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================================================== (FRIDAY


Hello my love, how are you and hope you had a good day? My day was good too and I
must say I feel really happy and I think something good is about to happen for us.
I received an email from the company in Amsterdam this afternoon and they want me
in Amsterdam by Monday for a meeting at 9:00 AM. It seems they have decided to give
me the contract but am not so sure yet and I have to wait till Monday to find out.
I already booked my ticket and I will be leaving for Amsterdam by Sunday at 3:00pm
so I can attend the meeting on Monday morning by 9:00AM but I will also be
returning to London the same day after the meeting with an evening flight by 5:30
PM and you will surely hear from me when I arrive home, OK?

================================================= (SUNDAY

Hi honey, how are you and how was your day? Just wanted to let you know I arrived
Amsterdam safely and am currently in my hotel room. The meeting is for 9:00 AM
tomorrow and I pray something good happens. I will be leaving for the airport after
the meeting tomorrow so I can catch up with my evening flight back to London at
5:30 PM and I will write to you as soon as I arrive home tomorrow, OK?

======================================== (Monday

Hello my love, I hope you had a very good day, am back home in London and I had a
great flight back home. I feel really really happy, the contract has been awarded
to me and I signed all the documentation this morning when I arrived Amsterdam. I
must say its been a stressful day but at least a joyous day too because I feel
really glad and right now I have a glass of red wine by side and I wish you could
be here with me right now. The contract is for me to supply and install Telecom
underground pipes and 350mm Cables as well as transformers at the new site of a
telecommunication company in Turkey and the contract is worth �950,000.00 EURO and
according to the contract, I need to be in Turkey at least by Monday to start up
the job because its urgent, so I have between tomorrow and Sunday to get prepared
and get all the materials I need because I will have to be in Turkey by Monday to
start the job and I think with a perfect weather, I should be done with the job
within 2-3 weeks. I feel really happy my love and I want to say thank you for your
supports and your prayers.

Good Evening my darling,

How are you doing this evening, i hope and wish all is well? My darling i have got
good news for you and this might be an opportunity for us to explode financially
and maybe have a change of taste pertaining the good life we have planned to live
together and forever

Darling, i have just been awarded the contract by the clients and the Location of
the contract is Turkey,and their negotiation is really worth it the most important
of all is that it is going to attract a great benefit and also for the betterment
of us both. I have been contracted to supply and install underground Telecom-
Underground pipes and 350mm networking cables and the contract is worth
$1,000,000.00 USD and from my calculations I will be spending about $350,000 to
$400,000 in executing this contract which puts out a huge profit for me. I have
already contacted my bank to seek for a loan because according to the contract
agreement with the company, I am responsible for all financial affairs of the
contract as I will only be paid if and when I complete the job but with the
assistance of my bank, it wouldn't be a problem for me.

Am just so happy my darling and the most important of it all is that it is a very
urgent project of which i am expected to execute within the range of two weeks and
three days and with the current weather, I will surely be able to complete it
within the given time frame because I have started preparations already and as soon
as my loan is approved, I will get all the required materials for the job.
My love are you not happy about it too? This is one of the greatest opportunity
that is coming my way since four months ago and this really makes me conclude that
i have no regret ever knowing you. You are truly my heart desire and a priceless
pearl to my heart and soul. I promise never to trade your love for any one else and
if this world were to be given to me in exchange of you, i would refuse because you
mean more than this world to me with the things you do and say in your special

I swear to put smiles on your pretty face again and forever we shall live happily
again till death tear us apart.

I expect your correspondence soonest .

With deepest love,


How are you doing this beautiful day my treasure? I hope wonderful my angel,
sweetheart i have a very big surprise for you, the bank has granted me a loan my
angel and they gave me the money today my queen and i will be coming to your
country immediately i am done with my contract there, and i will be leaving on
Friday 12:00 and I will be leaving for the Airport 11:00 my time my love. Honey i
am so happy because i believe this amount of money will make complete my project in
Turkey my Angel.

Honey the agreement signed by us is that i am to complete the contract before i

can get paid my angel. I bought the goods today and loaded the goods in the ship. I
will fly on Friday to wait until my goods arrive my angel. I will spend some days
in Turkey, immediately my goods arrive the seaport in Turkey, i will clear the
goods and make the supply to my client, then i will take a direct flight from there
to you.. Its my first time to Turkey darling, i want you to keep pray for me my
darling, you brought so much luck to my life my love.

I love you with all my body heart and soul. In matter of few days, we will be
together in each others arms my darling as we have always desire, i love you so
much my darling, i long to spend every moment of the rest of my life in your arms
my love, i miss you so much. I will try to look for a hotel with internet
facilities so that we can also keep in close contact my love.

I will be with you later online ok honey

I love you so very much and I will always love you
until later my life

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