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A friend of my

Honour to Zhansaya



For me, Zhansaya is more than a friend; she is a shoulder to lean on, a light in the

darkness, a breath of fresh air, a guiding star, a rock, a mirror, a safe haven, a

puzzle piece, a gardener, a compass, a warm fire, a journey companion, a treasure,

and a partner in crime. (Drew, 2022)

B. Virtue of care, not just in words but in every action she takes.

D. Preview: Today, I will take you through two key aspects of her

extraordinary character: her empathetic heart, which is the foundation of

connection, and her unwavering support, the backbone of resilience.

1. Empathy: The Heart of Connection

2. Unwavering Support: The Backbone of Resilience

(Transition: Let us delve deeper into the essence of Zhansaya's character,

starting with the influence of her horoscope)

Main Body:

I. Empathy: The Heart of Connection

Zhansaya's zodiac sign is Cancer, often characterized by deep emotional

sensitivity. This sensitivity allows her to empathize profoundly with others,

often putting herself in their shoes. Though she's just a year older than me,

Zhansaya has always been like a real sister, guiding and supporting me in

every aspect of my life, from academics to personal matters.

A. Too emotional. She puts herself in another person’s position

1. She is older than me for just one year, but she behaves as my real blood

sister. She assists me on every aspect of my life, my studies, personal life

and so on.

2. A striking example of her empathetic nature occurred during a challenging

time in my life. Despite facing her own personal struggles, Zhansaya,

overwhelmed with emotion, reached out to my ex-partner, conveying

feelings that I couldn't express myself. Her raw, heartfelt words, delivered

with sincerity and care, made a significant impact, leading to a positive

change in my relationship. This act of selflessness, despite her own

challenges, exemplifies her empathetic spirit.

II. Unwavering Support: The Backbone of Resilience

1. Zhansaya is not just empathetic; she is the epitome of resilience. She bears

a deep sense of responsibility, not only for her future but for the

well-being of her family and close friends. Her foresight and planning,

especially in saving for unforeseen circumstances, show her commitment

to ensuring a stable future for those she cares about.

2. One of her most admirable achievements was securing employment with a

U.S. company during the isolating period of COVID-19. At that time, she

was studying at the foundation of Nazarbayev University and faced

immense pressure. Her dedication and hard work during sleepless nights

and stressful days were driven by the need to support her family,
particularly to assist with her mother's medical needs. This period marked

the beginning of a career that continues to flourish, enabling her to provide

for her loved ones.


"As we draw to a close, let's revisit the remarkable traits that make Zhansaya an

extraordinary individual in our lives. Firstly, her empathy, deeply rooted in her

Cancerian nature, allows her to genuinely connect with others on an emotional level.

Secondly, Zhansaya's resilience, a quality that not only defines her but also fortifies those

around her. Her relentless support, especially during the trying times of COVID-19,

showcases her strength.


In summary, Zhansaya is not just a friend; she is a beacon of empathy and resilience. Her

ability to empathize deeply and support others unwaveringly makes her a unique and invaluable

presence in the lives of those fortunate enough to know her. As we reflect on her qualities, let us

remember the power of empathy and resilience in our lives. Zhansaya is not just a part of my

story; she is an inspiration, a testament to the strength and beauty of the human spirit.

Memorable takeaway:

Let us carry her example forward in our own lives, nurturing our connections with

empathy and fortitude. By the way, the secret of her life success lies on her habit of

writing diaries every night.


Drew, C. (2022, December 25). 25 metaphors for friendship -. Phrase Dictionary.

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