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The Group Plan

The Plan Share the same plan

Talk or look to see what the What can you do to show

group plan is. you are thinking about the

Feelings Feelings

How does everyone feel How do you feel about

about following the same following the group plan?
Whole Body Listening

Eyes Ears

Are you looking to see who’s Are you listening with your
talking or where the group ears and following the group
plan is? plan?

Mouth Body

Are you waiting your turn to Is your body in the group?

talk? Are you hands and feet
calm and fidgeting?
Hidden Rules

Eyes Ears

Are you looking to see who’s Are you listening with your
talking or where the group ears and following the group
plan is? plan?

Body Expected

Is your body in the group? Are you doing what the

Are you hands and feet other people are doing?
calm and fidgeting? Do you and the other
people feel comfortable?
Flexible Thinking

I'm stuck! Stop

Do you know the group
Do you know what to do in Take 3 deep breathes or
the group plan? choose a calming tool.
Do you feel comfortable or

Options Go!
Think or talk about your
Go and do the choice that
options- how can you
makes you and the people
change the plan to make
in the group plan feel
you feel comfortable and
follow the group plan
Size of My Problem

Problem Size of the Problem

Can you fix the problem?
Do you need adult help?
What made you feel Do you need emergency
uncomfortable? services?

Size of your reaction Solve it- Go!

Do you need Stop, Opt, Go?
What zone are you in and
Go and do the choice that
does it match the size of the
makes you and the people
in the group plan feel

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