 Egypt? How will the line of Abraham and Isaac be consummated?” This was a problem.
一條線,怎麼能得著成功呢?這是問題。雅各怕自己會錯, Jacob was afraid to be wrong in himself. Therefore, when he came to Beer-sheba, he
所以他來到別是巴,就停在那裏,向神獻祭。(四六 1。) stopped and offered sacrifices to God (Gen. 46:1).
在這裏是雅各第一次大放光明的時候,是他從前所沒有 For the first time, Jacob shone more brightly than he ever did before. When he
的。當他打發便雅憫往埃及去的時候,他說,『但願全能 sent Benjamin to Joseph, he said, “God Almighty give you mercy before the man,
的神使你們在那人面前蒙憐憫,釋放你們的那弟兄和便雅 that he may send away your other brother, and Benjamin.” This revealed a condition
憫回來,』那已經顯出他從前所沒有的情形了;現在他想 in him that had not been present before. Now he thought of God’s promises, God’s
到神的應許、神的計畫、神的產業、神的約,他害怕,所 plan, God’s inheritance, and God’s covenant. He became fearful; therefore, he rose
以他起身來到別是巴,『就獻祭給他父親以撒的神,』這 up unto Beer-sheba “and offered sacrifices unto the God of his father Isaac.” This
更顯出他與從前完全兩樣了。他獻祭,他的意思似乎對神 shows that he was entirely different from before. He offered sacrifices and seemed
說,我是事奉你的,我所有的一切都在祭壇上,我去也可 to say to God, “I am here to serve You; all that I have is on the altar. It is fine with
以,不去也可以,我在你面前站在這一個地位上。我們看 me whether I go or not. This is the position that I am standing on before You.” If we
下文神對他所說的話,就知道雅各那時候的感覺:『夜間 look at what God said to him in the following passage, we can know Jacob’s feeling
神在異象中對以色列說,雅各,雅各!他說,我在這裏。 at the time. “And God spoke unto Israel in the visions of the night, and said, Jacob,
神說,我是神,就是你父親的神,你下埃及去不要害怕。』 Jacob. And he said, Here am I. And he said, I am God, the God of thy father: fear not
(2 ~ 3 上。)這就證明雅各在那時候是覺得懼怕的。感謝 to go down into Egypt” (vv. 2-3). This proves that Jacob was fearful. Thank God, this
神,這一個懼怕,顯出了神在他身上所已經作的工。雅各 fearfulness reveals what God had done in him. Jacob’s concern about whether or
擔心他可以不可以因約瑟的緣故而往埃及去。他在這裏所 not he could go down to Egypt for the sake of Joseph shows that he had attained
達到的,是亞伯拉罕所沒有達到的,也是以撒所沒有達到 what Abraham and Isaac had not attained. Abraham went down to Egypt on his own
的。亞伯拉罕碰著饑荒的時候就自動往埃及去;以撒碰著 when he faced famine. Isaac also wanted to go down to Egypt when he met famine,
饑荒的時候也想要往埃及去,幸虧神攔阻了他;但是,在 but fortunately God stopped him. But here was a man whom God did not stop. Jacob
這裏有一個人,神沒有攔阻他,是他自己停在半路,他自 stopped halfway by himself. He thought of God’s promises and God’s covenant and
己想到神的應許、神的約,就懼怕起來。他怎麼辦?他只 became fearful. What should he do? He could do only one thing: offer up sacrifices
能作一件事,就是在神面前獻祭。祭壇是他應在的地方。 to God. The altar was the place for him. He waited until God said to him, “Fear not to
等到神對他說,『不要害怕,因爲我必使你在那裏成爲大 go down into Egypt; for I will there make of thee a great nation. I will go down with

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族。我要和你同下埃及去,也必定帶你上來,』(3 下~ 4,) thee into Egypt; and I will also surely bring thee up again.” At that word he dared
這樣,他才敢從別是巴起行。這就是聖靈的組織!他是另 to rise up from Beer-sheba. This was the constitution of the Holy Spirit! He was
外一個人了,與從前完全兩樣了。在這一個人裏面,已經 another person, totally different from what he had been before. Inside this person
有聖靈的組織,已經有屬靈的站住,已經有屬靈的見證了。 was the constitution, establishment, and testimony of the Spirit.


他到了埃及,見了約瑟的面,就住在歌珊地。後來約瑟就 He came to Egypt, saw Joseph, and settled in the land of Goshen. Then Joseph
引他去見法老。四十七章七節:『約瑟領他父親雅各進到法 presented him unto Pharaoh. Genesis 47:7 says, “And Joseph brought in Jacob his father,
老面前,雅各就給法老祝福。』這是一幅何等美麗的圖畫! and set him before Pharaoh: and Jacob blessed Pharaoh.” What a beautiful picture!
雅各雖然是宰相的父親,但是無論如何總比法老小一點。另 Although Jacob was the father of the governor, humanly speaking, he was still a little
一面,雅各又是一個逃荒的人,一個逃難的人,他到法老的 lower than Pharaoh. Jacob was also a man fleeing from famine, a refugee. He came to
地方來,還得靠法老得糧食,靠法老生活,他需要仰望於法 the land of Pharaoh to look to Pharaoh for his food and his living. How much he needed
老的不知道有多少。如果是從前的雅各,他見了法老要怎麼 to rely on Pharaoh! If this had been the former Jacob, what would he have done upon
作呢?從前他碰著自己的哥哥的時候,尚且乞憐的稱哥哥爲 meeting Pharaoh? When he met his own brother, he humbly addressed him as “my
『我主』,稱自己爲『你僕人』;現在他去見一位埃及的國 lord” and referred to himself as “your servant.” When he came to the king of Egypt,
王,那豈不是更要向法老恭維一番了麼?可是現在他與從前 should he not have been even more flattering to Pharaoh? But he was totally different.
完全兩樣了,他一進去,就替法老祝福。希伯來七章七節說, Upon entering, he blessed Pharaoh. Hebrews 7:7 says, “But without any dispute the
『從來位分大的給位分小的祝福。』雅各一點不覺得自己現 lesser is blessed by the greater.” Jacob did not have a sense that he was a refugee, a man
在是一個逃難的,是一個逃荒的,他一點不覺得法老的地位 fleeing from famine. He was not affected by Pharaoh’s high and great position. Although
有多高多大。那個時候,雖然埃及是一個最強大的國家,法 Egypt was the strongest country at that time and Pharaoh was the king of this great
老是這一個強國的國王,並且法老又是雅各的恩人,可是雅 country, as well as Jacob’s benefactor, Jacob did not lose his standing in the presence
各在法老面前並不失去他的地位。他看見,在屬世方面雖然 of Pharaoh. Although to the world, Pharaoh’s position was high, Jacob knew that there
法老的位分是大的,但是在屬靈方面法老的位分卻是小的, was nothing lofty about it spiritually. Therefore, Jacob could bless Pharaoh. Jacob kept
所以他能替法老祝福。這是他站住屬靈的地位。 his spiritual standing.
『法老問雅各說,你平生的年日是多少呢?雅各對法老 “And Pharaoh said unto Jacob, How old art thou? And Jacob said unto Pharaoh, The
說,我寄居在世的年日是一百三十歲,我平生的年日又少、 days of the years of my pilgrimage are a hundred and thirty years: few and evil have the
又苦,不及我列祖在世寄居的年日。』(創四七 8 ~ 9。) days of the years of my life been, and have not attained unto the days of the years of the
雅各現在有感覺,他說,『我平生的年日又少、又苦,不 life of my fathers in the days of their pilgrimage” (Gen. 47:8-9). Jacob spoke with much
及我列祖,』他自己知道自己的光景,他一點不覺得自己 feeling: “Few and evil have the days of the years of my life been, and have not attained
又大、又有本事。 unto the days of the years of the life of my fathers.” He knew his own condition. He did
not feel that he was great and capable at all.
『雅各又給法老祝福。』(10。)他臨走的時候,又給 “And Jacob blessed Pharaoh” (v. 10). Before he left he blessed Pharaoh again. When
法老祝福。我們讀到這裏,我們不能不說雅各是可愛的。 we read this we can only say that Jacob was a lovable person.
雅各這一個人的天性是好勝的、是自私的、是貪利的;現 By nature, Jacob was an emulous, selfish, and covetous person. Now in Egypt,
在他在埃及,法老是他所祝福的,宰相是他的兒子,他很可以 having blessed Pharaoh and having the governor as his son, he had a good opportunity

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從法老或者從兒子身上得著榮耀。但是他沒有這樣。晚年的雅 to gain recognition from Pharaoh and his son. But he did not do this. Just as the aged
各,在迦南地如何是退到後面的,現在到了埃及也如何是退到 Jacob retreated to the background in the land of Canaan, he stepped back in Egypt.
後面的。在這些年日之中,雅各還是簡簡單單的退到後面。如 During those years, Jacob receded to the background in a simple way. If he had been the
果是從前的雅各,有了這樣一個好機會,不知道要作出甚麼事 former Jacob, we do not know what he would have done with such a good opportunity.
來。從前他在沒有辦法的時候,還要想出辦法來;他遇見了那 Previously, he looked for ways even when he had no way. When he met the miserly
樣吝嗇的拉班,還能設法搾出油來;但是,那樣的日子已經過 Laban, he could still find ways to squeeze something out of him. However, those days
去了,雅各不再是雅各了,雅各已經是以色列了。 were gone. Jacob was not Jacob any longer. He had become Israel.
我們讀雅各晚年的歷史的時候,就要想到他早年的情形。 We must read the history of Jacob in his later years in the light of his condition in
他早年是那樣忙碌,是那樣工於心計;可是他現在沒有多 his early years. In the early years he was busy and calculating. But in his later years
少話說,沒有多少活動,他是退到後面去的以色列了。這 he did not speak much, and he was not active. He was the Israel who had receded to
就是神的工作。許多時候,神最大的工作,就是作到我們 the background. This was the work of God. Many times, God’s greatest work consists
自己不活動,自己不說話,自己不出主張。神現在在雅各 of stopping us from our own activity, speaking, and proposals. God had completed His
裏面已經作成了祂的工作,所以我們看見雅各自己現在沒 work in Jacob. Therefore, we now find Jacob saying nothing, doing nothing, and being
有話說,沒有活動,甚麼都沒有了。 stripped of everything.


雅各在埃及住了十七年,他住在地上的日子快滿了。他 Jacob lived in Egypt for seventeen years. His days on earth were coming to an end.
住在歌珊地十七年之久,沒有發生甚麼事情,就是簡簡單 During the time he lived in the land of Goshen, not much happened to him; he just lived
單的過日子;但是他這十七年並不是在那裏生銹,而是在 a simple life. However, he did not become rusty during those seventeen years; he was
那裏一直進步。他一天過一天更發亮,真是『越照越明, progressing all the time. Day by day he shone brighter and brighter. Indeed he shone
直到日午』。他臨終時候的發亮,可以說是發亮到了頂點。 more and more unto the perfect day. His death marked the time of the zenith of his
但願神給我們一個結局,也像他一樣。 shining. We pray that God would give us an ending similar to his.
『 雅 各 住 在 埃 及 地 十 七 年, 雅 各 平 生 的 年 日 是 Genesis 47:28-30 says, “And Jacob lived in the land of Egypt seventeen years: so the
一百四十七歲。以色列的死期臨近了,他就叫了他兒子約 whole age of Jacob was a hundred forty and seven years. And the time drew nigh that
瑟來,說,我若在你眼前蒙恩,請你把手放在我大腿底下, Israel must die: and he called his son Joseph, and said unto him, If now I have found grace
用慈愛和誠實待我,請你不要將我葬在埃及;我與我祖我 in thy sight, put, I pray thee, thy hand under my thigh, and deal kindly and truly with me;
父同睡的時候,你要將我帶出埃及,葬在他們所葬的地方。 bury me not, I pray thee, in Egypt: but I will lie with my fathers, and thou shalt carry me
約瑟說,我必遵著你的命而行。』(四七 28 ~ 30。) out of Egypt, and bury me in their burying place. And he said, I will do as thou hast said.”
這很希奇,雅各住在埃及地的時候,從來沒有對他的兒子 It is interesting to note that while Jacob was in the land of Egypt, he never told
說,你應當給我怎樣住,你應當給我怎樣生活,可是現在他卻 his son what kind of dwelling or living he wanted. But now he said to his son, “I
對他兒子說,『我與我祖我父同睡的時候,你要將我帶出埃 will lie with my fathers, and thou shalt carry me out of Egypt, and bury me in their
及,葬在他們所葬的地方。』他在埃及地沒有注意喫甚麼、穿 burying place.” He did not care about eating and clothing in the land of Egypt. He
甚麼,他對於這些都沒有問題;兒子給他甚麼,他就接受甚麼。 was not bothered by these things. He accepted whatever his son gave him. However,
但是,他對於他死後該葬在甚麼地方這一個問題不能放鬆,因 regarding his burial place after his death, he was very particular because this was
爲這一個問題與神的應許發生關係,與神所應許的地發生關 related to God’s promise, the land of God’s promise, and the kingdom God would

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係,與神所要立的國發生關係。他注意他死後的問題。從前雅 establish. Previously, Jacob was a man who only cared for his own profit. However,
各是一個只顧自己利益的人,但是現在他所注意的不是個人利 now he was not concerned about personal comfort, but about the covenant between
益的問題,而是關於神與他的家所立的約的問題,也就是亞伯 God and His house, that is, the position which Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob occupied
拉罕、以撒、和雅各在神的見證中所站的地位的問題。從前的 in God’s testimony. The former Jacob was a crafty person who upbraided his sons
雅各,是一個很厲害的雅各,曾責備過兒子西緬和利未;(三四 Simeon and Levi. The present Jacob mildly called his son Joseph to come. Previously,
30;)現在呢,他溫柔的叫了他的兒子約瑟來。從前約瑟把夢 when Joseph told Jacob about his dream of the sun, moon, and eleven stars bowing
見太陽、月亮、與十一個星向他下拜的事告訴雅各的時候,雅 down to him, Jacob rebuked him and said to him, “Shall I and thy mother and thy
各責備他說,『難道我和你母親、你弟兄,果然要來俯伏在地, brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth?” (Gen. 37:10).
向你下拜麼?』(三七 10。)現在他叫他的兒子約瑟來,不 Now he called his son and gently, not disapprovingly, said, “If now I have found
是用責備的口氣,而是溫柔的對他說,『我若在你眼前蒙恩,』 grace in thy sight...” This man was indeed mature. He said, “Put, I pray thee, thy
這個人真是成熟了。他說,『請你把手放在我大腿底下,用慈 hand under my thigh, and deal kindly and truly with me; bury me not, I pray thee, in
愛和誠實待我,請你不要將我葬在埃及。』他用最溫柔的話, Egypt.” He uttered the most important things with the most tender words. He said,
說出最重要的事。他說,『我與我祖我父同睡的時候,你要將 “But I will lie with my fathers, and thou shalt carry me out of Egypt, and bury me in
我帶出埃及,葬在他們所葬的地方。』從這些話中,我們看見 their burying place.” These words show us that God had constituted a new character
神在雅各身上已經組織出一個新的性格來了。 in Jacob.
下面一件事很寶貴:『於是以色列在牀頭上敬拜神。』 The following words are very precious: “And Israel bowed himself upon the bed’s
(四七 31。)『在牀頭上』或作『扶著杖頭』;希伯來書 head” (v. 31). “Upon the bed’s head” corresponds to “leaning on the top of his staff,”
也引這句話說,『扶著杖頭敬拜神。』(十一 21。)我們 which is quoted in the book of Hebrews (11:21). We believe that since the time he
相信,從他瘸腿以後,他就需要柺杖了。柺杖,一面說出 became lame he carried a staff. On the one hand, the staff spoke of his lameness. On the
他是一個瘸腿的人,另一面也說出他是一個旅客。現在他 other hand, it indicated that he was a sojourner. Now he worshipped God while leaning
扶著杖頭敬拜神,他的意思就是對神說,你在我身上所作 on the top of his staff. By this he was saying to God, “Everything that You have done
的,沒有一件不是最好的,所以我要敬拜你。 with me is the best that could be. Therefore, I worship You.”
到創世記四十八章,他生病了。約瑟帶著兩個兒子來看 In chapter forty-eight he became sick, and Joseph brought his two sons to visit him.
他。雅各對約瑟說,『全能的神曾在迦南地的路斯向我顯 Jacob said to Joseph, “God Almighty appeared unto me at Luz in the land of Canaan, and
現,賜福與我。對我說,我必使你生養眾多,成爲多民, blessed me, and said unto me, Behold, I will make thee fruitful, and multiply thee, and I
又要把這地賜給你的後裔,永遠爲業。』(3 ~ 4。)他認 will make of thee a multitude of people; and will give this land to thy seed after thee for
識神的名-『全能的神。』現在他所記得的,不是他怎樣 an everlasting possession” (vv. 3-4). He recognized God’s name as “God Almighty.” He did
與他的哥哥相爭,怎樣得著長子的名分,怎樣得著他哥哥 not remember how he competed with his brother, how he gained the birthright, or how
的祝福等等;現在他所記得的,乃是他與神的關係。 he took his brother’s blessing, etc. All he remembered was his relationship with God.
接下去他說,『我未到埃及見你之先,你在埃及地所生 He continued to say, “And now thy two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, which were
的以法蓮和瑪拿西,這兩個兒子是我的;正如流便和西緬 born unto thee in the land of Egypt, before I came unto thee into Egypt, are mine; as
是我的一樣。你在他們以後所生的,就是你的,他們可以 Reuben and Simeon, they shall be mine. And thy issue, which thou begettest after them,
歸於他們弟兄的名下得產業。至於我,我從巴旦來的時候, shall be thine, and shall be called after the name of their brethren in their inheritance.
拉結死在我眼前,在迦南地的路上,離以法他還有一段路 And as for me, when I came from Padan, Rachel died by me in the land of Canaan in
程,我就把她葬在以法他的路上;以法他就是伯利恆。』 the way, when yet there was but a little way to come unto Ephrath: and I buried her
(5 ~ 7。)這是他所記念的事。在這裏,我們摸著他這一 there in the way of Ephrath; the same is Bethlehem” (vv. 5-7). These were the things
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個人;我們摸著他如何對神,我們也摸著他如何作人。這 he remembered. Here we touch his person. We see his attitude toward God and his
很清楚的顯出,他現在與從前不同了,他現在是一個有感 attitude before men. This shows us clearly that he was now a different person, one with
覺的人了,是一個溫柔的人了。 feeling and tenderness.
『以色列看見約瑟的兩個兒子,就說,這是誰?約瑟對他父 “And Israel beheld Joseph’s sons, and said, Who are these? And Joseph said unto
親說,這是神在這裏賜給我的兒子;以色列說,請你領他們到 his father, They are my sons, whom God hath given me in this place. And he said, Bring
我跟前,我要給他們祝福。』(8 ~ 9。)當他爲約瑟兩個兒 them, I pray thee, unto me, and I will bless them” (vv. 8-9). When he blessed Joseph’s
子祝福的時候,他把右手按在以法蓮頭上,左手按在瑪拿西頭 two sons, he laid his right hand on Ephraim’s head and his left hand on Manasseh’s
上。本來以法蓮是次子,瑪拿西是長子,現在以色列卻把右手 head. Although Ephraim was the younger and Manasseh was the firstborn, Israel laid
按在次子的頭上,把左手按在長子的頭上,剛好掉一個次序。 his right hand on the head of the younger one and his left hand on the head of the
約瑟看見了,就說,『我父不是這樣。』(18。)以色列怎樣 firstborn, reversing the order. When Joseph saw this, he said, “Not so, my father.” What
說?他說,『我知道,我兒我知道。』(19。)這給我們看見, did Israel say? He said, “I know it, my son, I know it.” This shows us that Jacob knew
以撒所不知道的,他知道,他比以撒清楚得多。以撒祝福小兒 what Isaac did not know; he was clearer than Isaac. When Isaac blessed his younger
子,是受了小兒子的騙而祝福的;以色列祝福約瑟的次子,是 son, he was deceived into blessing him, but Israel was clear about what he was doing
他自己知道而祝福的。以撒年老眼睛花了,以色列年老眼睛也 when he blessed Joseph’s younger son. Both Isaac’s and Israel’s eyes were dim because
花了;以撒外面的眼睛花了,裏面的眼睛也花了,但是以色列 of age, but Israel’s inner eyes were not dim. Israel said, “I know it, my son, I know it.”
外面的眼睛雖然花了,裏面的眼睛卻並沒有花。以色列說,『我 He knew that God wanted to set Ephraim before Manasseh, that God wanted the older
知道,我兒我知道。』他知道神要立以法蓮在瑪拿西以上,神 one to serve the younger. Here was a man who had entered into God’s thoughts. Here
要大的服事小的。在這裏有一個人進到神的思想裏去了。在這 was a man who had fellowshipped with God to such an extent and who had known
裏有一個人與神有交通到一個地步,認識神到一個地步,能彀 God to such an extent that he could overcome the weakness of his body. What his
勝過身體的輭弱,外面的眼睛所不能看見的,裏面的眼睛卻能 physical eyes could not see, his inner eyes could see. The shining of Israel had indeed
看得見,以色列的發亮真是到極點了! reached the zenith!
祝福完了的時候,雅各就給他們看見,埃及不是他們的家: After giving the blessing, he showed them that Egypt was not their home. “And
『以色列又對約瑟說,我要死了,但神必與你們同在,領你們 Israel said unto Joseph, Behold, I die; but God shall be with you, and bring you again
回到你們列祖之地。』(21。)他的意思就是說,雖然你們在 unto the land of your fathers” (v. 21). He was saying, “Although you are prospering
埃及很發達,但埃及不過是你們寄居的地方;我們有神的目的, in Egypt, Egypt is only a place where you sojourn. We have God’s purpose and God’s
我們有神的應許,我們是神的子民,在我死了以後,神必與你 promise, and we are God’s people. After I die, God will be with you to lead you back to
們同在,領你們回到迦南地去,你們要達到神的目的。 Canaan. You must reach God’s purpose.”
最後,雅各叫了他的兒子們來,把他們日後必遇的事, At the end, Jacob gathered his sons together to tell them the things that would
一起都告訴他們。他把十二個兒子將來的事說出來的時候, happen to them in the future. In prophesying concerning his twelve sons, he touched
也題到他們已往的行爲。他這樣說是不容易的,因爲他說 incidents of their past. It was not easy for him to speak this way because as he talked
兒子們已往的情形,就使他想到自己本來的面目。兒子們 about their past, it reminded him of his own past. A son more or less bears the
總是多多少少像父親的,所以他說到他們的輭弱,說到他 resemblance of his father. Therefore, when Jacob spoke of his sons’ weaknesses, evil,
們的乖僻,說到他們的污穢,好像都是說到他自己。他說 and uncleanness, it was like speaking about himself. Jacob’s words concerning his
到兒子們已往的情形,實在就是說到他自己已往的情形。 sons’ past were actually descriptions of his own past. What he said about his sons’
他說到兒子們的前途,也不一定都是光明的。但是,他還 future was not all that positive. Nevertheless, his speaking was compassionate and
是很表同情的說,滿了慈愛的說。 full of kindness.
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在這裏,我們只要看一件事,就能看見現在的雅各怎樣 We only need to consider one thing to find out the great difference between this
與從前的雅各不同。從前在示劍,因著底拿受辱的事,西 person and the Jacob of the past. When Simeon and Levi slew all the males in the city
緬和利未把示劍和城中的男丁都殺死的時候,雅各對西緬 because of the incident with Dinah, Jacob said to Simeon and Levi, “Ye have troubled
和利未說,『你們連累我,使我在這地的居民中,就是在 me to make me to stink among the inhabitants of the land, among the Canaanites
迦南人,和比利洗人中,有了臭名,我的人丁旣然稀少, and the Perizzites: and I being few in number, they shall gather themselves together
他們必聚集來擊殺我,我和全家的人,都必滅絕。』(三四 against me, and slay me; and I shall be destroyed, I and my house” (Gen. 34:30). This
30。)這是他在示劍的時候所說的。但是現在他說到這件 was what he said at Shechem. But now he mentioned it in another way: “Simeon and
事的時候,是這樣說,『西緬和利未是弟兄,他們的刀劍 Levi are brethren; instruments of cruelty are in their habitations. O my soul, come
是殘忍的器具。我的靈阿,不要與他們同謀,我的心哪, not thou into their secret; unto their assembly, mine honor, be not thou united: for
不要與他們聯絡,因爲他們趁怒殺害人命,任意砍斷牛腿 in their anger they slew a man, and in their self-will they digged down a wall. Cursed
大筋;他們的怒氣暴烈可咒;他們的忿恨殘忍可詛!』(四九 be their anger, for it was fierce; and their wrath, for it was cruel” (49:5-7). What he
5 ~ 7。)他現在所看見的,不是他個人利害得失的問題, saw now was not related to his personal interests but to sin and evil. Previously, he
而是罪惡的問題。從前他注意的是個人的利害得失,他想, focused on self-profit, gains, and losses. He thought, “What shall we do if the race
你們這樣作,如果示劍同族的人起來復仇,那怎麼辨?現 of Shechem rises up and takes revenge on us for what you have done?” But now,
在呢,他說,『不要與他們同謀,』意思就是說,我不能 he said, “Come not thou into their secret.” This means that he could not take part
有分於這種殺人害命的事,這種殘忍的事是可咒詛的。我 in such slaying and killing, that such cruelty was to be cursed. Here we see a new
們在這裏看見一個新的雅各,是洗過的、是乾淨的、是新 Jacob, one who was washed, pure, and new. He possessed a new character which he
鮮的。他已經得著一個新的性格,是他從前所沒有的。 did not have before.
『但必判斷他的民,作以色列支派之一。但必作道上的 “Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel. Dan shall be a serpent
蛇,路中的虺,咬傷馬蹄,使騎馬的墜落於後。』(16 ~ by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall
17。)他說到但的將來是不好的,在各方面都是毒的,有 backward” (vv. 16-17). His prophecy concerning Dan’s future was not that good; Dan
許多背叛的事要從但出來。說到這裏,他立刻說,『耶和 would be serpentine in every respect and much rebellion would come out of him. At
華阿,我向來等候你的救恩!』(18。)他的意思就是說, this point he immediately said, “I have waited for thy salvation, O Lord” (v. 18). He
這一種背叛的事,我沒有辦法,我只有等候神的救恩。這 meant, “I cannot do anything about this kind of rebellion; I can only wait for God’s
些話顯出了他新的性格:他一面說豫言,一面說他等候神 salvation.” These words reveal his new character. While he was prophesying, he was
的救恩。 waiting for God’s salvation.
創世記四十九章是雅各對於他十二個兒子的豫言,後來 Genesis 49 contains Jacob’s prophecies concerning his twelve sons. Eventually, all
這十二個支派的豫言都一一應驗。在這裏,雅各是作先知, the prophecies regarding these twelve tribes came true. Jacob was a prophet. He had
他進入了神的思想,明白神的思想,把神所要作的事告訴 entered into and understood God’s mind, and he told his sons what God would do.
他的兒子們。可見雅各比亞伯拉罕知道得更多,比以撒也 Jacob knew more than Abraham and Isaac. He was able to foretell the things that would
知道得更多。他能把以法蓮和瑪拿西,以及十二個支派將 happen to Manasseh, Ephraim, and the twelve tribes. This proves that he was a man
來所要遭遇的事,都說出來。這一點證明他是一個與神有 who fellowshipped and communicated with God.
雅各在起頭是一個一點盼望都沒有的人,可是,神就在 Jacob was a hopeless person in his early years, but God nevertheless made a vessel
那樣狡猾、那樣詭計多端、那樣憑著自己意思去行的雅各 out of him. He made a vessel out of the cunning, scheming, and self-willed Jacob. The
的身上,竟然能彀造出一個器皿來。我們越讀雅各晚年的 more we read about Jacob’s later years, the more we sense his loveliness. Here was a
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歷史,就越覺得雅各可愛。在這裏有一個人被神打碎了。 man who was broken by God. Here was the constitution of the Holy Spirit. This was the
這是聖靈的組織,這是神一步一步在他身上作了工。所以 result of God’s work on him step by step. We can only say that our God is full of wisdom,
到最末了的時候,我們只得承認說,神是有智慧的,神是 grace, and patience. He will always finish His work.
雅各說完豫言的時候,聖經記載說,『這一切是以色列 After Jacob finished his prophecies, the Bible records, “All these are the twelve tribes
的十二支派。』(28。)可見雅各臨死的時候,十二個支 of Israel” (v. 28). By the time Jacob was dying, the twelves tribes were formed; God’s
派已經擺在那裏了,神的子民已經擺在那裏了。弟兄姊妹, people was formed. Brothers and sisters, today God is also after a group of people to be
神在今天也是要得著一班子民,作祂的器皿,成功祂自己 His vessel to accomplish His purpose. Through such a group of people, all the nations
的目的,叫地上的萬族都因他們得福。神藉著以色列所作 on the earth will be blessed. What God did through Israel typifies what God wants to do
的事,是豫表神藉著教會所要作的事。教會的使命,就是 through the church. The commission of the church is to accomplish the work of God’s
要作神恢復的工作。教會是神在恢復的工作中所用的器皿。 recovery. The church is God’s vessel in His recovery work. To be the vessel in God’s
教會要作神恢復工作的器皿,教會就得認識亞伯拉罕的神、 recovery work, the church needs to know the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the
以撒的神、雅各的神。這並不是說我們中間需要有人作亞 God of Jacob. This does not mean that we need someone to be an Abraham, an Isaac,
伯拉罕,有人作以撒,有人作雅各;這乃是說,亞伯拉罕 and a Jacob separately. It means that we must all know the God of Abraham, the God
的神、以撒的神、和雅各的神都是我們所必須認識的。當 of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. After we have known Him, we will become His vessel to
我們都認識的時候,才能作神的器皿來達到神的目的。 accomplish His purpose.
所以,我們千萬不要以爲有了一點屬靈的經歷就可以滿 We must never be satisfied with a little spiritual experience. The Word of God
意了。從神的話語來看,神要我們有三方面的經歷-亞伯 tells us that God wants us to be experienced in three aspects: in knowing the Father
拉罕的認識父,以撒的享受,雅各所受的管治。這三個都 as Abraham did, in enjoying God as Isaac did, and in being disciplined by God as
是專一的經歷,都是專一的認識,不是字句的道理。神總 Jacob was. All these three are definite experiences and definite knowledge; they are
得給我們異象,神總得給我們啓示,神總得給我們聖靈的 not doctrines or letters. God intends to give us the vision, the revelation, and the
管治,然後神才能把我們一步一步的帶領到作神的器皿, discipline of the Holy Spirit so that He can lead us on step by step until we become
達到祂所要達到的目的。但願神賜恩給我們,使我們能有 the vessel for the accomplishment of His purpose. May God give us the grace to have
清楚的看見。 such a clear vision.

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讀經: Scripture Reading:
希伯來書十二章五至七節:『你們又忘了那勸你們如同 Heb. 12:5-7 And you have completely forgotten the exhortation which reasons with
勸兒子的話,說,『我兒,你不可輕看主的管教,被祂責 you as with sons, "My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor faint when
備的時候,也不可灰心;因爲主所愛的祂必管教,又鞭打 reproved by Him; For whom the Lord loves He disciplines, and He scourges every son
凡所收納的兒子。』你們所忍受的,是神管教你們,待你 whom He receives." It is for discipline that you endure; God deals with you as with sons.
們如同待兒子;焉有兒子不被父親管教的呢?』 For what son is there whom the father does not discipline?
九至十一節:『再者,我們曾有生身的父管教我們,我 9-11 Furthermore we have had the fathers of our flesh as discipliners and we
們尚且敬重他,何況萬靈的父,我們豈不更當順服祂得生 respected them; shall we not much more be in subjection to the Father of spirits and
麼?生身的父都是暫隨己意管教我們;惟有萬靈的父管教 live? For they disciplined for a few days as it seemed good to them; but He, for what is
我們,是要我們得益處,使我們在祂的聖潔上有分。凡管 profitable that we might partake of His holiness. Now no discipline at the present time
教的事,當時不覺得快樂,反覺得愁苦;後來卻爲那經練 seems to be a matter of joy, but of grief; but afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of
過的人,結出平安的果子,就是義。』 righteousness to those who have been exercised by it.
加拉太書五章二十二至二十三節:『聖靈所結的果子, Gal. 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness,
就是仁愛、喜樂、和平、忍耐、恩慈、良善、信實、溫柔、 goodness, faithfulness, Meekness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
四章十九節:『我小子阿,我爲你們再受生產之苦,直 4:19 My children, with whom I travail again in birth until Christ is formed in you,
哥林多前書三章十二節:『若有人用金、銀、寶石,草、 1 Cor. 3:12 But if anyone builds upon the foundation gold, silver, precious stones,
木、禾稭,在這根基上建造。』 wood, grass, stubble,
十四節:『人在那根基上所建造的工程,若存得住,他 14 If anyone's work which he has built upon the foundation remains, he will receive
就要得賞賜。』 a reward;
創世記二章十二節:『並且那地的金子是好的;在那裏 Gen. 2:12 And he looked this way and that, and when he saw that there was no one
又有珍珠和紅瑪瑙。』 there, he struck the Egyptian down and hid him in the sand.
腓立比書四章十一至十二節:『我並不是因缺乏說這話, Phil. 4:11-12 Not that I speak according to lack, for I have learned, in whatever
我無論在甚麼景況,都可以知足,這是我已經學會了;我 circumstances I am, to be content. I know also how to be abased, and I know how to
知道怎樣處卑賤,也知道怎樣處豐富,或飽足、或飢餓, abound; in everything and in all things I have learned the secret both to be filled and to
或有餘、或缺乏,隨事隨在,我都得了祕訣。』 hunger, both to abound and to lack.
雅各的神,就是說到聖靈如何管治雅各,如何對付雅各 The title “the God of Jacob” implies how the Holy Spirit disciplined Jacob, how He
的天然生命,如何把基督組織在雅各裏面,如何在雅各身 dealt with Jacob’s natural life, how He constituted Christ into Jacob, and how He bore

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上結出聖靈的果子來。我們要認識雅各的神,就是要認識 the fruit of the Spirit in Jacob. If we want to know the God of Jacob, we have to know
聖靈的組織,聖靈的果子。我們要認識雅各的神,就得讓 the constitution by the Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit. If we want to know the God of
聖靈在我們身上作祂所要作的工,讓祂對付我們的天然生 Jacob, we need to allow the Spirit to perform His work in us, to deal with our natural
命,把基督組織在我們裏面,在我們身上結出聖靈的果子 life, to constitute Christ into our inward being, and to bring forth the fruit of the Spirit
來,使我們也成爲神的見證的器皿。 in us so that we can become the vessels of God’s testimony.
神對付我們的天然生命,是要把我們領到聖靈的雕刻、 God deals with our natural life for the purpose of ushering us into the carving work
聖靈的製作、聖靈的組織裏去。甚麼叫作組織?組織的 of the Spirit, the processing by the Spirit, and the constituting of the Spirit. What is the
意思就是經緯交貫,編製結合在一起。聖靈的組織,意 meaning of constitution? The constitution referred to here is a vertical and horizontal
思就是聖靈把基督組織在我們裏面,使我們和基督成爲 interweaving of knitwork. The constitution of the Spirit means that the Spirit constitutes
一個。所以,聖靈的組織是比基督作我們的生命更進一 Christ into our being to the point that we and Christ become one. Therefore, the constitution
步的。基督作我們的生命,這是根基;聖靈把基督組織 of the Spirit is one step more advanced than Christ being our life. Christ being our life is the
在我們裏面,這是成熟。基督作我們的生命,這是基督 foundation; the Spirit constituting Christ into our being is maturity. Christ being our life is
在我們裏面代替我們活;聖靈把基督組織在我們裏面, Christ within us living for us. The constitution of the Spirit is the constituting of Christ into
這是基督的性格成了我們的性格。神對付我們天然生命 us to the extent that Christ’s character becomes our character. God’s goal in dealing with
的目的,就是要我們得著聖靈的組織。認識以撒的神, our natural life is that we would have the constitution of the Spirit. The knowledge of the
是神把基督分給我們享受;認識雅各的神,是聖靈把基 God of Isaac is a knowledge of the God who has given Christ to us for our enjoyment. The
督組織在我們裏面,像刺繡那樣繡在我們裏面,組織在 knowledge of the God of Jacob is the knowledge of the Spirit who is constituting Christ into
我們裏面。 our being. This condition is like the weaving and constituting of an embroidery work.


希伯來十二章十節說,『萬靈的父管教我們,是要我們 Hebrews 12:9-10 says, “The Father of spirits...disciplined...for what is profitable that
得益處,使我們在祂的聖潔上有分。』神對付我們,聖靈 we might partake of His holiness.” God deals with us and the Spirit works in us step
在我們身上一步一步的作工,帶領我們經過許多艱難困苦 by step, leading us through many hardships and distressing situations for the purpose
的事,目的就是要『使我們在祂的聖潔上有分』。這裏所 of making us partakers of “His holiness.” “His holiness” here is not the “sanctification”
說的『祂的聖潔』,並不是林前一章三十節所說的聖潔。 spoken of in 1 Corinthians 1:30. The sanctification in 1 Corinthians 1 is a matter of
林前一章所說的聖潔是說基督是我們的聖潔,基督成爲我 Christ being our sanctification; Christ is made sanctification to us. Hebrews 12 speaks
們的聖潔。希伯來十二章所說的,是萬靈的父使我們經過 of the Father of spirits who takes us through disciplines and trials so that we may
管教、經過試煉,使我們有分於神的聖潔。這一個聖潔, partake of His holiness. Such a holiness is produced through our trials. It is wrought
是我們在試煉中生出來的,是我們在管教中被雕刻出來的, out of discipline and produced by the Spirit through all the difficult and adverse
是我們在各種各樣艱苦、爲難的環境中被聖靈製造出來的。 environments we encounter. “Now no discipline at the present time seems to be a
『凡管教的事,當時不覺得快樂,反覺得愁苦;後來卻爲 matter of joy, but of grief; but afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to
那經練過的人,結出平安的果子,就是義。』(11。)這 those who have been exercised by it” (Heb. 12:11). This is the result of the work of the
是聖靈在我們裏面工作的結果。 Holy Spirit in us.
有的基督徒天然的生命最喜歡顯露自己,正像希西家那 The natural life of some Christians is inclined to exhibition. They are like Hezekiah,
樣,喜歡把一切所有的都顯露給人看。(王下二十 12 ~ who was fond of showing off all that he had to others (2 Kings 20:12-13). When God
13。)神醫好了他某一種病,他就是老是『作見證』給別 heals them of a particular kind of sickness, they incessantly “testify” of this matter
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人聽,其實不是作見證,只是閒談而已。不久,他那個病 to others. Actually this is not testifying, but idle talking, and the particular sickness
又回來了。這是因爲他自己喜歡顯露,所以神的管教立刻 often returns because these people are prone to show themselves off; therefore, God
來到。等到有一天,他自己不知不覺的不喜歡顯露自己了, has to discipline them. When they eventually become tired of their exhibition, they
自然而然這一種顯露的『見證』也就不作了。不是他咬緊 will spontaneously stop their bragging “testimonies.” They will not need to grit their
牙關的立志說,從今以後不作了,乃是他被神對付到一個 teeth and make up their minds to not brag anymore. They will have been dealt with by
地步,自然而然結出平安的果子來,自然而然的不作了。 God to such an extent that the peaceable fruit has been produced spontaneously, and
這一個就是聖靈的組織。神不只把基督分給我們,作我們 they no longer act the way they once did. This is the constitution of the Spirit. God has
的生命,神並且要把基督組織在我們裏面,作我們的性格。 not only given Christ to us to be our life, but He is constituting Christ into our being
基督作我們的生命,這是根基;到了有一天,基督的性情 to be our character. Christ being our life is the foundation, while the nature of Christ
變作我們的性情,這個叫作聖靈的組織。聖靈來對付我們 becoming our nature is the constitution of the Spirit. The Spirit deals with our natural
天然的生命,目的就是要在我們身上產生出一個新的性格 life with the purpose of producing a new character in us. God uses all kinds of ways to
來。所以,神要藉著各種各樣的方法來管教我們,使我們 discipline us so that we may partake of His holiness and bring forth the peaceable fruit
有分於神的聖潔,使我們結出平安的果子來。 of righteousness.
這也就是雅各的歷史所告訴我們的。雅各不只認識神是 This is what the history of Jacob shows. Jacob not only knew that God is the
一切的起頭,是一切的能力,他並且有了一個新的性格。 beginning of everything and the strength behind everything; he also acquired a new
神在他身上工作,把基督的性格組織在他身上,使基督的 character. God worked on him and constituted Christ’s character into him so that
性格成爲他的性格。所以雅各到晚年的時候,與從前完全 Christ’s character became his character. In his later years, Jacob was entirely changed
不同了,因爲基督的性格已經組織在他裏面了。 because Christ’s character was constituted into him.


加拉太五章二十二至二十三節說,『聖靈所結的果子, Galatians 5:22-23 says, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering,
就是仁愛、喜樂、和平、忍耐、恩慈、良善、信實、溫柔、 kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, self-control.” This shows us that “love,
節制。』這給我們看見,『仁愛、喜樂、和平、忍耐、恩慈、 joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, self-control”
良善、信實、溫柔、節制,』不是聖靈分給我們的美德, are not virtues given to us by the Holy Spirit, but are fruit borne by the Holy Spirit
乃是聖靈在我們身上結出來的果子。聖靈的果子的意思, in us. The fruit of the Holy Spirit means that something of Christ is assimilated by
就是基督在我們身上,因著聖靈工作的緣故,被我們消化 us through the work of the Holy Spirit with the result that these things become our
吸收,變作我們自己的性格、自己的特點,這一個叫作聖 character and our characteristics. This is the meaning of the fruit of the Spirit. This
靈的果子。這也就是我們在前面所說的,聖靈把基督組織 is what we mean when we say that the Holy Spirit is constituting Christ into us.
在我們裏面。聖靈在我們身上要作一個工,對付我們的天 The Holy Spirit is doing one work in us, which is to deal with our natural life and to
然生命,並且把基督組織在我們裏面,使基督的性格成爲 constitute Christ in us, making Christ’s character our character so that spontaneously
我們的性格,在我們身上自然而然活出『仁愛、喜樂、和平、 “love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, self-
忍耐、恩慈、良善、信實、溫柔、節制』來,自然而然結 control” will be lived out of us and we will bear the fruit of the Spirit. This is what
出聖靈的果子來。這是神要我們認識的。 God is showing us today.


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所以保羅對加拉太人說,『我爲你們再受生產之苦,直 Paul told the Galatians that he travailed “again in birth until Christ is formed in you”
等到基督成形在你們裏面。』(加四 19,按原文無『心』 (Gal. 4:19). God has given Christ to the believers; this is the first step. But He wants
字。)神把基督分給信徒,那是第一步;神還要作更深的 to do a deeper work, which is to have Christ formed in us. God deals with our natural
工作,就是使基督成形在我們裏面。神對付我們天然生命 life so that Christ may be formed in us, that is, that Christ may be wrought into us and
的目的,就是要叫基督成形在我們裏面,就是要把基督作 constituted in us.
像彼得,他本來是一個很剛強的人,他的天然生命是一 Peter was originally a very strong person. His natural life always put him ahead
直搶前走的,等到神摸著了他天然的生命,摸著了他頂剛 of others. After God touched his natural life, that is, after He touched his strongest
強的部分,他就輭弱了。可是,不是彼得輭弱了就完了, part, Peter became weak. However, Peter’s weakness was not the end. God went
神還要把基督組織在他裏面,叫人後來摸著他的時候,看 on to constitute Christ into his being. As a result, when others touched Peter, they
見這一個人改變了,他成了一個新的人了。所以,聖靈的 realized that his being was changed and that he had become a new person. What is
工作要作到甚麼地步呢?要作到把基督組織在我們裏面, the extent of the work of the Spirit? He works to the extent that Christ is constituted
成形在我們裏面。 and formed in us.
保羅在腓立比四章十一節說,『我已經學會了。』這是基督 Paul said in Philippians 4:11, “I have learned.” This was Christ being formed in him,
成形在他裏面,是經過一步一步的學會的。他學會了『怎樣處 which he learned step by step. He learned “how to be abased” and “how to abound;” he
卑賤』,『怎樣處豐富』;他學會了『無論在甚麼景況,都可 learned “in whatever circumstances…to be content.” “In everything and in all things I
以知足』;他『隨事隨在…都得了祕訣』。(12。)他這一個 have learned the secret” (v. 12). Paul’s person had undergone a basic change. Therefore,
人已經有了基本的改變。所以,我們不只要有基督在我們裏面 not only do we need Christ in us to be our life, but we also need Christ to be formed
作生命,我們也得有基督成形在我們裏面。我們不只要有神分 in us. Not only do we have the Christ given to us by God, but we also need the Christ
給我們的基督,我們也得有經過我們吸收的、成形在我們裏面 assimilated by us and then formed in us. This is what God wants us to attain. This is to
的基督。這是神所要我們達到的,這個叫作認識雅各的神。 know the God of Jacob.


有三處聖經,我們要特別加以注意。一處是創世記二 We need to pay special attention to three portions of the Scripture. One portion
章,那裏題起有金子,也有寶石;一處是在林前三章,那 is Genesis 2, where gold and precious stones are mentioned. Another portion is 1
裏題起有金、銀、寶石建造在根基上;還有一處是在啓示 Corinthians 3, where gold and precious stones are built upon a foundation. The third
錄二十一章,那裏說到新耶路撒冷城是精金的,城牆的根 portion is Revelation 21, which speaks of the New Jerusalem being composed of pure
基是用各樣的寶石修飾的。神的目的不只要有金子、銀子, gold, and the foundations of the wall of the city being adorned with every precious
也要有寶石。我們知道,金子是代表神,代表父,一切出 stone. God’s purpose is not only with gold and silver, but also with precious stones.
於神的都是金子。銀子是表明救贖,代表子,一切基督的 We know that gold typifies God the Father. All that is of God is gold. Silver signifies
恩賜都是銀子。寶石呢?寶石不像金子是一種元素,也不 redemption, typifying the Son. All the gifts of Christ are silver. How about the precious
像銀子是一種元素,寶石是幾種元素化合而成的化合物。 stones? The precious stones are not like gold and silver, which are elements. They
寶石是在地裏經過燃燒,一直燒,一直燒,經過了化學變 are compounds of several elements. Precious stones are formed through the process
化,然後才成功的。寶石被人拿來加上雕刻,加上琢磨, of intense underground heat. Continuous heat brings about a chemical change, and
才成爲美麗珍貴的寶石。所以,寶石是代表聖靈在人身上 precious stones are formed. Only after the stones are carved, cut, and polished do they
的工作。聖靈一天過一天在我們身上作工,在我們身上雕 become beautiful and valuable gems. Therefore, the precious stones typify the work of
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刻,在我們身上製作,在我們身上結構,使基督成形在我 the Holy Spirit in man. Day by day the Spirit works on us, carves us, deals with us, and
們裏面。聖靈使我們經過許多艱難,經過各種各樣的環境, constitutes us until Christ is formed in us. The Spirit leads us through many difficulties
目的是要把基督組織在我們身上。到有一天,基督在我們 and environments so that Christ may be constituted into our being. When Christ in us
身上不只是神分給我們的基督,並且是被我們消化了的基 becomes not only the Christ given by God, but the Christ digested and assimilated into
督,被我們吸收了的基督,這就是寶石。 us, we become the precious stones.
在創世記二章裏有金子,也有寶石,但是沒有銀子。這 In Genesis 2 there is gold and there are the precious stones, but there is no silver.
是表明神在永遠的計畫裏,要一切都出於祂,也要我們有 According to God’s eternal plan, this signifies that everything comes out of Him and
聖靈把基督組織在我們裏面。銀子是指著神分給我們的基 that the Holy Spirit constitutes Christ into us. Silver signifies the Christ that God
督,但是這一個不彀;神要基督組織在我們裏面,就是要 has given to us; yet this alone is not enough. God wants Christ to be constituted into
經過我們的消化,經過我們的吸收,成形在我們裏面,變 us, that is, to be digested and assimilated by us and formed in us until we become
作寶石才成。到新天新地的時候,神達到了祂的目的,就 precious stones. In the new heaven and new earth, God will reach His goal, and there
只有金子、寶石,而沒有銀子,所有的銀子都變作寶石了。 will be only gold and precious stones, but no silver. All the silver will have become
所以,神最後的目的還是要寶石。也就是爲著這個緣故, precious stones. Hence, God’s ultimate goal is to have precious stones. Consequently,
所以在創世記二章裏,神是用生命樹的果子來表明祂所要 in Genesis 2 God used the fruit of the tree of life to signify the life that He gives to us.
賜給我們的生命。果子是需要喫下去加以消化的。神不只 Fruit is something that is eaten and digested. God not only wants to give us life; He
給我們生命,祂並且要我們把生命消化。 also wants us to digest life.
我們要求神開我們的眼睛,叫我們看見,神在祂聖潔的道 May God open our eyes to see that in His holy way and according to His plan, He
路上,在祂的計畫中,要得著器皿來達到祂的目的。這一個 wants to gain some vessels to fulfill His goal. These vessels must know the God of
器皿,必須認識亞伯拉罕的神,就是認識一切都得出於神; Abraham; they must know that all things are of God. They must also know the God of
也必須認識以撒的神,就是認識甚麼都是享受的,甚麼都是 Isaac; they must know that everything for our enjoyment and inheritance is given to
得著的,甚麼都是祂賜給我們的,甚麼都是我們在基督裏, us by Him. They must know that everything depends on our being in Christ and Christ
基督在我們裏;也必須認識雅各的神,就是看見神要來對付 being in us. They must also know the God of Jacob; they must know that God deals with
我們天然的生命,藉著聖靈把基督組織在我們裏面。但願神 our natural life and constitutes Christ into our being through the Spirit. May God bless
賜福給我們,帶領我們學習認識亞伯拉罕的神、以撒的神、 us, and may He lead us to the knowledge of the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and
雅各的神,使我們能成爲神的見證的器皿。 the God of Jacob so that we may become vessels for His testimony.

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